Cody is back to ask another difficult question, this one about rape. What he doesn’t realize is that he is assuming God exists by even asking the question. Frank explains why, and asks Cody if he’d read Frank’s book (FYI: Unfortunately, Frank hasn’t heard back from Cody. Cody, if you read this, contact us through

tell everyone here why her prayers went


for 24 years god has not revealed that

to me

so i don’t know why but i know why i

don’t know why


something that occurs on earth god must

want it to happen and or allows to


you’ve heard this argument before from a

hero of both of ours his last name is


fraulein freitzel locked in a dungeon 24


raped most nights by her father seven

children of sodomy

one of them died perished

she prayed she beseeched heaven why did

heaven do nothing

she waited for 24 years and yet her

prayers weren’t answered


tell tell everyone here why her prayers

went well for 24 years

god has not revealed that to me so i

don’t know why but i know why i don’t

know why

i’m finite god is infinite and

i sometimes marvel as to why god doesn’t

end my life

because i do evil you do evil

we all do evil i don’t know why god is

patient with us

can god bring good from evil sure he


did god allow that to happen sure he

allowed it to happen

yeah he’s god but if he intervened every

time we wanted to do evil would we have

free will

he raped his daughter for 24 years and

did nothing doc

come on nothing first of all again

this is not this is a question from my

world view but you have no grounds by

which to

say rape is wrong correct

are you serious forceful sexual assault

yeah that’s wrong everyone here will

agree with that and i don’t know

how is it wrong if there’s no god is it

just your opinion

no it’s everyone in this room’s opinion

so majority

raise your hand in this room if you want

to get raped cody cody

majority vote does not determine no one

zero you have to say the nazis were


in murdering jews homosexuals gypsies

and jehovah’s witnesses because they

voted that way

systematic extermination of people based

on their beliefs is incorrect as well

doc and you know that

i know it you know it too you just have

no way of justifying it

other than massacre and senseless

extermination again

again cody you’re stealing from god to

argue against him

you have no standard from an atheistic


you’re you you know in your heart what

you’re saying

is true that it’s wrong to murder and

rape people but you have no way of

justifying that

other than your own personal opinion

dr church you don’t have if if i gave

you a book

you would you would never dream of


rape and murder torture you would never

dream of just i don’t

justify it and neither do you but i just

have a source to know why it’s wrong

where you don’t now if christianity were

true would you become a christian

faster than you probably would well so

if i gave you christ if christ descended

from heaven

he doesn’t he already has if

if i were to give you a book would you

read it i would read it tomorrow and

and give you feedback by friday

it might take a little longer than that

i’ve got

three other books i’ve got three other

books to read from from now until then

as long as you’re open if christianity

were true would you become a christian

you said yes so i’ll give you a book

all right if i knew for a fact that

christianity was true i’d be the first


bow down and and worship on high doc

there’s no question

beautiful you still have an answer to

the question you have still have not

answered the question

why are women and men raped every day

and god does nothing okay because we

have to answer that question

yes i can let me let me answer it and

then we’ll move on to scott okay

we have free will and if god intervened

every time we used our free will this

wouldn’t be a moral universe

and we couldn’t make choices and we

couldn’t love

we’d be robots but christ came into this


to save everybody from the evil that we

perpetrate on one another

and it’s a free gift that you can have

cody why not take it

so your answer is god refuses to stop

rape murder and torture

that’s your answer sometimes he starts

sometimes he refuses to stop it

sometimes he does stop it and you don’t

like it when he stops it i don’t like it

when he allows it

well again cody he he has to allow free

free freedom murder and torture is

sanctioned by god that’s your that’s

your answer

it’s allowed just like we

as human beings allow our kids to do

evil things because we can’t corral them

all the time and if we did they wouldn’t

be free creatures but thank you for your


thanks doc i appreciate it thank you god
