We are living in a generation that’s unraveling before our very eyes. Our society is spiraling down very quickly. It’s shocking to see what has happened to America in the last couple of years. Things are happening that we never thought would ever happen. We seem to be spinning into confusion and in morality. Our country seems to be imploding, and the only hope for our nation is a supernatural awakening. And the only hope for a spiritual awakening comes through men and women of God who the Holy Spirit gets ahold of, and we reclaim the mind of Christ.

apraise god

thank you

praise god

we finally got a a picture of the real

me up there yesterday they had a picture

of a young guy about 20 years ago

it sat in my heart when i looked at it

how many were here this morning in the

first service anybody oh look at that

okay praise god you obviously didn’t

understand what i said so you’re coming


for the second service and i spoke a

message this morning called

reclaiming the mind of christ

reclaiming what is the mind of christ

why is it necessary that we reclaim it

in this generation

you know you and i are living

in a generation that’s unraveling before

our very eyes our society is spiraling

down very very quickly shocking isn’t

that what happened in america just in

the last two three years

things are are happening we never

thought we’d ever be saying with our

lips you know that on every conceivable

level we seem to be spinning into


and immorality and i don’t want to scare

you this morning but i i need to tell

you this that there are two very

prominent social scientists in canada

and they’ve spent a lifetime

studying the rise and the fall of

societies and they’re not lightweights

either and these two social scientists

have recently written a book

and they’re encouraging the prime

minister of canada and the government of

canada to prepare for the collapse of of

america’s society

in their estimation all the variables

are in place for a complete implosion

of the american society by the year 2025

and they’re telling the canadian

government that they need to prepare for


exodus of refugees coming from america

into canada looking for safe haven

now i don’t know the full i haven’t read

the book yet i don’t know the full

details of what they’re saying i just

know that these men are not lightweights

they’ve dedicated their life to this


and they see the variables at play

in this society today that are leading

in their opinion to the collapse of

america as a country as we’ve known it

so i tell you this for one reason

the only hope

for this nation now is a spiritual


and the only hope for a spiritual

awakening comes through you and comes

through me it’s not going to be a

superstar preacher that god’s going to

raise up

feathers are not going to fall out of

heaven it’s going to be men and women of

god like you unlike me the spirit of the

lord gets a hold of and we reclaim the

mind of christ that’s what i want to

talk about today i spent yesterday in

prayer i spent the time with god just

saying lord what would you have me

to speak to the church today this is not

an old message that i preached somewhere

else this is the thoughts

in my opinion from the heart of god for


and for me today so father i want to

thank you lord for

the touch of heaven that’s been here all

morning in this sanctuary lord i thank

you god for the numbers that responded

earlier today god too to the word that

you brought

lord i’m asking you for the grace and

the strength lord to

unlock this word and we’re asking you

for the anointing of the spirit to hear

it for if you don’t illuminate it we

can’t hear it

it’s just black and white

letters on a page it doesn’t transform

us it doesn’t renew our minds god so

we’re asking now

holy spirit would you come

would you literally renew our

understanding would you quick in the

word of god and would you give us the

ability to understand the words that we

are about to hear

and we give you praise and we give you

glory for it give me the ability lord to

walk with you today

oh jesus christ

the day of games is over the day of

light-hearted christianity has come to

an end god we are a city to be set upon

a hill

we are supposed to be a testimony that

cannot be denied

so lord take us out of everywhere we

need to be out of and bring us into what

we need to be into give us the mind of


we ask it in jesus name


now by reclaiming the mind of christ i

i’m referring to

returning to something

which we’ve never fully understood you

know that it’s possible to be in the

church of jesus christ for years and

years and years and we’re reading the

scriptures but and god’s trying to speak

something but we’re not hearing it fully

we’re we’re hearing the edges of it but

we’re not fully hearing

what it is that god’s trying to speak to

us not collectively necessarily but

individually what is he speaking into my

life what is it perhaps about me that

he’s thinking that i am

not understanding what is it about my

mind that it’s not been transformed in a

sense and i’m still living by my own

reasoning i’m still living by my own

thinking my estimation of myself is is

based on what i i have on my wall or

what i look at in the mirror and i’m not

thinking the way god is thinking about


or maybe

the mind of christ is something that

we’ve resisted because of unbelief like

the children of israel who got to the

shores of this incredible promise

not just they were taken out of

captivity and they were taken out

miraculously and there’s a lot of people

here today that you could say that’s

that’s my story i was an

addict i was i was hopeless i was

depressed i was suicidal i was

despairing my marriage was broken my

family were destroyed when you were

brought out

sovereignly by the presence of god by

the power of god


going through in a sense a wilderness

experience now coming to the coming to

the shores of something that god had for

you this the place of promise that the

cross actually leads us

collectively and individually into

and yet you stood back and and as the

children of israel wants dead resisted

it because of unbelief

you came to the wrong conclusion

not about yourself your conclusion about

yourself was correct the wrong

conclusion you came to was about god

you concluded that you were too weak you

concluded that you didn’t have the

knowledge the strength the ability to go

in to do whatever it was that lay before

you and so you came to a correct

conclusion about yourself but your wrong

conclusion was about god because you

didn’t have the mind of christ for your


or maybe you did know and you let it

slip away because of neglect or apathy

or complacency

it was there at one time and you you did

have this realization

but you just let it slip so i want to

start in first corinthians chapter one

that beginning at verse 17

and i’m going to keep on reading and

just commenting on verses of scripture

so lord again i just say illuminate this

word my god

and shine it in our minds and our hearts

my god and help us to embrace it

so paul says in verse 17 christ did not

send me to baptize but to preach the

gospel not with wisdom of words lest the

cross of christ

should be made of no effect so paul is

in effect saying this there’s something

about the cross and the victory of the

cross there’s this there’s a power in


there’s something in it for every person

and so i wanted to be careful

that in my speaking i didn’t draw to

myself that you start looking at me paul

could be saying as the standard you

start looking at my wisdom because paul

obviously had a brilliant mind he was

probably the most brilliant theologian

in the entire

writings of the new testament


he himself he said i didn’t come and i

didn’t use perhaps the wisdom he had

lest you should bless the cross in a

sense and the the power that was made

available to every person should kind of

disappear from your site and you start

listening to me and you start listening

to my wisdom and that becomes your focus

paul said i didn’t want that to be your


for the message of the cross verse 18 is

foolishness to those who are perishing

but to us or being saved it is the power

of god for it is written i will destroy

the wisdom of the wise and bring to

nothing the understanding of the prudent

where is the wise where is the scribe

where is the dispute of this age has not

god made foolish the wisdom of this


for since in the wisdom of god the world

through wisdom did not know god it

pleased god through the foolishness of

the message

preached to save those who believe

for the jews request a sign

and greeks seek after wisdom but we

preach christ crucified to the jews

stumbling block

and to the greek’s foolishness

paul said there’s a power

in the preaching of the cross

when christ was raised from the dead

the cords of sin that bound us to the

past were completely severed

we were given the same spirit that

raised him from the dead and we were

promised that by the spirit of god we

too would be raised from the dead and we

would be made into new creations

that means everything of the past

everything that we were everything that

we think or thought we we are all of

those things are gone and and the slate

is clean we’re now born again that’s the

reality of it we’re starting life all

over again

and god is willing to take us out of our

weakness and out of our nothingness and

and begin to do something in us that

only he can do for the purpose of

bringing his own name to glory

that is the beauty of the preaching of

the cross the cross is level ground

there’s no smart people no stupid people

there everybody’s level we’re all have

sinned and fallen short of the glory of

god we’ve all fallen short of what we

should be and so it’s not by wisdom it’s

not by might it’s not by human effort

that christ is glorified in us it’s by

the spirit of almighty god

freely given

when you and i come to jesus christ at

the cross we receive the same holy

spirit not a little here’s a thimble for

you there’s a bucket for you here’s a

little bit for you as an eye dropper for

you same spirit

same calling same same abilities given

to or or differings of abilities but

same power of god given to every person

that comes to god through jesus christ

paul says the jews request a sign in the

greeks seek after wisdom so there’s this

these two types of people in a sense

that did hear the message of the cross

there are there’s a certain group of

people who feel that

by sheer force

of human effort and will that’s that was

what the jewish religion was all about

making promises to god that they

couldn’t fulfill

uh trying to do more trying to be better

trying to be godly you know they were

called to be the people of god in the

earth but it was it was all human effort

and and so basically the jews were

saying well give us

give us a sign that our our efforts are

not good enough i mean we have the robes

we’ve got the we’ve got the temple we’ve

got the scriptures we’ve got all this


give us a sign that it’s not so they

require a sign it’s in other words we’re

not going to believe that what we do is

falling short of the glory of god and of

course the greeks are saying well we’re

going to learn our way out of this

dilemma of called the human condition

we’re just going to learn about

all of the ways and it’s through

knowledge that we’re going to increase

and of course that’s where the world is

at today

you know through knowledge we’re going

to break out of the boxes of our

confinement and such like and we’re

going to be a better people and a better

society it’s so ironic it’s like a it’s

like a

it’s like an instruction class on wisdom

on the deck of the titanic after it’s

hit the iceberg you know

paul said but we preach christ crucified

unto the jews a stumbling block and to

the greeks


a stumbling block

stumbling block

the fact that you can’t you can’t gain

favor with god through human effort a

stumbling block that i can’t will myself

to be a better person i i am on level

ground with with others all around me

that somehow

that we are we’re on level ground and

and the same power the same redemption

is available to all people

but to those who are called both jews

and greeks christ the power of god and

the wisdom of god because the

foolishness of god is wiser than men and

the weakness of god is stronger than men

now stop i i got first time i read that

i stopped at that verse and say how

could you ever describe god as foolish

or weak

and consider this part of the inspired

text of scripture

god who

is all-knowing how can he be described

in the bible as

how can foolishness be ascribed to god

god who has all power i mean he could

just do this and fold the whole universe

up and cr recreate it today if he wanted

to he has all power so how can he be

described as weak so what is the

foolishness of god and what is the

weakness of god it’s an easy answer you


i am

we are the foolishness of god the fact

that god in all of his power

all of his strength and all of his

knowledge chooses to reveal his glory

through you and me

that’s the foolishness of god that’s the

weakness of god that’s the mystery the

bible says that the the angels look over

the balcony of heaven and desire to look

into this

that god because they they live in the

presence of god they they’re aware of

the glory of god

when the words holy holy holy are spoken

in the courts of heaven the place is

filled with but there’s a kind of glory

of god the posts of the door move

there’s there’s they understand his


and it’s certainly in a greater measure

than we do and then they look down at us

we look like a leper colony compared to


yet the affection of god is upon us and

he has made a choice to reveal his glory

in the world through you and through me

praise be to god that’s amazing when we

consider that

me with all my struggles me with my

inglorious history me with with with all

the things that i’ve done wrong me with

all my frailties and weaknesses yet

almighty all-knowing god chooses to make

himself known through me

in the world amazing

amazing grace

how sweet the sound that saved a wretch

like me

now he goes on he says in verse 25 six

he said in first corinthians for you see

your calling brethren now we’re talking

about the foolishness and the weakness

of god so keep that in your mind we’re

talking about the power of the cross

we’re talking about the availability of

the power of god to all people

you see your calling brethren not many

wise according to the flesh not many

mighty not many noble are called but god

has chosen the foolish things of the

world to put to shame the wise

and god has chosen the weak things of

the world

to put to shame the things which are


and the base things of the world in

other words the things that are at the

bottom not the top

people who are in a place that nobody

aspires to be you know a lot of people

could say that today where i am nobody

in the right mind would want to be there

nobody would ever want to be where i am

and and be doing what i’m doing but god

has chosen you even in that place of

baseness and the and

and the things which are despised god

has chosen

even worse than that places places that

nobody wants to be the world despises it

they would not want to be where many of

us have been and some of us may even be


and the things which are not to bring to

nothing the things that are so here’s

the good news if you are somewhere on

the scale between foolish and nothing

you qualify to be used by god

isn’t that wonderful

i could i could just feel it now

somebody’s saying it’s me finally a

message for me finally somebody is

speaking into my life

i’m on the scale between i’m i’m a third

of the way down up from nothing but i’m

i’m a little closer to nothing than

foolish but there i am i qualify to be

used by god

why does he choose us that no flesh

verse 29 should glory in his presence

but of him you are in christ jesus who

became for us wisdom from god and

righteousness and sanctification and

redemption that means


wisdom is all that we need his thoughts

are the thoughts that we need to reclaim

in our generation not what we think

about ourselves but what god is thinking

about us

not what we say our future is going to

be but what god says our future is going

to be he’s our wisdom he’s our

righteousness he has declared us clean

no matter our struggles

no matter our inglorious history and

past when we came to the cross of jesus

christ just like the prodigal son the

finest robe in the house was placed upon

us we were cleansed from our filth we

were cleansed from our iniquity we

became sons and daughters of god


come on now


the bible says that we are the

righteousness of god in christ jesus

if that were not in the bible it would

seem to be blasphemy you know what that

says i am as clean as god is because of

jesus christ

hallelujah to the lamb of god

glory to god glory to god

christ is my righteousness he is my

sanctification means he is the

indwelling spirit of god that gives me

the power to become what he’s called me

to be to leave what i need to leave and

to go into what he’s got from my life he

is the sanctifier he is the one who

changes my heart changes my mind changes

my character changes my destiny it is

god in me that changes my destiny

and he is my redemption

he is the one who has cut the courts in

my past

it doesn’t matter who did what in my


i am a new creation in christ jesus


i’m not going where they went i’m not

living the way they lived

the cords of the past were broken when

jesus christ was raised from the dead

the my bible says he took captivity


and gave gifts unto men

not only did he break the cords that

held us to our past and held us to a

life of sin but he gave us giftings of

the spirit

to become new creations and to do things

that we can’t do in our own strength

if we have the mind of christ

paul says he goes on in chapter two he

says and i brethren when i came to you i

did not come with excellence of speech

or of wisdom declaring to you the

testimony of god for i determined not to

do anything among you except jesus


and him crucified

paul said i i didn’t want you i didn’t

want you looking at me

that’s what he’s saying i then want your

focus shifted to men

i didn’t want you sitting there saying

oh if i could only be like brother or

sister so and so then somehow god could

use my life paul’s saying it’s not about

me and i didn’t want the focus brought

to me

even though he had the capability of of

baffling people with his intellect and

his understanding he didn’t use it and

he goes on and says i was with you in

weakness and fear and much trembling and

my speech and my preaching were not with

persuasive words of human wisdom but in

demonstration of the spirit and power

that your faith should not be in the

wisdom of men but in the power of god



paul had this this inner trembling in

his life and said god please please

don’t let the people look at me

as if i’m the standard

let me be weak so that you might be

portrayed as strong

god let me be nothing so that you might

be everything and when people look at me

let them see the spirit of god and the

glory of god on a human vessel

that their faith should not shift to the

wisdom of man

but be in the power of god

however he says in verse six we speak

wisdom among those who are mature

yet not the wisdom of this age nor of

the rulers of this age are coming to


we speak

the wisdom of god in a mystery the

hidden wisdom which god ordained before

the ages for our glory in other words

there are thoughts

in the heart of god

towards you

that god had before you were even born

before the world was created he saw you

he saw you just like he said to philip

when you were under the fig tree i saw


before i saw you before we we physically

saw each other with with human eyes

i saw you where you were and i had

thoughts in my heart about you and then

he goes on this is an incredible verse

in verse 8 he said which none of the

rulers of this age knew for had they

known it they would not have crucified

the lord of glory now here’s what paul’s

saying the spiritual rulers of


and those that they had gripped in this

world if they had known what was going

to be released

through the cross they would not have

crucified jesus christ if they would

have seen the power if they would have

had a a long-term view and seen a people

everywhere being raised out of dust and

ashes and the glory of god being upon

them and the strength of god being given

them they would not have crucified


in crucifying him they were releasing

the glory of god

in the earth through who through who

the weak

the marginalized the foolish the

nobodies the nothings of society you and


the glory of god was being released in

the earth

but as it is written eye has not seen

verse nine nor ear heard nor have

entered into the heart of man the thing

was god has prepared for those who love


but god has revealed them to us through

his spirit

for the spirit searches all things yes

the deep things of god

you know the bible speaks in another

place of this inner groaning of the holy

spirit i’ve always believed that

groaning of god’s spirit like

interceding it says for us with

groanings that cannot be uttered

the spirit of god knows the will of god

for each life and i believe the holy

spirit is groaning inside that we come

into agreement with god

that our minds come into agreement with

the thoughts of god

but god has revealed them to us through

his spirit for the spirit searches all

things yes the deep things of god for

what man knows the things of a man

except the spirit of man

which is in him even so no one knows the

things of god

except the spirit of god

in other words paul is just saying it’s

it’s really simple nobody knows what

you’re thinking right now except you and


nobody else knows the thoughts of your

mind in the same way he says nobody

knows what god is thinking about you

except the spirit of god in you knows

the holy spirit knows and jesus said

when when he the spirit of truth has

come he will take what is mine that

means the victory that christ won and he

will show it to you and he will show you

things to come amazing

he will reveal to you in a sense the

plan that god has for each of our lives

now we have received verse 12 chapter 2

not the spirit of the world but the

spirit who is from god that we might

know the things that are freely given to

us by god

that’s the mind of christ oh god

would you help me

to come into agreement with your plan

for my life

would you help me to look away from

my past and my resume and my weakness

and what others have said about me

god almighty you’re god they’re not you


would you help me to look away from the

people that told me i’d always be an

alcoholic because my father was an

alcoholic or be depressed because my

mother was depressed or whatever it is

would you help me god to look away from

those things would you help me to look

away from my my inglorious history or

whatever it is or whatever i can do or

haven’t done or tried and failed would

you help me to look away and god help me

to understand that you are you have

thought your thinking thoughts about me

and you have freely given to me the

things i need to accomplish what i’m

called to do

don’t let me stand at the border of this

incredible promise looking in at the

giants and saying it it can’t be i’m too

weak they’re too strong i’m too small

they’re too big until little or too many

god almighty the the people of this


we’re told by it’s a secular statistic

now that’s not even a christian one but

a secular statistic that 100 million

people go to bed depressed every night

in america 100 million people almost a

third of the entire population of the

country are groaning at night when they

go to bed because they don’t see hope

for tomorrow

many are opiate addicted many are their

families are being destroyed they

they can see the crumbling of society

all around them they don’t see hope for

the future suicide is becoming a huge

problem among teenagers today

in our society the people of this world

are are groaning

for the testimony of god

in his church

through you and through me

my strength does not come from

education or lack thereof or success or

failure none of it matters

the reality is it’s level ground at the


it’s a whosoever will kingdom

can come matter of fact to isaiah the

lord said it’s the lame who take the

prey don’t you love it the pharisees are

just doing this how is it possible that

a prophet could come under jerusalem and

while they’re just playing with the

scritchy little beards


fixing all the robes the prostitutes are

touching his feet the lame are crawling

through the blind are crying out on the

side of the road

wisdom is justified of his children

right the pharisees don’t have a single

testimony with all their robes and right

all i have is a negative testimony but

the blind man’s got a quite a story

doesn’t he


verse 13 says these things we speak not

in words which man’s wisdom teaches but

which the holy spirit teaches

comparing spiritual things with


but the natural man verse 14 does not

receive the things of the spirit of god

for they are foolishness to him

nor can he know them

because they are spiritually discerned

that means that

the person who

is trying to serve god in their own


and they’re trying to

reason god by with their own minds i’m

not suggesting we don’t study or learn

the scriptures that would be contrary to

what the word of god tells us but this

is their whole sense of being

is is living by natural wisdom and

natural strength and and so what i’m

talking to you about to a natural man is

foolishness it’s foolishness

it’s out of reach it’s pie in the sky

theology that’s not attainable by anyone

in this generation but he was spiritual

judges all things yet he himself is

rightly judged by no one for who has

known the mind of the lord that he may

instruct him

but we


the mind

of christ

so what then is this mind of christ and

how does it apply to me let’s bring it

home now

it’s when we agree

that in spite of our present condition

we are the ones chosen by god to display

his power and grace

in the spiritual crisis

of our present


that’s the mind of christ

when we are when we agree in spite of

our condition

in spite of who i am you’ve chosen me

in spite of my weakness you’ve chosen me

in spite of my nothingness you’ve chosen

me in spite of my

powerlessness you’ve chosen me in spite

of my

lousy self-view you’ve chosen me in

spite of whatever other people have said

you’ve chosen me

you’ve chosen me

you’ve chosen me you’ve given me your

promise you’ve given me your spirit you

have a plan for my life you’re going to

take me through a door and do things

through my life that i could never do

with my own strength but you will do it

and when i get to the other side i’ll

say glory to god glory to god only god

could have done this

and my my message will be when i get


what god has done for me god will do for

you it will be that simple

it won’t be complicated i’ll not be

wasting a lot of time on greek and

hebrew word meanings it will be i walk

with god god has done this in my life

the breath of god entered my life he

took me out of weakness and into

strength he has made me more than i

could ever be taken me where i could

never go given me what i could never

possess and oh glory to god for what he

has done through my life


aren’t you glad that we’re the foolish

plan of god

and the weakness of god

he wanted to take his people out of

captivity they’ve been there for 400


the strongest empire on the earth of

that time is holding them in captivity

they have no possible way out so god

looks down says how am i going to

display my power

and bring them out so there’s a there’s

an 80 year old man out in the backside

of the desert

he can’t speak he stutters matter of

fact he can’t even deliver a one night a

line sermon he needs his brother to

deliver it for him

and he just has a stick he no longer has

a sword so that’s my perfect candidate

to show my power

so he sends an 80 year old man and his

83 year old brother and they come

walking into the court of of the

strongest leader in the known world of

that time and moses stands and goes

let my people go

that is the plan of god folks

that’s the plan of god that’s that’s

that’s the foolishness of god that’s the

weakness of god

you see the only reason pharaoh didn’t

kill them on the spot i believe is

because it was such a joke that these

two men would be standing there saying

we are here in the name of god telling

you to let these three million people go

from captivity that they may serve god

in the wilderness

and pharaoh laughed in the beginning but

when it became a contest of power now

he’s caught in a trap he can’t kill them

because it makes them look weak now

amazing the plans of god amazing how how

god does things

he 135 000 midianites are coming into

the nation on a regular basis and

they’re they’re eating up everything the

people of god are trying to produce

they’re destroying that society of that

time and there’s there’s a hopelessness

abounding everywhere and it’s so

hopeless that people have even turned

from the worship of the living god and

they’re now worshiping idols

god finds a young man just a teenager

probably in the backyard of his father’s

house scraping out a living trying to

trying to scrape up some semblance of

hope and and he calls him suddenly a

mighty man of resources

gideon says are you kidding me

i i’m

my i’m of the least tribe of the tribes

of israel my father’s house is the least


of all houses in the least tribe and i’m

the least person in the least house of

the least tribe in all of israel

and you’re looking at me and you’re

calling me a mighty man of resources

who does god choose

to do exploits when everything seems


folks we have to get this because this

is a do or die moment in america now we

have got to get a hold of this this

can’t just become knowledge that we

write down in a little book somewhere oh

wasn’t that nice

we have to get a hold of this we have to

move into this we’ve got to go beyond

just learning about it

and gives him a battle plan split into

three companies go to the top of a hill

raise the torch and shout the sword of

the lord and the sword of gideon and god

says you leave the rest to me that’s

your part you do that i’ll do the rest

he wants to there’s a law

a medo-persian king has been deceived by

the people around him and he’s he’s

going to invoke a law that’s going to

cause the jewish people the entire

race of jewish people in that nation to

be put to death and all their goods are

to be taken and spoiled and divided

what’s the plan of god it takes an

orphan jewish girl puts her in to the

court of the king

and she must have been thinking in her

heart what could i do what kind of a

difference could i make how could i

rewrite the law of death into a law of


what could god possibly do through me

and at the time that she’s called of god

she says to her her cousin mordecai says

well look

like the king and i are not tied anymore

like we we it was it was a passionate

relationship in the beginning but he’s

not even called me for 30 days and if

he’s the type of a young girl here today

the lord’s calling you now

and you say well oh i wish he would have

called me five years ago or you know i

used to pray i haven’t even talked to

him in 30 days i don’t even pray anymore

i don’t feel close to him and mordecai

could say to her esther it doesn’t

matter you still have access to the

throne of the king you’re still his


nestor ends up rewriting the law

of death into a law of life

and she becomes a co-regent with her


unheard of in the media persian empire

women were almost like chattel

but the king saw the worth of his bride

and she ends up in a sense ruling and

reigning with him may put it that way

in that time

each of these

were foolish battle plans

they’re foolish

in the natural the natural man would

look and say this is idiocy

it’s idiocy send two old men

to deliver up three million people

a boy with a stone to bring down a giant

god needs to raise a voice to guide the

nation back to himself again so who does

he look for a barren womb

how many times did he he bring the

deliverance in the sense it was needed

at that moment out of out of a womb that

couldn’t bear a child

look at it it’s all there the the

testimony of it’s replete the whole

testament of scripture is about who god

uses and when he uses them and

especially in a crisis time you know

hannah had gotten to the point where her

prayer had no more words

she could just move her lips he couldn’t

even speak she was just so used to being

disappointed in the presence of god

and from a

wordless prayer came a voice that

governed the nation for 40 years

in samuel the prophet

i love the foolish plans of god it gives

me hope

it gives me hope for my future

it gives me hope for what god can do it

helps me to kind of look away from look

away from everything and just say lord



show me what you have for me give me the

the mind to be able to believe it

if we fully realize the power that’s in

this room

the great good that could be done for

the kingdom of god the evangelists that

are here who don’t even know what you

are yet

those with prophetic gifts those with

giftings of the spirit because it does

say that christ took captivity captive

and gave gifts unto his people so there

is a gifting of god in your life whether

you’ve acknowledged it or not it’s there

and it’s there for his glory and for his


and so now let’s bring it really home


where you say so how does this apply to

me everything you’ve just spoken pastor

how does it apply to me well the truth

is it doesn’t

unless you see your calling

it doesn’t it’s just more knowledge it’s


more stuff in a book and a binder it’s

just more notes

it doesn’t really apply

unless as chapter 1 verse 26 says for

you see your calling brethren

and so the

the point is

do you see it

do you see it can you can you can you

break the bungee cord that holds you to

the past

or to a lousy selfie or to like a

rather dismal view of your future

spiritually speaking

can you break that cord can you can you

trust god to go across that boundary


and say lord

i’m going to believe you

i’m going to believe that my life is

going to make a difference i’m going to

believe that you’re thinking thoughts

about me you’re giving gifts to me

that you’re going to send me to

somewhere to do something that could

only be done by your spirit and when i

get to the end of the journey i’m going

to shout grace oh god grace grace grace

grace grace it’s been all grace it’s

been goodness you know what my message

will be what god has done for me god

will do for you

no deeper than that

i’ve heard it said that christianity is

one beggar telling another bigger where

to find bread

all i can tell you today

is that i’m in for the full journey

i don’t know where it’s going to lead

quite frankly i don’t care

as long as he’s in it

that’s all i care about nothing else

matters now

i am absolutely unwilling to let this

generation die in their sin

absolutely unwilling to let the devil

dictate the future of our children

destroy our families and our homes

confuse genders in our great schools i’m

absolutely unwilling to let this go on

as long as god gives me life as long as

god gives me breath my prayer is lord

jesus christ send me where you want me

to go and you know where he’s sending me

to you

have become the calling on my life

because he’s been telling me i have an

end time army

that doesn’t know what they are yet

they’re weak and they’re foolish to

despise their base they’re nobody

they’re nothing but they are my choice

to reveal my glory in this last


hallelujah to the lamb of god glory to

the name of jesus


the gideons the esthers the david the


the hannahs it’s you

you are the end time army it’s not some

fancy ministry it’s not some new

preacher that’s going to rise up it’s


you are the end time army of god there’s

there’s people all over the country

they’re filled churches all on the

blocks everywhere and don’t know what

they are

god give us the mind of christ

god give us the ability to get out of

our box and get out of our prison cells

and get out of our abject thinking about

ourselves and get into where the spirit

of god is leading us


you are my calling now

and i’m going to shout at you until the

day i die

until you get it

until every person gets it at least i’ve

tried when i get to the throne of god

i’m going to be able to say i gave it my

best god

i gave it i i did it to the last ounce

of strength that you gave me god i

encouraged every young person i

encourage every old person i encourage

every man every woman i encourage every

teenager my god

and the strength that you gave me i

encourage them to recognize that you are


and that you are willing

to use us

we are your weakness hallelujah

i love that thought

we are your foolishness god

and so for the rest of my days all i can


is i’m in

i’m in for the full journey and don’t

look at me because i’m nothing i’m just

i’m i’m in because god’s put it in my

heart to be in

if if i was if if i was governed by my

own heart i would just retire and go


i’ve been at this a long time i’m tired

but i feel like the lord just reached

down one day out of heaven and says give

me the last tithe of your life

all your children are home he says but

mine aren’t so let’s go get mine and you

can enjoy your children grandchildren in

eternity you have an eternity with them

go get my children because they’re not

all in yet

you are

the end time army of god there is no

plan b do you understand there’s no plan

c no plan d

you are plan a in the kingdom of god you

are the end time army of god so the

point is lord i’m in give me your mind

for my life

whatever it is you call me to do just

give me your mind and give me the the

faith and courage to get up and just go

through the open door the church of

philadelphia says you have a little

strength you’ve you’ve kept my word and

you’ve not denied my name behold i set

before you an open door that no one can


i said it before you don’t have to find

it i put it there

all we have to do is walk through it

god almighty

there’s evangelists here

you know

there are i’m serious there’s there’s

civic leaders here there’s teachers that

can make a difference in the classroom

there’s people that are going to run for

office and make a difference

there’s people that are going to i don’t

know in whatever profession you’re in

you’re going to be a you’re going to be

that person that brings the glory of god

in the room with them whenever you walk

in you’re trusting god to make a


it’ll be the point where you don’t have

to preach it’s just the words you speak

will be will bring conviction to those

who live in darkness

god almighty help us to have your mind

help us to reclaim the mind of christ

this was the trembling in the heart of

paul and i can feel that trembling in my

own heart that’s the trembling that that

paul says somehow i fear that the people

won’t understand this

and fall sore to the glory

so i want to give an altar call this


it’s real simple

i’m in

how many are in i see your hands

i’m in i’m in i’m in for the full


i’m in i’m in for whatever god has for

my life wherever god wants to take me

whatever god wants to do i’m in

whatever it entails and and listen to me

you don’t have to figure it out the holy

spirit will whisper it to you

you don’t have to go home today and and

just just start like praying for the

will of god like it’s a needle in the

haystack like god says hey watch this

gabriel i’m going to drop brother

schoenster’s my will

as a needle in the haystack it’s going

to be so much fun watching him try to

find it you don’t have to find it he

sets the open door right before you

it just comes down it’s just there

that’s the only way i can explain it you

seek him

say lord i want to live for you i want

to serve you i want to make a difference

he will set the open door

before you he will show you he will show

you he will put those strong desires in

your heart

whether it’s to preach the gospel or run

for political office i don’t know what

it is but he’ll put that strong desire


so father i want to thank you god i have


poured out everything you put in my


and this was your word

for today

for these

precious brothers and sisters in christ

that are gathered in this auditorium

lord jesus christ

we don’t have

a long time

to rise up and become your church

god would you give us the strength

everyone who’s here

to just say lord i’m in

and wherever it leads me i will follow

father i thank you for it and praise you

for it

in jesus name let’s stand together
