Staying alive wasn’t the most important thing for them. The most important thing was to be faithful to the Lord and to do His will. Bible Teaching Resources: This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Derek Prince Sermons: How To Apply The Blood Subscribe to our channel ?… #TRENDING #DEREKPRINCE #DEREKPRINCEMINISTRIES #SUBSCRIBE Chapters: 0:00 The seven provisions 06:48 The kind of Christian that scares satan 14:40 The New Testament meaning of Passover 23:13 The importance of our testimony 27:44 The blood of Jesus cleans us and gives us redemption 38:04 The blood of Jesus justifies us 43:17 We are sanctified and we have been made alive 01:00:21 The blood of Jesus is pleading for us in heaven 01:10:38 Recap seven provisions & proclamation =============================== Table of Contents =============================== I. How To Appropriate Blood Of Jesus A. We overcome Satan by the blood and the word of our testimony (Rev. 12: 11). 1. “Love not our life unto death” means it is more important to do God’s will than to stay alive “I overcome Satan when I testify personally to what the Word of God says the blood of Jesus does for me.” B. Ordinance of the Passover (Ex. 12: 21–23 [1 Cor. 5: 7]) 1. Blood must be transferred from the basin to door of home 2. “Hyssop” is our testimony 3. The blood protects only the obedient (1 Pet. 1: 1–2) 4. The blood is of no effect until it is applied by testimony (Rev. 12: 11; Heb. 3: 1) 5. Our Passover lamb is Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 5: 7) II. How To Transfer Blood From The Basin To Your Life A. Sevenfold application of blood of Jesus 1. Redemption: being bought back a. We must be in Christ (Eph. 1: 7) b. Redeemed by Christ’s blood (1 Pet. 1: 18–19) c. Let redeemed say so (Ps. 107: 2) “Through the blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed out of the hand of the devil.” 2. Cleansing a. Only through continuing walking in the light = continuing fellowship (1 John 1: 7) b. Plead for the blood to be applied (Ps. 51: 7) “While I walk in the light, the blood of Jesus cleanses me now and continually from all sin.” 3. Justification a. To make righteous (Rom. 5:9) b. “Just-as-if-I’d” never sinned c. Covered with a robe of righteousness (Is. 61: 10) “Through the blood of Jesus, I am justified, acquitted, not guilty, reckoned righteous, made righteous, ‘just-as-if-I’d’ never sinned.” 4. Sanctification a. Set apart from sin and made holy (Heb. 13:12 [Heb. 12: 10]) “Through the blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to God, separated from sin, made holy with God’s holiness.” 5. Life a. The life is in the blood (Lev. 17.11) b. Communion (John 6:53–57 [1 Cor. 10: 16]) c. Until He comes (1 Cor. 11: 23–26) d. No past but the cross, no future but His coming “Lord Jesus, when we receive Your blood, in it we receive Your life—the life of God—divine, eternal, endless life. Thank You, Lord.” 6. Intercession a. Eight things to which we have come (Heb. 12: 22–24) (1) Mount Zion (2) Heavenly Jerusalem (3) Innumerable company of angels (4) Church of the first-born (5) God, the Judge of all (6) Old Testament saints (7) Jesus the Mediator (8) The sprinkled blood of Jesus “Thank You, Lord, that even when I cannot pray, the Blood of Jesus is pleading for me in heaven.” 7. Access (Heb. 10: 19–22) a. Confession (Heb. 3: 1; 4: 14; 10: 23) b. Approach with boldness (Lev. 16: 13–14) “Thank You, Lord, that through the sprinkled blood of Jesus, I have access into Your presence, into the holiest place in the universe.” “We overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony and we do not love our lives unto death.”

now when i speak about the cross

i need to make it clear to you i’m not

talking about a piece of metal or wood

that people hang around their necks

or hang on the walls of churches i have

nothing against those

but i just need to explain that’s not

what i’m talking about

i’m talking about what was accomplished

for us

by the death of jesus christ as the

sacrifice for

sin on the cross so i just use that

simple phrase

the cross to cover all of that

now last night i had the privilege of

being not for the first time in

christchurch town hall

just let me have a little check how many

of you

were there last night well that’s

wonderful that’s a good representation

we’re sorry for those of you who missed

it we had a wonderful time

isn’t that true not so much because of

the preacher but because of the lord

because the lord came in

and really visited us we ended

uh i think it’s reverent to say on cloud

nine last night

i tell people don’t talk about the

seventh heaven because that’s not


but if you want to be say you’re really

happy it’s all right to say you’re on

cloud nine because there are lots of

clouds up in heaven

i talked about the love of god revealed

in the price that he was willing to pay

to redeem each one of us

the price was the precious blood of


and i showed from the old testament

scriptures that god had

foreshown the shedding of the blood of


and in the ceremony of the day of

atonement recorded in leviticus 16

god had foreshown that there would be a


sprinkling of the precious blood of


and last night we traced this through


gospels and i just want to

recapitulate briefly what we say

those of you that have listened to my

radio teaching will know that i’m strong

on recapitulation i don’t believe in

saying things

saying a thing once and just believing

everybody got it all because most times

they didn’t for five years in east

africa i was a trainer of teachers

for the schools of africa and one thing

we used to impress upon our teachers

was that recapitulation is a part of

good teaching

so i’m going to very very briefly

go through the successive seven-fold

sprinkling of the blood of jesus

as recorded in the gospels

first of all in the garden of gethsemane

as he prayed in agony his sweat fell


like great drops of blood on the ground

then when they took him to the house of

the high priest and began to abuse him

they struck him across the face with


brought out the blood

at some point in the mistreatment of him

they began to pull out the hair of his


in tufts and of course the blood

came out then he was handed over by

pontius pilate to be scourged

and a roman scourge was a a whip with

many thongs

in which were embedded pieces of bone

and metal

and so as the thongs fell across a man’s

back they literally

tore open the flesh

and then in mockery because he claimed

to be a king

they planted a crown of thorns and

if you go to israel you can see the same

thorns today they’re long

and extremely hard and tremendously


and they put this on his head and then

they beat him on the head

pressing the crown the thorns down into

his scalp

causing the blood to well up and run

down his face

and coagulate in his beard

and prophetically in the 52nd chapter of

isaiah isaiah predicting that

said his visage was so marred more than

a man

and one of the modern translations says

he lost

even the appearance of a human being

and then they nailed him to the cross

and put the nails through his hands

and his feet and finally

after he was dead a soldier thrust

a spear into his side in the area of the

heart and blood and water

gushed out so that’s the seven-fold

sprinkling that was predicted in the

ceremony of the day of atonement

and then i pointed out that in leviticus

17 verse 11 the lord says

the life or the soul of all flesh

is in the blood and he says i have given

it to you upon the altar

to make atonement for your souls

that’s another of the amazing prophecies

of the old testament

it wasn’t just a regulation for whether

the israelites should eat food with


or without but it was a prediction of

the cross

the life of the soul of all flesh is in

the blood and i have given it to you

upon the altar of calvary

to make an atonement for your souls and

then in isaiah 53

12 in the great prophetic

picture of the atonement isaiah says

he poured out his soul unto death

how did he do that in his blood

the soul is in the blood

and jesus poured out his soul

as the sin offering for the whole of the

human race

his soul took the place of your soul

and my soul he became the final

sin offering

now this morning i’m going to deal with

something that’s extremely practical

what i’ve described to you is true it’s


but in a certain sense you don’t

necessarily know how to make it real

in your life and your experience

so this morning i’m going to teach

on how to appropriate the blood of jesus

how to get the full effects of the blood

of jesus

working in your life

and by way of introduction i want to


to revelation chapter 12

and verse 11.

revelation the 12th chapter

the 11th verse this is speaking about

what i believe to be a great

end-time conflict that lies ahead

at the close of the present age a


in which heaven and earth are involved

the angels of god are involved satan and

his angels are involved

and god’s believing people on earth

are involved and thank god

that the victory goes to god and to his


and this passage describes how the

people of god

on earth god’s believing people on this


played their part in obtaining that


it’s a statement made by the angels

but it’s made about the believers on


and it says when in revelation 12 11

they overcame him who is they

they as people like you and me believers

in jesus christ

now who is him satan that’s right that’s

very important and you see

that shows very clearly that there can

be direct

conflict between us and satan there’s no

one else in between

they overcame him

and then it tells us how they overcame


by the blood of the lamb and by the word

of their testimony

and it also adds what kind of people

they were

they loved not their lives unto the


to say it in one word they were


totally committed and that’s the only

kind of christian that frightens satan

totally committed christians

when it says they love not their lives

unto the death what does it mean

well it means for them staying alive was

not priority number one

priority number one was to do the will

of god

whether they stayed alive or not

staying alive wasn’t the most important

thing for them

the most important thing was to be

faithful to the lord

and do his will see we talk about

being soldiers in the lord’s army but i

think a lot of us

really have got a very vague and rather

sentimental idea about what it is to be

a soldier i

by no choice of my own was a soldier in

the british army in world war ii

for five and a half years and let me

tell you one thing when i

i would i didn’t enlist i was

conscripted but anyhow when i

got into this situation

i didn’t get a nice little certificate

from the commanding officer saying

we guarantee you you’ll never have to

live lose your life

no soldiers ever joined an army on the

condition that he will not be killed

in fact in a certain sense any time a

soldier joins an army one of his


is i may be killed it may cost me my


and it’s just the same in the lord’s


you’ve got no guarantee that you will

not have to lay down your life

the people that satan fears are those

who are not afraid to lay down their not

after all life is comparatively brief in


it’s not going to go on forever and it’s

not all a bit of roses is it

it would be foolish

to miss eternal glory

for the sake of a few brief years on


you see i believe this is enlightened


to have a proper sense of values what is



i believe that we should say for me the

most important thing in life

is to do the will of god

that’s a wonderful statement in first

john chapter 2 verse 17

the world passes away and the lust


that he that doeth the will of god


forever when you unite your will

with the will of god in total commitment

you become

unsinkable you’re undefeatable you’re


you’re just as totally sure as god’s


when you identify yourself with the will

of god whether you live or whether you


is a secondary importance but you cannot

be defeated

now i want to consider what it means

to overcome satan by the blood of the


and by the word of our testimony

this is one of the precious

treasures of truth that god has given me

over the years

there’s no way you could put a price on


you could offer millions of dollars but

it wouldn’t be

sufficient there is no monetary

value equal to the value of this truth

i want to say it very simply

and i trust i’ll make it clear listen


we overcome satan when we testify


to what the word of god says the blood

of jesus dance

for us i’m going to say that again

we overcome satan when we testify

personally to what the word of god

says the blood of jesus does

for us now rather than just leave you

trying to remember that i’m going to ask

you invite you

to say it after me all right to fix it

in your minds

uh don’t try and say it with me i’ll say

it phrase by phrase

you say it afterwards all right are you


we overcome satan

when we testify personally

to what the word of god says

the blood of jesus dance

for us now i’m going to show you just


how to do that but i want to take an

example from the old testament

first i want to take an example from the

passover ceremonies recorded in the 12th

chapter of exodus

you’ll remember that in that ceremony

god through the sacrifice of a passover


provided total protection for

all the people of israel but they had to

do certain things

with the lamb and with its blood

to ensure that protection before we turn

to exodus 12 let me just read a sentence

from first corinthians chapter 5.

i’m only going to read the last part of

the verse

it says this christ

our passover was sacrificed for us

in other words what paul is saying there


the old testament passover in egypt was

just a prophetic picture

a preview of what was to be accomplished

by the sacrificial death of jesus on the

cross christ

is the true passover

it is his blood not the blood of the

passover lamb

that finally assures us

eternal redemption however

the way that israel was instructed to

apply the blood of the lamb

is a wonderful pattern

for us now let’s go to exodus the 12th


exodus chapter 12

and we read from verses 21-23

i’d like to point out to you also by

by the way that this ordinance of the


is one of many illustrations in the

bible of the tremendous responsibility

of being

a father because the only

persons in israel who could obtain

safety and salvation for their people

were the fathers of israel if the

fathers of israel had been delinquent

israel would have not been protected by

the passover

and i personally think today

the greatest single social problem that

confronts us

is delinquent father

i’ve said many times in counseling

parents who have problem children

there are no delinquent children there

are only delinquent parents

all the problems that we are concerned


abortion drugs

the breakup of the family and many

many other social evils i believe if you

trace them to their source

their source is delinquent fathers

and i point out to you here in this


that if the fathers had failed

israel would never have been redeemed

god didn’t have

plan b plan a

was his plan and it depended on the


now let’s look

exodus 12 21 then moses called for all

the elders of israel and said to them

pick out and take lambs for yourselves

according to your families

and kill the passover lamb

and you shall take a bunch of hyssop

dip it in the blood that is in the basin

and strike the lintel and the two

doorposts with the blood that is in the


and none of you shall go out of the door

of his house

until morning for the lord will pass

through to strike the egyptians

and when he sees the blood on the lintel

and on the two door posts

the lord will pass over the door

and not allow the destroyer to come into

your houses to strike you that’s why

it’s called the passover because the

lord said he would pass

over the door that was protected

by the blood of the lamb now let’s

consider what they had to do at a

certain given moment

each father had to choose a lamb

of appropriate size for his family

and then they had to sacrifice the lamb

and they had to catch its blood in a

basin its blood was very precious

none of it was to be spilled on the


now the lamb was slain

the blood was in the basin it was the

means of protection but

in the basin it didn’t protect a single


they were required to transfer the blood

from the basin

to the doors of their homes

and to smear it or sprinkle it on the


and on the two side posts but never on

the threshold no one was ever

to walk over the blood

now so everything the whole destiny of


depended on getting the blood from the

basin to the door

how were they to do it very simple

god said you take a little bunch of

hessop now hyssop is a kind of almost a


that grows everywhere in the middle east

pluck this bunch of hissa

dip the hyssop in the blood in the basin

and sprinkle their blood

over the door with the hesse

so hyssop which was a very humble and in

a sense

unimportant thing nevertheless became


to the salvation of israel

and then god required one more thing he


when this blood has been sprinkled on

the door you’ve got to stay inside your


don’t you go outside because once you

get outside the blood you’re not


and peter says maybe we should just keep

your finger in exodus 12 if you’re there

let’s look in first peter for a moment

first peter chapter 1 verses 1 and 2

this is the greeting of peter

peter an apostle of jesus christ to the

pilgrims of the dispersion

in pontus galatia cappadocia asia and

bythinya now

here’s how he describes them elect

or chosen according to the foreknowledge

of god the father

in sanctification of the spirit for

obedience and sprinkling of the blood of

jesus christ

notice what comes before sprinkling

obedience the blood is not sprinkled on

the disobedient

it did not avail anybody who disobeyed

and went outside of his house so bear in

mind although there’s perfect protection

in the blood it is

only for the obedient

now let’s go back to the passover

ceremony the blood was in the basin

it had to be transferred to the house

they plucked a little bunch of hyssop

dipped it in the blood and then

sprinkled it

on the door they were safe now

paul says christ is our passover

who was sacrificed for us

in other words christ has been slain 19

centuries ago

to use the terms of the analogy the

blood is in the basin

but the blood in the basin doesn’t

protect anybody

we have the same situation as israel

we’ve got to get the blood from the

basin to the place where we live

then we’re protected provided we’re


so the question is

how do we get the blood from the basin

the blood of jesus to the place where we


now we go back to revelation 12 11.

they overcame him by the blood of the


and by the word of their testimony

you remember what we said we overcome


when we testify personally to what the

word of god

says the blood of jesus does for us

what is it that gets the blood from the

basin to where we live

our testimony that’s right

testimony is a very simple thing it’s

just saying a few words according to the


it’s like the little hyssop but it saves


it’s it’s our protection i cannot

over emphasize for you here

the importance of your testimony

there’s another scripture that we could

take with it that is very closely

related in hebrews chapter 3

and verse 1.

therefore holy brethren partakers of the

heavenly calling

considered the apostle and high priest

of our confession

christ jesus the writer

of hebrews calls jesus

the high priest of our confession

you know what confession is confession


literally saying the same as

so for us as believers in the bible and

in jesus christ

confession means we say the same with

our mouth

as god says in his word we make

the words of our mouth agree with the

word of god

and jesus is the high priest of our


brothers and sisters no confession no

high priest

he can only advocate on your behalf

when you make the right confession so

whether you call it testimony

or whether you call it confession it is

absolutely indispensable

for you to receive the salvation of god

jesus said by your words you will be


and by your words you will be condemned

you settle your destiny

by the words you speak

james said the tongue is like the rudder

on a ship it’s a very small part of the

ship but it determines exactly where the

ship will go

and we determine the course of our lives

by the way we use our tongues

you can say the right thing and make the

words of your mouth agree with the word

of god

or you can say the wrong thing and cause

your life

to go off course and you’ll either come

safely to harbor or end in shipwreck

according to the use that you’ve made

of your tongue

many many of us as christians are very

careless and delinquent

in the use of our tongues

people say i’m dying to see you don’t

ever say that

americans say i was tickled to death

don’t say that

no it’s not a laughing matter i can

understand you can love

but never say anything about yourself

that you wouldn’t want jesus to make


don’t don’t underestimate yourself

because god thinks you’re precious he

invested the blood of jesus in you

when you are quote humble and criticize

yourself what you’re really doing is

criticizing god’s handiwork

because the bible says we are his


how dare you criticize the workmanship

of god

pride is a tremendous problem with

christians but another problem that’s

just as great is underestimating


not for what we are but for what god has

made us

so now i’m going to give you a practical

demonstration of how to transfer

the blood of jesus from the basin to the

place where you live to your life

obviously you cannot testify

as to what the word of god says about

the blood of jesus unless you

know what the word of god says so one

essential requirement is knowing what

the bible teaches about the blood of


now i’ve pointed out already that the

new testament indicates there was a

seven-fold sprinkling of the blood of


this morning i’m going to consider with

you a seven-fold

application of the blood of jesus in our


there are seven major ways

in which the new testament reveals the

blood of jesus

works for us the first

is redemption we’ll turn to

a couple of scriptures ephesians

chapter 1 verse 7.

ephesians 1 7 in him

that’s jesus we have redemption

through his blood redemption means

being bought back we were in the hands

of the devil

jesus brought us back with his blood

and then in first peter chapter 1

verses 18

and 19 first peter 1 18 and 19

knowing that you were not redeemed with

corruptable or perishable things like

silver or gold from your aimless conduct

received by tradition from your fondness

but with the precious blood of christ

as of a lamb without blemish and without

spot unnoticed the word

lamb again takes us back to the passover

the passover lamb

jesus was without blemish

he was without original sin he was

without spot

he was without personal sin and we have

been redeemed by his blood

now in that context i like also to turn

to psalm


and just verse 2

psalm 107 verse 2

let the redeemed of the lord say so

whom he has redeemed out of the hand of

the enemy who’s the enemy

satan that’s right but if we are

redeemed what we have to do about it

we have to say so no say so no

redemption you understand

it’s your confession it’s your testimony

that makes it work for you otherwise the

blood remains in the basin

now let’s think of what we can say i’ll

give you a little example

this is not the only way it could be


but my personal testimony is through the

blood of jesus

i have been redeemed out of the hand of

the devil

brothers and sisters i have no doubt

about where i was when jesus met me

i was in the hand of the devil there’s

no question in my mind about that but

i’m not there today

because i have been redeemed by the

blood of jesus

out of the hand of the devil now

i want to invite you to have the

blessing of saying that

with me this is going to be a very

practical message

i’m going to show you how to do a whole

lot of things and you’ll only get as


blessing as you actively cooperate with

so i’ll say it first phrase by phrase

say it after me not with me okay

through the blood of jesus

i have been redeemed

out of the hand of the devil

well that was good now let’s see if we

can say it together okay

through the blood of jesus i

have been redeemed out of the hand of

the devil

now that’s wonderful you’re looking so


at me but it’s really very important

to say it to somebody else so

i want to suggest that each of you turn

to your neighbor somewhere

look them right between the eyes don’t

be embarrassed

don’t be religious and say

through the blood of jesus i

have been redeemed now don’t miss out

find somebody to say it too

that’s right okay

all right

some of you are free in a way you’ve

never been before because of that

something’s happened to you all right

we’ll go on to the second provision of

the blood of jesus

which is cleansing and we’ll turn

now to 1 john chapter 1

and verse 7. first john chapter 1

verse 7

but if we walk in the light as he is in

the light that he is jesus

we have fellowship one with another and

the blood of jesus christ

his son cleanses us from all

sin now

in the original language all the verbs

in that

verse are in the continuing present

tense it’s important to see that

if we continue walking in the light

we continue to have fellowship one with

another and please note that

the evidence that you’re walking in the

light is that you have fellowship

and if you get out of fellowship you get

out of the light

and if you get out of the light the

blood doesn’t cleanse in the dark that’s

a tremendously important fact the blood

does not cleanse in the dark

all right if we continue walking in the


we continually continue having


with one another and the blood of jesus

his son continually cleanses

us from all sin it’s a continuing


no matter where we are if we’re in the

light we may be in the most defiling

circumstances we may

be amongst the most wicked people there

may be countless evil pressures against


but as long as we are walking in the


the blood is continually cleansing

us from all sin let me show you another

beautiful picture keep your finger in

one john will come back

turn to psalm 51 for a moment

psalm 51.

this is the great penitent

psalm of david after he had been


convicted of his two terrible sins

of adultery and murder he came

he turned to god with this tremendous

cry of repentance

and plea for mercy we can’t go into it

all but let’s just look at what he says

in verse 7 purge me with hyssop

and i shall be clean wash me

and i shall be whiter than snow

and you notice the use of the word


what did he have in mind the passover

what was he thinking on

the blood that’s right purge me with


and i shall be clean wash me and i shall

be whiter than snow

what a privilege it is to know where to

go when you’re guilty

i suppose every one of us in this room

has that privilege brothers and sisters

stop for a moment and think about the

billions of people who are guilty and

don’t know where to go

can you imagine what it’d be like to

have a guilty conscience to be tormented

with the reality of your

sin and not know where to go

to find forgiveness and peace that’s the


of half humanity today

all right what are we going to say we’ll

go back to one john 1 7

and i’ll give you a little pattern i


have all this work done in advance it’s

more or less impromptu

i’ve done it several times before but

let me think

let me say it this way while i walk in

the light

the blood of jesus cleanses me

now and continually

from all sin see why i say now

because i want to make it very here and

now right at this moment but not

only at this moment from this moment on

as long as i’m walking in the light

all right you like to say that after me

while i walk in the light

the blood of jesus cleanses me now

and continually from all sin

all right let’s see if we can say that

together now

while i walk in the light

the blood of jesus cleanses me

now and continually

from all sin all right

the next great provision is

justification a justification is a

theological word which

upsets some people but it’s not really

that bad

greek word in its basic form

means to make righteous

but it has a lot of different

shades of meaning let’s go to the

scripture first that’s romans

5 9.

much more then having now been

justified by his blood the blood of


we shall be saved from wrath through him

so we have been

justified by his blood

let me try and convey it to you this way


you’re on trial in a court of law

for a capital offense your life is at


and then the verdict comes out

not guilty that’s justification

you’ve been acquitted

okay it means more you’ve been reckoned


with the righteousness of jesus christ

not with your own

but with the righteousness of jesus

christ but it also means you’ve been

made righteous it has all those meanings

acquitted not guilty reckon righteous

made righteous and then

this is a little way that we have to

fix it in your mind i’m justified

means i’m just as if i’d

never sent why

because i’ve been made righteous with

the righteousness of jesus christ and he

never sinned

he had no guilt he had no past to be

covered up

see your own righteousness will never

get you to heaven brothers and sisters

isaiah says all our righteousness is our

filthy rags but

let those filthy rags go and let the

blood of jesus

impart to you the righteousness of jesus

then the devil has no way to accuse you

there’s a beautiful scripture in just

keep your finger in romans we may come


people tell me i expect them to have too

many fingers in isaiah


isaiah 61 verse 10

i will greatly rejoice in the lord

my soul shall be joyful in my god

for he has clothed me with the garments

of salvation

he has covered me with the robe of


there’s two things you get salvation

righteousness when you trust in jesus

christ and his sacrifice on your behalf

you’ll be clothed with a garment of

salvation but then stop there

you’ll be covered with a robe of


one of the translations says he has

wrapped me around with a robe of


you’re totally covered with the

righteousness of jesus christ

the devil has got nothing he can say

against you

if he tells you you’ve done a whole lot

of things wrong

you know what to do agree with him say

you’re quite right satan

but all that’s in the past and i am

clothed with the righteousness of jesus

christ see if you can find anything

wrong with that

all right let’s uh go back to romans 5

9 and let’s see i’ll i’ll

i’ll do a run-through and then we’ll see

where we get to

listen to me now carefully through the

blood of jesus

no don’t say it yet i’ll do it once

because i’m not quite sure where i’m

going yet

through through the blood of jesus

i am justified acquitted

not guilty reckoned righteous

made righteous just as if i’d never


all right now don’t try and say it with

me the first time

say it after me through the blood of


i am justified

acquitted not guilty

reckoned righteous made righteous

just as if i’d never sinned

i’ll take a deep breath and say thank

you god

all right we’ll go on the next is



we’ll turn to hebrews 13

and verse 12.

hebrews 13 12

therefore jesus also that he might

sanctify the people with his own blood

suffered outside the gate

now to sanctify in the original

is directly related to the word for


actually sanct it’s the same word that

we have in english

saint so to sanctify is to make

saintly or to make holy

it’s got two aspects one is negative

we’re set apart from sin and from

everything that defiles

and then we’re made holy with

god’s own holiness

in the 12th chapter of hebrews well we

might read that for a moment talking


god’s chastisement

it says in hebrews 12 10

our human fathers chastised us

for a short period of our lives

according to their best judgment

but god does it in a different way

hebrews 12

10 40 they indeed that’s human parents

for a few days chastened us as

seem best to them but he for our

profit that we may be partakers

of his holiness notice not our holiness

any more than our righteousness but his

holiness how do we partake of his


through the blood of jesus all right so


that he might sanctify the people with

his own blood

suffered without the gate let me

try to show you how you apply that

operation of the blood through the blood

of jesus

i am sanctified

separated from sin set apart to god

made holy with god’s holiness

i’m not sure if i can remember that but

i’ll try this time you follow me

through the blood of jesus

i am sanctified

made holy set apart to god

separated from sin made holy with god’s


understand you can change the words a

little as long as you get the facts

that’s what man is

all right now what we’ve been doing

every time so far

dipping the hyssop in the basin and

sprinkling it over us you understand

okay now we’re going to go on

we’ve so far dealt with redemption

cleansing justification

and sanctification now we’re going to go

to life

i once heard a preacher say that all the

provisions of the blood of jesus were

only negative

they only saved us some from something

i think that’s a very dangerous


and i can’t think of anything more

positive than life

let’s look for a moment in leviticus 17


which is the passage i quoted earlier


17 and verse 11

for the life of the flesh

is in the blood and i have given it to


upon the altar to make atonement for

your souls

it is the blood that makes atonement for

the soul

so the life of god

is in the blood of jesus god’s

own life the life of the creator

our human minds have no way to calculate

the potential of that statement because

the creator is

infinitely greater than all that he’s


the entire created universe

is just a snap of his finger

you see if we could grasp what’s in the

blood of jesus

i’ve said there’s more power in one drop

of the blood of jesus

than there is in the whole kingdom of


because we’ve got the eternal

uncreated measureless

life of god himself

a life that existed before anything was

ever created

in the blood of jesus

with that in mind let’s turn to john

chapter 6.

john chapter 6

and we’re going to read from verse 53

through verse 57.

john 6 beginning at verse 53

then jesus said to them most assuredly i

say to you

there are two levels of emphasis in the

teaching of jesus if you have the old

authorized version sometimes he said

verily and sometimes he said verily


verily means it’s important verily

verily means it’s super important

now in this translation they say


and most assuredly so this is one of the

super important statements

i like i think i’ll go back to verily

verily verily

verily i say to you unless you eat the

flesh of the son of man and drink his


you have no life in you

whoever eats my flesh and drinks my


has eternal life and i will raise him up

at the last day

for my flesh is food indeed

and my blood is drink indeed

he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood

abides in me and i in him

as the living father sent me and i live

because of the father

so he who feeds on me will live because

of me

now i’m sure there are various ways to

apply that

but i began my christian ministry in


in an arab town called ramallah just

north of jerusalem it’s no longer a town

it’s a big

it’s a much bigger city today and at

that time

with my first wife and the children the

language of our home was arabic

and uh there’s certain things that you

get into you that you never get out of


and i always

whenever i think of the communion

service or taking the lord’s supper or

the eucharist

whatever you want to say

i always think of what the arabs said

khalina nishrib

let us drink the blood of jesus that was

not some

strange super spiritual phrase that was

their way

of talking about the communion

and there may be many ways to apply this

but for me when i take the communion

i eat his flesh and i drink his blood

now that’s a stumbling block for some


how can i help that

we have been taught some of us

that we do it just as a memorial that’s

not what jesus said

he said you’re eating my flesh

and you’re drinking my blood we do it in

memorial too

sure we do but that’s not all

we are actually partaking

of the body and blood of the lord jesus


there’s no reason to change those words

now there’s a lot of different opinions

as to

how it becomes the body and the blood

the catholics and the liturgical

churches believe it’s through


by a priest frankly that’s not what i


i believe it come becomes through faith

when i receive it in faith believing

what jesus said in his word

it becomes to me precisely what he said

it would be

please don’t argue with me because i’m


let’s uh look for a moment in first

corinthians chapter 10.

i believe we have here both baptists and

brethren that’s probably divine

providence well

brothers i remember

a brethren preacher saying once to some

of his

fellow christians he said jesus said as

often as you drew it but you do it to


all right let’s look in first

corinthians 10 for a moment

verse 16

the cup of blessing which we bless is it

not the communion

of the blood of christ communion sharing

in the blood of christ the bread which

we break

is it not the communion or the sharing

in the body of christ and then he goes


in chapter 11

and he reminds them of the way the

lord’s supper was instituted

in verses 23 and following

he says for i received from the lord

that which also i delivered to you that

the lord jesus on the same night in

which he was betrayed

took brain and when he had given thanks

he broke it and said take eat

this is my body

which is broken for you or which is for


do this in remembrance of me now it’s

perfectly true we do it in remembrance

of him

but what do we do in remembrance of him

we take his body

in the same manner also he took the cup

after supper saying

this cup is the new covenant in my blood

this do as often as you drink it in

remembrance of me

for as often as you eat this bread and

drink this cup you proclaim

the lord’s death till he come

now i want to say very emphatically

that i don’t recommend everybody to be

like ruth and me

there’s a wonderful liberty in the body

of christ we can do within certain

limits what god leads us to do

but this has become so important to me

and i so tremendously feel my

need of the life of god

and let me say i think i can say it with

humility i think i’m something of an

advertisement for the life of god

most of you wouldn’t guess i’m 71 years


and i think part of that is living

on the body and the blood of jesus

for me this is no doctrine theory

this is a living reality

so this is the way we do it and please

i’m not suggesting that

anybody should do what we do but we take

communion together as husband and wife

every morning

and every morning

i say the same things lord jesus now

what do i say remind me

yes that’s right i break the bread yes

i break the bread and i say lord jesus

we receive

this bread as your flesh

and then we share a tiny little cup

and i say lord jesus we receive this cup

as your blood

and i say

as we do this we proclaim your death

until you come you see we do it

mainly maybe in jerusalem where

christians are less than one percent

of the population what a privilege

to proclaim the lord’s death every day

in the city where he died

some a a great bible expositor of the

last century

commented on this you do show or

proclaim the lord’s death until he come

he said when we come to this

ordinance whatever you want to call it

he said we’re out of the whole context

of immediate time

we have no past but the cross

no future but the coming we proclaim his


until he comes and every time we do that

we remind ourselves he’s coming again

now let’s just

how are we going to confess this

let’s just do it by faith

we’re not going to take any communion

service i’m not ever recommending that

to any of you let’s just say

let me think how we’ll say it lord jesus

when we receive your blood

in it we receive your life

the life of god divine

eternal endless life

all right if i can remember that say it

after me

lord jesus when we receive your blood

in it we receive your life

the life of god

divine eternal

endless life thank you lord

let’s take a moment to worship him shall


just just receive it right now let

let’s let the sense of divine life fill


your heart your mind even your physical


paul said in due course death will be

swallowed up by life

but i think that’s a process of ongoing

death in our bodies

sickness decay so on which can be

swallowed up by the life of god day by


paul said though our outward man


our inward man is renewed day by day

and there’s enough life in the inward

man to keep the outward man going until

our task is finished

amen all right we want to talk about


two more effects of the blood of jesus

the sixth one is intercession

we’ll turn to hebrews chapter 12.

and we’ll read verses 22

through 24.

hebrews 12 22

i want you to notice the tense

it begins with the words we have come

we’re not going to come in the spirit

not in the flesh but in the spirit we

have come eight things are listed

to which we have come we have come

to mount zion that’s number one number

two the city of the living god

the heavenly jerusalem not the earthly

jerusalem the heavenly jerusalem

number three an innumerable company of

angels and i prefer the translation

which says

in festival array i can’t go into all

the reasons why you can translate it

either way

but i think the niv says an innumerable

company of angels in festival array

they’ve put on their best clothes for

our benefit

i mean seeing an innumerable company of

angels in any guys would be wonderful

but in festool array

ruth and i were in belfast about what

three years ago now

we were in a little group of leaders

meeting in a

home and the presence of god moved in


us as we humbled ourselves before the

lord before one another

and for about 10 minutes ruth saw

an innumerable company of angels just


passing us

then one of them came into the room

and after that she closed her eyes

this is not you know this is all within

the bounds of our

possible experience today we are no

different from the people in the new

testament they were no different from us

all right we have come to mount zion

the heavenly jerusalem an innumerable

company of angels in fester lorraine

the church of the firstborn who are

registered in heaven those who have been

born again

whose names are written in heaven number


god the judge of all thank god there’s

more than god the judge there

brothers and sisters otherwise we’d

never make it

number six to the spirits of just men

made perfect i believe that’s the old

testament saints who through a

lifetime walk of faith achieved what we


through the new birth or what we don’t

achieve through the new birth what is

given to us through the new birth

number seven to jesus the mediator of

the new covenant

that’s why we can be there if it were

only god the judge we’d never get there


god the judge there is also meet jesus

the mediator of the new covenant

and finally the blood of sprinkling

that speaks better things than that of

abel the sprinkled blood of jesus

that speaks on our behalf in heaven

contrasted with the blood of abel

there are three main points of contrast

abel’s blood was shed against his will

blood jesus willingly gave his blood

abel’s blood was sprinkled on earth

jesus blood is sprinkled in the holiest

of all

abel’s blood called out for vengeance

jesus blood pleads for mercy this is

such a beautiful revelation

i wouldn’t want any of you to be

deprived of it

there are times when we are weak when

we’re under pressure we just

can’t pray we just wonder if we’re going

to be able to draw the next breath

it’s good to know that those times that

the blood of jesus

sprinkled in the immediate presence of


is always speaking on our behalf

calling out for mercy

let’s make a little confession just to

appropriate this truth

i’ll do it i mean i haven’t thought this

out in advance but thank you lord that

even when i cannot pray

the blood of jesus is pleading for me

in heaven all right are you ready to say


thank you lord that even when

i cannot pray

all right i thought you were going to

say it after me you’re ahead of me all

right we’ll go back

we’ll say it together all right

thank you jesus thank you lord that

even when i cannot pray

the blood of jesus is pleading

for me in heaven and say that once again

we weren’t very certain i was the one

that was

thank you lord that even when

i cannot pray the blood

of jesus is pleading for me

in heaven amen

and finally we have access

through the blood of jesus these

last two provisions of the blood take us

out of the realm of time and into the

heavenly and eternal realms

which is where we want to end up anyhow

turn back to hebrews chapter 10

verse 19 and following

uh significantly this verse has already

been quoted in the worship here this


i think that was part of god’s provision

hebrews 10 beginning at verse 19

therefore brethren

having boldness or confidence

that greek word means freedom of speech

it’s very important that our boldness

gives us freedom of speech

in other words let’s remember it’s our


if we don’t testify we don’t have it

therefore brethren having boldness to

enter the holiest

by the blood of jesus by a new and

living way

which he consecrated for us through the

veil that is his flesh

and having a high priest over the house

of god

let us draw near that’s into the holiest

of all

with a true heart in full assurance of

faith having our hearts sprinkled from

an evil conscience

and our bodies washed with pure water

and let it note the next words

let us hold fast the confession of our


without wavering hebrews 3 1

says jesus is the high priest of our


hebrews 4 14 says hold fast your

confession but hebrews 10

23 says hold it fast without wavering

what does that tell you well then you’re

in an

airplane and they say buckle your seat

belts what do you expect

turbulence that’s right when the word of

god says

make the confession hold fast the

confession and hold it fast without

wavering that’s like god saying buckle

your seat belts because there’ll be


but don’t let the turbulence cause you

to unbuckle your statement

keep on making the right confession

even when it seems totally contrary to

everything around you

god’s word is true

all right you notice that we have access

into the bow

into the holiest by new and living way

go back for a moment to the scene in

leviticus 16 where the high priest

entered once every year

what did he do he entered with us

with a sensor full of incense that cast

a fragrant cloud and covered the mercy

seat that’s worship

but he also entered with the blood of

the sacrifice

and he sprinkled it seven times

between the veil and the mercy seat

once twice three times

four times five times six times

seven times and then he smeared it

on the east side the front side of the

mercy seat

and when the writer of hebrews says

we have boldness through the blood of

jesus by a new and living way

he’s thinking about that sevenfold

sprinkling of the blood and the blood on

the mercy

and we can approach the throne of

almighty god and the holiest place in

the universe

with boldness because of the blood of


we have access

what are we going to say about ourselves

say this thank you lord that through and

i’ll say it first because i don’t even

know what i’m going to say yet

thank you lord that through

the sprinkled blood of jesus

i have access

into the presence of almighty god

into the holiest place in the universe

do you think i can say that again that’s


thank you god

that through the sprinkled blood of


i have access into

your presence into the holiest place

in the universe

all right let me just close by

recapitulating the seven provisions

it could be possible to give them in a

different order although i think this is

a logical order

redemption cleansing

justification sanctification

life intercession

and access sprinkled seven

times works in us in seven different


but remember we overcome satan

by the blood of the lamb and by what the

word of our testimony let’s say that

together and we’ll close but don’t

forget to add and we love not our lives

unto the death

all right are you with me we overcome

satan by the blood of the lamb

and by the word of our testimony and we

love not our lives unto the dead

now there’s only one logical thing we

can do now

in the light of all that is to praise

god if we don’t praise him

we just don’t believe it