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I’ve been praying and I’ve been studying

and I want to share something with you

that I believe God is doing not just in

my life I believe it’s a prophetic word

and I believe he’s doing it in the lives

of all of us and I want to share with

you what God has given me I’m going to

be speaking out of the book of Joshua

you’re visiting for the first time it is

our custom to stand for the reading of

the word I’m in Joshua 2 verse 8 to lay

context for the text at this point the

children of Israel are about to move

into the promised land Moses has died

and since his death they’ve had to

undergo a few things but now God has

raised up another leader and God has

told this leader it’s time for you to

finish what Moses started and so before

they cross over the Jordan River and

into the promised land he sends two

spies over to Jericho and they end up

finding refuge in the home of a working

woman by the name of Rahab she is what

the Bible would call a harlot but what

2019 would call a sex worker and they

find refuge in her home and she says

something to them that hit me so deep in

my spirit because God can use anybody to

deliver a word and I think she’s given

us something to think about this is

Joshua 2 verse 8 it says now before they

lay down so these two spies are spying

out Jericho and they’re afraid that

they’re going to get caught because the

king of Jericho has learned that they

are in the city but Rahab creates a safe

space for them but before they lay down

she came up to them on the roof and said

to them men I know that the Lord has

given you the land and that

terror of you has fallen on us and that

all of the inhabitants of the land are

faint-hearted because of you but we have

heard how the Lord dried up the Red Sea

for you when you came out of Egypt and

what you did to the kings of the Amorite

hsihu were on the other side of the

Jordan Sion and Ark whom you utterly

destroyed and as soon as we heard these

things our hearts melted neither did

there remain any more courage in anyone

because of you for the Lord your God He

is God in heaven above and on earth

beneath Spirit of the Living God my

prayer tonight is that you would fall my

prayer is that you would fall with such

glory and such clarity that anything

that has been confusing us and clouding

our mind would have to leave my prayer

is that you would fall with such weight

in such a glory that creativity would

spring back that healing would come that

cancer would have to go that depression

couldn’t stay my prayer is that the King

of glory would step into this room and

that he would pour out a blessing that

we don’t have room enough to receive the

kind of blessings that money can buy but

generational promises bring up after

that’s the kind of God that we serve so

father I’m asking that you would use

every part of me for your glory that

there would be no telling where I end

and you begin because we are so in sync

in this moment god I thank you for what

you’ve already decided to do in this

place and I just ask that you bring us

into alignment that there would be no

distractions no fear no insecurities

just you speaking a word to us your

people in Jesus name Amen