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I’m angry at fear I don’t like fear fear

tolerated his faith contaminated you see

what I’m saying

so I’m glad that it’s in okay we’re

gonna do all this okay uh how many

problem with that but when you get to

the spin I’m not saying it because I’m a

preacher but when you get to the spirit

side oh that’s a whole nother ballgame

well it’s sad to say a lot of the church

one is not equipped to handle the spirit

side thank you

you do not know God if let me say it

like this you do not know God if you’re

not confident that he is able to protect

in every emergency write that down you

do not know God if you’re not confident

that he is able to protect in every

emergency this is an emergency

well suppose you die you still go to

heaven that might want to go to heaven

Oh buddy want to die and the only reason

why Jesus had come listen to me Church

because a lot of you say the rapture is

not there yet well stay your jacking up

the whole process don’t you believe in

something instead of argue about

something you do not know you may

believe God but you do not know God if

you’re not confident that he is able to

protect in every emergency ladies and

gentlemen if I was dying today

now I’m not trying to man up or nothing

here I’m out if I was dying today

I would say with my last breath but

Jesus I am here and the minute I stepped

over I am that’s not this I prefer

it here that’s not this

I ain’t laying down on nothing Paul said

I fought a good fight I finished this

course and I keep this faith hitomi you

get your acts you do what you had to do

what you got to do to cut this head off

cuz you can’t cut the real head off

do you see my point Wow because I’m a

god man and I’m an American

do you understand what I’m saying and

the whole world knows buddy if America

gets involved in something something’s

gonna get done Jesus you do not know God

if you’re not confident that he’s able

to protect in every emergency I don’t

like those elderly people passing away

but you know you don’t have to be over

if you compromise how did they get


oh come here because you preach

FEMA’s not for today then you need to go

to the graveyards and bury these people

because you told them they couldn’t be

healed when Jesus said I’m the same

yesterday today and forever there’s

somebody gonna give an accounting for

this ladies and gentlemen all of us will

stand before that guy Oh knees will bow

all tongues will confess God doesn’t

just sin help he brings it with him he

doesn’t just send help he may show up

like an angel all of a sudden Yahweh’s

talking to you cuz he never leave you or

forsake you when I hit the floor okay I

will just be honest

I missed God

it was so simple just wait for Cathy let

Cathy help you

I didn’t mind her helping me but you

know but Cathy gets the Texan we don’t

know when she coming out the truck

I’m ready to move on something not

against me and then God speaks to her


Jessie Satan was setting me up and I

don’t even realize it but I must have

realized that because I heard his voice

but I didn’t obey and it’s better to

obey then get knocked out


now if I took my shirt off and blew

across hit all kinds of craziness who


I had to sleep I’ve been sleeping in a

chair because you breathe like it but

watch what happened this morning I

couldn’t do that later Cathy go to touch

my back whoa control yourself I know

it’s hard it’s my story i’ma tell it

like I want you God doesn’t just send

help he brings it with him coronavirus

will die today if they shut down the

money why do you think there’s such

animosity toward prosperity how do you

feed children on the foreign fields

finance I’ve got a good friend – is it

South Africa or how many children he

feeds a million two million children a

week what’s his name but Peters Prieta

Pretorius what a phenomenal man shut it

down hey hey let me help all you

government officials and all you – all

of a sudden the business people are

coming together with the government

that’s great have you ever thought of

stead of selling it

said people need help we’re not gonna

try to make money on this virus the

toilet paper factors of making a fortune

let me help everybody coronavirus has

nothing to do with diarrhea people

fighting over there’s craziness that’s

what fear does it takes your whole

senses away and make you do stupid

things the devil stuff we give them so

afraid to go buy up all kind of toilet

paper ain’t that funny then they can

roll each other’s houses that they want

to write this down I’m not about of

Jesus moment I’m about a Jesus Movement

I’m not about of Jesus moment but what’s

the next virus what’s the next flu we

start naming them Hong Kong swine flu

I’m pretty sure if you had a pig

convention they’d be pretty aggravated

that’s a prejudice statement to call the

flu of the swine flu it makes no

difference what happens out there I

don’t deny it

yes I will do everything to prevent it

in a natural but to stop it it’s gonna

take prayer the call is there a National

Day of Prayer now I guess that’s all hi

that’s all pride we don’t need that

that’s what happened 9/11 everybody ran

to the church scared two weeks later you

couldn’t find them again why because the

church put the same stale bread on the

table that’s what religion is it’s a

loaf of stale bread but if you throw a

little water on it put it in microwave

ever to get solved with but they had to

stop the age of it I’m not about of

Jesus moment I’m about of Jesus Movement

if you don’t bow to the outside pressure

you won’t burn up in the chaos if you

don’t bow to the outside pressure you

won’t burn up in the chaos or like oil

rubber set up but the three Hebrew

children if you don’t bow you don’t burn

there are times for bowing every knee

shall bow and every tongue shall confess

but you don’t bow down to no image of

fear you bow down the none of that junk

why cuz great as he was in you then he

was in the world and you’ll only know

how strong you are through the test man

asked me not long ago he said you know

but just you seem to be very sick you’re

very successful not financially yes I am

Wow I passed the test so now I got a

testimony I got the mone with the test


because all it is is certainly

insecurity because you can waive money

like crazy at the virus it’s still

coming but you put the shield of faith

up now you deal with something so

powerful whoa

if you don’t bow to the outside pressure

you won’t burn up in the chit okay how

many people toes not to have service

today just streamlined nothing wrong

with streamlining that’s it a live

streaming whether you call it out I get

them all mixed up but see that can be a

dangerous precedent see Satan I use that

as convenience that’s the one ain’t

nobody going to church no more say live

streaming it’s not commitment to that

don’t shout me down when I preach ago

let’s face it you could sleep that on

Sunday than any other day

even your kids know that right

try Saturday you can get out of bed the

other end up three hours eating cereal

and screaming and Holland fight Sunday

you got to drag him under bed here I’m

gonna hit with a stick get up Oh

Sunday’s the only dated Satan sleeps in

he didn’t watching you thank God we have

live streaming all right did I say it

right okay but it’s not a prerequisite

of stopping the assembling of user oh

yeah assembly view oh oh wait a minute I

can’t do that huh you see see our

sliders don’t get don’t get too many

people together I noticed when people

will worship me yeah I’ll do it

it’s a might get a little close they go

that’s called germaphobic if you don’t

bow to the outside pressure you won’t

burn up in the chaos when duty is clear

action must be prompt my duty was to

come here today and tell everybody they

wanted to know we will have Church yes

if you want to stay home and you don’t

feel comfortable that’s fine

Kiba show kunzite he’d make you old ago

but if you’d have come you’d be in a lot

better shape right now you know what why

sit you think I’m sucking the virus off

of her but I’m taking the faith off her

she’s taking the faith off of me

it’s called corporate anointing some of

y’all go or something y’all gonna run

out the church since I’m getting close

today shower Cillian foolishness

man I’ve seen great men that there’s a

leper colony in Louisiana for some of

these priestly people a lot of

processing preachers would preach

against the Catholic Church but you

didn’t see him going in not at least I

ain’t heard of him going in those leper

colonies for those priest walks slapped

into that leper colony buddy helping

those people touching them kind of

reminded me of Jesus Jesus that I can’t

touch you Jesus put his hands so what

are you gonna believe you’re gonna stop

the laying on of hands I’m getting to

that in just a minute when duty is clear

action must be prompt Oh y’all writing

it down trying to go as close as I’ll go

over these in a minute there are times

when our duty to our belief is prominent

so you have a duty to your belief there

are times when I’ll do when our duty to

our belief is prominent and no excuse is

required you have to make excuse for it

that’s with

those three Hebrew children said we’re

not careful how we answer you because

the King I serve is the king of kings

yet they had never heard of Jesus they

heard this hear o Israel LORD thy God is

one there are times when our duty to our

belief is prominent and the excuse is

required that knoweth there’s no eggs no

excuses required this is the first time

I put makeup on his black you know cuz

some people Oh what happened one lady

said she said Cathy had enough huh I



wish you had enough of Louis Vuitton I

wish she had enough of their there’s a

bit I wouldn’t mind having that Lord

Jesus but anyway I saw a lot more say

like that I know she saying it’s your

duty she’s giving away over 20 to Louis

Vuitton purses yeah we didn’t think

cause I paid them all and she told me

it’s your job or your duty to replace

them all I said okay which brings me to

my next point

quiet persistence in what you believe to

be right is a duty we must please God

rather than man I knew we was gonna have

service today and we’re gonna live

stream to will do all of it you see my


quiet persistence in what you believe to

be right is a duty we is a duty so

that’s my duty to be a blessing together

it’s quiet persistence I must please her

than any other woman why why did God

wake me up this morning

the corona virus is not the problem it’s

the fear behind it you see what I’m

saying like brother Copeland said many

years ago fear tolerated his faith

contaminated so what I say is no weapon

that is formed against me gonna prosper

I was watching the news see my news

people want president Trump thing be

positive on the virus they just can’t

wait do you know if he’d have been the

first one to jump there a day what I

said how come he can get a test that we

can’t do realize the jump that a person

of high authority use our governor John

bel Edwards if he benefit if we couldn’t

get tests to testify if he’d be the

first one I have it wait a minute

because he good no he got one we go on

you see you’re damned if you do you’re

damned if you don’t like they say you

know I’m saying you’re not gonna please

Manson you don’t please man you please

god I want to say this without a shadow

of a doubt I am glad that the government

officials are doing some things I

believe that I’m glad don’t

misunderstand me I’m not against that

but what I’m against this is the fear

part of it that every time they hear

about a qur’anic a hope they don’t say

it about the flu how about the person

that just got found out they had cancer

again she’ll be announced that cuz

that’s worse than the corona virus man

at stage 4 cancer which means you are

you heading for death at a phenomenal

rate their radio talk show host what’s

his name Rush Limbaugh and yet people

got mad because President Trump I’m not

standing up for pressure game in the

Medal of Freedom to the high there at

the State of the Union what about that

hungry old black man that stood up and

the president put that star on his show

that general

do you know her mom can you you can’t

imagine this cuz you wasn’t there the

hell that man had to go through just

because of the color of his skin but he

did it so he would fight for his country

and you gonna tell me that black people

are less than white people you living in

a dream world you see that’s fear you’re

scared somebody might be better than you

are I love people better than I am

why cuz I can learn I want to learn you

see fear is never accepted with your

faith or in your faith toward what you

believe fear is never accepted in your

faith toward what you believe I don’t

mix faith in fear if God says lay hands

on the sick we do that in every area

if he says raise the dead we raise the

dead we said cast out Devils we cast out

Devils I don’t forget one time I was

free it was this one of the funniest

devil casting services we ever had

kathan I would deem it was demon night


I mean every demon showed up I guess

they didn’t have nothing to do I had a

line of about 12 people I’m prayin for


I laid my hands on one I was in the one

Nixon as excuse me sweetheart

bind you devil wonderful shut up I’ll

tell my holy peace got that devil out

pray for other person that was sick now

she got healed but thank God you never

deal with two down there go draw some

demons in this chick so the past I need

he’s a melt so I said Louis what’s the

pastor’s name Lewis go over to catch

that Devil ah he sounds scared to death

that’s exactly what you say I scared of

Devils I don’t like them I said you’re

gonna let that one mistake demon

possession yes he went limey got scared

of him but I stand there he’s what oh

yeah the devil is not the problem it’s

the fear of it I said Louis you’re the

pastor the church I quit

no you can’t quit okay I resign no yay

Rosanna did go with endcap Louis kind of

creeped over to that devil a devil could

see him go oh good no but I had to stay

I had to stop praying start laughing I

just gotta help myself

he said top devil and the dough said he

said that’s a sweet little devil you got

a little high boys I don’t want to be

around evel’s I had to stop all of

almost another Church I’m bragging on

myself with that they’re also not little

girl well uh well kill you Jessie I want

to say this I’m gonna make you an offer

you go

I did say that but I offered you wanna

what you talkin to me you talk you

talkin to me

sometimes there’s just not enough rocks

ain’t no crying in baseball it’s a

beautiful day in the neighborhood

got the devil out Wendy blush with the

basin we had a great service I said it

had been better if you’d have been there

I’m just scared Satan knows that how can

you be scared when you filled with the

Holy Ghost

yeah but man I had goose bumps see me

big as a cones on my skin I said well

beat them down there whatever you got to


quit thinking with your natural mind and

start dealing with the spirit of who you

are see fear is never accepted in your

faith toward what you believe if God

says Nahan no sick well yeah it’s so

toddler sermon is what’s behind the

coronavirus it was behind the corner of

Isis fear they see people that deal with

infectious diseases are pretty strong

people cuz I wouldn’t care if you yeah

you cover yourself but with the column

countersuits hash hash hash whatever

calling things the the white suits how

come – ain’t no black suit

how about some red suits cobalt blue

wouldn’t it be nice they deal with stuff

that’s terrible that take some courage

to do that

because one tear there are some things

that are so terrible they were man-made

good God you don’t think man has sunk so

low that he would create something to

kill people

God gave certain people wonderful things

to do when one of my person believed

this was a man named Tesla talked about

brilliant he came up with AC alternating

current the other guy did DC direct

current what was his name though Edison

killed a beautiful elephant to show

people how dangerous AC current was

electrocuted him so they could wire

everything with DC Tesla knew he was


we have today we have DC currently was

very something used see I don’t care how

powerful something is it can be

controlled he showed us how to do it

died a mysterious death mm-hmm

now you’re getting a conspiracy theory

yeah he shouldn’t have died and that his

records were just seized but he said

something that the devil doesn’t like

and that the government’s doesn’t like

he says I will make energy free to

everyone think about this no utility

bills oh we can’t do that we have to tie

people up with bonds and change and

threaten them all oh said he just dies

can’t find out what a what he did

brilliant man little strange yeah I’m

telling you you shut all the money down

people are coming running but there’s

certain things that tells you why does

it cost so much money to run for the

presidency of the United States why

television to get a message to you and

then they get mad at them because

they’re billionaires they certainly are

receiving billions what’s good for the

goose is good for the gander I was

talking to a person about their 60s

I came out of the 6e very promiscuous

the Age of Aquarius

girls would jump in a car hitchhike to

San Francisco am i telling truth if you

my age hitchhike the would stock up in

New York everybody sleeping with

everybody because this is the Age of

Aquarius freely they called the girls

we did they call the boys heroes

because they got the score wait a minute

sin is sin but it’s whoever telling the

story and what side of the coin that you

want to be on so if your system did

something sexually she is a

daddy wanna kill the boy or kill her but

he found out his son it is now boy come

here boy

y’all not be doing that that’s my boy

got a notch on his belt does that say it

somebody sharp

listen to me see this is what’s

happening here I’m saying this Satan

doesn’t play fair enough fear has no

fairness at all

fear is torment and everybody’s in

torment today over this thing so I asked

the President of the United States the

Congress and I pray for you and I pray

for our local officials here in st.

Charles Parish the state of Louisiana

governor Edwards all the different

people that are making major decisions

that affects your life to be told now a

lot of laws being broken right now

Constitution affords you rights where

we’re going so slap crazy

that we want to make people think we

want to threaten Supreme Court justices

wait a minute

these positions of authority that we

place you in or places of great honor

and you preaches that are screwing

around with women you worse off than

they are you’ve been placed in a

position of Honor and yet you will step

on the blood of Jesus and destroy your

family and destroy the trust that people

put in you what is wrong with people

that great image called fear but I’m not

gonna stop there I close with this

there’s nothing you can’t change you can

change anything with your faith so I

decided when the devil gave me a black

eye that I’d make it a joke so last

sundown with that

Alexander preaching there was five black

guys in front of me I said what do y’all

think of this guy’s I said I’m trying to

be black they lost it

so it’s a getting darker ain’t afraid or

not whoo I didn’t know that was the NBC

Peacock I got all kind of colors up

there then I get it all that’s all right

see people go now if you touch my back

you want to die I was gonna take it off

not showing off you see and this is what

television does if you got a pimple

ladies no that’s why God made me man he

knew I’d be the ugliest woman you ever

saw in your life I ain’t puttin no I

don’t like makeup and powder and is it a

little darker now oh wait I still got it

on yeah I mean II have you know but it

didn’t make any difference

I’m a bear some marks in my life but the

battle is the Lord

see I’m saying God’s Word is true so

let’s do everything we can to obey to

pray for our local state and federal

officials let’s do whatever necessary

that means sanitizer whatever fine but

dude lay off the toilet paper for a

little bit yeah Jesus for God’s sake

now gonna plug up the whole sewerage and

water board y’all keep all this going

Jesus help us a lot she was a little

sense so if you see somebody and you

heard that the coronavirus let’s say

they elderly I don’t know instead of

saying I’m glad not me

so let’s pray let’s do it publicly in

fact let’s do it now stand up everyone

Father in the name of Jesus you said

everything named bowels at the name of

Jesus I rebuke the spirit of fear i bind

you and command you to ceasing desist

from your work i rebuke the coronavirus

I command your little antennas the dry

up so you can’t stick nowhere I come

against you by the power of attorney to

use the name of Jesus every knee shall

bow every tongue shall confess but we

will not bow to you because if we don’t

bow we don’t burn virus we thank you in

the name of Jesus that we believe in

healing so all the cases that are in st.

Charles Parish where I am standing right

now I bind you because faith destroys

all distance between you and me you said

the two of us agree look at all the

people agreeing Lord we thank you for it

we believe you for it we call it done

and the mighty name of Jesus I thank you


and let the streets be full of happy

people Oh God and just may be Lord those

that say the healing or not for today

you’ll change their minds because they

afraid you won’t heal sometimes they

write articles when God doesn’t heal

when he always heals sometime we don’t

always receive we have to hit the right

switches lord I thank you for healing

people I speak all over this nation

safety you may have had power to hinder

us in this vision conference but we will

be rescheduling to

you will not stop us you if you look

around our church you didn’t stop these

people from coming needed you gave it

your best shot I come against diabetes

high blood pressure crippled and off the

radisson effects of this order for

symptoms of old age anything that might

be having problems in people’s bodies

those Lord that are elderly wonderful

people because you know what Lord people

put them in homes and forget them they

fed us when we were babies they educated

us they watched over us and it wouldn’t

even related to us they taught us in

schools at least we could do is help

them I thank you for healing their

bodies Lord and I thank you that we

think every day and pray for these

wonderful people we pray for the

families that are dealing with those

that have passed away oh but God let

them know there’s a heaven that’s so

real where no viruses can go and no fear

can enter I thank you for healing people

and touching people and I will not have

this image I will break it and crush it

to power yes and I thank you Lord Jesus

there’s this thing turns around at 11:38

and 26 seconds Central Standard Time

today in Jesus

give the Lord a great God bless


