The first volume of our most popular series, A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine! This special collection of humorous and heart-touching sermon illustrations will have you laughing and shouting for joy! For more information on this product, go to….

God began to deal with me about my

temper and I believe was in 82 I made a

mistake I didn’t pray that morning I

didn’t listen to the whispering of the

Spirit of God the Lord said Jesse I

think the day y’all might oughta

minister to me my sister called me she

said Jesse you know something about

buying cards would you come help me buy

a car Deborah my sister I said yeah

Deborah come I said come on Kathy we’ll

go help Deborah buy a car she said okay

she said you know how to do deals and

stuff like had you been dealing since

she was 2 years old

you know Oh like I saw my brothers close

one time when I was 12 so ever and that

he had to make a living I did I stole

everything you had ice cleaned this

closet out so not it was terrible what

are y’all laughing at some of you

probably bought it we don’t know No

so anyway I go down there and we went to

the Chevrolet dealership Kathy was with

me he and my brother won’t want to buy a

truck now this is 19 I think 81 or 82 so

I’m in there and I’m I’m looking around

I said I said well I’ll pick what truck

you want he said well I like that one on

the on the showroom floor I said okay

let me look at the sticker price on cuz

I used to sell cars when I was about 18

years old I was pretty good salesman you

know just trying to pick up a few

dollars here in there so I look at it

like that he says uh I said now this is

one you want yeah

so I said salesman said well let’s just

go in my office and make us a deal so I

went with him so you made the deal I

said that’s no good and I’m standing up

I said that’s no good I looked at me

like that and guy look at me said sir

I said that’s not good you’re not doing

anything there don’t insult my

intelligence that’s no good

yeah but I’m giving her this for their

car said yet and give them nothing

that’s that’s markup you ain’t get my

dime mean put one nipple in that car

that they trade in it now let’s do some

day let me tell you what we want here

boom boom boom ice and I know you got to

make a living but you don’t have to make

a kill it

well I could see it made that more mad I

could see him squirming this is the

salesman so he said I got to go talk to

my supervisor my boss to see if he’ll

take this deal you know how to go out

and talk I’ll say listen he said listen

just say do whatever we get this thing

down he I don’t care how much it cost me

I just want to know how much the note is

see that’s America America I don’t care

how much anything costs how much is the


well we’ll finance it to you for 937

million years at $10 a month we’ll take


now you may pick 2 for the rest of your

life and your grandchildren but you’re

not interested in that you just want to

know how much is the note which is a bad


it’s called credit cards you they make

so billions of dollars on interest so he

comes back said we can’t do that I said

yes you can he said oh you buying the

trucker here I said he is but I’m doing

it did they kind of made me man I saw

Cathy look at me like that

I could see cathegory we’re gonna calm


I thought what’s the matter guy thinks

I’m an idiot I know how to buy an

automobile who’s this idiot anyway

probably just went to work it probably

just he probably takes a draw instead of

making any money on yeah that’s all

going through my mind I didn’t like his


cuz I’m trying to help my sister my

brother-in-law back off so he kept going

back and forth I said I tell you well

why don’t we stop all this and get your

boss to come and then we can settle this

thing up pretty quick he said what are

you her finance man oh no no no I felt

it Tabasco sauce come up my legs

I got hot all of a sudden I could hear

this I’m gonna make you an offer you

can’t refuse and I saw Kathy Jesse just

sit I heard the Lord said Jesse Jesse it

was a whisper but not I’m anointed a God

I got God living in me but right now the

flesh has said we’re gonna repent after

we kicked this boy’s brain go yeah

knocking here Kathy going Jesse Jesse he

said what about you huh finance man he

said it twice I said you know he was

bigger than I was now he had said this

he was stay here instead of coming into

the office coming back from making the

decision from his boss he was out there

I turned around I said what’d you say I

said what’d you say he looked at me he

bite ready to say when he did my arm aah

I pushed him up against that truck jam

my leg between his leg I got it he he’s

off balance I’ve got this sucker I got


there’s Kathy gone that I denied I ran

back to hit this guy I mean I’m coming

I’ll sit it just mad yeah my sister

going look I mean I’m red bag the guy’s

gonna take the lick I got him he’s off

balance I am gonna pop this but I could

see the blood coming down at window you

want some of me ha ha I’ll show you what

this little guy do I’ll rip your skin

off get inside your eyes more I was hot

lost it

I mean I’m ran back I heard Kath in the

back hey hey all right my brother my we

trying to get my brother save he turns

around says anybody else want something

here come on

am I telling the truth got it it was

Tara my brother stands up he come to

managing his salesmen he said come on

come on go ahead hit him and I heard if

I ever heard God talk I heard him

I mean I’m red I’m coming I’m at him and

I’m so mad and I heard the Lord say

witness to him hey Keith

and I saw the guy said hey go up witness

to him

what I’m gonna say the violet taken

before that’s what i’ma say you got

scriptures coming up in your mind it was

a shame that God had the holler at me

when I hear him whispering why would

even have to raise his voice I was wrong

the man said and I licked him I said

listen he said listen listen you can

have the truck you can have the truck if

my brother said measure my brother he’s

a preacher I went

now I am not exaggerating you can ask my

wife is hot that’s Cathy

it’s that I could see in her life it’s

the atoms that mess up the whole world I

said sir I apologize I am a preacher he

said okay okay I said no listen listen

I’m sorry he said no no we’d give you a

coffee we’ll give you the truffle with

that’s fine that’s fine I mean my but my

brother says anybody gonna call no cops

anybody called cops in here you better

call some ambulances because if we go on

to jail we’re gone with your skin under

our nails now I am not lying I was so

embarrassed say what David said the Lord

smote me I’m not proud of this but the

reason I’m telling you that cuz probably

some of you have done this why did God

have to howl at me I had been in the

Holies of Holies

I went beyond John’s immersion why do

you have to howl at me

what a foolish stupid thing to do and

I’m a minister the gospel so offered to

buy the man dinner he didn’t want to eat

with me

I said look uh I hear hissing my take

listen I am sorry I I am a minister the

gospel I should learn I could

I forgive me I thank God I wasn’t on

television at that time but I was I was

so so wrong and I said Lord forgive me

suggest I love you I forgive you but

I’ve been telling you to handle this

temper for a long time I said God take

this from it yes I didn’t give it to you

what am I gonna do with your temper I’d

have to go to hell because that’s the

only place it fits

well what I’m gonna do with this you

have got to crucify this thing so I said

okay with a pitcher Matt knowledge of

God even knowing when he whispers why

would he have to holla in Volume one of

the Mary Hart series Jesse Duplantis

shares 12 hilarious true stories that’ll

have you laughing crying and shouting

for joy

you can laugh about that but the man

needed Jesus cussing all over an airport

at hot dog machine you need God

Reverend your dog’s messing with my dog

I said he’s not saying he’s a halo would

he hit that hole I’m trying to get he

bout it you get down a brother merry

heart doeth good like a medicine vol.1

order your copy today