Today I interview Pastor Billy Crone about the coming genetic apocalypse and how technological advancements are contributing to the end times. Learn more about Pastor Billy’s resources at Get your copy ofTipping Point here: Listen to the full episode, plus Q&A, when you subscribe at Watch this podcast on YouTube: Follow Jimmy Evans on Facebook and Instagram Jimmy Evans is a long-time pastor, Bible teacher, and best-selling author. He is the Founder and President of XO Marriage, a ministry devoted to helping couples thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages. Along with his wife, Karen, he is the host of MarriageToday with Jimmy & Karen, a nationally syndicated broadcast television program, as well as a weekly podcast with the same name. For 30 years, Jimmy ministered as Senior Pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas, where he now serves as Apostolic Elder. He speaks at dozens of live events every year to tens of thousands of people. Jimmy has written more than 17 books including Marriage on the Rock, The Four Laws of Love, Strengths Based Marriage and Tipping Point. Jimmy and Karen have been married for 48 years and have two married children and five grandchildren.

on today’s program i’m talking to pastor

billy crone about hybrids super soldiers

and the coming genetic apocalypse i’m

jimmy evans welcome to the tipping point



well i want to welcome you to today’s

program this very very special program

pastor billy crone is the pastor of

sunrise bible church

in las vegas nevada he has authored

around 50 books you were telling me on

the end times it’s absolutely amazing he

is a very popular speaker around the

world at churches and conferences and he

has written this book called hybrids

super soldiers and the coming genetic

apocalypse billy thanks for being with

me hey thank you it’s great to be on

well i’ve listened to you a lot read

some of your books and there really are

terrific in this book

we were talking about this a little bit

earlier and that is now this is this is

documented this is a very sensational

title you know hybrid super soldiers in

the coming genetic apocalypse this is

not just you pontificating

in this book you document it’s an

amazing amount of documentation word

word just word for word of what people

are saying the experts yeah exactly and

and you you naturally have to of course

with the eclectic title if you will like

that uh people are going to say man you

you got the tinfoil hat on where you

wacko now you’re falling over the edge

what are you doing you know and and

certainly even as a christian what do we

got to talk about this kind of stuff uh

well we need to uh and we need to

document it we do because it sounds so

over the top sensational uh we need to

realize that this is really what’s going

on and so it with the eclectic title

really basically in a nutshell

it’s a repeat of the days of noah yeah

which is a major mega prophecy sign from

jesus of course matthew 24. as it was in

the days of noah so shall it not maybe

not my so shall it be at the coming of

the son of man so jesus lays down the

gauntlet and says here’s a big sign that

i’m getting ready to come back you’re

going to see a repeat of the noah’s day

and that’s what it’s all about there

were three things going on scripturally

in the days of noah and matthew 24 jesus

tells us the first one this

lackadaisical attitude in light of the

coming judgment of god eating and

drinking and giving to marriage to me

kind of dovetails second peter where he

talks about the scoffing society where

is this coming and that kind of thing so

do do we see that being repeated today

absolutely uh a second point you go to

genesis 6 that tells us more detail of

the days of noah and that point would be

it says that the thoughts of man was

continually wicked all the time and it

grieved god’s heart and that’s part of

the reason why he says that’s it i’m i’m

starting over i’m hitting a reset button

if you will on humanity and his creation

knowing his family and and the ark and

so you think okay do we live in a

society where people’s uh hearts and

minds are continually wicked yeah you

can’t escape it it’s everywhere but it’s

that third one that sometimes in the

genesis 6 account that people i think

kind of like uh skip over real quick and


all of it is got to be repeated if it’s

a sign that jesus coming back the days

of noah

and that’s the third one and that was

the genesis 6 account there was some

sort i used this word hybridization

going on with humanity that produced

this offspring that’s mentioned there

nephilim nephili in the hebrew or giants

and so you’re going like okay wait a

second is that really going on today the

first two are but is this third prophecy

son of the days of noah going absolutely

and that’s what this is about there is a

hybridization going on of not just


but all of god’s creation i’m talking

plants insects animals and yes humans

including mixing and matching humans

with animals it sounds crazy but as you

said we document it thoroughly it’s

really going on but the the but the

underpinning point is it’s a sign

jesus christ is getting ready to come

back exactly like he said well so the

the giants the fallen ones nephilim the

fallen ones

so the an interesting thing about the

giants is god hated him

and it says that noah found grace in the

eyes of the lord but he was perfect

in his generations well he was he needed

grace because he was an imperfect man

but his genetics were perfect

so when you even look at why god chose

noah in his family they had not been

infected by the genetic mutation right

and probably one of the only families on

the earth that had not been so god was

starting over again but the giant showed

up again yeah after that so tell us how

did that happen well uh the again i

agree with you i think that helps

explain the severity of god’s judgment

and uh that what man why would he wipe

out the whole planet right except for

eight people and the animals he

specifically brought to the ark right uh

because everything was being polluted

now why was that happening well you put

yourself in satan’s shoes right genesis

3 15 the great promise from god after

the fall of man right and you know and

and it says there that uh the seed of

the woman of course jesus would one day

crush the head of the serpent satan was

there he knew it he knows exactly that

one day somebody from the lineage of the


is going to come and destroy him so

what’s he try to do

pollute all of mankind and he almost

made it except for

possibly very well eight people and so

so of course god’s in charge he’s the

one that prevented that from happening

because when he gives a promise he

fulfills it right and uh so there’s that

aspect uh repeat it again i think that

what we’re seeing and this is what this

is all about proof that that actually is

being repeated again that you’re seeing

hybridization again of not just humanity

but uh with animals and plants and

insects all of god’s creation and isn’t

that just like satan you take he what’s

he do what’s his motive opportunist

every day this is who he is this is how

evil he is he takes god’s truth into

what he twists it contorts it perverts

it and in this aspect he’s doing it

again what he did the first time he’s

taken all of god’s creation including

humanity he’s twisting perverting it

contorting it

in that but but to me the first time it

was being dealt with uh with this uh

demonic hybridization going on the sons

of god i believe fallen angels demons

were combing with women and it says and

also afterwards i certainly would

believe that uh the technology this is

it’s being done today with science but i

believe that the technology is obviously

coming from a demonic source as well

yeah so you’re seeing a repeat today

well i was telling you that i watched a

program a documentary on ufos

now ufos now this was astronauts uh

reporting the first hand what they had


in the ufo’s uh military experts and now

the the navy or the air force recently

came out maybe actually i think the

fighter pilot uh had the footage that

absolutely documents the fact that there

was a ufo traveling at far greater

speeds than we can travel and stopping

in midair and turning in ways that we

can’t do right and so the technology

that’s out there in other words this is

no longer sci-fi right and this is no

longer something that people say you’re

crazy if you believe it but in this in

this documentary they were talking about


worldwide phenomenon that’s been going

on for hundreds of years of the

abductions yeah of the little gray

creatures that come and abduct people

and they do

experiments on their on their

reproductive organs yeah and so talk

about that in just a minute well again

it leads us we have another documentary

that we shot uh with a companion book

called ufos the great last days


and i come out of that that’s actually

my background i came out of

unfortunately i was involved into

satanism uh i grew up in a non-church

atmosphere and i when i got interested

in quote spiritual things i didn’t

turn the christian route because of the

hypocrisy that i saw growing up

unfortunately uh but i had a roommate

that turned me on to satanism anton

levay that didn’t help i had a co-worker

that introduced me into new age if

you’re familiar with that it’s just like

a cafeteria take a little bit of this

hinduism buddhism spiritism shamanism

self-help sexual psychology all that

kind of stuff

and uh but basically it’s all demonic

right and uh but anyway part of the new

age crowd is uh carte blanche you’re

gonna get into the ufo phenomenon that’s

just part of that community because uh

these things uh uh you know appear to

people who are involved in new age who

get in these altered states of


and but when you start taking a look at

now being saved as a born-again

christian and i was probably not

oppressed i was probably possessed

because i was trained to have these

things come inside me and speak through

me but you start looking at that with

the ufo occupants right their whole

premise is that we’re this higher

evolved race coming here to help save

humanity stop right there

um evolution is not true we didn’t come

from the gu to the zoo to me and you so

right out of the gates you lied to me

now john chapter eight what’s jesus say

satan’s only murder he’s what he’s a

liar and he’s a father of all lies

so these things right out of the gate

they deceive you and you mention how

they travel they can stop on a dime uh

we’ve got uh reports too that they’re

going 15 000 miles an hour and make a

right turn well you’d be road pizza


if that were to happen if it was a and

that’s why secular ufo ologists are

saying that these things are not so much

physical in nature as they are spiritual

in nature and the secular ufologists

these are the big guns like jacques

valet and some of these other guys and

they’re not even christians and they’re

saying uh basically with decades of

research these things are not coming

from outer space i.e into the universe

they’re coming from interspace they’re

coming from another dimension the bible

talks about that right angels including

fallen angels the spirit realm our realm

they pop in they pop out materialize

dematerialize if you will that’s what

these things act like so that’s another

clue they’re lying to you the way they

travel is the demon the other one is i

mention that you’re supposed to be this

higher evolved technological race right

and apparently the only way i can get

this much needed information to help

save humanity because that’s how they’re

pitching themselves is the saviors of

the planet that i have to get into an

altered state of consciousness and you

have to take over my vocal cords and

speak through me

last time i checked that’s demonic

possession i mean you think if you were

really a technological highly advanced

race that you could tap into my cell

phone send me an email

give me beam down a kirk enterprise

you know divisor no you you have to

possess me then i go any further these

things not only want to possess you uh

your vocal cords they want to come

inside you yeah they’re called walk-ins

and they want to possess people and he’s

like what is that and then when you

listen to these channeled messages from

these supposed space brothers orbiting

the planet here to help us

carte blanche what they’re they’re

saying is completely diametrically

opposed to the scripture they they said

they come really you come all the way

across the universe

and here’s what you tell us i’m not

joking this is on record they say that

we need to submit to a one world


a uh one world ruler

that jesus has got it all wrong that

we’re all christ’s the new age lies

right there is no such thing as sin and

i’m not joking i wish i was making this

up they actually come all across the

universe supposedly to tell us that

lucifer is actually a good guy there you

go and he’s here to freeze him go come

on you know

walks like a duck quacks like a duck it

was like come on this is all demonic

i’ll give you just uh a couple more

there is and secular you have all just

admit this there’s one way on record

that when these critters show up one way

on record to get rid of them every

single time 100 percent of time you know

what that is

you command them in the name of jesus

christ to flee and they do i interviewed

a lady from oregon who had uh an

attempted abduction occurrence

and uh she said uh when that happens her

and her twin sister and they showed up

they she says and we commanded him in

the name i didn’t know what to do i just

cried out and jesus uh uh save us you

know she said when i mentioned the name

of jesus these things not only turned

and flee they ran and were tripping over

each other so fast and there’s plenty of

counts of that well wait a second the

last time i check who’s the only one

that can rebuke with the authority

you know it’s jesus of course

and so but but the other thing too is we

call it the great last stage deception

so why are they doing this and here’s

the point too

why is the government after all these

years now finally admitting

imminent disclosure yeah okay we’ve been

holding out on you these things are real

why because i’m convinced

and this is from again my background

because i was in that camp i’m convinced

it’s going to be the perfect excuse to

explain the way the rapture the church

you better come up with something right

because this one you can’t spin away cnn

can’t make up something right no this is

a global event and millions of people

disappear and specifically only

christians boy you better have some good

lie uh to spin that away right well

think about how slowly methodically

satan’s been at this because it’s all

based on the live evolution

so that means he started this last day’s

lie to explain away the rapture 150

years ago with charles darwin yeah let

that permeate the planet now with the

help of hollywood you even have movies

that are helping people visualize

people getting sucked up by ufos and

that’s what happened to those people and

and then you get some religious ruler on

the planet you know qualming people’s

fears in the global broadcast after the

rapture hey

i just want to let you know that yeah as

you mentioned the government’s been

telling you this is true but here’s

what’s happened unfortunately yes your

loved ones disappeared uh but it’s okay

it’s from the space brothers and these

people were not of the spiritual

vibrations for the rest of us exactly

and they’ll actually spin it not only

explain away the rapture just like that

but they will spin it for those who are

left behind that jesus said now you’re

in the seven year tribulation the worst

time in the history of mankind the

demons will spin it and say you’re a

chosen one the age of utopia and that’s

how the seven year tribulation starts on

the rise of the antichrist is false

peace it’s nuts if you had a rapture

in an instant you know in an instant

hundreds of millions of people disappear

and the ufo appeared

you had ufos around the world appear

yeah okay and just sit there

which would get more attention yeah

exactly and immediately the ufos and

just like you said all of a sudden they

explained it away now tom horn i don’t

know if you know tom he’s a wonderful

guy friend of ours

and uh his sister had abduction

experiences until she got saved yep and

according to tom no saved person has

ever had an abduction experience right

because they don’t come to people who

are saved it goes back to what you were

saying right exactly about the authority

but the the antichrist and talk about

this for just a minute but there

revelation 13 talks about the false

prophet and how he calls down fire from


does miracles in the presence of the

antichrist uh the image that is set up

the abomination of desolation the image

that’s set up in the temple actually

speaks and moves do you think that that

is uh goes back to the issue of the

hybridization possibly the antichrist

being one of the beings that comes a

hybrid do you believe that’s possible

well certainly uh i believe the

hybridization is part of the antichrist

lie i’m not going to say thus saith the

lord but you look at a lot of this


but the whole goal is by these people

called transhumanists right and what

they’re pitching is a counterfeit to

what god offers through jesus christ and

again that’s just like saving right

that’s right so so what does god offer

that uh if you receive jesus christ your

lord and savior then you get to live in

a place beyond your wildest dreams

called heaven

you get to have a perfect body a new

resurrected body you get to be a part of

a paradise on earth the millennial


you get to be a part of existence

forever and ever

the new heavens and the new earth at the

end the eternal state um no more death

no more crying no more pain well that’s

what they’re pitching through science

and technology if you just listen to us

and i believe that’s gonna be part of

the antichrist false utopia not just

making peace in the middle east with

israel which starts the seven year

tribulation daniel 9 27 but that’s part

of his why do we need to follow this guy

why do we need to worship this guy and

certainly why do we need to take a mark

in the right hand and the forehead now

that mark aspect um

uh you know i’m not saying this that’s

the lord revelation 13 says it controls

the buying and selling well that’s but

some people are saying with the same


that if you can

get this stuff inside of people you know

mark people from the inside that maybe

that’s also part of his lie is that

basically you not only will get to buy

and sell

but maybe this is part of that false

utopia you’ll get upgraded upgrade right

uh with this technology and again i

can’t say they’ll say the lord because

the scripture doesn’t say that but you

understand the technology it makes you

wonder if that’s not part of the the

delusion but that’s what they say they

want to give the planet what’s called

the three supers and the three supers is

super longevity

super health and super intelligence and

they’re talking about genetically

modifying the human race again a repeat

of the days of noah hybridization

because because in fact in this we

actually interview

an actual geneticist

and i asked her the proverbial question

i said how much can you modify a human

genetically and technically they’re no

longer human you know what she said

scientifically one percent

really sounds wild she’s like whoa i was

hoping a little bit more room and she

says no genetically one percent and then

that was her answer so um but that’s

what these guys want to do they in fact

their words is and this is in print

post-human they want to create a

post-human society or human 2.0 and they

want to upgrade you with this technology

but they’re talking on intelligence on

the order of a thousand iq

right now one 140s

typically and above as a genius they

want to do a thousand

super health right that you let us and

we’ll get this inside you and we’ll

genetically alter you and and make you

super health and then of course super uh

longevity you’ll get to live forever

it’s all the counterfeit that you could

have for free in christ without being

genetically altered and the the moral

the problem with jesus to a person like

you’re talking about is are the moral


you have to give forgive


change your behavior you know all the be

accountable all those kinds of things

they don’t want that so just give me

tell me the price tag and i’ll pay for

it yep get you know give me eternal life

but you know you talk about ray kurzweil

in your book and he he is the chief

engineer for google

billions and billions and billions of

dollars to spend and he says

by 2030 that humans will be hybrids

and so beginning to uh to augment now

going back to elon musk

elon musk has neural ink

and this is he’s done this with monkeys

uh he’s experimented with humans he put

it in his own brain but so this neural

link they’re able then to upload they

basically link your brain to the cloud

and what he’s saying is if we don’t do

this we we’re going to do a program on


but if we don’t augment ourselves

mentally we won’t be able to keep up

with ai yeah they’re also saying and

this is what ray kurzweil says

if you don’t become a hybrid

and talk about putting technology into

your body uh whether it’s enhancing your

dna you’re going to talk crispr here in

just a minute enhancing your dna

uh augmenting your brain augmenting

different areas

of your body

not only will you be subhuman

but your children will be sub-human and

they won’t be able to educate them your

child shows up for school and they say

are you linked up and they say no and

they say we can’t educate you right

because these kids over here are able to

absorb knowledge

at a incredible pace and you’re you know

you’re neanderthal compared to that oh

yeah well and again uh elon musk you

mentioned him we have him on tape where

he talks about uh the genetic

altering of humanity including with the

mrna technology

and we got him on tape simplifying it

for the audience and i love this clip it

was i can’t believe i came across it but

he simply said the mrna technology is

man’s uh building a computer code

that is then injected into you to alter

your computer code wow right a lot of

people say with that technology oh it

doesn’t alter you yes it does yes it

does and he said on that tape he says

and with such technology mrna technology

that we could not only reverse aging

which is one of their planks to live

forever we don’t need god we don’t need

jesus that whole rebellious

transgenderness lie uh but he says we

could change you into a blank butterfly

even if we wanted to well this is on

tape right uh what they want to admit

but this is this is their dream and

you’re right that uh i think this is

part of the last days false utopia

that’s going to culminate in the seven

year tribulation under the antichrist

and think about the millennial age not

to pick on them but the millennial age

on down it’s the me culture me myself

and i the unholy trinity it’s all about

me it’s all about uh upgrades it’s all

about convenience which paul talked

about that people will be lovers of

pleasure rather than lovers of god and

so it’s like how are people gonna fall

for this well it’s all about convenience

it’s all about me and and lovers of self

rather than lovers of god and which we

were warned about in the scripture but

think of the average person might you

get an upgrade on your phone everybody

wants that upgrade on your computer

everybody wants that upgrade on your car

everybody how about upgrade humanity

and and they’re going to love this stuff

and so

of course i just got to worship you and

take a mark yeah you know who wouldn’t

want to do this you could see the setup

and you could see the society that’s

ready for it oh absolutely ready for it

well i’m 68 years old and so you know

there’s a psalm 90 says the days of

man’s life for 70 years or if i reason

of strength 80 years i don’t like that

scripture by the way but you know so i

look forward to eternal action you know

i mean as i get older i’m going to check

out one of these days i’m waiting for

the rapture and i hope the rapture but

if the rapture doesn’t happen and one

day you know i go to be with the lord

phenomenal you know i’m looking forward

to eternity for all of the promises you

talked about however if i were not a


it would be very attractive to come to

me and say hey you want to you know

upgrade your dna become 40 again or

something you bet

