Pastor Hagee shares a very personal testimony of how God healed him, that will encourage and inspire you. To God be the glory for the great things He has done.

I want to give you a personal testimony

of a savage storm that I went through I

have debated for months whether to tell

this personal story of crisis to my

church and the national television

audience and until today it has been top

secret in this ministry but I share it

with you now to give God Almighty the

glory for bringing me through a crisis

that threatened to end my ministry in a

day you know that last year I had a

right knee replacement and a second

surgery on my left knee you saw me give

several sermons sitting down most

thought it was because I had knee

surgery not so the truth was I was too

sick to stand up for 40 minutes the

crisis began in Maui Hawaii where I was

preaching a missionary conference for

dr. Morocco at the Kingsway Cathedral

the building was packed 90 plus churches

were represented it was a wonderful

gathering as I started to speak on that

first Friday night after about five

minutes from one sentence to another my

tongue instantly became as thick as a


it simply sounded like I was drunk my

tongue stopped working my first thought

was I’m having a stroke

then logic dictated your conscious your

alert my brain was now going 120 miles

an hour it must be the pain medication

I’m taking for my knee surgery I

apologize to the audience Donna

god bless ER came racing up the aisle to

the platform with a huge jug of Gatorade

the lubricating oil for all athletes

thank God we were not on national

television I continued speaking very

slowly straining to pronounce

word that audience listened with an

intensity that was divinely anointed

God’s presence filled that building in a

very special way as it took minutes to

get done with what could have done in

seconds I was in a storm a severe storm

after the service Donna and the ministry

team went back to the hotel I took no

medications on Saturday because I was

convinced it may have been the pain

medication that caused that I was the

speak on Sunday morning at 7:00 in the

morning at 9:00 in the morning and at

7:00 that night Saturday night was the

longest night in the history of the


Sunday morning I stood to speak and for

five minutes there was no problem just

as I was beginning to feel confident in

one second between one sentence and

another my tongue simply refused to

function it happened in the nine o’clock

service it happened in the 7 p.m.

service the Prince of Darkness whispered

in my ear you have preached your last

sermon on television people will believe

you really drunk or your own drugs

you’ll never be able to explain this not

ever we call dr. Schnitzler who has been

my position and shepherded me through a

number of physical problems and as soon

as our plane landed in San Antonio we

went straight to his office to do blood

work to be distributed to every

specialist in town for two weeks Don and

I stayed out of the city because I

couldn’t talk and there was no way to

explain what I was going through because

I didn’t know but you can be sure that

every waking hour the Prince of Darkness

was dancing on my shoulder saying this

television ministry is over

you’re out of Christians United for

Israel all that you are is over the

medical reports came in we came back to

San Antonio and went to the office of

dr. Jackson down and I went to her

office and she said you have my Salinas

gravis it’s an autoimmune system failure

where the messages from your brain being

sent to your tongue are garbled your

body is attacking your body and it’s

caused by stress I asked the doctor will

I ever be able to preach again she

responded very honestly I don’t know

maybe not if she would have hit me in

the head with a hammer it wouldn’t have

heard anymore I said will I ever be able

to play my saxophone she hit the save

safe button again I can’t tell you that

maybe not your body is under attack I

went home I tried to play my saxophone

I couldn’t make it make a squeak not a

sound I got out on the back porch and I

put my hands on the anchor of my soul

the Word of God

the winds of adversity were howling the

waves were pounding the whole of my ship

it was a sudden and unseen storm my life

was hanging in the balance

I prayed father you and I have been in

battles for many years this affliction

has taken me totally by surprise but it

didn’t take you by surprise my future is

in your hands I will be done the doctor

told me I would have to go through the

atomic bomb treatment 80 hours of IV

therapy in Trevanian therapy June the

1st for the first 4 days of June Monday

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 5 hours each

day 20 hours of wheat on the IV July 20

more hours August 20 more hours

September 20 more hours 80 hours after

each series of treatments I was so weak

and sick I couldn’t walk across the room

I vomited I had severe side effects that

are too obnoxious to describe that’s

when I sat down to preach because I was

too weak to stand during the IV

treatments my speech started coming back

I could start playing my saxophone not

for long but just for one verse and then

it came back more and came back more and

came back more and gradually my strength

has returned on my last visit the doctor

he said you’re doing fine your Chi said

you’re doing fine

you’re going to be okay when I played

the saxophone last Sunday night you were

watching a miracle in progress
