Interested in the full 40 Days of Prayer experience? Check out the 40 Days of Prayer Workbook to fully engage the material:… 40 Days of Prayer will teach you how to pray with more confidence and greater faith than ever before. Most are struggling with a difficult situation or circumstance. They need a breakthrough in their life. Whether it’s praying for a breakthrough in their marriage, health, finances, or relationships, persistent prayer is how God moves to transform people’s lives. Breakthroughs always begin with prayer! Throughout this campaign, your will: – Learn to pray for breakthroughs – Develop a daily habit of prayer – Understand the secret to answered prayer – Experience God’s blessings – Grow closer to God in unity The lessons in 40 Days of Prayer will help you pray persistently and trust God for everything. ——— Listen to Pastor Rick’s daily Bible teaching and subscribe to his Daily Hope email devotional at Connect with Rick! Facebook:… Twitter: Instagram:… Podcast:

hi everybody I’m Rick Warren pastor

Saddleback Church here in Southern

California author of The Purpose Driven


welcome to 40 days of Prayer you know

over the last 40 years I have the

opportunity of traveling about a hundred

and sixty plus nations around the world

one of the things I found that’s

universal is you can find an ocean

eventually connected to every continent

something else I’ve noticed is that on

every one of those continents people


it’s an inborn instinct in every human

being now they may not pray to the one

true God and they pray to an idol they

may pray to ancestors they may pray to

themselves but every body prays why is

it because we were made in God’s image

and we were given the ability to

communicate to God cows don’t pray dogs

don’t pray ants don’t pray only human

beings and all of God’s creation of the

universe only human beings pray it is

our greatest privilege and it is our

greatest responsibility and so for the

next 40 days we’re going to look at how

to do what God why are you to do we’re

gonna learn how to pray in different

kinds of circumstances we’re gonna learn

some of the barriers to prayer some of

the ways to see God’s answers to prayer

some of the ways to be persistent in

praying all of these as we looked at the

pattern of prayer that Jesus gave us

it’s gonna be a great experience

together and I’m glad you’re here let’s

get started



hello everybody and welcome to 40 days

of prayer did you know that prayer was

God’s idea if he didn’t want to hear

from you he wouldn’t have made you the

way he did God created you to pray it’s

really part of your human makeup

everybody prays well we don’t all pray

to the same God some people pray to

idols some people pray to their dead

ancestors some people to pray to some

kind of cosmic force the followers of

Jesus Christ we pray to the Living God

our Creator our healer a provider our

Savior our Heavenly Father and our

friend you know prayer is so simple that

even a child can do it so why is it that

we as adults struggle so often not

knowing how to pray you know we have a

hard time knowing what to say or how

long to keep praying about something and

we wonder about the kind of prayers that

God answers what kinds of things can we

pray about how do I know that God hears

me when I pray how do I know that God

even cares and what is the secret to

answers to prayer well for the next 40

days we’re going to focus on your

personal prayer life and we’re going to

answer these tough questions we’re going

to learn how to pray in a crisis we’re

going to learn how to pray for a