MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #fyp #forgiveness #light #heaven #time #bewithChrist #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Bible #Word #Love #Grace #time #future

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zero zero one nine I want to speak to

you on the subject giving God full

control giving God full control now

Jesus come Holy Spirit move speak to me

and speak through me and give us ears to

hear what the Spirit has to say in Jesus


a man giving God full control in the

past two weeks the Supreme Court of the

United States has outlawed any of the

Ten Commandments posted in any of our

courts they can posted it outside but

every all the Ten Commandments in our

courts have to be erased

why stand here now especially in

California California isn’t a frenzy

trying to get as many sandblasters as

possible as soon as possible to get rid

of the Ten Commandments engraved in

marble and concrete in our courts can

you imagine the sandblasting is going to

take place all over the United States

now the Supreme Court has outlawed the

showing of the Ten Commandments

you see these laws are eternal laws they

were originally written by the finger of

God in stone and I I cringe when I hear


well we are no longer under the law

we’re not under the 613 added laws added

by the rabbi’s 613 laws we’re not under

that law but we’re under what is called

the moral law those are the Ten

Commandments if you say you’re not under

that which one do you mean you’re not

under you mean that yeah you can commit

adultery Lord said thou shalt not commit

adultery are you no longer under that

thou shalt not kill are you not under

that we are under this moral law of God

and now I cringe when I think of it can

you imagine the Angels outside of these

courts all over the United States and

especially outside the Supreme Court and

there are a number of God to Christians

and I talked to one last Sunday who was

a part of that and they stood for weeks

outside weeping and praying and the

Bible said we have guardian angels who

guard us how many of those guardian

angels must have if Ames’s weep must

have been weeping and I wonder how many

of those angels a camp around about the

saints of God ask permission for God

give them permission to do something to

stop this madness

these laws you say all we need to do is

have these laws written in our heart it

shouldn’t be an issue I shouldn’t even

be talking about it and that comes from

many Christian sources we should not be

disturbed because we have the law

written in our hearts and listen to what

the scripture says he said these laws

are to be ever in the frontlets of our

eyes I mean always visible before our

eyes scripture says in these words or

these Commandments shall be in your


yes but they should also bind them for a

sign upon your hand they shall be as

frontlets or visible between your eyes

furthermore God says and then write them

on the post and the gates of your house

the the gates of the city always were

they adjudicated this is where the law

was was enforced and he says put them in

the post put them before your eyes

and now I wonder how horrified they are

in heaven as they look on this thing

what is in the mind of God when he sees

the nation pushing God out of the

schools all of our institutions and soon

we will they will be going after one

nation under God and in our coins in god

we trust’ to absolutely wipe the name of

God out of our society you think for a

moment God is going to stand still that

God will not act you know I just came

from Europe and the European Union tried

to out of Brussels and we were in

Brussels and you could feel the

Antichrist spirit because you see they

introduced a constitution where only a

few countries that we insist that God be

included the name of God that that that

there is a God they won’t acknowledge

God and the elite judges in Russells

those are presenting most of the secular

nation said no we will not France and

Germany especially emphasized no and in

Spain the new president refused to take

an oath on the Bible four verse time in

a Catholic nation you can imagine how

secular Europe is becoming and folks as

soon as they did that even though the

Constitution was voted down they’re

going to come back you can believe it

and it won’t be long and there will be a

constitution that absolutely is secular

and no mention of God and what they are

saying in essence and they’re making the

statement God you keep your heaven but

give us the earth get out of our face

get out of our face and that’s what is

happening here in the United States of

America and we should be grieved which

there should be a weeping inside for our

great nation and we love our country but

we see what is happening by elite judges

trying to take away the very name of God

and wipe it out of our society look

what’s happened now in Europe look

what’s happening in Germany massive

unemployment and now there’s turmoil and

France both of the leaders of those

nations in trouble

they can’t even govern because there’s

such chaos and that’s just the beginning

their welfare rolls are going out of

control the governments are shaking and

all over Europe there’s fear and that’s

only the beginning because you see if

you don’t want God he doesn’t just go

away you say we we don’t want you it is

okay I’ll see you no no there’s a God

God says no no no that you will not take

my people you will not take you will not

take from me what I have given you will

not destroy my laws it cannot and will

not happen even though we see this

happening it’s it’s because of a spirit

of lawlessness remember what it was said

of lot his soul was vexed day and night

by the lawlessness that he beheld it’s a

spirit of lawlessness this is why God

destroyed Sodom this is why God

destroyed the nations with the world

with a flood because of violence and

lawlessness it was absolute lawlessness

in your face homosexuality in your face

violence and the same thing God get out

we want nothing to do with you and God

moved and immediately in these things

when you get to the book of Genesis when

you leave the book of Genesis you come

into the history of Israel and you see

God always looking for a people he’s

looking for a testimony he’s looking for

those who will bend to his laws receive

his laws and give themselves in full

control and God wanted a people that he

could use as a trophy so to speak as a

teaching testimony he would take a

people a small people and insignificant

people and he takes them out into the

wilderness and he puts him in a

situation where everything is out of


they can’t control their society they

can’t control the food problem they

can’t control the water situation they

are in fiery trials they’re in a black

wilderness and God takes the people God

has always been looking for people who

fully trust him be totally dependent

upon him so he takes in the midst of all

this turmoil and this godlessness people

serving false gods people bending before

gods who can’t see who can’t hear who

can’t feel who can’t comfort who can’t

lead who can’t direct and God says I

have to have a testimony when I was

younger preacher used to bother me why

would God just move on a small group of

people called Israel and here’s a whole

heathen world out here has God not have

a testimony is he not speaking to them

the Turks all of the European what are

nother European nations in China the

whole world is God just going to send

his saviour to Israel a small group of

people know God says I’m looking for

people I just have to I don’t have to

have a large group I have to have a

remnant if necessary that will trust me

and put their lives in my hands and

become wholly dependent that I will be

everything to them I will meet every

need I will I will do miracles on their

behalf but I have two other people who

fully trust and put me in control of

their lives every aspect every detail of

their life so he isolates the people in

the wilderness where there’s no water

there’s no food and he comes down and it

makes them absolutely dependent on

himself there is a darkness in the

wilderness called a darkness that can be

felt it’s so black it’s so dark and that

cloud he says he said I will lead you by

a cloud and at night I’m going to

comfort you there’s going to be a glow a

fire of warmth and and you’re not going

to be left alone and

I’m going to provide everything you need

you won’t need to trust in any man and

then when the whole world sees you

coming and existing in a wilderness

where people ask who’s their support who

feeds them they they have no grass for

their cattle they have no water

wagons how do they eat how do they

survive how are they directed there are

no compasses and those day how do they

find their way through this wilderness

and where they going and what’s that

cloud that hangs over them and it’s a

testimony to the whole world

God is training of people God is getting

ready for people to be a testimony to

the whole heathen world here is a God

who hears hears a God who answers prayer

here is a God who leads and directs and

all he asked his faith all he asked his

confidence all he asked you put your

life in my hands I’ve been speaking over

and over again from this pulpit about

that kind of life walking in the spirit

walking in confidence that God can lead

into my nudist detail of our life and

you see God has to take them into

wilderness and he brings about in their

life impossible situations situations

they can’t control there’s no control

there’s nothing they can do and God

brings them for example to the Red Sea

hemmed in with mountains on both sides

and an impossible River in front of them

Pharaoh breathing down fire behind them

and they’re in an absolutely hopeless

situation and this is where God is

saying here’s the testimony I want

here’s the tests I have I have to put

you in impossible situations to invoke

faith to bring out of your faith and con

with us so that no matter what happens

in the future no matter what you have to

go through you’re going to be a

testimony to the world that just resting

in him just believing in his

faithfulness never die you’re going to

you’re going to come through this and

God will be glorified he brings them God

brings them to that impossible situation

by the Red Sea they have two options

they have an option to just kneel and

say Oh God God of Our Fathers you have

delivered us out of the hand of the

Egyptians you who sent these plagues

upon our enemies you have directed and

now you’re fulfilling your promises you

will not fail this now and just lift

their hands to begin to praise that’s

all they had to do rest and praise the

Lord and those waters would have opened

they sang the right song on the wrong

side I preached that sermon years ago

I’ve heard it reap reached by many many

others they came on the other side and

suddenly they had faith because all

their enemies are dead now they sing

that song of deliverance and Miriam and

the women danced before the Lord with

tambourines and saying thank God it’s

easy to have faith when you already

through the battle but God said you sing

the right song on the right side you

sing it on the testing side while you’re

being tested and fun man you sing your

song and God still works this way

beloved this faithful God who’s trying

to raise a testimony to a heathen

godless world a world that is restless a

world that is hopeless a world that

cringes in fear of the future Almighty

God is looking for a holy people who

will be this testimony and God has to

take you into places that are beyond

your control he takes you to situations

that apparently humanly speaking are

impossible you see the other option


visual had was to to say in their hearts

into one another this this is not fair

of God to take me this kind of test this

is unfair this is not this this is not

right that God would allow me to suffer

like I’m suffering now and go through

the terminal I’m going through now it’s

not right of God I don’t have the

capacity to believe for such an

impossible for any miracle to come out

of this there are many of us that are

listening to me now you’re going through

the test of your life you are in a

situation that is humanly absolutely

impossible God took Israel you say well

I’ve been through a few of those brother

Dave I don’t need any more you said I’ve

had some heavy ones why why would God

take me through this now because God has

a plan for you because God is looking

where is he going to find the testimony

if he can’t find it in you and me where

can he find those you see ten times he

comes to these people ten times he puts

them in situation hoping that just one

time they can rest and say this time

Lord I’m trusting you through this this


no complaints this time no regrets

this time no questions this time I will

rest and whatever happens I’m going to

say God is in control

you see the Bible says they were

promised that out of heaven God would

make them to hear his voice he might

instruct them they would hear his words

their own testament was who is there

among all flesh among all mankind who’s

heard the voice of the Living God and

survived beloved I I think it’s a

tragedy that so many Christians don’t

believe that God speaks today

I mean individually to our hearts while

they believe he speaks to maybe

preachers or to some who are giving

yourselves to prayer and fasting and

maybe God speaks to them but God’s not

speaking to me and I hear that from so

many young couples that are deep in debt

many young people that are making all

kinds of decisions at the spur of the

moment and they’re saying where is God

why isn’t God speaking to me why am I in

such a mess you see it’s not wrong to

shot till you drop I guess I know it’s

not wrong to invest in it’s not wrong to

go for a house in the car and provide

for your family that scripture were like

we’re commanded to to care for our

families but you see we there’s a book

just been written called blink via lion

Kate like the blink of an eye and the

subtitle of this book is the power of

thinking without thinking now you figure

that one out

you see the new generation of being

called the blink generation instead

decisions not thinking but go by

instinct and they even have their own

language window of opportunity oh you

gotta get on this deal this deal is the

deal of a lifetime you can make bucks in

such a short time

you just mortgage your house a second

time and you go and speculate and get

another house you can sell in six months

and you can make fifty thousand hundred

thousand dollars you can be rich and

they have their own language now deal of

a lifetime deal of this century blink

blink blink the blink generation let me

ask you Saints this last year how many

decision did you make on the blink how

many decisions in the past month did you

make without praying you see when I grew

up when I was a boy we there was there

was a statement of the church every

every time there was a situation came

with somebody asked for prayer or if

someone knew the decision-makers it did

you pray did you take it to God did you

seek the Lord on this I ask you that now

how many decisions are you making

because you see when you make a decision

on your own when you just make a blink

decision you’re going to get in a mess

you get in a real mess this is a

messed-up generation for the most part I

love this generation we got a lot of

messes going on because we got on the

blinkin going on all the prophets said

you see Israel failed the test they

wondered helplessly for 38 more years in

the wilderness they did not become that

testimony in fact when you get to

Jeremiah Jeremiah said you have rejected

God you’ve rejected me said will not

have this man ruled over us they became

lawless till the closes out saying every

man became a law to himself

you see that’s what we have now in

America and around the world not just in

this country but everywhere I travel in

the world absolute lawlessness it’s not

just in Colombia where drug lords are

trying to rule the country it’s not just

in the secular countries it’s in Eaglin

and so-called Christian countries now

spirit of lawlessness and you see we say

we don’t want God’s laws and God comes

along and says I the only way I can

counteract this the only testimony I

have or a people that I can find who

will trust me and set an example and be

a teaching people be a trophy people to

the whole world

while everybody is shaking where

everybody’s trembling

everybody’s running around trying to

find an answer everybody run or get a

word from the Lord somewhere from some

prophet I’m not putting that down there

are two prophets but if you can’t find

in your secret closet if you can’t find

it your walk with God our Savior who can

talk to you a God who can minister to

you and give you direction you can run

off and you’re going to get the wrong

word you’re going to get some other kind

of word and God says I want to give you

that word I want to speak into your

heart I want to lead you and I want you

to be I want you to be a believer who is

so trusting so committed to the to the

leading of the Holy Spirit that you will

be at rest and when everybody around you

is crumbling and everybody is full of

fear you have that peace of God that

passes all understanding you’re not

shaking you’re not trembling because

you’ve heard a word from God and God

said everything’s under control

I’m with you don’t be afraid God is

looking for that testimony don’t be

afraid to clap I’m not going to stop you

from clapping

so the Prophet said he’s going to send

him aside going to send his own son and

he’s going to raise up this kind of

people he’s been searching for and you

know how Jesus came he said I came not

to do my will but what the will of the

Heavenly Father and Jesus came to show

us how it can be if we trust the father

the life that we can have of confidence

here here’s a man who had absolutely no

agenda of his own in fact I want you to

go with me if you will to John the fifth

chapter turn to John the fifth chapter I

want you to hear it in the words of

Jesus himself fifth chapter of John you

see God is looking for a people who laid

down their own will their own agenda and

say Jesus I will trust you in everything

5 verses 19 and 20 then answered Jesus

and said unto them verily verily I say

unto you the Son of God his son can do

nothing of himself nothing is that in

your Bible too amazing if Jesus says

this how much more should that be what

we are saying the son of the son can do

nothing of himself but he see the father

do for what thing soever he doeth these

also doeth the son likewise for the

father love of the son and so with him

all things that himself do it that he

will and he will show him greater works

than these that you may marvel look at

verse 30 I can of my own self do nothing

as I hear I judge my judgment is just

because I seek not my own will but the

will of the Father which has sent me

skip over to chapter 6 please chapter 6

and I want you to go to verse 38 I came

down from heaven not to do my own will

but the will of him that sent me I say

it again

I came down from heaven not to do my own

will but the will of him that sent me

this is the life I believe that’s

possible God’s been dealing with me for

the past few years and the older I get

the more I’m convinced that this is not

just a fantasy I believe with all of my

heart that those who truly love Jesus

can live a life wholly dependent on the

Lord that you can take every problem you

have you can take every decision that

has to be made you can take it to God in

prayer and you can get an answer you can

hear from God yourself and anything that

you hear when you go to a counselor they

will only confirm what you heard

personally from the Holy Spirit the

whole generation making this is

Christians by the millions around the

world making decisions and getting a

trouble and see what did you put well no

I didn’t pray and when we do pray we

usually want God just to validate what

we’ve already decided on Oh Lord this is

a good idea

there’s nothing more seductive than a

good idea oh good lord

this is everything I want and you said

if I seek you first you give me the

desire I desire this and we go to the

Lord and pray we said Lord ah if this is

not sure we’ll just stop it stop it but

if it’s your will just open the doors

well that happened to Balaam he says

that’s not you we’ll stop him but he

sent an angel and didn’t even wound up

talking to his own donkey

can you imagine somebody talking to

their dog that’s that’s this way it is

man winds up because he God said no but

he wants a yes and God withstood him

with an angel and stopped him but then

find God God sees well it’s in your

heart you wanted to go ahead go ahead

I’ve learned when God says no I’d better

not say yes now things are getting quiet

these are just some practical things

it’s an it mazes me that we can sing

about all of the revelations of who God

is Jehovah Jireh God who provides el


and Aniyah Jehovah Elohim and we know

all these names but then when we get in

a crisis these things just do not seem

to have an impact on us we talked about

I serve Jehovah Jireh my provider and

then when we get into a financial mess

because we’ve been blinking too much

making decisions on the spur instinct

instinct let me tell you something God

made it clear to me David I won’t work

on your deadlines you’re not going to

give me a window of opportunity I don’t

look at windows of opportunity we give

God these deadlines we think we’ve got

to just do what our instincts tell us

and God says no wait on me wait on me

this is a hurry generation doesn’t want

to wait but God says you wait on me and

on I’ll speak to you how do I give full

control to God how can I do this

the question I suggested that in my

title that the servant of giving the

intent of giving everything to God’s

control now I can’t give you a formula

all I can give you is how God is working

by a spirit in my own life now he’s

teaching me to give everything into his

control there’s two simple things that

God’s been teaching me first of all I’ve

got to be convinced God is anxious and

willing to make his will known to me in

every detail of my life I have got to be

convinced he’s anxious and willing to

convey to me through the Holy Spirit the

mind of God

do you believe that God wants to speak

to you do you believe that God wants to

give you his mind he has a will and a

purpose for every life it’s different

than mine yours will be different God

doesn’t have this one palette he paints

everybody with this one color no it’s a

mosaic God has a plan and a purpose for

real life that’s different from every

other everyone is unique and you’ve got

to you have to be convinced in your

heart absolutely convinced God does

speak God will speak if I’ll give him an

opportunity if I’ll give him an ear if I

spend time with him if I’ll take it to

him in prayer when he the Spirit of

Truth has come he will guide you into

all truth he said Laura find me for he

shall receive a mind and he will show it

unto you

would you skip over please quickly –

Isaiah the 30th chapter please of Isaiah

30th chapter of Isaiah in the Old

Testament again I want you to read it

for yourself in the scripture here I’ll

read it to you but I want you to see it

and mark it in your Bible if you’re a

marker 30th chapter verses 19

starting at verses 19 for the people

shall dwell in Zion of Jerusalem into

Zion at Jerusalem thou shall weep no

more he will be very gracious unto thee

at the voice of thy cry when he so hear

he will answer thee and though the Lord

give you the bread of adversity and the

water of affliction yet shall not thy

teachers be removed from a corner

anymore but thine eye shall see thy

teachers 9 ears shall hear a word behind

these saying this is the way walking in

it when you turn to the right hand or

when you turn to the left now look at me

please I want to get this across and I

speak it in the Holy Spirit I don’t care

if you made brink decisions and has

caused difficulty I don’t care how you

got into the situation the situation

remembers aren’t are allowed by God are

brought on by God to those who he has

chosen to be his testimonies but I read

here from the Prophet though the Lord

has given you the bread of adversities

in the water of affliction the Lord has

given it to you though you’re going

through this and maybe the confusion and

it’s been it’s been confused by these

sudden instinct decisions you’ve made in

the past yet shall your teachers not be

removed into cornermen but thine eyes

shall see thy teachers in other words

the word is going to come God is going

to show you a way out your ears will

hear a word behind the saying this is

the way walk in it when you turn to the

right hand and when you turn to the left

now folks I believe that I believe that

and in the past few years I’ve been

proving that little because you see when

God says you have to this is number two

first of all you’ve got to believe that

God is willing and anxious to speak to

you and make his mind known to you and

secondly you’ve got to pray when you

hear his voice for power and authority

to stay the course so that your flesh

does not pull you away from what God is

and or this devil can’t pull you away

from that decision that you had to make

because God spoke it to you so many

people are given a word from the Lord a

true word they’ve been in prayer and

fasting and seeking the Lord and God has

clearly spoken to them but then when

word gets out of the decision that’s

being made friends family experts even

pastors will come and say well that’s

not reasonable sometimes God will ask

give you things that are utterly


it was absolutely unreasonable to leave

a comfortable safe pass for it in little

town in Pennsylvania years ago and come

to New York City to preach the gangs

everybody around me say you’ll get

killed it was unreasonable the Lord said

I want you to go and now there are 500

of those drug centers around the world

you know let me let me get to this you

clap little later but here’s here is

what is really unreasonable to get in

here and then to tell when I’m going

down where the mile miles are they’ve

been in the headlines a killer gang I’m

going down there to preach you’re going

to do what I’m going down to preach why

because God said so God said so Gwyn’s

always said amen to that and then you

know that’s where we met Nicky Cruz

Nicky Cruz has been an evangelist one

not just hundreds of thousands but even

millions to Christ it was even more

unreasonable when God spoke to my heart

go back to New York City and raise up a

church right in Times Square on Broadway

but you see reason said well Lord there

are no auditoriums in Times Square

only theaters got soul I know go

look around hallelujah

Oh God asked if me is that I am willing

and committed to do what he tells me to

do whether it’s yes or whether it’s no

I’m committed

whatever the cost is if you say no it’s

no and you say no because you know I’m

headed for a disaster if I do this on my

own there’s going to be a mess and I’ve

been in some big messes and I don’t want


glory to God the Lord will test you on

this I hear people say that Pastor Dave

that that’s fine for you but yeah I

don’t know if I’m spiritual enough to

trust any voice God is not a deceiver he

does not deceive his people and when you

are committed absolutely committed to

these two truths that God is anxious and

willing to speak his mind to me and

secondly when he speaks he’s promised me

power and I’m going to pray for that

power and that authority of the Holy

Spirit to be committed to that decision

and not turn to the right or to the left

and I’m going to believe also that no

matter what kind of mess is in my life

or know what kind of trial that the Lord

has given to me

whatever he’s put me through that God

will give a word behind me saying this

is the way walk in it and there will be

no confusion about it

the scripture says let him ask in faith

nothing wavering for he that wavers is

like a wave of the sea driven by the

wind and tossed for let not that man

think he’s receive anything of the Lord

the Lord said don’t waver on what I tell

you don’t tremble don’t waver hold on

believe me and trust me and I will see

you through you’re going to go through

waters you

go through a flood you may go through a

lion’s den you may go through a furnace

but you will meet me there and I will

see you through you’re not going down

God has everything under control let’s

stand please God brought some of you

here this morning to hear this word

because you’re facing a trial you’re

facing something in your life that

demands a miracle I say it again in the

overflow rooms in the annex wherever

you’re hearing my voice you’re seeing my

face I’m telling you now I believe he’s

a God of miracles and some of you need

nothing short of a miracle

I’m not about to believe that God before

miracles all through the Old Testament

he performed miracles for the New

Testament church for Peter Paul and all

the Apostles and he’s been performing

miracles and now in the last day when we

need miracles more than we’ve ever

needed it in our lifetime that God has

shut down the miracle-working he has not

God wants to answer you if you will call

upon him and believe him and lay down

your doubts and your fears God is going

to meet you I’m going to open these what

we call the altar area it’s just the

front of this auditorium and if you hear

this morning and say Pastor David I have

been wavering in my faith in my

confidence and I’ve been shaken and some

of you here have been just drifting

because of fear those of you don’t know

Christ at all you do not have a living

relationship with Jesus up in the

balcony here in the main floor just step

out of your seat and join these of the

Spirit is nudging you if you feel the

tug and pull of the Holy Spirit just

simply get out of your seat and come and

join these we’ll pray with you and

believe that before you walk out of this

house you will be touched by the hand of


do you hear the words of that song is

able to do more than I could dream more

than I ever think of and that’s the kind

of God we serve and God wants to heal

many of you that are listening to me now

he wants to heal the the weariness

that’s in you and that word came to me

from the Holy Spirit weariness you’re

just weary of the body you’re tired and

you you say how long does this go on how

long and it’s going to take a real step

of faith for you to say and to bypass

all these things that the enemy says

that that you’ve been faithful you’ve

served him and then you still have to go

through things that few others have gone

through you’re going through the battle

test of your life it takes real faith it

takes unwavering faith to bypass all of

those doubts and fears of the flesh and

say Lord I’m going to trust you through

this Lord I’m going to give you an ear

and I’m going to believe you that you

will speak to me and you’ll give me a

word sometimes the Lord will say stop

trying to play God don’t try to be God

to your family that’s been the biggest

battle of my life I try to be God to

everybody and God says you turn your

family after Gwen’s battle with so many

cancers and then Debbie and then when

Bonnie who’s here this morning got


and I went out that country road for

hours wept and cried till and more tears

and God said are you finished and said

yes he said you put when Debbie Bonnie

you put your family your minister 20 in

my hands and you give me full control

and you’ll know that if I ever do

anything that is painful to you you know

I have a reason and remember I told you

God said to me bonnie has too far

you and me which one has the power said

you which one knows what is best I said

you do and folks at that time I lead my

family I lead my Minister I leave

everything in the hands of God and it’s

a struggle it’s a struggle because

sometimes we’ve just I’m ready to pop

off and make decisions and and then

worry and fret but no no no this

el-shaddai this jehovah this king of

kings and lord of lords is going to be

faithful his faithful would you pray in

the annex and here in the main floor

will you pray this prayer with me right

now from your heart Lord Jesus forgive

my fears and lift this weariness from my

spirit put your hand on me and touch me

Jesus heal me I need a touch and I heard

your word this morning that though I’m

in affliction there’ll be a word come

this is the way walk in it

give me that word give me that

encouragement Holy Spirit you’re the

comforter come and comfort me now and

Lord forgive me and cleanse me of all of

my independent spirit Lord I want to

acknowledge you in all my ways

so you’ll direct my path I I stand now

in a place of forgiveness and love of

God you’re not mad at me God I accept

your love and your forgiveness

now I’ll accept my faith I put

everything in your hands

god take full control if you meant that

just raise your hands and love him right

now everybody raise your hands and love

him say Lord I trust you I believe you

God you you are faithful glory be to God

blessed be the name of the Lord father

those in the annex that stand before you

you know every battle you know every

need you know every hurt blessed Savior

come right now by the Holy Spirit Holy

Spirit I can’t do it no man can do it

you have to do it supernaturally now and

hear those that stand among us in need

Holy Spirit don’t let anybody leave this

place this morning heavy hearted don’t

let anybody leave fretting and worrying

and saying what’s going to happen

Lord nothing’s going to happen except

what you allow and is going to turn out

for good you said all things turn out

for good to those who love God and are

called according to his purpose and we

give you thanks this is the conclusion

of the message