A student asks which would you choose if you were sick: a doctor or prayer? Frank points out why this is a false dilemma. Should we plant food or pray? We should do both.

we rely on one another for certain


whether it’s doctors whether it’s

farmers whether it’s grocers whether

it’s attorneys whether it’s teachers

we all interact we don’t say god do

everything for me


dr tonight you’re diagnosed with cancer

if you could if you could choose prayer

or modern medical science

which would you rather have you can only

choose one

no you can have prayer or you can choose

science you only have one

would you rather have those doctors

treat you with chemotherapy

or would you rather have a team priest

treat you with prayer

you can only have one who said i can

only have one

my question presumes you can only have


it’s a false question i can have both i

should have both because are you

suggesting that

that um god can’t work through doctors

or are you are you saying that what are

you trying to get at

professor turk i’m i’m my implication is

that if you wouldn’t immediately jump to

the chance to say

i would only rather have prayer that

displays nothing other than a lack of


you should be more than happy to say i

don’t give a

i don’t i don’t care about modern

medical science

or anything other than

other other than god will god will heal


and god will take care of me only

through the power of prayer

and i’m confident since you since you

are a devout

and a serious christian and i respect

you for that and as should everyone here

you’re going to tell everyone here

forget science

we don’t care about any of it god will

take care of us as long as we pray to


wrong theology because i

i need before i need medical care i need

food and i rely on farmers that make

corn here in corn husker land

i’m not growing my own corn okay i don’t

have time to do that

i rely on them i’m not going to sit

around and say god give me some corn

you’ve already told us god is timeless

so time the time is nothing

we’re waiting for your prayer i’m not

following you cody

what are you suggesting we live in the

world where we have a community

and god has put us in this community and

we rely on one another for certain

services whether it’s doctors whether

it’s farmers whether it’s grocers

whether it’s attorneys whether it’s


we all interact we don’t say god do

everything for me

in fact jesus was was tempted by satan


throw yourself down and god will save

you and

jesus knew of course that satan was

taking that verse out of context

and he said you shall not put the lord

your god to the test

so so so god so god doesn’t answer your

prayers directly we’ll move on to the

next question

thanks doc no cody cody cody no we won’t

we’re going to go to the next lady and

you can get in the back of the line

because it’s one at a time because

otherwise you you could be up there for

half an hour we don’t have half an hour

thank you and i’m happy to say i’m happy

to stay afterwards

and talk to you as long as you want i

would love that thank you dr sheriff

thank you