Every believer needs to know how to pray and how to have confidence that their prayers have been heard and will be answered. Never forget that the effective, fervent prayer of the righteous shall avail much! #PrayerandPraise http://bit.ly/1SGmvm0 Ordering Information Format: DVD/MP4 Product Number: V349 Format: CD/MP3 Product Number: A349

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers righteousness has everything to

do with your successful life when you

pray righteously you pray with

confidence that whatever you pray God is

gonna hear you when you pray something

and you’re waiting on the manifestation

of the answer once you pray it is when

the fight begins

notice the devil starts with your

thoughts so if you thought wrong put

your hand over your mouth because if you

come up with something that negates that

prayer then you have to start over again

so we have to watch what we say because

angels are on assignment and waiting on

God’s words that you speak

how do you know that you have the

petition you jizz out of him because he

heard you how do you know he heard you

because you prayed according to his will

so when God suggests them possible to

you be it unto me

don’t try to figure it out how he’s

gonna do it how is this gonna work to me

as we were studying this idea of Prayer

let’s define prayer one more time in

another from another perspective

prayer is a legal right to ask God to

supernaturally intervene on your behalf

all right also and we looked at this we

started talking about the subject of

angels the subject of angels now these

angels are on assignment and these

angels are here ministering for us the

people of God God is not running the

world not in the world God is running

the church and the church should be

running the world that’s very very

important a lot of times of waiting on

God to do something uh uh he said let

them have to mean he has passed on the

stewardship the lordship the caretaker

ship for the ownership of this earth

he’s passed it over to a human pass it

on to Adam and he never took it back

okay now here we talked about angels

because it’s necessary for you to

understand that there are ministering

spirits that have been sent to minister

for the people of God now let’s just

kind of whip through that because it’s a

lot there but I’m just gonna just go

through it no this is ain’t this is what

prayer does when somebody prays alright

because you can have a person to pray

who is who is 10 years old and they can

pray you need you can have a person to

pray who is a hundred and ten years old

and they can get the same results

just what I want you to know all right

now let’s let’s stop here let’s go over

to Psalm 103 please Psalm 103 and Psalm


let’s look starting at verse 19 the Lord

has prepared his throne in the heavens

and his kingdom rules over all now the

kingdom of God is invading the Earth’s

atmosphere and it first comes in and set

up inside of you and then you are

transformation agents to your

environment in other words you bring the

environment under Kingdom government

okay so I said every place the sole of

your what for chill tread upon that have

I given to you God expect every place he

sends you to be transformed into Kingdom

a kingdom culture say men

alright look at verse 20 bless the Lord

ye angels that excel in strength to do

His commandments

harkening into the voice of his word

so they hearkened to the voice of God’s

Word now the voice of God’s Word is

different from God’s Word because the

voice says I’m gonna take this word

right now and put it up against this

microphone notice you don’t hear

anything so who gives voice to it I have

to give voice to it you don’t pray to

angels but they listen to the words that

you speak they’re right beside you right

now if you’re born again they’re packed

in here they they really like my


so they are beside you and there created

to minister for you he says in Hebrews

chapter 1 in verse 14 he says are they

not all ministering spirits sent forth

to minister for them who shall be heirs

of salvation so the moment somebody

comes up here and gets born again their

name goes down in the Lamb’s Book of

Life to get baptized pray for the be

filled the Holy Ghost their name goes

down in the Lamb’s Book of Life and they

get an assignment of an angel at least

one and that angel is beside them

listening to the words that they speak

because that angel is assigned to them

to make sure that the Covenant that God

left for the promises of God in their

lives that angel makes sure those

promises come to pass so now we have to

watch what we say because these angels

are on assignment and waiting on God’s

Word for his word or the words that you

speak so if you the Bible says that

death and life are in the power of the

tongue the Bible says that in

Deuteronomy chapter 30 and verse 19 he

says this I call heaven and earth to

record this day against you that I’ve

set before you life and death blessing

and cursing therefore choose what life

that both you and who your seed may live

now is that possible is it possible that

what happened to job was that job began

to speak the wrong things look what it

says in job chapter 6 and verse 23 job


and verse 23 Oh deliver me from the

enemy’s hand or rid me from the hand of

the mighty teach me and I will hold my

tongue and cause me to understand what I

have Aaron

as you know the enemy moved in on Joe

now wait a minute

oh hold on now this this is this is not

did somebody say well you know the Lord

was trying to to to test Joe whoa God

uses his word to teach us when you pray

something and you’re waiting on the

manifestation of the answer once you

pray it is when the fight begins because

the enemy’s job is to keep you from

manifesting what you just prayed that’s

his job

and he comes in with all kinds of things

to try to seduce you away from it now

I’m getting kind of ahead of myself but

let me just say this notice Daniel held

on for 21 days if you look at the Book

of Daniel Daniel chapter 10 starting at

verse 10 and behold a hand touched me

which sent me upon my knees then upon

the palms of my hands and he said to me

Oh Daniel a man greatly beloved

understand the words that I speak unto

thee and stand upright for unto thee am

I now sent and when he had spoken his

word to me

I stood trembling and he said unto me

fear not Daniel for from the first day

that you thou did it set your heart to

understand and to chasten thy self

before thy God thy words were heard and

I’m come because of what the words your

words that move the angels so if you

don’t speak

right words especially in a tight place

the Angels can’t help you they cannot

help you now understand these angels

tried to get through to Daniel but

that’s his seed the next verse and let’s

just see what happened the prince of the

kingdom of Persia withstood me one and

twenty days that’s 21 days but lo

Michael one of the chief Prince’s came

to help me and I remain there with the

king of Persia notice he was trying to

get through with the answer but it was

held up with a war and that angel or or

the demon spirits tried to stop him but

he called for reinforcements now the

reason why they had to get through is

cause God’s words on the line this would

you see to see because your prayer must

be answered that this is not the kind of

deal look at Titus Titus chapter 1 and

Titus chapter 1 and verse 2 and look

what it says here in Titus wanted to in

hope of eternal life which God that what

kind of not will not what is say cannot

live problems before the world began see

God cannot lie

see if he ever lies he Lund God himself

see he said he and his word or one you

think he can’t lie so if he doesn’t

answer your prayer then it’ll be like he


and if he does he’ll have none god

himself the whole thing will blow up

because it’s all held together by the

word now are you with me here so it’s

very important you know that Michael

called for backup or or apart me Gabriel

call for backup which is Michael Michael

the Archangel of war came and got

through now the reason why he had to get

through is because the prayer was heard

the prayer was heard look at first

Corinthians at first pardon me first

John chapter 5 verse 14 again see I will

get this over to you too because you

think prayer is something like a

speculation or something folks prayer is

more solid than a contract that you

write in the world system

what it says this is a confidence that

we have in him that if we ask anything

according to his will what does he do to

hear us and if we know that he what hear

us whatever we ask we know we what have

the petition that we desired of him how

do we know we have it how do we know we

have it a shit-ton of a honda how do you

know that you have the petition you

desired of him because he heard you how

do you know he heard you because you

prayed according to his will now Jesus

operated exactly the same way in John

chapter 11 where he’s gonna raise

Lazarus from the dead he had to first

get soup the supernatural he had to

first pray like he got to do for

anything that you’re gonna do

supernaturally in this world that you

want God’s help you’ve got to pray look

what it says in John chapter 11 and John

chapter 11 and verse 44 0 and Jesus said

to her say I’m not unto thee that if you

would believe you’ll see the glory of

God then they took away the stone from

the place where the Dead was lame and

Jesus lifted up his eyes and said father

I thank you that you have what heard me

and I know that you hear me huh

what always how does he know how did he

know the father hears him always not

because the father’s listening but

because Jesus prayed according to the

will darling say I’m trying to let you

know it’s a contract folks when you do

pray you know something happen and what

the devil is trying to do once you pray

and I’ll go with this because I’m gonna

give you five steps to effective prayer

I want you to pray you got to know that

the enemy now he’s gonna come in to

produce doubt that’s his job his job is

to let you know

what you did didn’t do anything but he’s

a liar and don’t be trying to feel it

because if you feel it you’re not in

faithless faith is not a feeling faith

is confidence



now this is anything that you might have

in your life whether it be sickness for

someone he’s praying here to raise the

dead they prayed for his disciples

before he selected him and I told you

you got a he he won the right staff so

he prayed for the right staff cuz if he

didn’t pray he might get staph infection

don’t know what I mean by that I’m not

talking about Jesus getting sick I’m

just talking about getting the wrong

people he even had to pray to get Judas

everything once you began once you come

into the house of God once you get born

again everything is run by prayer

because you need help with from God for

everything you gonna do now because the

enemy knows he sees a mark on your head

that is marked and it says how Jesus is


he sees him on you supernatural he can

see it and he’s out to stop you there

are forces resisting you that you didn’t

even know that contracts foes have been

yours by now that promotion supposed to

be hand by now

come on you supposed to be a millionaire

by now that new idea suppose have come

to you by now I’m talking about there

are spiritual forces resisting and

assisting the Gentiles but now you’re

learning how to pray are y’all with me

so once you pray get ready to fight and

what I said to you if you’re not ready

to fight you’re not ready to pray

because once you pray and believe you

received it then the fight starts the

enemy’s job is to convince you that you

love Allah thank you look what you did

yesterday and so forth now we’ll cover

that in just a minute because you’re on

the dispensation of grace so you might

have not acted perfectly but Jesus did

and you can take what he did by faith as

your faith


he’s always trying to bring up something

now he’d bring you pass out bring

something what he’s got to stop your

faith because your faith is what makes

prayer work friend doesn’t make faith

work then that’s good he’s got the

answer got to answer I sure hope he

ain’t got to answer not hope got to if

you pray and that happened mister you

have got it disclose the book and go

around and start praising God that if

you pray according to his will he’s

gonna hear you

and if you know that he heard you no

matter what don’t we pray dit you’re

gonna have what you’ve listened for now

mark 11:24 just puttin up the other

board therefore I say to you what things

soever you desire when you pray believe

you’ve received them come on you shall

have them question do you desire more

problems then don’t pray the problem

if you pray the problem you will have

more problems because the Angels go back

up Joshua chapter 1 verse 3 every place

is sole of your foot your tread upon

that have I given you as I said into

Moses from the wilderness even this

Lebanon even to the great river the

river Euphrates all the land the

Hittites under the great sea toward the

going down of the Sun shall be a coast

and that shall not be any man able to

stand before you all the days of your

life as I was with Moses he’ll be with

you I will not fail you and I’ll not

forsake you and when God says something

like that folks its absolute see I found

out something if you used to lie and you

think everybody else in life

you knew you just stopped line just

start telling the truth and then you

take God at His Word

all right now notice what he said as I

was with Moses I’ll be with you and I’ll

not fail you or forsake you so I got to

find out how is he with Moses so go to

Exodus please Exodus chapter 23 and

verse 20 how is he with Moses because

that’s very important how’s he with

Moses behold I’m a sin an angel before

you to keep you in the way and to bring

you into the place which are prepared

now what did I call it

I said angels are covenant enforcing

agents see II is not CIA

CPAs okay behold I sent an even before

you Midway

be aware of him and obey his voice don’t

provoke him not for he will not partner

to interventions for my name is in it

keep going but if you shall indeed obey

his voice and do all I speak then I’ll

be an enemy to your enemies

I’ve been adversary to adversaries for

my angel shall go before you and bring

you into the Emirates the hittite their

parasite to Canaanites the high voice

the Jebusites and what will I do I’ll

cut them off now why is that so

important because nobody no natural

person can defeat and it– none

none they’re too strong for you this is

strong for you that’s why when you go

into that land you needed God’s help

because they are too mighty for you

let’s put it up there on the board

please let’s put up in Deuteronomy

chapter 9 verse 1 here o Israel thought

to pass over this Jordan this day to

going to possess Nations what greater

and mightier than yourself you can’t

defeat him first battle was Jericho

first Battle of Jericho how did he tell

Joshua to fight that battle he said no

Joshua this is what you’re going to do

well first of all put it up there Joshua

chapter 6 and verse 1 Joshua chapter 6

first one now Jericho straightly shut up

because of the children of Israel none

went out none came in and the Lord said

to Joshua see I’ve given into your hand

Jericho the King thereof the mighty men

of Valis see that means you’ve got to

see it in your spirit and you shall come

pass the city all you men of war and go

around about the city once that’s hell

you do six days and seven priests shall

bear before the ark seven trumpets

before the ark seven trumpets of rams

horns and the seventh day you shall

compassed the city seven times and the

priests shall blow that with the

trumpets and it shall come to pass that

when they make a long blast with the

ram’s horn and when you hear the sound

of the trumpet all the people shall

shout with a great shout and the walls

of the city shall fall down flat and the

people shall ascend up every man

straightly before wow-wow why because

they couldn’t get past that city

naturally they didn’t have what they had

today some of the weapons of war today

the natural weapon they don’t have

though this time they had what they had

and they could not defeat them so how

were they gonna do it they’re gonna do

it by marching around that place and

then shout

now how naturally stupid

does that look you marching around you

can hear two people up on the wall now

now look at that somebody brought on and

there’s somebody shot was that you feel

Jake you follow what I’m saying I’m

saying that naturally we can’t do it

ourselves so we need to pray to get God

to intervene


righteousness has everything to do with

your successful life when you pray

righteously you pray with confidence

that whatever you pray God is going to

hear you when you pray something and

you’re waiting on the manifestation of

the answer once you pray it is when the

fight begins

notice the devil starts with your

thoughts so if you thought wrong put

your hand over your mouth because if you

come out with something that negates

that prayer then you have start over

again so we have to watch what we say

because angels on assignment and waiting

on God’s words that you speak how do you

know that you have the petition you jizz

out of him because he heard you how do

you know he heard you because you prayed

according to his will so when God

suggests the impossible to you be it

unto me don’t try to figure it out how

he’s gonna do it how is this gonna work

to me

stand in your righteousness and exercise

four easy steps that will yield

effective fervent prayer every time you

pray in pastor Winston’s life-changing

four-disc series the power of prayer and

praise to order on CD or mp3 on DVD or

mp4 contact us online at billwinston.org

you can also call us and one eight

hundred seven one one ninety three to

seven expect the supernatural when you

give voice to the Word of God in the

confidence and the boldness of your

faith in the power of prayer and praise

order the power of prayer and praise



jeongmi we’re taking back what’s ours


other than God Almighty

the person that can eat something in

heaven and bind it on earth is you

whatever working in this country will

still be working in your house country

will not be laughing in your house


I’ll tell you what the Holy Ghost told

me not

dance on your feet because five

by the time


you might be in the mists of your worst

situation right now I’ve got news for

you this conference works for you thank

God is telling you it’s because

stay with Shane and I will stay with you


the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and
