but whether they want to hear it or not

the Lord had always sends forth Watchmen

to warn he always does it never does

anything till he warns the gospel of

accommodation now to accommodate means

to adapt it means to make suitable or

acceptable it also means to adjust to

make something very convenient it means

to yield to the desires of others to

placate them now you put that together

and I’m talking about a gospel that’s

been invented in hell and they’re now

being propagated all of the united

states it’s a suitable acceptable

convenient a gospel that has yielded to

the desires and the weakness of sinful

men I call it the gospel of

accommodation because it’s adapting and

adjusting the gospel to appease and

attract sinners this gospel

accommodation is primarily an American

cultural invention to ease our lifestyle

it appeals primarily to white America

rich and prosperous it was invented out

of Hell itself

this new gospel is sweeping the America

and the nation is influencing ministers

of every denomination it’s giving birth

to mega churches some of the largest

churches in the United States are

involved in this gospel it’s a non

confronting convenient gospel adapted it

is spoon-fed to the congregation by

skits humorous skits and drama short

non-abrasive 20-minute messages and it’s

all called seeker friendly the seeker

friendly churches and one of these days

there may be somebody move into the city

and try to bring one of these churches

right into New York City

they are springing up now every night

and suddenly thousands attend this new

gospel is being propagated by bright

young intelligent talented talented

ministers they came upon a formula by

which you can

go into the city in any town and almost

overnight build a megachurch and as I

understand this formula you begin by

going into the community with your

workers and you pull the community to

find out what the sinner found offensive

about attending church well why don’t

you ten shirts and what was offensive

about it and what would it what would we

have to do to bring you back into the

church what would make you comfortable

what would you like to see you don’t

like choirs will do away with choirs you

don’t like suits in church you come the

way you choose just tell us what you

want and they survey the community and

then sit in there with their computers

and in their conference rooms and they

design a program that will make it

comfortable for the sitter and make it

friendly for if they’d rather call it

sinner friendly they would call it

seeker friendly and try to attract them

to come into the house of God it’s

becoming the most prosperous most


of all religious movements in the

history of America the churches are run

like corporations the past was the CEO

chief executive officer and it’s big

business and this for a minute has now

been cleverly packaged and it is now

being pushed in seminars all over the

United States

it sounds good what they say sounds very

good it sounds spiritual and it’s girls

it sounds like Jesus is a central theme

and folks I’m not going to name any

names because I’m not talking about the

character of these men I’m talking about

the gospel that they preach I am here to

remind you that Paul the Apostle warned

of the coming of another gospel which we

have not preached he said there is

coming another gospel that’s going to

preach another Jesus you’ll hear his

name it’ll sound sweet but it’s not the

Jesus that I preach Paul said he’s not

the true Jesus Paul goes on there Paul

was amazed he said that you were so

removed from him that called you into

the grace of Christ to another gospel

that’s listen to me

there is in the land right now with

thousands of people sitting under

another gospel another Jesus being

preached by ministers who have lost the

touch of God had been transformed into

Ames’s of light to comment to deceive if

possible even the elect of God Paul goes

to warn the church it’s really not

another gospel but it’s a perversion of

the gospel of Christ which is really not

another Paul said but there’d be some of

the trouble you and pervert or change

the gospel of Christ he said they’re

going to change that they’re going to

accommodate the sinner

they’re going to accommodate their

pleasures they’re going to accommodate

all of their needs and they’re going to

design a gospel with their own price for

their own doctrine then this awful

warning from Paul but though we or an

angel from heaven preach any other

gospel unto you but that which we

preached unto you let him be accursed

let him be accursed since I didn’t say


the Apostle Paul said it if anybody

preach another gospel what you’ve heard

if anyone treats anything but to

crucified Christ

if anyone preached anything that

appeases man in his sin that’s not the

gospel for me Paul said that anyone

preaches another let him be accursed and

he said it’s going to be dangerous

because it’s going to come from

seemingly pious sincere ministers that’s

what made the doctrine called

antinomianism so dangerous because it

was in the hands there’s some very fine

good living men like dr. Christian who

is one of the founders of that anti law

movement back during the Puritan Age

anti law they they cast aside the burden

of the law and the reason it was so

accepted because the men who preached

that seemed to be so pious and I come to

what I hear Paul warned us that Satan’s

going to come right into the church

disguised as an angel of light he’s

going to infiltrate into the church with

his own ministers they’ll come angel

like he said preaching a false gospel of

righteousness for such a false prophets

false apostles deceitful workers

transforming themselves into the

apostles of Christ

and no Marvel for Satan himself is

transformed into an angel of light

therefore it’s no great thing if his

ministers also be transformed as the

ministers of righteousness whose end

shall be according to their works

Paul said they’re going to come and

they’re going to glory in the flesh

they’re going to glory in their might

their money they’re going to glory in

their bigness their numbers and they’re

going to glory the fact that they are so

contemporary they’re going to glory in

acceptance by the world jesus warned

beware of false prophets which come to

you in sheep’s clothing there’s a crumb

like gentle sheep sincere intelligent

bright but said in word there ravening

wolves in fence Jesus gave that in the

context of his message he said because

Strait is the gate narrow is the way

which leadeth to life and few there be

that find it and the very next verse he

says being heard of false prophets here

to come and see clothing but there

ravening wolves

is Christ himself warning us false

prophets false pastors false evangelists

housing of some as submissive sheep

going to come saying the way he’s not

that narrow the way is not that straight

and they’re going to accommodate they’re

going to change the gospel to suit the

needs of the people Jesus puts his

finger on the motives behind them

ambition the word ravening here ravening

wolves in the greek means star for

recognition recognition and

gratification men are gonna rise power

to make it you see it in the business

world you see it on your job people

trying to climb the ladder and get

recognition quickly in fences now in the

ministry full-blown young men so

ambitious to be one of the big boys to

have the biggest church the biggest

numbers the biggest crowds he said that

ravening Hills Jesus enough no doubt

about what he meant and this is simply

what he meant they’re going to be

struggling pastors in the

and they’re going to look out and see

all of the striving a competition for

numbers and recognition and there’s

going to be a growing growing pressure

to expand and be successful they see the

measuring of success now by how big the

buildings are and how many people attend

the church on Sunday morning that this

struggling pastor has been faithful up

to now she’s struggling young he sees

bright young men come down the street

nearby and suddenly overnight he’s

pastoring thousands of people in a

seeker friendly Church a young man less

experienced a young man has not paid his

dues as far as this man is concerned

he’s still preaching an old fast

old-fashioned faithful gospel of the

cross and his claims and he’s struggling

because not many people there to hear

the cross Jesus said whew they’re going

to be that find it wide is the road

leading destruction narrow is the way

Jesus said straight and narrow

but Jesus is warning he’s saying to the

pastor’s brother man of God watch out

the man which you look out on the

competition the moment that seat gets in

your heart the devil is going to pick

one of these wolves in sheep’s clothing

right at your path he’s better seduce

you into an ungodly ambition to compete

and to be one of these big boys and he’s

been attempt you for church growth at

any cost that he would cost the soul of

the pastor I read Paul’s warning and

second Corinthians 11 chapter about

ministers being transformed and Angels

of Light who believe they’re preaching

righteousness but they’ve been changed

somehow into a tool of Satan and I say

God can that be possible

Lord is that is that really reasonable

that a man responds right can change and

become a tool of the devil inappropriate

am I to conclude that a man of God can

start right for your true Shepherd

four-season preach the true gospel but

something of Hell lays hold of his heart

and his spirit son

demonic and he changed this and it

becomes a minister of Satan folks it’s

happening every day that’s happening

right here in New York City when men

become dissatisfied with preaching a

simple gospel they get bored and up not

praying and they’re not seeking God and

they get their eyes on people and

numbers and they want to be judged like

everybody else I want to be a success

and so it comes out and I hear it

everywhere I go I hear a pastor say I

started television and watching the

apartment we were renting and a vacation

and it was Sunday morning and he

listened to these pastors we have 2500

this year my goal next year is 4,500 and

any cost any way to reach that goal not

wrong to pray for growth but if it’s

only to feed human ambition it’ll change

the man into a devil listen if you find

the right formula that said you can make

success in any field of endeavor

possible this is exactly what I’m

talking about some young men have come

up with the formula of how to build a

church a formula this formula based

accommodating gospel is functionally to

everything in the scripture I read the

next 13 of a gathering of godly men and

Antioch they were going to send out some

young ministers to establish churches

and preach the gospel to a darkened

world how does God go about building

churches how does the Holy Ghost work

scripture said together they ministered

to the Lord and fasted this was their

planning session worship fasting waiting

on the Lord for direction so the Holy

Ghost comes and tells them exactly what

to do number two they prayed no

strategizing no networking no one made

his step until only go said this is the

way walk in it and then when the holy

spoke they laid hands on and sent them

up the Bible says under the power the

anointing of the Holy Ghost you see Paul

had lived his whole religious life under

religious formulas he saw he’d lived

with these man-made schemes he gives him

teachings that kama dated the weaknesses

of the sinfulness of backslidden Jews

he’d had his stomach full of it he said

I have nothing to do with that it

attracts the multitudes yes but he said

one day Jesus came and revealed himself

in me Paul put all of the formulas aside

his dung as garbage Paul by his own

confession said I’m determined to go

forth to fully preach the gospel of


and power and demonstration of the Holy

Ghost and unless the gospel is preached

in power and demonstrates the Holy Ghost

it’s not the gospel it’s not the gospel

and sadly a multitude in America don’t

even know what the gospel is because

they haven’t heard it Paul best it

unashamedly we preach Christ crucified

unto the Jews a stumbling-block and unto

the Greeks foolishness

Paul said now brethren the Jews and the

Greeks are trying to make us accommodate

our messes now the Jews one is to give

them signs and the Greeks want wisdom

they want miracles over here and over

here they just want 10 steps on how to

cut their wisdom but Paul said there

will be no accommodating let them call

our precinct foolishness

let them say it’s out of date that it’s

not contemporary he said I’ve determined

to preach nothing among you except Jesus

Christ and him crucified

this other gospel accommodates the

sinner in many ways but there are three

areas of commendation that the Holy

Ghost grieves over and this I’ve felt

the grief of God on these three areas of

commendation where people where

ministers are changing the gospel to

suit the crowd number one the


man’s love for pleasure know this also

that in the last days perilous times

shall come men shall be lovers of

pleasure more than lovers of God that

the Greek word for pleasure his

sensuality lust voluptuousness in other

words exciting gratifying sensual

pleasures in all folks here’s the danger

those who are established these

seeker-friendly churches they then

they’re prepared to accommodate the

crowd the bible says they’re going to

have to not free it’s very very clear

they cannot preach against sensuality

because the Apostle says they’re going

to be lovers of pleasure more than

lovers of God they’re going to love

their sports they’re going to love their

x-rated movies are going to love their

videos they’re going to love their their

computer sex they’re going to love these

sensuous things the Bible says they’re

going to love these things they’re going

to come into the house of God and if

you’re going to accommodate them you’re

not going to touch one of their lust

intercourse say one word about it

they’re going to have to be they’re

going to be prepared to stand in their

pulpit and wicked sin Paul said of these

men these resist the truth men of

corrupt minds counterfeit regarding the

faith counterfeit you know I watched in

disbelief that a televised main service

of one of these secret friendly churches

one of the large senator secret friend

churches and the pastor starts the

search saying we’re here to have fun


because tonight is David Letterman night

and the pastor said brazenly up to

service we’re here not to offend but to

make it comfortable how long do you

think that crowd would stay in that

search of the pastor was taken by the

Holy Ghost convicted of entertaining

people into hell and he stood up one

Sunday night and he said be sure your

sins it finds you out let me tell you

what happened that church those

thousands who sit there

those who are hungry for God and didn’t

know any better they would weep and

break before God in a moment and

everyone else would head for the doors

and never come back

oh they’re gonna be pastors on Judgment

Day hear these awful words son of man I

made thee a watchman you were to hear

the word at my mouth and give them

warning from me you were to tell the

wicked thou shalt surely die

you gave them no warning nor speak to

warn the wicked from their wicked ways

to save their lives

these same wicked men will diet these

same wicked men did die in their sins

but now their blood I require from your

hands commendation number two the

accommodation of modern man’s aversion

to self-denial number three the

accommodating of men’s offensive the

cross behold I lay in Zion a stumbling

stone of a rock of offense Paul spoke of

the offense of the cross and we’re

coming now to the heart of why God hates

this new doctrine this new movement in

America this is why God hates it rejects

it outright and why he’s cursed it why

God will put an Athlon any preacher who

embraces it God demands more than coming

to the cross he demands going through

the cross and that’s the offense that it

takes everything a man has and owns and

trusted you see the offense of the

sinner is most willing to come to the

cross and kneel before he’s willing to

take the claims by a single confession

of faith and just say yes Lord I believe

he wants all of the benefits of the

cross he wants to believe that Christ

was sacrificed yes and covered all his


now folks that’s being preached the

cross though all the phraseology is

there if sweetly talked about the cross

come to the cross of Jesus and be

forgiven there’s not one word about

saying going on with Christ into the

tomb and to die there’s not a word about

going down in

the grave and coming out resurrected a

newness of life it’s coming to the cross

kneel say a prayer and go back to your

sins go back and no one say a word you

take it by faith you another

righteousness of Christ no dying to sin

not being resurrected newness of life

now that’s the offense of the cross that

you go all the way when you come he

demands full obedience he demands

everything we have and I’m afraid a

majority of people who claim to be

Christians and saved in these last days

have been to the cross but they’ve never

been through the cross they’ve never

been buried with Christ Paul said I died

with Christ

I was raised with Christ I was crucified

with Christ I not only came to his cross

I picked up my cross I went through with

him we have another gospel now that

tells men what the cross did for him but

not what it wants to take him to the

gospel folks is not just forgiveness

it’s not simply believing yet heaven

someday it’s not only the saving of the

souls of the saving of the body this

flesh God says I want your flesh I want

your body as a living sacrifice and

that’s the preaching of the Cross folks

I don’t care if if somebody could gather

a crowd of a hundred thousand people in

the stadium and they could turn to me

and say Pastor Dave you’re wrong look a

hundred thousand people that have come

through my secret friendly Church and

here they are they’re all believers now

that folks I wanted to know something if

those hundred thousand people have not

been given the full gospel of Jesus

Christ has not been switched gracefully

if the claims of the costs have not been

laid there and if they’ve been coddled

and comforted then their sins that

hundred thousand have been made twice a

child of Hell than ever before there and

worse shape because the Bible says they

can come now and hear the words

the curse even and bless himself in his

heart saying I shall have peace though I

walk in the imagination of my heart and

a drunkenness to thirst because a false

peace has been given to them that they

can live in their sins never be rebuked

never be removed never see the claims of

the cross that in honor he died to

deliver mansions from the policin and

the idea of sin but the Dominion of sin

in his own life if the preaching of

grace doesn’t have as its goal

righteousness it’s another gospel for

the grace of God that bringeth salvation

has appeared to all men teaching us that

denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we

should live soberly righteously and

godly in this present world

I saw a televised interview people that

had joined one of America’s most

renowned seeker friendly churches and

this man testified words as close I

believe is the way I heard it he said I

come here because I’ve never made to

feel uncomfortable about my life I can

bring my Jewish friends my business

associates they’d never be embarrassed I

don’t have to be a fanatic and the

preaching and the skits are really

enjoyable and uplifting and best of all

the church only lasts one hour and

trashed that with Paul’s preaching for

godly sorrow works repentance to

salvation not to be repented of but you

hold this self same thing that you

sorrowed after a godly sort what

carefulness it wrought in you yeh what

clearing of yourself indignation fear

yeh what vehement desire and Xia what

revenge and all things you approved

yourself to be clear in this matter Paul

warns if there’s not that kind of

preaching many will walk of whom I told

you often and now tell you even weeping

they are enemies of the cross of Christ

whose end is destruction whose God is

their belly and whose glory is in their

shame who mind earthly things I came to

know you

city when age was plaguing Broadway

people were dying left and right black

Muslims in Times Square spewing out hate

young blacks and young Puerto Ricans

feeling the world is left in behind and

angry intellectuals cursing Christ

liberal minds who say there’s no hope

and you tell me I’m going to come in

with the 15 minute step and I’m going to

have a cute little worship team giving

little diddy pop songs to a dying world

god help our blindness folks we started

down on crack alley on 41st Street in

that ragtag Theatre and from the first

time I stood in the pulpit I preached

repentance I preached the cross I said

I’m not we are not here to comfort you

and your sins we’re here to confront you

in your sins and to believe that there’s

a savior will deliver you and they the

experts tell us that won’t work people

don’t want that I talked to a man the

other day Jason it was visiting one of

these churches and they decided they’re

going to break their church up in little

groups with with prayer meetings and he

went to one of the prayer meetings and

this is a secret friendly type Church

and you know what the prayer meeting

consisted of hot chocolate and Donuts

and then they brought all the games out

the board games and played games the

rest of the evening and there are those

people that are dying in their sins and

they’re playing Ouija boards in all that

is garbage do you think for one moment

we would ever stand the Carter myself or

any of our men maybe what teachers would

stand in this pulpit where drug-crazed

people come to visit people half dead

people crying and yearning for just one

word of hope do you think for one minute

I’m going to give a 20-minute sermonette

to ease their mind No

I am so glad he laid hold of my heart

one day I’m so glad he revealed his

heart to me and I can say with Paul the

Apostle he revealed his he price

revealed himself in me not to me but in

me hallelujah and as a small I know as

long as this man is in this church long

as I’m in this pulpit there will never

ever be from this pulpit accomodating

gospel ever unaccommodating dust
