Do you have seed in the ground? As you wait to reap your harvest, understand the planting process is very much about timing. We want to see the fruit of our labor immediately, but the greatest things in life take time. Seeds grow down and then up. While your seed is in process, it won’t be exempt from the presence of bad, but the enemy cannot curse what God has blessed. Hold on a little while longer — you’re coming into your harvest season, and you have to believe timing is everything!



thank you

let’s go to the gospel of Saint Matthew

chapter number 13 verse 24 through 30

and there you will find my assignment

for this morning

I will be reading it out of the NIV

when you have it say Amen

if you’re still looking to say wait a


wait a minute wait a minute Matthew

the gospel of Saint Matthew the first

book in the New Testament


Jesus told them another Parable what was

it it was a

yeah it was a parable the Kingdom of

Heaven is like a man

who sowed good seed

what did he do

he sold good seed in his field now first

miracle you got to recognize

the choir didn’t know what I was going

to preach

when they prepared for worship they

didn’t know what I was going to preach

but for weeks I have been seeing roots

something is about to come out of the



Jesus told them another Parable the

Kingdom of Heaven Is Like a Man Who Sold

good seed in his field

but while everyone was sleeping his

enemy came and sowed weeds among the

wheat and went away

when did he do it while they were

sleeping when the wheat sprouted and

formed heads when the wind when the

wheat sprouted and formed heads then the

weeds also appeared

the owner’s servants came to him and

said sir didn’t you sow good seed in

your field where then did the weeds come


an enemy did this he replied

the servants asked him do you want us do

you want us to watch this closely do you

want us to go and pull them up

no he answered because while you are

pulling the weeds you made uproot

the wheat with them

let both grow together

oh my God let Rose grow together until

the Harvest

at that time I will tell the Harvesters

first collect the weeds and tie them in

bundles to be burned then gather the

wheat and bring it into my barn can you

say Amen

shout this with me timing is everything

shout it again timing is everything

shout it again timing is everything

Spirit of the Living God fall fresh on

the word of God as we go into it today

let it bring life and healing and

renewal and restoration as we delve into

the depths of God’s word bring out

treasures and Ministry and healing and

Revelation I thank you for what you are

about to do in Jesus name we pray

somebody shout amen you may be seated in

the presence of God all right

yeah let’s go to work

55 years of my life

and I started preaching at 19. I started

pastoring at 21. I don’t think I knew it

then but I know it now the best things

in life takes time

when I was younger I was impatient

because I had the naivety of thinking

that dreams would come quickly but the

best things in life take time from

simple things like food

preparation to more complicated issues

of parenting and marriage the best

things in life

take time

people who don’t have time to cook don’t

cook well because

the best things in life take time you

can get married you can have a wedding

in 30 minutes but it takes years to have

a marriage

the best things in life take what

prayers between being rich and being


you can hit the lottery receive an

inheritance uh you can be catapulted

from rags to riches and you can be rich


though many Define wealth differently

than how I will today true wealth isn’t

just about money

but it is about the lessons you learn

while struggling upward

if you have money without wisdom you

will soon be parted from your money the

best things in life take time takes

relationships you’ve got the money but

because it was given to you quickly you

didn’t build the infrastructure to

sustain it you don’t have the

relationships to sustain it you don’t

have the information to sustain it and

most people who hit the lottery 70 to 80

percent of them go broke within five


you can’t imagine that you could hit

that much money and lose it but the

truth of the matter is God is teaching I

said the best things in life take time

there are things that you learn from

struggling there are things that you

learn from tests and trials and trial

and error foreign

teachers were failure

it takes time to do well

it takes even longer to be well

let’s listen to the words of Solomon

when he talks out of Ecclesiastes

chapter 3 verse one through two and

listen at Solomon the wise man the wise

man he says to everything there is a

season and a time to every purpose under


he says to everything there is a season

and a time to every purpose under Heaven

you’ve got purpose but do you understand

season and time

now we read over that quickly but we

really don’t think about it because if

we thought about it we would understand

that some people are seasonal

some relationships are seasonal some

opportunities are seasonal And yet when

we see the seasons change we think the

blessing has ceased

but it is not that the blessing has

ceased it is that the season has changed

there’s a great deal I got a lot of

trees in my yard there’s a great deal of

difference between how my yard looks in

the spring and how it looks in the fall

and by the time it gets to Winter quite

frankly the trees are ugly and Barren

and destitute and if you came in the

winter and saw it you would have no idea

of how beautiful it would be if it takes

time there is a time to be born

and there is a time to die

if I had time I’d talk about that they

are very similar birth and death a time

to plant and a time to pluck up that

which is planted now listen to what he

says there’s a time to plant and there’s

a time to pluck up that which is planted

do you know the difference in your life


the difference between knowing when to

plant and when to pluck thank you

have you ever asked God maybe you’ve

asked him when to plant

but have you ever asked him when to

pluck up

or are you intent on keeping that which

is planted

to the destruction of plucking up that

which you have become accustomed to

please and and

to say goodbye to the season

you had


I call it the Art of Letting Go the

spirit of release

not wrestling releasing some of you are

wrestling to hold on to something that

God is trying to take away from you and

you need to release it and simply Let It

Go that was that season

when I was a child I thought as a child

I spake as a child I understood as a

child but when I became a man I had to

let go of childish things childish

thinking I thought as a child I spake as

a child I understood as a child if you

are still talking the way you were

talking 10 years ago I’ve got bad news

for you you have a deformity a spiritual

dysfunction that keeps your thoughts in

one dimension

that means you can’t fall in love with

your thoughts I want all the stubborn

people to say Amen

because if you are stubborn with your

thoughts you delay your next season

I have watched some of the greatest

people in every industry you can imagine

I’ve had I’ve had the privilege of

having relationships with people who

were at the top of their game and just

about every industry you can imagine

those that leave the greatest impact

understand timing

timing is everything

timing is everything said with me timing

is there say it again

many people don’t realize that part of

the art of baking is timing there are a

lot of people that cook but don’t bake

because part of the art of baking is

timing the difference between a dry cake

and a moist cake is

come on come on come on the difference

between a a a a a moist cobbler and a

dry cobbler is do whenever you taste a

dry one you know they left it in the


oh come on oh somebody knows what I’m

talking about you’ve got to understand

it’s timing in baseball it’s not just

skill it is the timing that causes the

batter to be effective at swinging the

bat you can have the right swing but if

you swing at the wrong time you won’t

have the impact that you should have had

some of you are trying to do the right

swing but you’re swinging at the wrong

time you’re in such a hurry that you’re

swinging before the ball can strike the

Target because you are more moved by the

crowd than you are by the ball

timing is everything many people don’t

realize that not only is timing

everything in baseball and baking it is

also everything when it comes to Comedy

or speaking or music it’s about timing

it’s not just can you read music can you

keep time it’s not can you tell a joke

but can you time the joke it’s not can

you speak a message can you use timing

to convey information you can give great

information out of time and be an

incompetent speaker because you don’t

understand timing

everything is a rhythm everything is a

rhythm God is a rhythm breathing is a

rhythm circulation is a rhythm heartbeat

is a rhythm pulse is a rhythm everything

that is alive has a rhythm


Birth has a rhythm

a woman’s body has a rhythm God is

telling us over and over and over in

nature in Creation in procreation that

timing is everything you can’t be

fruitful out of season


somebody shout teach me to know my


with my timing

you can be right about what you said but

wrong about when you said it and do more

damage than you did good it’s not about

right and wrong it’s about timing

write information delivered at the wrong

time can tear our marriage up

can cause a child to feel defeated can

stop a loan from going through can stop

the house from being built can stop you

from having the peace you ought to have

you’re worried about being right you

need to be worried about

timing timing timing time time time time

time time time time time time

timing is everything timing is

absolutely everything one thing I know

for sure I came to Dallas at the right


38 years old it was the right time any

sooner would have been a disaster I

wasn’t ready for it any later would have

been too late it wasn’t ready for me it

wasn’t just the right time in my life it

was the right time in Dallas it was the

right time in history

you have to do things at the right time

or you’re not going to have the effect

that you would have had because you

don’t understand timing because timing

is what

I mean is what wake up timing is what

wake up timing is what

timing is absolutely everything I’ve

given this illustration before but I

want to paint it again for you that have

not heard it Harlan Sanders built an

amazing business because he did the

right thing at the right time

KFC came at a time in the American

history that women had just started to

go to work

it came at a time in history that

families were still sitting around the


it solved the problem how can we

simulate a family dinner without the

woman being home to cook

doing the right thing at the right time

it wasn’t just about the chicken is good

it was that the need was great it solved

the problem and it came at the right

oh y’all don’t hear what I’m saying let

me make this clear if he opened up now

he’d go bankrupt

sustain it at this level but you can’t

start it at this level because now if

you open it up they want to know is it

gluten free

you have vegan chicken

a pescatarian

they were not asking those questions at

that time success is as much about

timing as it is about anything else

do you know what time it is in your life

I’ve got a watch on my wrist I’ve got a


phone but backing up so that I know what

time it is in the day but do I know what

time it is in my life

is it time to put away

childish things

I can only be fruitful in my season the

Bible says you shall bring forth fruit

in your season your lease shall not

wither and whatsoever you do shall

prosper you have to know when it’s your

season and you have to know when it’s


you have to know when to hold it you

have to know when to fold it you cannot

see folding as failure it’s all about


oh talk to me

it’s all about timing timing is

everything I have preached this text

many many many times

I have preached it many many ways there

is an eschatological element of this

text that I won’t touch today that

speaks to the end time we could talk

about it that way but the reason I’m in

this text today and the reason I want to

luxuriate in this text after many days I

have been seeing entangled roots


for me this message did not start with

the text it started with a vision of

entangled roots


regardless of the plant type at the top

of the soil The Roots mesh together


whether it is weeds or Wheats if they

are planted in the same space The Roots

become entangled underground and for

days God has been showing me entangled


I’m going to go deeper into this in a

minute are you ready to go with me I

said are you ready to go with me I tell

you ready to go with me timing is what

said again timing is what good

the text starts with a very common

phrase the Kingdom of Heaven is lacking

shows us that Kingdom truths

are veiled in comparisons

he doesn’t tell us what the kingdom is

he tells us what the kingdom is like

so the kingdom truths that I am meant to

get out of this will come through failed

it is veiled in


whenever the truths are veiled in

comparison you cannot become so

inundated with the comparison that you

failed to dig beneath the soil of the


to extract the truth

why is Jesus telling us this story it is

not just so that we may know the story

it is that we might understand the truth

that is hidden in the fabric of the

story so we can’t just read through it

and say I’m through with it and I know

the story because we have to understand

that the Revelation is hidden in the


it hides behind the parable

it is locked up in the parable in such a

way that it causes you not only to read

but to think

if you don’t think when you read you

won’t retain what you heard


some people will hear this message and

get nothing

because they will not add the necessary

quotient of thinking

with hearing

and if you don’t think I am not your


cannot preach to people who don’t think

so everybody’s not for me I’m cool with

that I understand that I get that that’s

okay it’s okay if if God is hiding

is God hiding let me go that way is God

hiding the kingdom in Parables to avoid



no God isn’t the one who hides from us

his glory that notion is

counter-intuitive to who Jesus is


Jesus Is God revealed Isaiah 53 says

this word and it is important who has

believed our message and to whom has the

arm of the Lord been revealed

Jesus Is God revealed to us he is God

extending himself when he calls the arm

of the Lord is talking about Jesus

because Jesus is God extending himself

from Divinity to humanity Jesus came to

express God and we beheld The Wonder of

his glory the only begotten of the

father full of grace and truth why would

Jesus come to express God and then hide


he is the revealer

he is the author of the book of

Revelations John pended but Jesus said

it he is the revealer so let us not

think that God is hiding when God is

revealing so when we look at this we

begin to understand that it is man who

loves Darkness rather than life because

his deeds are evil it is man who hid in

the garden from God it is man who walks

away from truth and hides his wickedness

and his iniquity from God there is not a

person in this room that is in hiding


oh you’re not going to talk to me but

I’m Gonna Keep On dragging until I get

it there is not a person in this room

that isn’t hiding something I have news

for the young people who are talking

about keeping it 100 nobody keeps it


you might keep it about 90.


if you want to lose everything keep it

100. if you want to destroy everything

keep it 100. if you want to lose your

job Monday morning go in there and keep

it 100. I don’t even want to be here I’m

sick of all y’all and I never liked you

in the first place and you make me sick

and you get on my nerves we’ll get you

fired but you keep it at 100.

thank you

if you want to get divorced real quick

and she asks you do my hips look big in


and you respond looking like two bears

fighting in the woods under a blanket




I’m just saying

oh he says am I the greatest lover you

ever had in all you about number 10.


I just love you and I put up with it and

I act like you just killing me and

driving me crazy but the truth of the

matter is I was thinking about what I

was gonna wear to work


best keeping it 100 is also keeping you

in divorce court

there is not a person in this room that

isn’t hiding


God has nothing to hide

so when God says the Kingdom of Heaven

is light we must not think that God is

hiding the truth as if he were playing

hide and go seek with us

what he is doing as the master rabbi

is a teacher explaining the

unexplainable to a far less intelligent


what the Kingdom of Heaven is like

like a first grade teacher teaching a

student what it is like

to be in Paris what it is like to travel

the world she has to consider the age

and the intellectual development of the

student in order to be effective at

teaching she is not hiding she is

reducing it down to the level of the

audience she is talking to so when Jesus

says the Kingdom of Heaven is like it is

it is God stupid

it is God coming to our level can you

prove it yes as high as the heavens are

above the Earth so are my thoughts above

your thoughts and my ways above your

ways if I spoke it to you on my level

you would never understand it so I speak

to you in metaphors and similes and

comparisons so that you can learn what

the Kingdom of Heaven is like and I have

to find something that you can compare

it to because what I am talking about is

so high that I’m breaking it down in the

first line when I say the Kingdom of

Heaven is like I’m talking baby talk

that’s what Jesus is doing when he’s

talking to us he is breaking down

through the parable

some truths that we must take with us

I’ve got five lessons I’m going to tell

you out of this text

and I’m going to talk about them and I’m

going to sit down


five things that are to be excavated out

of this text

for the purpose of my assignment today

because all of the times that I have

never preached this text I have never

seen the significance of timing to the


but timing

send again

say it again

then I want you to think before I give

you my first lesson point I want you to

think why does God have me here this


all right

how does this apply to my life

what is God saying to me why am I

watching this particular message at this

particular time in my life what in my

life needs to be better timed


keep my decisions this morning according

to Time

I took my shower according to what time

it was I got dressed according to what

time it was I had to keep track of the

time because if I lose track of time I

will always be late and if I am late I


thank you

because timing is

why would I want to be in a service and

the glory moved and I missed it

if you missed the first song when the

choir starts singing the lord it’s

Blessing Me Right Now and the whole

audience was up front and you had young

people dancing off of Old music and old

people scooting from side to side you

miss one of the building blocks of which

I’m standing on right now because timing


if you don’t respect time you will never

be wealthy you will never be successful

you will never be Mighty only poor folks

inwardly and I would need care nothing

about timing because timing is


now for the benefit before I give the

lesson let me make sure that you

understand the story

in the story we have a certain man who

had his servants to sow good seed

in the field

and wow

they slept

and I used to preach against them


until I realized that everybody

should go to sleep sometime

it is impossible for you to stay up

around the clock

the enemy comes in while they are

sleeping and plants

the weeds or the tear while they’re


in the story they don’t wake up the next

morning and know the enemy has been


because the enemy has planted it in such

a way

that when they wake up in the morning

they do not notice

any change

notice the timing

it was not the next day

but while they did not notice it

the evil or weeds were sown

in the wheat

anybody who understood don’t let me get

ahead of myself anybody who understands

this understands that there are

important truths to be learned lesson

number one it is naive to think

that the planting of good it exempts us

from the presence of bad

it is naive to think

that the planting of good

exempts us from the presence of bad

this is important for us to understand

just because God allows wheat to be

planted doesn’t mean that weeds are


are you hearing what I’m saying

the kingdom is like this so we have to

be able to produce in the presence of



so for all of you who are waiting for

all the weeds to be gone before you

produce the wheat

you are not digging deep enough into

this text because this text declares

there will never be a day that you can

be weak full without being weedful


God allows the wheat to be planted that

doesn’t mean that the weeds are

restricted wheat is planted with great


wheat is planted with great

intentionality in other words wheat is

not going to grow in this ground if it

is not planted

it is not a natural result of the

climate the soil the rain and the

Sunshine it has to be planted nobody

succeeds accidentally

nobody wins a marathon accidentally

nobody wins the Olympics accidentally

nobody gets a master’s degree

accidentally nobody gets a diploma

accidentally nobody passes a GED

accidentally nobody gets a promotion

accidentally just because you pray

doesn’t mean you win



this is work

this is sweat this is labor because this

is agriculture


and agriculture means that the intention

of sowing the seed is that I might have


wheat and the intention of having wheat

is that I might have bread

from seed

to wheat

to bread

is going to take

can’t plant seed today

and eat bread tonight


because timing is

so if I am going to be seedful I have to

be patient for the seed to grow first


and then up


you didn’t get that

it’s gonna first grow down

and then up

some of you are standing over your life

talking about I don’t see nothing I

don’t see nothing I keep sawing and I

don’t see nothing the seed grows down

before it grows up you’re not supposed

to see it but just because you don’t see

it doesn’t mean that the roots are not

growing in the soil

thank you

and if you wait a little while

it is going to go from seed

to wheat and from wheat to bread and

there is work in between every stage the

seed is worked the weed is work the

bread is work you cannot eat any better

than you work foreign



about the promise of God understand that

you’re gonna have to break some sweat

you’re gonna have to put some effort in

it you’re gonna have to grind the wheat

you’re gonna have to pulverize that you

can’t just bring the wheat in and make

bread until you crush it it’s got to be

crushed it’s got to be made into a

usable form and so it doesn’t mean that

God hasn’t blessed you with the bread it

could mean that you haven’t put in the

work to go from seed to to

from seed

two oh you’re listening this morning

look at somebody and tell them I’m going

from seed

to bread I might not be ready for

consumption right now but I’m in process

and I’m going somewhere and don’t look

down at me because I’m not bread I may

be in the wheat stage I may be in the

seed stage but I am on my way to a place

that God has destined for me who am I

talking to this morning

whoever I’m talking to God says hang on

in there I’m not finished with you yet

I’m taking you through process and at

the right time I’m gonna take you from

seed to



I’m still dancing off it’s already done

it’s already done

it’s already done

and it is done on purpose I want you to

get this the reason it is planted is

because it is not indigenous to the land

the word agriculture is rooted in the

word cult

cult means you’re not orthodox

me should not natural

you’re not normal

Agra means land that means that wheat is

not normal to the land you can’t just

wish for it you have to make it happen

Agra culture



I’m gonna make this happen it is not


you don’t get it just cause you’re


you gotta plant it you gotta be

intentional about it you gotta work on

it you gotta labor for it because you

were not raised in an environment that

agrees with your dream that doesn’t mean

you can’t have it it means that you’ve

got to be cultural enough to be a cult

against your neighborhood I’m the only

one in my family I’m the only one in my

neighborhood I’m the only one in my city

I’m the only one in my house and they

don’t like me at the family reunion and

they don’t invite me back to the parties

and my friends have changed because I am

cultists to them I broke the rule I got


everybody who got out Make some noise


Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

faith is a cult to the unbeliever it is

not natural to the unbeliever stop

trying to make the people at work

understand what they can’t understand it

is not indigenous to them for them to

believe if the gospel behead it is hid

from them that are lost they can’t see



can I go deeper

how many people are getting blessed in

this role


you’ve got to be willing to be different

you’ve got to be willing to be

controversial you’ve got to be willing

to be talked about and the greatest

problem in our community right now is

that we are so sensitive

we’re more worried about being locked

than we are being fruitful and you’re

praying to God about what they said and

she said and he said and God said unless

you did my mother father sister brother

and even deny yourself you cannot be my






thank you

lesson number two


my God

imagine say you came on the right Sunday

I can feel it right now something is

going to happen in here today something

is going to happen in here today

something is going to happen in here

today something is going to happen in

here today I feel it in my spirit I feel

it a little shot I feel it in my soul

God is about to do something in the

middle of his people he’s forcing some

things to happen he’s being intentional

he’s planting some things intentionally

somebody shout yeah


lesson number two

this is a good lesson Whenever there is

great potential for Harvest

the enemy will always earmark the spot

with calamity

Whenever there is great potential for

Harvest the enemy will earmark the spot

with calamity



was telling me about a restaurant that

they like up in North Dallas and and I

was getting my head shaved at the time

and I said let me find it in my phone so

I got in my phone and found it in my

phone and then I earmarked it as a


I haven’t been there yet

but I’m earmarked it as a favorite so I

could find it easily



so I earmarked it

so I could find it when I had

so wherever

the enemy

sees potential

he will always earmark it with calamity

so they never planted weeds before the


notice the sequence

it was so wheat being planted

that caused them to plant the weed they

didn’t plant the weed and then plant the

wheat the wheat attracts the weed so

that the enemy can earmark the spot the

devil knew God was going to bless you

hell knew God was going to use You Hell

knew that God had a purpose for your

life he earmarked it with calamity



the tear the wheat the weeds rather was

planted too

planted like spies Behind Enemy Lines

whatever went wrong in your life

whatever calamities happen in your life

whatever calamities that happen in your

past whatever trauma you went through in

your life in your childhood was the

enemy’s way of earmarking the spot


he knew it wasn’t time yet

but he started working Underground

before you ever came up

so that he would have his system in


before you became fruitful he would

always already have his infrastructure

in place so you would have something to

struggle with

struggle struggle struggle struggle

struggle struggle struggle where my

struggle is at my strugglers why are

things so hard for me why do I take two

steps forward and get knocked three

steps back why is it hard for me to do

things that other people do easily is

because he earmarked you



why am I so doubtful why am I so

insecure why am I so needy why am I so

petty he earmarked you


so while men slept the enemy came

and planted the weeds

also wherever there was wheat

there would be


with intentionality too

he meant for you to be abused

I hate to tell you this he meant for you

to be molested

he meant for your father to hate you

he meant for your mother to give you to

your grandmother


he had to start the infrastructure early

because once you became fruitful

it would be too late to do anything to

you he had to start it early in your

life so you would be broken in all the

right places

you’re not just fighting a demon you’re

fighting a system

you’re fighting a system you’re fighting

a system that has been launched against

you but the only reason it’s been

launched is because you are wheat



seeks to corrupt the environment where

God has seed in the ground


The Saboteur is still slithering in the


in the text he is true

to the law of first mention when we

first meet him in Genesis he is

Slithering in the garden

he is still slithering

in the garden

wherever God is planting something

Satan will always be slithering

in the garden

somebody saw I had been planted

that means that Satan has been


in the garden we will always find him

slithering in the garden The Saboteur

the snake is stealthy and cunning he

waits till they’re asleep because he

knows that

if he would have come while they were

awake they would have driven them away

so while men sleep

he slithers

he waited till nobody was looking

he waited till nobody was at home

he waited till you were in a place of

vulnerability he waited till you were in

a place of desperation he waited until

your rent was backed up he waited till

you were in a crisis he waited till you

were a child he waited till you were in

a jam he waited until you went to summer

camp he waited until he went to the boys

school he waited he waited because the

enemy understands that

so wild men slept

he came

planting in the dark

showing in the soil

I don’t get to see him planted

and I don’t get to see what he planted

he is covered by the darkness of night

and his craftiness is hidden under the


when they wake up that morning they see

no difference

how many of you have gone through

something and nobody saw no difference

Here Comes my rooting system

when the man woke up that morning

they didn’t know when they were watering

the wheat


they were watering the weeds

and the infrastructure

has now become a system Underground

before the week comes up

before the wedding

before the degree

before the call to Ministry the system

you’re fighting a system

you’re fighting a system you’re not

fighting a devil you’re fighting a

system all I could see for days and days

and days was these Tangled Up roots

thank you

you are fighting an infrastructure the

Kingdom of Heaven is like listen to what

Jesus is saying the Kingdom of Heaven is

like the war is underground

the war is underground

the tangle is underground

you’re trying to fight on top of the


but the system is underground

you’re trying to fight in the flesh

but the system is in the spirit

it’s in the spirit world it’s in the

spirit world it’s in the spirit world

somebody say it’s in the spirit world

so the enemy has brought me to lesson

number three lesson number three get

this corruption and destruction are two

different things


and destruction

are two different things

he could not

destroy the wheat

so all he could do was corrupt the

environment in which the wheat was


oh God

he couldn’t stop you from coming up

he just wanted to make it hard for you


type it on the line he can’t kill this

he cannot kill my destiny he cannot kill

my future he cannot kill what God has

for me he cannot kill what God has

ordered he cannot kill what God has

ordained he cannot curse let me go

deeper he cannot curse what God has

blessed if I was blessed in my root I

will be blessed in my fruit you cannot

curse what God has blessed are there any

blessed people in the house

the witch cannot curse you hell cannot

curse you the demons cannot curse you

your trials cannot curse you what they

say about you cannot curse you while

they talk you cannot curse you how they

make fun of you cannot curse you


know it’s seven people and tell them I’m

blessed I’m blessed I’m blessed I’m

blessed I’m blessed I’m blessed I’m

blessed I’m blessed I’m blessed I bless

I bless I’m blessed I’m blessed I’m

blessed I’m blessed underground I’ve

blessed underground you may not be able

to see what the Lord has done for me but

I’m blessed underground if I’m blessed

underground I’m gonna be blessed when I

come up I’m blessed in my Uprising I’m

blessed in my down setting I’m blessed

in the city I’m blessed in the field I’m

blessed in season I’m blessed out a

season I’m just blessed haters get used

to it I’m just blessed I was blessed

before you saw it I was blessed before I

saw right now before I was formed in my

mama’s belly I was already blessed

I was blessed before I was a twinkle in

my daddy’s eye I was blessed before my

mother missed her cycle I was blessed

before she finished her first trimester

I was blessed before I peeped my head

out of her womb I was already blessed

before I was baptized I was blessed

before I was converted I was already

blessed in fact the reason I got

converted is because I was already

blessed it is not that I’ve chosen God

but that God has chosen me I’m blessed

I’m blessed I’m blessed

let’s stop left I’m blessed

bless I’m blessed

I’m blessed


give me my next slide I’m gonna keep

going how many blessed people do I have

in here

how many blessed people do I have

how many blessed people do I have how

many blessed people do I have




and destruction are not the same thing

and he couldn’t destroy my blessing he

wanted to corrupt my environment


I just answered a question that

somebody’s been praying about you’ve

been asking God why did things go down

like they went down

they only went down like that because

the hell knew you were already blessed

and the only thing he could do was

corrupt your environment


he was working underground he was

working in the root system he was

working before you ever saw who you were

he was working before you recognized

that there was a call on your life he

was working before you became fruitful

he was working before you got a title he

was working before men recognized her he

was working before you became a deacon

he was working before you came to Jesus

Christ but the devil already knew

because the devil believes in Siege more

than the Saints do if the Saints

believed in seeds offerings would be no

trouble but what we’re trying to

convince you of the Kingdom already

understands that you cannot reap what

you do not sow if you sow sparingly you

shall reap sparing that you shall know

the tree by the fruited Bears if you

don’t put nothing in you you don’t get

nothing out who am I talking to today

don’t let the children of this world

why is it that the children of light

got to understand that while the Earth

remaineth there will always be

sea time and harvest everything comes by

seed Grass Grows by seed I must come by

seed watermelon comes by seed you came

by seed Jesus is the Seed of Abraham

even God understands seed everything

comes by sea


if he was going to enter your area

he had to plant seeds

he knew what you doubt


you’re still trying to have success

without sacrifice


The Roots

that I saw

the twisting

of the roots

is all the infrastructure

of what the Kingdom of Heaven is like

watch this

the men didn’t even know

that the weeds were there

until the wheat

sprung up

the weeds

came up also

and the men come to

the master

and say from whence


these weeds

where did this come from

where did this come from

where did this come from

why am I like this

why is it so hard for me to get certain

things through my head

why can I not shut my mouth

why am I so abrasive

you’ve been thinking that something was

wrong with them

I just misunderstood no you mean

they didn’t misunderstand you

don’t misunderstand nothing else you do

unless a girl at the grocery store can’t

understand you

the guide to pick a counter when you’re

getting the ticket can’t understand you

they didn’t misunderstand you

they triggered you


and they triggered you because a system

was laid in place

we know what the system is

we know who planted it

the question remained in the text


did he planted

and this is an important question

if you don’t understand why

he planted it you can’t figure out how

to overcome it

my first thought was maybe the weeds

will kill the wheat

but the truth of the matter is the wheat

and the weed can grow up right beside

each other

and if it was sweet when it went in the

ground it’ll be wheat when it comes out

of the ground if it was a weed when it

went in the ground it’ll be a weed when

it comes out of the ground so if the

weeds didn’t kill the wheat

why did he plant it

again the Kingdom of Heaven is like the

Kingdom of Heaven is life are your power

should I quit


why did he plant it Sabrina I can’t

figure out why did he plant it

if he couldn’t curse what God is blessed

if he couldn’t change the molecular

structure of what he planted in me if he

couldn’t change my wheat to weed why did

he go out at night and Slither and put

the weed beside the wheat the Temptation

is not in the substance of the wheat and

the weed but the decision of how you

handle it

all right

come on come on come on come on don’t

leave me now because if you leave me now

you don’t miss the whole thing

the whole mystery is in the question

when they ask them for which cometh this

the master said an enemy has done this

they said should we go here it is and

pull up the weeds and he said no

leave it alone

feed the master new that there was a

system Underground

that even if you pull only the weeds

there was such a tangling in the roots

that he said if you pull up the weeds

you will kill the Wheats now I see what

the devil is trying to get me to do he’s

trying to get me to take matters into my

own hands

try to solve the problem but the Holy

Ghost told me to tell you

leave it alone

I don’t know who I’m talking to I don’t

even know what this means to you God

said you’re uncomfortable but leave it


you’re frustrated but leave it alone

you’re aggravated but leave it alone

your friend but leave it alone you’re

tired of it but leave it alone

that’s the setup the devil wants you to

do something God said you gotta have

enough Faith to leave it alone somebody

give him 30 seconds of Crazy Praise



hallelujah hallelujah

already wet now I might as well get

soaked hallelujah hallelujah


hallelujah hallelujah




I’m talking about

the power of doing nothing

the power of doing nothing it takes more

faith to do nothing than it does to do

something the enemy can’t curse you but

he’s trying to use you to crush yourself

be still and know that I am God if I

said it’s sweet it will be weak if I

said you’re blessed you will be blessed

stand still and see the salvation of the

Lord the enemies that you see today

somebody better grab my coattails cause

I feel like preaching up a fire in this

place leave it alone

don’t do nothing

stand still hold your peace the battle

is not yours it belongs to God somebody

shouted this house



it’s a booby trap

if you try to get out of it

you’re gonna kill your destiny

be still

the devil can’t cuss you he’s trying to

trick you into question yourself so he

built an infrastructure underground so

that when you grab the weed you’ll pull

up the Weeps


so the master says

Lesson Four let me give you this I’m

almost out to get one more after this

I’m done I want you to get this the

wisdom of waiting

it’s the opiate of faith

the wisdom of waiting is the opiate of


especially since time

is so expensive to spend

the trick

is to wait it out


the master says leave it alone

lest while trying to fix it

you make it worse

it’s a setup

we cannot change wheat

so why did he plant it


to trick you into this impatience

where you feel like you’re running out

of time and you’ve got to do something


now your faith is expressed through your



this is not your battle

the wisdom of waiting is the opiate of


the most expensive seed you can plant is

time if you’re so money you’re gonna get

some more money but if you plant time

you’ll never have it again

and the enemy has planned you with a

spirit of urgency

that makes you want to take matters into

your own hands


they that wait upon the Lord shall renew

their strength this amount of wings like

eagles they shall run and not be weary

they shall walk and not faint somebody

holla wait

somebody holla Waits somebody Hollow


be still foreign


leave it alone

it’s not that you’re wrong

it said the timing isn’t right

if you pull it

before the wheat is harvested

we will lose the whole Harvest

through the seduction of your

frustration with the wheat

he said in the time I feel prophetic

my prophesying to somebody

if I prophesying to you shout unto God


if you’re online say he’s prophesying to

me write it on the line he’s prophesying

to me he’s prophesying to me he’s

telling me how to handle it he’s

foretelling how to deal with this

situation because I’m frustrated and I’m

tired and I’m aggravated and I don’t

understand what I’m fighting and I don’t

know how it got started and I don’t know

where it came from and I don’t

understand why it’s like this and I got

two conflicting things operating at the

same time and the enemy is trying to

make me make a decision and I don’t know

what decision to make God said don’t

make any decision just stand still



you’re not wrong

it’s not time

the next verse says

that if you just wait it out

the Harvest cannot be rushed

this is lesson number five the Harvest

cannot be brushed by the need or even

The Angst of the planter

but it will come

it is inevitable

God says don’t pull it before the



I gotta quit

he says what is not lawful before the

Harvest is lawful in the time of harvest

watch the wisdom

if you pull it before the Harvest

you’re going to kill your destiny

but in the time of


the wheat coming up with the weeds won’t




because you’ve already brought forth


so he says

the Harvest cannot be rushed by the need

or The Angst of the planter

but it will come

it will come something somebody shot it

will come

it is inevitable

you are going to come into a harvest



you will be able to deal with in the

next season

without damage to your Harvest

he says when the Harvest comes up

pull the wheat

gather it into bundles

and burn it

because the terror that’s laying over

there that you uprooted When You Yank

the system

it’s already harvested

I’m gonna close

I really want to close it another way

but I’m out of town


the Lord told me to tell you

that you’re coming into your harvest


you’re coming into your harvest season

and the reason you’re so frustrated and

the weeds seem so intolerable weeds that

you’ve been tolerating for years are

driving you crazy in this season weeds

that you ignored in your past are are

driving you crazy at this moment is

because you’re closer to your Harvest

than you have ever been before

somebody in this room that’s been

waiting on harvest a long time you ought

to give God a harvest praise



the Lord meant for the choir to sing

It’s Already Done

they didn’t even know what I was going

to preach but the Holy Ghost says your

Harvest is already done

this is no time to panic this is no time

to get frustrated this is no time to

give up this is no time to give out

you’re about to come into your Harvest

whoever I’m preaching to for the next

three minutes to let hell know that you

heard from God

I want you to give


and bear you

I’m dare you to praise him

and praise him

principle of the Bible says that if

you’re so in tears

gonna reapen joy and there’s no way to

reap your Harvest as long as you’re

frustrated that’s why the devil is

trying to get on your nerves cause you

can’t reap with sorrow you’re so in

tears you reap with joy I dare you to

get your joy back

snatch some Joy get your joy back you’re

born in the Harvest foreign


who’s anybody

that’s expecting the hardest

I want joy to give it

to get it wrong


wait a minute everybody who ain’t

praising God you ain’t got nothing to

harvest with until you get your joy

with joy


on salvation you


I hate

I tell you the Harvest

your church I don’t have a tear to

harvest it


is already done

come on boys




it’s already done

it’s already done









on this 26th anniversary


I want you to understand that when I

told you to praise him for your Harvest

you are dancing in one of mine



lost your mama

lost my mama

bad Alzheimer’s in our arms

sickness struggle


where God would let me defend myself

he told me to shut up don’t say nothing

the hardest thing I ever did in my life

was to not fight back

I didn’t understand that my silence was

spiritual warfare

we dug a hole

and had money and good credit

and no lender

in this city

would give us the money

the 86 or so million dollars we needed

to build this bill I had never needed 86

million dollars in my life


you talking about scared

when those weeds started growing up in

this hole that we had dug till we ran

out of money

and I was leading people and telling


what God could do

and it wasn’t happening


and God said you just keep on preaching

it is not your job

to do anything

but what I call you to do


and you have come into another system in

this city

there is a demonic influence

over this region

that wants to subjugate certain people

to certain things and when you stick

your head up they try to crush you


the very fact that we are in this


thank you

tore down the old building

built a brand new structure in that


bought 400 acres of land across the


put schools and houses on it

before we got to do that

we crawled

we cried

we suffered

we couldn’t sleep

we couldn’t rest

but timing


is everything

26 years



remember Katrina

remember what we went through

remember the storms had Rose

remember how we were feeding people and

they were talking about me like a dog

remember when I came here how the

preachers were preaching against me on

the radio and television and I would

drive to church listening at them

cursing my Ministry

if anybody has a right to preach this




is everything

do some things now that I could never

have done then

because it is the time

of harvest

if you move out of time Prodigal Son

you will get what was yours too soon

and lose it all

it’s yours but it’s not time

you’re right when you say it’s yours

but timing

is everything

how many people heard God talking to you

this morning

type on the line if you heard God type

it on the line if you heard God hold

your hand up real high if you heard God

you know we always teach you about the

faith to do the faith to touch the faith

to crawl like the woman within your

blood the faith to do like to throw down

your bed and walk the faith to drop your

crutches of Faith to go to the pool we’d

never teach you about the faith of being


there are certain attacks that come

against you in the Kingdom that the

smartest thing to do is nothing

thank you

because it’s not

it’s not time yet


is everything in a moment I’m going to

challenge you just just a little simple

challenge I don’t want to make it hard I

don’t want to make it big I don’t want

to make it tall just just 26 don’t get

it yet don’t don’t move for it don’t go

for it I want to pray

but I want everybody online everybody

online everybody who heard God speak to

you in a very personal profound

prophetic way everybody in this building

26 lastest I want you to sow into this

this Harvest this present moment don’t

get it yet

don’t get it yet

I’m going to pray

for your patience



and pray

that you would have the courage to wait

when the urgency you feel inside

has got you on a 10. I gotta do

something I gotta do it I gotta do it

right now I gotta move I gotta make a

move it’s a setup

the weeds wouldn’t kill the wheat

then the answer to the text has got to


that he was trying to tempt them

to uproot the wheat to soon while you’re

aiming at the wheat while you’re aiming

at the weeds the devil is after your

wheat you have come too far to lose your


you have been through too much to lose

your weight

you have gone through hell why get here

and appoint the mission

you need to understand

that the enemy can’t curse you

but you can curse yourself

your mouth can curse you your temper can

curse you your tongue can Crush you your

anger and your frustration can curse

what God has blessed and the enemy knew

the strongest weapon he had against the

purpose of God was the people of God


in the time of harvest if we are not in

the time of harvest right now it ain’t



if the Harvest of the earth is not right

if we’re not living in the last day I

don’t know what the last day is if this

if you can’t pick up your Bible and your

newspaper and can’t tell which one you

read we are living in the final moments

of history if God be God where all kinds

of plagues before you can get over one

here comes another one and here comes

another one and here comes another one

and the Bible always said it but when I

was studying it we weren’t seeing it we

were studying it but we were not seeing

all manner of diseases no cures no

Solutions coming up before you can get

rid of one here comes another one they

got so many kovids out so many monkey

diseases we got birds flew we got all

kinds we’re running out of animals

and still you’re here


how dare you be frustrated

and breathe

you’re still here


the mass Graves

and you are still


if you can’t find no joy if you don’t

believe in God now you ain’t gonna never



some of you he kept from kovid

some of you he delivered through Kobe

you are walking talking testimony

that nothing the enemy did to destroy

you stopped you from being here today

you ought to be more grateful you ought

to be more faithful you ought to have

more praise you ought to have more

discipline you ought to have more

structure you are you are you are you

ought to be grateful more grateful more

grateful more grateful you you’re not on

a respirator more grateful


if you weren’t about to come into


all hell wouldn’t be breaking against



and wouldn’t be leveled against you



falling and fighting and going apart

we are rushing you remember if you’ve

been in this church a while I told you

all a few years ago I feel like we’re

rushing towards something I don’t know

what it is do you remember me telling

you I said I feel like we’re rushing at

something it’s like everything is sped

up and we’re moving towards something I

can’t see what it is and but we were

rushing towards something when hoping it

broke and we crashed globally yeah

we hit something that the world had

never seen before

I told my church two years before

everything is speeding up and we’re

heading towards something and we’re

gonna hit it I don’t know what it is but

I can feel it and I can feel it coming


these are the last days

timing is everything

the Bible said he would fool the very

elective possible

trying to fool you into making stupid


it’s a setup it’s a trap


your patience is critical

your endurance is critical

you are forbearance is necessary



trust him to finish what he started

he that had began a good work in you

shall perform it unto the day of Jesus


every person who needs patience

the Bible said run with patience

the race that is set before you

what an oxymoron how can I run and be

patient those are two different feelings

God said you got to keep your Rhythm and

calm your spirit

you gotta run

with patience because

you got to keep your breathing steady

and your legs going fast

run with patience the race set is set

before you lift your hands if you need

that patience


you are not forgotten

you are not forsaken you have not been

left behind

I know it’s scary to be surrounded by

weeds but no weapon formed against you

shall be able to prosper


must believe that it’s still going to


that it’s not too late

that you’re not into deep

that God has not forgotten you

be still and trust him right now

we are in a dangerous place

our frustrations and our moods and our

feelings cannot be trusted

the Kingdom of Heaven is Latin

I know there’s an eschatological

understanding of this text of Jesus

exegetes in another chapter I know all

of that I understand all of that but

what the Holy Spirit gave me to give you

this text is a Rhema word for your




shut your mouth

hold your peace

praise your God

let the devil know that you know that if

I went in the ground wheat I’m coming up


I’m going to go from seed to wheat to


seed to wheat to bread I won’t stop till

I pieces of bread I won’t stop until I

feed my family my heirs my descendants I

will not stop until my vision is

completed in my Ministry I will not stop

until I see the hope of my calling I

will not stop until this anointing comes

to fruition I will not stop I will not



let the spirit of patience

come over this people

let all bickering and murmuring cease

and quietness and confidence shall be

your strength

quietness and confidence

means you’re strong not loud and

boisterous and yelling and screaming

quiet and confidence

shall be your strength

be still

be still

be still

I know that I am


on this 26th anniversary

of what seemed impossible

this was the hardest baby I ever birthed

the labor pains caused everything


your normal is my Harvest

you walked into it you see it as normal

I see it as harvest


that a Backwoods Boy from the hills of

West Virginia born in a raggedy house on

the side of a cliff

who nobody knew

that God would raise him up to this

place at this moment and this hour is a

sign to this generation


thank you

I don’t know what your destiny is I

don’t know what your prophecy is

it may not be to do this or that or the

other but God has something in store for

you or you would be buried


you are

stop complaining

you are Alive’s top memory

take a deep breath everybody online

everywhere take a deep breath

breathe it in

blow it out

peace be unto you


rest upon you

you are closer to your Harvest than you

have ever been in your life

in the time of harvest

in the time of harvest

you can separate one thing from another

but you cannot be tricked

to aborting your promise


speak Holy Spirit


you must


a believer

not just an action but in peace

your faith must give you peace

and confidence and in patience I decree

and declare

that your patience would terrify the


that you would see patience as a weapon

I steal a grit that God would birth in

you to dig in your heels and span that

God would make your feet as Hinds feet

and you would not be moved

take turn those side

on the 26th anniversary of this miracle

I’m standing in today

I decree and declare that your miracle



to pass

everybody who believes it and receives

it give God praise right now


come on



come on


this is a simple thing

this is a simple thing everybody

watching Everybody online everybody in

the building everybody that has access

can at Ken so can plan

26 on our 26th anniversary I want it to

be a memorial before God that I heard

him when he spoke to me


is everything


I can be right but if the time is wrong

I can abort the promise
