Why did the Nations Rage? It has been on my heart to speak to this generation and help prepare them to go into the fire. We all need to know how to stand in a season where Christianity will be increasingly unappreciated. This week I shared this message at our Bible school, Summit International School of Ministry, during the student’s first chapel session of the year, and I wanted to make it available for all to hear.

i just thank god

for his great grace

which he’s given me

all of my life

and some of the things maybe that i’ve

learned over the years i’m hoping this

year to be able to impart

to many of you

uh i i would like to do a series i was

talking to pastor theresa

this morning that i’d like to do a

series on the great falling away what is

that going to look like

in our generation it’s a series of

messages called in in defiance of the

real jesus and

we’re just going to examine history

because solomon said there’s nothing new

under the sun

what has been already what is what is

going to be already has been so we’re

going to take a look at

what are the characteristics of a fallen

humanity that would cause them to

embrace an alternate jesus to the one

who is so clearly revealed in scripture

and how can we protect ourselves from

falling into the trap

of theological babbling and all of the

rest of the things that will come your

way and probably already are coming your


where people who have become discontent

with the real jesus have chosen to craft

an alternate one that is more palatable

to them in their fallen condition

remember the the very nature of sin

sown into humanity is the ability to

judge what is good and what is evil in

ourselves apart from what god says is

good and god says is evil and that

translates right to our viewpoint on who

god is and what god looks like

what god demands and

there are many

many will arise in the last days and

deceive many that’s what jesus said and

his words can’t be contravened

he saw he foresaw the future he knew

what was coming there will be many

who arise and say i am christ in other

words they’ll arise and they’ll say this

is what jesus christ looks like

christ is in me i am in christ and if

you listen to my voice and you follow me

you now know what jesus looks like but

they will be presenting an alternate

jesus another jesus and it’s a serious

issue this other jesus is not a a light

thing because paul the apostle said if

anyone brings to you another jesus

then the jesus we have preached to you

let him be accursed i mean so

that those are strong words those words

are inspired by the holy spirit that’s

not just an apostle in a bad mood and on

a rant writing down something in the

bible he shouldn’t have he that was

inspired by the holy spirit so this is a

serious issue

that we don’t

join the 58 who walked away from christ

and said this christ is too confusing

this christ is too hard this christ i

don’t understand this jesus and he’s

asking something of me that i find uh

personally difficult or abhorrent so i’m

walking away they didn’t walk away from

our religion uh uh guys and girls they

they just walked away from jesus

and they formed another messiah they

they were they were a nation looking for

a messiah so not rejecting the messiah

that had come

and clearly was revealing himself yet

they couldn’t hear it yet

they chose to walk away and form another

messiah and this is going to be the

besetting sin of the last days

professing church

in society of course we we know that

we’re in a day

you and i right now that the bible has


i began to preach a couple of years ago

in new york city that

we are entering a season of a whole

wholesale rebellion against the lordship

of jesus christ worldwide it’s not just

in america it’s all over the world jesus

himself warned i don’t know at what

particular point this is going to happen

but up up till up till it is completely

fulfilled it will be progressively begin

to happen in the earth you shall be


of all nations

for my name’s sake and they shall

deliver you up and you shall be killed

now i mean this scripture obviously in

afghanistan today makes a lot of sense

to the believers that are there who are

preparing to die

and are hated for what they believe so

they understand this scripture we have



insulated from a lot of these

harder truths in america as a matter of

fact i’ve often said the church in

america has been raised on marshmallows

and now we’re being sent into war

we we have to as the apostle paul said

in acts chapter 27

when the ship was going down and all

hope was lost that they were going to be

saved apart from the word of god

it was paul who said now take some meat

so i’m going to encourage you this year

take some meat in other words take some

take the truths in god’s word that maybe

you wouldn’t be inclined to embrace or

want to digest and

the the harder truth some of them the

things that we we don’t just find it

pleasant but we find it difficult

you know we want the abundant life but

we don’t want the abundant life to lead

us to a cross you understand what i’m

saying you know so we have a tendency to

just gonna halfway into a lot of the

scriptures and say okay that and we

craft in a sense of view of what that’s

going to look like

but if we’re going to survive and if

we’re going to thrive and if we’re going

to make a difference we have to we have

to have the courage in a sense to take

in the whole council of the word of god

and not push away the hard truths and

just gravitate to what we like

and what we think god should be and what

we think our futures should look like

because let me tell it to you straight

i would do you a disservice if i didn’t

you are a generation that’s being raised

to go into the fire

you are the shadrach meshach and

abednegos of this generation it is going

to get very hot and it’s going to be

very very difficult

for all of us in the future this this

whole society is turning against christ

it’s turned dark the scales have tipped

it’s no longer popular to hold to a

biblical world view any longer on any

issue realistically

i was talking to two young boys who were

in school in canada 13 years of age both

christians on my vacation who


uh this their classroom now is mandatory

sessions on inclusion which just means

you see things our way we don’t see

things your way

and this this whole

thing of inclusion was talking about

uh the acceptance of uh you know

bathroom rules where boys can go to

girls bathrooms and girls to boys and

all this crazy stuff and

and these two boys they said

in the classroom we we don’t agree with


matter of fact they said we think this

whole thing is kind of weird but

we’re not going to be obnoxious about it

we obviously are going to be kind to all

people but we simply don’t agree with it

next thing you know these two boys are

at the principal’s office their parents

have been called and they’re on the

verge of of discipline because they have

failed to be exclusive you see there’s

no longer any discussion in the nation

it’s like with the hebrew boys you

either bend or you burn those are your

two options that are left to you but

these boys and daniel the prophet they

made a decision in their youth as you’re

going to have to make as young people of

god they decided not to defile

themselves with the king’s table what

the secular king’s table that meat which

was being given to the young people and

of of of their generation they said

we’re not going to ingest these things

and there’s a point where listen let me

let me just tell you you got to turn off

the cultural talk of this time

you just have to put away the the the

meat that’s being served on the table of

this young generation and say as as

opposed to that i’m going to get my

value system is going to come from the

word of god

the truth i’m not going to fall to this

concept of your truth and my truth there

is only one truth that truth is in the

word of god and that truth is the word

of god

i am the way

the truth and the life no man comes to

the father except through me said jesus

so i’m going to embrace the truth of god

as the only truth i’m going to embrace

it as it’s written i’m going to pray for

the grace to read

it in the manner that god can speak to

me what he wanted my heart to hear

and i’m going to yield my life for his


now all of that generation who ate the

king’s meat and all of the young people

of that time there were other people

that had a heritage a godly heritage but

most if not all bent and bowed before

the golden stature of their time this

this image of man that man always wants

to create and have all of society bend

before it and we don’t know any of their

names do we none of them but we do know

the names of the three who didn’t bend

and those who bent and bowed before the

common thought of their society they

just faded off into obscurity i don’t

know what their eternity would or would

not be

but the three who didn’t were able to

change the laws of the nation were able

to influence their society but they had

to go through the fire first you

understand it’s going to take courage to

stand it’s not going to be easy if you

hold to a biblical worldview of marriage

you might not be able to hold to a job

in the future you might have to trust

god for your provision

there’s you’re going to be threatened in

the workplace it’s going to be very very


um if if some of you go on from here

into secular professions or college

you’re going to be scorned ridicule

mocked laughed at you’re going to be

called a hater and a bigot and a divider

you’re going to be


a person that is of no value to society

because you hold to

a view the view of christ you hold to

the word of god now i have a word for

you that god gave me during my vacation


for today and it’s beginning in psalm 2.

if you want to go there in your bible

with me in psalm

psalm 2.

so father i just want to thank you

god for your word

your word is a lamp for our feet and the

light for our path

you tell us

that the entrance of your words

gives light

and so god almighty would you would you

help us to just simply open our hearts

and open the doors of our minds not just

in this chapel but all throughout the

year god speak to us speak to us lord

lord we don’t want to be insignificant

players in this end time

battle for truth and for the souls of

men and women and children

we want to make a difference

but we recognize that without truth we

can’t our lamps won’t have oil

and we won’t be able to show people the

way to life

so give us courage today that we’re

going to need for tomorrow

give us resolve

that we’re going to embrace the real

cross the real christ

the real pathway the real truth

and the real purpose for our lives help

us lord jesus christ

and we thank you for it in your precious


and give me the grace lord to speak this


psalm 2 why do the nations rage

and the people plot a vain thing

the kings of the earth set themselves

and the rulers take counsel together

against the lord

and against his anointed now that’s

exactly where we are living today

rulers and leaders are taking counsel

together the council the direction

they’re heading in is against christ

and against those who are called by his


and they’re saying let us break their

bonds in pieces and cast away their

cords from us so here’s

here’s what we are facing today we are

facing a godlessness

that has gotten into some measure it’s

never an ultimate authority because

god’s in ultimate authority but this

godlessness has gotten a hold

of many in leadership positions whether

it’s in corporations or schools or

government wherever it is

and the ultimate goal

is to take away the restrictions on

behavior that the presence of god


in society in people and families and


you know the word of god says that we

should not fornicate and all that means

sex outside of marriage and all

fornicators they don’t belong in the

kingdom of god the word of god calls

adultery sin a sin that that that brings

a stain that just doesn’t go away and

you know i can just go on and on the

scripture says no no thief will inherit

the kingdom of god i mean we go on they

don’t want these restrictions on their

behavior so

the result is

that they get together and say let’s


a new world order

let’s impose a new value system

on this society and let’s break the

bonds that these people who say they

know god

have i’ve

placed on our society that have


our behaviors

let’s call evil good

and let’s turn around and call good evil

and this is where we’re living today

this is the day

that we are going into

now listen to god’s response to this he

who sits in the heavens

shall laugh

the lord shall hold them in derision in

other words


he will let them go

into confusion and who can debate but

that we are in confusion in america

today there seems to be confusion on

almost every level

in society right now there’s i don’t

think there’s any debating that

i see the hand of god

in the confusion that america has now

experienced the shame of faith that

we’re now experiencing even with the

debacle in afghanistan

he shall speak to them in his wrath and

distress them

in his deep displeasure so god’s already

on the move

and he’s already saying i’m not going to

let this prosper

yes they will raise their voice and yes

they will stand against the people of

god and yes they will try to cast away

all cords that the word of god puts on

human behavior

but god says i’m going to confuse them

i’m going to confound them and then i’m

going to start speaking to them in my

displeasure i don’t fully understand

what all of that is going to look like

but i’ll tell you one thing i would not

want to be in the position of god

speaking to me in his displeasure

he has the power to cast into elder

darkness you understand is the power to

bring a judicial blindness even on


his speech cannot be contravened nobody

can stand against the word of god when

he speaks it must be done


the rest of this psalm speaks about

christ it speaks about god’s response to

this it speaks about a messiah so but as

the body of christ we are the

co-inheritors as it is because we sit

with him in heavenly places at the right

hand of god he is the head we are the

body so we in a sense

and i want to look at it in that context

become co-inheritors of what god speaks

that he’s going to do through his son

so let’s take a look at these verses

yet i have set my king

on my holy hill of zion so this is the

first thing

that i believe that you and i need to do

if we’re going to make a difference in

this generation i’ve already spoken

about that

in other words we are determined in our

heart there’s going to be one king in my


there’s going to be one voice that

speaks there’s one path there’s one

direction there’s one place i’m going to

go as christ obeyed his father

knowing he was born to die as christ

obeyed his father and even in the garden

of gethsemane even though he did not

want to do the thing he was called to do

yet in obedience to his father he said

not my will but thine yet have i set my

king upon my holy hill of zion it’s

interesting that this school used to be

called zion

in the beginning before the name was

changed to summit

and i want to challenge you

that in this year that you are here or

two years whatever your situation is

that you set


on the in the proper place in your heart

and in your life you are my king even if

you go tonight to your room and you pray

that and say jesus you are my king

you have the right to my life you

purchased me with your blood you are

truth all truth is found in you the

purpose of my life will only be found

when i begin to acknowledge you not just

as savior but as lord of my life

as lord of my life god help me to yield

the reigns of my life help me my god to

to give up my own plans and dreams and

ambitions help me not to fall into the

trap of trying to refashion you into a

god that i find suitable for my future

you have a future for me and i’ll tell

you straight out most everybody here if

not all you don’t know what that future

is none of us do

only god knows and we’ll never get to

where we need to go if he’s not the king

he has to have the right he has to have

the right to speak into our hearts we we

we go to our knees one night we or we

sit on the edge of our bed and we just

are we think we’re having just our

regular devotions and suddenly just

something from god something of heaven

drops into our soul a country a culture

a people a purpose a meaning something

you never considered before god drops it

into your soul because that is his will

for your life

i had a young actress one time come to

christ at times square church and

she was so excited she was a front row

christian she was dancing and jumping up

and down and she would come to me after

most every service and say it’s so

exciting i found god i found christ as

my savior i’ve been looking for this all

of my life and then i noticed over time

she started kind of sliding back third

row fourth row and then one sunday after

service she came to me she said god

can’t ask

he can’t possibly be asking me to do


i said asking you to do what she said to

give up my acting career

it’s been my dream it’s been my passion

since i was a child it’s been all i’ve

ever loved and longed for and wanted to

do and he can’t be possibly asking me to

do this tell me she said to me that he’s

not asking me to do this

i said i can’t tell you that

i can’t tell you he’s not asking you to

do that because only you know for sure

what god is asking but i can tell you

that if he is asking you to give up

something he has something better for

your life

he has something that he’s destined for

your life and and she remember the last

time i spoke to her she looked at me and

she said after i had shared this with

her she said no it can’t be

that he’s as he was willing to embrace a

jesus that would enhance her acting


she was not willing to embrace a jesus

that would ask her to give it up

for another reason and for another

purpose and she eventually the last time

i saw her she was at the back of the


then i never saw her again she just

disappeared back into

in a sense back into the ocean that she

had come from she’d found the savior but

she found a savior that

initially wasn’t asking anything of her

and when he did she backed up and backed

away and so my challenge to you this

year is is set your heart on this hill

this hill of zion which which you know

in type in a sense is calvary it’s the

cross set your heart there

we belong to him

he’s the savior he has the rights he has

the plan

he knows what will bring fulfillment not

just to us but through us for the sake

of others he knows

he knows the plan he has he knew it

before you even came to him he foreknew


he knew what he had destined you to do

and it’s and most often it’s way out of

the box of our thinking i can speak that

from experience most of what i’ve done

all my life i’ve never thought i could

ever do it

it was simply god as i began to seek him

the doors began to open so set your


on the hill of zion

verse 7 he says i will declare the


the lord has said to me you are my son

today i have begotten you i will

declare the decree this is point number

two he is my lord

but i will agree with him as to what he

speaks about me i am according to second

corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 the

righteousness of god in christ jesus

now that would be blasphemous if it

weren’t true if it weren’t written in

the bible in other words i am as clean

as god is in christ jesus so i’m not

going to

live my whole year listening to the

voice of the condemner do you understand

i am done with the condemner jesus

christ is my king his blood bought me he

has cleansed me i am as righteous as god

is through jesus christ yes i struggle

and yes i fail but every time i fall he

picks me up

he carries me forward because he has a

divine plan for my life and i am not

going to live under the voice of the

condemner i am a child of god

i belong to jesus christ heaven is my

home my name is written in the lamb’s

book of life i will rule and reign with

christ for all of eternity i will

declare the decree i will declare it

the devil can he’ll keep you under his

condemning voice all year

and you’ll become discouraged and you’ll

not grow and you’ll not be able to hear

from god because every day you’ll just

be pointing out

you only prayed for 58 minutes it wasn’t

an hour you said a nasty thing to that

person you weren’t kind you didn’t give

five dollars to you it would be all day

it will never end

but at some point we have to agree with

god i will declare the decree i am who

god says i am hallelujah to the lamb of


glory to god

thank god

in verse 8 he says now ask of me and i

will give you the nations for your


and the ends of the earth

for your possession

in john chapter 16 jesus said to his own


you haven’t asked anything of me up to

this point ask now and he said and you

shall receive.

that your life might be full

you’ll have joy

you will ask you see when you when

christ is your king

and we recognize who we are in christ

we understand we have a divine

commission then we begin to ask

for the things that god has determined

to do through our lives hallelujah

and suddenly heaven begins to open and

suddenly he says ask of me and i’ll give

you the nations for your inheritance

the ends of the earth for your

possession ask of me ask to be

think bigger than you’ve thought so far

thus far in your life

don’t put limits on god kick the sides

out of that box that culture and time

and family and even your own perception

is put around you kick those kick those

sides down and say god i’m yours you

want to send me to india send me to


whatever you want to do through my life

god do it through my life and help me to

always go through every door ask of me

i’ll give you the nations for your

inheritance glory to god glory to god

glory to god glory doesn’t mean you’re

doesn’t mean you’re going to live in

every place in the world it means

everywhere you go there’s going to be

something of the kingdom of god born

through your life

verse 9 he says you shall break them

with a rod of iron and dash them to

pieces like a potter’s vessel in other

words god says i am going to give you

spiritual authority

everywhere you go because you know who i

am you know who you are you know the

meaning of your life you know your


in second corinthians chapter 10

and verse 4 paul says the weapons of our

warfare are not carnal but mighty in god

for pulling down


casting down arguments and every high

thing that exalts itself against the

knowledge of god and bringing every

thought into captivity to the obedience

of christ

and being ready to punish all

disobedience when your obedience is


being ready

being ready to stand

being ready to go into the fire

being ready to say to any heathen king


if if god god can deliver me if he wants

to but even if he doesn’t i trust him

and i believe that there’s a divine

purpose to it i’m not bending my knee to

the gods of this generation but i’m

bringing the god

of this universe into this situation

and i’m going to pray

and i’m going to speak and i’m going to

stand and i’m going to believe as the

scripture says the weapons of my warfare

are not carnal but they’re mighty in god

to the pulling down of strongholds

casting down imaginations and every high

thing that exalts itself against the

knowledge of god

and those of you who know my history and

the places throughout the world that god

has sent me you know this

in my life i know this to be true

i’ve been in places of war

i’ve been in places where i shouldn’t be

i’ve been in places where the

strongholds were so deep and so powerful

but not that nothing but the presence of


could bring them down but i’ve lived

long enough to see this scripture


and it started

in just the early years of just saying


you’re my king

and i’m not interested

in the other jesus

of those who choose to take another path

those who choose they don’t like the god

of the bible

and they don’t like the demands of the

god of the bible so they try to

take this jesus apart as the

children of israel did

when they came out

of egypt and when the presence of the

lord through moses seemed to be distant

they took the spoils in the sense that

god had given them

and they fashioned a god that they could

see and a god that they could carry and

a god that they could point at a god

that they could lead and i want to tell

you humanity doesn’t change

people come to christ and are given

giftings and they take the mind he’s

given them and they now start fashioning

another jesus a jesus that doesn’t judge

a jesus that doesn’t send anybody to

hell a jesus that demands no

sanctification or holiness that you know

i could just go on and on and we’re

seeing it in our generation on steroids


but i’ve set my kick on my holy hill of


this is where this is where it begins

you have to put a stake in the ground

it’s it’s really that simple you just i

don’t care how you do it but you put a

stake in the ground maybe you want to go

out in the field and find a branch and

stick it in the ground or just

symbolically do it but say this


is where you become my king

i’m going to serve the real christ

i’m going to take the pathway of the

real christ i’m going to declare who i

am through the real christ i’m going to

start asking the real christ for his

purpose and will

in my life and i’m going to believe god

for the power

to make a difference in this generation

i’m not going to bow before this golden


of this time

in the theological apostasy

of this present church age

i’m going to stand and walk with jesus

and i don’t care if i’m hated

let them call me what they want to call

me they called the master of the house

beelzebub how much more them of his


that’s what he said

so don’t expect to be

loved but do expect

that people will be born again and come

into the kingdom of god

do expect that the weakest among us will

be filled with the holy ghost

with the evidence of speaking in other

tongues do expect that through your life

god will begin to do things that that

only he could do i’ve been there i’ve

come home and i’m just saying

you gotta know you gotta walk it you

gotta see it you gotta you gotta take

the chance you gotta go through the door

it’s really just that simple

by god’s grace

this will be that kind of a year

so father i want to thank you god

i want to thank you

for the young men and women in the

sabbatical students and

and others in this school

we are not the only game in town but god

we’re in the game

and we want to thank you that

by your presence in power we will

fulfill our calling

all of us

whatever it is you’ve called us to do

wherever you called us to go whatever

you’ve called us to be

we yield our lives afresh and anew to


and we simply start the day by declaring

you to be king

because if you aren’t

then all the learning in the world won’t

make any difference

you have to be



and so lord we settled it in our hearts

your king of our past our present and

our future

you bought

us with your blood

and living for you

is simply reasonable

you call it our reasonable service

so god i thank you

thank you lord jesus christ that you

will do something

here this year perhaps

deeper than it has ever been done before

if we will let you

god we thank you

in jesus name i’m going to ask the

worship team to come if you would please




i want to give you an opportunity to

respond you know for some

it might mean something to come and

kneel at this altar

for others you don’t have to

it’s a heart issue you know we can get

into postures but it means nothing if

it’s not in the heart

it’s a heart issue i i did this i was 28

i guess 26 somewhere around there

and some of you know the story and some

of you don’t but i was in a church and a

pastor preached a message that really

touched my heart and it it concluded

with a

an altar call to to give your your


your all your everything to god for his



there was an affluent church of about

700-800 people

they had all the history they had the

the christian families i didn’t come

from a christian family they

they seemed to have it all together at

least on the outside they looked good

and they had big bibles and they


i had a jean jacket a beard


royal canadian mounted police bible that

i had been given in police college


a bad temper

and i selfless to the core of my being

and i had so many issues in my life that

had to be worked out

i was the last person that i thought

would ever ever


god would ever want


but i was so shocked everybody stood up

and nobody moved i thought these folks

have it all together they’ve got all the


they’ve got the they’ve got the history

they they understand the scriptures i

don’t even know what the old testament


but nobody moved and i found it so sad

so i thought i felt like uh isaiah in

chapter six when when he’s looking

around when the lord says who will go

for us


like all these created beings

if i was there i think if that thing

with six wings went somebody would

listen to him

or her or whatever it was and and and

but nothing nobody answered and then

he’s the worst he’s in the worst

condition in the whole room

and a lot of people think he’s up

jumping down here might send me and i

think it was like well

if nobody else will go i’ll go

and that’s how i felt that day and i was

sitting over here in this center road

near the back

and i just got up all by myself and i

came down and another guy came down it

was two of us out of 800

people came forward and i got on my

knees and i just started to cry and i

said god

i have nothing

to give you the little boy i remember my

prayer he said the little boy in

scripture had at least

some loaves and fishes i don’t even have

that i mean i’ve got nothing i can’t

speak publicly

i i don’t really even like people let

alone love them


i don’t care

about people

i was just going through the list of

like like

i have nothing i just

and i remember my prayer i said but god

if you can use nothing here i am

you can have me

and it was that day i just said god

you’re my king jesus

you you

you want to use this thing you use it


but it’s going to have to be real and

it’s going to have to be you because i

can’t do this thing i don’t know how to

do it


you know the interesting thing is i’m

invited to speak in that church and i

have an open invitation to go back i’m

going to go back in about a month or two

and speak there

40 years later and they don’t know i was

even ever there

and i’m going to start my message by

saying it’s so good to be back here

again after having traveled the world

i’ve seen hundreds of thousands of

people come to christ


and so

don’t let anything stop you from making

him king


don’t start looking at what you don’t

have because it doesn’t matter he

doesn’t need anything you have he

doesn’t need your strength he doesn’t

need doesn’t care about your weakness

it’s going to be all

him and you watch what god will begin to

