What’s keeping you from claiming your rightful harvest? In these powerful messages, Dr. Jerry Savelle explains the Spiritual laws that govern the reaping of a harvest that has been reserved just for you. God never forgets your offerings and the seeds you sow. Start expecting extraordinary things to happen after you’ve planted your seed. Your harvest is just waiting to go to its rightful owner! Harvest time has come! 7 Keys – Calling In Your Harvest – Download http://www.jerrysavelle.org/downloads… In Your Harvest – 7 keys.pdf This week’s teaching resource. http://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pro… —————————————————— ? Like us and subscribe to our channel ⭐️ Visit our store to see our featured resources: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store ⭐️ » Do you need prayer: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/prayer-r… » Do you have a testimony you would like to share: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/testimonies » Become a partner with Jerry Savelle today: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/partnership » Support/Donate/Give: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/gi… FOLLOW US ON: Facebook ➡ https://www.facebook.com/jerrysavellemin Instagram ➡ https://www.instagram.com/jerrysavell… Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/jerrysavellemin —————————————————— About Jerry Savelle Dr. Savelle is the author of more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy, He Can’t Keep Your Goods and Called to Battle, Destined To Win. He and his wife, Carolyn, also serve as founding Pastors of Heritage of Faith Christian Center in Crowley, Texas. ✅ Best Selling Books » The Favor of God ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » Called to Battle Destined to Win ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/ca… » Prayer of Petition ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… » Principles of Supernatural Increase ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… ✅ Best Selling Audio » Quitting Is Not An Option ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/qu… » The Law Of Progression ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy… ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/if… » Thoughts: The Battle Between Your Ears ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… ✅ Curriculum » The Favor of God ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » Prayer of Petition ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… » Why God Wants You to Prosper ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/wh… » Life of Faith ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/li…


JERRY: Hello, everyone.
Thank you for joining us today.

We’re thrilled that you are
watching our broadcast. It’s so

important to us to know that
people are being blessed, people

are being healed, people are
being set free, people are being

inspired, people’s faith is
being energized. So let us know.

If this is what this broadcast
is doing for your spiritual

life, please let us know about
it. We love hearing from you.

Those of you that tuned in last
week, you know, we began a new

series entitled, “Calling in
Your Harvest.” We’re going to

continue that today and for the
next two weeks. So make your

plans to join us each and every
week as we get into this study

even deeper and deeper and
deeper, “Calling in Your

Harvest.” Now, the first thing I
want to remind you is that from

Genesis 1, God made it very
clear that his intention for man

in having his life sustained was
by the seeds that he sows. He

told Adam, immediately after
creating him, “Behold, I give

you every herb-bearing seed.”
And he said, “This seed is for

meat,” or for provision. So in
other words, God is telling

Adam, “Adam, here’s how you’re
going to have your life provided

for, from the seeds that you
sow.” So it was important that

Adam learned the law of seedtime
and harvest. And then later in

Genesis 8, God makes this
statement: That as long as the

earth remains, seedtime and
harvest shall not cease. So

notice, that was not only God’s
plan for Adam, it’s God’s plan

for us today. Is the earth still
here? Yes, it is. So God intends

for you and I to have our lives
sustained by the seeds that we

sow. Now, there’s not a lot of
people that understand this, not

even a lot of Christian people
that understand this. Now, you

know, like I said on last week’s
broadcast, when you talk about

seeds and reaping in life
outside of, you know, farming,

most people, the only time they
ever heard anything about it was

in a negative vein. I’ve heard
people say–I had it said to me

when I was growing up–“One of
these days, you’re going to reap

a harvest of all them wild oats
you’ve been sowing.” They always

talked about it in the negative.
No one ever told me, when I was

growing up, “Son, if you plant
positive seeds, it’ll produce

for you a positive harvest.” No
one ever told me that. It wasn’t

until I was 23 years old, way
back in 1969, and I discovered

it in the Word of God. Of
course, I didn’t discover it on

my own. One of the people who
helped me was Oral Roberts,

teaching on the law of seedtime
and harvest, teaching on seed

faith. I began to learn from him
and from Kenneth Copeland in

particular about the law of
seedtime and harvest. And I

began to apply it in my life,
and I’m telling you, even though

I didn’t see immediate results,
I did begin to see results

slowly but surely, and it led me
to believe, even stronger, that

I am in charge of my own destiny
by the seeds that I sow. And

that is true for you as well.
You are in charge of your own

destiny by the seeds that you
sow. Now, understand this, that

your thoughts are seeds, your
words are seeds, your actions

are seeds. And the Bible even
says, in II Corinthians 9,

as–in one place, it’s more than
just there, but in II

Corinthians 9, it even reveals
to us that the giving of our

finances–when we give to other
people, when we bless other

people, when we give to God,
when we support the kingdom of

God, when we support ministries
like this ministry, television

ministries, missions, when you
are giving of your finances, the

Bible compares that to sowing
seed. And it also says that we

can expect a harvest. Now, I
know a lot of people said,

“Well, you know, I just give,
but I never expected a harvest.”

Well, the Bible says you can.
The Bible says that you can. So

if the Bible says that you can,
then why not do it? Praise God.

Amen. So, listen to what II
Corinthians 9 says. Now, in

Verse 5, the apostle Paul says,
to the Corinthian church, that

he thought it was important that
he send some folks in there to

collect the offerings that they
wanted to sow into Paul’s

ministry in helping minister to
the saints. And then he tells

them this, in Verse 6, “But this
I say, He which soweth sparingly

shall reap also sparingly.” Now,
notice Paul is talking to us

about spiritual law, the law of
seedtime and harvest. Not only

that, but he says, “If you sow
in small amounts, then you will

receive harvest in small
amounts.” Just let that sink in

for a moment. That’s not rocket
science. I mean, you know, if

you only plant one tomato seed,
then your harvest is going to be

small. It’ll be a lot bigger
than that one seed, but it’s not

going to be a field full of
tomatoes if you only plant one

seed. So it’s the same with your
finances. If you sow small when

you’re capable of sowing larger,
then you’re going to expect a

harvest that is in proportion to
the amount that you sowed. Now

let me say this: If what you
have is small, but it’s the best

you have, then that’s
another–that’s another thing

altogether. If it’s the best you
have, now it becomes significant

seed. And in the eyes of God,
you are–you are to expect–you

have the right to expect a
significant harvest. Now, notice

once again, “He which sows
sparingly shall also reap

sparingly; and he which soweth
bountifully,” or sows in large

sums, sows out of the–the
richness of his heart and the

richness of his treasury, it
says that when he sows

bountifully, he can expect to
reap a bountiful harvest.

So–and notice, he lets you
determine it. You know,

somebody’ll say, “Well, I’m just
waiting on God to reveal to me

what I should give.” Well,
that’s wonderful, but you know,

you should grow up at some point
and be able to decide on your

own and say, “Now, Lord, your
Word says that if I sow

sparingly, I will reap
sparingly; your Word says if I

sow bountifully, I will reap
bountifully. I need a bountiful

harvest, so I’m going to sow the
best seed I’ve got. I’m going to

sow a bountiful seed and expect
a bountiful harvest.” Praise

God. And then it says, in Verse
7, “Every man according as he

purposes in his heart, so let
him give.” So once again, God

leaves it up to you. “As every
man purposes in his own heart,

so let him give.” You know,
there are times when–when I’ll

asked the Lord, “Lord, what do
you want me to give? What do you

want me to sow in this meeting
tonight, or in this ministry?”

or “How much do you want me to
give this brother?” And–and

he’ll reveal it to me. But there
are many times I just decide or

purpose in my own heart what I
want to do, and God backs that

as well. And so notice here it
says, “As you purpose in your

heart, so let him give.” And so
he’s telling us that giving is

like planting a seed. Now, this
is the way I operate personally.

This is the way our ministry
operates. You know, I’ve taught

my children that–that if you
don’t have all that you need,

then take what you have and
consider it a seed. That’s the

way we operate. That’s the way
we live. Both of my daughters

live that way. We’ve taught
them, we’ve showed them. God’s

honored it. Whenever I am
believing God for something and

I don’t have the amount to pay
for it, I don’t have that much

money in my account, then I take
either all that I have in that

account or I take a portion of
it, and I sow it toward the

harvest that I’m believing God
for. You see, every seed

produces after its own kind. If
you need money, then sow money.

If you need healing, sow
healing. “Well, how do I sow

healing, brother?” Go lay hands
on somebody that’s sick. The

Bible says, the believer shall
“lay hands on the sick, and they

shall recover.” So you laying
hands on somebody else that is

in need of healing, that’s like
sowing a seed. If–if you

need–if you’re believing God
for a house, find somebody else

that’s believing God for a house
and sow into their house

project. Praise God. If you’re
believing God for a car, go find

somebody else that’s believing
for a car and sow seed and call

it “car seed,” praise God, and
expect a harvest from it. You

say, “I can really do that?”
Folks, I’m telling you, the

Bible encourages you to do it.
It’s the way I’ve lived for the

last 47 years, and God has never
let me down. I mean, everything

we have, everything this
ministry has, it’s all paid for.

We have no debt whatsoever. And
we did it by sowing seed for it.

In fact, every time that–that
I’m in need of a–a bigger,

larger airplane for this
ministry, I take the one I’m

flying, and I sow it into
another ministry where it meets

that ministry’s needs. And each
and every time I’ve done that,

God has blessed me with bigger
and better. Now, it didn’t

happen overnight. A lot of times
it didn’t happen in a week, a

lot of times it didn’t happen in
a year. But I’m here to tell

you, it did happen. Why? Because
I wouldn’t give up. Why

would–why did I make the choice
not to give up? Well, I’ll tell

you, from Galatians 6, we read
it on last week’s broadcast.

It’s worthy of reading again.
Listen in Verse–Verse 9, “And

let us not be weary in well
doing.” Now, if you back up and

read back through Verse 6 all
the way up through Verse 9, the

“Well doing” that he’s talking
about is sowing, giving. And he

says, “Let us not be weary in
well-doing, for in due season,

we shall reap if we faint not.”
Look at those last few words,

“if we faint not,” four little
words, but four powerful words.

You will reap if you faint not.
Why would Paul say that? Because

he knows human nature, that
people tend to give up when they

don’t see immediate results. The
farmer doesn’t give up in a

night. Just because he doesn’t
see a harvest the morning after

he planted his seed, he doesn’t
go out there and–and till up

all the seed. No. Why? Because
he knows you have to allow the

seed time to germinate. You have
to allow the seed time to grow

and then spring up. In fact, let
me read something to you from

James 5. In Verse 7, it says,
“Be patient therefore, brethren,

unto the coming of the Lord.
Behold the husbandman waiteth

for the precious fruit of the
earth, and hath long patience

for it, until he receive the
early and the latter rain.” The

Amplified Bible reads this way:
“So be patient, brethren…See

how the farmer waits expectantly
for the precious harvest from

the land.” Now, he’s talking
about the coming of the Lord,

that we are to wait patiently
for that. But there is a

principle here that he mentions
regarding seedtime and harvest,

and that is this: The farmer
waits patiently, and he also

“waits expectantly,” the
Amplified Bible says, “for the

precious harvest of the land.”
Now, can you say that’s what you

do? You know, if you’ve sowed a
seed into this ministry, if the

Lord impressed upon you, or you
just–you just believed that it

was the right thing to do, and
you sowed a seed into this

ministry, then the Bible says
you have a right to expect a

harvest. But, it’s important
that you be willing to wait, not

only wait, but wait expectantly.
You see, when you wait

expectantly, then you get up
every day with joy. You get up

every day with a smile on your
face. You get up every day

rejoicing, praise God. Why?
Because you know God’s Word will

not return unto him void. You
know that you’ve acted on the

Word of God. It said, “Let every
man purpose in his heart what he

would give.” You did that, and
now the Bible says that you are

to be just like this farmer and
wait expectantly for the

precious harvest of the land.
“Waiting expectantly” means that

you don’t give up. It means that
you don’t cave in, you don’t

faint, you don’t grow weary. If
you’re tempted to do so, you

cast that temptation down. You
break the power of it, and you

just say, “No, God promised me a
harvest, and I am waiting on my

harvest.” And, praise God, if
you’re willing to do that, then

God’ll see to it that your
harvest will come. Why? Because

it’s the law of Genesis. God
said that every seed produces

after its own kind. Genesis 8:22
once again, “While the earth

remaineth, seedtime and harvest
shall not cease.” If you plant

seed, then God says you have
every right to expect a harvest.

Even though we don’t always know
how God is going to produce that

harvest, we do know that he will
bring it about. Why? Because his

Word says so. It says, “If you
do not faint, you will reap in

due season.” “Well, brother, how
long does it take for due

season?” Well, I don’t know.
I’ve had some due seasons come

before dark. I’ve had some due
seasons come in a week or two

weeks. I’ve had some due seasons
take a year, even two years, or

even longer. But my
determination was, “Quit is not

an option. I’m not giving up. I
sowed this seed. God promised me

a harvest, and I’m not giving
up,” praise God. I’m going to be

like that farmer in James 5:7,
and I’m waiting expectantly for

it. Amen. So once again,
Galatians 6:9, “Let us not be

weary in well doing: for in due
season we shall reap, if we

faint not.” Get up every day
saying, “Today could be my due

season day.” If it doesn’t
happen that day, get up the next

day and say, “Today could be my
due season day.” If it doesn’t

happen that day, get up every
day, declaring, “Today could be

my due season day,” and don’t
stop doing that until due season

comes. That’s what you call
“waiting expectantly.” The

Amplified Bible says that “You
will reap if you do not relax

your courage.” So don’t–don’t
give up. Don’t give up on God’s

Word. Don’t give up on God.
Don’t cast away your faith. If

you sowed seed, then you have
every right to expect a harvest.

It takes courage to reap a
harvest. It takes the refusal to

fear to reap a harvest, praise
God. I’ve watched many over the

years give up because it looked
like it was taking too long. It

looked like it would never come
to pass. You know, I–I’ve

experienced that in the early
days of me learning these

things. I mean, I can remember
times when I was under such

pressure. I remember one time
I had sown, and I needed a

financial harvest for my
ministry just so I could pay the

bills. And I remember becoming
so desperate, I said to God one

day, “God, forget the
thirtyfold, forget the

sixtyfold, forget the
hundredfold. Just match me

dollar for dollar, and that’ll
help me big time.” Well, you

know, that was–that was the
words of a desperate man. I was

about to grow weary. And I think
the Lord got a–a big laugh out

of that. But he encouraged me
not to give up. And I didn’t

give up, and God came through.
Praise God. So, don’t–don’t

grow weary. Don’t give up on
your harvest. You know, there’s

a scripture–and we’ll talk
about it probably on next week’s

broadcast. But there is a
scripture in Psalm 20 that

actually says, “God never
forgets a seed sown.” He never

forgets a seed sown. So if he
doesn’t forget a seed sown,

don’t you give up on it. Praise
God. Now, in Verse 8 of James 5,

right after he told us to wait
expectantly, it also says,

“stablish your hearts.” In the
Amplified, it says, “Establish

your heart, strengthen and
confirm them in final

certainty.” “Strengthen and
establish your heart.” This

is–this is like the man in
Psalm 112. It says this man will

not be afraid. “His heart is
fixed,” his heart is

established, “trusting in the
Lord.” You see, when you

establish your heart, that means
that you have settled it once

and for all that the Word of God
is final authority, that if God

says a man will reap, a man will
harvest on the seed that he

sows, then as far as you’re
concerned, that’s final

authority. It doesn’t matter
what it looks like. It doesn’t

matter what anybody else says
about it, doesn’t matter what

anybody else thinks about it.
The Word of God is final

authority. So you become like
that man in Psalm 112 who has

established his heart. He has
determined that the only thing

that matters here is what does
the Word of God say. And he

refused to fear, he refuses to
give up, he refuses to quit.

Why? Because his heart is
established, trusting in the

Lord. And this man will see
results. And if you become like

that man, you will see results
too. That’s Psalm 112:7-8. Verse

9 even says about this man, “He
has dispersed, and he has

given.” Notice, this man in
Psalm 112, he’s a sower. He is a

giver. And he has given, he has
sown, and he has settled it in

his heart, “God’s Word says if I
sow, I shall reap.” And this man

does not give up until he sees
his harvest. So that’s how

you’ve got to become. Don’t give
up. If you’ve sown seed, don’t

give up. Make that decision. The
moment you sow that seed, you

sow it in joy, you sow it in
expectancy, and you say, out of

your mouth, “Praise God, God’s
Word says that if I sow I shall

reap, and I refuse to grow
weary, I refuse to faint, I

refuse to give up. I establish
my heart on the Word of God, and

I’m not going to fear, and I
believe I’ll see my harvest.”

Praise God. And you just watch
and see, God will not only honor

his Word, but he’ll honor your
faith in it. Praise God. So

start expecting your harvest.
That’s important. Start

expecting your harvest, and
don’t give up on it. The Word

the Lord has given me for 2016,
that it is the year of the great

breaking loose. And I believe
there are–there are harvests

that are about to break loose in
the body of Christ like we have

never experienced before. I’m
experiencing it myself. This

ministry’s experiencing it. And
I believe God wants you to

experience–I want you to get up
every day declaring, “This is

the year of the great breaking
loose, and my harvest is

breaking loose during the course
of this year.” Dare to believe

it, praise God, and keep saying
it out of your mouth, and don’t

give up until you see it happen.
Let me close it with this, some

things that I wrote down that
I’ve shared many, many times on

seedtime and harvest and calling
in your harvest; what to do

while you’re waiting on your
harvest, seven keys that I’ve

learned over the years of what
to do while you’re waiting for

your harvest. Number one,
demonstrate your confidence in

the seed’s ability to produce a
harvest by being enthusiastic

and excited. Let me say it
again. Demonstrate your

confidence in the seed’s ability
to produce a harvest by being

enthusiastic and by being
excited. Number two, clearly

define what your harvest is and
talk about it often. What did

you sow that seed for? Clearly
define it. If you sowed that

seed for a car, then clearly
define, “That seed was my car

seed,” and then talk about it
often. Number three, water your

seed by speaking the Word of God
over it. That’s how you water

your seed, by speaking the Word
of God over it. Number four,

keep the weeds off your seed.
Oh, that’s important. What are

weeds? Unforgiveness, strife,
bitterness, jealousy, all those

things that the Bible says we
don’t need in our lives. So keep

the weeds off your seed. If
you’ve sown seed and yet you’ve

got unforgiveness in your heart,
it could be that that

unforgiveness will become like a
weed, and it will suffocate your

seed. So keep the weeds off your
seed. Number five, continually

praise God for your harvest.
“Well, brother, as soon as it

comes, I will.” No, no, no.
Faith does it before it sees it.

Continually praise God for your
harvest even before it

manifests. Number six, never
give up on it. And number seven,

keep sowing toward your next
harvest. I mean, even though

you’ve sown, keep sowing toward
your next harvest. Your harvest

is determined by what you do
while you’re waiting for it. So

I want to encourage you to, if
you can, go on our website and

get these seven keys and–and
study them, and apply them, and

you’re going to see that your
harvest will come your way,

praise God, just like God’s Word
said it would. Praise God. I

hope you’ve enjoyed the lesson
today. We have an announcement

about a special product we want
to offer you this week, so get

ready to watch that
announcement. But before we do,

don’t forget our social media,
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook,

all these tools that are
designed to help you in your

spiritual growth. Link up with
us. We want to minister to you

on a daily basis. Okay, praise
God. Watch this announcement

about the product that we have
available for you this week,

then I’ll be right back with
some closing remarks. (Music)

ANNOUNCER: There’s a time to sow
and a time to reap. Now is the

time for your harvest. Harvest
time has come. What’s keeping

you from planting your rightful
harvest? In the powerful

three-CD teaching, “Calling in
Your Harvest,” Jerry Savelle

explains the spiritual laws that
govern the reaping of a harvest

that’s reserved just for you. In
this series, he addresses, “Are

you entitled to the harvest?
Your part in the manifestation

of your harvest, How the seeds
you sow determine your destiny,

How to know when your harvest is
ready, What might be holding

back your harvest? Can you
ensure there’s no end to your

harvest? The most important
thing to do with your harvest,”

and more. God never forgets your
offerings and the seeds you sow.

Request this powerful series,
“Calling in Your Harvest” today.

Call or go online to
jerrysavelle.org. Don’t wait.

It’s time to expect
extraordinary things to happen.

Your harvest is ready to go to
its rightful owner. JERRY:

Listen, if you’ve been waiting
for your harvest for a long,

long time, and you’ve begun to
grow weary, then these three

CD’s are what you’ve been
looking for. If you’ve sown, and

it looks like it’s taking
forever, and you’re not sure if

you can continue to stand, this
is the series you’ve been

waiting for, “Calling in Your
Harvest,” three powerful CD’s

that will teach you how to
overcome weariness, how to

resist the temptation to give
up. I’m telling you, these are

powerful messages that I know
are going to help you in your

faith and help you be able to
stand and continue to stand

until your harvest comes. So, I
want to encourage you to order

these right away. Don’t wait
another minute. Do it right now

while it’s fresh on your mind.
You can go to our website, or

you can call the number on the
screen, or you can write to the

address on the screen, but do it
today. Don’t delay, do it today.

These are so powerful that I
know once you begin to listen to

them, I don’t know if you’re
going to be able to put them

down. You may want to listen to
all three of them all at one

time. If not, well, listen
to them, because I know how

powerful they are, and I know
what they’re going to do for

your faith. Praise God. Thank
you, once again, partners, for

supporting the ministry. We love
you, we appreciate you, we pray

for you. In fact, this morning I
had all of my advisory board

together with me in the board
room, and we especially spent

some time praying for all of our
partners, believing God for your

financial prosperity, believing
God for promotions and raises,

believing God for favor like
you’ve never experienced before.

Thank you, partners, for
believing in us, and thank you

for supporting this ministry and
supporting its outreaches. Also,

those of you that are not
partners, please prayerfully

consider becoming a partner. I
tell you, when you link up with

this ministry, like so many of
our partners have told me, you

will begin to experience the
same grace, the same anointing,

the same increase that is on us.
You will begin to experience it.

So many of my partners have told
me this over the years, “Brother

Jerry, when I linked up with
your ministry, my income began

to increase.” One man tells me,
every time I see him, “Brother

Jerry, ever since I linked up
with your ministry, my income

has tripled.” Praise God. What
a great report. Well, that’s

Bible, because the apostle Paul
wrote to his partners in

Philippians 1, and said, because
of their connection with him,

that the grace that was on his
life and ministry, they became

partakers of it. You become
partakers of the same grace, the

same anointing, the same spirit
of increase, the same favor that

is on my life and on this
ministry. So consider becoming a

partner. If you’d like more
information about it, write to

us or log on to the website, and
it’ll tell you how you can

become a partner. Thank you for
watching the broadcast. We

encourage you to join with us
again next week as we continue

this study on “Calling in Your
Harvest.” This is–these are

important lessons. You need your
harvest. God needs for you to

receive your harvest because
there are big things that need

to be accomplished in these last
days, and God’s counting on you

being a part of it. Thank you
once again for joining with us.

We speak the blessing of God
over you, we speak the favor of

God over you. And next week,
we’ll continue this lesson on

“Calling in Your Harvest.” So
until then, remember, your faith

will overcome the world.
ANNOUNCER: Next week, Brother

Jerry continues his message,
“Calling in Your Harvest.”

JERRY: Let me ask you a
question. Are you a sower? Do

you sow seed? Are you someone
who supports ministries? Do you

support the work of the Lord?
Are you someone who sows into

other people, being a blessing
to them? If you’re a sower, then

you have every right to expect a
harvest. (Music)