amen and amen praise God I was here in

the sanctuary last night took a little

bit of time to pray here and um

I told Pastor Tim whenever he’s away

because he he and Cindy come to the

sanctuary on Saturday night and they

pray over everyone in the chairs in this

Sanctuary they pray for you

that who are sitting here today that the

fullness of God would be realized in

your life that you would be strengthened

and moved and brought into what God has

for your future

and I hope you’re thankful for a senior

pastor that would spend that time

praying for you because I sure am

so I told him when you’re when you’re

away I’ll come in and I’ll take your

place and I’ll pray for the people and

what a pleasure it is to see you here

knowing that you were prayed for and

have been prayed for continuously that

God would bless you I want to ask for an

honest uh question and I’m asking for an

honest answer

with no praised hand how many would be

willing to tell me this morning and say

Pastor I I feel like I’m in a Wilderness

time in my life could you just raise

your hand wherever you are all right

hold them up high all over the place so

just so you know you’re not alone okay

would you be surprised if I told you

this morning that God Drew you there

this is something sovereign

and for those who didn’t raise your hand

and you are in a Wilderness God Drew you

there too as well

into this place

and he’s going to show you something

that I don’t think you can really find

any other place but in the place where

God has been drawing you Psalm 60 if

you’ll turn there with me Psalm 60 I’m

using the new King James Bible if you’re

wondering what translation to look up on

your on your cell phone

I want to speak to you this morning

about finding Grace

in the wilderness a Psalm of King David

the psalm of trial and difficulty he

starts out in verse one he says O Lord O


you’ve cast us off

you’ve broken us down

you’ve been displeased

oh restore us again

this was I don’t know the particular

time there’s of course a lot of history

behind this but King David is talking

about a time where he was feeling this

that somehow the favor of God had been

withdrawn from the nation

he knew that the people he was anointed

to govern were supposed to be a people

that were

used of God to bring glory to the name

of God in the Earth

but suddenly he felt very very distant

not just David but the nation itself had

become very distant from God

and broken down in David’s own words in

other words the the things that were

crafted and built by the hand of God

seemed to be in disarray

he sensed the displeasure of the Lord

but he also knew that when you pray God

hears God answers

that’s why he finishes verse 1 with the

words oh restore us again God bring us

back to our intended purpose on the

earth I don’t know how we drifted from

you but we did so God restore us

he said in verse 2 you’ve made the Earth


you’ve broken it heal its breaches for

it is shaking the ground underneath us

in other words is not as stable as it

used to be

we don’t feel solid we we knew our

purpose at one time but our purpose is


you’ve shown your people hard things and

you’ve made us to drink the wine of


we knew who we were we knew where we

were going David is saying we knew our

Divine Purpose

but we have strayed from it and now

we’re looking instead of blessing we’re

looking at difficulty within our borders

and there’s such confusion in our

society when everything was so clear at

one time we knew who we were we knew our

purpose we knew where we were going and

we knew we were the people of God in

that season

in verse 4 he says you’ve given a banner

to those who fear you that it may be

displayed because of the truth

that your beloved may be delivered save

with your right hand

and hear me now this Banner is a is is

almost in a type it’s a type of a flag

it’s something that you unfurl it’s a

public declaration

and David is saying God to those who

love you still to those who fear you

you’ve given us something that can be

publicly declared

and it can be displayed we don’t have to

be hidden nor does this work have to be

hidden because of the truth

Deliver us God we are your beloved save

with your right hand

and hear me

David starts out this particular Psalm

by saying God you you’ve cast us off

we’re no longer United with you and as a


we’re now divided even in the nation one

from another

we’ve lost the blessing and the power

that has historically accompanied this


you think of the Psalm 133 that talks

about when Brethren dwell together in

unity there’s an anointing of God that

comes with that Unity when we’re in

unity with God we will be in unity with

one another

when we become disunified with God we

automatically become disunified with one


when we walk together in unity

particularly with God first and foremost

there’s an anointing that sets us apart

the scripture says from other people of

this world we look around at the world

today and we see just this this this

division almost everywhere the division

is becoming violent it’s becoming vile

in its speech and it’s going to lead to

what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 24

are wars and rumors of wars as a matter

of fact he says that in the last days

ethnos or ethnic culture will rise

against ethnic culture we’re seeing that

today we’re seeing it in the Ukraine

we’re seeing it in other parts of the

world and I wish they could say it’s

going to get better but I don’t believe

it is because the scripture doesn’t bear

witness to that it’s going to get

progressively worse until the Lord

himself has to intervene to for the sake

of his own elect

there’s an anointing when we walk

together in unity you felt it this


we’re in this sanctuary and last count

at least there was 104 different nations

worshiping in this one church called

Times Square Church in New York City and

because of the unity because we find

ourselves at the cross that there’s a

there’s a presence of God here you don’t

find anywhere in the world you don’t

find it on New Year’s Eve down in Times

Square you don’t find it in any theater

other than this one on Broadway you

don’t find it anywhere there is a Unity

produced by God there’s there’s an

anointing and you feel that anointing

today the presence of the Lord is here

we don’t just sing about it his presence

is here and in your heart you know it in

your heart you’re feeling something this

world doesn’t even if you’re visiting

today you feel something in your heart

that you don’t find anywhere in the

world no matter how many people give

flowers to each other or chocolates or

wash each other’s feet whatever it is

you still don’t feel that Unity apart

from God there is a blessing of life

there’s a blessing of Separation there’s

a blessing that only comes from God when

Brethren walked together in unity

the psalm goes on to say that it brings

a a watering on the earth in other words

there’s when we walk together in unity

with God it affects not just us but it

affects people all around us it can

affect talents cities societies cultures

countries and actually can even affect

the world when God’s Brethren walk

together in unity

and the Lord himself says at the end of

Psalm 133 that when we choose to walk in

unity with God and subsequently one

another there is a blessing of life that

is commanded

praise be to God life is commended I

I’ve pastored here for 26 years and I in

those 26 years I can’t tell you the

numbers of times that visitors came into

this sanctuary and began to weep even

before we begin to sing because there

was a command of life because we were

walking together and are walking

together in unity with God

and with one another but David says

we’ve we’ve lost this blessing

we’ve lost this power of unity we feel

like we’ve been cast off from God we’re

broken down oh God restore us again

a prime example of that would be America

itself we were once known as one nation

under God in 1776 John Adams Ben

Franklin and Thomas Jefferson

suggested that the theme actually the

motto of the United States should be e

pluribus unum which means out of many

one the first Great Seal of the United

States in 1776 was approved by an act of

Congress and this was declared to be the

motto of the United States of America

that no matter where we came from around

the world we it was a Melting Pot that’s

what it was called we we Blended

together into one people one value

system one go forward strategy

it was eventually replaced by an act of

Congress in 1956 when the motto in God

we trust was adopted as the official

motto of the nation not just on our

coins it was actually the in the Great

Seal of the United States

now more recently in America cultural

forces have come in and are changing

America’s motto into in God we no longer

trust and out of one

we are now many

I don’t know if you’re aware of this or

not I hope you are

that there are forces at work and I

believe it’s spiritual forces

in dark places that are at work to

divide this nation and bring it to


Matthew chapter 12 verse 25 Jesus

himself said every Kingdom divided

against himself is brought to Desolation

and every city or house divided against

itself will not stand

that is definitive that is red letter in

my Bible That’s from the mouth of Jesus

Christ the disunity that we are now

experiencing in our nation is leading to

the downfall of one of the greatest

testimonies of God’s grace next to

Israel that is that the World perhaps

has ever known

David says you made the Earth to tremble

you’ve broken it Psalm 60 verse 2 heal

its breaches for it is shaken in other

words the ground that we once stood upon

is now shaking Psalm 79 the psalmist

says in verse 1 oh God the Nations have

come into your inheritance

your Holy Temple they have defiled and

they’ve laid Jerusalem in heaps

we have become a reproach to our

neighbors a scorn in a derision

to those that are around us

God what happened to us the psalmist is

saying we were a people specifically set

apart for a Divine Purpose but suddenly

forces came into the nation

and they defiled your temple and they’ve

taken that which was governed and guided

by your hand and now we look around us

and it’s filled with ruins

and a nation that was once admired that

was once feared in this world is now

becoming a reproach and laughing stock

and a scorn and a derision as they look

and they see confusion abounding on

almost every side

does that not describe the day that we

are now living in

Psalm 74 the psalmist says beginning in

verse 4 he says your enemies Roar in the

midst of your meeting place and they set

up their banners for signs in other

words the psalmist is saying

forces of command that are destroying

our history and setting up their own

ideas of Truth as guideposts

are we not experiencing that in America


there are forces there are powers of

Darkness trying to destroy everything

historical in the nation and erect no

truths which are really lies as if they

are the things that have guided us and

will guide us into the future

verse 5 says they seem like men who lift

up axes among the thick trees now they

break down its carved work all at once

with x’s and hammers they’ve set fire to

your Sanctuary they’ve defiled the

dwelling place of your name to the


forces are destroying the work of

previous generations

they set fire in your house they

threatened they intimidate they try to

intimidate the people of God they are


of anything that holds to a biblical


in verse 8 gives their absolute

intentions as they said in their hearts

let us destroy them all together they’ve

burned up all the meeting places of God

in the land now here’s the bottom line

they want every influence of God in the

nation to be gone

eradicated from society no mention of

his name no morality from the scriptures

nothing of the Cornerstone upon which

this nation was founded and if you know

history that’s not even debatable

the people who came to Plymouth

Massachusetts in 1620 they started they

signed a compact that this nation was

founded on the cornerstone of bringing

honor to the name of Jesus Christ

throughout the world it was to be a

nation founded on the principles of God

that is not up for debate that is

history for anybody who cares to do any


verse 21 the psalmist says in Psalm 74

all do not let the oppressed return to

shamed let the poor and needy Praise

Your Name arise o God and plead your own

cause and remember how the foolish man

reproaches you daily do not forget the

voice of your enemies and the tumult of

those that rise up against you increases

continually this is what the psalmist is

saying he’s saying oh God help us

help us as you have helped those in the


help us Lord God Almighty don’t turn

your back on this is your people

help us Lord Jesus Christ because you

said in the word that this mountain can

still be moved and pushed into the sea

God Almighty you told us that whatever

we ask in prayer believing that we

should receive it

and in Psalm 60 again in verse 4

David said you’ve given a banner to

those who fear you that it may be

displayed because of the truth that your

beloved may be delivered save with your

right hand

and hear me

so here’s the confidence in this man’s

heart is God you’ve given us a Gathering


you’ve given us something of yourself

Lord that we don’t have to hide we can

unfurl this Banner

and this Banner can be seen that it can

bring your name again to reputation

because we stand on the ground of Truth

and we know the truth cannot be

triumphed over by any power of Darkness

so realistically what is this Banner

that we’re talking about

in Jeremiah chapter 31 in a season

of terrible difficulty for the people of

God the prophet

Jeremiah writes these words in chapter

31 verse 2 thus says the Lord

the people who survived the sword

found Greece

in the wilderness

when I went to Israel when I went to

give him rest

the Lord appeared of old to me say yes I

have loved you with an everlasting love

therefore with loving kindness I have

drawn you

where has he drawn you in his loving


Into the Wilderness

he’s drawn you and I at this season in

our juncture as a nation into a very dry

place a very unfamiliar place

a place where all the distractions are

being taken away and all the Hope in a

sense that humankind in a sense can

solve its own problem is now gone

and we find ourselves in a place where

the only thing left in our heart is that

which was in the heart of David oh God

oh God

it’s got to be you it’s got to be only

you you’ve got to come and do something

that will vindicate your own name we

have yes failed we have fallen

we let our guard down we forgot who we

were as a people we forgot why we’re

we’re established as a nation but in

your mercy you have drawn us into the

Wilderness to reason with us one more


and in this Wilderness you promise that

we will find Grace and so if you’re in

the wilderness this morning you need to

thank God you’re there because that is

the drawing of God that has brought you

into this place

if you’re in a place this morning where

you don’t know the way out

you don’t know the way forward you are

indeed blessed by God I’ll tell you that

straight out because now there’s only

one voice that matters now there’s only

one person to turn to it doesn’t matter

if the nation is blue or red or green or

yellow or it doesn’t matter the color of

the nation we’re not looking to man to

solve our problems anymore we have a

spiritual problem in this nation

and David Cries Out

in Psalm 60 verse 5. that your beloved

may be delivered save with your right

hand you’re right the right hand of God

is the hand of power and hear me

David cries out as a king who was a man

after the heart of God lord there is no

other way out of this dilemma

we’re broken down

we are distant from you we’ve lost our


the Earth is trembling

confusion is on every corner and in

every pair of lips you have made your

people to see hard things we’ve had to

drink this wine of confusion ourselves

but oh God in the wilderness you’ve

given us a banner that can be displayed

because of Truth

it’s not a bad thing to be in the

wilderness it’s a good thing to be in

the wilderness because God is going to

do something in this generation that

only he could do that’s why listen to me

that’s why God in the last two years has

prepared this church to go International

all around the world the lord is going

to do something here that only he can do

because we are going to call out to him

we are going to seek God save us some

trust in chariots some trust in horses

but we will remember the name of the

Lord our God

they are brought down and Fallen but we

are risen saved Lord let the king hear

us when we call we call out to you God

unashamedly unreservedly we call out to

you for our homes for our children for

our families my God for what we allowed

ourselves to become as a nation come

Lord Jesus come Lord Jesus and sweep

away the Refuge of Lies sweep away the

powers of Darkness that want to swallow

the testimony of your goodness in this

nation sweep away the confusion wants to

confuse our children at every

conceivable level

sweep away the baptism of immorality

that wants to destroy the strength of

the men of this nation

sweep it all away oh God sweep it all


call to me the Lord says call out to me

in the wilderness

David says Hear Me in response Jeremiah

33 3 the Lord says call to me

and I will answer you and I will show

you Great and Mighty things which you do

not know

in other words call to me and I will I

will show you things which you’re not

presently experiencing or maybe you have


God is the one

who took 51 emaciated pilgrims in 1620.

who met in the house they’re half

starved surrounded by enemies with no

gold forward strategy but they prayed in

that house

and they said Lord you promised to bring

us to a land where we could worship you

freely and according to your word and

according to conscience

half of us have died then the rest of us

are starving and we are surrounded by

enemies but oh God you promised that if

we called out to you we would see our

prayers answered

and from 51 half dead people meeting in

a house is now called lot one Plymouth

Massachusetts a nation of over 330

million people was born

we were given abilities to do things

that only God could have given us

we became a nation that became the Envy

of the modern day world and people even

in our backslidden condition people are

still risking life and limb to come here

under the promise of a better life

the psalmist says God

give us help Psalm 60 verse 11 and 12

from trouble for the help of man is


through God we will do valiantly for he

it is who will tread down our enemies

through God

through God I’m not looking the

government I’m not looking to courts I’m

not looking to personalities I’m not

looking to fancy preachers I’m looking

at God to do what only God can do in

this generation we’re now living in I’m

looking for a spiritual awakening in

America I’m looking for a moment of

conscience among the people I’m I’m

looking for a season of time

where all of a sudden

just like the prodigal son it’s like in

the snap of our fingers that we suddenly

come to ourselves and say god what have

we done as David did in this Psalm says

in a sense when you look at the psalmist

Lord what what did we do how did we lose

what we had

and you and I know from the history of

King David that God had a tender heart

towards him and would answer him when he

crawled out

and so the bottom line is

I’m unfurling my banner today


no matter where I am no matter where you

are I don’t care if I’m in the backside

of the desert means nothing to me

whatsoever I’m unfurling my banner

because that is the promise you have

given a banner to those who fear you

that it may be displayed

because of the truth I’m unfurling a

banner that says in God I still Trust

Hallelujah and I still believe

that Unity is possible I still believe

the powers of Darkness can be caused to


I still believe you’re the same

yesterday today and forever I still

believe that you answered prayer

I still believe that out of weakness we

will be made strong I still believe that

we can set the mouths of lions I still

believe we can stand against armies and


I still believe in the mercy of God I

still believe in the power of God I

still believe in the glory of God I

still believe in the plan of God I still

believe in God hallelujah

hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah


Glory Glory Glory Glory To Your Name



Glory Glory Glory

Glory Glory

Hallelujah and though I may be in the

wilderness maybe we’re there together I

will find Grace there I will find God


I’m taking my flag out of its container

I’m unfurling that thing and holding it


Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord

of lords

and one day every knee will bow every

tug will confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord

Hallelujah to the Lamb of God

Glory Glory Glory Glory

and David the psalmist

says many will see it

and turn back to God

it’s time for the church to rise it’s

time for you and I to unfurl our Banner

and say God I trust you

I don’t care what anybody else says I

still trust you

I don’t care what anybody else does I

believe in the power of unity

and I’m going back to what we left


praise God and I’m going to believe for

a spiritual awakening in this generation

because let me tell you something folks

people are sick and tired of the sin in

this country right now they’re tired

they’re tired they’ve had enough of it

David said in Psalm 40 and I’m going to

close with this I waited patiently for

the Lord and He inclined to me and heard

My Cry

he brought me up also out of a horrible

pit out of the Mirey clay and set my

feet upon a rock and established my

steps and he put a new song in my mouth

praise to our God many will see it in

fear and trust in the Lord

praise God I’m unfurling my song I’m

taking my banner I’m taking out my song

sheet and I’m going to start singing in

the wilderness praise God I’m going to

start giving God glory

for who he is and what he does and what

he’s going to do in the future the best

days are just ahead of us glory to God

and you know it in your heart I’m not

telling you something you don’t already


because the holy spirit’s been speaking

it to you

you and I both know that this is a

perilous moment

in the history of this world

we don’t know how many days we have left

we don’t know if some mad man somewhere

is going to release a nuclear weapon we

just don’t know it it all probability it

will happen one day

but this one thing I do know

Jesus Christ is still on the throne


and if I turn to him he will make me

more than I am he will give me more than

I could ever possess and he will take me

where I could never go and when I get

there he’d give me words to speak to the

people he sends me to praise be to God

many will see it

and fear

and begin to trust in God

years ago I wrote a song based on one of

David’s Psalms called I will trust in


and I want to give an altar call this


because I want to call people who are

you’re in a Wilderness of some sort or

maybe you’re just stuck in neutral you

maybe you’re one of the persons that can

say Pastor I’m not in the wilderness but

I’m just going nowhere I feel like I’m

Treading Water I’m not I’m not gaining

I’m not losing ground but I’m not

gaining ground either in my walk with

God and that’s a Wilderness place

but today I hear this drawing of God I

hear God calling me to something deeper

than I’ve known or a place farther than

I’ve ever gone to be more than I could

ever hope to be

In My Own Strength

and I want to live the kind of life that

brings glory to God in this season of

utter confusion that we’re now living

and I want to be a person that brings I

don’t I don’t I want to get to the place

where I don’t have to say anything

people will see this song

and I was checking out at the grocery

store just a little few years back and I

wasn’t particularly good day just an

ordinary day and as I’m putting my stuff

along the the conveyor belt the the the

lady at the cash looks at me says I see

something in you what is it I’m looking



isn’t that amazing

it’s called a new song

it’s called a confidence in God it’s

called no matter what’s going on around

me yes the price of groceries are going

up but that doesn’t affect me

obviously it doesn’t affect me


my confidence is not in the price

of groceries

or the price of oil


it’s in God

and more than anything in my whole life

I want his name to be loved again and




I will trust in God

all of my days


though the Seas May Roar

mountains leave their place

the hearts of men may fade

tears on every face


safely I will stand

in God’s Amazing Grace

I will trust in God

I will trust in God

Come What May in Christ I say I will

trust in God

I will trust in God

I will trust in God

Come What May in Christ I say I will

trust in God so I’m going to invite you

I’m going to sing it again but I’m going

to invite you to come to this Altar and

unfurl your banner

pull that flag that is yours and it’s

Uniquely Yours pull it out of the tube

set it in the right place and display it

and say God give me a song

God give me a countenance that speaks of

trust in you give me

give me strength that can only come from


no matter how confusing the day is no

matter how dark the Wilderness might be

Lord you have drawn me here

and you told me that if I call out to

you you would answer me

so this is my altar call to you today

that you come and we’ll we’ll unfurl or

banish together and we’ll pray together

and let’s believe God for the miraculous

let’s stand together and if that’s no

you can’t you can’t unfurl that Banner

until you have acknowledged Jesus Christ

as your lord and savior

and if you haven’t done that I would

encourage you to open your heart today

and just say Jesus I can’t save myself

and forgive me for thinking I ever could

you died on a cross from me you paid the

price for the wrong I have done

and it’s because of that sacrifice that

you made I can know today that I can be


for the things that I have done what’s

the Bible called sin

I believe in my heart that you died in

my place and because of that I can know

today that I can be forgiven

of all the wrong that I have done and I

confess with my mouth that from this day

forward you are the Lord Of My Life

I won’t govern my own life by my own

thoughts anymore I’ll go into your word

and your word will begin to guide me

and you will become my God and you will

give me that that life that I heard

about today

if that’s in your heart please just pray

this prayer with me let’s all pray it

together for the sake of those who want

to pray it today and those who are

online as well who need to surrender to

Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus

thank you for loving me

thank you for dying on a cross for me

and coming to get me

in the place where I am


I open my heart to you

I invite you into my life

to be my God

and my savior

I confess you

as the Lord Of My Life

from this day forward

I will follow you

thank you for loving me

thank you for saving me

and now I thank you for keeping me

in Jesus name

amen and amen praise God