What Best Explains Reality: Theism or Atheism? (Frank Turek vs. Christopher Hitchens)

Filmed at The College of New Jersey, Frank Turek and Christopher Hitchens meet again in their second debate to give their arguments for what best explains reality. The title is “What Best Explains Reality: Atheism or Theism?” Recorded at the College of New Jersey! Read comments in the CrossExamined blog here http://www.crossexamined.org/blog/?p=117. If you’d like […]


Why Would God Make Me a Lesbian?

Addressing a controversial issue about whether God is the cause of homosexuality in people and whether loving someone of the same sex is a sin. [Music] you mentioned the Acorn analogy that an acorn hmm his pre-programmed to grow up into a tree yes if if things are directed how God wanted them then why […]


Errors in the Bible?

At SMU Dr. Frank Turek was asked, “How do we account for the errors of the scribes in the New Testament since these documents were handed down from one person to the next and what if these errors are not simple and interfere with the teachings of the scriptures. yes sir what’s your name hello […]