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amen all is well all is well

praise the lord



i um you know last week i told y’all to

if i

i didn’t really know whether i was going

to be finishing this series on the size

of the time until i got in prayer

and i think god added about three or

four more weeks on it because i saw

something i’ve not seen before that i

think is so important to talk about

i don’t know when the last time i spent

so much time

studying and preparing for a series

especially the last three days it just

feel like i’ve been in a barrel


um every time i thought about getting

tired i thought about you and i thought


just stuff that you were going through


i thought about this epidemic

this new it’s not a new epidemic

but it’s an epidemic of uh

adult children dishonoring and

disrespecting their parents

and i thought about the epidemic of


i thought about the epidemic of

everybody doing

everything they possibly do to get money

even if it meant

stepping on the head of a friend or

betraying someone

these are some things that i want you to

pay attention to today

i’m about to take you into a place where


i pray that it causes you to think

and to really look at some things

because the things i’m about to share

with you are signs

of the return of jesus christ we’ve been

talking about

hurricanes and earthquakes and the


and we’ve been talking about all those


but the lord spoke to me he said

remember i’m i said

uh i mentioned the signs of the time

concerning the behavior and character of


and so i want to continue this series

and i want to focus today on the


and character of the last day society

the behavior and the character

of the last day society now in my text

this morning

i’m using four areas for scriptures

and i just want to read those four


and then we’ll begin now i’m not gonna

rush through this because

it’s it’s vital anytime something is

being taught

and i don’t know and i’m not aware that

it’s been really spelled out clearly to

the body of christ

as a teacher in the body of christ i


take my time to be very

thorough in laying this out

because you’re the ones that’s gonna be

responsible for helping me spread it

wherever it goes from this point on

i am not concerned about the letters

that i’m gonna get

i’m not i don’t read them anyway

i am not concerned about who likes me

and don’t like me that’s already been

happening for 40 years i’ve had 40 years

of persecution i’m not bothered by that

anymore you kidding me

so i’m going to say some things that

you’re not used to hearing some things

that you’re like oh my god i can’t

believe you said that

the bible hasn’t changed people have

the bible hasn’t changed people have

and so father we thank you for this

another opportunity to minister to these

your precious sheep

thank you lord that revelation knowledge

will flow freely uninterrupted and

unhindered by a satanical demonic force

speak through my vocal cords

think through my mind none of me and all

of you it’s in jesus name we pray

and everybody said amen could you set

the clock back at 60 that i wasn’t

preaching then i was just

talking i need all my time this morning

okay if you have your bibles go with me

to the book of second timothy chapter

three in the nlt

i’m going to read all these in the uh

most of them in nlt

first three at least second timothy

chapter three

and verses one through nine

second timothy chapter three and verses

1 through

9. now the disciples asked jesus a


when is going to be the time of your

coming and what are going to be the

signs of your coming

we need to know what to be looking for

when you come

and jesus gave them different signs but

now look at this second timothy 3 1-9

i’m going to read it out of nlt he says

you should know this timothy

that in the last days

there will be very difficult times one

translation says

perilous times or dangerous times

in the last days i guess you have to say

well when is that i would

i would submit to you that that’s where

we are right now in the last days

there are going to be some difficult

times for people

will love only themselves and their


they will be boastful and proud

scoffing at god

disobedient to their parents and

ungrateful they will consider nothing


they will be unloving and unforgiving

they will slander others and have no


they will be cruel and hate what is good

they will betray their friends be


be puffed up with pride and they will


pleasure rather than god

they will act religious but they will

reject the power that could make them


stay away from people like that

they are the kind who work their way

into people’s homes and win the

confidence of

vulnerable women who are burdened with

the guilt

of sin and controlled by various desires

such women are forever following new


but they are never able to understand

the truth

these teachers oppose the truth just as

james and jamborus

oppose moses they have depraved

minds and our counterfeit faith but they

won’t get away with this for long

someday everyone will recognize what

fools they are wow

so here you see

a clear warning to pay attention

to the behavior and character of people

in the last days

now look at first timothy chapter four

verses one through three first timothy

chapter four

verses one through three

he says now the holy spirit tells us


that in the last times some will turn

away from the true faith

they will follow deceptive spirits and

teachings that come from demons

that’s already here i’ve never heard


such crazy stuff there are religions now

that are trying to convince people

forget about jesus he is not the basics


of this gospel these people

are hypocrites and liars and their


are dead they will say it is wrong to be


and they will say it’s wrong to eat

certain foods

i hear that right now we live in a

generation right now

but generations think well you don’t

need to be married it’s just peace


uh it’s wrong to eat certain food i

respect all your diets i expect the

the the vegetarians and stuff but the

bible say eat meat

in other words what he is saying is is

that there’s coming to time where

they’re going to say it’s wrong to be


it’s wrong to eat certain foods but god

created those foods to be eaten with

thanks by

faithful people who know the truth

says that’s a that’s a last time sign a


look at matthew 24.

see you have to understand something in

these last days

people don’t care about the scripture

you show them because they don’t believe

the bible anyway

but i do it’s my evidence you’re gonna

have to see one day

i don’t want to wait to see

i don’t want to know i’m going down the

wrong road and there’s a cliff at the


and say uh oh my bad oh i shoulda i

would i ain’t doing that

there’s one thing i will not risk and

that’s my eternity with jesus christ

i’m not going to do it matthew 24

verse 9

through 14.

he said then you will be arrested

and persecuted and killed you’ll be


all over the world because you are my


and many will turn away from me and

betray and hate each other

many will turn away from me i see that

many will turn away from me a great

falling away

and betray and hate each other and many

false prophets

will appear and will deceive many i see


i’m amazed at how people can believe

some of these things these false

prophets say

by giving you facebook prophecies

go to facebook look up somebody you know

at the church

and then they know somebody else in

church find out what their dress is

what their name is how many children

they got i’ve seen this i’ve seen this

with my own eyes

you stand up and say there’s somebody in

here with the initials or whatever you

saw on facebook

you live at 41 25 and then and then you

shout and fall out like it was anointed

don’t that’s

many false prophets will appear and will

deceive many people

sin will be rampant everywhere

and the love of many will grow cold

but the ones who endure to the end will

be saved

and the good news about the kingdom will

be preached throughout the whole world

so that all nations will hear it and

then the end will come

so there is not coming until this gospel

has been preached right that’s one thing

i know that’s why

you know while i want to see jesus while

i want to see my relatives while i can’t

while i’m excited about going to heaven

i want to be a part of making sure this

gospel gets preached throughout

all the world and then the end gonna

come i’m coming on

every available voice

every available voice if i got a rock in

order to get a word through tick tock

i’ll rock get saved today or you gonna

die and go to hell


every available voice cold

love that’s the lord what is cold love

he said that’s rebellion against

submitting to god

as humanity falls further away from the

teachings of christ

it will become less loving

as they fall away from the teachings of

christ it will become less loving

they will no longer submit to god

they’ll no longer submit to the promises

of god

we don’t care what the word has to say

we don’t care what the bible has to say

all y’all preachers all y’all want is

money anyway we don’t care all those

four excuses

to not care and not hear let me remind


every knee will bow and every tongue

will confess

that jesus is lord one more and we’ll

get started

let’s look at this side of the king

james and then verse 12 i didn’t amplify

ii peter chapter 2 verses 1

uh let’s read it out of the amplified

second peter chapter 2

verses 1 through 12.

this is uh this is pretty interesting

here second peter chapter two verses one


one through twelve he says but also in

those days there

there are arose false prophets among the


just as there will be false teachers

among yourselves

who will subtly and stealthfully

introduce uh heresies and doctrines and

destructive heresies

even denying and disowning denying and

disowning the master who brought them

bringing upon themselves bringing upon


bringing god didn’t bring him god god’s

not going to be responsible for the


when you choose to go these ways you

bring the destruction upon yourself

god is like i didn’t i didn’t make that

happen you did

i tried to get you to turn every day of

your life but you wouldn’t

verse two and many will follow their

immoral ways

and lasciviousness lasciviousness means

without restraint it’s like you get

involved in some addictive behavior and

you don’t know where the brakes are to

stop it one more time it comes one more

time it comes one more time become one

more time i really mean it this time but

it needs one more time that’s


many will follow their immoral ways

i see that lasciviousness doings because

because of them the true way will be

malignant and defamed and if

and in their covetousness in their now

here covetousness is greed

in their greed and lust they will

exploit you with

false cunning arguments

wow these false teachers in their greed

and their luck

lust they will exploit you

from of old the sentence of condemnation

for them has not been idle

their destruction eternal misery has not

been asleep

for god will not even spare angels that


so when those angels got on satan’s side

and sinned against god

he cast those angels into hell he said

but he cast them in hell

so god did not even spare them ain’t

those angels that sin but cast them in


delivering them to be kept there in pits

of gloom

till the judgment and their doom so that

gives you a little description of hell

see hell was created for the devil and

his angels but if you’re gonna follow

them you’re gonna

end up in hell with in a place with that

wasn’t even created for you

and so god says they didn’t get away

with it there was a consequence for what

they did

and they’re being held in captivity in


until that day of gloom and doom and he

spared not the ancient world

he preserved noah a preacher of


with seven other persons when he brought

a flood upon the world

of ungodly people and he condemned to


and extinction the cities of sodom and


reducing them to ashes and thus set them


as an example to those who would be


and he rescued righteous lot

greatly warned out and distressed

so a lot was distressed and worn out by

the wanton ways of ungodly

and lawlessness so he says in this day

and time

it it’ll wear you out some of you kind

of worn out you can’t look at news

anymore because it’s just too

much it’s like why look at the news only

thing i do when i look at the news

i want to get informed but instead of


informed i’m i’m heavy somebody shot

somebody somebody raped somebody

somebody stole something somebody did

that somebody did that

somebody did that and oh by the way

everybody dying

for that just man living there among

them tortured his righteous soul

every day with what he saw and heard of

their unlawful

and wicked deeds now

if all these things are true then be

sure the lord knows how to rescue the


out of temptation and trials you know

what god said

he said when all hell broke loose with

noah he saved noah and those who were

with him

he said when all hell broke loose in

solomon gomorrah

and it was so bad the perversion was so

bad in sodom and gomorrah

even even the angels were being hit on

in sodom and gomorrah it was that bad

but god says you know what i did he says

i save lot in his family

and then he says all right so prepare

yourselves for similar things

and i i have to assure you like i saved

noah and like i saved lot in them

he said i know how to rescue the godly

out of temptation and trial so so

regardless of how heavy it seems

put this in your mind god knows how to

take care of me

and how to keep the ungodly under


until the day of judgment in doom now

look at verse 12.

this is interesting i want to i want you

to see this

but these people like unreasoning beasts

mere creatures of instinct born only to


captured and destroyed

railing at things of which they are


ignorance is the biggest enemy you’ll

see you’ll see this society

operating like it operates because

they’re ignorant

they claim to have knowledge but they

don’t have it at all

what you get in your university cannot

compare to the wisdom that god gives for


and if you neglect this word over what

you get in universities

you ain’t you you just i get i don’t

even want to finish the sentence okay

let’s just

born only to be captured and destroyed

railing at times of which they are

ignorant they

shall utterly look at this perish in

their own

corruption in their destroying

they shall surely be destroyed

so god says i’m not the one that’s going

i’m not the one that’s causing anything

that’s going to happen to you

he says every choice they make

there’s a consequence and they through

their own corruption

their own corruption it’s hard-headed


who who through their own corruption


you’re not in the word you have you

don’t study the word there’s no

commitment to the word and

somehow you’ve been deceived into

thinking i know better

you can’t even figure your own life out

and yet you know better and you don’t

listen to nobody and you don’t want to

hear what nobody got to say

because you heard what such and so said

on facebook and you heard what such and

so said on instagram and you heard what

such and so said and such and so such

and so said this

and and and most people believe that and

and and and

america believes this and that people

believe that no no no

you’re deceived and thinking you have


and you’re about to be destroyed because

of what you don’t know

and you’re not listening to the wisdom

that could save you

we all are going to die one day

can you really afford to be wrong

when it comes to heaven or hell

i ain’t playing that game i am not going

to be tutored by a fool



so here you see

the behavior and the character of the

last day society

now from our text scriptures there were

approximately 22 or more characteristics

and behaviors that are

becoming intense and becoming more


in these last days in this last day


look at mark 13 and 8 in the amplified i

want to remind you of something

mark 13 and 8 it’s not well you’ve

always seen that kind of stuff happen

he says pay attention to the frequency

and the intensity

he says you know i’m coming based on how

intense something gets

yeah that thing has always happened but

not to this disagree of intensity

he says for nations will rise against

nations kingdoms against kingdoms

there will be earthquakes in various

places there will be famine and


this is but the beginning of intolerable

anguish and suffering only the first of

the birth pangs so

jesus took the birth pangs of a woman

having a baby

and he answered the question when will

that time be

when you will come again and he says

it’s going to be just like a woman

who is who’s preparing to give birth pay

attention to the contractions pay


attention to the intensity and the


and like a baby who’s about to come and

a mother that’s about to give

birth when it gets really intense and

when the frequency is is is really


get ready the baby’s about to be born

we’ve never seen the type of intensity

we’ve seen here now

china had a flood that they hadn’t seen

in a thousand years

we’ve never seen the intensity that we

are seeing

right now i think for a moment that

god’s allowing these in

these these these contractions to go

this way

for for people who are not born again to

at least say well maybe i need to pay

attention because jesus said this

2000 years ago and here it is happening

right now

with intensity and frequency

now i’m not talking yeah they’ve had

earthquakes you know 100 years ago but

not like this

yeah they had fires a long time ago but

not like this where

18 states now are being affected by


and floods and weather

and hurricanes and everything the bible

talks about with intensity

and now the people over a thousand

fights on airplanes

yeah we used to have disagreements on

airplanes but ain’t nobody punching


i mean most people do it your mama

ain’t nobody punching nobody

they’re punching people they’re killing


you do something on the expressway or or


the most we would do is pick a finger

now what pow-pow

murders every day mass murders

suicide rate intense more intense like

you would not believe

the number of people who have killed


from last sunday to the day

crime at a all-time high all

over the world look at what’s happened

in south africa

intensity stuff that you hear people say

we’ve never seen it like this

the behavior of people off the hook

what houston who used to be your best

friend betrays you


pay attention jesus is coming back

the only peace i can have in the middle

of all this stuff i’m not gonna let this

stuff drive me crazy i’m gonna spend my

time focusing more on the word than on


and i pray that he come quickly don’t

pray it come quickly pastor i ain’t

ready you better get rid of it right now

rit quick as a rap you better get ready


r-a-t rat now

so i’m going to talk about just 18 of


here’s what we found we found

self-centered love

lovers of self we found

lovers and greedy and obsessed with


boastful and proud

scoffing at god

disobedient and disrespectful to parents

ungrateful ungodly addicted to hateful

and malicious slander

the slander is crazy now

somebody says why is islam so bad

because they pay you

if you get a good somebody to slander on

youtube or facebook or something like

that you might get a chat

the bible says they’ll they’ll be

addicted to slander

they will consider nothing sacred slaves

to their desires

haters of what is good and right

they will betray their friends they’ll

be reckless

they’ll be puffed up with pride lovers

of pleasure

more than god

love is a pleasure more than god

you know in other words you prefer going

to the club

having sex with anybody getting high

getting drunk

and god ain’t even god’s not even on

your radar anymore

you were raised in the church and god’s

not even on your radar anymore

you act religious he said that’s a

characteristic act religious but reject

the power that could make you godly

bigot it and concede it those are the 18

i want to discuss and i want to discuss

it in a way to really break it down so

you know

exactly what it is so if you find

yourself in either one of these

you can ask god to help you i’m not i’m


trying to preach condemnation i’m not

trying to tell you what you got to do

i’m telling you you’re going to need god

to help you so

if you find some of this stuff in your


the first step you do is god i need you

to help me

and god will say i will be your supply

and he’ll take away the old desire you

have for that thing and give you a new

desire that’s what’s going to happen

but if you walk away here talking about

i got to get rid of that i got to work

real hard to stop that you’re going to

do it the more

you need god’s help i say i say you need

god’s help

okay so the first one we’re going to

deal with

self-centeredness self-centeredness

this is an immoderate concern with one’s


interests and well-being egotism

uh the bible talks how you know thinking

higher of yourself than you ought to


in fact you’ll see some advice given to

us in philippians two

three through four we live in a

self-centered society

everybody is about themselves

uh you everybody stands in their own


you’re not supposed to be standing in

your own circle somebody else is

supposed to be standing in that circle

but we have put ourselves in that circle

which means we are the center of


that everything is what about me what

about me what about me what about me

okay and notice what he says here he

says let

look at this in the nlt real quick just

for the sake of time

uh this is the advice he gives against

self-centeredness he said don’t be


don’t try to impress others

be humble thinking of others as

better than yourself seriously you don’t

see that much

you don’t see people thinking of other

people better than themselves

it’s me it’s me it’s me he said don’t

look out only for your own interests

but take an interest in others too you

know where the society is right now

everybody’s looking out for their own


they’re not looking out for somebody

else’s interest it’s a weird thing for

you to see somebody

put somebody ahead of them that’s not a


that’s not a common occurrence in this

day in time

you think well you must be a christian

because you did that not even christian

people christian people

have even become a little bit


they’re concerned about what’s going on

with them they’re not concerned about

what’s going on with somebody else

when was the last time you did anything

for somebody but yourself

as christians we’ve been called to be

servants and we serve

nobody but ourselves

right don’t look out only for your own


but take an interest in others too

so what are the consequences

you know jesus is making it clear this

is what happens

this is what you’re going to see in the

last days how do

how does a person get there i don’t want

this to be seen in my life in the last

days as i studied each one of these

it caused me to examine every area every

area that i studied

in my own life and i’m like oh god

help me not to be self-centered

yes it’s all right for me to love myself

but not to the point where i never

put other people ahead of me that’s

i don’t want to be like that god help me

so what are the consequences and so

remember the people who end up with


character issues in the last days they

end up because they wouldn’t pay

attention to what god was trying to say

in the very beginning

he was saying there’s a there’s a cliff

stop there’s a cliff stop

you say no no no i’d have been down this

road before i’ve been around this real


and he’s like you don’t understand they

started construction on a bridge there’s

a cliff stop

and you didn’t pay attention so what are

the consequences and by scripture let me

show you

romans chapter 2 verse 8 and the nlt

romans 2 8 and the nlt let’s examine

what happens he says but

he will pour out his anger and wrath on

those who live for themselves

he will pour out his anger and wrath

for those who live for themselves who

refuse to obey the truth and instead

they live

lives of wickedness

james 3 16 and nlt

james 3 16.

he says for wherever there is jealousy

and selfish ambition

selfish ambition there you will find


and evil of every kind no not god’s not

doing this god is saying

this is where this path takes you

this path takes you to disorder

and evil of every kind it’s going to


now you may think well no my selfish

ways have really been a blessing to me

you better enjoy it because as you stay

on that path

it is going to lead to disorder and evil

of every kind wow

we’re always going through stuff and

asking how come this happened

i don’t know why i’m going through this

i don’t know what’s happening to me

and complaining and you know listen

anytime you complain about something you


in that same place when you complain you


selfish it takes you to disorder it

takes you

to evil of every kind

i found this in luke chapter 7 luke 17


in the nlt this is so amazing here

putting oneself leads to a destruction

of oneself

putting oneself first excuse me putting

oneself first

leads to a destruction of oneself

look at this he says if you cling to

your life you will lose it

and if you let your life go you’ll save


out in the world it’s all about cleaning

to my life

putting yourself first is a sure way

a sure way to the destruction of


there’s no such thing as being


and not not seeing the destruction that

comes from being there

show up in your life not by god’s hand

by your decisions

number two

lovers of money

jesus said you’re going to see a time


everybody is about the money

oh i’ll do anything to get the money

we have we’ve been we’ve been messed up

with this

oh but god wants you to prosper he

doesn’t want you to be a lover of money

well what are you talking about well

look at first timothy chapter 6 and 10

a lover of money what is a lover of


a lover of money is trusting in money

more than god

a lover of money and that’s what happens


when people figure out how to get money

god’s gone

when you are a lover of money god is not

priority anymore

when you place more value in money than


that’s a that’s idolatry idolatry

is based on the value you give a thing

that’s idolatry

and god used to get the number one spot

in your life

in your pursuit of money your trusting


has replaced god out of first place

and now money’s first place

and the problem is not money the problem

is trust the problem

money is not the issue where you talk

about the love of money trust

is the issue where you’re talking about

will of money you trust money more than


and i know people who have done stuff

and didn’t have a dime but they trusted


and the money showed up but there’s some

people today

you know there used to be a time where

there there were certain

there were some things you wouldn’t do

for money

i think that’s gone i think people

have agreed to do all kinds of things

for money

if the price is right and i ain’t

talking about the show if the price is


they do stupid stuff for money because

if you’re giving the right money they

can get psychological help to try to get

over whatever they decided to do

and you you trust money more you trust


now look at this scripture this is this

this this also helped because the church

didn’t even know how to teach this right

here for a long time they thought the

love of money was having money

when you’re blessed you’re gonna be

blessed in every arena of life okay

but you know where your blessings came

from you know where your business came

from you know where your job came from

you know where your wealth came from it

came from

hallelujah and he always you always

giving him praise

but i guarantee you meet a guy who has a

love of money he’s also selfish he’ll

tell you

in an arrogant way it was me

and if you talk about god too much he’ll

get jealous god didn’t do nothing i

remember when

my uh nephew uh when he was small ryan

said to

my daddy he said look at what god gave

me god got my bicycle

my dad said um god didn’t give you that

i gave you that

i said dad no he didn’t understand he

praised god he got it all

later but you know he didn’t understand

don’t be giving god the credit i did


love of money folks notice this for the

love of money is the watch

this the root of all kinds of evil

what’s the love of money

trusting money more than you trust

god that’s the love of money

having money is not evil

i tell you what’s evil being broke is



you better get that right not being able

to to to pay your uh heating bill when

it’s cold outside that’s an evil thing

not being able to buy food for your wife

and your children and they’re

hungry that’s an evil evil thing not

being able to give your girl something

to fix their hair and it gets napping

now that’s evil that’s evil

and church folks didn’t know how to talk

about this and see you sending a double

message the

money is if money was evil then all of

us in here right now

are evil for getting up every morning to

go to a job to try to get something

no the evil thing is your your trust

trust is the issue

it’s a trust issue for the love of money

or wrong relationship with money

trusting money

is the root of all kinds of evil

and some people craving money

having wandered from the true faith and

pierced themselves with

many sorrows

the sorrows comes as a as a result of


you know the lord said something to me

that blew my mind one day he said the


to all sin i thought man this is going

to be good

the root to all sin

you ready for this not trusting god

wow the root to all sin

not trusting god forget about your works

you do at the church

the root to all sin

is not trusting god

when you don’t trust god to provide

guess what’ll happen

you will steal

when you don’t trust god to fix your

marriage guess what will happen you will

commit adultery

when you don’t trust god with your

sexual identity

you will change it

the root to all sin

is not trusting god amen this love of

money is an

issue of trust and he says in these last


you’re going to see people that will


the first church of mammon

let me show you what this is luke 16 13.

luke 16 13.

somebody shout not me

i mean think about it you think it’s

really worth it

to do something illegal for some money

and you got to spend 22 years

in a little box for real

somebody said why are you in jail oh

cause i i did a little ponzi thing with


for real

ain’t no ain’t enough money in the world

for me to do something that’s gotta


time in jail trying to get some some

some paper

why please but there are people

in these last days who say it’s worth it

there are all kinds of schemes coming up

all kinds of stuff people are doing

anytime something new somebody on the

other side is working on an illegal way

to get it

how can i get your identity how can i

get you a car you know they got devices

today and when you go to the mall they

just point it at you

and it’ll get your your number of your

off your card

now you got to carry something in your

wallet to block it

i had somebody to to steal my identity

they’re in jail now

they’re in jail i didn’t know it

i realize you got to watch out where you

put your card at

certain neighborhoods you can’t be using

no card

it’s the truth

luke 16 13 he says no one can serve two


you will either hate one and love the


you will be devoted to one and then

you’ll despise the other

you cannot serve god

and the king james says and mammon he

says you can’t serve god and be enslaved

to money

mammon is not money mammon is the spirit

or the demon that’s over money trying to


you that you don’t need god you need


you don’t trust god you trust money

that’s what mammon is mammon is a demon


and what matter wants to do is convince

you you don’t need god no more

join my church don’t trust god trust


because if he can get you into mammon

like he’s got in this nation

this nation this nation has been


into mammon you have to ask yourself

every time something goes on in this in

this nation

you got to ask yourself is mammon the

ultimate motivation

somebody getting paid

and how much is that happening and i


oh my goodness i know it’s on the news

but is that a lie

is that a lie and you don’t really find

out if it was a lie

until 50 years later or something and

i’m thinking oh my goodness

but the bible says let god be true i

have to trust him

maybe something you’re dealing with

mammon might be behind it

maybe the girlfriend you got right now

mama might be behind it

she don’t love you but she saw your bank



and she asked the question what love got

to do got to do

got to do with it people don’t marry no

more for no love

they marry for cash

can you take care of me can you buy me

this and i want this brand and i want


i want to live this way and i want to do

that way here’s the deal here’s what you

don’t understand about mammon

one day the truth of it seeks in

and you realize you want more than that

now you want stuff that money can’t buy

money can buy a house but can’t make it

a home

money can buy medicine but it can’t buy


money can buy your wife for about maybe

four years

but don’t go broke she gonna go

cause she did not marry you for love

that’s where we are the reality shows

all the reality shows are just flaunting

money we’re successful while you have


money doesn’t make you successful

how successful do you think it is this

guy has a billion dollars

but he’s dying of cancer

that’s not prosperity he’s a poor man

with a billion dollars

it’s not successful you think you’re

successful cause you got a big bank


seriously and i know people

who are rich they don’t have a billion

dollars in the bank but they’re rich in

love and

rich in family and rich in relationships

no no no some of y’all i prefer the

money though i don’t know

i don’t want to be that rich in family

have they i’ve got enough family

hesitation praise the lord

but you don’t understand god will bless

you with all the pieces all the slices

of the pie

if you’ll put him first and if you trust

him he will take care of you

you will have the most successful

businesses in this country

you will be the greatest entrepreneurs

ever and every time somebody comes and

asks you why

you’ll say to god be the glory and god

says oh

i can listen because they trust me i can


them with substance they won’t replace

me with what i bless them with

how are you going to replace the creator

with his creation

and people have done that everybody

trying to get


because you love money more than you

love god and what you don’t know

that’s leading to a cliff

your love of money your trust of money

is leading

to a cliff

and it’s going to be ugly thing and the

sad thing about it

and you will you will have a terrible


when you get at that time you’ll think

if i had you have so much regret if i

could do it all over again

i would have made different choices i

would have never replaced god

with money and it’s amazing how church

folks come to church

ask god to bless them he blesses them

and then they disappear

i could never figure that out

i’ve been doing this for 40 years

i mean i don’t look like it but i’ve

been doing it for

i’ve been doing this for 40 years


and i have never ever

seen god forsake taffy and i or this



well i wish i could say the same you

will be able to say the same one

but don’t be a part of this society

that trusts money more than you trust


does everybody understand that let’s go

to number three

boastful and proud

boastful and proud of course to boast

means to speak with exaggeration

and excessive pride especially about


i don’t understand how can you boast

about something you know you’re not

responsible for

the bible talks about how we were saved

by grace

it was not of ourselves but it was a

gift of god

so that no man can boast

pride is showing a high opinion of of


your own dignity importance and


thinking of yourself higher than what

that what you really are

so what are the consequences

uh guys i’m gonna ask y’all to pull up a

new version i really like this it’s the


version go to proverbs 11 2

4 in the erv version

if you don’t have the erv version then

we’ll just have to get a telephone or


i meant to bring my telephone my people

don’t even call it telephone you know

what i’m saying


most of the youth looking at me like

what what what do you say

cell phone excuse me

james james uh proverbs 11 2 through 4.

uh if you don’t have it it’s the erv

not the esv if you have an erv version

erv and then i’ll use the esv for the

rest of them

if you have an erv for just this

particular scripture

if not we’ll just use this one let’s use

this one for the time sake okay

when pride comes then comes disgrace but

with the humble is wisdom

so when that boastful thing happens he


uh disgrace happens he says in verse


the integrity of the upright guides them

but the crookedness of the

treacherous destroys them for riches do

not profit in the day of wrath

but righteousness delivers from death

isn’t that the truth

in the day of wrath when jesus is about

to come back

you riches ain’t gonna help you

and i’ve never seen a u-haul

driving behind a hearse going to the

funeral the the cemetery

you can’t take none of it with you it’s

all divvied up

oh there it is they got it in there you

go in the in this version it says proud

and boastful people will be


but wisdom stays with those who are

modest and humble

good people are guided by their honesty

but crooks who lie and cheat

will ruin themselves ruin themselves

money is worthless when you face god’s


but living right will save you from


wow look at james 4 16

in the esv version

james 4 16 and then james 4 6 in that in

the same version yes

esv he says as it

is you boast in your arrogance

all such boasting is evil boasting in


i mean this dude this dude is just you

ever met somebody arrogant

it you can’t help but to apply

superiority with that it’s like you

you’re so arrogant you think you’re

above everybody

you know what he says in these last days

that’s what you’re going to see and he

says all that kind of boasting

is evil and then james four and six

why are you showing us these scriptures

because it’s better for me to show you

that it’s in the bible

than for you to assume it’s in the bible

while i go and try to

articulate a sermon that you’ll rate me

a 10 on i don’t care about that i want

you to get this stuff jesus is coming


and i want to take as many of you with

taffy and i

to heaven as we have the greatest party

that has ever been given

it’s going to happen jesus is coming

back he is coming back

and you’re not going to be giving him

these little soft excuses

well lord i thought you know how far

that’s going to go

you remember when this guy was in hell

he said sin don’t send these

send abraham send send somebody from the

dead to my brothers

and tell them that this is really true

so they won’t end up in this awful place

like i am and you remember what he said

to him

he said they have abraham and the


they need to listen to them he says even

though somebody comes from the dead

they still not gonna believe it and

that’s the society we’re living in right


if somebody were to come back from the

dead with some of these people they

still ain’t gonna believe it they don’t

believe nothing

you do a miracle you know the greatest

enemy to grace

cynicism the cynic

who just can’t believe that it is

absolutely possible for anybody

to do anything good

everybody got to be low down in dirty


but he gives more grace therefore he

says god opposes the proud

but he gives grace to the humble i want

to humble myself i want to bow the knee

and submit to what he’s saying to me i’m

saying it’s time to be a for real

christian i said it’s time to be a for

real christian

not just play church stuff i’m gonna be

a for a real christian when

when certain people come around come

around you with some kind of tomfoolery

it ought to grieve your spirit to the

point you say come here man let me talk

to you don’t do that around me

well that didn’t bother you before i’m

not like what i was before

okay i didn’t realize how detrimental

that was to my spirit i don’t want

i can’t hang with that and like i told

you it’s all right to cut people off

sometimes you outgrow people you need to

let them say now me and you can’t do

that no more because i’m here

and you ain’t did nothing in the last 20

years i got to let you go

so long

some people refuse to grow well just

because you refuse to grow doesn’t mean

i have to be impacted

by your unwillingness to mature

amen and everybody ain’t got to be your

friend either

some of y’all got too many friends what

some y’all some of y’all ain’t got no

more room for no more friends y’all got

too many friends

it’s weighing you out

every 15 minutes somebody different call

you hey

how are you oh i’m fine hi how are you

good what you up to ahead of everybody

you can’t get undone

your husband freaking out cause he’s

trying to get a little time but now

amanda always called in the house taught

my husband i want a man to go spend some

time with her husband and leave on

leave my wife alone i can’t spend no i

don’t and then you don’t like amanda


no i ain’t got time and i’m my friend

if i don’t know you by now ain’t got

time nobody else i won’t hit none of



scoffing at god

number four

that word means to mock at to deride or

to laugh at in scorn to reject to refuse

or to ignore

scoffing at god is

i’m ignoring what you’re saying i refuse

to hear what you got to say i reject

what you got to say about the things of


to the point i might shout

and taunt and heckle

i was in uh portland oregon preaching

and i was sharing some scripture and a

guy in the back

started heckling and

he don’t know me i love when i get

people like that

because as crazy as they get i like bro

from college park you can’t get no more

crazy than i am

so i started talking back to him

i had maybe i had to repent just a

little bit but he got to talk about

it i said no

you’re wrong you’re wrong you’re wrong

right wrong because you’re ignorant and

you’re unlearned and you’re just old mad


cause you ain’t got nobody to love you

and you don’t love yourself and you’ve


issues in your own life and that’s why

you can’t understand what i’m saying

so shut your mouth up

him and that demon said well god dawg



they ain’t even have to carry him out he

just left

i was in scotland preaching in scotland

and i already got a warning overseas you

know do not come to our country

it’s like what who are you the country

you know tell me what not to come and so

one of my spiritual sons

uh dr greg poe he called me up he says

uh uh i’m

i’m going to scotland i’m going to

handle anything that might come up

you just focus on preaching and so when

when greg walked in he was like he

walked in like

you know a military like he’s going to

kill somebody i’m like well

greg you’re all right no i just want you

to know i got it you just preached i got


i’m like dr greg paul you know

so we had went to a couple of uh cities

and and we were

on like maybe the third stop and uh

so i think it was a sunday morning and i

was preaching that morning

and i thought well everything’s cool

just a bunch of talk

and dude let me tell you this guy

somehow he got up in the corner there

and he came out henry i said heresy

grandfather dog and he’s walking at me

and i’m kind of like okay now i’m on


television i got these people in front

of me but then the other part of me said

now i know he don’t think i’m just going


stand here and let him

just punish me and so i’m like lord you

got the help cause

he getting closer

and i got the anointing to teach but i

think it does him off real good

he got he got two more steps before he


that i’m from cali paul


so the guy that was with me he was at

the bottom

and then my train at the time he leaped

up on the thing

and got between me and him and

stiff-armed him boy he must have stepped

because we ran into his arm he boom went

back like that i’m like dang fred

and they got him and arrested him and

took him off

and i thought

wow this stuff is for real

this guy this guy wanted a piece of me

and so i’m like what’s next y’all don’t

know some stuff we’ve been through the

years we

we did a meeting in philadelphia we had

to have the fbi sitting in the

congregation because they

sent death threats to me and my wife

would you know cutting her neck off of

mine often

no no jesus no we we found them we well

ain’t gonna put that but we

we we went to their house you understand

college professionals we don’t do that

well no

we gonna find you not not now you sent

this picture let me tell you don’t you


oh that was overweight yeah yeah i

didn’t even know what was going on we

took care of it we’re fine

they’re all over the place have you ever

noticed online

how prompt people are to come

online just to say ugly things

so now we got some online ushers

say one thing out of line say something

say something

you know what happened the anointing the


you removed forever

ain’t no need of us letting you come

back in no more you weren’t there for

the right reason in the first place

so if we catch you you out forever it’s

just like you know here

why not help we have ushers here get

crazy here we got people to handle you

same thing online get crazy online we

got people to handle you

you ain’t got to listen to me you ain’t

got the log on why are you on time

to come and just say nasty stuff move

yourself on somewhere else your little

internet assassin go somewhere

y’all remember the time when i was

preaching on prosperity a lot and we

every every sunday we would get somebody

to come to church

and they thought they were called to god

to stand up and correct me

y’all remember what happened they got

one word out and bam they were gone

all i did was turn i turned my head did

like that they were gone

that’s gonna happen more and more

and more and yeah it will get dangerous

i was on my way to nigeria to visit a

friend of mine

and god spoke to me and said don’t go

your life’s on the line

i said but i promised i would go he said

don’t go and i knew i wasn’t supposed to


so i called him and i said ah for some

reason i’m not supposed to go

the next morning the car that picked me

up with the people who picked me up

they were kidnapped and murdered

god knows how to deliver

his people out of temptation


ii peter chapter 3 verse 3 through 4 in

the esv

they’re they’re doing this right now

look look at what he says here second

peter three

three through four second peter three

three through four and e

s v uh look at this this

the scoffers here he says knowing this

first of all that scoffers will come

in the last days with scoffing following

their own

sinful desires they will say

watch this where is the promise of his


they’re already saying that right

forever since the fathers fell asleep

all things are continuing as they were

from the beginning of creation

that’s what they’re doing they’re making

fun they hear me teaching this stuff

right there and they’re like

that ain’t happening they’ve been saying

jesus coming back for a thousand years

he’s not here yet

why because you ain’t saying this

he’s trying to wait long enough for you

to get saved

that’s love and that’s mercy

what are the consequences when you do

this what are the consequences when you

make fun

and you scoff at the return of the lord

as if it’s not going to happen

proverbs 19 29 the esv proverbs 19 29

the esv

condemnation is ready for scoffers

and beating for the backs of fools

first timothy 6 20 through 21 let’s look

at it in the nlt

first and then the esv let’s still get

two versions first

timothy 6 20-21 to know that these

things are in the bible it’s just

life-changing for me i’m like my god

that’s in the bible

timothy guard what god has entrusted to


avoid godless foolish discussions with

those who oppose you

with their so-called knowledge sometimes

we’ll have people picketing out there

with their so-called knowledge

some people have wondered from the faith

by following such foolishness

may god’s grace be with you all look at

this in the other version

these things are happening man these

things are going to kind of pass

you know what you you should be sitting

there thinking about uh

life is i know it is coming to an end

so i’m going to die or to be changed

in other words when all this stuff

happens what what

what where where what’s going to happen

to me

oh timothy guard the deposit it to you

avoid the irreverent

babble and contradictions of what is


called knowledge

for by professing it some have swerved

from the faith and he said grace be with


you got to be careful who you listen to

you got to be careful who you listen to

taffy was showing me about

you know some some guy on television

just insulting women and and he’s

becoming popular because women are so

desperate for the truth

they’re looking at the so-called


and the whole bottom line is if you want

to marry a millionaire

then you got to do you got to be this

kind of way to marry me how do you how

do you sit up and listen to somebody

insult you

is it that bad

i got to try something because i got to

get a man

you know you can do bad all by yourself


you don’t need a man to do bad by



you got to have some value about you

this thing come to a close

number five i got 37 seconds

30 seconds now

let me just introduce this so we can

spend time on it

disobedient and disrespectful to parents

there are serious consequences of

dishonoring and disrespecting parents

the question for adult children are you

losing your blessings

there is a serious problem in the body

of christ

that i don’t think people are aware of a

growing number of adult children

are ungrateful critical disrespectful

toward their christian

and non-christian parents they are

magnifying their parents’s faults

and minimizing their parent’s sacrifice

and love

they expect grace from their parents but

give very little in return

and unfortunately many in the church are

sympathizing with these fault-finders

in direct contradiction to god’s word

when we become adults we take on adult

responsibility towards our parents

we no longer obey them but we do our

part to have a meaningful relationship

with them

and god never excuses disrespect towards


because disrespect towards parents show

disrespect for him

and his promises and even if your

parents made some large mistakes

you can return good for evil

so next week we’re going to pick up with


and i’m going to show you scriptures

deuteronomy chapter 21

exodus chapter 21 where there was a


law amongst jewish people

and the civil law was when you have a


or a daughter that disobeyed and they

they disrespected and disobeyed their

parents the parents would take them to

the gate of the city

and all the people in the city would

come and stone them to death

because they would not respect and honor

their parents

there’d be some major killing if that

was still a lie today

but i’ll travel through history and show



god’s heart about it it’s the only moral

law where god included

a blessing

it’s the only one where he he said

if you do this where your parents are

concerned you will

you will live right you will you’ll

it’ll be good with you he says and

you’ll live long on the earth

we have an issue in our country where we

disrespect the elderly

and there are consequences for adult


who ignore and disrespect and dishonor

their parents whether you think they

deserve it or not

the consequences are big there are

people that used to be on the planet

some of them died horrible deaths and it

can be traced back to the dishonor

and disrespect of their parents

we’re not under that law anymore

but it was the only one where god said

if you do this

all will be well with you and you’ll

live long

and there are adult children

who have parents that those adult


don’t even budge a finger to take care

of those parents

something’s coming you got a problem

with your mom and daddy because

something that they didn’t do

or you think they could have did it

better and i’ll talk

i’ll show you scripture where in the

last days the children

will be deceived into thinking they know

more than the parent

i freaked out thinking about this i

thought i gave you life

you wouldn’t even be alive if it weren’t

for me

i’ll talk to you about the issue i had

with my daddy i hated him at one time

i’m so glad i had a chance to repair


hated him pulled a gun on him

you’re not disrespectful and

dishonorable that was

i was on my way to an early grave

i was also unsaved at the time

when i got saved

i got saved

my family got saved and i didn’t know at

the time but i made a

commitment to him the short time he

lived after that and

my mother thought i would honor them

and now i would take care of my mother

for the rest of her life

that i will that all will be well with


and all that i’ll live long on this


it goes back to that you don’t think so

it goes back to that so if you are an


person in here and you got a parent that

you are estranged from

and you’re dishonoring them you know the

bible says when you curse your parents

it’s not

cussing them out but curse them

when you when you when you speak

negatively of them

to your children and slander them in

front of your children now your children

got a problem with

them just like you got a problem with

them he said i will snuff your candle


it’s an epidemic beyond proportions that

i’ve ever seen before

and they think they have a right to

strut around

and dishonor their parents

consequences are there and jesus said in

the last day

that would be one of the greatest things

you’ll see you’ll know i’m coming

when you start looking at

children and how they dishonor

their parents

next week right here at world changers

church international

did y’all get anything out of that today

lift your hands up come on just just

lift your hands up and just right now


father help me


your time is near your time is near

help me

help me to do all that you’ve caught me


to do to be everything you know that i

am to be

don’t let me allow my emotions to move

me from the blueprint of my life

don’t don’t let me allow my emotions to

to move me from

the architectural design for my life

help me i know you’re coming

i look for you that is my great hope i

look for you

and when i see you i’ll be like you

for i’ll be changed in a moment in the

twinkling of an eye

help me help me to first realize there’s

so much i don’t know

help me help me god

i call upon your name not as someone

who has been taught and trained by a

fool but i call upon your name and

humble myself and say lord

teach me help me


and my father i pray by the power of the

holy spirit

that you will be that very present help

right now in the time of trouble

that you will be that very present help

right now in the time of trouble

lord i stretch my hands to thee

no other help i know

no other help i know

we give you praise and as we go through

these 18 characteristics

give us wisdom

let us see areas where we need to make

adjustments and make those adjustments

amen now if you’re here today and you’re

watching on stream right now or you’re

here in

this building right now and you’ve never

made jesus the lord of your life i’m

gonna lead you to the lord if you’ll

just repeat this

simple prayer with me i’m gonna i’m

gonna lead you to the lord jesus christ

the only thing you need to do to get to


is to accept jesus’s forgiveness the

only thing you need to do to get to

heaven is to get born again that’s it

it doesn’t require you to feed a whole

nation and all these other things the

only thing you got to do

is to get born again and if that’s you

right now and you have not been born


and you say pastor dollar today i am

ready to give my heart to jesus

i’m not willing to gamble with my


well if that’s you i want you to repeat

this simple prayer after me

ready heavenly father

i realize that i’m a sinner but right

now i repent

i change my mind and i turn away from

that life of sin

today i accept

the free gift of salvation

i accept the forgiveness of jesus

glory heavenly father

be my savior be my lord

sit on the throne of my heart

save me so by faith

i declare now that i am saved

thank you lord for saving me

in jesus name amen

now if you prayed that prayer we

congratulate you

we welcome you in church congregation

let’s put our hands together and just

celebrate those who got born again we

welcome you

we thank god for you we thank god for


and you know what if you are uh if

you’re online streaming in

if you’ll just text the key word i’m

saved that’s one word to 51555

and if you’ll provide your name and

email address

we’ll send you a free ebook as a gift to

you today

now those of you who are here and you

just got born again

or god’s speaking to your heart about

joining this church world changers

church international today

well i’m just glad that we’re we got to


the the altar open again amen and that

people are coming to the altar

but if you if you’ll make that decision


to do that if you want to join this

church or if you want to come

to the altar if you just got saved if

you’ll do that right now

that’ll be great but also to our

e-church family

if you’ve never had the opportunity to

become an official e-church member

it starts today becoming an e-member is


use one of our ways to join you can join

on the web

you can go to and click

join at the top of the page or you can


join wcci that’s all one word

to five one five five five and we’ll

send you all the benefits

we’ll send you all the benefits of


uh it’s that simple to become a part of

world change’s nation

as an e member and so

starting today will not only be

opening the altar up for people to join

the church

for people to get saved but also for

people online

to get saved and to join the church as

well amen

so praise the lord


come on down

come on down


amen god is not gonna catch us not ready



i want to pray with you and then i’m

going to ask you to go to the prayer

room and they’re going to get some


to help us to continue to minister to



we feel like discipleship is important

it’s one thing to get born again but

it’s another thing to be discipled

and we’ve got a lot of things available

for discipleship

that we want to make sure we can stay in

touch with you guys and the same thing

listen whatever we do here live we’ll be

able to do online

as well and we are not we’re not going

to stop for one moment

um we’re not going to let anything stop

us from getting that gospel out to do

what need to be done

i think last week over a hundred and

something people got born again and gave

their lords to jesus their life to jesus

christ that’s amazing

it’s amazing

amen so father i pray that the blessings


so upon these people as they’ve gotten

born again

as they join this church lord you know

their end

you knew it at your beginning and i

think that nothing will stop them

we give you praise in jesus name and

everybody say it amen

at this time if you’ll turn this way and

follow our guys to the uh prayer room

they’re gonna take in minister to you

give you biblical understanding and get

some information from you that’s going

to help us out amen

praise the lord


let’s uh

let’s go ahead and conclude our worship

today through our giving amen

if uh if you’re ready to worship god

with your giving

if you need an offering envelope you can

give uh

your offering envelope if you’re gonna

uh give with the qr code

both here or as you you know as you’re

leaving that’s so cool you’ll be able to

just scan the qr code and do all kinds

of stuff

i’m gonna make some kind of

announcements to show you guys all the

stuff we have available for you

we’re looking and tapping in on a lot of

stuff but when you worship god

with your with your offerings that’s so

awesome it’s like i’m thanking god for

what he’s done

and a lot of times the opportunity to

give god thanks for

what you received from the word uh

what what he’s done the previous week

how he delivered how he saved you for

his grace and for his mercy

we’re not giving so god can give can

bless us he’s already blessed us

and by faith we receive that blessing

and so we celebrate what he’s already


through our gift-giving we’re not given

to god so we can get victory he’s

already given us victory

so our giving is a celebration an


a a gratitude for what he’s already done

and so god says you you need to consider

in your heart

what you’re going to give he made this


whatever you give he says i’ll multiply

whatever you don’t give he says i can’t


and so the bible says give sparingly

your wreath barely give

bountifully you’ll reap bountifully but

we don’t give out of necessity

we give out of a cheerful heart amen and

so when giving becomes

something that is so exciting something

that you’re having an opportunity to

express your gratitude

to god and not something that’s


something that’s full of guilt and shame

i just knew the whole time this is the

right way to do it it is worship

it is worship give unto him glory that’s

due unto his name

what’s the glory he said bring an

offering and worship him

in the beauty of his holiness so that’s

what this is about

it’s our opportunity to worship him and

to conclude this worship service

through gift giving now if you’re

streaming online

you want to give through text you can

give you can

text world changers space and the amount

to 74483

you can call the 1 866 number 477-7683

get some assistance there on the phone

if you’d like to mail in that’s the

address 2500 burdette road

or if you’d like to go to the website

you can go to or

you can give online and you can use your

paypal account if you have one online

and you’re listening from other places

also we have a qr code for those of you

at home you can also

scan that on your screen and for those

of you who are here

if you uh i want to use your qr code

just take your phone

take a picture of that thing there and

take it directly to the text

deal and uh you can just put the amount

in and hit send

or you can scan that same qr code where

it says giving in

the lobby and do the same thing there

um praise the lord so at this time uh

ushers go ahead and receive the

offering envelopes they’re like what

four or five ways again dang before the

pandemic it was just

get off an envelope amen

but we are determined whether you are

here in the dome

or at home streaming in you should be


to take full advantage of everything

that we’re doing

from communion to giving to praising and

worshiping god

and hopefully you’re feeling pretty

comfortable about coming to church how

many of you are feeling more and more

comfortable about

about coming to church amen it’s um

if you hadn’t checked into our on-site

wellness center i tell you what the

biggest way to go through things that

are happening

now is to be fit to fight amen

the greatest thing you can have is a

great immune system

it’s so important and so we have a an


amazing medical team that’s going to

keep us in line think of that i don’t

think i know a church that’s got a

medical wellness center

right on target and we’ve got people who

uh we have a

weight loss program that is you know

guaranteed you lose a pound

a day how many of you have taken that so

far and is it working it’s good in it

it’s amazing it’s just amazing and so we


obesity is one of the reasons that will

cause a lot of sickness and disease and

you know you don’t want to stay there

especially when they got a way to get it

off of you

and get it off of you in a way where

it’s it’s sound it’s good

it’s healthy and you’ll get off a lot of

pills that you’re taking right now a lot

of sick stuff will go away

if you’ll do what needs to be done there

so stop by the wellness centers in the

administration building

on the end next to the cafeteria area

and uh that’ll be a blessing to you

everything to bless

world changers amen god bless you well

if all hearts and minds are clear

you can stand to your feet we’ll finish

this on next sunday

on wednesday this week we are talking


the reality of demons and how they

take over people’s lives and how you can

have authority over them so

we’ll finish that up this wednesday as

well good to see you guys

well it’s good to be seen rather than

view right


let’s prepare for the final blessing now

father i pray that you

look into every life every situation

and i pronounce your blessing over every

individual at the sound of my voice

i say that that blessing is working in

them and through them and that blessing

is working for them

i thank you lord for an abundant amount

of favor

i thank you for your grace and your


i pray that they will walk in such favor

that the favor of god will go ahead of

them and divinely arrange things before

they even arrive

i pray lord that you’re the god that’s

healing all things

that you’re putting all things in the

right place

that you’re restoring all things i thank

you lord that that blessing

is on this congregation world changes


is blessed protect them throughout the


cause them to be psalms 91 equipped

and nothing that happens in this society

will affect

these blessed people and now unto him

who is able to keep you from falling

and to present you faultless before the

almighty god

be glory majesty

dominion and power

both now and forever

and everybody said amen goodbye

everybody have a good day