About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons

he’ll courses the most-hated truth in

the world today most gospel ministers

don’t preach about it many gospel

preachers don’t believe it anymore even

in some County Hospital circles they

don’t believe there is a hell

they say it’s incompatible with the

preaching of God’s love they say how can

a God of mercy send anybody to a burning

pit of everlasting hell but Jesus was

the very first to warn of hell he said

whosoever shall say thou fool shall be

in danger of hellfire

jesus warned Capernaum vicita and

everyone who eject eject his word he

said you shall be brought down to hell

jesus said you serpents generation of

vipers how can you escape the damnation

of hell Jesus preached more about Hell

than he did about heaven Jesus was the

greatest preacher on hell in all this

Living Word now let me try to explain to

you from the Word of God what hell is

going to be like now let me start by

saying that when I preach this message

from first time here in New York City a

young man was visiting from Canada and

he had a body suit on flesh colored body

suit the only flesh he had was in his

hands in his face he had been burned

over 90% of his body he’d been one of 10

12 men on a oil rig in Canada when it

caught fire now just two weeks prior to

this he had joined this oil team and he

was on this rig and when they go back

after all day work they went back to the

bunkhouse and he was mocked and

ridiculed because his a good strong

Christian he really loved the Lord and

he was particularly harassed by a young

man on the job who just night and day

said I don’t want to hear any of this

Jesus gar because I don’t want hear

anything you have to say about it and

he’s the kind of run at boasted well

when I die just before I dive get right

with God and folks this is what this

message has to be preached some people

have the idea well even if there isn’t

hell at the last moment somehow I’ll cry

out to God you’ll have mercy and he’ll

save me democraty went on for two weeks

this young man made up his mind the next

day to

quit he said I can’t handle this mockery

anymore bout to leave but the night then

just that night before he was to quit

there was an explosion on the oil rig I

think there were three who were killed


the rest were burned different parts

this boys were 90% of his body and and

he heard the screaming and the flesh

burning and he was running himself but

he saw this young man who had mocked him

so much and he saw him on fire and he

pulled him away from the blaze and he

was nothing honestly charcoal he said

his hands frozen up he had nothing left

but his eyeballs his ears were gone his

nose was gone everything was gone did he

cry out to God he said well I’ll tell

you why your message so stirred me

tonight then why I out of all the times

I had to be here this night that’s why I

don’t understand who God sent here to

hear this tonight but you know what his

last words were he didn’t say forgive me

for mocking it he didn’t say one thing

he knows he’s about to die you know what

he said do I still have a nose he was

worried about his nose he couldn’t

breathe instantly died this young man

burned over 90% money suppose there

would say so they gave me morphine they

gave me every kind of drugs and for

three months I was in hell I tasted I

could feel it and God made it real to me

said I know there’s a hell I know

there’s hell nobody can tell me any

different let me tell you what I believe

is going to be like the Bible says first

of all it’s going to be a kingdom of

total darkness both literally and

spiritually his kingdom was full of

darkness that’s Lucifer’s kingdom now

Bible said in God’s kingdom there’s no

need for there’ll be no night there

there’s no need of a candle no light of

the Sun and the Lord God shall give the

light Jesus Christ will sign in his

glory he’s the light of those in heaven

the city says no need of the Sun nor the

moon to sign for the glow of the Lord

just light it and the lamb is the light

there all hallelu

yeah hell is eternal darkness not a

speck of light and it’ll be so

tormenting so suffocating and this is

going to be a darkness created by God

created by God they will know their

tongues for pain you’d warn to him is

reserved the blackness of darkness

forever there’s a darkness that cannot

be defined by human reasoning a Peter

said a mist of Darkness reserved forever

it’s a mist that God has created that

falls upon those in eternal hell there

was a darkness remember in Egypt even

the darkness which could be felt it was

a thick darkness they didn’t even move

they didn’t move in their house the

doctors so thick they couldn’t see

anywhere in front of them it was a

darkness that was felt can you imagine

the darkness the literal darkness in

Hell know what you say well if there’s

fire there’s light not the liquid fire

that God has created in hell there’s no

light to that fire whatsoever jesus

warned the children of the kingdom shall

be cast into outer darkness there shall

be weeping and gnashing of teeth more

than that it’s a spiritual darkness out

of Darkness described being cast further

and further away from God now folks I

don’t know where hell is some people

claim it’s in the heart of the earth

I’ve a said there’s going to be a new

heaven and a new earth and I don’t want

my new earth to be encased in the bosom

of a hell I don’t want hell in the

middle of a new earth it’s impossible no

I’ve made God’s created he will create a

special planet and when judgment comes

and they are carried away by the Angels

bound hand and foot and cast into outer

darkness they’re cast into this planet

and when God has finally finished the

judgments he will fling it into an outer

cosmos and all through eternity it will

do further and further away from the

light Jesus is the light hail will be a

continual everlasting drifting into a

black darkness

cast into outer darkness that’s why I

say he’s going to fling that planet into

turtle outer darkness and there will be

a sense to everyone in hell that they’re

drifting further and further

now the only thing that gives any

comfort to any Center New York or any

place on this planet today is the fact

that God’s people are still here the

Holy Ghost is still here and working you

take the Holy Ghost out of the earth

right now it would be a hell right here

on earth there is comfort the Holy Ghost

is a comforter and even the sinners we

consider they don’t know but they’re

feeling that sense of safety and comfort

they don’t feel the sense of danger

because the Holy Ghost is still here the

Holy Ghost will be torn away there be no

spirit there’ll be no life this would be

an eternal knowledge of ever drifting

from the presence of the light of God

the away from every Christian who gives

your cheer anything that has to do with

happiness cheer and joy all gone this

will be a world of transgressors of

child molesters and of Hitler’s and

Mussolini’s and all of the dictators it

will be a Rome the Bible said numbered

with the transgressors numbered can you

imagine waking up in that kind of

company and looking around and there’s

nothing but sinners nothing but the

ungodly and you are numbered among the

transgressors backsliders and

compromises on earth the thought of God

of holiness and purity is going to die

men are going to prefer darkness now

listen to this please believing a lie

reprobated made you believe that heaven

with the Lord would be worse than even

hell now listen to me please you may not

believe this but everything in this gets

approved in I used to believe that it

can hail God came with an offer to come

I I forgive you enter the gates of

heaven it would not be accepted by one

person in hell in spite of the torments

in spite of what hell is the Bible said

man prepare darkness rather than light

and then will believe a lie and the

devil will have them soul deceived that

they would believe don’t believe it it’s

a trick that light that he’s talking

about it’s gonna be worse than you have

here and the total deception will be

that even if God offered it it would not

be accepting now hell is more than just

being abandoned or forsaken by God

the Bible said those in Hell are going

to suffer the Vengeance of God the

flaming fire taking vengeance in flaming

fire taking vengeance on them that know

not God and that obey not the gospel of

our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be

punished with everlasting destruction

from the presence of the Lord and from

the glory of his power now listen to

this suffering the Vengeance of eternal

fire but we know him he said vengeance

belongs to me I will repay saith the

Lord it’s a fearful thing to fall in the

hands of the Lord the vengeance is mine

I will repay now those that are in Hell

are not in the hands of the devil then

the hands of an angry god and he turned

out just think for a moment Satan

himself is going to terminate night and

day we have the idea that seasons going

to be the tormentor he’s going to be

tormented himself night and day all

through eternity he’s going to be

occupied with his all torment the devil

was cast in the lake of fire brimstone

and he shall be tormented day and night

revelation 20:10 did you see this word

vengeance is retaliation God said I’m

going to repay now that kind of

vengeance what kind of payday for

mockers and scoffers like those who

produce these movies like The Last

Temptation of Christ and the mockery of

Jesus Christ III can’t even conceive in

my mind the trained Avengers that God

will have prepared if God can just speak

a world and the world is destroyed by a

flood if he merely breathes his breath

and fire falls on the whole population

of sodom and gomorrah if he just speaks

the word and dust turns into lice and he

speaks a word and serpents cover the

wilderness and egyptians are covered

with boils and all of that when god’s

anger was restrained

that wasn’t the wrath of god it was just

a touch could you imagine what his wrath

will be the Bible says that those are in

hell we’re going to have special bodies

prepared instruments of unrighteousness

they’re going to prepare bodies


instruments of destruction God even

though we get a new body there will be a

new body for those who are cast into

hell an eternal body that cannot be

consumed it has a worm that will never

die explain what that worm is is the

conclusion of our message hell is a

place of rage and hatred toward God but

here’s what men are going to do men when

there were scorched with great heat they

blaspheme the name of God which had

power over these plagues but they

repented not to give Him glory they

blaspheme the God of heaven because

their pains and source and they repented

not of their deeds you go to Roosevelt

Hospital up here you go to this hospital

just two blocks from here what’s the

name of that st. Clair’s it’s all all

aged up and you go in there the aged

word like I have many times and you’ll

see the most hatred for God you’ve ever

seen by men and women with AIDS they’re

about to die and they cursed God you

will hear Millea cursing and those they

have been plagued and they will curse

God now I’m talking and I’m not talking

about home Ofili acts I’m not talking

about those who got it on without in

being involved themselves in to grow sin

but those who’ve been a gross sin and

their their suffering the Vengeance they

have an anger toward God even though

they’re about to look God in the face

there’s an anger there even on the

streets I’ve seen men die with AIDS

banging their heads against the stone

against the curb and cursing God

there’s no been there’s no repentance do

you think men will repent if they won’t

repent with the restrained anger God are

they going to repent when the full anger

of God comes I asked the Holy Spirit to

show me what was the greatest cause of

torment in hell and I was shocked at the

REIT is the answer he gave me why are

they going to be wailing and gnashing

and gritting their teeth why this wall

by this terrible rage in hell weeping

and wailing and gnashing of teeth the

greatest torment in hell is going to be

the cross of Jesus Christ because it’s

an offense here now in time can you

imagine the affair

we’ll be in hell when the whole story is

told when they in eternity standing

before the judgement word how simple the

cross was how simple grace was and all

the good deeds and charitable works

himself will created a sense of false

security the Jews will say I kept 613

commandments I went to synagogue I

washed my hands I was my pots I was my

pants I studied the Torah I studied at

all and then to have this revelation

that Jesus said just look and live it

was so simple millions of Iranian young

people almost 2 million of them that

listened to the promise of the ayatollah

khomeini remaining committee who said if

you pray 5 times if you were russian

against the iraqis I guarantee you

paradise they were told that they’ll

have all the liquor they can drink and

all the beautiful women all through

eternity and those 15 16 year-olds died

by them by the hundreds of thousands can

you imagine when they wake up in hell

when they wake up and learn the truth of

the cross of Jesus Christ that was

offered so simply so faintly they will

crush gut you made it too easy

it was too simple I was tricked and many

of you had heard that got you some of

you’ve heard enough gospel to save China

and we preach the simple gospel of Jesus

Christ you hear radio tell them in

everything you got it coming out your

ears can you imagine what it’s going to

be like when you go when you wake up in

eternal hell and remember the simplicity

of the cross of Jesus Christ

that’s the torment I’d missed something

so some if it had been hard you could

explain it or you could excuse it in

your mind but you can’t excuse the

simplicity of the cross of Jesus Christ

through an eternity for that there

sitting of blood there is no forgiveness

of sins Satan will rage forever because

the cross cost him his power

put him to open shame and destroyed his

kingdom they’re going to rage shake

their fists against the cross of Jesus

Christ and all through eternity it was

too obvious it was too simple how could

I have known it was so simple now

there’s some other aspects about Hell I

want to talk about it’s a place where

men’s lust will burn forever and never

be satisfied now this is hard for us to

comprehend but I want you to think about

it for just a minute the lust that now

indulges the sinner is going to burn

worse through hell

these bodies fitted for destruction will

still be lusting away in hell

is there a ha could there be a less

problem in Hell when there’s weeping and

wailing and gnashing of teeth you

sprayed the me.how Rock Hudson who knew

he was dying with days and still skin

and bone got in an airplane from Los

Angeles led to the bars in San Francisco

and was still connecting just before he

died still connecting with homosexuals

and gay bars about to die he’s still

burning in his lust there are men

walking like skeletons out here walking

skeletons still trying to work a trick

I saw a woman being carried into a

hospital in Houston she being operated

on for cancer in her lungs but I think

one lung had been removed and they’re

working on another and she had a a

little hole they’d cut in her throat

here so she could breathe and they’re

wheeling her husband’s following her

into the operating room and I’m standing

there I think Gabby was being operated

there at MD Anderson hospital and she

turned her husband is he she’s smoke

smoke he likes his cigarette she holds

it to the the hole and sucks it in

through the hole I’m standing there

until his belief she may not even

survive the operation but smoke

sucking it through a hole in her neck

it’s going to be hell the lust will rage

and can’t be satisfied Bravo said he’ll

Zuleika fire five times the scripture

calls Hill a lake of fire a fire which

burn it unknown like your God has

elements that we don’t know anything

about so don’t try to figure it out by

human elements that exist today this

these are elements supernatural elements

it has no light elements we know nothing

about the Bible said men shall seek

death there and won’t be able to find it

hell the Bible said will never end it’s

everlasting you can’t if you stop and

think that God never was and never will

be ended you see if you stop but he did

try to stretch your mind back as far as

you can go and find there’s no beginning

of God you can go crazy I don’t do that

God had no beginning there’s no end the

circle you can’t find any cut in it but

a Puritan tried to describe what

deterrent is going to be like he said

suppose the whole earth twenty-five

thousand miles in circumference was a

ball of sand

twenty-five thousand mile ball of sand

on once every million years a little

bird came in from the cosmos and took

away one grain of sand it would take

billions of years to fill a cup and

eternity with just beginning

it would just be starting our minds

can’t conceive the everlastingness of

hell we can’t even calculate it now

who’s going there the Bible says the

majority the mankind is going to hell

the disciples said Lord are there few

that will be saved

jesus said interrupt the strait gate for

wide is the gate and broad is the way

that leads to destruction or to hell and

many there be which go

in there at because Strait is the gate

narrow is the way which leads to life

and few there be that are going to find

it now you think of New York City at 16

million people master they are going to

hell Paul visited the New York City of

his time Athens now while Paul waited

for them at Athens his spirit was

stirred in him when he saw the City Hall

II the whole city given over to idolatry

Athens went to hell wrong went to hell

all the great cities the Sodom Gomorrah

all the cities another gun to hell New

York is going to hell the majority are

going to hell I thank God that he we’re

one of many lights he’s raised up here

in New York City especially this bright

light right on Broadway because the

Lord’s just like he’s standing at the

gates of hell men are falling in the

helis is he’s established his arms

stretched out by you and me we are here

at Broadway’s best at his arms is a

table looking live don’t go this way

God’s trying to push back the hordes

that are rushing into hell in Noah’s day

how many were saved eight lot his wife

and two girls and we know that we are of

God and the whole world lies in darkness

John said now tell you what I believe I

believe the majority of nominal

churchgoers are going to hell many many

people are going to hell who are so

blinded they are not living for God they

can tell you they got saved some far

sometime way back

they may even joined a church and

shaking their hands with somebody

but they’re not living for God when we

think of Hell we think of those going


the obvious about said the fearful the

unbelieving the abominable murderers

whoremongers sorcerers idolaters and all


the Bible said whoever is not written in

the book of life whoso is not found

written in the book of life was cast

into the lake of fire

the only people were saved are those

whose names are written in the book of

life there’s a great white throne

judgment and there’s a book vile sin I

saw the dead small great stand before

God the lips were opened now the book

was upwards his book of life and the

dead were judged out of those things

written in the books according to their


Jesus made this promise he that

overcometh the same shall be clothed

with white raiment I will not blot out

his name out of the book of life I’ll

confess his name before my father and

all his angels you know your name is

written in the book of life tonight

booyah they’re good you see in hell and

this is something Holy Spirit showed me

and I’ve never heard it from anybody

anywhere in the world Holy Spirit to me

that when Christians get to heaven you

don’t suddenly get everything that

heaven is it’s not static you don’t

suddenly get the full revelation of

Jesus you don’t say well I’ve arrived

and sudden you get all the glory now

heaven is an ever-increasing glory all

three eternity is going to get better

and better richer and richer

Jesus will become more and more real

more light we’re going to learn all

through eternity and we’ll never get it

all all through eternity was still

learning still being blessed the joy is

going to be ever greater the ecstasy is

going to grow and grow and grow you

don’t get it all when you get there you

just start and you will have an ever

increasing knowledge of being saved and

ever creasing knowledge of joy he will

wipe out all memory of those on this

earth so that there’ll be no suffering

of your unsaved loved ones but in Hell

there’s also an ever increasing

knowledge of damnation and being lost

and being cast further and further away

from God

and there will be an ever increasing

knowledge of what was missed there is

not stun your son you get to hell and

that’s that’s it this is the torment and

it stays at this level know there’s an

ever-increasing torment and

ever-increasing knowledge that you’re

lost and ever-increasing sense of being

cast away from the presence of God for

an eternity

what is going to be a surprise multitude

in Hell though the biggest multitude in

Hell will be in shock those who went to

hell because of the sin of neglect

they just neglected just didn’t take the

time they just neglected how shall we

escape damnation if we neglect so great

a salvation you did not lay these things

to your heart neither did you remember

the ladder in you’re given two places

you living carelessly therefore evils

have come upon you you will not be able

to stop the desolations have come

suddenly isaiah forty seven seven to

eleven you didn’t lay it to heart you

heard it and dismissed it all of them

don’t give me a number of you walk out

of here tonight and you’re going to

forget everything i said except the last

part i’m going to give you just a few

moments because you’ll never forget it

i’m God by sprit want to burn it into

your brain because he loves you I’m not

railing at you I’m not jumping all over

the stage I’m just standing here calmly

telling you that there is a living hell

everlasting hell now let me tell you how

I see it

now folks God gave me this first I hear

preaches all of America using this now

I’ve heard it on radio they don’t even

tell where they got it from my tape

I’m not bragging I’m just telling you

that I saw this in the choking up and

I’ll never be the same it’s called

instant replay it’s called the worm that

never dies and that’s your conscience

the conscious can you imagine waking up

in hell

can you imagine the touch of eternal

death on your shoulder and the stench

and the feel of a darkness that I’ve

described you and then you hear the roar

of the adversary your mind eternally and

the sense of being lost in this sense of

being ever more cast away from the

presence of God I don’t think is uh in

my limited vocabulary like for a person

to suddenly be in hell I am in hell I am

lost now if if you could say to this

person well 10 million years from now

you get a week’s break they may endure

it though they said this could last

billions of years but at the end you’ll

have a little bit of hope but there’s no

hope no other chance I am in hell and

then suddenly the worm turns the

conscience because you will remember

every service you’ve been in you

remember every scripture that was ever

quoted to you you’ll remember every

mooing of the Holy Spirit you will

relive it live it you will relive my

message the message I preached right now

I preached in Puerto Rico couple weeks

ago to about 8,000 people and I screamed

over the microphone you will hear me

preach this through eternity

the shop ‘we went through that stadium

and i say the same to you

you will hear it every message you’ve

ever heard every radio sermon every

witness you’ve had every song that

you’ve heard or song everything that had

to do with Christ or his gospel you will

replay it the conscience will turn

that’s the worm that never dies that’s

the conscious that’s the memory oh yes

there’s a memory in hell you will

remember it all and suddenly as this

worm turns I believe the worm means that

a man will go between time and eternity

he drifts back and forth for quite a

while before he realizes what’s happened

until the worm has finished his work

this worm will turn and suddenly the

lights go on and suddenly there’s light

and he wakes up but he’s back in his

living room at home and there’s a Billy

Graham special on television and his

little girl is playing with the doll and

he can’t believe it he pitches himself

he said I’m alive I can’t be in hell and

his wife is in the kitchen and he sees

her and he says honey quick come in and

she’s bringing a cup of coffee he says

honey put the coffee down please on the

coffee – I got to talk to you I’m having

some kind of incredibly I must have

broke something something’s wrong I have

had a fit I was in hell I had a dream I

was in hell I did nightmare please tell

me I’m alive and she pheasant you okay

here drink a coffee and he fills the

warm coffee’s that I’m alive Billy

Graham was saying come to Jesus and he

says quick on your knees and he gets

down on his knees and he’s about to cry

Jesus and he can’t get the word out

because just as he’s about to get the

words out and feel the wealth and the

peace of the gospel of Jesus flood his

soul it goes dark he wakes up he’s in

hell he said I wasn’t a drink on the

hill I lost

and he said bill God never did don’t

send me back into time the nawab goes by

and he lights go on again the worm is

turning this time he’s back in church

he’s sitting in the same seat that he

once sat he’s reliving a gospel message

singing he’s sitting there stunned he

looks around he said this is a nightmare

if someone has put drug in my drink God

let me wake up that man screams God

don’t let me go to hell he streaming

saved me

the preachers going to preach he’s

screaming at the top of his voice and

he’s looking around at him he’s looking

at the lights he’s talented the people

he’s looking at the colors of their

clothes and he’s pissing himself he’s

pulling his ears he filling his hair he

wants to feel and he feels the pain he

says how can I be dead or how can I be

totally dead how can I be in hell when I

feel the pain I hear his voice oh god I

can’t take it anymore and he runs down

the aisle he throws himself on his easel

this time Jesus I’ve got to get through

he gets the word Jesus out he’s about to

raise his hands and clap have mercy but

he can’t get it out because it goes

black he says no god I’m in hell I am in

hell he’s got to go all through eternity

reliving every scene until finally it’s

dragged in

he sits through it and it’s nothing but

torment because he said I wake up in a

moment I know there’s no relief and all

it is is added torment all through

eternity sir I will tell you something

next letter you walk out on God you will

be back in this seat a billion billion

times back and forth back and forth

and never be able out of the word Jesus

never be able to repent because the worm

never dies never does

now you said well they were you trying

to scare me you know what Peter said

knowing the terror of the Lord we

persuade men if I saw you in the

building Valarie side and it’s on fire

you’re up there and you’re just sitting

there on a flat roof and you’re sunning

yourself and there’s a fire down there

do you think I’m just goes down there

and say I think it’d be a good idea if

you got off that roof are you fire and

I’m steaming fire

you never heard hell priest in 35

minutes but I tell you what really sad

is me more anything else I think the

worst torment of all has to be those are

going to be tormented with opportunities

lost and missed just like tonight so

brother they want the love of Jesus be

better this is the love of Jesus he

loves you so much that he would bring

you to a service and change the pastor’s

message just to reach you just to reach

you now I’m going to ban just his heart

and a pastor but God knew you’d be here

set you right in this seat and you may

think it’s thunder and a piercing sword

it’s nothing but his arms reaching out

to embrace you saying I’m warning you in

love while there’s time I’m warning you

now for those that are flaunting your

sin in the face of God he’s warned you

time and time again

don’t play with sin he’s calling you to

make a move tonight make your calling

and election sure hallelujah

holy spirit help me say this last thing

I hate to say it but I must some of you

are sitting here tonight we’re going to

wake up in hell because the spite of the

Holy Ghost here in spite of the word you

allow the enemy to come and pluck it

away from you I want you to resist the

devil right now resist them he’ll flee

from you the Bible says you’ll get away

from you say devil getaways now want the

word to get my heart I want the word

into my heart and let him deal with you

tonight in love we stand please

Jesus send the Holy Ghost mightily right

now settle over this congregation the

balcony here the main floor and desk

quietly deal with us now there’s some

Lord that have turned away from you I

know that there are people here tonight

that have turned away there are people

Lord that you have just arranged to be

in this meeting you’ve arranged this

whole night for this very moment and now

when I give an invitation Lord the very

fact that you had me priest this must

mean that you’ve already prepared

somebody to open their hearts reach out

Holy Spirit now all of this congregation

bring in the backslider bring in those

that are running bringing those that are

cold of heart bringing those that are

drifting bring them home Jesus all you

said flee from the rest of God run from

it flee run as fast as you can run from

the wrath of God we ask you Lord Jesus

to come in your love now I don’t want

any music and the Holy Ghost is dealing

with you folks I don’t know why that

I’ll know in just a few moments

something the belphin in here get out of

your seat when the Spirit of God touches

you to say the other day that message is

when I had to hear God’s been dealing

with me once you got your seat now

what’s been down here right now say

Jesus I give it all to you tonight