You’ve been redeemed from the curse of fear! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on /Believer’s Voice of Victor/y as they discuss the destructive effects of fear on the human body. Discover how, through Christ, you don’t have to be subject to any of it! Get more out of this broadcast! Download the notes @ Livestream more episodes for FREE @ Subscribe to get a daily faith boost from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland delivered to your inbox @ ABOUT THE BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY TV BROADCAST: Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) is a daily Christian TV broadcast produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) that teaches Christians how to live a life of faith and victory using principles from the Bible. Learn more about KCM and how we can help you live an overcoming, victorious and successful life @

You know, the world
embraces fear.

They promote fear.

They make money on fear.

And they try to
tell you that fear

is a good thing and it’s fun.

And it’s really no real threat.

It’s only a movie.

But the Christian has no room,
no place for fear in their life

at all.

– So today we’re
going to help you

get rid of the
fear in your life.

♪ I’m not moved by
what I feel ♪

♪ I don’t live by
what I see ♪

♪ Because my God has
made a way for me ♪

(upbeat music)

[Announcer] With so much
happening in the world,

you might wonder if
it’s even possible

to live without anxiety.

Learn how you can
live in total peace

with the Freedom
From Fear Package.

A mini book by George
Pearsons called

No Fear Here and
Freedom From Fear,

an audio teaching
by Kenneth Copeland.

The Bible says that God’s
perfect love casts out fear.

Faith will overcome
fear every time.

Learn to keep your heart

and words aligned
with what God says.

When you get God’s
Word in your heart,

you have peace
instead of worry,

hope instead of dread,

faith instead of fear.

You can be so filled
with God’s peace,

there is no room for
sickness and lack.

Understand that
God loves you,

provides for you
and protects you.

Grow your faith and
declare over your life,

no fear here.

Then live the rest of
your days free from fear.

Jesus defeated all fear

and has given you
the victory.

Request the Freedom
From Fear Package

free from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries


Or when you call

You’ve not been given
a spirit of fear,

but of love, power
and a sound mind.

This free offer is
good for 60 days.

Outside of the
U.S., shipping
charges may apply.

Contact your regional
office for more

We’re Pastors George
and Terri Pearsons,

and we are so glad
that you’re with us.

We’re talking about
freedom from fear.

This is a time and an hour
and a day that we need

to be walking fear free.

Isn’t that right?

– Absolutely.

Because Jesus said
that fear is going to grow

and grow and grow.

In fact, we can start with
that verse where Jesus

talked about that, about fear.

– Yeah, go ahead. Go for it.

– Well, in Luke 21:26, after he
had been describing the things

that were coming on the earth,
the signs in the heavens,

signs in the earth, the
distressed among the nations

lack, depression, uncertainties,
all of that happening.

But he then he said in
verse 26, “Men’s hearts

failing them for fear.”

George, fear can have an
impact on the body, you know,

of course the world’s going
to have an answer for that.

Here, take this drug
and they hide fear

with pharmaceuticals.

You know, this will help you
sleep because anxiety.

Anxiety is a form of fear.

This will help you
with the depression.

Take this pill.

And so this pharmaceutical
idea that that’s an answer

for fear when it’s not,
it just covers it up.

And eventually that fear
will have an impact

on people’s bodies.

And they wonder
why in the world

did that happen to me?

– Men’s hearts failing
them for fear.

You know, Terri, on this
study, which, by the way,

all of the outlines that
we’re working from here,

they’re available to
you, go to

and you can print them
out, you can study them.

The pastors, you can distribute
them in your church,

print as many as you want to.

And we have many scriptures,
many thoughts, many definitions,

things that we’ve studied
throughout the years

and that we’ve learned from
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland

about how to live
free from fear.

These are available to you, and
we’re so excited to be able

to get that to you.

And going back to your point
on this particular point here,

fear definitely has an
effect on the human body

– It affects the immune system.

– It does.

– It affects organs.

And a lot of times
people never associate

what happens in the
body with fear because

they don’t recognize that
they’re in fear.

It seems normal.

That’s normal for the
world to walk in fear.

As I said earlier,
they promote fear.

They make money on fear.

There’s a whole market of
fear, ways to promote fear.

A lot of times fear is
introduced without

the necessarily had
the “booh” factor to it

but is injecting fear
of what might happen

and people start
responding to that fear

and what happens it creates
more of it in society.

And then people’s bodies begin
to show the effect of it

and they don’t put
the two together.

– Well, I thought about
that before, Terri,

and I thought about how if
you look at presidents

when they begin in
office and then

when they finish in office,

it’s almost like they look
like two different people.

– Their faces
and their hair color.

Fear can actually turn
somebody’s hair great instantly.

I’m just in an moment people
that have been through very

horrific, terrifying situations,

sometimes it’s been
seen that their hair

just completely turns in
just a matter of moments.

– And the connection to fear
and the human body is so…

the connection is so
powerful, the effect of it,

the immune system.

I think you mentioned that
about the immune system.

Also, research has been done
where it affects memory

and memory loss and
causing different damage

to parts of the brain.

I mean, you can go
on and on with this,

but the fact is that fear is
not good for us and we have

what it takes to get rid of it.

– You know, something else we
aren’t really said much about

is that fear is a platform for
all kinds of other things.

Fear is a platform for jealousy.

Fear is a platform for envy.

Fears is a platform for
strife, bitterness,

because of fear of what
this is going to do to me,

what it’s going to mean to me.

I am envious of what you
have because you have it.

I don’t think I can.

I’m afraid I won’t have it.

I’m afraid I can’t get it.

I’m afraid you’re going to
get more than me.

Greed, selfishness.

And then the Bible spends a lot
of time throughout Scripture

telling us what happens
as a result in the body

to those things.

Envy, greed,
bitterness, rage, anger.

A lot of times those are rooted
in a foundation of fear.

You know, Terri, I was talking
to a doctor one time who had

just come back from a seminar
talking about the effects

of fear on the physical body.

And I thought, well,
this is very interesting.

And as he was talking to
me, I was making notes

of what he said.

Listen to this.

He said, “Unresolved fear is
like a computer program

that is continually running.

Fear in the body is like
open apps on a phone.

The battery will
eventually drain.”

And I thought to myself,
what we have to do

and what we’re doing here

on these broadcasts is we
have to shut down

all of the fear apps,
– Open apps, yeah…

– The opened apps need
to be shut down.

And we need to make absolutely
sure that we’re doing

what we need to do to get rid
of the fear in our lives.

Hebrews 12:1 and 2.

Talking about eradicating fear.

First of all, the definition
of the word eradicate

means to destroy
completely, totally.

To be pulled up by the roots.

And put it to an end.

So that’s what we’re
doing on this broadcast.

We are putting an
end to fear in our lives.

And the effect that
fear has on us.

“Let us strip off, throw
aside every encumbrance,

every unnecessary weight in
the sin that’s so readily,

deftly and cleverly
clings and entangles us

and let us run with passion,
endurance, endurance

and steady and
active persistence,

the appointed course of the
race that is set before us.”

So what we have to do is
strip off everything

that slows us down
from running the race.

And fear will slow us down.

– Says strip off, throws aside
every encumbrance.

Everything that is unnecessary.

Fear is unnecessary.

Jesus was never.

– It really is.

– And we’re supposed to
follow his example.

So not even a little
fear is good.

I want to say something
really straight, if I may.

– Uh huh. Stand back.

– Stand back.
Okay. We’re ready.

– Parents. Do not inject fear
into your children’s lives.

Not even a little bit.

Don’t play with it.

It’s not.

You know, it’s deceiving
because you scare little kids,

and sometimes they
giggle about it.

Sometimes they may
laugh about it.

And you think, oh, well,
that didn’t hurt anything.

Yes, it does.

First of all, God is
not a promoter of fear.

And when you say “booh” at them
and you come out and scare them

and you entertain them with fear
and you entertain them with

TV programs or movies
that are full of fear.

Are you participate
in fear centered,

fear oriented holidays
like Halloween?

Come on.

I mean, I think that’s a
really clear, clear example.

Halloween is all about
Satan, demons, witches.

And the Bible says that
is an abomination to God.

– Yes, it is.

– That’s how
much he hates it.

Don’t entertain children with
fear and don’t teach them

to be afraid of things.

For example, afraid of cars.

Afraid of getting in the street.

Afraid of guns.

Afraid of this.

Afraid of that.

– Afraid of school.

– Right. Well, I thought
they needed to know

don’t get out in front of cars.


What’s the difference?

Teach them respect.

Now, that car’s a lot
bigger than you are.

And you get out in front of it
when you’re not supposed to.

It’ll squished you like a bug.

So here’s how we prevent that.

Look this way.

You look that way.

You tell them what to do.

Tell them how to
use their faith.

But don’t inject fear.

Don’t promote.

Don’t aim them towards fear.

And don’t feed on fear yourself.

– That’s right.

– You start to see like
there, for example,

there are movies about
children being kidnapped.

I won’t watch.

I’m not going to feed that.

And I found the more that I
grow in the things of God,

the more I can’t
tolerate that stuff.

The more I don’t
want to watch it.

I don’t want to watch
things that induce fear

and stress and anguish, anxiety
into my life, grief, sorrow.

I’m not going to do it.

So I would encourage you to draw
that line in your family

and to teach your
children in the car

just because something is
cartoons doesn’t mean

that it can’t have
impact. It does.

And don’t teach them to be
friendly with sorcery

and witchcraft and ghosts and
goblins and graveyards.

Don’t approve of that.

Draw the line.

And, you know, they
whine and gripe about it.

But you teach them why
and don’t allow it.

You’re the boss.

I used to tell George
you’re bigger than she is.

You’re bigger than he is.

You don’t have to do what
they tell you to.

– Yeah, right. Exactly.
– Okay.

Well, there are two
statements that I want

to make here right now that
are so important in this.

First of all, we must refuse…

Refuse to put up with,
manage or cope with fear.


Don’t do it.

Don’t put up with it.

– Well, yes.

And don’t just
try to cope with it.

Don’t just try to manage your
fear like the guy who was afraid

of flying and heights.

So he went, learn
how to be a pilot.

So what was he doing?

He was managing his fear,
but he was still afraid.

And that fear will show up at
a most inopportune time

or it’ll show up somewhere else.

Or if you keep it suppressed,
it’ll show up in your emotions.

It’ll show up in your
body or in other ways.

– Right.

The second one was we must
adopt a zero tolerance policy

regarding fear, zero
tolerance for it.

I won’t have it.

I won’t put up with it.

I remember one time Brother
Copeland had a problem

with those outside elevators.

Do you remember that?

– Yeah. Which is so funny
because he’s a pilot.

Never showed any
fear of any of that.

But that bothered him.

– And so what he did to get over
it was he made the decision

that I’m not putting
up with this fear.

I will cope with it.

And he just attacked it head on.

He went into the elevator, put
his feet right up against

the window of the elevator.

And these elevators are
like windows everywhere.

You’re right on the outside.

And he went up and
down and up and down.

– Speaking the Word to it

until the time that that

fear broke and he overcame it.

– And the Lord has to show
you how to deal with

whatever fear you
are confronting.

It’s not always the same
for everybody the same way,

but no matter what it is, you’re
going to have to speak to it

and you’re gonna have to speak
the Word of God to it.

And you can’t just
fight a fearful thought

with another thought.

You fight fearful
thinking, fearful thoughts,

fearful presumptions,

by speaking the Word out loud.

So I used to have, you know, I’d
see flashes of my children

on the swing set
falling on this.

In Texas, we say
revert to tump over.

I’d see that thing because
this swaying and you’d see

the legs come up this way.

And I’d see just a flash
of that in my mind.

And I learned to say, “No, my
children’s lives are hid

with Christ in God,

my children’s lives
are hid with Christ.”

That’s the word he gave me.

But I had to say it out loud.

Say it out loud.

And every time I had a thought.

And as they got older, it was no
longer a swing set, you know,

it was driving the car or
I don’t know, go in places.

My children went into places

that were very dangerous, on
mission trips in high school,

went into places where bombs
were going off or anti-American

protests or all kinds of
things that that happened.

We prayed about it.

Lord said it’s fine to
go and bless the Lord.

Their lives were hid with
Christ and God and I thank God,

his delivering hand has been
there when we needed it,

but most of the time we
didn’t ever have to be…

Nothing ever actually
became a full on threat,

even when trouble was
going on around us.

You know, I mean,
we were being shot at,

George in Guatemala.

– I was just
thinking about that.

– We were being shot at.

I mean, I don’t mean one guy I’m
talking about a whole gang of

rebels started shooting at
us with machine guns

and grenade launcher and all
kinds of things going on.

Well, my body got really solid.

I mean, my heart’s
beating. Come on. Come on.

I’ve never been in
a gun battle before.

We’re laying in the dirt.

Bullets are flying around.

– You’re actually standing up.

– Well, at first I was.

And you were very
my guardian angel.

George grabbed me by
the hair of the head,

pulled me down to the ground,
but so my body was responding.

I had a lot of adrenaline going.

Let me tell you.

But the interesting thing
was my mind kind of drifted.

It was useless.

I wonder what it’s
like to be shot.

I wonder.

Oh, I feel something
hitting my legs.

I wonder if that’s bullets.

La la la la la.

Gee, I’d like to
see what’s going on.

It was stupid.

Just my mind was useless
because it couldn’t help me.

But I heard somebody
praying in tongues.

I mean, loud.

And I heard somebody else say,
“That’s right, that’s right.

Pray in tongues, pray tongues.”

And so they’re praying in
tongues and it’s getting louder

and louder now.

And I thought, oh,
wait, that’s me.

That was me praying in tongues
out loud, bold and strong.

Praise the Lord.

And I thought when I realized
it was me praying in tongues,

my spirit was full.

My spirit was engaged.

And my first thought after
that was, Oh, thank God,

I didn’t say something stupid,
like, we’re all going to die.

We’re all going to die.

My dad would come down here in
Guatemala and spank my legs

for saying that, so praise God.

But we came out of it.

Our team, several of us there.

I forget eight or ten of
us there, we came out of it.

Not a problem, not a scratch.

Nothing happened to us.

But there were 40 other
people that were shot

or killed that day.

That was a long time ago.

But fear was
already arrested.

We already had fought fear.

While adrenaline did kick in,
our spirits knew exactly

what to do.

And thank you again for
grabbing me by the hair.

– Oh, yes. My pleasure.

No, it wasn’t my pleasure.

– Okay.

– We have a scripture.

– Yes, we do.

– … that we stand on where
this is concerned.

And it is Galatians 3:13 and 14.

Let me read it to you.

“Christ has redeemed us from the
curse of the law being made

a curse for us, for
it is written cursed

is every one that hangs on
a tree, that the blessing

of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ,

and that we might receive the
promise of the Spirit

through faith.”

So the curse of the law,
we’ve been redeemed

from the curse of fear.

That’s why we can rise
up in times like that.

That’s why we can
take authority

where our children
are concerned.

Because Christ has redeemed
us from the curse of fear.

And when you look
at Deuteronomy 28

and the last parts of
Deuteronomy 28

are the curses of the law.

You read down through those and
you find out what you have been

redeemed from, what
you’ve been delivered from,

what you’ve been rescued from,

what you’ve
been ransom from.

And listen to this.

Deuteronomy 28:66 and 67.

Now, this is somebody
that’s under the curse.

“Thy life shall hang
in doubt before you.

And you shall fear day and night
and shall have no assurance

of your life.

In the morning you’ll say,
‘Would God it were evening!

And in the evening you’ll say,
‘Would God it were morning!

For the fear of your
heart wherewith you

shall fear, and for
the sight of the eyes

which you shall see.”

– That’s the perfect
picture of dread.

Yeah. That’s it.

– It’s a perfect picture of
either dreading what’s coming

or wishing for something else to
come because of the condition

that you’re in.

And that, of course,
is, well, fear.

– Let’s listen to the NIV
translation of this.

And again, this is a description
of the curse of the law.

Under the curse,

you will live in constant
suspense filled with dread.

Now, Terri, you added in
the notes the definition

of the word dread.

Dread is expectation of
something unwanted or bad.

It is a satanic trick to
draw us into practicing fear.

And in the curse, it said you
will be filled with dread

both night and day.

Never sure of your life.

In the morning you will say,
if only it were evening

and in the evening you’ll say
if only it were morning

because of the terror that will
fill your hearts in the sights

that your eyes will see.

– But here’s something that I
think is real important

to bring up right now.

First John 4:18 says
“Perfected love cast out fear.”

What does he mean,
perfected love?

It means developed.

– Yes.

– Developed love.

The more you can develop and are
developed in the love of God,

the less fear will
even be present.

I’m so thankful.

Back at that time, that
team was at 88, maybe 87,

88 when that happened with
us in Guatemala–

– 87, March 10th.

– Oh, okay. You remember?

– Yes, I did.

– Well, the thing was
is that in the eighties,

especially, Dad was preaching
a lot on the love of God.

I forget how many years Lord
told him to stay on it.

Preach on the love.

Preach on the love.

Preach on the love.

And walking in love.

What is the foundation of love?

It says “Perfected
love casts out fear.”

He that fears isn’t perfected

or developed in love.

But a few verses before that it
says, This we know and believe

the love that God has for us.”

Getting rid of fear starts
with developing your faith

that God loves you.

God loves you.

That’s why I don’t
want you to be afraid.

God loves you.

That’s why you don’t
have to be afraid.

So many times when
I’ve had fear come up

in my thinking or
in my feelings, my emotions,

or come at me.

And I have said, “No, no, no,
no, that’s not possible

because God loves me.”

God loves my children.

God loves my husband,
God loves my ministry,

God loves my church, God
loves my congregation.

God loves our viewers.

God loves our partners.

God loves them,
he loves them.

And to say it over and over and
over and over and over again

and to remember that and to
feed on that love of God to us

and for us, then let that
love flow through us.

That’s how
you develop love.

Not only the love you have
for God, that’s important.

God’s love for you,
that’s critical.

But also his love flowing
through you for others.

You can stop it.

You can stop the love of God by
not letting that love of God

flow through you
to other people.

And that’s why we’re so pleased
that we can keep offering

this product this week,
because it will help them.

And then, of course,
we talk about love,

as mentioned in here too.

Freedom From Fear and
No Fear Here,

a little book and the MP3.

– And, you know, this kind of
life that we’re talking about,

it begins with making the
decision to make Jesus

the Lord of your life.

– Which Jesus came because
God so loved the world.

– That’s right.

– He gave his only begotten Son.

Whoever believes in
him won’t perish,

doesn’t have fear of
dying in eternal days.

– Exactly.

And that’s the first step,
especially for those of you

who have never made Jesus
the Lord of your life.

He is the fearless one.

He is the one that comes into
our lives and develops our faith

to such a degree that fear can’t
get in, can’t touch us,

the wicked one
touches us, not.

So right now we want
to pray for you, Terri.

If you would lead them
in a prayer of salvation,

– Absolutely.

– And have them come
into the kingdom,

– And don’t have any
fear of receiving Jesus.

Don’t have any fear.

Well I have to give this up.

I have to quit that. You let the
life of God rise up in you

about all of that.

Don’t be afraid of that.

Let’s connect with life himself.

Let’s connect with love himself.

Let’s connect with him who
delivers us from all our fears.

And it’s so simple.

Just believe that Jesus
is the Son of God.

Believe that he came, live
the life here as a man,

went to the cross and took
the sinner’s punishment

for that sin,

went into hell
as one who had sinned,

though he never sinned…

Went to hell with
your sin, my sin

but was victorious over death:

hell, the grave and fear.

And God raised
him from the dead.

And now he’s saying,
if you believe that,

I’ll give you my life.

I’ll give you that
freedom from fear,

fear of things in this life and
fear of anything to come

in the next.

And you receive that by
making this declaration.

Jesus, say it.


– Jesus,

– come into my life.

– I’ll make you my Lord.

– Be my Savior,

– be my healer,

– be my supply.

– And I give you my life, Jesus,

– do something with it.

– Jesus is my Lord. Yeah. Amen.

And so we’ve got this package,
the Salvation Package

we want to send to you.

It’s a book by Kenneth
and Gloria called

He Did It All For You.

And then we have brochures
that’ll help you

study the Bible, get
started in this new life

that you have in Christ,

this new fear free
life that you have,

this new faith filled life that
you have in this new life

that God has given to you
that will absolutely,

positively put you in
another place, another plan,

another level.

I love the fact that
we don’t have to worry,

carry the care and we do not
have to fear anything because

God is with us.

God is for us.

God is in us.

And God loves you.

– We want to hear from you.

– We love you.

(in unison) And Jesus is Lord.

Thank you for joining
us on the Believer’s
Voice of Victory.

If you’ve received
Jesus as your
Lord and Savior,

Kenneth and Gloria
Copeland have a
gift for you.

It is called the
Salvation Package.

Learn about the new
birth and how you can
live your new life

in Christ.

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