every institution of hell

that is molesting destinies of the


i command their end by divine

judgment in the name of jesus today

is the day of salvation i decreed that


you in the name of jesus every area of


around anyone’s life under the sun of my


is converted to testimonies of envy


understanding the demands

of success is

the caption of our teaching series for


sunday services in the month of october

and i pray that this revelation

will be engaged by every one of us

for maximum impact

we started the month by looking at the

demand of love

we went on to the demand of empowerment

and then spiritual empowerment and last

sunday went through

the demand of um

discipline and today we’re looking at


another demand of

sweatless success you know what


you results as we engage in them

remember we serve a covenant god

and a covenant keeping god for that


my covenant will i not break no altered

the things that have gone forth out of

my lips

the word testament simply means covenant


old and new testament will also be old

and new covenant can i hear your amen

that’s why every promise of scriptures

has conditions attached

and when you apply yourself to those


the promise graduates to a covenant it


binding on god to perform can i hear

your human

becomes binding on god to perform

so we serve a covenant keeping god

and has delivered to us a covenant book

called the bible

and how much of those conditions we


and engage will determine how committed

god will be

to us on any subject matter

can i hear your amen

so we serve a covenant keeping god

with a covenant book delivered to us

for each one to make his way by what he

does with the content of that book

so success is not just about praying

it’s about doing

what is required of you

and when we do it we can be sure where

we are going now i came across

two i had two word encounters in my

early life

the first one is proverbs 22 verse 29

see us down a man diligent in his


he shall stand before kings he shall not

stand before me

immediately i knew that your position


is not a function of your connections

you are connected to someone today and

the man is dispositioned tomorrow

then your connection becomes vain that’s

no meaning

that turned my life on that was in 1982

1983 84 i came across another world very


reading from 28 verse 1 and he said

my son there’s a place for you on top if

you’re interested

i said i’m interested is anybody here is

not intentional on top

everybody desires it

when your son is first in class you feel


oxygen lose more repression

cnn asked me say how do you feel when

they say you are delicious manners i

feel good

i mean what are the women to feel i feel

good about it

yeah i thank god i was the poorest man

i’m not the greatest thief so i thank


he said how do you what do you think i

would think about you i said i don’t

know because i’m not in their mind

what do you think about me is your own

opinion it doesn’t do anything with me

and i can’t be going to say

what are you thinking about

somebody’s changing level here

how many excited to know that they have

a heritage of exploiting christ

get excited now can i tell you this we

are going to

humble the pride of the world in our own


you all your mockers we gotta celebrate

the horizon

new york times once asked me they said

tell me what’s the secret of

the economic empowerment of your mission

i said we teach people to be responsible

we do what christianity

is a faith of responsibility only those


take responsibility make the most of

their journey

it’s not just hearing something and then

writing it and walking away

it’s all about responsibility now let me

tell you this

all of these demands they are like steps

to the top and as low as this one is

try to read the platform without

recognizing these steps

will be

an open test never accomplished and they

all pray everyone all the prayer

warriors the prayers call leaders

everybody fasting they say we’ll never

eat until you get there but you mustn’t

use this step

you will pray until you can’t talk again

i will never leave the same place but


simply with bible sayings

if he says take this step take it take

the next step take it

take the oneness take it take the one

let’s take it and you are there


you know what every one of you

must find your way to the platform

because that’s where you belong he said

we are the salt

of the earth people

must seek for us because of the values

we bear

we are the light of the world we show

the world the way to go

we set the place for others to follow

a citizen on a hill we are mad

we are mounting tough men and women

everybody should be looking up to find

where we are

we belong we are the mountain top

generation of believers we must be

found on top and nowhere else that’s why

i said you belong to the platform all

you need is to

reckon with the steps and then you get

on there without

any stress in the name of jesus christ

and that’s where you’re going what is


is putting your best into

any given task giving

the best of your time the best of your


the best of your resources into

any given task

we’ve been trying to exhaust or look at

the covenant of success from


and we came to conclude that when the

covenant is broken

success becomes impossible and among the

covenant thompson studies in ephesians

10 verse 18

he said through slothfulness

the building declared

i’m through idolness of the hands

the house dropped through

a number of us own estates some of us

have places in our homes

that are normally being used and you


this system just breaking down

breaking down for lack of use

we are god’s building first corinthians

chapter 3 verse 9.

we are the temples of the holy ghost and


lack of adequate engagement

brings decay

the system begins to break down

for lack of use imagine if you lock up


room maybe not the whole house in the


and you are only going there in december

because nature are boss vacuum all the

rats in the village must have gathered


and each one will have his own apartment

within your room

some under the bed some on top of the

bed and some in your wardrobe

and they all have their portions and

they are really children there

so by the time you come back you have an

army of rats

because nature abhors back

don’t let rats enter to your life

engage some people feel they are

finished doing what they should do no

work is not just about doing things it’s

about also

learning how to do it better on daily


so we have more than enough to do

you have done what is required of you

for a period of time

and you are learning how to do it better

when unless you have to approach it


working to earn only makes a worker it

is working to land that makes a leader

i’m sure you agree with me no one hates

to become a star

every sportsman desires to become a star

it is the price that scares


everybody wants it but not everybody is

willing to pay the price for it

so most people won’t get it

no one truly has the top it is the cost

that put men off the cost of getting


as i’ve often said no one can get out of

life more than what he puts into it

god is not mocked whatever a man’s souls

that all socially reap

you can sow a five acre land and want to

harvest from

20 calories

your acreage is what defines the limits

of your harvest

in a recent data in the u.s because of


theory that the top people are utilizing

the middle class to get where they are

okay let’s find out

and they found out that why the middle

class and the lower class people work

average of 30 hours a week

they talk not just work 56 hours a week

so who is using who each one finds


according to his level of input

you can’t get out of life more than what

you put

into it you can’t get out of life more

than what you put

into it

why won’t you come to hear what this

short man is saying

he didn’t go to bed this morning to 3 15


this hour is 6 a.m

what is he doing doing this thing

doing the same thing

so it’s all left to you can i tell you


your future is not just in god’s hand

it’s forced in your hand

because when you do whatever i command

you you first

then i will set you up on i

it is you that primarily defines your


by what you do with what it tells you to


you first you know my life is in your

hand oh god no he said he’s false in

your hand

and then in my heart when you do what i

tell you to do

my side is settled he will always be


can i hear your email please

first of all understand that by


you are ordained for exploit

exploit is superior to success

exploit is about outstanding


out of this world order of results

out of this world order of success

now what is this about how do i say that

you are the salt of the earth

you are a man of valley

to your world salt deficiency is the

root of most problems i mean

health problems you just find

salt as a baseline for most drugs

why it is essential for living

will lead to all kinds of health crisis

and you are the sort of you have to

preserve the world from decay

you are a problem solver you are a

creator of solutions

okay and then you are the light of the


lightning is the peace setter a

pathfinder a tree blazer

people have to study you

attend to their desires

a citizen that cannot be healed that

makes you a

member of a family of exploits that’s

how you belong

now look at abraham isaac and jacob

covenant fathers they were all

men of envy

men that were envied by their world

and jesus asked isaac we are all

children of promise

so you are also ordained i’m also

ordained to be envied

and the only envy on top they beat

people in the pit


so that means you are ordained for the

talk by redemption

going to work does not mean that you are


no like i said

today with communication technology on

everybody’s fingertips

you can be at work and be tweeting all


you can be at work and

chatting on facebook all day long

can be watching your tv from channel to


and people think you have gone to work

no you have gone to watch

you have got you have gone to chat a


oh no it’s been a very busy day

busy day one busy dream


i’ve told you before those who make news

don’t watch them

they are too busy making for those who

are watching to be watching

one day my office one of the staff

called me on the intercom

i saw you on the satellite tv i said

what you saw me on saturday tv

doing what i said where are you in the

office in the office

i called the children i said all tv is

grounded now

tv in the office don’t do what

now can i tell you this i’ve never seen

myself on tv in my life

that me i’m sitting down and then that


that i saw myself no i’m telling you the



i’ve never seen myself on tv in my life

because by the time i am

back home they don’t watch me again


someone is blessed here can i tell you


you are going places

because many destinies are tied to yours

you can’t afford to be careless


are tied to your exploits and in jesus

name you shall not be disappointed

in jesus name you shall not be a


in the name of jesus christ you shall

not be a disappointment

pray the spirit of faith after me say

with me lord jesus

i opened my heart to you today

coming to my heart lord jesus forgive me

my sins

wash me with your blood i believe you

died for me

on the third day you rose again that i

might be justified

right now i believe i’m forgiven

i’m justified i’m saved i’m born again

i’m a child of god i am free from the

power of sin

to serve the living god thank you lord

for saving

me amen we believe that you have been

blessed by today’s teaching

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at www.thedavidoidedepenministries.org