Watch /Believer’s Voice of Victory/ as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons share how imperative it is for you to take authority over fear. Learn how to adopt a zero-tolerance policy regarding fear so you can walk in the victory Jesus already won on your behalf! Get more out of this broadcast! Download the notes @ Livestream more episodes for FREE @ Subscribe to get a daily faith boost from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland delivered to your inbox @ ABOUT THE BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY TV BROADCAST: Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) is a daily Christian TV broadcast produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) that teaches Christians how to live a life of faith and victory using principles from the Bible. Learn more about KCM and how we can help you live an overcoming, victorious and successful life @

– What? What?…


– Look at this
scripture that I found,

– Okay…
– This is Isaiah 41:10.

We’re talking
about no more fear,

freedom from fear, says

“Fear thou not for
I am with thee.

Be not dismayed, I am your God.

I will strengthen you.

Yea, I will help you.

Yea, I will uphold you with the
right hand of my righteousness.

– I like verse 13.

– What is verse 13?

Oh, look at that.

– The Lord thy God will
hold thou right hand saying

unto thee, ‘Fear not I
will help you.'”

– Praise God,

– No need to
fear, Jesus is here.

♪ I’m not moved by
what I feel ♪

♪ I don’t live by
what I see ♪

♪ Because my God has
made a way for me ♪

(upbeat music)

[Announcer] With so much
happening in the world,

you might wonder if
it’s even possible

to live without anxiety.

Learn how you can
live in total peace

with the Freedom
From Fear Package…

A mini book by George
Pearsons called

No Fear Here and
Freedom From Fear,

an audio teaching
by Kenneth Copeland.

The Bible says that God’s
perfect love casts out fear.

Faith will overcome
fear every time.

Learn to keep your heart

and words aligned
with what God says.

When you get God’s
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you have peace
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You can be so filled
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declare over your life,

no fear here.

Then live the rest of
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Jesus defeated all fear

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free from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries


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You’ve not been given
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We’re Pastor George
and Terri Pearsons.

And we’re talking about
freedom from fear

– as a good thing to
be free from.

– It really is.

– Fear, George is
bondage, to be afraid.

How many lives have been ruined
because people were afraid.

Afraid to do the very thing
that God had called them to do.

But fear stopped them.

Fear from all kinds of
entrepreneurial ideas.

You wonder why maybe
why you’re not blessed.

Maybe you’ve been afraid to step
out in things that the Lord

has called you to.

But the devil’s interrupting
his plan by the force of fear.

– Yes, that’s right.

And I just really sense right
now we’ve got some people

that are watching us.

You’ve gotten some bad news.

Whatever it is, whether
it’s a court case

or a physical
situation, financial.

And the temptation is for
that fear to try to rise up

on the inside of you and
take over your thinking,

take over your attitude.

And as we’ve been talking
about being free from fear,

you just look to Jesus, you
look to the Word of God,

and he will show you the path.

He’ll show you the way.

He’ll give you the answers.

He’ll show you exactly
and precisely what to do.

There is hope in him
because he is good to us

and he’s good to
us all the time.

So, Father, in
the name of Jesus,

we pray over everyone
who is watching,

especially those that have
received some kind of news.

And I thank You that their
hearts are becoming

established in the Word of God.

They are not shaken.

They are not moved.

I thank You, Lord, that You are
manifesting your goodness

to them and we refuse to fear.

Say this after me.

I refuse.

– I refuse.

– I refuse to fear.

– I refuse to fear.

– News,

– News,

– bow your knee

– bow your knee

– to the name

– to the name

– which is above every name.

– which is above every name.

– I am free

– I am free

– from all fear.

– from all fear.

– In Jesus’ name.

– In Jesus’ name.

– Now, the outlines that we are
working with during this series

are available to you.

Go to and you
can print those out.

You can use those.

Pastors, you can distribute
them in your churches

if you want to have a series

on Freedom From Fear.

These gives you all
of the scriptures,

all of the thoughts that we’ve
been talking about here.

They’re all available to you.

And we want to make
them available

absolutely free to you.

So today, Terri, we’re talking
about freedom from fear

and the scripture…

Psalm 34:4, “I sought the Lord.

He heard me and delivered
me from all my fear.”

That’s it.

All fear.

All fear gone.


And what it takes is the
renewing of our minds to be able

to have our minds transformed
so that we can see ourselves

completely and
totally without fear.

– You know, it’s something that
we have to make an effort

towards because the
world is squeezing,

squeezing us all the time with
fear, sometimes very overtly.

Horror shows, scary
things, bad news.

But there are other things that
happen in life that come

in the disguise of something
else, cartoons or humor.

Humorous ideas that they
support the spirit of fear.

And they support your
expectation of something

to be dreaded, something
to be afraid of.

What one guy thinks is funny is
not so funny to another one.

So you have to guard your own
heart and you do it

with the Word of God.

And that’s why, again, we have
these I said this over here,

but we have this
free product here.

We want to give you this little
book and this Freedom From Fear

MP3 by Brother Copeland.

Information is right
there on your screen.

Why are we promoting this?

Because fear…

Fear not only affects you,
it affects those around you.

And as our television audience,
as our partners, our friends,

but as part of the
Body of Christ,

it’s time for the body of
Christ to not be afraid.

Not afraid to stand up in
the public arena.

Not afraid to stand up
in the political arena,

the social media arena, the
medical arena, education.

We have to be strong in the Lord
and the media and everybody else

is going to tell you, be afraid.

Be afraid, be afraid.

They’re going to ruin you,

they’re going to take
this from you, etcetera.

And that’s why it
affects all of us.

And for the church to rise up.

That’s our mission, is to teach
people who they are in Christ

and what’s available to them
through the work of Jesus.

– I can remember
years ago, Terri,

and you’ll remember this too,

that my mother was diagnosed
with cancer and they lived

in another part of the country.

And you and I flew there
for the specific reason

of being with her.

And we loaded up on
the teaching material.

And this actually was
one of the series

that we brought to
her to listen to.

And at a time like that,
what you have to do is just

completely focus
on the Word of God.

And that’s what we had her do.

We had her listening
to that Word,

just flushing out that
fear and getting her into

a place of faith.

What does it mean to have
to be in a place of faith?

How would you describe that?

– Well, when faith is present,

it’s notable because of the
things that are absent.

Now, you can be in faith and
have doubts in your head.

You can be in faith
and fear come at you.

You told a story the other day
about being in Guatemala

and we’re being shot at when
my body’s responding

with adrenaline.

But the presence of fear, real
fear in my mind or in my spirit,

it just wasn’t there.

Praise God, praise
God for training.

Thank You, Lord, that we are
well-trained in the Word.

I’m so thankful for that.

But the presence
of faith removes fear.

And because we know that faith
can also deal with the problem.

You know, the problem
itself is one thing.

Fear of the problem
is something else.

And the pressure that it
delivers undermines the working

of your faith to deal
with the problem.

So people don’t deal with the
fear and they’re trying to use

their faith for healing or
finances or restoration

of some sort.

But fear is undermining it.

You don’t deal with the fear.

Then the faith effort that
you’re making is deluded and

weak and quite often falls
short because faith

is rooted in the love of God.

God’s love for you, God’s
love to you and through you.

– So in this today, what we’re
talking about is taking

authority over fear.

We have authority over fear.

And we’re starting with
Hebrews 2, verses 14 and 15.

Jesus defeated the master fear.

What is the master fear?

The kingpin of fear is death.

It’s death.

And so we read here
in verses 14 and 15–

– Hebrews 2, right?

– Hebrews 2, 14 and 15.

“Insomuch then, as the children
have partaken of flesh

and blood, he himself, talking
about Jesus, likewise shared

in the same that through
death he might destroy him

who had the power of death,

that is, the devil,
and release those

who through fear of death

were all their lifetime
subject to bondage.”

So that fear of death
is the kingpin.

It’s the master.

– We read this few days ago, go
back to Genesis and you see

where they were in
the Garden of Eden.

And the first thing, it
starts to talk about, well,

you just even look at
the fruit and touch the fruit,

well, you’re going to die?

You’re going to die.

Well, they were eternal beings.

They were
not going to die.

God didn’t put death in them,
but the Lord warned them,

“Now, don’t do that because
this will produce death.”

But instead Satan separated her
from what the Word had said

with the Word of the Lord was.

And he said, “Well, did
God really say that?

You’re not going to die.

No. But then all of
a sudden this fear,

fear of dying made way for an
incorrect interpretation

of what God has said.

And the next thing you know,
the whole earth and mankind

is plunged into the curse.

– Right.

The Amplified
translation of verse 15,

and also that he might deliver
and completely set free

all those who, through the
haunting fear of death,

were held in bondage throughout
the whole course of their lives,

throughout the whole
course of their lives.”

Terri, there are people who’ve
been dealing with the spirit

of fear for a very long time.

– You know, like
dad’s instructions

and teaching us on this,
the master fear of death.

Why don’t we call it that?

Because the fear of a lot of
many times of fear of

going hungry, you know,
get not what I want.

Our body, what does it do?
Over eats you know,

and brings on all
kinds of disease.

So the fear of failure, the fear
of rejection, the fear of lack,

the fear of pain.

One fear right after the other,
you know, all parts of life.

But they all point back
to the fear of death.

– That’s right.

That’s right.

Second Timothy 1:7, “God
has not given us the spirit

of fear, but of power and of
love and of a sound mind”

that you had a comment
about that, Terri,

that you wrote in the notes.

Go ahead.

– So if God doesn’t give us fear

and that’s not a tool he uses,

then we shouldn’t use
it as a tool either.

We shouldn’t assume it to be it.

Quit associating fear with
anything of God and anything

that is fear is not God.

And if it’s God, it’s not fear.

That tells you a lot right
there, that’s the Bible.

And that’s so Jesus said
that they’ve come to steal,

kill and destroy.

I came to give you life.

That’s the dividing
line of the Bible.

If it’s fear produced and
fear generated, it’s not God.

He doesn’t give us
a spirit of fear.

Now he will warn us,
and there is fear attached

to those warnings.

If you don’t, why is there a
warning so that you can be

on his side so that you can
allow him to be God to you?

And he’ll let you know it’s not
to produce fear in your life.

But if you do this,
then trouble’s coming.

And I’m telling you that. Why?
So you won’t do that.

That’s why he warns
us about sin.

People thinks that
go with God…

Then you’re afraid you won’t
get to do what you want to do.

But what you need to do is
realize that if you go with God,

it won’t kill you.

– That’s why we have to be so
discerning about what we watch

and what we’re listening to.

There are people that
love horror films.

They just thrive
on horror films.

And what that’s doing
is that’s building fear.

You’re literally feeding fear
down into your spirit to where

that will eventually affect you.

And that will come out.

It will be seen.

And I remember
when I was a child,

I don’t know why my
parents did this,

but they took us to
a drive-in movie theater,

my sister and me, to
see the movie Psycho.

It was that Alfred
Hitchcock movie, you know,

– Don’t go look it up…

– and my sister and I,

we were hiding
behind the back seat.

And my sister, older
sister, kept saying,

go look and see
what’s happening now.

And I look up, I come
back down and I tell her,

and it was that’s how
much it affected us.

We were hiding
behind the back seat.

– I know people that were more
our parents age that said,

“I saw that movie and it was
months before I could take

a shower because
that so scared me.”

– Yeah.

– And I know that person also.

And she remained fearful

of a lot of things
the rest of her life.

– There was another movie
we used to go to movies

on Saturday afternoon.

We spend the day at the theater.

I mean, that’s
how far I go back.

But there were…

There were the
Vincent Price movies.

– Oh, yeah, those horror movies.

They scared me.

– Really did.

– Awful–

– Then there was one
that I saw,

The Man With The X-ray Eyes,
Ray Milland.

Bless his heart, he was having
a hard time, couldn’t get work.

So he got into a horror film.

But I remember I got back home
that night and I dreamed

about the man with the X-ray
eyes and the people around

the man were going… because he
could see through everything.

And they were shouting at
him going, “Pluck them out,

pluck them out, pluck them out.”

I think it then carrying the
pluck them out, pluck them out.

So that’s what this stuff does.

– So some of that, of course,
looks real silly to you now.

You think, you know, oh, that’s,
you know, silly looking.

But those kind of
images will always speak

to the generation that
they come out of.

The devil always
will escalate.

Well, if you believe that
one, I got another one for you.

And he will paint a picture
and you may not see

that fear show up the same way.

A fear of an intruder
or something.

But it’ll show a fear.

Fear of a car wreck.

Fear of losing, fear of
dying, fear of something

to your children.

Something to your spouse,
something to your parents,

your neighbors,
your neighborhood.

And what people
don’t realize, too,

is that kind of fear unchecked
becomes very serious

when it’s corporate,

when you have whole
neighborhoods and
cities of people

that though individually,
but they are well-developed

in fear, it draws hurricanes and
tornadoes and earthquakes

and mudslides.

It just draws that to you,

and then the people
of faith, you know,

those things start coming in.

They’re standing in faith,
believing, boy, you got a lot,

lot going on.

– And so we have to take
authority over fear.

Isaiah 41:10 to 13, we’ll
read that in just a moment.

But we have to adopt that zero
tolerance policy regarding fear.

Not going to have it,
not going to receive it,

not going to entertain it,
not going to allow it

into our lives.

I say no.

I refuse to fear.

I refuse to fear.

That’s the way you have to
be based in the Word of God.

You just can’t kind of do
that just off the cuff.

But to make a solid
decision, I refuse to fear

and I take authority over
that financial challenge.

I take authority over
that physical challenge.

I take authority over
that family challenge.

I take authority over the
fear that’s connected to it.

And you have to learn
to recognize it.

– You have to learn to
recognize the fear,

but you also have to
put the Word of God.

Ha, you have to put the
Word of God in there

in those times when you’re
not faced with fear

or if you don’t think you are,

you’ve got to do that
because situations

can happen suddenly,
very, very suddenly.

This be a good place to tell
Kellie’s testimony or…

– Sure. – Okay.

So her daughter, Lindsey,
who’s now in well into

her thirties when she was
about 11 years old,

it was Christmas Day and
we got a phone call

to that they were taking
Lindsey to the hospital

because of very, very,
very high fever.

So we dropped everything and
went down there with my sister

and the doctors immediately.

She was unconscious.

She was delirious,
it was terrible.

And the doctor said, “We’re
going to do a spinal tap.”

And they did.

And it was concluded right
away that she had a very,

very serious form,
a spinal meningitis.

And there were some in Fort
Worth that had already died,

some young children that had
already died due to that.

And so they’re telling us
this is very progressed.

This is very serious.

We’re not sure that she’ll
make it through the night

and we don’t really
think she will.

My dad was off in another state.

And so George and I, we just
pulled over to the side

with Kellie, my sister, and she
looked at me and she said,

“I refuse to fear.”

We were in the room when they
had taken that spinal fluid,

it looked awful.

We were in the room
when it was five, six adults

men trying to hold her down.

She was thrashing so violently.

But I tell you, the faithfulness
of God brought her not only out

of that healed but every
symptom and sign of things

that it looked like her body
would be left with,

she was completely restored.

But the key was,
I refuse to fear.

And then we pressed in.

We pressed in by faith.

So while she was staying
with Lindsey, I’m over

under a blanket over my
head in the lobby,

praying in the Spirit,

confessing the Word
and taking our stand.

But we grabbed fear, refused
fear together as a family.

We refused that fear.

And then we were able to hear
the voice of the Lord do this,

say that, pray this.

– She took authority over it.

And then I believe
it was after that

that we took communion
with Jerry Savelle,

Carol Savelle

– while dad was
trying to get to us.

– and I was in the
little chapel they had.

And I tell you what, that
whole thing lifted.

It just lifted.

And there was such a confidence.

But the reason we can do
that is Isaiah 41:10,

“Fear thou not, fear thou not.”

Why? I am with you.

This is important.

God is with you.

– But George is
not just about…

The “I am” is the I am.

– That’s right,

– I am. I am–

I am with you,
Israel is with you.

– Be not dismayed
for I am your God.

I will strengthen you.

I will help you.

I will uphold you with the
right hand of my righteousness.

That Scripture right there is
reason enough given to us to be

able to take authority over
whatever fear is trying

to come into our lives.

That is a command.

Fear not is a command from God.

So we have to take that command,
stand on it, act on it,

and realize that the
great “I am” is with us.

So we’re not dismayed.

He is our God.

He will help us.

He will uphold us.

And I believe I’m saying that
I’m saying that to people

right now watching us from
all over the world.

Fear not.

Fear not
– Say okay.

– Yeah, I receive that.

– Say. “Okay, I won’t fear.”

– I believe it so Terri,
what I want to do is go to

that last page and I want to
go through this pretty quick

because we’re just
about to wrap up here.

But in these notes and
also in the materials

that we’re giving you,

are scriptures, those are
scriptures that you can stand on

to take authority over the
devil where fear is concerned.

I’m going to read the first one,
you read the second one,

and this is just a taste of what
it’s like to take authority.

It says in Psalm 3:6,
I will not be afraid

of ten thousands of people
who’ve set themselves against me

round about.” Terri,

– Psalm 23 verse 4. “Even though
I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death,

I will fear no
evil for you are with me.”

God… God is with me.

Psalm 27:1.
“The Lord is my light

and my salvation.

Whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the
strength of my life.

Of whom shall I be afraid?”

– Psalm 27:3. Though an
host should encamp against me,

my heart shall not fear, though
war should rise against me,

my confidence is in him.”

Think about who
your confidence is in.

– That’s right. My
confidence is in him.

Psalm 56:4. “I praise God for
what he has promised.

I trust in God.

So why should I be afraid?

What can mere mortals do to me?

What we have to do is think
on an eternity level.

– Yes, because we’re
trusting in God.

What can people do?

Think higher, think…

Think eternal.


Psalm 118:6.

The Lord is on my side.

I will not fear.

What can man do to me?

I refuse.

– I refuse. Psalm 112:7.

“I shall not be afraid
of evil tidings.

My heart is fixed
trusting in the Lord.

My heart is established, I
shall not be afraid.”

– Thank You, Jesus.

Luke 12:32, Amplified Classic.
My Heavenly Father said,

“Do not be seized with alarm
struck with fear, little flock

for it is your
Father’s good pleasure

to give you the kingdom.”

Say “I receive it”,

– I receive it.

Philippians 1:28. “I am not
for a moment frightened

or intimidated by anything by
my opponents or adversaries.

And finally,

– Second Timothy 1:7.

“God has not given
us a spirit of fear,

but of power and of love
and of a sound mind.”

A mind that’s at peace,
a mind that’s at rest.

A man that is sure
of who is Lord.

– Now say this after me
in the name of Jesus.

– In the name of Jesus,

– according to the Word of God,

– according to the Word of God,

– according to these
ten Scriptures,

– according to these
ten Scriptures,

– I take authority.

– I take authority

– right now
– right now

– over fear,
– over fear,

– fear,

– fear,

– you bow your knee

– to the name,

– which is above
every name.

– And I remind you Satan,

– Jesus destroyed
the master fear,

– the fear of death,

– I am free.

– I’m free from fear.

– It no longer haunts me

– It does not haunt me

– I’m delivered,

– I have joy.

– The joy of the Lord

– is my strength.

– I am delivered

– from fear,

– in Jesus’ name.

Now, if you want someone to
pray with you personally,

you call our prayer line.

It’s on the screen right now.

We are prayer ministers right
here on property that are ready

to pray with you, ready to stand
with you, whatever is going on.

And they can give
you scriptures.

They can talk to you,
they can pray with you,

they can stand with you.

But that’s
the way you do it.

And then you hold fast.

You take your stand.

You don’t let go.

I refuse to fear in
the name of Jesus,

– and fear will present itself.

You can be sure of it
but you take your stand

and be quick to do it.

Don’t give it an inch.

– That’s right.

That’s right.

So take these things
that we’re talking about.

Stand on these things
and just rejoice today.

Father, I thank
You that I’m free.

I’m free.

Come on. Thank You, Lord.

I’m free from fear.

I’m free from fear.

And as we go, remember this

(in unison) God loves you, we
love you. And Jesus is Lord.

[Announcer] Faith
comes by hearing

and hearing by
the Word of God.

Watch the Believer’s
Voice of Victory
broadcast free

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you can download it on

or request it on DVD or CD.

Keep your heart full
of the Word of God

and continue to grow in faith.

Every believer has a voice

and it is the
Voice of Victory.

[Announcer] Prepare for your
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