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hello and welcome to give him 15

for thursday december the 17th

and i’m going to do something a little

different today than i have done in the


i’m going to play a prophecy

for you i heard this couple days ago

and it really stirred my spirit

tremendously so i’ve gotten permission


use it as the give him 15 post

today so we’re going to play the entire

word it’s about 12 minutes and then i’ll


to you again at the end and we’ll pray

together but this was released

by kent christmas and that’s his name

kent christmas appropriate time of year

to be releasing this

uh wonderful brother pastors uh church

in nashville tennessee called

regeneration nashville he and his

wife candy and he has given me

permission to

release it to you this uh this word is

not just about the elections

it’s such a broad word that i think it

it really summarizes and encompasses so

much of what god is doing right now


it’s not just about america it’s about

the nations not just about the election

but it’s about the awakening

revival that’s coming so i know this

word will encourage you and i want you

to let it be

guide you in your prayer time today

maybe make a few notes and

things you want to pray about things

that encourage you perhaps

or even listen to it two or three times

and allow it to just really get in your

heart and

produce faith in you because it’s an


encouraging word and

the title of this post is

a gift you will never forget

the lord says what i am doing now

what you’re seeing is not resurrection

of something old

but god said i am birthing something new

in the earth

that you have not seen

in my mercy god says i have been silent

because i have been giving evil men

time to repent but

just now as evil has declared war on me

and on the church so do i declare

war on you says the lord

i am sending my word forth into the

earth and it will not return

unto me unfulfilled but all that i have


over the decades saith the lord is going

to come to pass

in this hour and it will come quickly

for you were in the third day says god

and in this days a day of resurrection

of the glory and of the power of the

holy ghost

my servants who are my prophets that

have spoken my word to the nations

have not prophesied in their own name

they have not spoken fables

but they have declared what thus saith

the lord

in my name know this says the lord of


i will not i will not says god

let evil men and so-called believers who

are full of unbelief

make me a liar for i am not a man that i

should repent

saith god for i am still god and when my

sin forth my word it goes forth as a


saith the lord and it is going to pierce

the very strongholds

of the power of darkness just as i came

to the earth the first time

as god in flesh so am i now

coming to you and to this nation and

across the earth

in this christmas season to give you a

gift says the lord

that you will never forget what you have

been watching in the media

is the spirit of that woman jezebel

trying to replace the woman

called the church in the earth but the

voice of the church in this hour are my

prophets saith god and they will not be


in the word of the lord that i have

released in this hour though it looks


says god it will come to pass for all

that i declare to you

says the lord will not come by the power

of men

it will not come through politics or law

or even the supreme court says the lord

but it will come forth by the power of

the holy ghost

in this hour just as jezebel in the days

of elijah drove the prophets

into caves so she in 2020

drove my church into hiding but

just as i was only in the cave for three

days says the lord

so is my church coming out of the cave

and coming out of hiding for the voice


righteousness will not be silenced says

the lord

and you will not muzzle me say it god

i will not sit down as a small child in

a corner says the lord

and yield to a power that is not as

great as

i am for i am still god saith the lord

in the year 2021 of january

the angel michael is sounding the ram’s

horn as a call to war

against false religion and counterfeit

churches in the earth

every pastor in church that has crawled

into bed with this spirit

saith god i am now going to uncover

and i’m going to judge says the lord for


are many buildings that are built that

have the word church on them and a cross

says god but they do not honor my name

they are not about my presence and they

do not care for the poor and

those who have been laden with sin but

in this day

saith god i am raising up a church

that is glorious without spot wrinkle or


just as the devil has tried to put


and intimidation on my people i now

release from my throne room saith

god a holy garment of boldness on them

says the lord for there is a spirit of

power and authority

that is going to arise on you and i put

the spirit of fear

and intimidation on those that have

tried to shut up the house

of the lord and as i have watched

hallelujah saith god

the houses of the enemy become silent

there is now a sound of the line of

judah that’s getting ready to come up


of the house of the lord you will no

longer be known as a house that is heavy

and in despair but there is joy saith


for even as i came to the earth the

first time

and the angels shouted there is joy in

the earth

so am i coming to you in this christmas

season saith the lord

i have not forgotten what i have

promised you

and though it looks impossible and

though the media

says it will not happen and though

they’ve already crowned one man a king

i say to you he is a false king for the

king of kings and the lord of lords

is yet to be raised up for the throne

room of the lord will not be occupied by

an impostor says god

but it will be set upon by the glorious


of all eternity know this saith god have

i not always told you

that though i tarry long when you pray

that when i

do come i will show up quickly

what i’m getting ready to do in the next

few weeks saith god will be a quick work

it will not be done in part it will not

leave a back door for an

enemy to come through but this time

saith god

i am going to finish what i started and

for four years the glory of the lord

shall descend upon the earth

in a way that you have never seen it

saith the lord

for i have waited to show myself in this

time of destiny

because i wanted the enemy to show

himself first

now that he is uncovered you’re going to


the anointing of elijah being released

in the earth says the lord

and harvest will begin just as i had to


until goliath’s sword could be put in

the hand of david

before the enemy was destroyed just as i

waited for jordan to flood before israel

could cross over

just as i waited for mordecai to be


until haman’s galas were built know this

the enemy has built a gallows to hang

the church

but i’m getting ready to reverse saith

god what has been declared in this


and i’m gonna take the weapon that the

enemy formed against the house of the


and i’m gonna cause the enemy to be


by the very weapon that he forged in the

fires of hell

to destroy the people of god in the next

four years

i’m giving the nations to the church as

their inheritance

not just a few not just a bit not just

those that are not under the yarn


i’m invading the muslim nations up i’m

invading the communist nations up

i’m tearing down the yarn curtain says

the lord

i am also taking the wealth of the

wicked up

and i am transferring it to the saints

of the most high

i did not cause you to be poor i take

pleasure in the prosperity

of my servant land titles deeds

money visits his wealth and inventions

are now being released out of the

heavens unto the saints of the most high

for what i’m going to do will not be a

cheap move

but it will be the riches of glory be

displayed in the earth

for what i am going to accomplish says


what i am now going to do will be like

an explosion

of my power and my glory in the earth

i am going to china for what

they have done to the nations

because they have tried to remove me

from the earth

i am also going to deal with their

leadership and there’s going to be a


of the presence of god and revival

in the nation of china justice hell

released a global epidemic in the earth

to advance the purpose of satan

i am now releasing in every nation my

presence and my glory

to bring forth the kingdom of jesus


as you have seen a wave of death in the


now shall you see life and divine


released in the earth and the south

that’s coming

out of the people of god is going to

tear down

the ancient strongholds that have ruled

the nations

so get ready says god not months from


but you’re on the preface says the lord

of the greatest

outpouring of the glory of god and today

i lift off of you saith the lord the

spirit of heaviness

and i release upon you up the garment of


shout unto the lord say god for this is

the hour

in which my mercy is being released upon

my people saith god

hallelujah well i’m sure you enjoyed

that um strong word i hope that it

stirred you as much as it stirred me

and let’s pray into it right now and

just ask the lord to do a few things

together here

lord we thank you for this encouraging

word thank you for our brother

kent and the

the great encouragement that you brought

to us

lord you said you’re about to do

something that will be so powerful

that we will never forget it or we’re


very aware that in this situation of

of the elections in america we’re in a


that uh will require a miracle

to turn it we’ve known that since day


but lord you you have stirred the

prophets to continue

to speak uh encouraging words

telling us to stand and we are and we

are taking your words and we’re

decreeing them and using them as a sword

so lord we do that again today we say

that all of the

of the deception the corruption all the


that have taken place to uh to

bring a an inappropriate outcome is

going to be turned by you

that you’re going to do great things

you’re going to expose

you’re going to turn things around the

lord you’re not

limited to natural means you you can do

supernatural things

and we come into agreement today for


we say you are going to move by your


and lord you even said in this word that

what you do won’t be done by

laws and even the supreme court

but by the power of your spirit you’re

going to do something

so that’s exactly what we ask we ask for

the key

that you’ve spoken of over and over or


we believe lord that’s two things that


is something being unlocked something

being revealed that’s hidden

also lord we know the key you’re

referring to

is is the declaration the decrees of the

ecclesia you’ve given us keys

you gave us the key in isaiah 22 22

and and i believe it was released to the

church in matthew 16 so lord we take the


and we decree that you are going to

expose all the corruption

you’re going to turn things and lord

you’re going to

further your kingdom purpose in this

nation and you’re going to do it in this


so we thank you for that in jesus name

amen i appreciate you listening to this

today i’m sure you enjoyed it

and we’ll see you again tomorrow