Showcasing the faithfulness of God upon the Living Faith Church Worldwide for the past 40 years as delivered to Bishop David Oyedepo. Culled from The Mandate (the operational manual of the Living Faith Church Worldwide) PRODUCTION MANAGER Kemi Oyedepo SCRIPT & CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Kemi Oyedepo Shola Coker Olusegun Akindunjoye NARRATOR Femi Sowoolu A Baainz Media production for the Living Faith Church Worldwide Copyright 2021.


the liberation mandate is what we refer


as the commission

because that was where everything began

it was delivered on a most dramatic and

awesome platform

on may 1st 1981

i traveled to two towns in the southwest

of nigeria

my mission was to check up on two sets

of friends who were both young couples

because i had not heard from them in a


however when i got to the second

location which was elisha

i found a note on the door with the


a way for the weekend


rather than being disappointed i said

all things work together for good to the

advantage of them that love the lord

then the holy spirit said to me

seek a quiet place

i want to talk with you

that was a timely instruction

because i had quite a few other friends

in that town that i would have visited

and had a good time with

however i obeyed the voice of the holy


and asked a passerby if there was any

hotel in the outskirts of the town where

i could lodge


was how i met

with destiny


the quiet place i found was one

international hotel elisha

behold as i knelt down to give thanks in

the room

an encounter began that lasted for 18


in that great vision

i saw a lineup of the afflicted

and oppressed




the blind the lame and the wretched

as all kinds of deformities

and i was greatly bewildered

i heard their wailing as they filed past


their groaning was so intense that i

could almost feel their pains

i began to cry and sob along with them


what is this i asked

i heard god say to me

and from the beginning it was not

so i broke down the more in tears

in the midst of all that i kept asking

but why lord

and i heard god say distinctly to me

but from the beginning it was not so

and now the hour has come to liberate

the world from all oppressions of the


through the preaching of the word of


and i am sending you

to undertake this task

i rose from the 18-hour vision fully

persuaded of god’s call upon my life

into the ministry

that was how i received the liberation


having received the call to the ministry

in 1981 precisely may first

and second immediately

it began to share the vision with people

he believed that i like mine

and the people


were counted a privilege


follow him in the journey

and i remember precisely

not many days after i received the


the fellowship began that is called

faith libration


there in a lawyer

with a handful of people

and shortly after that

the powerhouse

which is made up of 70 people




under his leadership began to have times

of prayer and fasting

and of course with


special meetings of two three days

holding at different places around


now that went on


upward of 28 months

after which the ministry was formally


september 17

1983 in preparation for entry into

full-time ministry

god spoke to his servant

i will not have you go like others have


i will have hands laid on you

so you can be filled with a spirit of


send for my servant adeboye

and i will have him lay hands on you

and you shall be filled

with the spirit of wisdom

though the two men had never met before

that encounter

god made good his word

and so on the 17th of september 1983

pastor e adeboye

of the redeemed christian church of god

was on hand

to officiate the commissioning service

speaking prophetically into the future

of the ministry i’ve come to understand

very clearly he’s a man that hears from


at the time i was

feeling a pull towards going to cartoon

work then in kuala state in the lord

and i asked my wife that we should pray

and find out what exactly is go say

when the ministry was to move from the

learnings in christ states to the north

for instance


both of us were praying i can never

forget i see how the mental picture of

where we were at that point in time we

were praying asking god

a way to move from kwara state to

cardinal or stay back here


number of people we have in the learning

was far more than cardinal

so there is no natural way to even feel

your food towards that place but i could

feel that food

and then

the lord said to me why we’re praying in

the morning stand up

take your bible

and i believe you opened it because i

didn’t flip any scripture

and i saw that scripture just popped out

of the pages of scriptures


and i said lord what shall i do and the

lord said alright let’s get down to


i told my wife god i just sent an answer

i was still busy praying

when he stood up opened his bible and

tapped me and said

prayer answered

god face to go acts

22 10.

as chapter 22 verse 10

that’s how we had our move to cardinal

on the 24th of april 1987

during the easter convention in kaduna

god’s servant bishop david oyedepo

received the first church planting

mandate with the spirit of the lord


it is time to spread out

by may 1987 a month later

five new churches were planted in

northern nigerian cities of maduguri




and mubi

in the early morning of july 19th 1989

the spirit of the lord spoke to his



get down to lagos and raise me a people

on that same day

a member of staff was sent to lagos to

secure all the facilities required for

the takeoff of the lagos church

the birth of the lagos church was

preceded by a four-day seminar which

culminated in the first sunday service

on the 24th of september 1989

with about 300 people in attendance

breakthrough seminars were held between

1990 and 1993.

it was an outreach program which took

place in hotel facilities in lagos

however in december 1993

the lord commanded that the breakthrough

seminars be turned into breakthrough


the secret of the church growth

explosion is traceable to the

breakthrough nights

the lagos church grew rapidly

from 3000 to 10 000 in 1994

from 10 000 to 19 000

in 1995

in 1996 attendance shot up to 29 000.

by 1997

the number of worshipers had increased

to 35 000

and by 1998 the church in lagos was up

to 41 000



with five services being held

50 000 people were counted on a

particular sunday

then came the move to canaanland

on the 21st of december 1995

the spirit of the lord said to bishop

david oyedego

i will yet relocate my church to her


a place of her enlargement

with the grace for prompt response to

divine direction

the church began

canaan land is indeed god’s appointed

place for this global ministry

and it shows


ever since

the living faith church worldwide has

executed several landmark church

planting drives

there was the africa gospel invasion

program egypt

where god told his servant

the harvest of africa is now over ripe

rush in

and preserve it from decadence

this is what drove the liberation

mandate into the rest of the continent


today the mandate is well represented in

well over 40 african nations with huge


to the glory of god

more recently in the year 2019

the church embarked on the planting of 5

000 rural churches in one calendar year

a feat which until then had never been

attempted before as a commission

by the end of that year

it was a done deal

then came the year 2020

a year

which saw the whole world under the

siege of a pandemic that literally shut

down normal human activities yet the god

who gave the mandate in the first place

directed and executed the planting of

over ten thousand new churches in

nigeria alone

and over the thousand new churches

across other nations

of the world

had an encounter with the person of the

holy spirit

as i was reading a book titled

the purpose of pentecost

by the world-renowned evangelist t.l


i read the book from cover to cover in

one sitting

and for the first time ever

i heard the voice of the holy spirit


in a most dramatic fashion

i discovered from that book

that the holy spirit is neither a thing

nor a feeling

but a person

who speaks

guides and shows us things to come

i went to kenneth hagin’s convention in

tulsa oklahoma in 1986

desperate for an encounter with the

spirit of faith at work in the man of


having been his student since 1976

largely through his books and continuous

inspiration from the word of faith


coupled with the fact that i have the

word of faith mandate

i saw the ministry as a role model

and i committed myself to draw from him

on that trip my heart cry was whatever

makes hagen hagen

i want it

in the afternoon session at the


my heart was focused on god and on his

servant as he ministered


i saw his face transfigured

and it became like the face of a little


i saw anointing oil

as it were dripping down his cheeks

and at that moment

something electric was fired into my


i began to sob uncontrollably

in the course of this sobbing

the lord said to me

my son david

the baton has been passed over to you

today by the grace of god

i am holding the baton of the word of


to my generation

with proofs

for the world to see

on the 5th of february 1986

the lord spoke to me saying

arise and get down to benin

and meet with my servant

on the sixth i took off

it was a result of that visit to

archbishop benson idahosa

that i contacted the spirit of boldness

in my quest to find the secret of


i took two books titled

the laws of prosperity by kenneth


and god’s will is prosperity by gloria



as i studied those materials and the


light broke forth from deuteronomy 8 18

but thou shalt remember the lord thy god

for it is he that giveth thee power to

get wealth

that he may establish his covenant

which he swore unto thy fathers

as it is

this day

and the lord said to me

my prosperity plan is not a promise

it does not answer to prayer

it is not a promise

it has no respect for fasting

it is a covenant

until your part is played


am not committed


that means

as long as i play my part by keeping the


i have a guarantee of prosperity

realizing this i jumped up

spun around and exclaimed yeah

i can never be poor

that encounter

marked a new dawn

in my life


the publishing mandate

on february 14 1983

while reading a magazine called new wine

god spoke clearly to his servant

the words that i put in your mouth

the same commit into writing

and i will cause the same unction of the

spoken word

to rest on the written word

bringing about the same effect


the first two books authored by dr david

oyedepo were published in 1985

the law of faith

and the miracle seed

today the dominion publishing house has

its presence

in several nations

with books published in over 30


and over 150 titles with millions of

copies in circulation around the world

even bibles are being printed to

excellent specifications today

at the dominion publishing house


the training arm

on one of those days of waiting on the

lord in may 1983

god’s voice again came through to dr

david oyedepo saying

i will through this ministry

raise the foundation of many other


preparation began

by the last quarter of 1985

but the school the word of faith bible



began with evening classes started

officially on the 1st of september 1986.

like abraham who trained his army for


the word of faith bible institute has

produced hundreds of thousands of

graduates across the world

not only in pulpit ministry

but in all areas of human endeavor

the educational are

the liberation mandate over the years

has been a clear proof

that wherever the gospel of jesus christ


true civilization and corresponding

development follow

through its visionary pursuits and drive

the commission has been at the forefront

of a revolution through education on the

african educational landscape



then came the founding of covenant


on october 21st 2002

with over 1

500 pioneer students

a second university

landmark university was founded by the

commission in the year 2011.

today landmark university

enjoys the influx of a sizeable number

of international students from across


charting new courses in the agricultural


as well as releasing global leaders in

their various fields of endeavor

in january 2021

the webometric ranking of universities

across the world was released

covenant university

emerged as the second

and landmark university emerged as the

ninth out of all 262 federal state and

private universities in nigeria

consequently covenant university and

landmark university emerged as the first

and second private universities in

nigeria respectively

more recently in april 2021

covenant university was rated number one

in nigeria

according to the times higher education

global impact ranking

year in year out

new records are created

stereotypes are shattered

and the vision for the continent that

can no longer be regarded as the dark


becomes clearer

through the indelible marks of the

liberation mandate

the humanitarian arm

the cardinal purpose of the gospel is to

most importantly

engender the welfare of the people like

jesus christ stated in matthew chapter


it is for the church to rise in defense

of the people when distracted

as well as help the society transit


in its stages of development

the living faith church

through the world mission agency has

never shied away from rising up to the

needs of the people when challenged

particularly in healthcare interventions

and disaster management

by giving scholarships and grants to

indigent students

meeting orphanage homes

dr david oyedepo has personally been

involved in humanitarian efforts through

the david oyedepo foundation

global impact of the commission

today in the year 2021

40 years later

there is a tangible impactful and

physical manifestation of the liberation

mandate in at least five continents of

the world

on the second of may

god came down to me


the god of wanda double is visiting you

sir in seven weeks you are doubled


in that season

one sunday will increase by twenty eight

thousand five hundred

another sunday thirty three thousand


another sunday 48 000 plus over the


we are in a revival

some time ago

god spoke to his servant

saying the only scientific way to grow a

big body

is by replication of the cells of that


in the same vein

the only way to grow a great

congregation can only be

by the rate of replication of the cells

the winners satellite fellowship wsf

is one of the platforms for church

growth in this commission

via this home cell system


emotional and physical care are

constantly reviewed and enhanced for

adequate attention and covering for


as the cells keep growing

the main church is also growing

in february 2021

a cell growth and replication drive was

flagged off

and within 10 weeks over 10 000 new home

cells were planted

all to the glory of god

indeed the word of faith preached has

been confirmed across the nations of the


with signs


and life-changing testimonies of god’s

grace and glory

god is still opening new chapters in the

journey of this great commission

it keeps opening new chapters it keeps

opening new chapters

for instance

it will build each other 650 000

at the base of this ministry he did

and then

there was a clean

knocking of the holy spirit he wants to

do something else


and now we are embarking on a one

hundred thousand c sanctuary

when he said would be for 2000 you would

think that he has put a ceiling of 50

000 people only in the church now he

failed it once he feed it twice he feed

it three times so

it’s a destiny of no limits that is

there are no ceilings on the destiny of

the believer there are no ceilings

people don’t know that

as long as you keep following it keeps

changing your level you keep changing

the level of his church and it won’t

stop doing that until you start


when you stop following just like when

you withdraw your service from any

organization you stop getting paid

free benefits sees

but as long as you are on it and you in


you find your level changing

you find yourself mainly said among

candidates for promotion you are going

up because you are in service

year in

year out

having witnessed the groundbreaking and

subsequent commissioning of signature

projects across the length and breadth

of nigeria

africa and the world at large

we are about to see

the unveiling of the legacy project the

100 000 seat capacity sanctuary

the ark


is the lord’s doing

and it is marvelous

in our sight

to him alone

beyond the glory






