Have you been in the Secret Place of the Almighty? Watch this anointed message from Jesse, and find stability in the presence of Jesus Christ! Remember to SUBSCRIBE! ______________________________________ Follow JDM on these social media platforms: *Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JesseDuplant… *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesseduplan… *Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jesse_duplantis _______________________________________ For more information, visit www.jdm.org Ways to Give: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jdmgi… Website: http://ow.ly/VzLd50xBfpx Text to Give: http://ow.ly/Gnga50xBfhY JDM resources! *TotalJDM: www.totaljdm.org

god has been so good and gracious how

many people brought your bibles or your

ipads or your

phones whatever you use for uh for your

the scripture

i still use the old bible i just kind of

like that book you know what i’m saying

nothing wrong with it

believe in technology and uh uh and but

god is so good and gracious

so we thank you today if you’ve got your

bibles i’d like you to turn with me to

the book of matthew

chapter six we preached the other day i

think it was last week on matthew 6 33

on who’s on first or who is first

i want to continue in this chapter

and i felt love of the lord the lord

gave me something

and i want you to write this down this

is a statement

being undisturbed is helpful to

concentration of thought excuse me

being undisturbed is helpful

to concentration of thought

see and you’ve heard me say it many

times preaching should never

supersede thought it should make you


so being undisturbed is helpful

to concentration of thought so that you

have your faculties in every area of

your life

jesus is talking here in matthew chapter

six i think i’m gonna start with verse


and then i’m gonna read on down to verse

six jesus said take heed that you do not

your arms

before men to be seen of them

otherwise you have no reward of your

father which is in

heaven therefore when thou doest thy

arms do not sound a trumpet before thee

as the hypocrites do in the synagogues

and in the streets

that they may have glory of men verily i

say unto you

they have their reward verse 3

but when thou doest arm let not thy left

hand no with thy right hand do it that

doesn’t mean you can’t tell people what

you’ve given

this is all about this is helping the

poor here

see a lot of people want recognition

you know i do a lot of things and they

said man you ought to you ought to tell

people no

i’m not doing that because the

description doesn’t mean you can’t tell

people that you

what you’re giving see what i’m saying

but when you’re dealing with the poor

you should protect their dignity

you see what i’m trying to say so if i

give to a food bank you’ll never know

about it

think about that a lot of people do that

if i give the missionaries

you’re not going to know about it i’m

just going to do what god told me to do

see what i’m saying why i keep reading

with it

verse 4 that that thine arms may be in

secret and thy father which seeth in

secret himself

shall reward thee openly so in other

words god is watching you

amen verse 5 when thou pressed

now he goes from arm giving to prayer

when thy press thou shalt not be as the


are for they love to pray standing in

the synagogues and in the

corners of the street that they may be

seen of men

verily i say unto you they have their


verse 6 but thou when thy prayers enter

into thy closet

or secret place and when thou has shut

the door

pray to the father which is in secret or

in the secret place

and thy father which seeth in secret

shall reward thee

openly i want to talk this morning about

the secret place

everyone should have one now i’m not

talking about getting so literal

but you can have a a closet

but i’m talking about the secret place

god has a secret place he said i will

hide you in the secret place of my


i believe that’s in the book of psalms

every one of you should have that place

where you undisturbed and that the

concentration of thought

you will hear yourself think all right

you’ll hear the spirit of god so nothing

will distract you

someplace somewhere it could be in your

house jesus did it on top of mountains

now what i love about jesus there’s a

lot of things about jesus we don’t know


he left no memorabilia

think about that none but wouldn’t you

like to know what his mother was like as

he she was raising him when did he

become aware

of the message and the calling

that he was the son of god even though

he said he was the son of man

we’d like to know those things some


some people write biographies about

themselves which is great

some won’t do that so other people do it

so you can know some things there’s a

lot of things

that jesus kept very secret yet you

could open up his heart real quick a

child could open up his heart

someone that repented would open up his

heart and he would speak

things about himself and about what god

his father would do

he was very susceptible to people

who loved him and reached out to him and

we opened up secret things

i want to talk about the secret place

enter in so write this down the secret


is made to close off the spirit

from all distractions

the secret place is made or the closet

call it would you want

to close off the spirit from all

distractions so you can

feel alone with god

there’s a reason for that jesus honored


the bible said well he said i only say

what my father says

and i only do what my father says to do

now how did he know that

because he’d go to the secret place even

though he was totally tired in his body

preach all day and then he would tell

the disciples y’all go ahead and get a

place and he’d send the multitude home

and instead of going to his disciples

he’d go up the mountain and pray

he might pray all night to the secret

place it could be under the tree

it could have been a chapel in his house

it could be whatever

and even though he prayed all night and

preached all day before he would be at

the synagogue the next morning

because he was a churchgoer now the

reason for that is just what i said the

secret place is made to close the spirit

from all this crossfit off from all


so you feel along with god because then

it’s just you and god

two of you agree you begin to hear the

voice of the lord

because you see he will speak through

your spirit through a renewed mind

which which is the soul of man mind will

and emotion

to a crucified body everyone should have


i have a chapel in my home i find a lot

of times

people buy these big huge homes in

england and in france and everything

and they start uh refurbishing them and

i’ve heard people say this this used to

be a chapel

i’m changing it into a sitting room

that was someone’s secret place where

they could go

before god without any distraction talk

spirit to spirit because god is spirit

your worship

in spirit and in truth write this down

in the secret place we become aware

of the valley of things which we often


see when you go in and talk with god’s

spirit to spirit you become aware so the

sickest places were made for awareness

you and god in the second place we

become aware

of the value of things which we often


even in this secret place you can become

aware of just how beautiful this planet


how beautiful flowers are because you

become aware

see and it can be spiritual physical and

financial like when we have a guest


we say as we therefore have opportunity

let us do good to all especially

to those or of the household of faith

why because we’ve become aware

that god has sent someone to speak a

word to us

so it’s more than a church thing it’s a

closing off

of distraction to your spirit so god can

speak to you

and sometimes he just want to talk

he may not give you any direction he

knows you’re going to be guided by the

spirit of truth anyway

he just wants to kind of hang out with

you for lack of a better way to say it

so in the secret place we become aware

of the value of things which we often

overlook it’s amazing how many things

he’s created that we overlook

flowers if you ever seen some of these

rose petals some of these flowers under

a microscope

you’d be amazed the workmanship

of god’s hands but we overlook some of

those things

see because we haven’t closed ourselves

off so the world we’re being we’re

absorbing the world around us yet

we’re overlooking really the best things

that are around us

write this down in the secret place you

find out what you should be grateful for

in the secret place you find out what

you should be grateful for

your message is shaped in your mind when

you find out what you’re grateful for

what are you grateful about

you know when i was building this

building i was so honored that god would

choose me to build a building

why would you choose me i know i can’t

even nail a nail

straight i’m not mechanical i can’t fix

that kathy’s way more mechanical than i


sometimes i used to tell her i’d give

her a screwdriver go fix my harley

you know she could figure it out that is

amazing to me

if something went wrong jesse don’t put

your hand on it you’re gonna break it

more let me have it

and she could do it i was grateful that

she was a mechanic

see what i’m saying you find out just

how valuable someone is

and sad to say some people don’t know

what they have till they lose it

well you don’t wanna you don’t want to

learn about it after you lost it so in

the secret place you find out

what you should be grateful for your

message is shaped in your mind which is

in the soulless room

it’s because the spirit says it to the

soul it’s shaped in your mind then

you’re able to

implement what god has spoken to you

that’s why a lot of people don’t

understand the things of god because

they never go to the secret place to

talk to one-on-one

they’re so distracted by all the other

things i’m not distracted about this

hurricanes i don’t deny them i’m not

stupid i don’t deny them

but i what am i attracted to the


pleading of blood and like i i was

telling kevin in the back walker

i’ve had people say well dad suppose all

this place was destroyed what would you


rebuild it i bill it again that ain’t

this no i don’t like to pay for the same

real estate twice

and i certainly ain’t believing for it

i’m not gonna do what they tell me

you know prepare for one stronger your


i ain’t doing that that’s craziness

it’s kind of like prepare yourself

for uh you you got to abscess but

prepare yourself for cancer

no no i’m not going to do that

you see what i’m saying you’d be

surprised how that stuff gets around you

and gets in you

which is my next point beware of

the cares that try to absorb you

they try to absorb you so you you can’t

hardly think any other way that

is what’s happened with this pandemic

we’ve become so absorbed

that sometimes we ain’t thinking


how can you expect someone to complete

their business and only have 25

business when they need every dollar

that’s coming into that business

which affects people and the people tell

you that they’re not

they’re getting their money so it’s easy

for them to say it

i’m not being critical here i’m just

being truthful you become so absorbed

with the problem that you cannot see the


why because you hadn’t been in this

secret place where’s your closet

because i’m going to tell you something

about god he’s in your closet

so let me go over these points again

real quickly the secret place is made to

close off the spirit from all


so you feel along with god it’s good to

be alone with god

it means more than uh uh i didn’t read

them and read that one in a minute

in the secret place we become aware of

the value of things which we often


see so the secret that’s what jesus was

saying when you pray go and say so

awareness begins to take place that

you’re a spirit housing a soul and

clothing a body and god wants to talk to


i said to you in the secret place you

find out what you should be grateful for

your message is shaped in your mind

spirit soul and body then i said beware

of the cares

that try to absorb you see people think

for some re

reason or another that if you go to the

secret place that’s

mental seclusion no no

it means more when you go into the

second place it means more than mental

seclusion it’s the spirit’s place for

communion with god

you say that’s what jesus he would have

communion with god is more than mental


so when that happens you know what is

brought into you stability

you become stable people things that are

unstable are dangerous

so it’s more than mental seclusion just

trying to go in a room somewhere

no no it’s going to bring stability in

your life

the spirit place is where you commune

with god that’s why we when we take

the the last supper we call it communion

we’re communing it with his death burial

and resurrection

it’s more than just a thing you do

that’s why jesus said this do this in


of me not remembrance of the thing

not in remembrance but of him making

sure that when you

eat that host you know that his body

broke and when you drink that juice

that’s his blood being shed now the way

to know those things is done through


now the reason why i know the devil

couldn’t kill me because

god said i shall live and i die and i’ve

been down in three airplane

crashes which will make you speak in

tongues make a baptist speak in tongues

in a second

nobody fights each other on a plane when

he’s going down

and i’ve never heard anybody say buddha

muhammad i might be critical here you

know what i heard jesus

because he’s alive and well

how do i know that communion with him

the secret place

so i don’t let the things that around me


absorbed the cares of this world absorb

be for me some are the deceitfulness of


well in other words as god gives me way

more money i mean i don’t get deceitful

about it because you see i’m not

absorbing that

see when you’re full of the holy ghost

you can’t put no more in you

and nothing else can get in there

neither that’s why god said when you

cast the devil out get rid of them


they’ll go to and fro on earth and if

they can’t find someone again they come

back but if

that person is filled with the spirit of

god they got to go on

so let me say it again beware of the

cares that try to absorb you

so it’s wonderful to be grateful how

many times have i said lord

did i say thank you enough he said you

did i said i’m gonna say it one more


i love my conversations my conversations

come with god when i’m in my

secret place

and sometime i go and he says what jesse

i said i don’t know i just come to say


i just come to say hello hey how you

doing that sounds odd i know it’s not


when you know each other instead of just

believe each other

when you know in whom you have believed

and you’re persuaded

that he’s able to keep what you commit

to him so what are you committing to him

do you see what you understand what i’m

saying see that’s the secret place

let me say it again being undisturbed is

helpful to concentration of thought

because now the only voice i’m going to

hear is

his write this down in the secret place

we get a sense of perspective so in

other words number one you get a sense

of awareness

number two you get a sense of

perspective and the second place we get


sense of perspective what is perspective

what does it do

perspective helps you to see your life

in true proportions

how many times you put on

clothes you go

that don’t look like me no that’s you

or you hear yourself on tape somewhere

that’s not that don’t sound like me

yes it is everybody else says it is

see perspective causes you to see your

life in true proportions

let me say it again perspective helps


see your life in true proportion so i

know in whom i have believed

i’m persuaded i know what i’m going to

do i know when i’m

gonna get there see most people don’t

know where they’re going so when they

get there

they pass it some people get so

disturbed by

cares that they get so worried and we’ll

do it they faint

he said let us not be weary and well do


why because you’re going to faint

but you don’t want to faint you want to

be there when the thing shows up and

shows out

so to get true proportions you have to

have perspective

kathy asked me about that this morning

she put on that navy blue blob

what do you like this she was asking

from my perspective

i said yeah i like that it’s really nice

i think i’m gonna put a gray

something what’d you call that thing

shawl another shawl a scarf with it i


fine well she wasn’t finished yet

she wanted more of my perspective

and here’s the next thing does it make

me look heavy i did not answer that

and neither should you if you want to

live long

then she put on some jewelry what about

this what about that put on a piece of


yeah i said yeah i i like that it’s not


awareness she did it in her secret in

her closet

kathy dresses in her closet it’s big


she likes to be in there well that’s

good so in the secret place we get a

sense of

perspective and the church which is this

is your home

away from you get a sense of perspective

that’s why you don’t like people sitting

in your pew

i’m going how many of y’all know what

i’m talking about lift your hand up

you know that your butt feels better in

your pew

than in this social destiny am i correct

why perspective awareness

what you’re doing is taking ownership

which is a wonderful thing

you see that’s why it’s it’s it’s

wonderful write this down

never brood over small misfortunes

or disappointments why they darken your


never brood over small misfortunes

sometimes things blow up

or disappointment sometimes we have some

disappointments you don’t brood over

them you don’t deny them you know

they darken your surroundings see you

got to push the light you’ve heard me

say that

if you push the light darkness won’t

have a place to manifest


have you ever heard me anybody watching

me all over the world

here said we don’t know what we’re going

to do

i know exactly what i’m going to do i’m

not bragging about that why

been in the secret place been in the

closet now there’s been some times i say

lord i need to question some things

and he didn’t wasn’t disturbed about it

because sometimes you need to more than

believe you need to know you got to get

beyond belief

see so per perspective helps you

your life you see your life in true

proportions and when you see your life

in true proportions

you do not brood over small misfortunes

or disappointments

simply because they darken your

surroundings yeah but jesse look at this

i don’t want to look at that i have the

power to look at what i want to look at

that’s right this all has to do with

what i want to do it all has to do what

you want to do

like kathy the other day she said listen

jesse i want to go home she said

i i ordered something i’m going to go

get it now i said well can we can we

we’re going to go out this afternoon


and we’re going to grab up my team and

get no i want to go now

so she gave me a prophecy take a nap

which i’d received

so i went to one of my favorite chairs

and i did

she went get whatever she was whatever

she ordered i don’t know

i didn’t know it turned out to be some

glasses i think i think the ones he has


wait so i said she said you like these


looking for perspective awareness i said


i said their prescription right yeah i

said she said there are designer frames

is that what you say

some kind of frame thing which means

there’s more money than i thought

but i don’t need to worry about it

because she takes care of that

you see so i’m not going to brood over

my misfortune


i ain’t going to tell you how much

but why because she’ll darken my


i know how to preach a point ladies and

gentlemen you understand i know how to

get your attention

the other day we went eat at pf change

with kevin and cathy said i did great


spiritual sons and daughters got great

ministry you know

we’ve been on diets really watching

ourselves and kevin he ordered some

combination fried rice

with extra white onions and broccoli he

got it you got to make it different

and he’s sitting there eating i said

lord tell him to give me a piece of that


he did not obey but i did not brood over

my misfortune

i disappointed but i thought i said he

went oh yeah but take what you want

actually i didn’t need to ask it

it’s saying well i got just take what

you want

so i just i don’t ask kathy i just reach

over with my fork and get

and she says i was going to eat that

i said well don’t brood over your


i’ll order you another order oh then i’m

gonna eat too much

i said man you can’t you can’t win for

losing here

so but so many people brood over those

things that’s right

and it darkens the surroundings

write this down your life must be

reviewed under the light of god

that takes time and patience

your life must be reviewed under

the light of god that takes time and

patience that’s why you go to this

secret place

he said when you get in your closet what

god see you gotta remember god’s in


waiting on to talk to you yes

see why why does god do why because he

don’t want distractions

he wants to hear 100 of what you got to


isn’t that wonderful he’s so interested

in you

because you’re his child think about

that see it so it’s more than just


it’s more than just relationship it’s

fellowship now you’re doing something

god i’m cutting out that’s what fasting

is all about

it’s not just so you can starve you just

shut down the natural generator and turn

on the spiritual generator

even the apostle paul talked about uh

physical things

you know and married life in other words

sometimes you have to separate yourself

from your wife or your husband

you know so y’all don’t get together and

fast and pray in other words he wants


undivided attention kathy wants my

undivided attention sometimes

see what she doesn’t know i hear

everything she says and a lot of time

while she’s

talking i’m thinking she said are you

listening to me yes you want me to

repeat it that makes me mad

now i said i can repeat it word for bird

i heard it all

well look at me when well sometime when

if you ever know small people they start

thinking about something they’ll do this

she don’t like that

my mind gets to thinking so you know

i’ll look off somewhere

she wants that undivided attention your

life must be reviewed

under the light of god this takes time

and patience

now who don’t want it yesterday

everybody wants it yesterday

my god we’re americans we like fast food

we like it all fast

we we actually save slow and spin fast

we like it fast that burn it all

that was one thing i always did when i

went on vacations was spin all i brought

i wasn’t going to save it to pay a bill

i used to go with my brother-in-law

deborah jewels these are when the kids

were little and that would be little

jewels and

ryan and julie and of course jody they

were that little girl

a little kid you know and they loved

they said we want to go with uncle jesse

cause as soon as we got in that van like

we might go to destin

i turned around i said okay what are we

going to stop and eat at

well it’s not ready it it we ain’t ready

for lunch

i said no i’m talking ice cream and cake

and candy

oh they say pull over

by the time i got them the destiny they

won sugar highs

and it might be the last day and i said

i got 100 left let’s burn it

i don’t want to go home i worked all

year long for that vacation

i worked hard you see what i’m saying

save money so i could have a good time

i’m not gonna go home

he said well i’m gonna try to say no no

no no

no well sometimes i i love raw onions

you know the kind that’s what they call

them things in my

shallots you know they long but the


i have when i eat those things they make

me burp

and they went in the back of the bed

kill them man

i eat a whole shower they go oh

but they get so mad

and sometimes i had a van and those they

didn’t have no seats in the back

and no windows so i’d say well get some

lawn chairs y’all just sit back then

they can

the kids can play on the carpet but i’d

do it on purpose

and they go fly up against the wall it

was all carpeted

hanging on and i just enjoyed myself

my shallots

sometimes it got so bad they said let’s

stop and have an ice cream

so they could get away from that onion

smell i like onions i always have like


you see and but when i got home

i could give you good memories of my


you know if i flew out i said i want

enough money to get my call out the

parking lot

and they said how was your vacation it

was wonderful

now the reason why i did that i reviewed

that vacation before i went on it

i put it under the light

so i knew what i was going to do i knew

i was going to have a good time

and it takes time and patience to do

those things

so remember this you’re going to get it

it’s kind of like when you’re growing up

you just can’t wait to be 18.

oh god you know it takes 35 years to

become 18.

i mean yeah young people god ha well but

when you pass 25 you begin to speed up

don’t you

yeah all of a sudden you’re 50. you said

lord put the slow down no

why your mindset changes see

so the secret place produces awareness

and produces perspective

and it gives you concentration of

thought that you now hear god

i love these points coming up ready for


in quietness god speaks

if we listen patiently and

honestly in the quietness

and quietness god speaks even when

there’s a holy ghost meeting going on


people shouting screaming it’s that

still small voice

that grabs that attention

and quietness he speaks that’s why jesus

that’s what jesus was saying

get to your closet get to your secret


because i got some wonderful things to

talk about

and he’ll tell you your whole future if

we listen

patiently and honestly

that’s a wonderful thing right this time

in quiet times

well let me go back up to the other

point then i’ll come to this so you

write it down in quietness god speaks

if we listen patiently and honestly what

is he saying

now this other point in quiet times the


of our faith strengthens

its hold on us

in quiet times the conviction of our


strengthens its whole on us

my god now faith is the substance of

things hopeful

evidence of things not seen so i don’t

care how long it takes because my faith

is in the now

that faith is strengthened that

conviction is strength and it takes

hold of you that all you can think about

is that faith that thread of the fabric

of god clothes

that clothes you it strengthens i love


it’s hold on you i’ve had people say boy

but jesse

you’re so strong on it whatev i’ve been

in the quiet times

i’ve been in the quiet places and what

it did

it strengthened my conviction boy and it

it holds me more

so when i see something uh that i don’t

want to see like

hurricanes and stuff like that instead

of going oh my god oh my god

and i mean i mean it’s terrible what’s

happening in lake charles things that

did but i remember

in uh when hurricane audrey hit cameron

anybody remember that

over 400 people died

yeah oh it was terrible i remember

hurricane betsy in 1965 coming up the

mouth of the mississippi

hurricane camille 1969 these things are

emblazoned in my mind when it hit a

biloxi in

those areas it was terrible but you know

you go to blux it still looks pretty


they rebuilt it now some people left

can’t handle it

and that’s okay you can you can move

that’s not the issue you got to go away

you feel god wants you to go where you


peace at but if you run it from trouble

it’s going to follow you

it’ll show up in portland oregon

it’ll show up in a craziest place you

ever thought see but if you defeat it

haven’t done all the stand stand


it’ll get away from you instead of

getting close to you

so in the second place god

has an opportunity

or in the secret place god has an

opportunity to become

real to us think about that

so there you have awareness

perspective opportunity

in the secret place god has an

opportunity to become

real to us is god real to you or is your

religion real i’m baptist i’m methodist

i’m episcopalian

i’m presbyterian i’m pentecostal

whoo i’m charismatic where is it god and

all this stuff

has god become real to you you know how

you know when he’s real

when everything’s going wrong not when

everything’s going right

anybody can talk faith when you got a

pocket full of money


this man oh my god how are we going to

do this

in the second place god has an


to become real to us why because in

quietness he speaks

if we listen patiently and honestly in

quiet times

the convictions of our faith strengthens

his hold on us i got to stay on that for

a minute

see i know so much about it that i have

a hard time getting sick

when you saw me sick betty you’ve been

knowing me a long time huh

since we kids what 13 14 maybe even

earlier than that i guess i don’t know

what jesus

is it’s because i’m better than you no

it’s just that what happened is

in those secret place that faith man

those convictions of it strengthens and

holds me more

i mean i don’t like disappointments i

don’t like misfortunes i’ve had some but

i don’t brood over them

you ever notice a lot of preachers

always preach the bad stuff that

happened to him you ever heard of


anybody got a government yeah the debt

been beating my brains i’d always shut

up i don’t want to hear all that

then right at the end but the lord

so you gave satan all his glory then

finally you said and god

i remember one time i went preaching

jennings louisiana

me and kathy and meredith no meredith my

granddad jody jody was little what uh

five six something like that

when i got there

i said uh do you all have evangelistic

quarters yes

oh i said because we thought we’re going

to get a hotel the evangelist the


was a sunday school room

he said you and sister kathy your

daughter can sleep on the floor

am i right i’ve slept on the floor


me and my brother we slept in eight foot

wide 32-foot trailer

on the floor i turned out all right

i looked at that and if you want to go

to the bathroom

you have to walk down the hall

so me and kathy we did not blink you

know why

our faith has strengthened its hold on


so we slept on the floor i slept with

one eye and one eye

one eye closed one eye open watching

them roaches

so they wouldn’t bite cave or by jodi

oh they didn’t care you know what was

their reason

scriptural thou has to endure hardness

as a good soldier of christ i don’t have

to go through hard times to be a good


good soldiers have good character when

it’s hard times or good times

but it’s the truth yet i didn’t get mad

about it

i said well they just missed an

opportunity for the blessing of god in

their life

but we never said nothing

now today they try to do that i’ll say

that’s fine i’ll take care of my own

uh arrangements

i told one preacher one time in alabama

i said i’ll take care of my own hotel

foods all that kind of stuff

he said well good that’s great i

appreciate that big church

2000 there

kevin there so he invites out about 10


to eat at this hotel that we’re staying


and he says just put it on your own bill

he ain’t paying for it remember that i

got it just put it on your own bill

i said sure i didn’t know i was going to

buy for 12 people that day

he’s not much of men she’s so sick and

messed up because he said he loved to

take advantage of people

that’s sad and i heard through the vine

man everything that man justin plans

touch prospers you know why

i’m generous i said i’ll buy you dinner


i won’t mention the preachers but

there’s two preachers one time in hawaii

and you know when you go to those

high-class hotels they have breakfast

and they start off at about 65 70 for

the buffet

and they sit there eating and one of the

preachers says you know if we go to

denny’s we can get this same breakfast

for 7.95 and the other priest said go

trying to save money only vacation when

there’s nothing wrong with that

my god you worked all why don’t you just

enjoy what the lord has placed in your



you see the

i think what it is he didn’t know for

sure if god could bless him that strong

and you don’t know that till the test

comes anyway

but it doesn’t make any difference if

you’re not moved by what you see you

move by what you believe in

that’s what i do i’m not moved by what i

see i don’t deny it

because you see because i’ve been in the

secret place

i’ve had my ministry in my life under

the light of god

who lord and i i’ve

i i i’ve paid the price for patience

yeah i did i paid it but i said let

patients have his perfect work

and i paid the price of time it’s not

that i didn’t want it yesterday

that’s not the issue but i still got it

let me say this here i want to close

with this your heart

was not meant this is a point your heart

was not meant to be a thoroughfare to


in business it is meant

to be a temple where god dwells

but a lot of people their heart is uh

it’s become uh what’s the word a


to trafficking business i had a great

preacher someone knew what he’d say

uh you need to learn to play golf i

don’t like golf i mean gossip like game

you know but i i they say it relaxing

not me

they don’t um in fact i don’t speak in

english there’s other words i say

i said this game will send me to hell i

gotta i can’t play this game

but his his reason was jesse people love

you i said well thank you

you need to learn to play golf man you

can you can get a lot of partners


i don’t want to get around people to for

me just to try to get their money

but see you become so callous to that

that uh it’ll help the ministry ah

so you use a little deception you’re not

there to enjoy that person

you’re there to say well maybe

not you know that would you like that

no you would it would hurt your feelings

wouldn’t it at least man my god man were

you trying to get a ramen just so i can

give you something

come on i don’t mind giving you

something that’s not the issue but the

point it would be wrong

see that person’s heart is at that on

this particular thing

became a thoroughfare to traffic in


my partners come because god speaks to


and i tell people where moneys are going

i i’m very open about those kind of


and uh i don’t ask people to do

something i don’t do myself

if i ask you to give i give myself

i’ve had people say you don’t need to do

that brother jesse you’ve given your

life we’ve all given our lives to the

lord for god’s sake

all right touch not god’s anointing and

do his prophet no harm but we’re all

anointed if you’re born again

come on talk to me jesus yeah

that doesn’t mean you special could be

in the executive branch of god’s

government the apostle the prophet the

evangelist the pastor teacher but what

you should be if you’re in that five

four minutes

is be more of a servant be more of a


instead of so you know acting like the

mafia kiss my ring

you know what i’m saying let me say it

again your heart

was not meant to be a thoroughfare to

trafficking business

and i i’m a businessman i believe in

business i misunderstand it this is when

i’m going into the secret place the


it is meant to be a temple where god


ah how can i say this i’ve had god get

excited because i was going to the


what i got my boy is coming

well how many times man my grandmother

when they were alive both of them they’d

be standing outside

on the steps waiting for us the

grandkids to come

just waiting to see us my grandpas


but the grandmas were

they just we wait for meredith and

jody to get around it we just

we enjoy that they they sense it and

know it

what’s the same way with god when i go

to the i went to the secret place this

morning i just walked

i need my voice here and i began to hear

the oracle of god i began to hear

things in heaven as well as things on

the earth

i began to hear angel wings physical

from my physical ears

and how many times god said what you

think he likes to know what i think

there’s been some times i say you know

let’s reason together here

if you really knew this person you

wouldn’t love them

don’t look at me weird i’ve said that to

god let me tell you i know this guy

this guy’s a devil from hell

sin in the hell nobody else

think different of it he said i get no

enjoyment out someone going to hell

it had dawned on me i would enjoy that

boy going to hell

because he was the most aggravating

person i’ve seen in my life

but yet jesus died for him he said now

jesse you got to get past that this was

years ago

so i asked the lord to forgive me

and then i said i’m i’mma crucify my


he said what you gonna do jesse i said

i’m inviting him to dinner

all right all right you’re going up

you’re going to fight me i said i’m up

i’m about i ain’t talking mcdonald’s

nothing wrong with mcdonald’s i just

said i’m gonna crucify

me i learned to do those things

and i found all that in the secret place

because god speaks when it’s quiet

the still small voice

see what i’m saying how many times

when someone shared something and i’m

about ready to receive an offer

and the lord would just kind of pass by

like i’m

passing by y’all on the front row and


you could do that

just a very small you could do that

i said well if i did then no one else

would get the blast he said no that

would be the overflow

yes sir i’m yours to command jesus i

didn’t go tell anybody something like


took care of it now they had extra so

they could do other things they never

thought they would

would run into you know you know i think

so then there’s been times i went i’m

generous i got a generous heart i walk

up so i’m going to be a blessing the

lord said

don’t do that if you do jesse you’re

stopping my discipline


now that really struck me when the lord

said that discipline

because that’s the only way i can get

that guy’s attention

i heard brother hagin say and i i asked

kevin kevin with the rhema i didn’t go

that god kept telling brother hagin rest

tell me if i’m correct kevin i think

it’s right

and he just went so he wound up breaking

his arm well god didn’t break the man’s


but he said no you’re listening to me

you should have rested yourself

i never forget one time brother hagin

was 82 83

and one of his board members passed away

or brother kennedy what a wonderful man

how catholic hoga ralph kennedy

did not get any better one of the

greatest men god ever put in shoe


his wonderful wife margaret uh martha

not margaret martha

but i’m telling you what i just love

being around him well he passed so

uh martha was so kind to allow me to be

one of the speakers at the funeral but

the main

speaker would be brother hagin this is

one of the best things i’ve ever done in

my life

one of the best well you know we had

three other speakers beside brother

hagin you know we said a few things had

about 10 minutes a piece something i got

maybe five minutes something well the

place was jam-packed

and so then uh the pastor of the place

said uh brother hagin come on up and

give the main

message here so brother hagin gets up

now he’s 83 84 you know

and he’s walking now brother i i

like this is the pew and i’m standing

like this

and and and this well let me do it over

here so you can see it

okay i’m standing right here pews right

up against the

and there’s the steps here come brother


okay now he’s 83. see he gained a little


who cares at 83. he does this

and i’ve seen his le he goes

so what i did nobody noticed it i just

got behind him

up and i put my hand his arms were like

this and i put my hand

under his uh elbow and i pushed up

anyway it stabilized him

he he looked at me went thank you

i said you’re welcome it’s one of the

best things i ever did in my life it

felt so great

just held him he got him preached a


message when he came down he looked at

me and i knew what to do

i just got a little close as he come

down you know like and as he came down

kevin i kind of kind of he you know his

forward motion was coming

and i just did this held him back a

little bit you know

he goes thank you i’ll never forget that

long as i believe i did it with rw


because the praise and worship leader

kept singing and singing everybody been

standing up for an hour and that brother


and he was 80 and i saw it so i just

got behind and took this hand oh i had

pain in my shoulder

and i took my hand under his elbow and i

pushed up he goes

he just look at me thank you i said my


lord strike that worship leader dumb

stop stop the music because my arm is

my soul i held him man

i i’ll never forget that long as i ever

lived i got to be a blessing to the man

of god

now why why because i was sensitive

to their need i had been in the secret


and i closed with this statement now

this is gonna blow your socks off

you’re gonna have to be real spiritual

understand what i’m about ready to say

there’s been times

for lack of a better way to say it

everybody look at me everybody look at

me that i’m standing by god

god god

oh i’m getting somebody met god he

starts to do this

spiritual speaking i put my hand on his

elbow and a push-up

and he looks at me says thank you

because his capacity to hurt

is far greater than yours

and his capacity to love is far greater

than yours

so don’t hurt him amen come on

amen how many you’ve heard me say that

andrew womack said that’s one of the

greatest stories he tells

every time i’m with him we got preachers

jesse tell them that when i and i’ve

told it here before

you let the lord say it again i went in

to do my morning devotion boy and i’ll

tell you what

kevin i i i had it on me then the only

way because the anointed oil i was

greased up i was ready for old lord

jesus i got in there and got and

something was wrong

i sensed it as soon as i walked into my

secret place he was there

but something was wrong brother and it

wasn’t with me

oh i won’t make you mad huh say if

you’ve been in a secret place you’ll

understand what i’m talking about one

with me and i said cause he wasn’t

acting the way he normally acts

i know god i can tell when something’s

wrong with kathy

i know her i’ve been married of over 50


you know when something’s wrong with

your children they may not have said

that you just know it

especially mamas and i realized

something was wrong

and it was it with me oh lord look at

people they get

oh oh he thinks he’s so spiritual i am


amen i’ve been in the secret place

and i stopped and ricky i said this lord

something’s wrong did somebody hurt you


and the lord in that quiet steal some

over he said

my children have disobeyed me it hurts


i sensed it i knew it i said lord

not that he’s god he can do anything you

know i said lord i’m gonna cancel all my

appointments today and i had a bunch of

them ricky i had a bunch of them that


i said i’m gonna stay in this my secret


i said i don’t know how to say this to

god everything

but best way i can say it in my mind is

so for like

like a better way of saying it so you

feel better till you feel better

now that that didn’t even come up to

what i was talking about the only way i

could think you know

and man i prayed and i worshiped the

lord and i stayed there and it must have

been maybe 10 minutes

all of a sudden i heard the lord go

thank you jesse

you refreshed me

that’s the secret place that’s what you

find out

that’s when jesus said when you go in

your closet

in other words don’t give his time away

all right because the most important

thing you can do

is spend time with him and allow god

to be the god he truly is

you see what i’m saying did you

understand the analogy

because his capacity to love is far

greater than

mine but then the other side of that


god’s capacity to hurt is far greater

can you hear some of his some of his

statements in the old testament he said

israel went a in that’s the word

he used

when a and with other gods have

you have you had

one of your spouses your spouse commit

adultery on you how that hurts drive a

knife right through you

god said that a whoring

whoo that’s hard but people don’t think

oh that’s god

no his ability to love

his f he’s agape i mean so far beyond


but his ability to hurt is the same

thing also

he’s a god of great feeling

but you won’t know much about that

until you get in the secret place

how many are you going to form your

secret place hold your hand up come on

do that do that at times find your way

don’t get too literal on the

the place you can but spend that time

and watch god do unbelievable

impossible things simply because it’s


and maybe one day you’ll hear this

you refreshed me

you enjoyed it today give jesus a hand

clap for it

the secrets oh i like that