We are positioned to win! But we must know what we’re fighting against. Ephesians 6 tells us it’s not against flesh and blood; our battle is in the spiritual realm. In this new message, Jentezen Franklin will teach you how to identify oppressing spirits and cancel the enemy’s plans over your life. You’ll learn how to arm yourself with the Word of God, cover yourself with the Blood of Christ, and fill your spirit with His praise!

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

Collection with everything going on in

the news today it’s easy to see why so

many people live in fear and depression

but that’s not God’s plan for your life

and today on Kingdom connection

my dad continues to teach from his

brand-new book the spirit of Python he’s

teaching us today on defeating

tormenting spirits if you or someone you

know has been dealing with the spirit of

heaviness or listening to deceiving

spirits that want to tear us apart this

message is for you God has given us

every tool to defeat the plans of the

enemy I’ll be back in a moment to let

you know more about this message and

other resources but right now let’s join

my dad

pastor Franklin at free chapel in

Gainesville Georgia for today’s message

I think we need to understand that we’re

we’re fighting spiritual battles I’m not

a demon chaser I’m not somebody who is

one to overemphasize the power of Satan

and all of that but if we’re not careful

the Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 6 and

put on the whole armor of God that you

may be able to stand against the wiles

or the attacks of the devil for we do

not wrestle against flesh and blood but

against principalities against powers

against rulers of darkness of this age

against spiritual hosts of wickedness

and heavenly wickedness in heavenly

places notice he said we do not wrestle

against flesh and blood but I think most

Christians have taken the comma and

moved it from where it says flesh and

blood and they’ve moved it up to four we

do not wrestle and they put a period

because we don’t we don’t even hardly

acknowledge there is a devil in the

church anymore we don’t wrestle with the

enemy if you’re not praying you’re not

wrestling if you’re not taking the Word

of God you’re not wrestling if you’re

not praying in the spirit you’re not

wrestling if you’re not appraiser and a

worshipper you’re not wrestling with the

powers of darkness they do not fight

flesh with the flesh things our weapons

are not carnal they’re mighty through

God to the pulling down of strongholds

there are tormenting spirits vexing

spirits the Bible calls them this is a

biblical name they torment people’s

minds they torment through depression

through worry through excessive fear

just tormenting this is going to happen

yeah you succeeded but you’re gonna lose

everything you’re you’re gonna be

homeless you’re gonna be sick you’re

gonna die they torment people’s mind

vexing spirit the Bible talks about

there was a woman who was vexed with a

spirit the enemy whispers

suggestions just give up just just just

kill yourself just in your life vexing

spirits have to do with tormenting the

mind they attack through shame through

condemnation through worry through fear

through depression Isaiah 61 and 3 said

when you are faced with a vexing spirit

that’s trying to oppress your mind

trying to keep you down trying to keep

you grieving and discouraged and

hopeless and trying to keep you in that

in that negative dark place of of worry

and anxiety he said put on the garment

of praise for the spirit of heaviness

put on the garment of praise when a

vexing spirit tries to torment you he

said you are to put on the garment of

praise that that fights against thoughts

of despair thoughts of hopelessness

thoughts of fear resist them and as you

as you humble yourself and you begin to

put on praise what does that mean that

means that you you put on a CD and begin

to worship instead of listening to the

to the taunting voice of the serpent

that’s telling you you’re going to die

and nothing good and something is bad is

going to happen that is not the voice of

God God’s voice is never telling you be

dreadful be worried be fearful be

tormented never will the Holy Spirit

give you a thought that tells you to do

that and when you hear these thoughts

put on the garment of praise for the

spirit that’s trying to make life heavy

put it on I tell people in the book to

speak a praise phrase hallelujah thank

you Jesus praise God glory to God I love

you lord I know that you are for me

hallelujah praise your name

Jesus you’re good the favor of God is on

me god I praise you that no weapon

formed against me will prosper this is

how we win put on the garment of praise

for the spirit that tries to weigh you

down get a praise phrase that’s how you

defeat tormenting spirits of the mind

never speak words that make the enemy

think he’s winning one of the greatest

weapons God has given you is your mouth

the Bible said in Psalms 149 with with

the high praises of God in their mouths

and the sword in their hand they bind

kings and princes we bind principalities

and powers when we take the Word of God

in our hand like a sword and we take the

high praises of God in our mouths

deceiving spirits are another form of

the demonic world deceiving spirits

spirits that are deceiving people

there’s vexing spirits that torment the

mind heaviness comes on people

discouragement hopelessness down

depressed and the remedy for that is a

praise phrase speaking the pray read the

Book of Psalms put on the garment of

praise and then there’s deceiving

spirits the Bible said that in first

Timothy 4 and 1 the spirit expressively

says in the latter times many will

depart from the faith giving heed to

deceiving spirits and doctrines of

demons any time you open yourself up to

doctrines of demons and false teachings

you are you are playing with the powers

of Satan don’t care how many Hollywood

hotshots come out and say Scientology is

cool or Islam is cool or our kabbalah is

great and this religion in that religion

new age

and that leave it alone there are

deceiving spirits well it’s not all bad

you see you know you can pick up things

when you open the door to Satan’s plan

through horoscopes fortune tellers palm

readers psychics

you don’t need a psychic to tell you

what your future is gonna be the devil

can’t tell you what the future is gonna

be for your life all he can do is plant

his thoughts in your mind and your life

will begin to move in the direction have

you ever had somebody say to you you

feel ok you don’t look good all of a

sudden well the enemy is the great mind

manipulator he loves to suggest this is

gonna happen and that’s going to happen

I don’t need a Chinese fortune cookie to

tell me what my future holds I know what

my future holds whatever comes I’m in

his hands I’m safe I’m secure

everything’s gonna be all right

and even when I die I’m in his hands

deceiving spirits seances talking with

the dead communicating with the dead

King Saul

lost his kingdom because he went to the

Witch of Endor stay away from that stuff

stay away from the occult stay away from

that darkside stuff just stay away from

he oh it’s just games it’s just we we

went to a party first of all what are

you doing it that kind of party I I’m a

little disturbed because I keep hearing

people say I’m saved and I’m Holy Spirit

filled people even making comments like

I’m saved and spilled with the filled

with the spirit you know I I left my

wife and I’m living with a girl now but

I’m still saved and and God still loves

me and I’m filled with the spirit do you

want me tell you what kind of spirit you

feel with I can do that your spill your

feel with the spirit of adultery here’s

your filled with the spirit of

immorality you’re you’re filled with an

unclean spirit but you’re not filled

with the

holy spirit because you only get full of

what you yield you’re in you have to you

have to yield to the Holy Spirit for and

then he will influence you if you let

yield to lust then you know what’s going

to happen lust is gonna get greater but

if you yield to the Holy Spirit the Holy

Spirit is gonna get greater but you have

to choose but you can’t have the Holy

Spirit and live that kind of life he

will vacate the premises they’re

territorial spirits higher-level

territorial principalities Las Vegas

gambling Los Angeles entertained New

York finance Washington DC politics

power the remedy to these stronghold

principalities is the local church the

only thing that can defeat those kinds

of principalities is the community of

believers praying and fasting churches

like this and many others across the

nation that God raises up and the people

begin to pray and the people begin to

fast and the people begin to push on the

climate and push on the principalities

and push on the powers until finally

there comes a break food we got to get

back to pray and this is one thing I

really feel in my spirit prayer is the

opportunity incubator and if you’re not

getting any opportunities in life is

because you’re not praying enough

because if you will pray prayer is an

opportunity incubator the enemy doesn’t

want us to pray as a church he wants us

come to church do church and leave and

leave prayer out of our life leave the

Word of God out of our life he said in

Ephesians 3 that the manifold wisdom of

God would be taught to Prince and

palaces and powers listen to this verse

by the church

churches like this are territorial

churches and we are to pray and we are

too fast and we are to teach the Word of

God and we are to live the Word of God

and we are to bind and we are to lose

and we are to stand and we are to fight

for our communities we are to fight for

our schools we are to fight for our

families we are to fight for our

children and our marriages and as we

stand the more we get together one can

chase a thousand to ten that’s why hell

hates churches like this especially

churches that are teaching stuff like

I’m teaching right now because we’re not

just here when it’s not just one person

praising God but it’s thousands of

people praising God piercing the

darkness driving back the power of the

enemy if we really get a revelation of

who we are we teach the principalities

and powers the manifold wisdom of God

according to Ephesians three by the

church he said this would happen what do

you need to know about demon possession

oh my god you believe in demon

possession will Hollywood does I just

wish somebody in the church would

Hollywood’s making a lot of money off of

it yes I do believe in demon possession

I have 5 times 5 times I first of all

there should be extreme caution when

dealing with this subject because there

are people who are who are sensational

and do stupid things and it does not

bring glory to Jesus Christ but five

times in the time I’ve been called to

preach through the years I’ve dealt with

real demon possession and had to to

expel demon powers from people’s lives

five times but I thought about as I was

getting this book together what are the

signs that someone is potentially

demon-possessed how do you know one of

the first signs that a person is

demon-possessed is they the demons are

able to energize people

with incredible strength in the case of

mark chapter 5 the Bible said that they

could not restrain the man chains were

put on him and the chains could not hold


no one could subdue the man I’ve seen a

few people in the shape it’s not an

everyday occurrence but there are people

who become demon-possessed and they are

given supernatural strength from that

demonic power another sign that someone

is demon-possessed is uncontrolled

cursing almost every time that I have

encountered someone demon-possessed they

will blaspheme the name of God over and

over and over when you begin to pray for

them it’s not unusual for them to

explode in profanities about God and his

name and cursing God I’m not saying that

every person who curses that that’s not

a demon that’s your temper but but

certainly almost always an uncontrolled

compulsion to blaspheme God’s name when

someone is demon-possessed it’s not

unusual for contortions in the facial

features their countenance of their eyes

become glazed I’ve seen it and recognize

that it’s almost like you’re looking it

is it’s just like you’re looking into

the eyes of something else

other than that person I’ve seen

people’s faces and just contort and

change I can tell you stories that some

of you wouldn’t believe but it is what

it is and it’s very real they look

different account Ihnen Sauveur them

their eyes many times will become

darkened almost in the the voice will

many times go to a lower pitch or sound

changes come immediately

the personality of the person changes

you can see a total change in their

demeanor many times if someone is

demon-possessed listen carefully to what

I’m saying those demons will bring deep

depression despondency and even

suicidal tendencies it can be a sign of

a demonic attack these conditions can go

beyond spiritual torment to a person

trying desperately to harm themselves

and even kill themselves

the demonic of God area had a

self-destructive spirit he would take

stones and cut himself with those stones

and when I see young people young girls

who starve themselves with anorexia and

cut themselves as and hide those scars

all over their legs because something is

gnawing at them internally it is it is a

sign that there is an evil spirit at the

very least oppressing that person and it

needs to be dealt with spiritually get

them help if a doctor can help them but

I’m going to tell you there is there

there is no remedy if it is the power of

Satan other than the blood of Jesus

Christ and the name that is above all

names extreme caution should be used

when discerning whether someone is demon

possessed or not don’t don’t ever do

that if you if you suspect that then get

an elder get someone who is very mature

and experienced in spiritual things and

let and has the gift of discernment and

let them because sometimes we’ve all

seen well-meaning Christians just you

know grab a somebody and just listen I

don’t allow the devil to take over my

church services if somebody’s gonna

manifest they’re not gonna do it in here

we’ll drag them back there and cast them

out I’m not gonna give the devil prime

time he doesn’t deserve it you know I

love Jesus away or y’all get anything

out of this I’m just I love the way

Jesus Jesus didn’t think very much of

the devil you remember that time when

they brought that they brought the boy

that was possessed with the devil to

Jesus you know the sciples tried to cast

him out and they couldn’t and Jesus is

standing there and they brought the guy

that’s possessed with death was almost

funny and the Bible said the boy the boy

started foaming at

mouth and fell to the ground and begin

to Waller on the ground the word wallow

in Greek is Waller and flop can you see

him he’s dead and the Bible said he was

growling and foaming at the mouth and

wallowing on the ground because they

always resist they always resist and he

was foaming at the mouth and it’s almost

like I could almost see Jesus with a

knife and an apple and he’s he’s he said

how long has he been like this he really

didn’t respect the devil very months and

they said he’s been like this since

since a child

and Jesus said shut up don’t say

anything else to the demon and cast them

out instantly

that’s our Jesus my brother and I were

preaching a revival in North Carolina

many years ago and one Sunday morning

during that revival my brother and I got

up and started singing the hymn when he

reached down his hand for me he had to

weep reach way down for me and I’m

telling you it was like the presence of

God filled that church people began to

weep and cry the altars without us

asking while we were singing the

presence of God and there were there

were it was packed because the revival

had been going and people began to

scream to the altars teenagers young

people moms dads weeping crying just

beautiful powerful moving service and

while all that was going on a and the

service was kind of dying down the

pastor was back up my brother and I were

over to the side just praying with

people in the SERPs people were still

singing a man well-dressed man and a

nice-looking suit came up to me and my


and said can I talk to you privately we

went to a little side place and when we

walked in there

his countenance began to change we felt

an eerie presence I’ll never forget it

this was the first time I ever

encountered what I’m preaching about as

soon as we walked into that place and

and looked at this man there was an

eerie presence of evil and what I had

only read about and heard about in

doctrine suddenly I was keenly aware

you’re facing someone that is

demon-possessed I laid my hand on the

man’s shoulder as my brother did and we

begin to pray for him and as soon as we

did everything I just mentioned his eyes

his countenance his voice I mean dressed

in a nice suit a leader in the community

he began this growling and moaning and

and I’ll never forget when we when we

laid our hands on and begin to pray and

I want to be honest somebody said you

know I’m sure pastor you you felt great

faith I felt terrified and the demon

began to say we will not leave growling

we will not leave he took the man’s

voice we will not leave we hate you and

then they said leave us alone we will

not leave I hate you leave us alone I

thought if you won’t leave I will


god bless you

now started to get out of there I’m just

telling you the truth I remember it like

it was yesterday

but something came up in me the Bible

said when the enemy comes in like a

flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise

up something in me said you know we hear

that scripture greater is He that is in

you than he but when in moments like

that there is a rush of the Holy Spirit

that comes that says don’t back down one

bit there is a name that is greater than

what you’re looking at and then

something beautiful happened when when

all of that was over this went on for

maybe 10 15 minutes whole thing in about

20 minutes

everything the guy suddenly his

countenance changed you could feel a

lightness and a freedom in the


he began weeping sobbing crying I said

pray this prayer and Richie and I led

him to Jesus he wept and confessed Jesus

as his Lord he won’t lay Terr went on to

tell us that he had been bound with

pornography and was in an adulterous

affair with one of the women in the

church I’m not saying every person who

looks at pornography and as in adultery

is demon-possessed but certainly there

are demonic powers that are working

behind those things and I’ll never

forget walking out of that room knowing

that man had changed knowing and seeing

firsthand there’s power in the name of

Jesus did you hear what I just said

I want to close with this I wrote

something down and I put it in the book

and I believe it to be the truth Satan

is the Prince the power of the air but

there’s something that can cancel the

devil’s assignment off of our lives more

than anything else and it is the

blood of Jesus Christ listen to this the

greatest fear of demons is the blood of

Jesus Christ the application of the shed

blood of Jesus Christ and the cross

provides protection and against the

power of Satan and defeat from demon

powers we overcome Revelation 12 by the

blood of the Lamb and the word of our

testimony the devil cannot cross the

bloodline the heart that has been

sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ

is holy ground and the devil dares not

try to enter it and I want us to begin

to understand that the enemy is very

real some of you been tormented in your

minds some of you been listening to

deceiving spirits some of you may know

someone who is so bound and so addicted

that there is the possibility of demon

possession or even demon oppression that

is very real did you know that you as a

believer have the power and the

authority especially after hearing a

message like this your faith goes up to

address that evil spirit and say you

will not have my friend my cousin my dad

my mom alcoholism drug addiction

immorality you will not have my family I

plead the blood of Jesus you using the

blood of the Lamb and the word of your

testimony and it defeats Satan through

the name of Jesus we just lift our hands

a moment and just worship God all over

this room because there’s power in his

name and in his blood come on just right

now I want you to be free I want

everybody in this room to be free I want

everybody in this room to be free from

demonic influence demonic oppression

secret habits and all kinds of stuff

that Satan is may not be possessing

people with but he is opressing many


come on less worship in this room just a

moment let’s just believe that the power

of the blood of Jesus can cleanse and

set free I claim freedom you shall know

the truth John 8 you shall know the

truth and the truth shall make you free

are you ready for a breakthrough call

the number on your screen and let one of

our prayer partners know how we can pray

for you we are here to help build your

faith and stand with you to defeat the

plans of the enemy today’s message and

so much more are in my dad’s brand-new

book the spirit of Python to get yours

call or go online now and take advantage

of this special offer and be sure to

utilize all the resources that we’ve

created online to help build your faith

your support allows us to take the

gospel all around the world including

messages like you just heard so thank

you for watching and we’ll see you next

time right here on Kingdom connection

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the friends and partners of Jennsen

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