In this teaching, Pastor Jim Staley thoroughly explains how much of today’s Middle Eastern conflict directly stems from the Biblical conflicts between Isaac and Jacob, and Ishmael and Esau. Who are these groups today? What is their ideology? What are their goals? Knowing the “players” of the End Days is critical to understanding how the prophecy will unfold! Published on Aug 13, 2014 Demographics video referenced in this teaching can be found at This is Part 1 of this series. Watch the other parts below:… Stay connected with Jim Staley and Passion For Truth Ministries at: Website Facebook Facebook Instagram… Twitter Telegram

So all right so tonight we’re going to be
talking about what’s a title i’ve entitled

end of the age jacob versus esau we’re going
to be giving you really a road map or a context

for what the entire bible is written from
and in these last days with the wars that

are happening between israel and the palestinians
and gaza and hamas and the terrorists and

everything that’s going to happen in the future
it is critical that you understand this very

basic teaching that i’m going to give you
to show you that we cannot interpret profit

prophecy from a 21st century western greco-roman
perspective we have to take it all the way

back to its original route to its original
context and its original backdrop if we’re

going to really understand it otherwise we’re
going to end up with new ideas of what prophecy

is about who the antichrist is and most of
us that are prophecy people in the world in

ministries are coming from a greco-roman 21st
century roman perspective and in order to

true matter of fact 95 of all prophecy ministries
on the planet come from the united states

of america and 95 of them do not even know
about the feast days of the lord which are

all about the first and second coming of the
messiah so how can we trust prophecy students

today or prophecy ministries today if they
don’t even take in consideration the feast

of god which all of them have to do with the
first and second coming of the messiah so

tonight is not going to be a night where i’m
going to go over the feast of the lord i already

have a series called god’s prophetic calendar
where i go over all those feast days probably

12 hours worth to be exact but tonight we’re
going to focus on jacob and esau and how they

relate to the conflict that’s going on today
in israel let’s begin first of all it is nothing

other than a family feud how many have heard
of the hatfields and mccoy’s how many know

that today we have the hatfields and mccoys
we have jacob and esau on the left you see

the flag of israel on the right you see the
islamic flag and we’re going to talk about

that why those two flags are so critical they
both contain stars only one is legitimate

let’s keep going this is what we’re looking
at is two fighters in a round in a ring going

round after round after round now not to stretch
things out but how many rounds are there in

boxing there are 12 rounds anybody ever wonder
why i don’t know why maybe god’s trying to

tell us something there’s one for each tribe
of israel at the end of the day we need to

ask what is all the fighting really about
why do the palestinian people by and large

hate the jewish people why is there so much
hatred towards this little bitty country the

size of new jersey that keeps giving away
land for peace keeps uh submitting to the

world system and the and the delegations and
the dignitaries and the united states and

the united nations and they keep ending up
on the short end of the stick and the missiles

keep getting closer we need to find out what
the fighting is all about because all of the

fighting is end times related it ends up in
the great battle of armageddon it really is

all about jacob and esau genesis chapter 25
verse 20 says this and isaac was 40 years

old when he married rebecca the daughter of
bethuel the aramean from padan aram and sister

of laban the airmen isaac prayed to yahweh
on behalf of his wife because she was barren

the lord answered his prayer and his wife
rebecca became pregnant the babies jostled

each other within her and she said why is
this happening to me so she went to inquire

of the lord and the lord said to her two nations
are in your womb and two peoples from within

you will be separated one people will be stronger
than the other and the older will serve the

younger now you know who he’s who is being
referred to there is jacob and esau who is

inside the womb of their mother and they’re
wrestling and the first one that comes out

is esau the second one that comes out it’s
jacob so technically esau is the firstborn

but jacob is what’s why it says the older
will serve the younger so that’s jacob and

esau but before we get to jacob and esau let’s
back up and talk about isaac and ishmael because

now we’re all the way back to abraham genesis
chapter 16 verse 11 says this the angel of

the lord also said to her you are now with
child and you will have a son you shall name

him ishmael for the lord has heard of your
misery he will be a wild donkey of a man his

hand will be against everyone and everyone’s
hand against him and he will live in hostility

towards all of his brothers and so right here
we get some characteristics we get some personality

uh descriptions of ishmael and isaac and how
the relationship is going to go it makes it

very clear that ishmael is going to be a wild
donkey in the hebrew there that is a wild

ass that is not a phrase uh it is not it is
derogatory but it is a real animal that exists

in the middle east and so he is giving a description
of ishmael based on the description of this

wild donkey of a wild ass and so we’re going
to actually show you the description of that

in just a minute so here we go here is the
description of a wild ass in the new in the

the new testament or excuse me in the uh in
the uh to knock times the old testament times

during the time of jacob most active during
the night so the wild donkey in israel is

most active during the night their territory
marker is dung heaps

they tolerate intruders into their territory
but consider them as subordinates

unlike other hoofed animals they don’t flee
from danger they investigate it first and

then decide what to do now if you know where
i’m going with this you’re going to see that

ishmael today is still fighting jacob and
this is the exact attributes that ishmael

has today they’re most active during the night
turn on the news their territory marker is

dung heaps they tolerate intruders into their
territory but consider them as subordinates

because they can they believe that they are
the ones that hold the birthright so everyone

is subordinate to them jews christians alike
we’re all in the same boat we are infidels

and other like other hoofed animals they’re
not as scared they’re not scared of anyone

they will investigate first and then in wisdom
decide what to do this will make more sense

as we go along genesis chapter 17 verse 20
says and as for ishmael i have heard you i

will surely bless him i will make him fruitful
and will greatly increase his numbers he will

be the father of 12 rulers and i will make
him into a great nation

now what’s really really interesting is if
we had time to go through the actual blessing

of isaac and jacob it says jacob gave a blessing
to his grandson ephraim remember this the

crossing of the hands from menasha to ephraim
and it says what it says that ephraim is going

to be great fullness of what the nations there’s
a plural that it says that he is you’re that

israel is going to be great nations that there
is going to be a fullness into the nations

but with ishmael there’s going to be great
nation and that is hugely prophetic and very

significant in these end dates here’s here’s
why is because right now there exists multiple

multiple nations in both the jacob category
and the ishmael category of all the arab states

but what is the desire of the terrorist organizations
what is the desire of ishmael to have one

state called the islamic state and that’s
when this prophecy is going to come right

before your eyes and it’s happening on the
news right now both isak and ishmael were

prophesied to be great nations and who is
ishmael today ishmael is the father of the

arab people of the arabian peninsula we can
try track and trace his genealogy they are

the arab people so here is uh where you see
the middle east upper africa the mediterranean

coastline we’re going to zoom in on arabia
the arabian peninsula in case you’re not familiar

with the peninsula this is it now we’re into
saudi arabia okay so the arabian people are

they are the people of ishmael so let me give
you some statistics to give you an idea of

how big this prophecy is there are over 360
million arabs there’s not even that many united

states americans this is 25 percent of the
1.5 billion muslims worldwide as of 2009 so

there’s more than that now so of all the muslims
in the world the arab people make up 25 so

not arab not all arabs or are muslims okay
many are christians and so on and so forth

but 25 are arabs islam is the dominant religion
of the arabs and is the second largest religion

worldwide next to christianity there are 2.2
billion christians that claim to be christians

worldwide there are over today 1.7 billion
muslims it’s the second largest religion in

2000 there were approximately 1 million living
in the united states today there are 7 million

by most estimates some say 7 to 10 million

these are the arab states that you can see
okay so you had the arabian peninsula and

then all the migration into the upper part
of the continent of africa and these are all

of the arab states today look at all the ones
that carry the islamic symbol right there

on their flag next week i’m going to be going
into extreme detail on where that crescent

moon and that star came from what does it
mean and what does it mean today in prophecy

you’re going to see it and you see let me
just give you just a 30-second backdrop of

the religion of islam and i know that this
is not going to be popular politically but

i can tell you that us americans kind of get
the idea that all religions are the same they

just have like a few different ideologies
you know but really ultimately they all have

some truth built into it and they’re all pretty
nice they all just kind of want to get no

islam is different that religion is built
from a position of superiority going back

to they believe that it was not jacob that
was supposed to get the blessing it was esau

not isaac it was supposed to be ishmael and
so from that perspective everyone is supposed

to die in that order they are the only ones
that are supposed to be alive so that the

their prophet and the the mahdi and their
messiah can come back it can’t come back according

to their their theology unless we are all
dead our theology doesn’t say that thus all

religions are not the same so it’s not just
another religion it is a religion that is

against mankind is a religion that ends in
death this is why they do what they do is

because it is in their blood why are they
trying to kill the jewish people and the christian

people and why are they beheading christians
as we speak by the way they’re the only terrorist

organization in the world that is beheading
people and there is a prophecy about in the

end days that my people will be beheaded in
my name did you know the only people that

do that are the islamic jihadists there’s
no other organization that does that except

for the islamic jihadist on large scales not
saying that there’s somebody that gets beheaded

every once in a while but this is their motto
there’s a reason why they’re doing this they’re

not doing it just to to uh uh you know to
have time on the nightly news this is embedded

into their dna to show this is our theology
this is what we believe

and these are the organizations that are wanting
to run it now what i’m going to show you here

right now is a seven minute video that gives
you the idea and some context that will utterly

shock your system some of you have seen this
before when i played this but this is a seven

minute video that gives you islamic demographics
to show you where we’re at today with the

spread of islam in the earth realm today in
europe you almost see it on the news every

single night that islam and muslims are taking
over parts of europe protest every day now

in europe huge thousands and thousands of
muslims and there’s a reason for that you

did not see this 20 years ago at all in europe
europe was white caucasian hands down today

it is not at all the demographics are changing
and it’s because of this video according to

research in order for a culture to maintain
itself for more than 25 years there must be

a fertility rate of 2.11 children per family
with anything less the culture will decline

historically no culture has ever reversed
a 1.9 fertility rate a rate of 1.3 impossible

to reverse because it would take 80 to 100
years to correct itself and there is no economic

model that can sustain a culture during that
time in other words if two sets of parents

each have one child there are half as many
children as parents if those children have

one child then there are one fourth as many
grandchildren as grandparents if only a million

babies are born in 2006 it’s hard to have
2 million adults enter the workforce in 2026

as the population shrinks so does the culture
as of 2007 the fertility rate in france was

1.8 england 1.6 greece 1.3 germany 1.3 italy
1.2 spain 1.1 across the entire european union

of 31 countries the fertility is a mere 1.38
historical research tells us these numbers

are impossible to reverse in a matter of years
europe as we know it will cease to exist yet

the population of europe is not declining
why immigration islamic immigration of all

population growth in europe since 1990 90
has been islamic immigration france 1.8 children

per family muslims 8.1 in southern france
traditionally one of the most populated church

regions in the world there are now more mosques
than churches 30 percent of children ages

20 and younger are islamic in the larger cities
such as nice marseille and paris that number

has grown to 45 by by 2027 one in five frenchmen
will be muslim in just 39 years france will

be an islamic republic [Music] in the last
30 years the muslim population of great britain

rose from 82 000 to 2.5 million of 30-fold
increase there are over 1 000 mosques many

of them former churches in the netherlands
50 of all newborns are muslim and in only

15 years half of the population of the netherlands
will be muslim in russia there are over 23

million muslims that’s one out of five russians
40 of the entire russian army will be islamic

in just a few short years currently in belgium
25 of the population and 50 of all newborns

are muslim the government of belgium has stated
one-third of all european children will be

born to muslim families by 2025 just 17 years
away the german government the first to talk

about this publicly recently released a statement
saying the fall in the german population can

no longer be stopped its downward spiral is
no longer reversible it will be a muslim state

by the year 2050. more more al-qaddafi of
libya said there are signs that allah will

grant victory to islam in europe without swords
without guns without conquest we don’t need

terrorists we don’t need homicide bombers
the 50-plus million muslims in europe will

turn it into a muslim continent within a few

there are currently 52 million muslims in
europe the german government said that number

is expected to double in the next 20 years
to 104 million closer to home the numbers

tell a similar story right now canada’s fertility
rate is 1.6 nearly a full point below what

is required to sustain a culture and islam
is now the fastest growing religion between

2001 and 2006 canada’s population increased
by 1.6 million 1.2 of those immigration in

the united states the current fertility rate
of american citizens is 1.6 with the influx

of the latino nations the rate increases to
2.11 the bare minimum required to sustain

a culture in 1970 there were 100 000 muslims
in america today there are over 9 million

the world is changing it’s time to wake up

three years ago a meeting of 24 islamic organizations
was held in chicago the transcripts of that

meeting showed in detail their plans to evangelize
america through journalism politics education

and more they said we must prepare ourselves
for the reality that in 30 years there will

be 50 million muslims living in america the
world that we live in is not the world in

which our children and grandchildren will
live the catholic church recently reported

that islam has just surpassed their membership
numbers some studies show that at islam’s

current rate of growth in five to seven years
it will be the dominant religion of the world

as believers we call upon you to join the
effort to share the gospel message with the

changing world this is a call to action

if that doesn’t wake you up nothing will and
although that video is several years old now

i think it’s 2008 when that that video was
made the numbers continue to rise and if the

birth rates remain the same then the statistics
are just statistics birth rates can change

and i pray that they do but if they stay at
8.1 they will literally take over a majority

in so many countries across the world today
we are seeing more and more uh mosque more

and more of of their religion growing and
with that ideology and with that politics

it’s only a matter of time and i wanted to
show you that how relevant that uh particular

video is not only to this teaching but to
your life your children your grandchildren

are going to see the reality of this that
someday i know it’s hard to believe that if

everything remains the same america will no
longer be a christian nation we will be the

minorities and how many of you know even right
now that we are starting to become the minorities

in some sectors you can’t even get hired unless
you’re a minority mentioning about the muslim

brotherhood the good news about if there’s
any good news whatsoever in the geopolitical

realm is that the muslim brotherhood at least
in egypt has been ousted bottom line ishmael

will become a great nation and will strike
back at his brother you see there’s one thing

that american christians have against us we
don’t understand the issue of patience we

can’t wait we don’t understand time with the
rest of the world uh like islam and even the

country of china their goals start at 50 years
like our goals are like we have a one week

goal a two week goal three month goal the
chinese has a 50 year plan because they understand

how to take over world is different than in
the days of alexander the great where you

just beat each other up you can take over
a world by owning all of the property and

that’s what’s happening many of you don’t
know that we don’t have time to go into that

but most of the assets inside of america are
owned by other countries, do you realize that

if someone owns the majority of the assets
that you have in your house that at some point

they have the right to come kick you out and
that is about what is it to happen in the

united states of america and in prophecy it’s
all setting up the dominance to start coming

right down the pipe let’s keep going let’s
talk about isaac for a second we know that

isaac beca became the children of the promise
israel which is made up of both the house

of judah the jewish people and the house of
israel mainly christians that are grafted

into the olive tree we know that from jeremiah
31 the new covenant is with the house of israel

in the house of judah today the jewish people
are very obvious they came back from babylon

there’s your southern kingdom of judah but
everybody else that’s part of israel we have

no idea who they are where they came from
all our bibles tells us in the new testament

is that your graph we are grafted in to israel
and so this is why when we have prayer for

israel when israel goes to war and we and
we and we keep modern-day israel the jewish

people in our prayers why are they so connected
to the christian people because most christians

don’t know that we’re grafted into the same
root we’re grafted into the same tree we are

brothers and so from that perspective there
is a connection does that make sense okay

i have a teaching called identity crisis uh
that goes into that in great detail isaac

versus ishmael there are 1.5 billion muslims
worldwide 2.2 billion christians and jews

two great nations so here’s the family tree
just so you know you got abraham sarah and

hagar from the line of sarah remember god
tells sarah i’m going to give you a child

remember she laughs because she’s old in age
so he says go into she says go into my maidservant

hagar so from that perspective or from that
lineage here’s what happened from sarah comes

isaac i just want you to see this isaac takes
rebecca as a wife then hagar on the right

hand side has ishmael okay and then ishmael
has 12 sons then from isaac come jacob and

esau so this is the lineage that’s moving
down when you put all that together the lineage

of abraham going through sarah to isaac to
jacob brings life the lineage from hagar to

ishmael to his 12 sons brings death and that’s
what we’re seeing this is simply a a matter

of death and life life and death we’re seeing
this played out in the physical realm with

israel and hamas and the terrorist groups
in the middle east but you are also seeing

it in the spiritual realm when you’re dealing
with god trying to get a hold of his people

to get them back into covenant to bring life
back into their congregations back into their

marriages back into the children so on and
so forth it’s the same pattern so who is esau

today because it’s different than ishmael
numbers 20 verse 14 says moses sent messengers

from qadesh to the king of edom saying this
is what your brother israel says you know

about all the hardships that have come upon
us please let us pass through your country

we just went through that torah portion just
a few weeks ago where israel wanted to pass

through the land of edom and esau which is
the [ __ ] brother said nada not gonna happen

okay and there was a whole issue that went
along with that that we already went through

but what i want to point out is the fact that
the bible says that esau the children of esau

are the [ __ ] so we need to discover is
where are the [ __ ] today who are those

people jeremiah 49 verse 7 says concerting
edom this is what the lord almighty says is

there no longer wisdom in time has counsel
perished from the pruden has their wisdom

decayed turn and flee hide in deep caves you
who live in the dawn for i will bring disaster

on esau at the time i punish him so again
we have a scripture paralleling the in showing

us that esau is edom jeremiah 49 15 says now
i will make you small among the nations despised

among men now there is a difference between
ishmael and esau because ishmael was prophesied

to be what a great nation esau is prophesied
to be a small nation despised among men at

the sound of their fall the earth will tremble
their cry will resound at the red sea so esau

equals edom genesis 25 30 and esau said to
jacob please feed me with that same red stew

for i am weary therefore his name was called
edom over and over again in the scriptures

esau edom edom equals esau here it is right
on the map you see that edom just to give

you an idea here that uh that that uh this
is the gulf of aqaba okay or the red sea and

uh jerusalem is in this area okay so right
here this is kadesh barnia and edom represents

that area right there okay esau today so there
we go there’s the same area and he saw today

or excuse me is in that area the kingdom of
edom if we zoom in a little bit this is what

you get to see so all of the yellow is modern-day
israel along with the uh the 1967 borders

there in gray is where jerusalem is or the
west bank and edom is in the two places of

the circle and right there on the edge in
this area right here along what’s called the

gaza strip that’s where the [ __ ] settled
what happened was is that the [ __ ] in

1948 remember jerusalem was given to the israelis
as the jewish people as an israel state but

they what happened was is all of the [ __ ]
rushed up from the south and took over the

jerusalem area this is why they were a nation
without a capital which was the whole point

of the 1967 war the six day war was to regain
the capital of jerusalem back to the jewish

people so what happened was the [ __ ] or
esau came up obtained jerusalem took it over

and what happened was is when the war was
over you had a bunch of displaced [ __ ]

without a country so they are homeless this
is the palestinian people this is where the

palestinian people came from the palestinian
people are the people of esau they are the

people of edom that came up into jerusalem
and when the 1967 war happened and the jewish

people took over their capital all of these
people were still there and literally are

now a people without a country and that is
why they are trying to have a two-state solution

this is why the palestinian people want their
own state is this making sense okay and so

i don’t know about you but the only way that
you got your own state or your own country

back in the old days is you had to win the
war but now they lose the war and they still

want their own state by any stretch of anyone’s
imagination there is no sense being made in

this just because they are a displaced people
refugees if you will inside of israel the

governments of the world believe that the
jewish people should give the people that

they defeated their own state their own part
of israel divide the land of israel and give

it to the people that you bled over and beat
in victory that would be like us going back

going into russia destroying or better would
be germany during hitler and destroying hitler

and then saying oh well you can still remain
in power we’re going to divide the united

states in a half and you can have half and
we’ll have half what that makes no sense because

his he wanted to to win the whole world he
wanted to take over all of europe so should

we give half of europe to hitler because we
beat him no you if you lose according to most

nike t-shirts you go home but unfortunately
the mites don’t have a home and so what happened

was is that over time they ended up settling
back into the gaza strip if you can put that

back on my map here they ended up settling
into the gaza strip and then they also occupy

the area in jerusalem so the people over here
in gaza strip this is where they israel gave

them okay remember this it was it was called
land for peace how many remember that no they

got the land part right but the peace part
had never came along so the gaza strip the

palestinians got the land and then all that
did was put them closer to get their rockets

into jerusalem into israel and this is what
they want to do now they want to give them

the west bank are you kidding me look how
close the west bank is the west bank is right

there on the heels of jerusalem there would
be rockets in jerusalem every day but they’ll

say if you give us the west bank we’ll be
good that’s all we want no what they’ve already

said beforehand is that we want to push you
into the sea and the more that you can push

us and give us opportunity to do that we’re
going to do that all right so let’s continue

final proof palestine get this comes from
a root word in arabic that is literally pronounced

in arabic palestine is pronounced philistine
it’s where we get the word philistine from

the original philistines guys this is david
versus goliath that’s all prophecy is it’s

david versus goliath it’s not america there
is no america okay in the bible in bible days

in bible languages this is david versus goliath
verse 10 of obadiah says for violence against

your brother jacob violence in hebrew is hamas
that’s what that’s what the hebrew word hamas

means is violence these are the very people
that are the governing entity in the gaza

strip is hamas these are the violent people
listen this isn’t just a political government

and then there’s like a you know a terrorist
organization that operates underground in

the government of gaza no the government of
gaza is the terrorist organization of hamas

do you understand there’s a lot that’s happening
behind the scenes ladies and gentlemen and

it is prophecy in the making there are governmental
things that are happening in secret that we

don’t get to see on the news there are things
that we see on the news that we don’t interpret

properly because we don’t have the proper
cultural backdrop

so a quick review isaac and jacob are the
judeo-christian nations ishmael became the

modern-day arab nations throughout the middle
east esau became the people of edom or the

philistines they’re still alive today islam
is the dominant religion of both ishmael and

esau muslims are those that follow islam just
giving you some definitions here so that when

you watch the nightly news you’ll know what
they’re saying

muslims are those that follow islam the [ __ ]
or the palestinians took over jerusalem in

1948 and then were displaced when they lost
jerusalem in 1967.

so what did jacob take from esau this is how
he did it he took it in a card game if you

will where jacob kind of cheated a little
bit and used five aces instead of four he

ended up taking that birthright that birthright
was so important not too long from now we’re

going to have a conference here and it’s all
going to be about the blessing the family

blessing and you might say well in america
you know we don’t do that the family blessing

is so important that entire nations thousands
of years later are literally existing or not

existing because of the blessing of the father
do you get that

the blessing of the father was so sought after
that jacob decided to cheat esau and deceive

his father just to get it now today we would
say okay i would cheat and and you know uh

pagans would cheat and steal and lie to their
father to get an inheritance a physical inheritance

but a blessing really

we are not a spiritual people today or we
would understand that when a father speaks

to his children he is pronouncing life or

the reality of a physical blessing is off
the charts in god’s realm it is real that’s

why he says i will bless those who are cur
who bless you and i’ll curse those who curse

you do you think it’s just nomenclature do
you think it’s just an enigmatic expression

or a metaphor no not at all he means what
he says and today that inheritance of the

birthright includes this in ancient days it
includes the priestly blessing it includes

the double portion inheritance because the
firstborn had to take care of the rest of

the tribes if anything went wrong he needed
that kitty he needed that 401k account if

you will that’s what the double portion was
he had prominence among amongst the brothers

he was looked up to he was basically called
the executor of the state in today’s language

he had spiritual and physical authority the
rest of the brethren it didn’t matter how

old they were they respected and submitted
to the firstborn if he had that spiritual

authority that was given in the blessing everyone
had to submit to his authority do you know

why now listen some of you have multiple siblings
you five six seven siblings how many of you

would be difficult if the firstborn if the
blessing was given to the second born and

you were the firstborn to submit to your younger
brother think about that for a minute that’s

serious that’s very very difficult much less
submit a younger brother submitting to an

older brother today period would be difficult
but the reason why in ancient hebrew culture

this was so critical and why esau and ishmael
hate their younger brothers today is because

whoever received the blessing is receiving
the name of their father and in ancient days

names were authority names had mission names
had purpose where do you think we get the

idea of passing the name from the father to
the next young son my last name is staley

i am the third if i had a son it would be
a staley why where do we get that idea passing

the name from it comes all the way back from
the bible in hebrew culture where the name

of the father was passed down except the differences
is that the name carried authority perfect

example i was hunting in southern missouri
i’ve told the story before and my grandmother

my great-grandmother had an 80-acre farm down
there i used to spend summers down there but

i went down with a friend of mine years and
years ago to go hunting and i’m hunting on

this property all of a sudden uh someone comes
along and is yelling at me telling me this

is private property and private property and
private property until they came up and they

looked at me took their glasses off and said
are you a staley

they said oh my goodness you look just like
your father at your age and it ended up being

a relative of mine and boy did the atmosphere
change instantaneously as soon as he found

out who i was everything changed do you realize
that the name that you carry carries authority

ultimately you’re supposed to have the name
of god written over your name which is what

gives you authority in the earth realm that’s
why every authority has no authority outside

the name of god and any authority that places
himself in authority outside of yahweh putting

him there will be drug down

lastly today that spiritual authority is symbolized
by this the temple mount this is why the temple

mount if you wonder in prophecy again this
teaching is just a very broad brush of context

for next week but if you ever wonder why the
temple mount is so sought after why they want

this so bad is because this is the actual
seed this is the actual bullseye of the inheritance

of jacob and esau isaac and ishmael this was
the place that abraham went to sacrifice isaac

but the quran says that abraham went to sacrifice
ishmael this is why this is so critical this

is why they’re fighting over this because
this is the inheritance of the firstborn it’s

not any piece of land it’s the piece of land
of their father abraham i know it’s hard to

put your mind around it but can you believe
that the arabs and the philistines if you

will uh esau and they’re they’re all their
father is a it’s the same person this is a

family feud just like i started out how many
family feuds do we have going on just in this

congregation alone

you see you’re more israelite than you know

look at this this in hebrew is the word adam
and edom the same root three letter when you

when you narrow it down the same three root
letter word of adam and edom is the same three

letters aleph dalet and mem with two incredibly
different interpretations or definitions let’s

go through them real quick we’re almost finished
adam is the divine presence so the divine

presence is with adam it means divine blood
edom is to goad poke or try to control adam

so the difference between adam and edom is
one of them carries the divine presence of

god and one of them is goading or poking adam
the real adam so this is how you have adam

and edom both of them coming from the same
dna same name vowel pointing is a little bit

different give you a totally different definition

ultimately there is a prophetic message in
this because every one of us inside of every

one of you is a conflict the bible says paul
says this he says there is inside of me a

war remember this romans chapter seven there’s
a war in my members part of me wants to do

the right thing the other part of me doesn’t
want to do the right thing ultimately if you

actually read that chapter what he wants to
do is he wants to keep the law of god read

it it’s incredible but his flesh won’t let
him keep the commandments of god he says what

a wretched man that i am what’s inside of
him the two natures of man it is edom and


it is the same conflict that is happening
in the physical realm today with israel and

the palestinians in the gaza strip with hamas
is the same conflict that you are having with

your flesh right now in the earth realm god
is tired of the enemy occupying your territory

you are the one we are the ones that gave
the enemy that little small little beach strip

in our life because you know what we didn’t
really want to get rid of the sin completely

because that area is beautiful and by the
way if you saw the pictures of the gaza strip

you would not even be able to tell the difference
between that in hawaii it is that beautiful

there’s even a video online that you can you
can find that goes through all the pictures

of gaza and says which city is this mediterranean
beaches you know of bahamas and it looks all

of those palm trees the whole deal and it’s
literally just the gaza strip and we don’t

want to get rid of that because it’s so precious
to us but the truth is is that the enemy is

throwing missiles at the temple of god inside
of you from the dark places when you give

the enemy a small area in your life he throws
missiles to the other parts of your dna and

his whole point you know what he wants he
wants more land do you see the prophetic picture

within hamas and the enemies of israel today
they’re only looking for one thing more land

you know why they want to eradicate the people
of god they want to eradicate the entire inheritance

they want to take over your temple the enemy
wants to take over everything you are and

ultimately make sure that that third temple
doesn’t get built

spirit and flesh matthew 26 41 watch and pray
that ye enter not into temptation this spirit

indeed is willing but the flesh is weak what
you are watching on the news ladies and gentlemen

and i close with this is you are watching
the story of your life you are watching the

history channel of who you are and what is
to come because inside of every one of us

you have a jacob inside of every one of us
you have an esau and it depends on whether

or not you’re going to be a wild donkey and
operate during the night and do all those

things and give the enemy access to that strip
of land in your life or you’re going to be

like jacob and you’re going to put an iron
dome of the ruach hakkadesh the holy spirit

and the word of god around you did you know
the word of god is the only thing that’s going

to protect you you need to know it with all
the prophecies and all of the ministries that

focus on prophecy few will tell you what i’m
about to tell you the only way to navigate

through the truth and through the lie is to
know the torah inside and out because here’s

the deal you can memorize the new testament
inside and out and it will help you in the

godly character that you are supposed to develop
no questions asked but when the antichrist

comes on the scene and when the religious
tenders change ever so slightly in this generation

or the next

the only way you’re going to know whether
that prophet is of god is whether what he

says lines up with the front of the book

and the set stage of the great falling away
is this in a short nutshell hands down the

enemy has been remember he has a long term
plan he changes nations not overnight long


and he has been set setting up god’s people
for such a time as the great delusion by making

us believe that the front of the book doesn’t
matter we will miss who the antichrist really


because the antichrist ladies and gentlemen
he’s going to be very eloquent person he’s

going to be really good at getting into the
emotional seat of who you are and when all

the world falls to hell in a hand basket he’s
going to be able to provide solutions

he’s not going to be as obvious as you might

he might even be a theologian might have the
bible memorized from the toback and he might

say everything that we want to hear but this
how you will know whether a prophet is a prophet

of god is the same exact definition from the
early front of the book when it says a prophet

will never speak against what is already spoken

so if god says this and a man comes along
and says something different even though it

aligns with the current religious system only
the people who know and understand and by

the way have wisdom where do you get wisdom
the bible says the front of the book

will actually see it and they’ll see right
through it while the entire religious system

hates you for it because everyone championing
champions rocky balboa everybody wants the

underdog everybody’s looking at the person
that is solving the world’s problem but the

end of the night the only thing that’s going
to save you i’m telling you is knowing the

word of god and doing what it says that is
the definition of a wise virgin everyone else

lamps go out

there’s a reason why that story was told they
knew what the lamps were they knew what it

represented they knew what the oil was it’s
only us 21st century christians that don’t

have a clue so we make up everyone for each
denomination that we’re in we make up a new

interpretation because we are afraid to go
back to the front and read the story from

the beginning

stand with me this evening

i want to let you know that the importance
of this showdown is not happening in the physical

realm only if we i have said this once i’ve
said it a thousand times whatever happens

in the physical realm there is a spiritual
message at the same time paralleling it exactly

whatever god is doing in the physical realm
he is doing it in the spiritual realm the

problem is we don’t have eyes to see your
ears to hear so we miss it and he has to go

around the mountain again there’s a war in
israel there is a war in greater israel worldwide

where the enemy hamas is trying to destroy
us again and we don’t even know who we are

so there’s nothing to go back to because the
way that you win wars in israel there’s only

one way my bible says it god said it very
cleanly and very clearly he says if you humble

yourself and come back to my covenant and
keep my torah you win every battle i will

be with you he says we just read it today
deuteronomy chapter 3 if you do not keep my

word you’re on your own and you’ll be slaves
in your own nation and ladies and gentlemen

wake up we are about to be slaves in our own

we’re boiling like the frog slowly and we
don’t even know it until we wake up and it’s

too late

so shall i end with a most famous scripture
that says if my people who were called by

my name will humble themselves and pray and
turn from their wicked ways then listen it

says then i will hear from heaven and i’ll
heal their land and the context is about his

people israel coming back into covenant we
are in those days where we need to not only

pray for israel of the jewish people today
of modern israel but pray for those who are

aligned with the root of jesse and are called
israel in the spiritual dna of being grafted

into the tree unless we come back into covenant
and start doing bible things in bible ways

and loving each other the way that god wants
us to and displaying his character the light

on the hill we have no chance of surviving
even our own country let’s pray

father i pray that you would forgive us forgive
us for being so blind for so many decades

so many centuries [Music] moses and his commandments
are etched on every courthouse in america

yet we remove them from our very system

this country is founded upon the principles
of your word and how the front of the book


yet god from our pulpit in every denomination
we denounce you and we don’t even know it

the very thing that in romans 3 31 god paul
said he upholds is the very thing that we

have destroyed we don’t even let it in

so father we don’t know how to do it but god
i want to declare

that this group of people wants to be in covenant
with you in the most desperate way we want

to be perfectly aligned we don’t want to just
be in the car believing in yeshua we want

our tires to be perfectly aligned and our
motor to be tuned this is a race

father i pray that you would awaken the spirits
of your people they don’t have to totally

understand or even fully agree god but their
spirit has to be quickened to even look further

at these things that esau is coming ishmael
is here the battle is before us and we are

naked without weapons and the only weapon
that i know of in your word is the sword of

the spirit and the truth that girds our waistline

yahweh i pray that you would embed your word
back into your people that your people would

humble themselves and pray get rid of all
of the traditions and doctrines of men that

are holding us back from the blessing that
our next generation the y generation would

never ask why again they would simply obey
and be empowered like the joshua generation

father if we’re at the end of the age then
this is the time that you equip your people

equip us well we submit to you we surrender
to you and we thank you for even letting us

have the opportunity to be in your army in
yeshua’s name and everyone said amen hallelujah

may the lord god bless you may he keep you
may his face shine upon you may he be gracious

to you

and at the end of the day may his countenance
be lifted up over you and may he give you

shalom love you guys we’ll see you next week
shabbat shalom if you were blessed by this

teaching please consider helping us reach
the nations by making a donation today thank

you and god bless


[Applause] [Music] you