The New World Order isn’t coming to America. It’s here. From the day Satan was kicked out of heaven, he has attempted to create the New World Order. Evil can have a religious face and kill you. What is the deep state church, and how is totalitarianism creeping in? Wake up, America!


the new world order is not a new concept

its objective from the genesis until

today is to rebel against the authority

of god the god of abraham isaac and

jacob because there is no other

its origins can be traced to the book of

genesis on the place of shinor where

nimrod proposed to build the tower of


nimrod’s name in hebrew means revolt

he was known as a quote murderer of

innocent men and a rebel against god he

was satan’s disciple in genesis 11.

babel means confusion the bible says god

is not the author of confusion babel

means known as the city of babylon

josephus said of nimrod listen quote he

gradually changed the government into


to turn men from the fear of god

and to bring them into constant

dependence on his power end of quote

does that sound familiar

that’s what’s happening right now

nothing has changed

just the technique kovid 19 has

politicized control to turn americans

from god some states were and still are

controlled by corrupt leftist

politicians they violated the

constitution of the united states

we were told that you can’t leave your

house for six weeks

you can’t go to work

if you don’t go to work you don’t get

paid what politicians don’t stop to

think is

their salary goes on it makes no

difference what they do

your salary is cut off if you don’t go

to work

now back to nimrod

nimrod’s compulsion for absolute control

set the foundation for the new world

order nimrod intended to become the

dictator of both the government and the

counterfeit religion that he and his

wife put together

consider nimrod’s counterfeit religion

and this is in genesis 11 nimrod married

a woman named samaramas he declared

himself to be the king of babylon and

his mystical bride as its first queen

and high priestess of idolatry

here at babel in genesis 11

is introduced as the first organized

idolatrous religious system in the

history of the world and it survives

until today samaramas knew enough about

the revelation of god to know that god

had promised that the seed of the woman

would bring blessings to the world in

genesis 3 15.

she had a son

she named that son thomas

thomas samara must claim that her son

was divine

and the divine fulfillment of genesis 3


the seed of the woman

have you got all that together here we

go she made herself and her son the

objects of worship

the symbol of this false religious


was called the mother child cult with a

mother holding the child in her arms

this cult spread to phoenicia and then

to pergamus and then into asia minor and

we find it in revelation 2 12-13

where the bible says quote pergamus is

the place of satan’s throne

pergamus is the place of satan’s throne

satan lives there

because the mother child cult was there

from pergamus it went to rome i want you

to hear this church

we are on this earth according to this


to be salt and light salt stops

corruption which means it irritates

light destroys darkness

satan is the prince of darkness

socialism is darkness that we are the

source of truth to a nation that’s now

stumbling in deception because of our

national leadership we are the source of

hope there are people who are giving up

hope on themselves and hope on this

country we are built on the solid rock

jesus christ who is hope to the hopeless

we are the source of confidence

this book

and the church of jesus christ are the

source of confidence god is with us

i’ve been asked a thousand times what

are we going to do we’re going to press

on because god is with us and everything

is going to be all right


we are submitted to god almighty and to

his son jesus christ end of story

whatever someone cooks up it does not

affect us we are in another government

with another king with another

constitution and we’ll stand on this


samarama set herself up as the only

approach to god

she adopted the title of the queen of


she taught that salvation came through

her by the means of sprinkling of water

and ceremonial cleansing

there was a purgatorial cleansing after


she created temple virgins that are now

known as nuns to pray for her son

who was allegedly killed by a wild beast

they were to fast for forty days that is

now called lent and at the end of those

forty days they would celebrate the

feast of ice tar which we now call

easter they gave colored eggs to each

other to celebrate eternal life

you see how much this has followed us

all of these thousands of years we’re

still doing it listen to me church

listen to me audiences across the


we the body of christ celebrate the

resurrection of jesus christ and easter

and nothing else

we celebrate his victory over death hell

and the grave because he lives we shall

live also

he and he alone is the resurrection and

the life give him praise and glory in

the house of god

this mother child cult spread to israel

when they have the king of israel

married jezebel he married a foreigner

who had been raised in the mother child

cult jezebel immediately started putting

the prophets of god into prison

they actually put them in caves but they

were prisons


because a socialist dictatorship cannot


a bible preaching

ministry soon afterwards israel started

worshiping baal think about this

the people who received the ten

commandments the mother child cult and

god sent severe judgment on israel when

god called abraham out of her he called

him out of out of a home that was

devoted to the worship of the mother

child cult abraham’s father kept his

idols till the day he died joshua 24 2

god commanded abraham to leave his

father’s house

in genesis 12 why

because there must be separation between

light and darkness

what you are willing to walk away from

will determine what god can bring you to

you must walk away from darkness before

you can embrace the light second

corinthians 6 14

the bible speaking through the pen of

saint paul

what fellowship has righteousness with


what communion has light with darkness


come out from among them saith the lord

and be separate from the world that’s

god’s command to the church we’re not

trying to be like the world we are the

light of the world turn on the light

forward to jeremiah 44

god tells us why he’s coming to send the

children of israel into captivity in


they worship the mother child cult the

bible says thou shalt have no other gods

before me

that’s not a request

that’s a command

in ezekiel chapter 8 we see the jewish

people in the temple of god who are

worshiping idols to the queen of heaven

go home and read that today

god sent ezekiel to the temple

to peek through a hole in the wall to

see what the people in the temple were

doing and they were praying to the queen

of heaven this is the babylonian cult of

of nimrod and samaramas the people

continued to worship the mother child

cult which remains a global and powerful

religion that will clash with the


for global control

in the near future why because they both

want the same thing

the antichrist wants to control the


and the false religion that’s coming is

going to want to dominate the world the

bible clearly teaches in the book of

revelation rome will be utterly

demolished and destroyed as the

antichrist destroys the mother child

cult and becomes an instant global

dictator there is one mediator listen

closely there is one mediator between

god and man it is not the queen of

heaven it is not a man

it is the lord jesus christ who is king

of kings and lord of lords who was

crucified for you and i

therefore god has highly exalted him

jesus and has given him a name above

every name say that with me he has given

him a name above every name that means

above kings above presidents above

dictators above anything that looks like

religion on the earth his name is above

every name and every tongue shall

confess that jesus christ is lord to the

glory of god the father end quote give

the lord praise in the house

every time the doors of this church are

open we celebrate jesus who loved us and

gave himself for us at the cross without

the shedding of blood there is no

remission of sin

jesus who washed us whiter than snow

jesus who took our poverty at the cross

and gave us the wealth of abraham jesus

the great physician who heals our body

jesus who gives us peace in the midst of

the storm jesus who bears our burdens

when we can’t go forward jesus who hears

us personally when we pray jesus who

gives us confidence in the storms of

life we sing the song jesus oh how sweet

the name jesus every day the same jesus

let all saints proclaim his glorious

name forever hallelujah to the lamb of

god jesus is his name

there is no queen of heaven

there is only god the father and his son

jesus christ can i hear an amen

second appearance of the new world order

satan came to jesus

jesus is on the earth in his earthly


and satan came to him and said if you

will fall down and worship me i will

give you the kingdoms of this world

and they were satans to give when he was

kicked out he had authority here

satan was cast out of heaven and he

became the prince of darkness listen

prince is someone who has authority in

his kingdom


had authority

until the cross


that’s why socialism must control the


we live under the authority of god

almighty and his word

we will bow to no one but jesus christ

the king of kings and lord of lords


israel is the only nation on earth

created by a sovereign act of god

we owe the people of israel a debt of

gratitude for their contributions that

gave birth to our christian faith

as a ministry we support the jewish

people with our words actions and

resources to thank you for inspirational

support of the holy land we will send

you our why christian should support

israel devotional and a jerusalem key

chain for your gift of 250 or more we

will also send you a leather bound hagee

ministries prophecy bible a city of

david dvd and handcrafted meja maria

candle holders custom made by ethiopian

jews in israel

god declares a blessing to those who

bless the jewish people

stand with us in prayer for the peace of


send your gift today call the number on

your screen or visit


socialism must attack the church and

they will attack the church if we allow

that to take our government over

jesus to the church you are the light of

the world let your light shine before

men say that with me you are the light

of the world now what does that mean

if satan has authority in the kingdom of

darkness when you as a christian open

your mouth and start quoting the word of

god you are the light of the world

darkness cannot stand light darkness

runs when light is turned on so stop

whining about the darkness and turn on

the light


out of european history comes the

illuminati that name means enlightened


they were a super secret organization of

international financial power brokers in

europe and they had as their goal a

worldwide empower a new world order

their leadership consisted listen of

satanists and atheist

ironic that followers of the prince of

darkness thought of themselves as the

source of light

when someone comes to you quoting


and says i saw a light and it revealed

this to me what did it say

and if it didn’t say what’s in here

you’re talking to the devil’s crowd

think about that

satan disguises himself as an angel of

light that’s in the bible

they too wanted to kick god out of


just as america’s liberal left wants to

kick god out of society socialists want

to get god out of america educators who

are teaching your children mock the god

of heaven secular humanists mock the god

of heaven and they control the

educational systems of this nation fast

forward to the 20th century the new

world order continues after world war

one the war to end all wars president

woodrow wilson produced something called

the league of nations in man’s

relentless pursuit of a one-world

government it failed then came adolf

hitler with the third reich adolf hitler

promised the german people that he would

bring europe a new order that would last

a thousand years he promised peace and

prosperity listen to me socialism always

comes promising peace and prosperity a

better life and as soon as they suck you

in they make you their prisoner

he dragged europe hitler dragged europe

into the bowels of a living hell he

turned europe crimson red with rivers of

human blood

hitler’s ss corps were occultus and


their objective was to cast god out of

the german society

pastors in germany who disagreed with

hitler were put into prison

hitler murdered six million jews god’s

firstborn son

according to the book of exodus

the apple of his eye

nazism was a socialist religion

and hitler was germany’s messiah don’t

you ever forget it their salute

was a sign of worship to a man and not

the god of heaven today the united

nations in new york wants a new world

order what does it mean listen to brock

chisholm the director of the u.n world

health organization he said to achieve

world government it is necessary to

remove from the minds of men listen

one their individualism


loyalty to their families


national patriotism

and religion to cast god out to control

you to take away your freedom the u.n is

the modern tower of babel

70 of those people cannot spell human

rights but they want to tell you

how to live they think they are ready to

rule the world

get serious i agree with the slogan get

america out of the u.n and the u.n out

of america

there’s going to be a new world order

and soon

it’s not going to be the socialist

utopia that self-serving politicians in

washington dc think it is that the

marxist professors of america’s

universities are clamoring for it’s

going to be a global dictator an

absolute slavery from mankind through

the antichrist

from the tower of babel

in genesis to the u.n to the godless in

our congress who worship the deep state

who are trying right now to kick god out

of our country out of our churches to

control our schools to destroy our

constitution which honors the god of

heaven not corrupt politicians in

washington god almighty is about to say

it’s enough

you’ve rejected me

you’ve rejected my word you rejected my

son jesus christ i’m going to turn

satan’s messiah loose on the earth the

antichrist he’s going to make hitler

look like a choir boy

he’s going to make you take his sign in

your hand or your forehead and if you

don’t take it he’ll cut your head off

he will slaughter one-fourth of the

earth’s population he is going to

produce seven years of hell on earth the

coming new world order will be the

fourth reich the fourth reich will be

much like the third only worse it will

include the united states of america and

i take this point because there are

preachers who are teaching that god

would never allow evil men to rule this

country wake up

how do we know that the antichrist is

going to

rule america the bible

says so

it doesn’t mention america but

it mentions the world in which america

lives so listen the bible makes it clear

in its identification to the great sea

what is the great sea

daniel 7 i saw in my vision by night and

behold the four winds of heaven strove

upon the great sea again what is the

great sea revelation 17 15 john gives

the identification and he said to me


john the revelator not john hagee he

said unto me

the waters which you saw are the great

sea listen they are peoples multitudes

nations and tongues

the great sea is the whole world

there’s another verse to prove that

revelation 13 7 the authority was given

unto the antichrist over every tribe

over every tongue

and over every nation revelation 13 7

the last half of the verse read it

the point is the antichrist is going to

have complete authority over the united

states of america before this monster

gets his claws

into the hands of the world

the church of jesus christ is leaving

this earth in something called the

rapture the trump of god is going to

sound and we’re out of here



for those of you who miss it

at a time of political instability


america at a time

when our economy is challenged

because of hyperinflation because of all

these millions and trillions of dollars

we’re giving away now someone has to pay

for that

there will come a time when we can’t pay


and america will yield its sovereignty

to a foreign power

our economy will be merged into a

one-world economy a one-world government

a one-world religion and a one-world

currency and it’s not as far off as you


people are not buying too many things

these days with cash

now i want you to hear

about the last invasion on planet earth

earth’s last empire

john describes the arrival of king jesus

in jerusalem revelation 19 11 and 15 i

saw the heavens open and behold a white

horse and he that set upon him was

called faithful and true in

righteousness he just judge and make war

and out of his mouth goes a two-edged

sword that’s the word of god and with it

he will smite the nations and he will

rule them with a rod of iron what does

that mean he’s going to rule them by

this book right here war against who

those nations at the battle of

armageddon in israel the armies of the

antichrist and out of europe will

present a 200 million man army of the

kings of the east those armies will be

annihilated by king jesus he that

keepeth israel neither slumbers nor




how do you know that’s true

john the revelator says his eyes jesus

whereas the flame of fire and on his

head were many crowns why because he’s

king of kings and lord of lords

here is the verse he is clothed with a

vesture dipped in blood whose blood when

we start coming

from heaven

and the bride of christ starts circling

over jerusalem and jesus sees this

battle of armageddon for world supremacy

that will destroy the holy city of

jerusalem and israel

he wipes them out

none of them survive that fight he

throws satan into the lake of fire and

the false prophet into the lake of fire

john said his garments are covered with

blood because he just defeated every


down on that ground

now and the armies which are in heaven

that’s the angels and that’s you and you

and you wearing white robes followed him

on white horses

that’s a lot of horses

and he said on his vesture on his thigh

a name is written king of kings and lord

of lords and i saw the beast and the

false prophet were cast alive into the

lake of fire and of his kingdom the

kingdom of jesus there shall be no end

and of his kingdom there shall be no end

and of his kingdom there shall be no

wind be of good cheer the king of kings

is coming there’s a new world order

coming it’s jesus christ the son of the

living god hallelujah to the lamb of god

thank you for standing with us in

support of israel across the globe

anti-semitism is rising your support is

more vital now than ever before god

promises when you bless israel he

blesses you our god reigns so expect

supernatural blessings in your life

today stay tuned pastor hagee has a

special blessing just for you

during world war ii most of the world

turned a blind eye to the holocaust and

hitler’s atrocities

christians were slow to act and did not

speak up until it was too late and six

million jews were murdered

right now thousands of ukrainian jewish

families are fleeing the russian army

for the freedom of israel

imagine fleeing with a baby in one hand

and a toddler holding the other with all

of your earthly possessions in a sack

over your shoulder leaving your husband

behind to defend your country

these courageous families need our help

the time for action is now we do not

know when the borders will be closed

silence in the face of evil is evil god

will not hold us guiltless take action


donate at

ukraine or call the number on your

screen god bless you and god bless the

jewish people

and now your blessing with pastor john


and now may the lord bless you and may

the lord keep you and may the lord make

his face to shine upon you and be

gracious unto you giving you his peace

do not be dismayed by what you currently

see happening on this earth

god has promised when you see these

signs lift up your head and rejoice your

redemption draweth nigh we as a church

honor the state of israel god’s chosen

people according to the mandates of the

holy bible may you know that the

blessings and the favor of god is upon

you because you too

have chosen to bless the jewish people

we say to the nations of the world the

king is coming jesus christ is king of

kings and he’s on his way we are

prepared for that meeting in the air in

jesus name receive this blessing amen
