Derek Prince Sermons: The Secret Power of Fasting | When You Fast. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In Matthew, when Jesus says, “When you pray,” we all accept that He intends for prayer to be a key part of our life as a Christian. But then how do we respond when Jesus says, “When you fast”? Discover God’s mandate to fast—and the benefits and effects connected to it. Bible Teaching Resources: Subscribe to our channel ?… #TRENDING #DEREKPRINCE #DEREKPRINCEMINISTRIES #SUBSCRIBE ============================= Table of Contents: ============================= 00:00 I. Background For Fasting 00: 58 A. When you pray . . . (Matt. 6: 5–6) 1. Don’t pray like the hypocrites 2. Do pray this way: The Lord’s Prayer 02:02 B. When you fast . . . (Matt. 6: 16–17 [compare John 14: 12]) 1. Do not fast like the hypocrites 2. You are expected to fast. Not “if,” but “when” you fast 06:12 II. Purpose: Self-Humbling A. It removes pride—the first sin 1. Sit in the lowest place at the table (Luke 14: 11) 09:18 2. Humble yourself (James 4: 10) 3. God resists the proud (1 Pet. 5: 5–6) B. Pattern of David (Ps. 35: 13) 1. He humbled his soul with fasting 2. Soul: arrogant, ego, self-assertive—“I want . . . I think . . . I feel . . .” C. Israel on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16: 29–31 [Acts 27: 9]) D. Ezra and the returning exiles (Ezra 8: 21–23) 25:58 III. When To Fast A. People under God’s judgment 1. Elijah vs. Ahab (1 Kings 21: 21–22, 25–29) 2. Jonah vs. Nineveh (Jonah 3: 4–10) B. Averting disaster—Esther and the Jews in Persia (Esther 4: 13–17) 32:25 C. Individual fasting in New Testament 1. One way Paul validated his ministry (2 Cor. 6: 4–5) 2. In fastings often (2 Cor. 11: 23–27 [compare Acts 9: 8–9]) 37:37 D. Corporate fasting in New Testament 1. Sending out apostles (Acts 13: 1–4 [compare Acts 14: 14]) a. To select the two men b. To send the apostles out 2. Appointing elders (Acts 14: 21–23) 45:27 E. Mercy for a nation in seven steps—four things God requires (2 Chron. 7: 14) 1. Humble yourself—by fasting 2. Pray 3. Seek God’s face 4. Turn from your wicked ways 5. Then God will hear 6. Then God will forgive 7. Then God will heal your land 50:23 F. Prelude to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit 1. Responsibility of leaders: elders, priests, ministers (Joel 2: 15–17) 2. Afterward: “I will pour out My Spirit . . .” (Joel 2: 25)


in this session I’m going to continue

with some of the secrets of answered

prayer in fact I’m going to deal with

one specific major key to effective

praying and although this key is clearly

presented throughout the Bible from the

Old Testament right through the new I

think the majority of Christians are

unaware that it exists and I think the

failure to use this key that I’m going

to be speaking about it’s one main

source of ineffectiveness in the body of

Christ no doubt you’re wondering what

the key is and let me say that when I

when you hear it you’re not likely to

say praise the Lord

I want to turn a game to the Sermon on

the Mount and where Jesus is giving

instruction about how to pray and I want

to take two parallel passages the first

one is in Matthew chapter 6 verses five

and six and Jesus says and when you pray

you shall not be like the hypocrites and

then he describes how the hypocrites act

and then he says in verse six

but when you pray pray in this way so he

uses the phrase when you pray twice the

first time he starts with a negative

don’t pray like the hypocrites but he

doesn’t finish there he ends with a

positive this is how you ought to pray

and we have actually devoted the last

session to analyzing the pattern that he

gave us but now I want to move on in

that same sixth chapter two verses 16

and 17

and here he introduces another dimension

of Prayer and he says moreover when you

fast do not be like the hypocrites but

he doesn’t stop with the negative a lot

of people think that’s where he ends but

he goes on the next verse but when you

fast and then he tells us how to do it

in a way that’s acceptable to God now I

think you can see there’s a close

parallel between what Jesus says about

praying and what he says about fasting

first of all he says when you fast then

he says don’t do it this way do it that

way too but to my way of thinking the

phrase when you fast indicates that

Jesus expects his disciples did I say

Pro fast when you pray Jesus expects his

disciples to pray how many of you would

agree that those words indicate Jesus

takes it for granted that we as his

disciples will pray he doesn’t say if

you pray but he says when you pray and I

imagined that most of us here tonight

would agree that the Lord expects us as

Christians to pray regularly said Ryan

okay now we go on to the next stage and

he doesn’t say if you fast he says when

you fast what does that indicate it

indicates that he expects us to fast in

just the same way as he expects us to

pray is that logical are you with me

even maybe reluctantly but still you’re

with me

well don’t be reluctant I agree that the

subject of fasting is not easy to say

praise the Lord about but I want to tell

you when you discover what’s in this

subject you will say praise the Lord

you will say thank you God for giving us

this key see Jesus words about praying

and about fasting are acts exactly

parallel when you pray don’t pray this

way but pray that when you fast don’t

fast this way but fast then so Jesus

puts praying and fasting on exactly the

same level my conclusion is that if he

expects us to pray he also expects us to

fast and I’m so glad that I have one

great predecessor in the ministry that

arrived at the same conclusion actually

there were many of them Luther arrived

at that conclusion but the one I have in

mind is John Wesley and I read John

Wesley’s journals years ago and they

stirred me and stimulated me and he said

something to this effect I am persuaded

that if a Christian has understood the

need to fast and does not practice

fasting he will backslide just as surely

as a Christian who has understand

understood the need to pray and does not

pray and John Wesley would not ordain to

the Methodist ministry any man who did

not commit himself to fast every

Wednesday and Friday till 4:00 p.m. that

was a basic requirement for being a dame

to the Methodist minister

you might say well what’s the purpose of

fasting is it just to make life hard for

me to deny me pleasure my answer would

be no doubtless there are a number of

purposes but I’m going to deal with only

one and that is it is a God appointed

way to humble ourselves and I will show

you this very very clearly our

description see the greatest single

specific barrier to getting an answer to

our prayers is pride and anything that

will get that barrier out of the way

will facilitate the answer to our


God has been speaking to me personally

just lately about the awful dangers of


and Ruth picked up a little book when

she owned it but we’d really not paid

much attention to it by Andrew Murray

who is one of those preachers of a

previous generation who’s still feeding

the people of God today how many of you

read at least one book by Andrew Murray

that’s most of the people here that’s

remarkable I don’t know whether you know

this at the book it’s entitled in the

original the humility of our Lord it’s

been republished with a simpler title I

think simply humility and I read this

just a few weeks ago and it really spoke

to me personally about my own life I’ve

hated pride for years but I got a new

vision of how vicious and how evil pride

is and how it keeps us back from all the

blessings that God intends for us this

message runs through the Bible it’s a

universal truth it was not demonstrated

first on earth you know the first

demonstration of the evil of prime what

was the first sin in the history of the


tell me

pride is who committed the sin Lucifer

that’s right an angel in heaven and if

that pride a pride as a sin could break

out in heaven and cause an angel to lose

his place

how much more susceptible are we likely

to be depressed pride – pride as sinners

here on earth let me give you just three

passages of scripture that deal with

pride and with humility the first is in

Luke 14 and verse 11 and it’s the end of

a parable where Jesus speaks about how

to act when you invited to a banquet in

Luke 14 and I mean we get to invite it

to banquets nowadays sometimes fact I

was at one yesterday

and Jesus said how he’s so practical he

gives such simple illustrations first of

all I want to point out to you that God

never says he’ll humble us he always

tells us to humble ourselves

I tell people God can humiliate you that

only you can make yourself humble don’t

pray God make me humble because it’s not

a scriptural prayer and furthermore you

probably regret regret the results of

that prayer a few weeks or months later

when you find yourself in the most

humiliating situation you think God how

did I get here

that’s have you prayed you pray so Jesus

says when you’re invited to a banquet

don’t walk up to the head table and sit

at the chief place because you’ll be

embarrassed when somebody comes along

said but the speaker is going to sit

here you take a place that were there in

the corner

so Jesus says when you go take the

lowest place very wise when you are at

the bottom there’s only one way you can

go that’s up I don’t know whether you

know that prayer by joy a charm Bunyan

what’s his name place for John Bunyan

this has been with me for years he that

is down need fear no fall he that is low

no pride

he that is humble ever shall have God to

be his gun see when you’re on the floor

you’re safe

there’s no lower you can go very rarely

do i minister in a large public

gathering like this without first taking

my place on the floor on my face before

God and I can tell you before this

meetings Ruth and I were there for quite

a long one that’s where I feel really

safe is on the floor so Jesus said at

the end of that parable if you don’t

want to be embarrassed avoid the

situation don’t sit at the top table sit

in the lowest place and there’s only one

way you can be asked to go and that is

up and then he sums it up with these

this words in Luke 14 11 for whoever

exalts himself will be a beast but he

who humbles himself will be exalted

that’s universal in other words it

applies throughout the universe it

applies in heaven plus on earth the

great demonstration of this truth is

Lucifer and Jesus Lucifer was a created

being but he reached for equality with

God he slipped and fell

Jesus had equality with God he humbled

himself even to the death of the cross

and the scripture says God highly

exalted him it says in Philippians 2:9

therefore God highly exalted him why did

God exalt him because he humbled himself

and everyone who humbles himself will be


I can promise you exaltation if you

humble yourself there are no exceptions

I have a series of messages which has

this title the way up is down the lower

down you go the higher up you limit

there’s no exceptions to that but I want

to speak about humility as an essential

condition for effective prayer

and I want to take a number of

statements to this effect let’s look

first of all before we do that in James

chapter 4 verse 10 they’re just two

other passages that we look at James

4:10 humble yourselves in the sight of

the Lord and He will lift you up

notice humble yourselves don’t ask God

to do it you do it God will do the

lifting up if you do the humbling and

then a very similar passage in 1st Peter

chapter 5 actually Ruth and I proclaimed

this before the previous message verse 6

therefore humble yourselves under the

mighty hand of God that he may exalt you

in due tone and the previous verse says

God resists the proud but gives grace to

the humble so if you are coming to God

in prayer with your pride God is

resisting you and guess who can push

harder you cannot get close to God in

prime the book of Psalm says the Lord

knows the proud a far off and that’s

where he keeps there is no access to God

with pride and so anything that enables

us to humble ourselves is a priceless

blessing even that it isn’t always

enjoyable at the time and one of the

biblically appointed ways to humble

ourselves is by fasting now I’m going to

show you this right through the Bible I

want to start with a statement by David

a very simple statement in Psalm 35

verse 13 way he says I humbled my soul

with fasting

I think the modern translations mostly

say I humbled myself but the Hebrew says

I humbled my soul why do you need to

humble your soul well your soul is the

arrogant part of you it’s the

self-assertive part it’s the egoistic

part your soul has got

three main functions the will the

intellect and the emotions and it

expresses itself in these phrases I want

I think I feel and God says what you

want isn’t important what you think

isn’t important what you feel isn’t

important what’s important is my will

and if you’re going to align yourself

none of my will you’ve got the deal with

your soul and one way to deal with your

soul is to humble your soul with fasting

I remember years ago I preached this

kind of message in Washington DC and

there was a lawyer there Christian law

and he got the message and he said I’m

going to do it so tomorrow I’m going to

fast and what he did he had a miserable

day every time he walked past a

restaurant he could smell the food every

time he walked past a confectionary he

would stop and look in the window it was

just a miserable day so at the end of

the day he gave his stomach a lecture

and he said now stomach you’ve made a

lot of trouble for me today you’ve

caused me a lot of unnecessary

discomfort so for that I’m going to

punish you I’m going to fast tomorrow as


see that is humbling yourself it’s

bringing it into subjection let me say

this the stomach is a wonderful servant

but a terrible master who’s the master

in your life you or your stomach it’s

good question it’s a question we all

have to face believe me people in the

ministry are not exempted from that

question I’ve fought the Battle of my

stomach many times but when I get the

victory I get blessed not always

immediately not always dramatically but

in one way or another I come under the

blessing of God and then if I become

arrogant God withdraws his blessing

I say God what’s happened and he gently

indicates some way or other you’ve

become proud and self-assertive again

you want your way you’re letting your

will and your soul talk and it’s got to

be brought into subjection to my will

and my word and my waves so let’s look

at just a few examples just to as a

matter of fact first of all the Day of

Atonement in Leviticus chapter 16 verses

29 through 31

Leviticus the sixteenth chapter verses

29 through 31 now this is a lengthy

chapter and it’s the ordinances for the

Day of Atonement what the Jewish people

call Yom Kippur and this is the most

sacred day in the Jewish calendar from

then until now and it describes the way

that God ordained a sacrifice to make

atonement for Israel’s sins and

everything depended on that sacrifice

the whole future and destiny of the

nation depended on that sacrifice but in

the midst of the description of the

sacrifice God all

so requires a response from his people

and the response he requires is that

they shall afflict their souls that’s

the usual translation but the word

translated afflict is frequently

translated humble so God requires his

people to humble their souls and this is

a very significant truth the sacrifice

was something they could not arrange it

was outside their power to provide it

came in Tyla from God’s grace but they

could not benefit from the sacrifice

unless they meant God’s conditions and

humbled their souls and it’s true with

us as Christians the sacrifice of Jesus

on the cross is complete it’s perfect we

can ever add anything to it we can never

take anything from it but if we are to

benefit from it we have to meet God’s

conditions just as surely as Israel day

and this is the condition that God

stained in verses 29 and following of

Leviticus 16 this shall be a statute

forever for you in the seventh month on

the tenth day of the month you shall

afflict your souls and do no work at all

weather or native of your own country or

a stranger with surgeons among you for

on that day the priest shall make

atonement for you to cleanse you that

you may be clean from all your sins

before the Lord it is a Sabbath of rest

for you and you shall afflict your souls

it is a statute for ever now the Jewish

people have always understood quite

certainly that the phrase to afflict

your souls means to fast to go without

food as a matter of fact on that day

normally they go without food or water

let me define fasting as a matter of

fact just make them

my definition of fasting is abstaining

from food for spiritual purposes often

it’s also from drink but generally

speaking not so

and just how you abstain it’s up to you

to the son but what I want to point out

to you is that Israel were required to

humble their souls in order to receive

the benefit of the sacrifice offered on

their behalf and the Jewish people for

about three thousand four hundred years

have always known that to humble their

souls meant to fast and as a matter of

fact this is an unbroken practice in the

history of the Jewish people from the

time of Moses to this day on the day of


they have flicked their souls by fasting

and in the New Testament in Acts chapter

27 and verse 9 this day is called the

fast which is New Testament confirmation

that God understood that afflicting our

souls is fasting it’s bringing our souls

into subjection it’s not allowing our

souls to dictate to us or to go it’s

submitting ourselves to God and I

pointed out in the last talk that God is

down to earth when he speaks about the

response he wants from us to the message

of His grace its present your body it’s

not something high-flying and ethereal

something very down-to-earth and

practical and when God says I want you

to humble yourselves one way not the

only way by any means but one way is by

fasting and then we read about the

returning Exxon’s after the Babylonian

captivity in Ezra chapter 8

Ezra was assigned the task of leading a

group of X Isles back from Babylon to

Jerusalem it was a four month journey in

those days and it lay through territory

where there were brigands and robbers

and enemies of Israel and not only did

Ezra have women and children with him

but he had many of the most precious

vessels of the temple to tarry Bank the

question was how was he going to get

safe passage

and this is the solution of Ezreal yeah

we read as ra8 beginning in verse 21

then I proclaimed a fast there at the

river of Ahava that we might humble

ourselves before our God to seek from

him the right way for us and for our

little ones and all our possessions how

did they humble themselves they

proclaimed a fast you see it was a

public fast that concerned all of God’s

people and then he comes out with this

really interesting statement I was

ashamed to request from the king an

escort of soldiers and horsemen to help

us against the enemy in the way because

we had spoken to the king saying the

hand of our God is upon all those for

good who seek him but his power and his

wrath are against all those who forsaken

you see Ezra put himself in a place by

his testimony when he had to prove that

he really meant what he said he told the

King our God is the Almighty God is the

God of heaven he protects us then he was

assigned the task of leading these

exiles back through this very dangerous

situation and he said I could have gone

to the king and asked for an escort

soldiers and horsemen but how would that

fit in with my statement that our God

protects people see that often happens

to us we testify and then we have to

live up to our testimony and so he said

I didn’t choose the carnal way I didn’t

choose the world’s way I chose the

spiritual way to seek God’s protection

not from soldiers and horsemen but by

fasting and humbling ourselves before

God and invoking his protection you read

this story when he sums it up in the

next verse so we in fasted so we fasted

and entreated our God for this and he

answered our prayer and you read the

rest of the story they came through

safely without a loss without an

accident and in many many situations we

are confronted by two alternatives

shall we take the carnal way or shall we

take the spiritual way now it so happens

I can

testify from experience because I became

the adoptive father of a large family in

a very difficult situation and we have

moved from non country to country and

place the place I’d have to say that my

first wife and I Lydia followed

Ezra’s example when we had a journey to

make we fasted and pray and praise gone

our family survived intact in the midst

of tremendously dangerous circumstances

in the midst of war and famine we

survived I want to testify God’s Way

works it’s practical it’s not something

theoretical all right now then let’s

consider for a moment people under God’s

judgement if the judgment of God were to

be proclaimed upon the nation of New

Zealand and we wanted to avert it and

that could easily happen I don’t believe

it’s far away what could we do we could

fast and humble ourselves before God see

there was one outstanding the wicked

King in Israel called Ahab I don’t know

whether you remember the story of Ahab

but he married Jezebel and he led Israel

into idolatry and every kind of

wickedness and in first Kings chapter 21

yeah Elisha had a confrontation with it

with a ham and he pronounced God’s

judgment on him and that is God says to

him in verse 22 I will make your house

like the house of Jeroboam the son of


and like the house of bosch and the son

of a Hydra every male and every female

in your family will be destroyed that’s

God’s judgment and then it goes on to

say in verse 25 but there was no one

like a hab who sold himself to do

wickedness in the sight of the Lord

because Jezebel his wife stirred him up

so he was the most wicked King and God

had pronounced judgment on him through

the prophet Elijah but Ahab feared the

Lord in verse 27 heard these words he

tore his clothes put sackcloth on his

body and fasted and lay in sackcloth and

went about mourning and the word of the

Lord came to Elijah saying see how a hab

has humbled himself before me because he

has humbled himself before me I will not

bring the calamity in his days but in

the days of his son now there is a man

singled out as the most wicked king of

Israel up to that time God’s judgment

was pronounced on him and his family but

when he humbled himself with fasting God

said I won’t bring the judgment in his


now fasting could do that for a ham what

could he do for you and me as children

have gone do you see the potential and

then in the story of Jonah and its

message to Nineveh we read how he walked

into the city a very wicked violent evil

city and he proclaimed that in 40 days

the city would be destroyed now that was

a message from God how did the

inhabitants of Nineveh respond it says

in John of chapter 3 then word came to

the king of Nineveh he arose from his

throne and laid aside his robe covered

himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes

he caused the whole city to fast even

the animals fasted and it says at the

end of that then God saw their works

that they turned from their evil way and

God relented from the disaster that he

had said he would bring upon them and he

did not do it a Gentile City notorious

for its wickedness heard the message of

one prophet once repented with fasting

and morning and God spared the entire

city and ninna day was spared judgment

for well over 100 years from that time

so if fasting would do that for Nineveh

what would it do for this nation what

would it do where people have gone

humble themselves call out to him and

then to avert disaster if you read the

book of Esther you read how hey hey

ma’am had secured succeeded in bringing

a plot in which the entire Jewish nation

in the territory of the kingdom of

Persia was to be destroyed and I suppose

every Jew on earth in those days was in

that Kingdom because it consisted of 127

provinces and extended from India to

Ethiopia and the decree had gone on that

there was in the king’s palace a Jewess

whose nationality was not known Esther

and her cousin Mordecai sent a message

to her and said don’t think that you’ll

escape more than all the other Jews in

the king’s palace because who knows if

you’re there for such a time as this and

Esther rose to the challenge and she

said go gather all the Jews who are

present in Shushan and fast for me

neither eat nor drink for three days

night and day my maids and I will fast

likewise and so I will go to the King

which is against the law and if I perish

I perish you read the rest of the story

further edict was issued the whole

situation was totally reversed and it

ended up in a triumph for

Jewish people and the present

preservation of the Jewish nation won’t

change history what was the turning

point when God’s people fasted see I

think it would be almost impossible to

exaggerate the potential for fasting to

change the course of history it’s no

wonder that Satan tries to keep this key

out of the hands of God’s people he’s

afraid of it now there are many examples

in the New Testament of fasting I just

want to take two kinds of examples what

is that I call the individual fast and

the corporate fast and out in the

Ministry of Paul in 2nd Corinthians

chapter 6 he gives a list of the ways in

which he approved himself as a minister

of Christ in 2nd Corinthians 6 verses 4

and 5 but in all things we commend

ourselves as ministers of God and then

he lists many different ways in which he

commended himself as a minister of God

and he says this in much patience in

tribulations in needs in de-stresses in

stripes in imprisonments in two modes in

Labor’s in sleeplessness in fastings so

Paul says one of the ways that I proved

that I was a minister of Christ was by

fasting and then in the same epistle

chapter 11 verses 23 and 27 he gives a

somewhat similar list he says are they

ministers of Christ I speak as a fool I

am more and then he gives a whole list

of ways in which he proved he was a

minister of Christ

and in verse 27 this is part of the list

in weariness and toil in sleeplessness

often in hunger and thirst in fastings

often in cold and mega news

so he says I fasted often and notice he

says hunger and thirst is one thing

fasting as another hunger and thirst is

when you can’t eat because you don’t

have anything to eat

fasting is when you could eat but you

deny you some that was one of the ways

that Paul proved himself as a minister

of Christ and I believe Christ ministers

should prove themselves that way today

I’ve spoken about my own experience but

I just mentioned this after all it’s not

much use preaching if you don’t practice

it when I was saved I was just I had

been a nominal Christian I’d given up on

Christianity I turned my back on the

church I was looking for the answers to

God’s problems and other problems in

other places but when I was saved and

baptized in the spirit and I didn’t even

know the words for what had happened to

me I had to read the New Testament to

find out what had happened to me one


within I think a month God just made it

clear to me that he wanted me to fast

every Wednesday I didn’t read Wesley’s

journals in those days and I had no one

to preach sermons to me I wouldn’t have

known where to find fasting in the Bible

but I just had this in a conviction that

I was too fast every Wednesday and for

the next four and a half years

throughout the rest of World War two

every Wednesday I fasted I was in the


on a lorry with ten other soldiers and

we were just thrown together I mean when

you’re in a desert there’s only one

place for shade you’ve got to be there

whether you like them or not

and I lived with those soldiers you know

that the we were in Egypt and the

Moslems have a month that they call

Ramadan you know then when they don’t

eat at least they don’t eat in the

daytime they eat up a lot at night and

they more than make up for they don’t

eat in the daytime but my fellow

soldiers called Wednesday Ramadan

because you can’t fast in secret when

you’re just living with people

continually all the time I mean you

never can get away from and I would say

that I would never have made the

progress that I made if I hadn’t if God

hadn’t showed me that key there been

times I remember in Kenya when I was

there in educational work I said to

myself I’m too busy too fast got too

much to do so for a few weeks I didn’t

fast the results were so disastrous that

I decided I could never be too busy too

fast I’m talking about something that

I’ve experienced instead I believe

passionately in what I’m telling you

let’s talk about corporate fasting in

the New Testament just two examples from

the book of Acts Acts chapter 13 this is

one of the most significant moments in

the history of the book of Acts people

have called this the beginning of a

missionary program actually the word

missionary is not New Testament the New

Testament word is apostolic and this is

the first sending forth of apostles in

the record of the book of Acts then it

happened in the city of Antioch in acts

13 verses 1 through 4 we read this now

in the church that was at Antioch there

were certain prophets and teachers

barnabas simeon lucius Mannion

and so who later became poor so there

were five men who were recognized as

prophets and teachers the next verse

says as they ministered to the Lord and

fasted how did they minister to the Lord

by fasting by turning away from every

activity and simply being in God’s

presence and waiting for him to speak

the New International Version says as

they worshiped the Lord and fasted this

is one of the most crucial points in the

history of the church how did it come

about did they sit down and think of a

plan or work out a system no they

vacated from everything of their own

efforts and waited for God to speak and

the way they vacated was to turn away

from food who knows for how long maybe

in a day maybe in two days I don’t

suppose it was lengthy but they just

took time off from every other

occupation and distraction in order to

hear from God and God spoke it says as

they ministered to the Lord and fasted

the Holy Spirit said now separate to me

Barnabas and Saul for the work to which

I’ve called them so they heard from God

his stratagem you know one of the great

problems of the church today is very

seldom does the church get God’s

stratagem very seldom we have our own

plans our own programs our own systems

and most of it God is not initiated and

God is only committed to finish what he

begins Paul says in Philippians 1:6

being confident of this very thing that

he who began a good work in you will see

it through Jesus says I am the Alpha and

the Omega the beginning and the end what

he begins he’ll end but what he doesn’t

begin he has no commitment to him the

important thing is to find out what is

God beginning what is God’s plan

how can we hear from God and the early

church set the pattern they took time

off from everything including eating

they said we have to hear from God and

they heard God said now I have a plan I

want you to take two men Barnabas and

Saul send them out they didn’t send them

out immediately listen it says then

having fasted and prayed they laid hands

on them and sent them away so they

fasted again the first time they fasted

to find God’s will the second time they

fasted to commit those two men to their

carrying out of God’s will and then the

next verse says so they being sent out

by the Holy Spirit

and the word sent out there is a

beautiful Greek word which means sent

and accompanied the Holy Spirit didn’t

just said go he said go and I’ll be with

you and that’s the beginning of

apostolic ministry at that time they

were called prophets and teachers but in

the next chapter of Acts chapter 14

verse 14 it says when the Apostles

Barnabas and Saul when did they become

apostles when they were sent out by the

church you see an apostle is a sent out

one this is tremendously important

because it indicates a a scriptural way

that we can Institute apostolic ministry

how many of us can believe for prophets

and teachers can you believe that there

are prophets and teachers in the church

today I certainly believe there are if

prophets and teachers wait on God in

fasting and seeking Him it opens a

scriptural way for God to send forth

apostles how many of you believe there

can be apostles in the church today it’s

a good thing because they put in the

church to perfect it for if if they were

withdrawing the church would never be

completed so the most decisive

moment in that period was the sending

forth of those apostles what brought it

forth tell me in one word I didn’t hear


that’s right now they won many people to

the Lord in the cities they visited and

then they had to establish churches

first of all they just had groups of

disciples and then they needed to make

churches what was the point of

transition from just a group of

disciples to a church what persons had

to be appointed tell me elders that’s


that’s when disciples become a church

when they have elders when they have

government and so they did this we read

in acts 14 in verse 21 when they had

preached the gospel to that city and

made many disciples they returned to

Lystra Iconium and Antioch city cities

they’d already preached him

strengthening the souls of the disciples

exhorting them to continue in the faith

and saying we must through many

tribulations enter the kingdom of God so

when they had appointed elders in every

Church and prayed with fasting they

commended them to the Lord how did they

appoint elders how did they get the mind

of the Lord as to who was to be the

elders did they have an election yes but

it was God’s election how did they find

God’s mind what was the key I didn’t

hear you asking thank you you see the

two decisive appointments in the work of

the church apostles and elders and in

the early church both those appointments

were arrived at through prayer and

fasting why should we expect do it any

other way

in this age can we improve on those

methods God has never asked us to

improve all he’s asked us is to follow

you see here is a key and I’m placing it

in your hands

what are you going to do with it one of

the Christians of this nation going to

do with this key one of the Christians

of Australia are going to do with this

key one of the Christians of Britain

going to do with this key South Africa

the other nations that are represented

here do you think God has changed do you

think we have found a better way all

right now let me just point you to two

conclusions the first is in that

well-known verse in 2nd chronicles 7:14

I call this hope for a nation hope for a

nation how many of you know what 2nd

chronicles 7:14 says many of you do

praise God I could quote it by heart but

I won’t God speaks and he says if my

people who are called by my name will

humble themselves and pray and seek my

face and turn from their wicked ways

then I will hear from heaven and will

forgive their sin and heal their land

there are seven steps four steps that

God’s people have to take three steps

that God will take when we take the four

steps what are the four steps we have to

take what’s the first one I didn’t give

you humble ourselves why because pride

is a barrier to the answer to our Prince

the next thing is praying God says don’t

start praying until you’ve dealt with

your prime and then he says seek my face

let’s not just have a pre-meeting from

8:00 to 9:30 let’s pray until you get

into God’s prisons and then it says turn

from your wicked wings you say God I

don’t think I have any wicked ways God

says wait till you get into my presence

and you find out

we experienced that in our church in

Fort Lauderdale about one five years ago

one of the elders wines had a word from

the Lord to proclaim a fast which I’m

going to talk about in a moment a javo

fast and it wasn’t received with much

enthusiasm but eventually I think the

elders of whom I was one were kind of

ashamed into admitting what we better do

something about this and so we said

we’ll have certain period we’ll fast and

pray and we’ll meet every morning and I

think 5 a.m. was it well I wasn’t there

the reason I were away when this started

and I understand the first morning they

were about 13 people the congregation

was about 500 at the time the next

morning I think they were about seven

and then it was going you know the

typical charismatic prayer meeting the

next morning there was about four but

then a brother who was not an elder got

a burden from the Lord and he spent 24

hours weeping and things changed and

when Ruth and I got back I said whether

we like it or not this is from God we

better get involved we don’t want to

miss God and I can’t go into all the

details but for the next I think six

weeks we were meeting every morning at 5

a.m. and we spend most of the time on

our faces and the sins that were

confessed was startling it was a nice

respectable church but there was a dull

tree there was fornication there was

alcoholism didn’t come out till we were

in God’s presence don’t say to God I

have no wicked ways to repent on that

probably simply tells you how far you

are from his face in the light of his

countenance things look different

what does God asked of us for things

humble ourselves pray seek his face turn

from our wicked wings how do we humble

ourselves by one

you’ve got the message that’s right

now you can fast and be very proud jesus

said don’t fast that way that’s not the

way to fast that’s the way the

hypocrites fast but he didn’t say that’s

a reason for not fasting he said fast

the right way and not the wrong way then

God says I’ll do three things from if

you’ll do the four I’ll do the three I

will hear I will forgive this sin and I

will heal their land

how many of you would like to see your

land healed has God shown you a way

is there a scriptural remedy I believe

there is let’s turn to one final passage

of Scripture Joell chapter 2

this is the passage that the sister had

in mind when she spoke about a Joel fast

Joel 214 blow the trumpet in Zion

consecrate a fast called a sacred

assembly gather the people sanctified

the congregation assemble the elders

gather the children and nursing babies

and incidentally in those days we had

children and nursing babies in that

meeting almost every morning and the

little children were disappointed when

their parents didn’t wait them up to

take them to the fast to the prayer I

mean it was a real example of this let’s

go on let the bridegroom go out from his

chamber and the bride from her dressing

room let the priests who ministered to

the Lord we between the porch and the


let them say spare your people our Lord

and do not give your heritage to

reproach that the nation should rule

over them why should they say among the

peoples where is their gone notice if

you follow the end or a three categories

mention the priests the ministers and

the elders and here is a responsibility

of leadership in the church to set the

example to take the lead you know who

leaders are they’re people who go in


sometimes the ministers are leading from

behind that’s not a leadership Jesus in

the Garden of Gethsemane took his

disciples with him then he took three

and they stopped and then it says he

went a little further that’s leadership

is to go a little further I heard a

pastor once say I have to run to catch

up with my people that’s not leadership

here’s a responsibility of leadership

now listen to the the final statement

we’re in the same chapter verse 28 and

it shall come to pass afterward that I

will pour out my spirit on all flesh

your sons and your daughters shall

prophesy your young men shall dream

dreams your old men shall dream dreams

young men men shall see visions

afterward after what after what after

God’s people have met his conditions now

I know that Peter quoted at the day of

Pentecost and he said it shall come to

pass in the last days but that was not a

total fulfillment that was an

anticipated fulfillment and it’s very

significant because in that passage in

acts 2 Peter quotes the Lord is saying I

will pour out of my spirit some of my

spirit and that began on the day of

Pentecost but in this passage God says I

will pour out my spirit not some of my

spirit but I will release my spirit on a

on all flesh brothers and sisters we

haven’t seen that we’ve seen a

sprinkling there are about 1 billion

Muslims in the earth that have never

been touched by the Spirit of God how

are we going to reach them

what will release the Spirit of God I

tell you if you’ve ever dealt with Islam

it’s an impregnable fortress to any

natural approach you have to meet it

with the spiritual means what is God’s

program call a fast sanctifying assembly

let the elders the priests and the

ministers set an example and God says in

my time when you’ve met my conditions I

will pour out my spirit upon all flesh I

believe that’s the solution and I don’t

believe there is any other and I believe

God has shown us in Scripture the way

shall we just bow our heads before the

Lord for a moment and ask God I want to

ask God that you I want to ask you that

you’ll ask God to show you if this is

from him

Ruth and I were with David and Dale

Garrett just recently in Hawaii close

friends uh vants and they very

graciously and wonderfully prayed for

our meetings here and they said they

felt that God wanted to speak to New

Zealand I’m inclined to think this is

God’s message to New Zealand let’s just

pour our hearts