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that there are the one that I’m most

uncomfortable with is Father’s Day and I

wasn’t sure why until right now because

every father’s day that passed my father

was never there and it’s so hard to be a

son without a father now I’m a father

with a son and I searched the Word of

God so he can show me how it’s done

and I’m already halfway home but the

race is already won the blood has given

me victory and he still calls me son

it’s great to have this spiritual truth

but what if your example in the earth

messes up the truth of heaven what

happens when there’s a distance between

your father and your dad and I wonder

how many other people struggle with the

idea that there is a heavenly father

that actually loves us well on this

Father’s Day walk with me and let’s see

if we can’t figure out why it is that an

eternal God decided to call us his kids

even when we didn’t deserve it happy

Father’s Day

from faith to faith from glory to glory


and now forever be chasing after you

I’ll be chasing after you I’ll forever

be chasing after you I’ll be chasing

after you the legacy of the fatherless

is a need for validation

I’m 44 years old and I still want my

dad’s approval I want him to be proud of

me from my earliest memories y’all keep

playing stay right there for my earliest

memories I knew mama was gonna be there

because my mama is always there then for

many of us mama is always there but

dad’s dad’s have to work especially at

my generation it’s different than it is

now but my mom and dad divorced when I

was very young and so I did not have the

luxury of relationship with my father

and I always wanted him to be proud of

me when he wasn’t around I saw him a few


and that stayed with me and Here I am at

44 years old and I still want my father

to be proud of me

I’m looking at the red exit sign waiting

for him to come through the door so he

could say I’m proud of you son look look

look look what God has done in your life

but he’s not coming

he died December 7th of 2000 in New York

City on the corner of East 23rd and 1st

Street and I was the last person to see

him alive and I sang hymns over his bed

and he was in a coma from complications

of diabetes and alcoholism neither of

which will get to me



and for those who say but don’t you have

diabetes no sir no ma’am I don’t it came

to me but it doesn’t belong to me Jesus

died for that too