

praise god praise god praise god

it’s true tony i don’t feel a day over

69 tonight

tomorrow i will

be a day over 69.

i want to thank all of the speakers that

have been here

throughout this conference i want to

thank the family research council for

all of the wonderful work that you are


for standing for truth

for taking a stand in an unpopular time

and believing

that together we can make a difference

in our culture our country and for our

future and what a privilege to stand

together and to believe that

in christ

we’re going to live to see i believe a

spiritual awakening in our day

i really prayed about this coming to

this meeting tonight and as always i

just say god

give me a word just give me a word

that’s all i ask for for the people that

are going to be here those that are

listening to us online

this evening and the lord is always

faithful when i i’m sent somewhere he’ll

speak to my heart

and so i’m bringing this word from my

heart to yours

and i’ve given it a title tonight

it’s just called the right cry

at the right throne

the right cry at the right throne i’m

going to start in exodus chapter 5.

if you have your bi anybody have a bible

here tonight

awesome i love that

so father i just want to thank you god

that every time

we look into your word we should be


by the power of our god

the scripture says that the entrance of

your words brings light so god bring

light into our hearts our minds

put courage in our heart put direction

in our steps fervency in our prayers

and god almighty let each of our lives

make a difference

in this generation we’re now living in

so father we thank you god we praise you

and bless you in jesus name


tonight to see a video of the bible

school started by david wilkerson the

author of the cross and the switchblade

and the founder of times square church

it is a very unique school it is my wife

who’s the president of the bible school

and i now live on the campus most of the


and have an opportunity to engage with a

lot of the students

it’s very unique in the sense that we

are an unplugged school which means that

all media devices are put away

no social media no

spending the day on your phone

no no relationships no boy girl

relationships if people who come there

they’re coming to that school to seek

god for one or two years depending on

the time they determine they’re not good

night and we just really tell the young

people if

you’ll only get out of this what you put

into it

and we’re teaching them how to pray

we’re teaching them how to study the

word of god we’re helping them to

understand their identity in christ

and it makes it a very very unique

school and i have seen absolute

transformations at that school and i

thank god for that with all of my heart

it’s summitpa.org if you’re interested

for your young people or anybody that

you think there’s also sabbatical

programs for people who are just in

ministry and tired

and just need to refurbish

themselves in christ

exodus chapter 5

verse 15 says then the officers of the

children of israel came

and cried out to pharaoh

saying why are you dealing thus with

your servants

there is no straw

given to your servants now this is an

incredible moment in the history of the

people of god of that particular time

these are the descendants of abraham you


in genesis chapter 12 the lord said to

abram get out of your country from your

family from your father’s house to a

land that i will show you

i will make you a great nation i will

bless you and make your name great and

you shall be a blessing

i will bless those who bless you and i

will curse him who curses you and in you


the families of the earth

shall be blessed now talk about an


opportunity for the

these people this is a promise made to

abraham these are the descendants of

abraham so they would know that this is

their promise this is their history as a

matter of fact abraham their their

spiritual and physical father in a sense

he had had an encounter with the

pre-incarnate christ just in the on the

outskirts of sodom and they would have

known a lot of this they would have

known we have access to god

this is the heritage of these people but

here are their leaders in a season of


coming before at least those persons in

charge of this part of leadership coming


the throne of pharaoh and crying out for


it’s an amazing thing you know we we as

the people of god can end up living so

far beneath our calling and we’re not

even aware of it they had access to the

throne of god

they had a promise that i’ll bless those

who bless you and i’ll curse those who

curse you

that a promise that in you all the

families of the earth are going to be

blessed they they had literally had

access to god they had access to the

promises of god and the power of god and

yet the leaders at this particular time

chose to appear before the throne of

pharaoh and instead of crying out to god

they’re crying out to pharaoh

instead of the promises of protection

and provision and all of the things that

god had promised to give them they’re


for straw and the worst of it all is had

they succeeded in getting some straw

they probably would have come back to

the people with a praise report

for real straw

you wonder sometimes

when we realize the power of prayer

because jesus told us whatever you ask

for what you shall receive ask you shall

receive everyone who asks receives seek

you shall find knock it shall be opened

can you imagine if we just

believed that verse of scripture

the prayer meeting in the house of god

would be jam-packed people would be

presenting their petitions before god

and expecting god to answer because he

did say

everyone who asks


now the people of god of this particular


had taken a journey

from the place that they were into the

nation of egypt because of difficulty in


as a matter of fact they left the place

that they were in in genesis chapter 45


17 and onward

this was their history

pharaoh said to joseph say to your

brothers do this load your animals and

depart and go to the land of canaan

bring your father bring your households

and come to me and i will give you the

best of the land of egypt and you will

eat the fat of the land i find it


in the context of it was 402 years ago


that the mayflower left england

and headed for america

as the people of god of this particular

time left their own shore as you may

call it that their own land at that

point because of hardship the people on

the mayflower left because many of them

were experiencing forms of hardship

including religious persecution

and they came to a new land and pharaoh

said don’t be concerned about your goods

for the best of the land of egypt is

yours in chapter 47 it says pharaoh

spoke to joseph and said the land of

egypt is before you have your father and

your brothers dwell in the best of the

land let them dwell in the land of

goshen and if you know any competent men

among them make them chief herdsmen

over my livestock so this was their

history they had come into the land and

the land had opened its arms to them the

land had blessed them the land

recognized their giftings and their

calling and of course they had been a

tremendous blessing to the nation keep

in mind

that without joseph the nation of egypt

may have largely starved to death

it was because of joseph that the people

were spared and they the vision of god

was was unfolded in the end and produce

was was brought to keep the people alive

in a time

of famine

and also there would be many chief

herdsmen who

brought great blessing you think of

america the number of christian people

that built universities and hospitals

and made inventions and and and in this

country for example there’s there’s a

great heritage of christianity and many

godly christian people were used in

powerful ways to bring great good to the


but again in exodus chapter one a new

season and a new reality arose it says

there arose a new king over egypt who

did not

know joseph

it doesn’t mean he didn’t know about him

but he he just he had no longer an

appreciation for what joseph had brought

to the nation or joseph’s family had

contributed to the nation he had he had

crafted an alternate worldview i guess

may i put it that way in his mind

ironically he knew something about the

people of god that they didn’t know

about themselves

he said look

the people of the children of israel are


and mightier than we are now think that

went through for a moment the people of

the children of israel didn’t have an

army they didn’t have

much in the way of weaponry

as as egypt had at this time but he knew

instinctively because of the history and

because of the giftings of god and the

things that had been accomplished that

these people had a might that perhaps

the people of

egypt knew nothing about he said come

let us deal shrewdly with them lest they

multiply and that happen in the event of

war that they also join our enemies and

fight against us and so go up out of the

land therefore they set task masters

over them to afflict them with their


they begin to oppress

the people of god

maybe marginalize or ridicule

create laws convince them that they were

the taskmaster’s task in a sense was to

convince the people of god that they

were less than they are

sound familiar doesn’t it

in the time that we’re now

living in and then it went even a step


pharaoh said if if you see

every every son who’s born you shall

cast into the river

initially he told them he said when

you’re doing the office of a duty of a

midwife and if you see them on the birth

stools if it’s a son

then you shall

kill them this is their sudden a new


they’re being oppressed by task masters

and their children are being thrown

into the river

similar to today when we see our

children being thrown into the river of

confusion from from the ages of

kindergarten from gender confusion to

confusion about god in middle school

to the the forbidding of prayer in high

school to the radicalization of our

young people in our colleges in

universities nothing really ever changes

history always just repeats itself

the big problem here wasn’t necessarily

pharaoh although that was a problem

the big problem we see in our opening



the leaders some of the leadership of

the people of god of that time are at

the throne of pharaoh and they’re

negotiating with that which has been

sent to captivate them

the point being you can’t negotiate with

that which has been sent to captivate

you it must be overthrown by the power

of god

that’s the reality that they were facing

it’s the reality perhaps that

many are facing today

it’s like the alcoholic trying to

negotiate with alcohol and say well i’ll

just drink a little less then you won’t

destroy my family or my mind or my home

or my future i’ll just i’ll just consume

a little bit less it’s a negotiation

tactic with that which has been sent to

captivate you you can’t negotiate with


you call it to god

and he has to overthrow it and so the

question is


was this captivity


now we have we have foreman as it is of

the of the children of israel crying out

to pharaoh for straw

but there’s another group of people rank

and file people maybe just like

you and i it’s grandmas it’s grandpas

it’s moms it’s dads it’s brothers it’s

sisters as people are concerned

maybe first and foremost about the honor

of god where’s god in all of this what

happened to us

why are we allowing ourselves to be so

marginalized and be pushed to the

sidelines and be under afflictions and

laws and task masters when we are the

people of god when we have access to the

throne of god

we have promises from god

that we are going we are more than

conquerors through christ who loves us

and the lord said to moses i’ve surely

seen the oppression of my people who are

in egypt and i have heard their cry

because of their taskmasters for i know

their sorrows so i’ve come down to

deliver them out of the hand of the

egyptians and to bring them up from that

land to a good and large land a land


with milk and honey and here was the cry

it was another cry

it wasn’t public

it was most likely in private it was the

cry of the mom at night

didn’t know how she’s going to save her

children it was the cry of of of the

persons who were concerned as we ought

to be in our generation of the drug

addiction in our communities the

violence as we heard about in chicago

and such like the hopelessness of a

whole generation being raised without

god the confusion of our young children

that are being confused on every

conceivable level

in the places that are supposed to be

educating them

and suddenly

the people that had enough of it

you see that’s why pray is at the top of

pray vote and stand the people had had

enough and people began to do what they

were called to do in the beginning and

they began to cry out to god not to

pharaoh not for straw but for freedom

they began to cry out for their heritage

it’s time now it’s time for you and i to

begin to cry out to god it’s time that


yes it’s time

you know we’re we’re prone to wait till

we have the last five cents in our

pocket and we’ve spent it then we start

crying out to god we we it’s funny the

way we are we we exhaust our own

resources and it’s only in

exhaustion in the sense that common

sense finally settles in and says wait a

minute aren’t we the people of god

aren’t we supposed to be more than

conquerors through christ who loves us

didn’t jesus say have faith in god for

verily i say to you whoever says to this

mountain be thou removed and be cast

into the sea and shall not doubt in his

heart but believes that the things he

says he shall come to pass he shall have

whatsoever he says

therefore i say to you whatsoever you

ask in prayer believing you shall

receive it is time to cry out for our

children it’s time to cry out for our


it’s time to cry out for the opiate

addicted in our society

the grandmas the grandpas who don’t see

a future and they don’t know the way out

and they don’t know the way forward it’s

time to let our hair down it’s time that

we start crying the right cry at the

right throne

and say god almighty have mercy

it’s time to drop our pride


not be concerned about what people

around us think it’s time that we go to

our knees besides our bed at night for

our grandchildren and our children and

our cousins and our brothers and our

sisters and our towns and our

communities because we are circling the

drain as a nation right now

it is only the cry at the throne of god

that is going to make a difference we

need a spiritual awakening in america

now we need god’s intervention in this


in psalm 107

the scripture says give thanks to the

lord he’s good and his mercy endures


let the redeemed of the lord say so whom

he’s redeemed from the hand of the enemy

and gathered out of all lands from the

east the west the north and from the

south it’s time for you and i to

remember what god did for us

it’s time for us to remember that it was

that inner cry of our heart that brought

us out of darkness and into light

out of drugs and into sobriety out of

anger and into forgiveness out of

whatever we were into and into light

it’s time to remember that cry four

types of people in psalm 107 those who

wander in the wilderness in a desolate

way finding no city to dwell in hungry

and thirsty their soul is fainting in

them then they cried out to the lord in

their trouble and he delivered them out

of their distresses and led them forth

by the right way that they might go to a

city for a dwelling place so that men

would give thanks to the lord for his

goodness and his wonderful works to the

children of men for he satisfied the

longing soul and fills the hungry soul

and goodness

then there’s people who sit in darkness

in the shadow of death bound in

affliction and irons because they

rebelled against the words of god we

knew the word of god in this

nation we knew what god said we knew the

warnings of god there were voices raised

to caution us as in acts chapter 27 with

the apostle paul don’t take this journey

if you do it’s going to result in the

loss of everything and now here we are

with the loss of everything our military

our might

our civility our economy our morality


is being thrown to the wind

bound in affliction and iron because

they rebelled against the words of god

and despised the council of the most

high therefore he brought down their

heart with labor they fell down and

there was no one to help

then they cried to the lord in their

trouble and he saved them out of their

distresses he brought them out of

darkness in the shadow of death and

broke their chains in pieces and it goes

on verse 17 says fools because of their

transgression and because of their

iniquities were afflicted their soul

abhorred all manner of food and they

drew near to the gates of death then

they cried to the lord in their trouble

he saved them out of their distresses he

sent his word and healed them and

delivered them from their destructions

and lastly he said people who go down to

the sea and ships who do business on

great waters they see the works of the

lord and his wonders in the deep he

commands and raises the stormy wind

which lifts up the waves of the sea they

mount to the heavens they go down again

to the depths and their soul melts

because of trouble you think in this


you know all of the people who have

trusted in money instead of god

trusted in prosperity instead of the

promises of god and they’re so happy

when the stock market is up and so down

when it goes down they’re like sailors

on the sea they’re never satisfied their

soul melts because of trouble they reel

to and fro and stagger like a drunken

man and at their wits end and that my

brother my sister is coming very very

shortly to this nation

then they cry out to the lord in their

trouble and he brings them out of their

distresses he calms the storm so that

its waves are still and then they’re

glad because they’re quiet and he guides

them to their desired haven by his grace

he guides

these people as well to the place

they’ve always longed for which is a

living relationship with god

himself oh that men would give thanks to

the lord for his goodness his wonderful

works to the children of men and he

finishes in psalm 107 by saying whoever

is wise

will observe these things and they will

understand the lovingkindness of the


so whether or not

if we have wandered in this nation and

lost our moorings if we’ve rebelled

against the words of god if we’ve been


because we’ve drawn near to the gates of

death if we’ve trusted in money more

than god even in spite of these things

when we cry out to him

the promise is to break the bars of iron

and to bring us back home again

and to restore us and is that not what

he did for the people

of israel

you know it’s strange because the scene

begins with the officers crying out to

pharaoh but it ends in victory when the

people cried out to god

rank and file this is where you and i

now come in

it’s it’s your cry that god will hear

it’s that collective cry when he came to

moses said i’ve heard the cry i don’t

know if anybody else heard it i don’t

know if it was public or private but

there was a cry

and god heard it

and he sent an old man and his brother

to set the people of god free that’s the

plan of god is always a ridiculous plan

in the natural

did you know you are the ridiculous plan

of god for this generation

when you go home look in the mirror and

say i am god’s ridiculous plan for this


i am the i’m the 80 year old man with

the stutter and the stick he was so weak

he had a one-line sermon and needed his

brother to deliver it

but it was god’s plan

to deliver his people not by might not

by power but by my spirit saith the lord

the cry of my heart in this generation

is oh god almighty would you help us to

pray again

will you give us the sense to pray again

would you give us an understanding that

if we will cry out you will be god one

more time

and the things you have done in the past

you will do today and you will do in the

future for jesus christ is the same

yesterday today and forever so your part

and mine

is to cry out to god

if ever there was a time to cry out to

god it’s now

you know i see a lot of gray hair here

including mine tonight

i see others who are like paul they say

i die daily that’s why your hair is not



but it’s up to you and i now

you know there’s a psalmist the aged

psalmist who said lord don’t don’t take

your hand off of me until i have shown

your power to this generation that is to

come see this is the mandate given to us

now to show the next generation the

power of god not just talk about it but

show them

that when we go to the throne of god god

will hear us

god will answer

god will save

christ will deliver

we will one more time i believe that we

are going to see a mercy moment in

america i don’t know what the future is

going to hold i don’t know what the

nation’s going to look like when this is

all over but i do know that god’s mercy

is from age to age and from everlasting

to everlasting

so i’m going to ask you if we can close


by standing up and maybe just maybe you

could grab the hand of the person beside

you whether you’re comfortable doing

that or not if you’re not comfortable


then don’t

but if you are

i’m going to ask you pastor tony if

you’d come and join me

and we’re going to pray and want to ask

you to lift your voice tonight

unashamedly you must know some children

in your neighborhood maybe your own kids

are struggling and your grandkids

your brothers and your sisters


if there’s nobody in your immediate


the nation itself is dying around us now

and we have access to the throne

of god

so as we pray would you lift your voice

tonight with us yes we’re going to stand

and yes we’re going to vote and yes

we’re going to do everything we know to


but then we’re going to do what we’ve

been taught to do and come to the throne

of god and we’re going to believe for

miracles again

of freedom and deliverance so father god

in jesus name

we lift our voices tonight unashamedly

we lift our we open our mouths we begin

to pray god and we ask you god almighty

for the sake of our children for the

sake of our marriages for the sake of

our homes our families for the unborn in

the womb my god who are destined to the

slaughter we lift our voices for them o

god and we ask you lord jesus christ as

you once did for the people of israel in

egypt god that you would set us free we

don’t care what your plan looks like and

we don’t care how you do it but we just

ask you to do it

we come to your throne tonight we come

unashamedly we come oh god expecting

that you’re going to answer our prayer

and we throw our lives in as part of the

answer whatever you choose to do through

each one of us my god we yield our

bodies to you as a living sacrifice for

the glory of your name and for the sake

of others around us give us boldness

lord jesus christ to stand up and speak

your word give us an enablement of god

to live lives that are worthy of your


give us power to believe you god that

you do answer prayer nothing has really

changed you have always been a god who

answers prayer

well god almighty god almighty hear the

prayer tonight that is prayed in this

hall hear the prayers that will be

prayed on the way home hear the prayers

that will be prayed when people lie on

their beds tonight or kneel beside them

god help us

god help us god help us god help us god

help us in the days ahead set our

children free yes oh god this is our

prayer set them free lord jesus christ

break this log jam

in the mighty and unmatchable name of

jesus christ


and amen
