thank you

wonderful worship time thank you so much

for all the Young

people that want to give their talent

and their life to the cause of Christ

thank God for that

thank you Jesus

in the time that we have this afternoon

first of all I want to thank Pastor Dr

Ronnie Floyd Pastor Trey Kent Dr Kai

Bowman Will Davis

Chris tapkin for just the passion that

you have for prayer because


there is no other hope for the nation

now we are in the next 27 moment when

the ship is going down and it’s only the

voice of

of those who have been given to prayer

that is really going to be able to make

a difference in the future

I think that people are just now waking

up to the reality of the depth of the

fight that we are really in

for the future we’re fighting for the

future of our children we’re fighting

for Freedom itself

and this battle can’t be won apart from

prayer and intervention of God so you’re

on good ground and I want to really

encourage you don’t give up the fight

I agree with what was said here today

the prayer meeting is the most pivotal

and important meeting in the house of


Jesus never said it is written in my

household be called a house of preaching

he said it should be called The House of

Prayer a place where we petition God and

I’m hoping that that I can unlock

something to you this afternoon that

that just might help you and I all of us

in our approach to God I want to talk to

you today about the the passionate anger

of God

the passionate anger of God now when we

think of the passion and anger of God we

generally think about Sin you know that

that God is angry against sin and

sinners every day but that’s not what

where I’m going this is about prayer and

there’s something about prayer or the

lack of it that brings out this

passionate anger in the heart of God

Mark chapter 11 if you have your Bible

with you

so father I want to thank you for the

touch of Heaven that’s been here all day

in this Auditorium I thank you God for

the men and women that are here that are

are given to the pursuit of Prayer

I thank you Lord for all the things that

you have done in the past through prayer

and we understand today that you are the

same yesterday today and forever and we

believe us as Dr Floyd said that you can

do more in a moment than any of us can

do in a lifetime

so Lord thank you for the great

privilege of just taking our hands off

of the agenda and giving it over to you

Lord we unashamedly say we need you we

need you to come and intervene in this

moment in history

God for the sake of our children for the

sake of those in the womb for the sake

of our kids in school and colleges and

high school for the sake of our families

the opiate addicted the homeless the

godlessness that’s starting to abound in

our streets and our society Lord Jesus

Christ we ask you to come and be God to

us one more time

Lord this nation you remember the prayer

meeting on at number Lot number one in

Plymouth Massachusetts Lord the 51 who

survived the first winter you remember

when they gathered in that little house

Lord they had they had no strategy they

had no strength they had nothing but you

Lord but in you they had everything and

they had a promise of a Nation where a

place that you were taking them to where

they could worship you in Freedom and

according to conscience and Lord you

took them God in a place of no strength

and you have established a nation of

over 300 million people God that has

become the Envy of the modern world

so Lord Jesus Christ we ask you to have

mercy remember every prayer that’s ever

been prayed in this country every tear

that’s ever been shed and God we know

you hear every sigh God every mother who

doesn’t know she’s going to feed her

children every father who doesn’t know

how he’s going to lead his family every

struggling family every struggling

marriage every struggling home every

addicted senior in our society every

person crying out in the streets God

Almighty you hear it all we only hear a

portion but you hear it all have mercy

on the nation Lord this is our prayer

this day Jesus Son of God have mercy we

feel like the man on the side of the

road that son of David have mercy on us

we want to see again God we want to see

your power we want to see healing and

restoration oh God and righteousness

that exalts a nation God almighty

we cry out to you under unashamedly

give us an understanding of what’s in

your heart now

concerning the prayers that we lift up

towards you

and Lord we thank you and we give you

praise and glory

in Jesus name

I’ve been studying something in the

scriptures for a few months now and it’s

a it’s a study that really re it’s a

it’s a teaching on prayer that Jesus was

not not expressly saying so but he was

teaching his disciples something about

prayer that if we can lay hold of this

it can change our whole perspective on

what it means to come into the presence

of God and lay our petitions before him

now in Mark chapter 11

this is it says Jesus went into the in

verse 11 into Jerusalem and into the

temple and when he looked around on all

things as the hour was late he went out

to Bethany with the twelve

now the next day when they came out from

Bethany he was hungry and seeing from

afar a fig tree having leaves he went to

see if perhaps he would find something

on it when he came to it he found

nothing but leaves for it was not the

season for figs in response Jesus said

to it let no one eat fruit from you ever


and his disciples heard it now the

disciples are are

describing this this this particular

interaction with the tree from their


they assume that he was hungry and I

think the assumption is probably correct

I’m I’m assuming he was more hungry for

fellowship with you and Aya than with a

fig tree than with some fruit on a fig

tree you remember in Genesis 3 7 when

Adam and Eve bit into the theological

lie that you can be as God is without

God and you can become the judges of

what is good and what is evil when they

lost I believe they were naked and

didn’t know it because they had the

Shekinah Glory covering them just like

Moses when he came down from the

mountain the glory of God was all over

his countenance he had been in the

presence of God when they lost the glory

of God because of sin in the Garden of

Eden what did they cover themselves with

fig leaves and it I can just imagine how

ridiculous Adam and Eve must have looked

you once had the glory of God and now

they’re standing there and they probably

took these broad leaves and made hats

for themselves and skirts and they would

have looked totally ridiculous and

that’s what humankind looks like when we

think that we can be Godly without God

we cover ourselves in man-made role

herbs and all of these these things that

in the sight of a holy God and and every

Heavenly being ever created they must

look thoroughly ridiculous they assumed

he was hungry

because he approached the tree I have a

you know I have a problem with their

assumption because he’s an omniscient

God he knows this tree has nothing on it

he has to know or he’s not omniscient or

he doesn’t know all things and

secondarily it was not the season for

figs so he should have known that

himself just being raised in the area he

would have known to approach this tree

it would not have any any fruit on it

and and I think it just represents

uh the initial stages of prayer when

when we we stand up and encourse those

things in our lives that offered us

satisfaction but there is no

satisfaction they offered us nourishment

and there is no nourishment and that’s

the way our prayers start in the kingdom

of God It’s All About Me Myself and I we

come into the house of God and we

recognize that in alcohol there’s

there’s nothing but captivity there

relationships don’t satisfy and we we

these former fig trees may I put it this

way that we once went to looking for

substance sustenance and looking for

hope we now know what they are they’re

just deceptive trees and so the

beginning of our prayer is is more or

less standing and taking authority over

these things may put it that way you

will deceive me no more

whatever you were whatever this thing

was that that maybe it’s your career

whatever it was that got a hold of your

life in this in the Fallen state of

humanity and and you believed that this

was going to offer you satisfaction you

now know that it’s fruitless and just as

Jesus did now I don’t believe that God

is so petty that he just curses a tree

that he should have known that there’s

no fruit on it no he’s teaching

something he says no one eat fruit from

you henceforth and forever again and and

you and I did that in our lives there

are certain things in our lives that

deceived us all of us and then when we

came to Christ we took a stand in prayer

against those things and say you will

deceive me no more I will never eat

fruit from you again I will never go

back to that that Fountain of deception

thinking that somehow this thing is

going to satisfy for the only

satisfaction I will ever know in life

comes from a living relationship with

the Living God

from there from cursing the Fig Tree he

goes into Jerusalem

and he went into the temple and began to

drive out those who bought and sold in

the temple

overturned the tables of the money

changers and the seats of those who sold

dogs and he would not allow anyone to

carry Wares through the temple and then

he taught them saying to them is it not

written my house shall be called a House

of Prayer of all Nations but you have

made it a den of Thieves this is where

we see the passionate anger of God it’s

the only where the place I see in the

New Testament where you see Christ

actually becoming angry

elsewhere in the Scriptures it tells us

he made a scourge of cords this was this

was not a calm moment in the temple he’s

overthrowing tables he’s he’s he’s

hitting animals and probably money

changers and driving them out there are

Temple guards there that were there for

the purpose of protecting the money

changers and such like and all the money

they’re making from the system of

religion they had concocted

but nobody dared to raise a hand against

him it must have been I’d love to see

this when I get to heaven in the video

section I’m going to go there I want to

see this

because there must have been a fury that

arose in the Son of God that scared

everybody even the guards carrying

swords would not raise their hand they

would have had this sense I’m going to

if I do something I’m going to die and

they’re right they would have died most

likely when God gets angry get out of

the way when God is angry nobody can

stand in the presence of God and we see

this passionate anger

in the heart of the Son of God because

the temple had ceased to be what it was

supposed to be

it was supposed to be a House of Prayer

but he said you’ve made it to den of

Thieves the thievery is not necessarily

the money changers we don’t expect them

to always be honest or the price is

being proffered for cattle and doves and

all the other things and goats that they

were selling for the sacrifices the

thievery is that because the house had

ceased to be a place of prayer the the

leaders had actually stolen from the

people the presence of God

that was the thievery and I happen to

believe in my heart that every church

that has no permitting is a den of

Thieves I’ll say it straight out I make

no apology for it we steal from the

people the presence of God now in order

to understand

why this anger in the heart of the Son

of God was so severe I want you to go

back to Second Chronicles chapter six

it’s it’s when this the original Temple

that stood on that Foundation was built

given to the

King David by the Holy Spirit passed on

to Solomon through his father David

Solomon builds the temple and the temple

is now built just let’s let’s just

pretend we’re inside the temple the

temple is ornate it’s filled with gold

it’s it’s designed by God for a specific

purpose on the Earth

Solomon is now dedicating the temple he

builds a Brazen scaffold he builds like

a platform

stands or actually at one point kneels

on the platform raises his hands and

begins to cry out to God in the


in second chronicles 6 beginning at

verse 12 it says then Solomon stood at

the altar of the Lord in the presence

of all the Assembly of Israel and spread

out his hands then it goes on

he begins to pray and he says in verse

19 he said regard the prayer of your

servant and his supplication O Lord my

God and listen to The Cry of the prayer

which your servant is praying before you

that your eyes may be opened towards

this Temple day and night towards the

place where you said you would put your

name and that you may hear the prayer

which your servant makes towards this

place and that you may hear the

supplication of your servant and of your

People Israel when they prayed towards

this place hear from Heaven your

dwelling place and when you hear forgive

then he goes on and talks about the

types of Prayer that God would answer

that or he’s asking God to answer

certain types of Prayer in that Temple

I’m just gonna I’m just gonna scan it

for time’s sake if anyone sins against

his neighbor and he says if if somebody

has sinned and they come into the temple

and and be the one who determines who is

righteous and who is wicked when they

stretch out their hands before you if

your People Israel are defeated before

an enemy because they’ve sinned against

you and they return and confess your

name and pray and make supplication

before you in this Temple hear from

Heaven forgive the sin of your People

Israel and bring them back to the land

which you gave them and their fathers if

we’re defeated

when the heavens are shut up and there’s

no rain because they’ve sinned against

you when they pray towards this place

and confess your name and turn from

their sin because you afflict them hear

from Heaven forgive the sin of your

servants your People Israel and teach

them the good way which they should walk

and send rain on your land which you’ve

given to your people as an inheritance

he goes on he says when there’s famine

in the land pestilence or blight or

mildew locusts or grasshoppers when the

enemies are besieging them in the land

of their cities does that not describe

America today

whatever plague or whatever sickness

there is whatever prayer whatever

supplication is made by anyone or by all

your people Israel when each one knows

his own burden and his own grief and

spreads out his hands in this Temple

hear from Heaven your dwelling place and

forgive and give everyone according to

his ways his heart you know

that they may fear you to walk in your

ways as long as they live in the land

which you gave to our fathers then he

goes on he says now concerning a

foreigner who’s not of your People

Israel but has come from a far place for

the sake of Your Great Name and your

Mighty head and your outstretched arm

when they come and pray in this Temple

hear from heaven and do according to all

of the Foreigner calls to you for that

all the peoples of the earth may know

your name and fear you as do your People


when your people go up to battle against

their enemies when you send them and

they pray towards the city which you

have chosen and the temple which I’ve

built for your name here from Heaven

their prayer and their supplication and

maintain their cause and when they sin

against you for there’s no one who does

not sin and you become angry with them

and they deliver they’re delivered to

the enemy and they take them captive to

a land far or near yet they come to

themselves in the land where they were

carried captive and repent and make

supplication to you in the land of their

captivity saying we have sinned we’ve

done wrong we’ve committed wickedness

when they return to you with all their

heart and with all their soul in the

land of their captivity whether they’ve

been carried captive and prayed towards

this land which you gave to their

fathers the city which you have chosen

and towards the temple which I’ve built

for your name then hear from Heaven your

Dwelling Place their prayer and their

supplications maintain their cause and

forgive your people of sinned against


now my God I pray let your eyes be open

and let your ears be attentive to the


that is made

in this place

and chapter 7 verse 1 says when Solomon

had finished praying the fire came down

from heaven a consumed and burnt

offering and the sacrifices and the

glory of the Lord

filled the temple

then it goes on and this is where it

gets very very interesting

because up to this point it’s now

Solomon praying to God now God has he

has in a sense declared his he’s he’s

heard this prayer because his presence

has filled the temple

but in verse 12 it says then the Lord

appeared to Solomon by night

the Lord


to Solomon not not just a voice in his

heart but the Lord himself

he appears to Solomon by night and said

to him I’ve heard your prayer

and I’ve chosen this place for myself as

a House of sacrifice

when I shut up Heaven that there is no

rain or command the locusts to Devour

the land or send pestilence among my


If my people

who are called by my name will

humble themselves and pray you know the

ultimate arrogance in the house of God

is prayerlessness

prayerlessness is telling God we don’t

need you we don’t need you we can do

this Lord we’ve got this down we’ve got

the program down we know how to do this

well a fine job we’ve done in America

haven’t we look at our society how can

you how can you lay the blame for the

mess of this country Anywhere But at the

doorstep of the house of God

they had 120 people in the upper room

completely yielded to God in prayer and

those through those people eventually

even the nation of Rome bent its need to

Christ at one point in in measure at

least anyway

but yet we get churches on every block

in America and we don’t even affect our

communities anymore does anybody have

the courage to stop the parade now and

just say something might be wrong maybe

the emperor has no clothes there’s a

point where we just we’re not condemning

ourselves or each other we just say

let’s just stop this thing and let’s

just go back I I always tell the kids in

our Bible School when all else fails

read the instructions

it’s all here read the instructions

so the Lord appears to Solomon said I’ve

heard your prayer and I chose this place

for myself as a House of sacrifice so

when I shut up Heaven that there’s no

rain if I command the locusts to Devour

the land or send pestilence among my

people if my people are called by my

name will humble themselves and pray and

seek my face and turn from their Wicked

Ways then I will hear from Heaven

forgive their sin and heal their land

now he says my eyes will be open and my

ears attended for listening to the

prayer made in this place

for now I’ve chosen and Sanctified this

house that my name may be there forever

and my eyes and my heart will be

perpetually there that’s amazing he says

I’ve heard you I’ve chosen this place

this is to be a house of prayer and when

the people come in I will actually

forgive them I will turn back their

captivity I will answer their prayers I

I will be there for the stranger I’ll be

God to you and you’ll be my people

when people come before me and pray now

the same God the same God that appeared

to Solomon now comes into the temple

that’s on the foundation of this

original house and an anger comes into

his heart he makes a scourge of cords

and it must have been a fierce moment

drives the whole thing out of the house

of God and say is it not written my

house shall be called a house in prayer

for all nations but you’ve made it a den

of Thieves you see in this scenario the

passion in God’s heart to answer prayer

that’s what it comes down to you know

quite often we think prayer is is you

and I getting the right phrases to

actually move the hand and heart of a

reluctant God somewhere off in the

cosmos and we don’t understand the

passion in God’s art it’s much deeper

than the passion in our heart that’s

where the only place in the New

Testament where the tangible anger of

God is displayed through Jesus Christ

the fury of God and it’s if I may

paraphrase for Jesus if I may be

permitted to do that he’s saying I

wanted to answer the prayer of the

people but you stole my presence from

them by making this a prayerless house

I wanted to be God I wanted to bring

them home when they’re captivated when

they find themselves in a place that’s

far away from my my kingdom and my

purpose I wanted to bring them home I

wanted to fight against their enemies I

wanted to provide for their families I

wanted to make the Crooked places

straight I wanted to bring the lofty

places down I wanted to be God and I

wanted my name to be brought to

reputation through my people but you

stole from them the source of their life

the source of their strength the source

of their power as a matter of fact God’s

saying you stole something from me

when you cease to pray

The Passion of my heart

you see when you see God this way it

changes everything when you when you see

he’s not sitting there in a throne with

his arms folded saying if you get the

right phrase or you pray long enough

maybe I’ll answer you no he’s actually

leaning forward my eyes and my heart

will be there perpetually 24 hours a day

seven days a week 52 weeks a year 365

days a year I will be leading forward

listening and waiting for your prayer

waiting for you to answer ask me to

bring your children home waiting for you

to ask me to restore your marriage

waiting for you to ask me to heal your


waiting waiting I’ll be waiting for you

to come and ask because I desire to be

your God

as much as you desire to be even more

than you desire to be my people

so now

after throwing out all of this stuff

that’s going on in the house in the

temple at this time

in the morning they passed by and they

saw the fig tree dried up from the roots

and Peter remembering said Rabbi look

the Fig Tree which you cursed is

withered away

so Jesus answering said to him have

faith in God

for verily I say to you whoever says to

this mountain

be removed and be cast into the sea and

does not doubt in his heart but believes

that those things he says will be done

he will have

whatever he asks

therefore I say to you whatever things

you ask when you pray believe that you

receive them

and you will have them that’s either

true or it’s a lie

you can’t have it two ways

these are red letters in my Bible that

means they were spoken by the mouth of

Jesus it’s either true or it’s a lie you

can’t have it two ways

when we’re praying according to the will

of God when the will of God is

understood when the passion of God’s

heart to be God to us is fully known

he says when you stand of course we

understand that’s praying according to

the will of God

now that the disciples are really

they’re really taken with the fig tree

it’s just this little tree and the next

day they say look the tree you cursed is

dried up from the roots it’s it’s sort

of like these things that were once in

our lives

when we took Authority when we believed

God they lost their power over us

whether it’s alcohol or anger or drugs

or depression or whatever it is that was

a governing Factor offered hope and

brought you into captivity

it doesn’t take long in a sense in the

beginnings for those things to be cursed

when we stand against them in the name

of Jesus

but I I find it interesting that Jesus

doesn’t really even talk about the Fig

Tree anymore he immediately moves their

attention to the mountain

now the Fig Tree is is one form of

deception the only mountain in the area

is Jerusalem it’s an entire system of


it’s it’s a whole man-made thing that is

deceiving the people of that part of the

world at that time and he’s basically

talking about Jerusalem when he speaks

to the if you’ve ever been there

Jerusalem is the only mountain in the

area whoever speaks to this mountain is

not just the deception in your own life

the Fig Tree we’ve got to move Beyond

fig trees to mountains now in our

generation we’ve got to move beyond the

things that we’ve gotten free of thank

God for that to what the whole of Our

Generation needs to be set free from

we’ve got an entire generation of

children being in if they’re not being

murdered in the womb they’re being

gender confused as low as in

kindergarten they’re being lied to about

the presence of God and deliberately

confused in our grade schools they’re

being forbidden to pray in our high

schools and radicalized against both God

and their country in our colleges and

universities if this is not a mountain I

don’t know what a mountain is in our


but the Lord’s been speaking to my heart

saying Carter I want you to move beyond

your fig trees and speak to the mountain

start praying then whoever if you do

whatever you ask for believing you shall

receive it may cost something for some

of us

some of us may lose our freedoms in the

coming days I don’t care anymore I’m not

willing to give this generation over the

perversion and darkness I’m simply

unwilling to let that happen

so it’s time to pray for the mountains

it’s time to pray in the context of

knowing that it’s in the heart of God

to answer more that it’s in our hearts

to ask

and when you see it it changes

everything it changes the perspective

you say God you have to give

this generation a chance to know you

I spend a lot of my time now praying God

give us a mercy moment

I don’t know if the nation can be saved

I mean With God all things are possible

but it’s not about saving a nation or a

way of life it’s about people

it’s about our children

it’s about the future the devil always

goes after the children you notice that

throughout scriptural history always and

we’re now the devil is in full flight

against our children

in this generation

but it’s time now for the people of God

for those of us who know how to pray

or at least have an inkling about how to


you know in in the in the Old Testament

when they were starting to throw the


into the river which is what the devil

will always do

when when the Lord

appeared to Moses

he said I’ve heard the cry

I’ve heard the cry

it wasn’t the Cry of the leaders the

leaders were at Pharaoh’s Throne crying

up for straw

that’s what they were doing the people

who were actually leading in measure

were at the wrong throne with the wrong


The Cry came from moms and dads The Cry

came from bedsides the cried came from

people walking down the street Cry came

from people on the train in the subway

The Cry came from just regular Rank and

foul folks that’s the cry that God heard

that’s the cry that came before his ears

that’s the cry that came into the temple

that was the prayer that brought

millions of people out of

slavery and into freedom

and I happen to believe that Jesus

Christ is the same

yesterday today and forever he has not

changed I happen to believe with all my


that if if there’s a cry

that erupts in our hearts for this

generation God will hear it and God will

answer and he’ll do it his way if he

sends an old man with a stick I’m okay

with that I don’t care that’s what he

did back then

God’s battle plans are always ridiculous

I don’t know if you know that

always always is you know wants to bring

a whole nation out of captivity and

sends an 80 year old man with a stutter

and a stick and his 83 year old brothers

you know he’s spiritually compromised me

I put it that way

and he sends them in I I believe the

only reason Pharaoh didn’t kill him on

the spot is because they were such a

joke they were entertaining it at the

moment when Moses stands over to say let

my people go

it was just such a joke because you

didn’t challenge Pharaoh you die if if

the Lord would have sent a soldier there

would have been a war or a death right

on the spot but it was just such a joke

it was entertaining until it became a

contest of power then Pharaoh couldn’t

kill them

because it would make him look weak he

became a victim of his own Pride

amazing just absolutely amazing

so when you go home look in the mirror

tonight and say I am the ridiculous

battle plan of God for this generation


I may look weak and I may be nobody and

I may be nothing but God hears My Cry

he’s been waiting for my voice in his

Temple and he told me that I could speak

to mountains and he said whatever I

prayed for believing I would receive it

so I’m not going to lay down and die and

let the devil roll over me or my family

or this generation I’ll start where I

need to start if it’s my life that needs

Freedom then I’m going to pray there but

I’m going to believe God for my family

I’m going to believe God for my children

I’m going to believe God for my marriage

I’m going to believe God for my

neighborhood I’m going to believe God

for my street I’m going to believe God

for my community I believe from my town

I’m going to believe from my state I’m

going to believe for my country

I’m going to stand on the side of faith

and I’m going to that’s where I’m going

to plant my flag and that’s where I’m

going to stay and that’s where I’m going

to live I don’t have to beg God to do

what he clearly showed me wants to do in

the scriptures when he appeared to

Solomon at night he said I will do these

things my eyes will be open and my heart

will be there and I will be listening

for this prayer that’s why I’m so

thankful for you I’m so thankful for

this Gathering I’m so thankful that you

desire to pray

believe God die if you’re going to die

die on the side of the mountains don’t

die where the fig trees are die on the

side of the mountains begin to pray and

whatever he tells you to do do that

that’s what we do and when we begin to

move with God Miracles start happening

doors start opening people start coming

into Freedom so father I Just Want to

Thank You Lord for just one more time

just opening your word and speaking to

each one of our hearts God in a way that

that only you can

oh Jesus Christ

have mercy on this generation

so here we are we’re in Austin Texas

we’re from various churches and

backgrounds and but here we are Lord in

your temple here we are God Almighty

crying out to you Lord Jesus Christ

God to do the work that only you can do

in this time that we now live in

we ask you Lord to move this mountain of

godlessness and cast it into the sea we

ask you for a spiritual awakening in

America one perhaps one last time before

you return to this earth oh God Lord

Jesus Christ we ask you God to rekindle

your house all over the nation let a

fresh wind of Fresh Fire touch every

Pulpit every Pastor my god oh Jesus

Christ do what only you can do God send

your Holy Spirit Lord send the Holy

Spirit my God we recognize Lord we can’t

do this with our own strength or with

our own power or with our own might

so here we are at your throne here we

are God crying out here is our voice

what each one of us God lifting our

voices towards you Lord this day

asking you God to do what only you can

do in this time we’re now living in

set our

children free

God set our families free


drug addicted free let there be a shout

of Glory by God in your house in

Beggar’s description and use us Lord in

whatever way you choose to let none of

us ever say no that’s too big for me God

whatever you ask us to do let us do that

Lord we thank you we thank you God that

even though it looks hopeless we have

the Precedence and all throughout

scriptural history and hopeless moments

God when you said miracles you delivered

your people

God remember the prayers that were

Prayed by your Saints in this country

remember the moms and dads that have

cried out to you over the 400 years

we’ve been a nation

remember the pilgrims you cried out said

Lord you gave us a promise remember your

promise to them o God and don’t let it

be stolen from this generation by the

powers of Darkness that want to

eradicate the testimony of Christ in the


oh Jesus Christ we ask you for a touch

of Heaven that will stun us

we ask you for your hand to move in

power in such a way we never anticipated


Lord Jesus we thank you God that we can

recognize today that we are limited in

what we can do but

Because of You Lord all things are still


in our time

God thank you for what you’re going to

do I’m going to ask you if we could rise

up together join hands with your

neighbor and begin to cry out for your

families and for your town unashamedly

the Lord wants to hear your voice

there are there are no bystanders in the

temple and when it’s prayer time

he wants you to cry out for whatever it

is that you need whatever your town

needs your community needs

lift your voices to God now

lift your voice unashamedly

God thank you


I don’t think

don’t be afraid to cry out to him

don’t be ashamed to raise your voice









oh God hear us today Lord hear us as we

stand your presence

hear our voices oh God

according to your heart

according to what you’ve spoken

you told us about yourself you told us

about your heart Lord we receive it

God you want to hear prayer in your

temple you want our voices to be lifted

up Lord

God have mercy on this generation have

mercy on every baby that’s destined for

Slaughter in the womb have mercy on our

children God delivered them from the

hands of those that are sexually

perverse and dark o God deliver our

children in our schools my God deliver

our our high schoolers deliver our great

schoolers deliver our college students

my God deliver our homes send Victory to

our families Lord we’ve we’ve gotten

captivated Lord we’re coming back to you

we’re coming back to the temple we’re

coming back to the place of prayer and

we ask you Lord Jesus Christ to send

Freedom send Victory o God send a shout

of Glory one more time into the nation

Lord oh Jesus Christ have mercy have

mercy on this generation o God have

mercy give us righteous men and women in

leadership in this state in this country

my God sweep out the refugee lies oh God

and put men and women of Truth in

positions of authority again oh God oh

God do it only you can do do it so

swiftly so powerfully that everyone

would know it’s the hand of God everyone

would know it’s you Lord work that has

done this thing it’s not been any effort

of man it’s not by power it’s not by

might it’s by the Holy Spirit of the

Living God

oh Jesus Christ God almighty God

almighty let it not our voices ever be

silent in your presence give us the

grace to cry out to you oh god oh Jesus

Jesus Jesus Jesus take us to a whole new

understanding of what it means to pray a

whole new place God of lifting our

voices before you not just here but at

home not just in the in the temple oh

God but also in our bedsides in our

dining room tables my God let the voice

of prayer be heard again in the nation

Jesus Son of God Jesus Jesus Son of God

do a work Lord in our midst of what

Astound us it would Astound us oh God it

would Astound us oh God it would Astound

us hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

hallelujah hallelujah

Hallelujah let God arise his enemies be

scattered let God arise his enemies be

scattered let God arise his enemies be

scattered let God let God

arise let God arise his enemies be

scattered let God arise his enemies be

scattered let God arise his enemies be

scattered let God let God arrive



hallelujah hallelujah

just before Pastor returns I’d want to

ask you to do something when Israel was

in the fight with whatever enemy it was

particularly the Philistines they would

send when it when it looked like they

were losing quite often they would send

for the Ark of God

the presence of God when the Ark of God

would come into the camp the people

would give such a shout the scripture

would tell us that the Earth would Shake

and fear would come into the hearts of

every enemy

I want all hell to be set on notice

today that there’s a people rising up

hallelujah hallelujah Glory

Glory Glory Glory

there is a people rising up for calling

up to God and we’re bringing God into

the battle again

hallelujah hallelujah

Glory Glory Glory Glory Glory

we are bringing God into the battle

Hallelujah we are not ashamed to call

out to him let all hell begin to tremble

because Jesus Christ is still on the

throne he’s still almighty God every

knee must bow every tongue must confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord of all give

him a shout of Glory in this house
