Today I’m talking about the coming pale horse apocalypse that will happen when the tribulation begins. Get your copy of Tipping Point here: Get your copy of 21 Day Inner Healing Journey here: Listen to the full episode, plus Q&A, when you subscribe at Watch this podcast on YouTube: Follow Jimmy Evans on Facebook and Instagram Jimmy Evans is a long-time pastor, Bible teacher, and best-selling author. He is the Founder and President of XO Marriage, a ministry devoted to helping couples thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages. Along with his wife, Karen, he is the host of MarriageToday with Jimmy & Karen, a nationally syndicated broadcast television program, as well as a weekly podcast with the same name. For 30 years, Jimmy ministered as Senior Pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas, where he now serves as Apostolic Elder. He speaks at dozens of live events every year to tens of thousands of people. Jimmy has written more than 17 books including Marriage on the Rock, The Four Laws of Love, Strengths Based Marriage and Tipping Point. Jimmy and Karen have been married for 48 years and have two married children and five grandchildren.

on today’s show I’m talking about the

coming Pale Horse apocalypse that will

happen right when the tribulation begins

25 percent of mankind will be killed I’m

talking about that some of the specifics

of that tremendous news for believers

terrible news for unbelievers you need

to hear this teaching today I’m also

talking about the Biden administration’s

announcement this week that they’re

opening a consulate for the Palestinians

in East Jerusalem which effectively

gives control and recognizes East

Jerusalem as belonging to the

Palestinians a horrible setback in

foreign policy related to Israel I’m

talking about that and other news items

related to Israel I’m also answering

questions one of the questions I’m

answering today is should we have a will

for the Rapture to prepare for the

Rapture once we get raptured as

Believers where our stuff goes okay I’m

talking about that other questions I’m

Jimmy Evans welcome to the Tipping Point




welcome to the show today this is a very

very important teaching I’m talking

about the coming Pale Horse apocalypse

and just the unbelievable thought that a

quarter of mankind is going to be killed

just in the first half of the

tribulation before I get into this

teaching let me just say we have an EXO

marriage conference that’s a part of our

ministry a very important part of our

ministry is we help marriages all over

the world with our conferences our

materials our resources a YouTube

content all different ways that we help

marriages but we also have conferences

around the country and we have one

coming up November 5th and 6th at First

Baptist Church of Dallas Pastor Robert

Jeffress wonderful church and we’re

going to be there Friday night and

Saturday morning for a conference I’ll

be speaking there along with David

Ashley Willis and Leanne we have many

other speakers that will be there it is

a terrific time you know if you’re

single if you’re engaged if you’re

married whatever you are wherever you

are we would love to have you be a part

of this conference it’s just a great

time and if you’re struggling at all in

your marriage this could be a turning

point for you really helping you to get

on the right track but if you have a

good marriage it’s just a great time to

come and get a tune-up take your

marriage to the next level we would love

to have you there go to

and you can sign up there November the

5th and 6th that’s at First Baptist

Church of Dallas Texas we would love to

see you there now also I want you to

subscribe to this channel I’d also like

this video today because this video

today is one that that many many people

need to see and what I’m hoping is a lot

of Believers will see this teaching

today and we’ll forward this or get as

many unbelievers as possible to listen

to it because this is going to be a

comforting to Believers I’m talking

about a time that’s coming very soon

after the Rapture when the tribulation

begins when the seal judgments begin

and the fourth seal judgment is when the

Pale Horse releases an apocalypse upon

the earth now let me let me Define the

term apocalypse for you because I don’t

want to misuse this term it means first

of all the complete final destruction of

the world as described in the Book of

Revelation so that’s what we’re talking

about it also means an event involving

destruction or damage on an awesome

or catastrophic scale so we’re talking

about the fourth seal breaks and a

fourth of mankind is killed this is

revelation 6. let me read it to you when

he opened the fourth seal I heard the

voice of the fourth living creature

saying come and see so I looked and

behold a pale horse in the name of him

who sat on it was death and Hades

followed with him and power was given to

them over a fourth of the earth to kill

with sword with Hunger with death

and by the Beast of the earth now the

word pale there is the Greek word Clorox

where we get our word chlorophyll and so

it means green so the writer on The Pale

Horse is actually riding a green horse

but it’s a pale green horse it’s a yucky

sick looking pale green and the rider on

the horse is death that’s an interesting

thing the rider is death

in Hades follows with him now if you can

imagine a lawnmower with a bag behind it

catching the grass the the lawnmower in

this case is death and it’s literally

bringing harvesting Souls into hell okay

and a power was given to death over a

fourth of the Earth let me say the power

wasn’t given by the devil the power was

given by God okay so here’s here’s an

interesting fact that a lot of people

don’t know uh hell is not under the

control of the devil hell is under

control of God and so this listen to

Revelation chapter 14.

then a third Angel followed them saying

with a loud voice if anyone worships the

beast in His image and receives his mark

on his forehead or on his hand he

himself shall also drink of the wine of

the wrath of God which is poured out

full full strength into the cup of his

indignation he shall be tormented with

fire and brimstone listen in the

presence of the Holy Angels and in the

presence of the Lamb and the smoke of

their torment ascends forever and ever

and they have no rest day or night who

worship the beast in His image and

receive his Mark or receive the mark of

his name

hell belongs to God Jesus Christ is the

Lord of Hell In Heaven death and Hell

have been defeated by Jesus and so for

people who are going to hell it’s not

the devil taking them there it’s God

taking them there God has the power over

it so God is going to give death and

Hell authority over a fourth of mankind

and so when that when that event begins

to happen and death and Hell begin to

bring people in a fourth of mankind is

going to die and we’re told that there’s

going to be four different ways that

they’re going to die one is by the sword

the second is by hunger famine the other

is by death and that could be disease

accident suicide it could be a many

different ways

but the other is by the Beast of the

earth now this is what I want to focus

on in this teaching the Beast of the

earth well first of all let me let’s

just do the math

when you talk about a fourth of mankind

right now on the earth there are 7.9

billion people in the world today okay

that’s the that’s the current count as

of this week well 2.3 billion say

they’re Believers the reason that’s

important is because the rapture

they’re 7.9 billion people now but how

many will there be after the Rapture let

me talk about what Jesus said in the

parable of the virgins Jesus said half

of the church would be false when he

returned remember there were five wise

virgins there were five foolish virgins

and the wise virgins came into the

wedding uh and they they married the

bridegroom the five foolish virgins the

door was closed on them and the

bridegroom said to them I do not know

you okay so I I believe right now if the

Rapture happened there would be about


of those who say they’re Christians

would actually go in the Rapture okay

that’s according to the parable that

Jesus gave that would be 1.15 billion

people raptured if the the Rapture

happened right now okay if half of the

Christians were false okay that would

leave 6.75 billion people on the Earth

after the raptures here’s what that

means uh 25 of the Earth being killed

would be around

1.7 billion people that will die in the

first half of the tribulation the first

42 months of the tribulation let me talk

more specifically now about how many

would be a fourth of that in other words

if if there are four different ways that

you can die you can die by the sword you

can die hunger you can die by death you

know or you can die by wild animals

let’s just assume for just a minute that

that this is even okay which it probably

won’t be let’s just say a fourth of

people die by the sword the fourth

people die of a hunger the fourth of

people die by death someone but a fourth

the people die by wild animals you know

what that means that means that

421 million people will die by wild

animals in the first three and a half

years of tribulation

I don’t think there could be a worse

death if there’s a worse death I don’t

know what it how it could be but here’s

what I want you to understand

Genesis 9 tells us that when Noah got

off the boat and the Animals began to

multiply and humans began to multiply on

the Earth

God put the fear of mankind on the

animal kingdom this is Genesis 9. so God

bless no one as sons and said to them be

fruitful and multiply and fill the earth

and the fear of you and the dread of you

shall be on every beast of the Earth on

every bird of the air on all that moves

on the earth and all the fish of the sea

they are given into your hand and so

animals have a natural fear of man let

me prove this to you in a personal way

we were in Africa about 20 years ago or

so and we spent a couple of weeks in the

bush with wild animals and so we would

go on nature walks Karen and I would go

on nature walks in the bush with the

wild animals but we had a guide with us

and he had a big gun and so you know

I’ll walk with anybody anywhere with a

big gun and so our Gods had this big gun

in South Africa so we went to Botswana

and we were there for a few days and our

guide in Botswana said to us one day he

said you guys want to go on a walk and

we said sure we get about a mile from

our camp and we realize he doesn’t have

a gun he has no rifle we’re in line

country and I said to the guide I said

Hey where’s your gun and he said we

don’t need a gun and I said yeah we need

a gun he said no we don’t need a gun the

animal spirits now this is in Africa

lion country he said just don’t run he

said if you run they’ll chase you down

and kill you because they know you’re

afraid but if you’ll stand your ground

they’ll just come up and do a

territorial display and they’ll walk off

I said Lions will walk off he said if

you don’t run they will

so we were on that road and a bull

elephant a bachelor bull elephant which

means he had been rooted out of the herd

by the younger Bulls comes walking down

the road in front of us by himself and

he’s in musk this means he’s in a

particularly bad mood it’s it’s a bad

time for him he has a must this hormone

secreting out of his forehead and he

sees us there’s six of us he sees us and

he starts wagging his head and doing

that screaming noise that elephants do

and he rushed us and our guide of course

we shoved him out in front you know we

were in a single file behind him and we

shoved him out front in our guide when

as the elephant is rushing us down he

slaps his hands real loud like this

that’s all he did and the Elephant

stopped then the elephant came at us

again and he clapped his hands like that

and the Elephant turnaround walked away

now this was terrifying I’m just telling

you I knew I thought if this guy dies

we’re in the bush in Africa we don’t

know what we’re doing or where we are

and there are lines everywhere

but the guy was right and what’s right

is is God put a natural fear of mankind

on the animal kingdom now I’ve known a

few dogs in my life that didn’t get the

memo but generally the fear of God is on

the animals okay but here’s the point

God controls the animal kingdom This is

Jeremiah chapter 27 and now I have given

all these lands into the hand of

Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon my

servant and the Beast of the field I

have also given him to serve him God

says my servant Nebuchadnezzar I’m

putting the the kingdoms of the world

under him even the animal kingdom I’m

giving him to serve him so God controls

the animal kingdom and God uses animals

at times for judgment this is

Deuteronomy 32 of the rock whom begot

you you are unmindful and forgotten the

God who fathered you and when the Lord

saw it he spurned them because of the

provocation of his sons and his

daughters and he said I will hide my

face from them I will see what their end

will be for they are a perverse

generation children in whom is no faith

they have provoked me to jealousy by

what is not God they have moved me to

anger by their foolish Idols but I will

provoke them to jealousy by those who

are not a nation I will move them to

anger by a foolish Nation for a fire is

kindled in my anger and shall burn to

the lowest Hill it shall consume the

Earth increase and set on fire the

foundations of the mountains I will Heap

disasters on them I will spend my arrows

on them they shall be wasted with Hunger

devoured by pestilence and bitter

destruction I will also send against

them the teeth of beasts with the poison

of serpents of the Dust now this is

exactly what God is saying in Revelation

that was to one nation that was under

God’s judgment in the tribulation it’s

all the nations his 25 percent of the

population of the Earth but God now is

sending this judgment and the point is

when people are at peace with God he

puts the Animal Kingdom at peace with

them when people rebel against God he’ll

even use the animal kingdom as a

judgment against them and so but here’s

what I want you to imagine for just a

minute one of the previous horses the

writer on the black horse the third seal

announced scarcity on the earth that it

would take a day’s wage for the average

person to buy a quart of wheat or three

quarts of barley to feed themselves okay

so if the average person is going to

spend everything they have just to eat

and just to survive that means that

there’s scarcity in the animal kingdom

as well that there is massive judgment

happening on the earth and not only do

does god take away the natural fear that

animals have of humans and that’s what

happens during the tribulation I want

you to think about this for just a

minute as a Believer you’re not going to

be here you’re going to be raptured I’m

not going to be here but as an

unbeliever for for your friends for your

relatives for your children for your

grandchildren that are not saved part of

the the reason for this message is to

just to provoke you and to encourage you

pray like you’ve never prayed and

witness to them every time you have the

opportunity let me say this when during

the tribulation when this seal is broken

God is going to remove from the earth

the natural fear that the animals have

on humans and humans are going to become

menu items for animals think about how


420 million people if all of the

judgments kill equally

420 million people in 42 months on the


Dying by wild animals and we’re counting

right now covet all the coveted deaths

on the earth and things like this there

is nothing that has ever compared in the

history of the world to this judgment

alone and so you don’t want that for

your family I don’t want that for my

family and friends I’m saying if you’re

a Believer you’re not going to be here

but remember there are those that will

be here let me talk about witnessing for

just a minute witnessing is not what you

do it’s who you are when you’re

witnessing to another person you’re not

trying to convince them of theology

you’re only trying to tell them what

Jesus did for you and to encourage them

to turn to Jesus for the issues that are

in their lives if you’re an unbeliever

and you’re listening to this right now

because I’m hoping that every believer

will try to get unbelievers to listen to

this if you’re an unbeliever I’m telling

you that God loves you and Jesus died

for your sins and there’s coming upon

the Earth right now a judgment is going

to be a tribulation soon but you already

see the Rumblings of the world falling

apart the Nations falling apart this is

the end times when the tribulation

begins it will be too late for you if

you receive Jesus now that when the trip

when the Rapture happens and Jesus comes

for his church you’ll go and you’ll

spend seven years at a marriage supper

of the Lamb that will be incredible but

your life today will also be blessed

because of that if you wait and the

tribulation begins that’s when God sends

his wrath on the earth for seven years

and no one escapes during that seven

year period of time my encouragement to

you is if you’re not a Believer or

you’re unsure about your relationship

with Jesus that you’re a prayer prayer

like this and I want to encourage you to

pray this prayer with me right now say

Lord Jesus

I Repent of my sins

I open my heart to you

and invite you to come in

to be my Lord and Savior

forgive me of my sins

give me the gift of eternal life

and fill me with your Holy Spirit

give me the power to change

and to live for you

I dedicate the rest of my life to you

in Jesus name amen

a simple prayer like that changes your

eternity and if you just prayed that

prayer I want you to tell someone tell

someone who’s a Believer I want it’s

very important that you that you do this

publicly and not just privately find a

Bible believing church people who

believe in God and people who believe in

the Bible strong Believers be a part of

that church read your Bible get if you

don’t have a Bible get a Bible get a

Bible that you can understand beginning

the New Testament The Book of Psalms in

the New Testament and read it every day

and just let it feed your heart and

begin to pray begin to have a dialogue

with God and trust God with the issues

of your life but if you just gave your

life to Jesus I just want to say

congratulations you now believe you’re a

Believer and when Jesus comes for his

church you’re going share this with as

many people as you can

and understand when the Believers are

raptured what is going to happen just

after that is beyond anything that we

can imagine I just talked about

one-fourth of one seal

on this program today that kills 420

million people by wild beasts that’s

just one judgment there are so many

judgments that happen during the

tribulation no one that you love do you

want there during that period of time

pray for them witness to them do

everything that you can do to take as

many people with heaven with you as you

can we’re going to go now into the

subscriber portion of the program if

you’re not a subscriber I encourage you

seven dollars a month seventy seven

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