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father we thank you

for this another opportunity to minister

to these your precious sheep

thank you lord that for revelation


flowing freely

uninterrupted and unhindered by any

satanic or demonic force




transform every world changer

may we will never be the same again


holy spirit you are

welcome in this place


everybody that’s here

under this dome roof and everybody

that’s streaming in

you will never be the same again

we give you praise 49 jesus name

and everybody said

now come on praise the lord like you’re





i um

over the years have often

shared with my men and women of god that

the pulpit


my place of


and i’ve never


shared like on i’m getting ready to

share now

i don’t know

if i’ll make it

through without crying i’ve already

cried all morning

i pulled up in the parking lot crying

this morning blessed burns harder he

probably didn’t know what was happening

my wife she said you gonna be to handle

this i said i don’t know

i’ve never seen what i saw

i’ve never heard what i heard

and i get to share it

with world changes


i just love to do three folk cartwheels

a drain brown split

hit the hammond organ and just let her


but i’ve never seen what i saw

and so

prepare your ears

dismiss your religion

put the selfishness about yourself to


and hear you the word of the lord

are you ready

now listen here’s what i want you to do

everybody go through something

you’re never going to be the only one

my god

but what you’re gonna sense

in this place and over the stream

is the answer for the rest of the time

it’s not what you know about

him but this morning

you will carry his presence

and some of you who walked into this


needing a touch from god

he will touch you as you sit and hear

and surely you will know what we missed

and what we got to come out of

normal church plan

it’s got to be about him

i told you

three four weeks ago something’s coming

i didn’t know

a lot of it was going to be coming to me

but i know what it is now

and now i know why god called us

world changers


now if you’ll

sit with me in dismiss your religion and


ain’t nothing wrong with me but i don’t

know how many times i’m gonna cry

some of you have gone through hell

and i was going through it right with

you i just couldn’t tell nobody at the

time what i was going through and what i

was seeing and what i saw


but we owe the devil a good old fashion

if you handle it you can stay if not if

you run out i don’t mind

if i bought a demon he had to run out of

here as quick as i could too

but i want you to turn in at least three

people and tell them

everything’s all right

you can be seated

if you have your bibles

go with me to the book of


daniel chapter 11

and verse 32.

daniel chapter 11

and verse 32.

what’s happened to the church

in fact what is it now

i thought about

this new health food that came out years

ago called asehi berry

and when i first

tried it

it was sweet and tasty

had bananas in it

i thought it was the greatest thing to

hit the planet

until i decided i wanted to make it

myself and i went and got the raw form

it was frozen

when i tasted it it didn’t taste nothing

like what i had

it was bitter

it had no sweetness to it

it had no sugar in it

i tasted it

before all the add-ons were put to it

and god said to me that’s what happened

to the church

he said there’s been so much add-ons to


that people taste me with the sugar

and with the honey


and with the miracles

and with the signs and the wonders

that they don’t even know how i taste

he said my son

i want you to go and remove all the


and i want you to introduce the church

to me

and let them know if they’ll take me in

my raw form

when they taste me it’ll be good

with no additives

with no sugar

just me

what has the church become

this place where we can

satisfy our own

desires is it become

this place where we can show up and

build our image

has become a place where we can take it

and use it to compete with the world

what has the church become

is it a place where we can now set up

our own award shows so that we can

gratify one another what is it

where has it become and where am i in

my church

so what i’m about to show you

i’ll show it to you through scripture

we’ll walk together through this

and you’ve got to decide

whose church you’re going to be a part


i don’t want to be a part of that church

that has to add something to god

because if god

needed to be added to then he might not

be the god i thought he was

and trust me

he doesn’t need any additives

he’s god all by himself

if you understand that say amen

let’s read verse 32 out loud together

verse 32 out loud together

ready read

and such

as do wickedly against the covenant

shall he corrupt by flatteries

but the people that do know their god

shall be strong

and they do and they will do exploits

the people that do

know their god look at verse 32 and the

new living translation

the people that do know their god

my apologies that i don’t have any

makeup on and didn’t come out and look

flawless but

i found that god didn’t require that of


apologize i didn’t come in with the

right hoop and holler to get you going

but this ain’t about you


are you listening to me

verse 32 says he will flatter and win

over those who have violated the

covenant but the people

who know their god

will be strong

and will resist him

we’re talking about the people that know

their god

another translation says and the people

that know their god you will know they

know their god because they’re going to

be strong

and they’re going to have the ability to


the people that know their god will be


see you don’t know if you know god until

you don’t went through something that

lets you see if you strong


oh y’all don’t hear what i’m saying

you got christians and people in church

talking about how they know god they

don’t know him

they know about him but those that know

their god you don’t know your god you

don’t know your god and you don’t know

if you strong until you open the cabinet

up and thought you had food but want

nothing in there

the people that know their god they know

how to resist

whatever the devil comes at him with

people that know their god

in the middle of the hurt and the pain

somehow found the strength to be able to

go to the other side

the people that know their god

thought they had two more days before

they cut to power

but the power was not on no more and yet

they were able to still go through it

the people that know their god

i’m not talking about some of that i

said somebody says they know god because

they they never went through nothing but

i tell you until you go through

something with him you don’t know him

you don’t know him

you don’t know him because you know he’s

greek and hebrew name

you don’t know him because you’ve been

in church for the last you know 10 20

years you don’t know him

because you know five songs about him

don’t don’t confuse

knowing about god with getting to know


you don’t really know somebody until you

know when something you know went

through something with them

when you know went through some pain you

know god when when you were in addiction

you got out didn’t know how you got out

didn’t see no ladder nowhere you know

your god when

when you opened the cabinet up and see

no food and still didn’t know where no

food was going to front come from but

everything turned out to be all right

then you know your god when

when when all hell broke loose and the

faith people tell something that

something was wrong with you because you

went through something but i’m telling

you something wrong with them because

they’re going around declaring that they

know somebody they’ve not yet met yet

i know him

and i know him better today

than i’ve ever known him before in my


i knew him when i was going through


i knew him when i was going through


i knew him when

millions of dollars were due in ministry

and i had no idea where it was going to

come from but

maybe it wasn’t a gigantic

boom but

when you know god everything just seems

to turn out all right

here boss

and i prophesy to those of you

right in the middle of a hell that don’t

nobody know about but you and god

everything is going to turn out all


everything going to turn out all right

somebody said well what do i get out of

all of everything all this hell i’ve

been going through all this hurt i’ve

been going through the pain i’ve been

going through some of you’re so broken

and there’s nothing else left to be


and yet when you come out of this

you’ll come out and say

i know my god

somebody say how you know your god he

says i’ve been in a place with him where

i was strong

and i didn’t even know where that string

was coming from

somebody says how you know your god he

says i was in a position where i had to

withstand and withdraw and with and will

stand against what i

i didn’t even know i could stand up

against stuff like that

but but after a week later two weeks

later a month later i found myself

that that after it was all over with i

was still standing i thought i’d be dead

and gone but i’m still here i know my


not you know him cause you wear a


not you know him because you’ve been

saved for a minute or two

i know people who have been saved for 30

years and they still




they that know their god

shall be strong

do you have a witness

where you were strong

when you didn’t even know the strength

was there

don’t talk to me about knowing god

don’t come talking to me about you know

a god

and you know god because you ain’t never

walked in lack and you ain’t never

been in pain and you ain’t never been

hurt you ain’t never been betrayed and

you ain’t never been bout to die don’t

don’t don’t talk don’t tell me you don’t

know god because you’ve never been

through something

everybody i read about in the bible that

know their god

i know three hebrew boys that walk

through a fiery furnace they knew their


i knew a man that woke up surrounding by

a bunch of hungry lions he knew his god

and i know a few world changers around

here that went through hell and have

come out

i’m telling you you know your god


and you have a pastor

that knows

his god

i know god

what are you searching for

something you couldn’t achieve in the

world and

so you’re trying to use god to try to

get something

that you were too

pitiful and weak to try to get in the


when are you just going to be satisfied

with just jesus

how much longer are you going

to keep adding to him

how come he’s not enough right now

because you never been through nothing

because when you start going through

something and you found out that what

you thought was enough wasn’t really


and then when it was over with and he

brought you out

you know your god

they that know their lord their god

they’re going to be strong

they’re going to be able to resist

they’re not gonna just roll over and

give up and cave in and quit and not

come to church no more because they

don’t know why god didn’t let them get

their job and i don’t know why god

didn’t give me no promotion and why

didn’t god keep my marriage together and

why didn’t god you don’t know your god

you know about a religious image that

people tried to use to draw you to a god

where there was an additive of sugar and

honey you know about a a a a god and i

say he god that they added a bunch of

stuff to to make the taste

taste a little better

i’m talking about a god then while

you’re going through and you’re talking

to him you don’t know where yet

i’m talking about a god while you’re

going through and you’re trying to

figure out what did i do and you he

don’t say nothing to you

i’m talking about a god

better sit there and wait till you go

through all the hell and then when you

come out say now let me explain to you

what has happened


i will not

be afraid

and those of you who have walked in fear

i command that fear to free you loose

you let you go right now

know your god

and fear not

they they know their lord their god

they’re going to do

they’re going to do

exploits the bible says now

this is very interesting because he said

the people who

who have stood strong

anybody in heaven stood strong before

the people in here who have had to


he said they will do exploits and i said


what are exploits show me what the world

sees when they hear the word exploits

they they see they see feats and

uh noteworthy or extraordinary acts

and see that’s what folks working for


they want to

perform extraordinary acts

not that god can get the glory but

somebody can pat them on the bat and say

you anointed you something look at you

and you ain’t nothing

and you ain’t never been nothing without


everything you’ve ever done everything

you’ve ever accomplished in him you move

in him you breathe

in him you have your very being and you

got enough nerve to try to get god to do

something through you to make you look

good and somehow you think

somehow you think

you are all of that without god and i’m

here to tell you with all the love i

have in my heart you ain’t nothing

without god


i’m feeling all right kenny

but here’s what it means to do exploits

they shall accomplish the humanly


see when you do an exploit you

accomplish something that human beings

are not used to

seeing being accomplished by human


when you do exploits

he says you obtain naturally what

is unobtainable

you see god getting ready to show out

through those that know their god

you’re going to start attaining stuff

that you weren’t supposed to ever be

able to obtain


who came out of the ghetto

you who were born on the wrong side of

the tracks

you who don’t make the money that people

say that you ought to make

god said i’m going to take you because

you wouldn’t forget about me when you

were going through and i didn’t forget

about you

and now i’m getting ready to use you to

obtain what you can’t obtain


i’m getting ready to use you

to accomplish what human beings are not

supposed to be able to accomplish


say lord well what is it going to take

for you to do that

i need you to stop adding to the hosea


and take me just like i am


why would i want to do exploit

why would i want to do something that’s



why do i want to lay hands on the sick

and see them well

why do i want to speak to mountains see

those mountains moved

have i made it about me

or is it still about him

i asked the lord

i said lord i know of these things

i have seen

blind eyes opened

but i don’t recall myself patting myself

on the back when they opened

i’ve seen people who are almost dead

raised from the dead

and i don’t remember walking out

celebrating how awesome i was

god put me back and showed me visions of

the place filled with

people i’m at a soccer stadium

with over 100 000 people there

and i don’t even know what did we do to

make this happen

and i asked the lord

what’s behind all of those


he said

me i am

he says it’s my presence

in those days

without any explanation you just showed

up with me

and when you showed up with me

i showed what up with all the other

stuff that you didn’t know where it came



remember i’d walk into a place

in the confidence of his presence

and things would start happening

not because i commanded it

or not because i had

a clear understanding

of the five things i needed to do so the

lane would walk

it happened a few years ago when i went


shreveport louisiana

and a night service

and i didn’t even carry a message with

me they didn’t even know what i was

going to talk about

but i carried him

not a message

not the five ways of doing the miracles

i carried him


when i walked into that sanctuary that


i was so focused on him

that i still didn’t know what to preach

and i looked down and there was a woman

who i don’t know if she ever walked

but what’s the best way i could describe

it is she had spaghetti legs she would

stand up but she had no

firmness and

to be able to stand

and i looked at that woman

and the lord said

she will walk now

and it wasn’t because i said walk

in the name of jesus

it was because i came in with him

and before

and before i could leave

before anything walk out of my mouth

i look at the woman and she starts


and i said



what did i have to do with that she he

said nothing

that’s what i’ve been trying to bring

back to your remembrance

every time there was a miracle that took


every time there was an unusual thing

that took place

all you did was took me

and i took care of everything else

i don’t think some of you understand

because you’re so used to trying to

educate god on how he need to do stuff

and god is saying the key to these last

days is my presence

can you walk into a situation

with the confidence that

you walked in with me

can you walk into

a challenge with the confidence of


i don’t even know what to do but i got



see that’s not enough for the church

right now

they need the greek understanding in

this and they need the hebrew how to do

that and ain’t got no problem with that

but there’s gonna come a time in

everybody’s life but god is not gonna

wait on your knowledge to try to figure

out how to fix this thing

you’re gonna have to show up with the

confidence that i am here with god

i said lord what happened then

oh to my shame

i said what happened

i became a great teacher to be able to

explain the ins and outs

and the x’s and the whys and disease

and then i noticed the things i used to

see without any of that knowledge i

wasn’t seeing no more

that people got excited and they

wanted to hear the next

deep preacher brings something deep into

the picture

and i wasn’t seeing nothing i just

entered into something that i called the

uh doctrine

that when they heard it it was ooh


but nobody left healed

and delivered

and set free

i said lord

i ain’t got time to be shamed

the whole world corn coming to the end

and everybody going crazy

tell me the truth show me what i need to


and i’ll get my whole life dedicated

to bringing it

he said son

you would walk into those places with me

some of you remember years ago i used to

begin to teach on the anointing

how what we needed to do is we need to

become fully dressed and clothed

in his presence

i said lord what happened

he said somehow son

you walked into the place with more than

enough me

but you walked in trying to get more of

what you already had

i said oh my god

oh my god

i already had enough

i had you

but see it wasn’t enough for the church

folks they wanted to know why and by why

this and give me the three ways so i can


and show me how to get my business going

like somebody else’s business and

show me how did you achieve what you

achieved and

and it was never enough for me to say it

was his presence

and i realized it wasn’t just me

that all of

us have been trying to get more of what

we already had

what you had was enough

the presence of god was enough

waking up in the morning not knowing how

to pay your bills but you knew you had a

god right there with you was enough

it was already enough

it was already enough

having a house that month was paid for

you couldn’t figure out the next month

but for that month you could walk in


because it was already enough but


you came to church because you tried to

get some more

you sung hard because you try to get

some more

you gave a lot more cause you tried to

get some more

and all of a sudden jesus was never


we kept trying to get


of what we already

already had well i stand here today

and i explain to you just in case you

want to turn your membership in

god is all i need

god is all i want

from this day forward i am not trying

to get more

than what i got

i got him

and every member that comes in church

didn’t have a need

i don’t have the four answers to how to

get this but i got him

and everybody come in and they hurt

i might not be to lay hands on you but i

have his presence and if i can get you

to yield

and agree with the presence of the lord

that came in when i walked in then that

same presence on me will get on you and

everything that needs to happen will


because with jesus



he’s all i need

he’s all

i’ll ever need

my search

ended last thursday

i can’t tell you everything right now

but it ended

i’m not searching for anything no more

i got


he’s all


he’s all i’ll ever need

he is my way in

and he is my way out

he has every provision i’ll ever need

he’s my joy

he’s my friend

he’s my god that stick is closer than

any brother



my search is over

i got him

and when i show up it may not be with

fancy words

but i’ll show up with a presence that no

devil will be able to stand

when i show up i may not show up with

the answer that was happening to you


but i’ll show up with a god who’ll

remove every burden and destroy every



i cannot be your

intelligent encyclopedia

because when i looked and realized

that you thought it was all about your


and god doesn’t care anything about your


he wants you to know him

jesus did not die just so we can miss


but he died

so that we can have a relationship

with god

and if we’re not

pursuing a relationship with god then

tell me what

are we


if it’s not about him

then tell me


is it about

if coming to church

and walking away from the fears of this

lying generation

it’s about him

and i’m ready

i will walk in such power

in such authority

and if you come into church to see it i

don’t do no shows

it’ll be at the grocery store

it’ll be in the street somewhere

it might be in your house

on christmas

i’m not to be summoned like i’m some

type of magic act

but the same god that i carry

you have a right to know him too


they that know their god

i can’t even believe i’m doing all this

weeping in front of y’all but i don’t

care i got


and when you have the only one that


enough nothing else does


so go play church some more you can if

you want to

go and dress up real pretty

and prophesy in a

accent that’s not even yours

i know my god

and i want every world changer to go

with me

but i’m not trying to figure out what it


for a million people to log on the


i already know what it takes


well you don’t understand pastor people

need to see this and they need to see

that and people need this and that and

and they tied the same old thing y’all

doing every sunday they need some

variety and stuff and they need all of

that see now you sound like a fool

you sound like mary martha

trying to tell jesus what everybody


and mary


was at the feet of jesus

and jesus announced all of them she has

found the needful things

and it was in him

maybe i might not be able to prove to

you right now what i’m saying oh no i

ain’t finished yet

but keep your eyes on me and taffy

we’re done with this church stuff


if you want to know

a man that died and went to hell for you

if you want to know somebody

that was crucified dead and buried

if you want to know somebody that was

raised from the dead on the third day


went to see the father and presented his

blood and

if you want to know somebody that sat

down at the right hand of god the father

almighty and said he’s coming back again


i know him personally

his name is jesus

the rock in a weary land

his name is jesus

the shelter in the time of the storm

his name is jesus steal the bomb



where does it start

let me see if i can quickly

show you now where it starts because

you know you say yeah i hear what you’re

saying real but

you know we got to start somewhere okay

i’ll tell you where it starts

it starts with stop trying to play

church and come to church and get the


and quit talking about how sleepy you


and the preacher didn’t do enough

cartwheels and they didn’t hoop it or

nothing they didn’t have enough drama

enough for me to go and you go on search

for a circus church

with a few clowns walking up and down

the aisle

but i’m ready

to see exploits because of him

i’m ready for him to be able to

do the humanly


and for me to begin to demonstrate

and obtain the naturally unobtainable

and can’t wait until you ask me

how is this happening

and with the very simple answer that i

will pull out every time

is because i carry his presence

well can i oh yeah

you can carry

his presence i’ll show you in a moment

he’s here

well how do you know he’s here why i

bought him with me today

but that’s not enough

oh you got to show us something walk in

the air why am i walking the alpha

you want a wire act i think the circles

will be downtown in a couple of months

we got to stop it

this is a bunch of games


that wicked people play

that don’t really know the division

between life and death

they’ve not seen the curtain between


and time and then it stops

i have

and believe me it ain’t what you think

it’s going to be

you think god’s just going to celebrate

you because you went to church and did

something that was your reasonable



you better divorce yourself from all

that tomfoolery

the only thing that’s going to matter

is at the end of it all

do you know him

now i know about him do you know him


for yourself

can you walk into a situation

carry his


and knowing that with confidence

everything’s going to be all right

because of

not only whose i am but who i’m with

bernie mac had it right who you with

i’m with a healer who you with

i’m with a savior who you with

i’m with a rescuer who you with

i’m with a financier who you with

i’m with the king of peace who you’re


hallelujah i’m with the one with cary’s

joy who you wet

see you trying to get me to show you all

of that but he got all of that

i don’t need to look for what i already

have in him

when you find him your search is over


i got jesus


is all right

somebody said i thought i was going to

be here right now when you have him and

you know who you got it’s all right

it’s all right right now

you sit here and

some sit on that stream today


you think you know what people have gone


you think you know what people going


if you could know just half of what some

of these folks in here have gone through


then you take what you going through and

you almost be embarrassed to let people

know it even bothered you

y’all don’t know what i’m going through

my girlfriend won’t talk to me no more

boy shut up i’ll slap you with a pancake


some people lost loved ones and

you can’t hardly tell tell it because

as soon as their loved one left they had

no other

no place to be but with him

and they look back and

months have gone by

and they don’t know

how is it that i have what i have

that’s cause they got him

thank you jesus

thank you jesus

thank you thank you

thank you jesus

thank you

thank you jesus

thank you jesus thank you

come on lift your hands up and

since his presence

since his presence

his presence you don’t have to struggle

for it

his presence

you don’t have to work for it since his


dismiss yourself from your own mind and

intellect if you could just for a moment

and just know

that he said i’ll never leave you nor

forsake you i got you

just since his presence just for a

moment could you just have confidence

in his


if you’re over the strange senses


since his presence

the same presence that wants to heal

and to deliver the same present that

wants to set you free

the same presence that wants to give you


the same presence that wants to give you

the assurance

that it all is well it all is well the

same presence that assures you

that what you left at home he’s already

worked it out saying

the same presence

in his presence

in his presence

you are welcome holy spirit

clothe us right now holy spirit clothe

us right now holy spirit

clothe us with your anointing

clothe us with your anointing

let every burden be removed and every

yoke be destroyed because of you

clothe us in your presence

clothe us in your presence

if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer

would you please stand quickly

if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer

stand quickly

if you hadn’t don’t do it if you have

lift your hands up right now in the

presence of god he will heal you right


lift your hands up in the presence of

god close your eyes dismiss everything

around you

and i trust the presence of god i bring

his presence to you right now i command

that cancer to die

i command it to shrivel up into your

body and to die

in his presence you are cancer-free

in his presence you are cancer-free


not by your might

but by his power


let his anointing come over your


let his anointing come over your body


they worship him for his presence

his presence

his presence

everything is healed in his presence

everything is delivered in his presence

yeah yeah everything’s healed in this

presence i don’t know what yeah

everything that’s there

everything’s healed in this presence you

you got something need to be healed

stand up get it stand up and get it

get healed now get healed he says

a little bit

stand up and get healed in his presence

lift your hands up and and touch his


with his hand that elbow blacklist


is he real yes he’s real he’s real right


he’s real right now

la la la


if you’re on that stream right now his


has moved through technology right now

there are miracles going on physical

physical miracles going on some of you

are touching it

some of your fingers your fingers feel

like like an electrical static

occurrence that’s the presence of the

holy spirit

it feels like a static occurring like

it’s like like you said on your hands

for a while and you just got off of them

that’s the presence of god going through

your physical body right now


his presence

his presence his presence


with your eyes closed see his power

with your eyes closed sense his presence

with your eyes closed know that it is

god that is moving from the crown of

your head to the souls of your very feet

it is god that is moving from the very

inner parts of your belly

flowing out through your entire body now


i sense your presence lord i sense your

presence holy spirit

holy spirit you are welcome in this

place holy spirit you are welcome

all over this place

all over the stream

holy spirit adios


there you go there you go there you go

there you go

there you go somebody said what was that

that’s the presence of the lord there

you go

there you go

go to y’all there you go that’s the

presence of the holy spirit right now

my high



yeah that’s

that’s the presence of holy spirit

let him do let him do

let him do it let him do it let him do



it might be strange to church but let

him do it

touch right now touch right now touch

right now

touch right now touch right now

i know some of you are sensing stuff

right now that’s the holy ghost let him

let him


let him


some of you are weeping right now i

don’t even know what’s going on that’s

the holy spirit

you’re groaning right now in the spirit

yeah remove your intellect at the


swim in his anointing right now


for this presence you will carry from

this day forward

for this presence you’ll have confidence

in from this day forward

for this present shall escort you into

exploits after exploits after exploits

after exploits

you will carry his fire

you will carry his fire

melaka you will carry his fire




out of your belly some of you feel a

fire right in your belly

that’s up that’s that practice

out of your belly

shall flow rivers of living water

out of your belly

thank you lord

we carry you lord

we carry you lord

we carry you lord


now with a sincere heart begin to thank

god we continue to receive now wait wait

wait wait wait don’t clap your hands

ain’t no wrong with it but i want you to

thank him out of your heart i want you

to use your mouth

i want you to thank him i want to be i

want you to be grateful to him

thank the lord if he you might fall on

your knees and just start crying it’s

all right just thank god

thank god that you made it through




in his presence

there is fullness of joy

in his presence

there is fullness of joy


in his presence

there is fullness of joy

we give you praise


the word of the lord declares


and see

that the lord is good


the only thing you just experienced was



the next realm is a c


and the next one is to praise him

because of the goodness that you tasted

and the goodness that you saw

some of you had somebody by some of you

who had problems seeing check it again

god has healed some eyes right now


you’re seeing right now with clarity

right now

betty ah ha ha


lumps and tumors have disappeared go

ahead and check it out

you’re trying to figure out wait a

minute what just happened here i’m

telling you what just happened here

the presence of the holy spirit

he is



we don’t need to add to him

we don’t need to take from him



is enough

you are now

carriers of his presence

you’re not looking for somebody to do

for you what jesus has already equipped

you to do

receive it

in the name of jesus

receive it in the name of jesus

something’s changed this morning

and it’s not even the beginning of what

is being prepared for you right now

something shifted this morning

and it is shifting even now

some of you on your way to car be

careful as you go to your car you have

yet to experience the weight of this




the weight

of his glory

walk in it

walk in

it walk in it

church as we have known it

ended today


well i don’t know that ain’t how i’m

used to having it you are free to depart

what is god about to do

he’s about

to regain his glory in this earth


the circus has been closed


every demon influence

every fear that’s


every demon that’s used fear to control


hurt people

every demonic spirit

that’s come upon our children

every demon force

that’s tried to kill you


in the name of the lord of jesus christ

of who i am and who i serve

devil i rebuke you you take your hands

off god’s people


you take your hands off god’s people

you have no authority here

you have no power here

i command you

in the name of jesus your influence

is none here amongst us

we are the body of christ

and satan we adjure you right now in the

name of jesus

we are not afraid of you

we will not walk in any fear from you




i need somebody to agree with me all


i need somebody to agree with me come on

i need somebody to say it again come on

all right now what this is really going

to shake hell

are you ready

i am anointed now

my god did you get this did you sense

that my god

did you sense that

come on say it again i’m anointed now


come on say it out loud i have burden


yoke destroying


i carry god’s presence

therefore i am anointed now


somebody better give god some praise up

to this place

somebody better give god some praise up

to this place


oh you need to shout like you believe it


it’s not like you believe it







i will begin to instruct you

on how to be carriers of his his power

his presence

and his anointing

i will begin to instruct you on how to

release your confidence and faith in

who he is in you

that never again when you walk will you

walk in a place


from this day forward

you’ll walk in a place just like the

apostle paul did

from this day forward


you walk as men and women of the


devils tremble when you show up in the



whoa glory to god

you are not

normal churchgoers

you are

the grace tabernacles of the kingdom

his presence no longer

abides on mount sinai

nor does it abide in the

tabernacle of a wooden

golden box

his presence



in you

you sound like you don’t believe it

from this day forward

you will not have to yell or scream a


for with a whisper

he’s right here


some things before you can even say it

he will have already done it


he abides in you


in earthen vessels


are his abiding place

for every man or woman a born girl that

will believe what i just said

everything has changed


why world changers

because we getting ready to change the



not with perfect

articulation and speech of men

if we need so the holy ghost will give

it to us

but you walk out of here today

with no needs

you didn’t hear what i said


i said you walk out of here today with

no needs


because everything you need is in him

everything you desires in him


now walk in the confidence of it

don’t open your mouth

and grieve the one

that you carry

your mouth

will contradict your spirit until it

lines up with

you with what you know you have in you

somebody said what you talking about

you’re going to say stuff and you carry

the holy ghost and he will immediately

rebel against it

what is he doing he working on lining

you up

with his presence


you walk out of here today

with no needs

well what do you do now


is you walk out of here and you say

it is so


in other words

the first thing or not when you walk out

of here the first thing you do is

announce oh god i got a need the first

thing you do walk out of here is you

could get an agreement with what

happened today


have everything

i need

because i have his presence

and you know what it might look like

it’d get a little worse and you say i

have everything that i need

okay because i have his presence

and you will say that until you can say

it in two or three languages to let

every devil in hell know

i have everything that i need

because i have

his presence


now i only finished i only i was only

able to preach one scripture today

on a war path now


and i will not stop

until you know what i have just said to

you is the truth

now walk in it

no more fear no more shame

yeah but pastor i just moved in with my

girlfriend go go go go move out

it ain’t gonna it ain’t gonna feel right

anyway whatever felt good last night

it’s all messed up today and mess it all

up right now they ain’t gonna feel good

at all

it ain’t feeling good at all

because when you start carrying his



some of y’all look younger


y’all think i’m playing with you

there’s an aura that has come over this



now i know i got green on my face but

it’s a it’s a it’s a young looking gram

i’ll tell you that right now


you don’t have no idea

and i can’t wait to tell you

ain’t never gonna be the same

neither will you

i don’t know what to do now


how great thou art


how great that was



i don’t know what i don’t even know i

just wait be quiet i can figure out

where i’m going where i am where i’m


somebody say pastor what about the

faculty the falcons can hold a stick to

this prison

a lot of things are going to change

everything changed with me

everything to change with me i i enjoy

football but not as much as i enjoy his




certain things can’t do you like jesus

i ain’t got enough time if i did i cry


because it’s so good

he’s so good

and pray for my precious

precious darling

my precious anointed darling wife who

just refused to let me go just refuse

she’s just

she’s the sweetest thing in the world

she the sweetest thing in the world

but she kept saying

the devil is payback time


come and go with us

watch this to my father’s house

somebody said where did that i i already

told you

in his presence


come go with me to my father’s house


this is coming to a close

but before the rapture comes

i i i

i saw

a revelation of grace hit the earth like

never before

i carried that revelation you wait till

you see what coming out of me

but right after that revelation was


the rapture of the church took place


now many people talk about the war of

ezekiel 38.


there’s a move of god

that has already begun on this planet

rejoiced because he thought he shut the

church down and is closed

and today all of hell and every demon

i thought i told you how to kill him

what are you doing there

well greater is he that is in me

and he that is in the world

but this time i’m smart enough to know

it ain’t gonna be no one man or woman

all of you who carry his fire

now get ready now the move of god i’m

talking about now you not gonna see

somebody say we’re gonna see a lot of

them come to church

oh i don’t know who house you’re going

to today


i don’t know where y’all going tomorrow


i don’t know what you’re going to end up

by the end of tuesday

but somebody’s about to encounter the

christ in you


now watch this

you’re not going to have to do nothing

to make nothing happen

please get this this get this now don’t

walk out of here thinking about what you

got to do to make it happen

somebody said well what we do you just

going to show up with him

if you just show up wherever he tells

you to show up you watch what god will

do you won’t will you eventually

you will not take credit for what you

are about to see

the next

several weeks

here at world changers

we’ll be like we’re going into a cloud

and coming out of cloud

like you walk into a cloud and coming

out of cloud

everything will be impacted the music

won’t be the same it’ll just be like


is happening

those of you who are married those of

you who are recently married those you

who get ready to get married

see that see that’s the anointing that

ought to say that’s the anointing

before she wouldn’t say it none now

that’s the anointing right now



i felt that thing too boy

she could keep she keep hollering like

that somebody that’s gonna holler back

at him


it’s not going to be the same

you ever heard people always talking

about all what wonder what’s got to


it’s real simple none of you

and all of him that’s what’s got to


what are you talking about we got to get

out we got to get out of god’s way

get out of his way

he never needed you to do

him he never needed you to be who he is


i ain’t the same ain’t never gonna be

the same

as long as i live ain’t never gonna be

the same

you think you can predict what’s gonna

happen when i show up i don’t know

what’s going to happen when i show up in

your presence don’t don’t don’t presume

upon yourself to to know

what i’m going to do when i bring his

presence in the into your presence and

you bring his presence into his presence

you don’t know what’s going on you don’t

know what’s going to happen


but i ain’t going to get in his way

everything is all right

something good is going to happen to you


somebody said it already has

yeah i’ll say that lord

well 92

those of you who have entered into your

70s your 80s and your 90s

i just heard the spirit of god say

i am gonna release an anointing that

this earth hadn’t seen before

through those who have entered into

their seventies their 80s and their 90s



you thought they couldn’t do nothing

because they was

older but god said i ain’t need them to

do nothing they need to get out of my

way and take me where i need to go

i felt that that’s an anointing

that is pouring out on the earth right

now in the name of jesus

and the younger people

may look younger on the outside

but god is going to put the spirit of

the rock of ages on the inside of them

and when they talk they’ll be talking

like people

men of many years of wisdom

and their mamas and daddies will wonder

what happened

and the whole time god just wanted you

to know get out of my way




i’ll say this one thing and i believe

i’m done if not i keep talking if you

got to go go

the lord

will not

rapture up a defeated church

there will be

and has already begun

a move

every demon of the devil

thought he had in grips

the younger generation

but it is now being turned around on him


that generation that he thought he would

possess sweatlessly

will be the one that will bring the

final blow to his darkness

and i won’t take it back


pastor what is happening

i got out of his way

and he is precious to me

and as a man i’ll never ever again be

afraid to share my tears



who i love


if you had a visitor you bought today

because you wanted to meet your man of


and they happened to run into a in



there’s more where that came from

well pastor you’re all right well like

when you fight hell

you look you get a little boy

i’ve been just fighting hell

and all is well

all is well

i just wanted to show up today to give

hell a piece of hell



where do we go from here

think about what i just asked

that’s been our problem

he puts us in the right place

only for us to leave and end up in the

wrong place

this is not about you

there’s nothing required of you

except your yieldedness

and your faith


let him do

let him do the work

let’s pick up from this right place

let’s not come in with a thousand

revelations on what god said to you i

don’t want to hear that you don’t need

to hear

come back

with just with such a hunger for him

that where you were ashamed to dance

the dancing in your feet has returned

where you were ashamed to lift your

hands up

you couldn’t hardly put it down

praise him all day today

praise him tomorrow

praise them on your way to work and on

your way back home


and i’m gonna say this and i’m gonna

shut up and i know i probably gonna say

it that’ll serve a couple of times

how do i know that what all has happened

today is authentic

it’s going to be based on how we treat

one another

you can’t be talking about you carry his


and hurt god’s people and hurt folks


you forgive even if they don’t forgive


you don’t

you don’t treat people mean and hurtful


this is coming to an end very quickly

god don’t ever need a whole bunch of


you just need a few of you

of you folks have to decide today

i don’t want to go into i want to see

this whole thing collapse and come to an


i want to fly

and say

if you want to get out of there you got

to grab my hands if not you’re going to


they’re going to leap as high as they

ever leave before in their life

it’s coming

it’s coming


but the battle

has already been won

all right

let’s go ahead and worship god with our




well dear god you’ve been giving i don’t

know for you know how to do it

you see what’s on the screen those you

at home get a gear that way

if you’re giving on the screen now now

if you’re on line at home and you

wouldn’t have not able to make it here

you call every world changer and you

tell them

you need to hit this thing before the

day over with

calling all world changes

and you get a hold of this

you get a hold of it that same anointing

will be on

these services all day today

if you go back and look at

what you experienced a few minutes ago

that same anointing will be there

that’s something awesome about that


if you’re giving over the uh


you want to text world changes the

amount 74483

you can call that number on your screen

you can mail

or you can go to the website

and praise him with your offerings

praise him

with your gifts

do not separate your giving from your

relationship with him

he didn’t and he’s not

neither will

we amen

if you need an offering envelope and

you’re here

if you lift your hands up the ushers


put an offering envelope in your hands

i tell you what your world changes y’all

just keep coming to church for you know

we’re going

we’re going to be back just like where

we were y’all just y’all won’t go away

wait you just keep showing up just keep

showing up just keep showing them

don’t you thank god for pastor ken thank

god for passport

oh my god thank you

oh my god

oh the preaching

oh they’re preaching what he preached

last week so ministered to my soul

that you don’t have to beg god for faith

that he’s already given to you so he

gifted you with the faith you need what

you’re talking about you ain’t got no

faith he gifted you with it


i’m stirred up

seriously do i do i want to go down the

street and find a couple of demons

possess people and kick the devil out of


god is good

all right

those of you on the stream there’s a qr

code up there if you want to put

the qr code and then you can give that

away some of you on your way out

you ain’t ready to be hugged yet and

that’s fine and if they don’t want to be

hook quit trying to hug somebody they

don’t want you to hug them

well they need to hold ghosts ain’t

gonna do the holy ghost i got something

to do they don’t want you to hug them


i’ve been vaccinated they still don’t

want you to hug them get away i don’t

want you hugging me some of you i don’t

want you hugging me before you got back

in the day

just don’t hug nobody stop

if they don’t want to be they don’t want

to be hugged if you see their hand go up

like that back up hold up

church folks always trying to

make something happen and then put a

scripture with it stop

all right you’re going to get some of

these carriers of his presence cussing

you out if you keep trying to go up

there and hug and i’m leaving them alone

they trying to they’re trying to act

right they don’t want to have conflict

with the holy ghost every day

look at some of y’all looking at me

well whoa whoa

they don’t want me hold down me up

well i’m gonna hug him anyway all right

i tried to warn you

some of these folks ain’t that sad yeah

they working on it

probably most of most folks gotta say


i love you all so much i love you so

much i love you with all my heart i love


i love you so much

i love you so much

i love you so much

all right go ahead and

receive the offering

busters and

match whatever button need to be but

i don’t know what i miss but

you you know how to give

trying to act like well i don’t know i

don’t know how to do it yeah you do you

know how to get it just


man these world changers they keep

logging on they won’t they want to keep

streaming in they keep coming to the

dawn they show up on bible stuff

what’s up

yo after a while people are going to ask

what’s a world changer i’m like one of


you can’t you can’t get rid of them

they’re going they’re going they’re

going to get in there somehow

and i’m grateful for those of you who

the stream and those of you who came to


i’m so thankful i’m so grateful

so grateful so thankful

all right now if you are not born again

i ain’t going through all that listen to

me if you’re not born again

and you want to get saved

repeat after me


i am not saved

save me

i accept you unto my life

as my lord and savior jesus christ

i receive salvation in jesus name amen

it’s always been that simple

if you just got saved

text the key word i’m saved to 5155

provide your name and email address and

we’ll send you a free ebook as a gift

now if you want to join the e-church

go ahead and put the information up on


stream so they can

if they want to join in you you’d be so

shocked the number of people that are

joining the e-church

and people that’s getting saved on a

weekly basis

yeah i ain’t never seen nothing like it

before in my life

now if you’re here in the dome

and you you believe god called you to

join this church today

and you want to become a member of this

church or you want to get saved while

you’re here

get your bibles belongs come on down

here man we want to receive you right

now i i want the opportunity to pastor

you i don’t know how other pastors feel

but i want a pastor you

ain’t tired of your hand

you ain’t gonna run me away and ain’t

gonna run you away

well you ain’t gonna run me away


but if that’s you come on down here

connect with us

come on down and connect with us

welcome you

to world changes church international


the young man with the umbrella in your


the holy spirit spoke to me when you

walked down that aisle

he said i put i put

an assignment in your heart and in your

life and satan’s tried to

box it up box it in

and lock it away from you

but the spirit of the lord would have

you to know

that there is no lock that will ever be

able to be put on that assignment

that’ll stop her from coming to pass

and for you

to revisit in prayer all that god has

spoken to you

and he’s going to begin to direct you

down a couple of new paths

so begin to praise him

that he is not a god

who’s forgotten what he has spoken in

times past

for what he said to you

it will surely come to pass

praise the lord


hallelujah hallelujah





lord i give you praise

i give you praise


i give you praise

i give you praise

i’m so glad to be alive

i’m so glad to get to be the pastor of

this church

i’m so glad

that god in his power and his anointing

it will be upon many of you it’ll be

upon many of you to be upon many of you

some of you who are having children your

children will be born into a move of god

this is not

the worst of times

for when god finished it will be the

best of times

we all have to mature

we all have to grow

so we’ve all seen a lot of stuff

and we wondered why

did this had to happen to me

and to fully prepare you

for what you’re about to walk into

it’s going to be so good

and you’re going to be so thankful and

so grateful

you’re going to be so thankful and so


that you won’t ever you just just can’t

find a way to

stop praising him

because you think lord me out of

everybody else you you

you love me you you chose me you didn’t

forget me

god said no i didn’t forget you

i ain’t never gonna forgive

you and i’ll do things


and quietly

and i’ll have to remind some of you that

it’s done

because you’ve finally forgotten about

all your troubles

and while you moved away from it i was

able to move some things into your life

all is well


in jesus name



if you’ll turn this way and follow this

gentleman to the prayer room

they’re going to take you in

they’ll be standing

if you’re home for a final blessing

unto the god of grace

and all power

to the god of anointing

and favor

and to the god of protection

we come before thee

may this god of love and power

be extravagantly upon you

may you come to know him as you’ve not

known him before

made doors that were shut open

and may doors that have been closed

under you

they will closely open up

may the angels of god who have already

been assigned to you

minister to you in great wonderful ways

may all of the peace

that passes your understanding and the

grace of god

minister to you this day

therefore i release the blessing of his

peace upon you

i release the blessing of his anointing

upon you and the blessing of his grace

to be upon you

and now unto him who is able to keep you

from falling

and to present you faultless before the

almighty god

be glory


and power

now henceforth and forever

and everybody said

amen god bless you everybody