David Wilkerson – The Trumpet is Sounding and No One is Alarmed! Must Listen in 2020 #DavidWilkerson #trumpet #sermon #alarm Like ? & Subscribe – @AhavaJerusalem https://ahavajerusalem.org *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – [email protected] Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1mS… About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Bible #Word #Love #Grace #time #future Of all the Old Testament prophets, Amos speaks most clearly to our times. The prophecy he delivers zeroes in on our generation, as if it were ripped from today’s headlines. Indeed, Amos’ message is a dual prophecy. It was meant not only for God’s people in his day, but also for the church right now, in our time. Amos described God as a roaring lion, ready to strike Israel with judgment: “The lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3:8). The prophet declared, “God has risen up as a roaring lion, ready to strike his prey. And when I hear this lion’s voice roar, I have to warn.” The Lord was using Amos to awaken Israel. What was his message? God was about to send judgment on his people, for their overwhelming evil and corruption. Of course, the Lord never judges a people without first raising up prophetic voices to warn them. “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (3:7). Now, as Amos saw the cloud of judgment gathering, he was compelled to speak: “Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?” (3:6). Amos’ message here is chilling: “God has sounded a trumpet of warning to his people. But no one is alarmed.” Right now, few want to hear a message having to do with judgment. Our nation is already filled with fear. We expect another terrorist attack at any minute. And the economy looks bleaker than ever. People are saying, “I can’t handle any more.” But the Lord speaks when he will. And his Spirit provides us strength to hear his Word, as delivered by his anointed servants. Our Lord will faithfully empower his people to endure whatever may come. Amos directs his prophecies primarily to the people of God, the compromised church. When Amos prophesied, he addressed the Gentile nations surrounding Jerusalem. Surely these heathen would fall under God’s wrath. They were stealing Israel’s borders, waging war against them, and killing their children. Yet, now Amos said, “Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you, O children of Israel” (Amos 3:1). The lion’s roar was against Israel itself. God’s people were about to be punished for corrupting the pure worship of the Lord: “You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities” (3:2).

this morning I want to speak to you on

the subject the trumpet is sounding and

no one is alarmed the trumpet is

sounding and no one is alarmed once

you’d open your Bible to the Book of

Amos and I’m going to be speaking out of

chapters 3 through 5 the prophesy of

Amos just leave it don’t try to race

down looking to where I’m going you

won’t know just leave it open on your

lap and I’ll refer you to the scriptures

as as we proceed now father I told you

and I’ve reminded you time and time

again I’ll preach anything you ask me to

preach I will encourage I’ll preach

grace and mercy we’ve done that but what

I told you I would prophesy and speak

only as you speak to my heart only as

you give it to me

and Lord you’ve given me this word and I

come humbly to your throne and before

this people and let me be just an Oracle

just speak through me sanctify this

vessel completely so that every word

comes out of it will be touched by the

hand of God it’ll be something directly

from the throne of God Lord you said you

you never judge until you speak to your

prophets but would you also speak to

your Watchmen and I’m a watchman and you

have spoken my heart and we bring we

bring the prophecy of Amos and yet in

this prophecy we hear the word for our

own hearts and our own nation in our

church today

so Oh God when we hear the trumpet this

morning let us hear the alarm let us

feel the concern of God’s own heart Lord

we pray that everyone that’s come here

this morning those in the overflow rooms

those are hearing and watching on jumbo

screens we pray Lord that the word would

be as powerful as it is in this

auditorium that they will hear through a

spiritual ear we pray in Jesus name Amen

now Amos is of all the Old Testament

prophets most clearly speaking he speaks


to our generation of all the Old

Testament prophets Amos

zeroes in and what you hear him

prophesied to his generation is a dual

prophecy that is applied today and when

you hear his prophecy it sounds like he

has just read today’s newspapers he was

into the New York Times and he has heard

the reports and he’s speaking as God has

directed him and in Amos he sees the

Prophet sees God as a lion roaring a

lion doesn’t roar until he has his prey

in sight and just as he’s ready to

pounce he’ll give a roar and he said God

is wrong as a lion ready to strike

judgment on a backslidden nation in a

church and in Amos 3 verse 8 the lion

has roared who will not fear the Lord

has spoken

who can but prophesy he said I I hear a

trumpet and I hear a roar from the Lion

of Judah and he said I have to speak he

said when you hear that roar you have to

speak in folks I’ve heard that roar and

I have to speak God revealed to Amos

that he was blaring a trumpet sound in

effort to try to wake in his church to

awaken his people surely chapter 3 verse

7 surely the Lord God will do nothing

but he reveals his secrets unto his

servants the prophets never in history

has God judged the nation or a church

without first raising of voices

prophetic voices God said I won’t do

that I owe it to my people I owe it to

my people and I will do it for the

nation I will not judge you I will not

pour out my awesome judgments until I

warn you and that’s what the Prophet

Amos is doing he sees the judgments

rolling down he sees a storm gathering

and he said I have to speak Amos 3:6

shall the trumpet be blown in the city

and the people not be afraid he said God

is rising like a roaring lion now

ready to take the pray God sounded a

trumpet he said nobody seems to be alive

nobody seems to be listening folks

people don’t want to hear anything of

judgment now they don’t want to hear

anything of any gloom or do because

there’s so much fear in the land so much

expectation of terrorist attacks and so

many other things that are bearing down

on our society and especially the

economic outlook at present and so

people say I just can’t handle it

anymore but folks you see we have to

hear it because the Holy Ghost gives us

power to handle it so to speak

he gives us the endurance and he

prepares us he prepares us in the

warnings that he speaks through his

servants now this is not a warning to

the heathen nations alone now surely the

Gentile nations around Israel at the

time of Amos we’re going to have

judgement fall upon it they were

stealing the borders of Israel they were

terrorizing Jerusalem of Judah and

Israel at the time especially killing

little children and it sounds very

familiar to what is happening today the

prophets it to these nations surrounding

Israel you’re going to pay a price

there’s a trumpet been sounded and

here’s what he said firing judgments are

going to come con hey ZL that was one of

the bordering city nations Gaza will be


Tyrus is going to be punished that would

be punishment upon Edom fire is going to

fall upon teaming and RIBA

all of these surrounding nations of

Israel he said you have touched the

borders of my people you have terrorized

my people he said now I’m going to judge

it for it the scripture by the way the

scripture says in Zechariah 12 two and

three behold I will make Jerusalem a cup

of trembling unto all the people round

about them and when they shall be in

seeds both against Judah and against

Jerusalem in other words when these

nations rise up against Jerusalem and in

that day

I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone

for all people and that burden and they

that burden themselves with it shall be

cut in pieces though all the earth be

gathered against it folks worldwide now

there’s anti-semitism rising all through

Europe all over the world and even now

in the United States even from

Protestant evangelical pulpits but the

Bible says in that day shall the Lord

defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem God

will defend but amos directs us for his

prophesies primarily to the Church of

Jesus Christ to the Church of God at

that time chapter 3 verse 1 hear the

word that the Lord has spoken against

you all children of Israel this roaring

of the line was made against God’s own

family that had become corrupted in

worship to chapter 3 verse 2 you only

have I known of all the families of the

earth therefore will I punish you for

your iniquities now folks listen very

closely to what I’m about to tell you

give me your good ear listen closely

this is a law a divine law and that

divine law says this the greater the

measure of grace upon a people the

greater the judgment and punishment if

it is despised or rejecting a nation

that’s given grace of people that’s

given grace and mercy of people that’s

given light and much gospel truth he

said I expect more of you and if you

despised and rejected are you corrupted

your judgment will be double surely God

is even now judging America for its

wickedness and its rejection of God’s

name we have been taught I’ve been

taught as a child from childhood that

America was founded by godly ministers

by a godly people trying to find a place

where they were free just to worship the

Lord that’s what I learned all my life

time America was a chosen nation because

God lead

and came to this nation would that seem

is boasted in South Africa the Africans

who moved into South Africa and there

was a civil war they claimed that this

was freedom to worship and there are

other nations all over the world

claiming to be chosen and the very same

thing no doubt God has blessed certain

nations like America in its infancy this

was the greatest missionary sending

Church on the face of the earth

we sent missionaries all over the world

and there were godly preachers and

evangelists that held back the flood

tides of evil because they were men of

prayer there were congregations that

helped that the flood tides of iniquity

but you see the nation became pleasure

mad when we turned to the idols of

sports and we turned to the idols of

riches and prosperity there was a back

sliding among the people than our

worship became corrupted and the flood

tide of iniquity poured in and now we

are no longer the great missionaries

sending Church were the coca-cola

sending nation and we’re sending false

doctrines all over the world the

missionaries that go out often are those

that have set out a corrupted message

into corrupted gospel and see God still

loving these nations it’s not just the

United States you see it happening all

over the world now and because of his

love and because he wants to restore

what has been lost

he sends judgments to purge the nation

there will be floods and droughts and

drastic weather changes and hurricanes

and tornadoes and I get totally

exasperated by preachers pastors and

evangelists that get up before the

people and they say God isn’t behind the

floods he’s not behind the droughts he’s

not behind the tornadoes he’s not

behind the Hurricanes that’s the devil

well then they don’t know their Bibles

they have no concept of God’s nature let

me prove it to you go to the fourth

chapter of Amos and start at verse 6

name is 4:6 and I who I God also have

given you cleanness of teeth in all your

cities and the water bread and all your

places that’s an economic collapse yet

have you not returned unto me saith the

Lord and also I have withholding the

rain from you who withholds the rain

when there were yet three months to the

harvest I caused it to rain one city by

one city and caused it not three and

upon another city one piece was rained

upon and the peace upon it rained not

withered now folks do you see this

happening right now right now while

Florida is being flooded and other

nation other cities and states are being

flooded the northwest is in a drought

and you see it raining one part and

drought there’s a hurricane over here

there’s a tornado over here in verse

eight so two or three cities wondered

from wondered unto one city to drink

water but they were not satisfied yet

you’ve not returned unto me saith the

Lord you see God is saying return to me

I’m sending these tests eyes mr. perjure

nation to bring you back to me it was

that in mercy and grace verse 9 I’m

smitten you who smitten you High God and

split me with blasting and mildew

by the way mildew have you been reading

your newspapers about mildew when your

gardens and your vineyards and your fig

trees near all the trees increase the

Palmer will devour them yet have we not


you’ve not returned to me saith the Lord

and now we have the Japanese beetle in

Central Park killing our trees and

thousands of acres by all kinds of

incredible exile

no worms and beetles and bugs palmar

worm has devoured them yet you have not

returned on me saith the Lord I have

sent among you the pestilence after the

matter of Egypt now do you understand

those ten plagues of Egypt including

droughts and storms and thunder that

shook the shook the earth itself and

lightning that rolled along the ground

and incredible things your young man

have i slain with the sword and have

taken away your horses not made the

stink of your taps to come up unto your

own nostrils yet you’ve not returned

unto me saith the Lord of folks all for

the Bible that’s their God and His mercy

calling nations in turn the church back

to himself now in verse nine and by the

way folks amos saw god coming in a dual

judgment on the nation and

simultaneously on the church the bible

says judgment begins in the house of God

now listen closely as I proceed amos

prophesied of a dual judgment on the

nation simultaneous with judgment on the

church upon the nation verse 3 at

chapter 3 verse 9 a great tumult in the

midst of thee are there off a great

tumult in the midst thereof now that

tumult means in Hebrew a state of

confusion everything turned into

disarray by attacks of violence and

terror now does that sound familiar to

you a tumult in the midst of a a tumult

terror attacks of terror when everything

goes into disarray in disorder

what about the disarray now in business

of the United States now the Prophet

Amos said called them palaces he said


in the palaces in fact he said there’s

going to be robbery in your palaces

robbery and palaces means Citadel’s

strong hopes we would call them big

business we would call these our

institutions upon which we have trusted

in which we’ve trusted institutions big

business General Motors for example Ford

and General Electric and all of these

great institutions and he said there’s

going to be robbery in their palaces

think of the CEOs now of corporations

that cooked their books

robbed their own stockholders hundreds

of thousands being thrown into

unemployment because of theft

bankrupting their own company so they

can have a golden parachute in a state

to some Island they buy and sit there in

their wealth and their riches while they

send people out to poverty and all this

has been prophesied by Amos he said

robbery in your palaces robbery in your

Citadel’s verse 11 an adversary there

shall be even round about the land he

shall bring down thy strength from thee

and thy palaces shall be spoiled then

what he’s saying there’s going to be

attack on all sides the enemy will hurl

and pass down your crowns of splendor

your might there’s great institutions

and these great symbols of power that

you’ve been glorying in he said it’s all

going to go bankrupt

he said the Citadel’s are coming down

and folks we’ve seen we’ve seen the

striking of our twin towers symbol of

our great Wall Street in our prosperity

and the attack on the Pentagon a symbol

of our power and our might that it’s

been well prophesied in the Word of God

God said I’ll bring down your strength

I’ll bring down your Citadel’s don’t be

robbery in your Great Houses we see it

coming to pass day by day before our

very eyes and here’s one of the most

dire warnings of all name is speaking of

a half of God he said well there’s fear

on all sides coast-to-coast adversaries

terrorizing all nations destroying even

the buildings representing power and

glory he said this is going to be

followed by the appearance of a

financial lion coming to devour the

wealth and the properties and those who

got rich by theft and robbery

Vontae there’s an amazing verse Hosea

5:12 look at Amos I’m sorry it’s in

verse chapter 3 brother 3:12 Amos 3:12

first of all in verse 11 and what go to

Tim for they know not to do right saith

the Lord who storm violence of robbery

in their palaces they storm violence and

robbery or theft in their high places

therefore thus saith the Lord God an

adversary there so an adversary there

shall be even round about the land to

bring down thy strength from the in thy

palaces shall be spoiled thus saith the

Lord as the Shepherd taketh out of the

mouths of lion two legs or a piece of an

ear social the Chula Vista be taken out

that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a

bed in Damascus in the constant what are

you saying these are all types and

symbols and he’s talking to the rich in

the wealth you have just been guilty of

robbery and he said as a shepherd goes

and the the lion has destroyed a seat

and he pulls out also left as a bone all

that’s left is a bone or a piece of an


and what the Prophet is telling all of

these you thought they were going to be

so secure they’re going to have their

millions of dollars they’re going to be

secure let the rest of the world do what

they have to do but I got mine but the

promise that the time is coming that

they’re going to be a devouring lion

devour your wealth devour everything you

have and all you’re going to have left

is above all you have is a piece of your

wealth and here he said I’m going to

devour it from you there’s a picture in

yesterday’s paper here daily news I

believe it was picture of the president

I believe it’s of worldcom that’s going

bankrupt and he’s on his yacht having a

great time and he’s out on bail and you

look at that yacht and the mansion

behind it and then you hear the Prophet

Amos said it’s all going to be devoured

and now you’re going to have left as a

bone a shin bone amazing prophecy from

Amos well God is visiting his judgment

on nations God said he’s also will visit

the church now go to chapter 3 verse 14

chapter 3 verse 14 that in the day let’s

start verse 13 hear ye and testify in

the house of Jacob now the house of

Jacob is the church this this is the

house of God saith the Lord of hosts the

god of hosts that in the day that I

shall visit the transgressions of Israel

upon him

I will also visit the altars of Bethel

and the horns of the altar now this is

I’ll show you what this means it’s it’s

some and the horns of the altar shall be

cut off and fall to the ground he said I

while I’m judging the nation I’m going

to visit Bethel now look at me please

this is very important that you get it

and understand it the house of dicket

clearly represents the church he said

all who forsake the Lord who turned to

godless pleasure in debauchery are going

to be humbled and brought low yes he’s

going to judge the nation’s just like

America but his greatest concern is the

church his kingdom on earth those that

are called by his own name or at least

boast that they’re called by his name

God’s greatest concern in this last hour

is his church he said of all the people

of the earth you’re my family

you’re my concern folks I would tell you

something don’t get out of kilter don’t

get upset because the agnostics and the

atheist are trying to take God out of

the plans to the American flag don’t

blow a gasket

because they now want to take in god we

trust’ off of our coins folks they want

to take the name of God out of our

society but don’t get upset about it

because God has already started to judge

them they are already under the judgment

of God God God laughs at this kind of

foolishness put me out of your society

that that that means nothing to God

compared he is concerned for his faith

for his church we are the ones that can

hurt him we are the ones that can grieve

him the nation is not grieving God like

we his people those call themselves by

his name his church that’s his greatest

concern he said I’m going to visit

Bethel Bethel was where Jacob met God

that was where the latter who spits down

from heaven and that’s a dreadful place

he called he said this is a dreadful

a place of reverence to a holy God the

place where he said is the Gate of

Heaven and Beth knows where the Bible

says God came down and met man Bethel’s

represents not just a place but a

spiritual condition a spiritual place

and God kept sending Jacob back every

time Jacob was disguiseys go back to

Bethel it was a helman place it

represents of people who referenced God

represents a church where God’s presence

is there there’s a holy reverence

there’s an all for God and God comes

down and meets them at this place he

said but I’m going to come down and I’m

going to visit Bethel because you see

King Jeroboam when he came to the throne

after Solomon he corrupted the worship

at Bale at Bethel and a dad he took the

lowest of the people he took the

criminal element he took those who had

no heart for God and made them the

pastors and he set up a house of worship

to Vail and he corrupted the altars that

were at the altar that was erected at

Bethel he totally corrupted and from

Jeroboam to the very day of famous it

was a place that God despised

because it was now a worship of mixture

it was exuberant it was loud it was

colorful but it was an abomination to

God then the reason for it was because

the praise and the worship that was

going up was corrupted I mean godliness

sinfulness in the heart I’m going

someplace with this and I want you to

follow me closely please here’s the

clear word of God

at the same time I judge your nation

when the world is trembling because of

war in violence and when I am sending

floods and droughts and blasting and

mildew when your economy is shaken and

wealth is being devoured at that same

time I will visit my church with

judgment for corrupting my worship I

will visit Bethel I’m going to visit my

church the Bible says that what King

Jeroboam did that Bethel became a sin

for the people went there to worship and

in Bethel they sacrificed unto a golden

calf and he made priests of the lowest

of all the people God judges false

worship there is a Bethel kind of

worship now that’s corrupting the whole

world it’s corrupting the whole Church

of Jesus Christ worldwide it’s the same

Bethel spirit prophets had come to

Bethel and transgress in other words

there’s a worship that people are so

involved in and they think it’s God they

think it’s Holly and the crowds are

pouring in and he said keep going to

Bethel go ahead but he said you’re just

multiplying your sinning your sins are

multiplying the more you think it’s God

your eyes are closed you’re in a false

worship and he said come on keep up me

all you’re doing is multiplying your

sins come to Bethel and transgress and

tell you why chapter 4 verse 5 and they


sacrifice of Thanksgiving with what and

proclaim and published the free

offerings and this like a–the you

another do you love it oh you children

visual saith the lord god now listen to

me please leavened bread by the law was

to be given only as a sacrifice to the

priest and he was the consumer the same

debt was given to him that was the place

for leavened bread but what they were

doing when they brought the the offering

the bread offering was the thanksgiving

and praise offering and when they

brought it to the altar at Bethel the

fire was kindled they were casting in

unleavened eleven bread

leaven stands for sin do you understand

in the Bible for leprosy for flesh and

he said your praise offerings full of

leaven he said you praise and worship

the folks they they thought they were

worshipping Jehovah Jehovah’s name was

used they used the same language they

used the same forms but he said you

offer your sacrifices he said to me you

offer your sacrifices to me with leaven

he said this sacrifice of the

Thanksgiving offering which the

unleavened cakes mingled with oil that’s

the holy spirit and cakes mingled with

oil unleavened wafers anointed with oil

the oil of the holy oil stands for the

Holy Spirit and uh you’ve got to see

this the Bible says who shall descent

into the heel of the Lord who shall

stand in his holy place he that have

clean hands and a pure heart

who’s not lifted up his soul to vanity

and sworn deceitfully these people are

very religious outside they were very

zealous the scripture says bring your

sacrifices every morning and your tithe

it’s right there in verse 4 chapter 4

verse 4 he said every morning they were

there in fact not only were there every

morning but they were going to Gilgal

and perceiver they were going from place

to place for conferences praise meetings

worship meetings they gathered by the

thousands then famous says don’t go to

Gil gout don’t go to to Bethel don’t go

to verse Eva

he said because God is going to bring it

all down folks we have praise meetings

and sacrifices of praise being offered

all over the world today and if you

don’t know the Holy Ghost if you’ve not

been seeking God and if you have sinned

it’s unfor Satan in your life and you go

to the house and not not I’ll bring it

down closer if you come to Time Square

Church and the Holy Ghost has been

dealing with you time after time about

sin in your life have you been dealing

with you about a dog tree there’s

someone you have not forgiven then you

hold that grudge in spite of every

gospel message you hear Holy Ghost is

dealt with your time and time again and

you come and raise your hands and you

praise God

you have Lebanon your sacrifice and God

will not accept it he never has and

never will

you’re wasting your time and bringing

judgment upon you I’ll show that to you

and there are great meetings all over

the world now led by men who’ve never

known God’s heart who’s never wept

between the porch and the altar who have

been looking now for nothing but the

almighty dollar and success and you

hear this sound it’s loud it sounds

artful it’s colorful now folks I am NOT

indict in every worship service and

praise service no because all around the

world God now has a holy people and

there’s a sound of a niagara praise and

worship this powerful and people are

reaping under people are getting saved

under it they’re not thinking of the

things of this world the pleasure to the

world our success

they are brokenhearted before God and

there’s a holy reverence and out of that

reverence out of that intimacy with

Jesus comes a glorious sound of praise

but folks be careful be careful the

Prophet warns if your church or your

group has no gospel that exposes sin if

there’s no smiting conviction of reproof

if there’s no call to repentance and

forsaking of all sin you’re at Bethel

and you’re in a Bethel altar and it’s a

sacrifice of leaven that God says I will

not accept hell gets worse amos 3:14 i

will visit the altars of Bethel and the

horns of the altar shall be cut off and

fall to the ground now folks listen to

it when I was a boy my father’s have

preached my grandfather every service

you’d hear this all God we’re going to

lay hold of the horns on the altar some

would testify I broke through and laid

hold of the horns of the altar and I’m

safe in God the altar is this the Old

Testament had four horns under four

corners they were made of wood and

covered with brass in the shape of a

ram’s horn and

the whole meaning of the ram’s horn was

the right of sanctuary

it was protection by laying hold of the

horns and the altar the offender then

placed himself under the protection of

the saving keeping grace of God

you find that illustrated in first Kings

the second chapter when David son

adonijah tried to usurp the throne of

David and proclaims himself king and and

David immediately annoying Solomon in

Solomon sends word out it Daanish is a

dead man for what he’s done

the donnager runs to the temple he runs

to the house of God and grabs hold of

the horns of the altar and he he he says

let King Solomon know that I’m holding

the horn of the altar and Solomon

couldn’t touch him Solomon refused to

touch him he survived now it was

different with Joab because of the blood

that was on his hands but you see even

in the cities of refuge they would run

in and if they were running they

couldn’t get the City of Refuge they

would get to the house of God oh they

couldn’t grab hold of the horns of the


it was security he was protection the

god says at Bethel where there’s leaven

and these people are worshiping me with

sin in their hearts that has never been

dealt with can you imagine people who

spend the evening in pornographic

theaters then coming Sunday to the house

of God and dancing and shouting and

raising their hands people like a

I got from an elder of a church that

came to our conference pastor win come

with him because he was mad at him

wouldn’t speak to it for two months and

the elder went to him humbled himself

and reluctantly the man parsley forgave


no man standing in the pulpit let me

tell you something everything that man

says every word of worship every ten

raises his hand is this tense in God’s

nostrils and worse than that there’s no

protection against deception the horns

of the altar are gone he said I will cut

them off and they will fall to the

ground when there’s not a pure worship

you folks there have been people have

left this church because of various

reasons and a lot of people leave

because we preach a strong message

against iniquity we preach grace we

preach mercy that’s primarily on message

here but there are times that God is

standing from this pulpit to all of us

to lay hold of his covenant and be

purged those hidden things secret things

in our lives he’s done that and he’s

Persian there’s a son a lot of people

can’t handle it they go off and there’s

all I’m in a place now you ought to hear

it man the flags are waving everywhere

and people are dancing and what a shower

they’re shouting and praising God

I’m not against flags folks if your

hearts pure you can wave anything you

want wave your handkerchief waive

anything you’ve got a pure heart God

will receive that hallelujah I’m not

against that it’s the heart it’s what’s

coming out of our mouth from a pure

the Bible said if you’re corrupted at

the spring everything comes out of the

spring is going to be corrupted but you

see now God says I will I’m going to cut

off the one I’m going to cut off your

protection from deception and folks I

have seen the awful results of the horns

coming off the altar I’ve seen what

happens in Africa right now thousands

are swarming in – one African nation

into a city and I won’t name the nation

of the city but it was brought to me

firsthand there’s a man now

in fact people from the United States

are flocking to here because he claims

that he was made a prophet in his

mother’s woman that God prophesied spoke

words for the people while he was in the

womb and so now people coming everywhere

to get their word that was delivered way

back in his mother’s womb and he’s

giving these words is giving these

prophecies saying I got this for you

when I was still in the womb and they

are flocking

now that’s unscriptural it’s blasphemy

but the walls are down the horns are

gone the discernment is lost

and these people are flocking to why

because of sin they’ve not laid hold of

God they don’t have any intimacy with

Jesus Christ they’re just looking for

something exciting and new folks we’ve

worn from this pulpit you want something

exciting and new get down alone with God

in the secret closet of Prayer he’ll

give you every sighting

precious word that you never need and

receive in one of the Balkan states now

there’s a prophetess going around

instructing the people to lay prostrate

in the floor and release your mind

her she used to be a witch she had been

in Hell in facts he says since he said

you’ve got to see hell before you can

understand the gospel and I’m going to

take you to hell

and so everybody lays down and she takes

him on a trip to hell and some of them

are going there absolutely losing their

senses they’re tripping out and God the

pastor is told no folks I work where

this has happened I happen to have been

in that church when they were starting

to get into these new things all these

new things some of the godly elderly

people that church came to me and said

pastor Dave what’s going on there’s a

lot of noise and sound and new things

but it doesn’t sound like there’s

something wicked underneath because you

see you get into that the discernment

got there no horns on there little

protection in any false doctrine any

false shepherd even a witch can keep

come in and pose as a gospel preacher of

Jesus Christ and deceive the whole

congregation if they’re not under

discernment in Brazil there’s an

evangelist now getting rich he

guarantees evening for cancer for a

thousand dollars your exorcism cost a

little less but he’s got a great

following now and getting rich and the

people love it

it’s unscriptural it’s blasphemy it’s

deception because there are no horns on

the altar here in the United States

we’ve become the worst pushers of

deceptive Gospels all over the world

American Christians are becoming

scriptural illiterates sassy and love

there’s biblical illiteracy people don’t

know their Bibles anymore because

they’ve been running around trying to

get a thrill not willing to fast and

and seek the face of God rather get on a

plane and go to some exciting new thing

folks be careful be very very careful as

you may be going to Bethel you may be

worshipping at an altar it’s about to

come down

Amos cries out you offer Thanksgiving

sacrifices to the Lord with leaven verse

chapter 4 verse 5 and this like if you

know that you love it oh you children of

Israel saith the Lord he said you know

folks people love people love it they

don’t want big many people no I’m not

saying everybody but there’s so many

creases enough don’t want to be probed

they don’t want to be examined by the

Holy Ghost or the word may that never

happened in Times Square Church the

Bible says I’m going to close now God

tells us he’s going to pass through his

church he going to shut down all that is

polluted I wanted you to see it chapter

5 follow me now start 417 and in all


you know what the vineyards stand for

don’t you these are individual churches

individual congregations and then all

vineyards shall be wailing and I will

pass through these saith the Lord will

want you to desire the day of the Lord

to what end is it for you the day of the

Lord we darkness and not light I want

you to look at verse 21 I hate I despise

your feast days now we’re not smelling

your solemn assemblies though you offer

me burnt offerings and your meat

offerings I will not accept them neither

will I regard the peace offerings of

your fat beasts

take them away from me the noise of your

songs I’ll not hear the melody of thy

vials let judgment run down as waters

and righteousness is a mighty stream

folks look at me please it’s very very

simple what the prophets saying

is what God is saying until

righteousness comes down as a stream who

cleanses everything in its way until you

allow your heart to be open to that

stream of righteousness through the

Covenant promises of God he said you’re

not giving me a true sacrifice of praise

and worship and God wants the pure

worshipping these last things while

iniquity abounds God has to have a

people that come together and give him

true praise and tubers you can’t measure

the holiness you can’t measure the value

or the purity of a praise service or a

praise offering by how loud it is or how

joyful it may sound you say well how do

you measure it by the Bible said by your

fruits you shall know them and the

fruits of a true worship according to

Amos is that you care for the poor and

go out to meet the needs of the needy

it’s not a message of success and

prosperity it’s a message of a people

who have come into the house of God

having prayed and ministered to the poor

and the needy in the land and in their

midst and he said that’s a test he said

also that you are grieve for the

afflictions of Joseph in other words

you’re grieved at what you see happening

to God’s house there’s a grief in your

heart and you just you cry about it you

weep over till God have mercy have mercy

because folks many people that are in

this are just blind they’re black many

new conference have got caught up into

this kind of thing and they’ve never had

anybody tell them that what they were

doing was sinful they never opened the

scripture and said now look that’s not

that’s contrary to the Word of God when

we first came here and opened this

church we had people for the broad

Broadway people that were in Broadway

shows vile shows

now remember preaching sermons called a

letter from the devil was one of them

and a challenge we called said look this

is wrong you you you are in something

that is evil and God began to bring them

out and God began to cleanse we had

sitting in her congregation won a whole

row of transvestites that came for quite

a while until finally some dear people

in his church said you know according to

the scripture there needs to be a change

and it was done lovingly but it was

pointed out so that they would not

continue in that farce and three or four

of them immediately changed and by the

way some of them are married and still

in this church

I close with this good word aim is 45 14

and 15 amos 5 verse 14 and verse 15 seek

good and not evil that he may live and

so the Lord the God of hosts shall be

with you as you have spoken hate the

evil and love the good establish

judgment in the gate it may be that the

Lord God of hosts will be gracious to

the remnant of Joseph he said seek the

Lord and live seek the Lord and God

first thing God gives you seek with all

your heart and you open up your heart to

be judged by the Word of God and you’re

willing to forsake confess and forsake

your sin first thing God is going to

give me going to baptize you with

discernment you’re going to know you can

be able to smell it with your spiritual

ears you’re going to see it with your

spiritual eye you’ll hear with the

spiritual ear and you’ll know

immediately and you can turn to your

husband and wife when you’re in the

wrong place now honey let’s get out of

here this is Bethel you’ll know it

hallelujah God is with this people

holiday will you stand with me please

will you stand folks I’m going to boast

in the Lord

everybody in the building in the annex

and overflow rooms wherever you are I’m

going to boost because there are people

in this house there’s a minister in this

church they put themselves under the

purging cleansing fire of the Holy Ghost

there are hards at this altar there are

horns there’s protection I boast in the

Holy Ghost

I boast in what God has done through his

spirit in this house glory be to God no

leaven the unleavened bread covered with

oil wafers each one bringing it with her

dipped in oil bring it to the Father

here Jesus I bring you this unleavened

offering praise and thanksgiving

sacrifice of praise holy acceptable unto

God holy acceptable because I’ve given

myself I haven’t given just an hour on

Sunday morning or two I’ve given you my

heart I’ve given you everything now

folks the reason God brings a message

like this is for the protection of his

body this message goes out on internet

now around the world it goes out to

hundreds of thousands on our mailing

list it’s a message that God is bringing

forth to protect this people from all

the false stuff that’s coming down the

road folks you can’t begin to believe

what’s coming do you know that people

who are giving the Lord false praise and

false worship with leaven they’re going

to be the first to recognize and accept

the Antichrist you may not believe that

it’s not going to the agnostics and it’s

not going to be the atheists that accept

them at first it’s going to be blinded

undiscerning believers

or who called themselves believers but

never were changed never truly saved

never truly have known him and have held

to the world and held to its sins and

its pleasures and nothing has changed

except the words that come out of their

mouth praise and worship has never been

sanctified and they’re so blind they’ll

be the first to accept the Antichrist I

believe that with everything in my heart

but thank God I I feel so secure in the

hands of the Lord don’t you how many of

this building now still safer after

you’ve heard the message you feel safer

than you’ve ever felt that’s the closet

you’ve got that’s because you have your

hands on the horn one hand on this horn

in one end on this hand over here

devil you can’t touch me deception you

can’t touch me I am laying holding the

on the altar

glory be to God Lord anoint this to our

ears into our hearts god I pray that

many many that here this will be

delivered from deception and they will

begin to examine the place in which they

worship they would begin to examine it

they will pray before they go they will

pray before they enter the house of God

and they will look at the lives of their

pastors and their teachers and those

around them who who claim to be

spiritual God we’ve got to examine what

we see and Lord and judge only

righteously not with condemnation but

with righteous judgment Lord protect

this congregation from all of the

deceptions that are coming Lord terrible

deceptions then Antichrist is going to

come and deceive the whole world but oh


we recognize that Antichrist spirit we

see it we discern it and we deny it

Oh God that spirit that’s even at work

in the church God we repel it through

the power of the Holy Ghost blessed be

the name of the Lord it’s very vital

before we close this service and before

you walk out of here if you know in your

heart that the Lord has a controversy

with you and I’ll tell you what just as

surely as he sends floods and droughts

and mildew and all of these things

blasting and mildew to wake up people he

will allow things in your life to go

into total disorder trying he said I

allow this to happen but you didn’t come

back then I allow this to happen or I

brought this into your life and you

still didn’t come back you still didn’t

come back

stop that today God’s been dealing with

you’re now going to make it bold an

outright in the panics and here in the

main auditorium if there is a

controversy because of sin and if you

have sin in your life that has not been


now folks gods made covenant promises to

give you the power over your sin but if

you’re holding on to it and not allowing

the Holy Spirit to deal with it then

you’re in real danger

and I’m inviting you today to step out

of your seat folks please only I’m

narrowing it down only those that are

here that you know in your heart this

then I can’t offer a sacrifice of praise

and worship to the Lord until this is

dealt with there’s something in our

nobody needs to know it is it jealousy

is it an unforgiving spirit and someone

you haven’t talked to a refuse to talk

to God said if you won’t forgive others

he won’t forgive you your sins are just

piling up to heaven is it been unclean

eyes I don’t know what it is but if you

know you can’t offer up a pure offering

of praise and thanksgiving to the bar I

invite you to come for cleansing here at

the front of this church and we’ll pray

with you believe God for a miracle we’re

going to believe the Lord right now for

a cleansing we want to be able to lift

our hands holy hands clean hands a clean

heart a pure heart with everything laid

down before the eyes of the Lord there

has that you have to come forward here

and you step out not because of fear

fear is not going to keep you because

that fear will dissipate as soon as you

get out the door if this message is just

produced fear in your heart it’s not you

haven’t received it in the right way

this is not just about being afraid of

going to hell or being damned it has to

be something in your heart where you say

I am I want to be free I don’t to be

bound anymore I want to be free from

this thing that holds me I don’t want to

live in sin I don’t want to be a slave

anymore I want to be free

that’s to be a crime your heart to be

free and also that’s to be crying your

heart state Lord Jesus I don’t want to

be a half-hearted I want to be I want to

give everything I am and all I have to

you I want to make a total sacrifice and

I want to learn to hate my sin I don’t

want to hold on to it anymore like an

idol I want to see how ugly and sinful

it is and that’s what the Bible said the

law is supposed to do it’s to show you

the exceeding sinfulness of your sin if

you stand here now you came forward and

you say I know what my sin is my sin is

not some little thing mice this sin to

dam and destroy my soul this is out of

hell I don’t want it it’s exceedingly

sinful and that’s what you have to have

in your heart this painted and folks if

you don’t have that hatred you can ask

God and he’ll give that to you by

covenant you I will cause you he says to

walk in my ways he said i’ll cause you

to despise your sin these are all clear

promises in the Word of God he said I’ll

cleanse you and I’ve sanctify you

they’ll make you clean I want you to

pray this out of your heart from the

depth of your heart Lord Jesus I’m tired

of my sin now I don’t want to be a slave


God helped me to hate my sin and no more

excuses it has to go and it has to go


Lord Jesus put that hatred in my heart

for all sin Lord Jesus I confess my sin

and bring it to you and I’ll bring it to

your covenant ask you to forgive me

and now cleanse me according to your

promises oh Jesus I repent I tell you

I’ve sinned against you give me a new

heart right now put a new heart in me a

heart that loves you the heart that

hates sin a heart that can be drawn to


now I want you to lift your hands and I

just want you in the own words to start

loving Jesus and thanking him that he

has the power and ask the Holy Ghost to

give you power of your sin right now

pray that God answered that prayer right

now Jesus I’m asking you to give me

power over my sin I’m asking it right

now Jesus to give me that spiritual

authority I claim your promises and will

you love Jesus right now just love him

lord I love you for being merciful to me

Lord I want this to be the first day of

a new beginning in my life

break the chains of sin now lord I come

against the power of hell in darkness I

come against principalities and powers

of darkness I come against demon powers

I come against these evil spirits and we

bind them hand and foot and cast them

into outer darkness we take the

authority of Jesus Christ now over all

the powers of iniquity over all the

powers of hell and darkness break every

chain that enslaves those who stand here

pray it right now Lord break every chain

that binds me Lord break every chain

break the chains that bind me break them

and set me free right now hallelujah

now will you praise him will you thank

him give him thanks to the embrace

this is the conclusion of the message