What is fear? Watch Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on /Believer’s Voice of Victory/ as they teach you everything you need to know to make sure the devil can never control, intimidate, or paralyze you with fear ever again! Get more out of this broadcast! Download the notes @ kcm.org/notes. Livestream more episodes for FREE @ kcm.org/watch. Subscribe to get a daily faith boost from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland delivered to your inbox @ http://bit.ly/2mmE5XW. ABOUT THE BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY TV BROADCAST: Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) is a daily Christian TV broadcast produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) that teaches Christians how to live a life of faith and victory using principles from the Bible. Learn more about KCM and how we can help you live an overcoming, victorious and successful life @ http://www.kcm.org/about-us.

All this week on the
Believer’s Voice of Victory,

Pastor Terri and I are talking
about freedom from fear.

Listen to this scripture.

Psalm 118, verse six.

“The Lord is on my side.

I will not fear. What
can man do unto me?”

– It makes it very clear that
there are two forces

at work here, God and natural,

just carnal, man’s
way of thinking.

We’re going to help
feed your faith today.

– That’s right.

– …on the way God looks at
things of what God has to say.

And you’ll realize there’s
nothing in this world

that can enforce
fear in your life

when you have your eyes on him.

♪ I’m not moved by
what I feel ♪

♪ I don’t live by
what I see ♪

♪ Because my God has
made a way for me ♪

[Announcer] With so much
happening in the world,

you might wonder if
it’s even possible

to live without anxiety.

Learn how you can
live in total peace

with the Freedom
From Fear Package.

A mini book by George
Pearsons called

No Fear Here and
Freedom From Fear,

an audio teaching
by Kenneth Copeland.

The Bible says that God’s
perfect love casts out fear.

Faith will overcome
fear every time.

Learn to keep your heart

and words aligned
with what God says.

When you get God’s
Word in your heart,

you have peace
instead of worry,

hope instead of dread,

faith instead of fear.

You can be so filled
with God’s peace,

there is no room for
sickness and lack.

Understand that
God loves you,

provides for you
and protects you.

Grow your faith and
declare over your life,

no fear here.

Then live the rest of
your days free from fear.

Jesus defeated all fear

and has given you
the victory.

Request the Freedom
From Fear Package

free from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries

at KCM.org/TVspecial.

Or when you call

You’ve not been given
a spirit of fear,

but of love, power
and a sound mind.

This free offer is
good for 60 days.

Outside of the
U.S., shipping
charges may apply.

Contact your regional
office for more

I’m Pastor George
Pearsons and this is…

– I’m Terri Pearsons.


– Hi Terri.
– Hi George.

– It’s good to be on this
broadcast with you.

– It is good to be
here with you.

– It really is.

– We don’t see each
other often enough.

– Yeah, really.

– Glad we have this
time together.

– Me too.
– Good.

– What a privilege it is to be

on this Believer’s Voice
of Victory broadcast.

Kenneth and Gloria, thank
you for allowing us

once again to host a week
of these broadcasts.

And our goal and our vision
is to bring to you

the Word of Faith.

This is the victory that
overcomes the world

even our faith and this is the
victory that overcomes fear,

even our faith.

And that’s what we’re
talking about this week.

We’re talking about
freedom from fear.

And the goal that we have is
to eradicate all fear

from our lives, no matter
what’s going on around us,

no matter what is happening
in the world today.

We don’t have to live in a place
of fear as long as we’re looking

to the Word of God, standing
on the Word believing him.

We can live a completely
fear-free life,

and we can live a
faith-full life.

The foundation scripture
for this today is Psalm 34

verse one through four.

“I will bless the
Lord at all times.

His praise shall be
continually in my mouth.

My soul shall make her
boast in the Lord,

the humble shall
hear thereof, and be glad.

O magnify the Lord with me and
let us exalt his name together.

I sought the Lord.

He heard me and delivered
me from all my fears.”

That is good news today to know
that we’ve been delivered

from all of our fears.

But it takes the renewing of our
minds to be able to do that,

to go back to the Word,
to look at the Scriptures,

to really dig in and
find out what it means

to live free from fear.

Is that right, Pastor Terri?

– Absolutely.

To live freedom from fear,

have freedom from fear.

And we’ve got the product offer
this week is going to help

the folks do that, isn’t it?

– Yes, it is. It is. Yep.

We have this, what
you saw earlier.

No Fear Here, the book

and then Brother Copeland’s
MP3, Freedom From Fear.

So you can keep it in your
eyes and keep it in your ears.

So today on the broadcast,
let’s answer the question:

what is fear?

What is the origin of fear?

Here we go.

Genesis three, verse one.

“Now, the serpent was more
cunning than any beast

of the field, which the
Lord God had made.

And he said to the woman,
‘Has God indeed said,

‘You will not eat of
every tree of the garden?’

And the woman said
to the serpent,

‘We may eat the fruit of
the trees, of the garden,

but the fruit of the tree, which
is in the midst of the garden,

God has said, ‘You
shall not eat it,

nor shall you touch
it lest you die.’

The serpent said to the woman,
‘You will not surely die,

for God knows that in
the day that you eat,

your eyes will be open.

You’ll be like God,
knowing good and evil.

So when the woman saw the
tree was good for food,

that it was pleasant to the
eye, the tree desirable

to make one wise she took
of its fruit and ate.

She also gave it to her husband
with her and he ate and the eyes

of both of them were opened and
they knew that they were naked.

They sewed fig leaves together,
made themselves coverings.

They heard the sound of the Lord
God walking in the garden

in the cool of the day.

And Adam and his wife hid
themselves from the presence

of the Lord God
among the trees.”

You know, when you hide yourself
from somebody or something,

there’s fear in there.

Fear is taking place.

“Then the Lord God called
to Adam and said to him,
‘Where are you?’

So he said, ‘I heard your
voice in the garden.

And I was afraid because I
was naked and I hid myself.'”

Terri, we need to understand.

We all need to understand
that the devil

is at the root of all fear.

All fear.

He is fear incarnate.

He is the original terrorist.

He is subtle.

He brings questions and suggests
reasoning apart from the Word.

– I want to talk about that.

– Yeah.

– So we go back up here.

We need to see it
in the Scripture.

– Mm hmm.

– He said to the woman,
“Has God indeed said?”

So what is that questioning?

Did he really say that?

And that question… and
then she got the Word wrong.

The Lord didn’t tell them
that they couldn’t touch it.

Said “You can’t eat it.”

But she started adding to it,
and when she added to it,

it brought confusion.

And without certainty and
clarity what the Word of God

was on the matter,

then she’s listening to
Satan and he was able then

to suggest another alternative.

He suggested a different
motive from God.

He just didn’t want you to know.

He just didn’t want
you to be like him.

But they were already like him.

They were already like God.
They were created in his image.

So Satan’s questioning here.

Now, another thing that’s
important, George to
notice, I think,

is that in the garden
of our own lives,

we have to be monitoring
it constantly.

We have to be watching,
protecting and keeping fear out.

So watching these
broadcasts this week

is really going to help you.

But it isn’t enough that it will
just sustain you from now on.

It’s a foundation.

It’s a start.

Maybe you’re already aware of
these things and you need

to constantly be having
your faith fed.

That’s why we have the
product, as we said already,

the Freedom From Fear
and the No Fear Here books

that means, think about it.

What would it have been like
if Eve would have had these?

She could have been
listening to these

and said, “No, no, no, no, no.

I am reminded because of
what Brother Copeland said,

and he reminded me what the
Word says and what God said.

And therefore, I’m
not listening to you.”

So it’s good to have somebody
else pointing out to us

and reminding us what God said.

– Yeah.

– And that’s why we keep making
these things available.

– Yeah. John 10:10.

“The thief does not
come except to steal,

to kill and to destroy.

Jesus said, “I am come that they
may have life and that they may

have it more abundantly.”

– So here we have with the
thief that steals.

But Jesus said what
he comes to steal,

I came to give you life far more
abundantly than whatever

the devil has at his
disposal to try to steal.

And what’s he trying to steal?

The same thing he
stole from Eve.

The Word of God and Mark,
Chapter four, verse 14 and 15,

“The sower sows the Word.

These are those that are by the
wayside where the Word is sown.

And when they hear, Satan comes
immediately and takes away

the Word that was sown
in their hearts,”

because if he can create a
crack in that foundation,

then he’s got a lot
of room to work.

So our foundation of faith,
the opposite of fear,

our foundation of faith comes
from by hearing the Word

and we’re saving it by
acting on it, by saying it,

integrating it into our lives.

– Right. And the more you
hear the Word…

I heard Bill Winston
say this one time,

the more Word that you hear, the
more fear will be flushed out.

And I thought that was a
really good way to put it,

that you put the Word down on
the inside of you and that Word

will actually attack the
fear that’s trying to rise up

on the inside of you.

So the devil uses fear
to basically control us,

to paralyze us, and
to intimidate us.

So all fear leads to death.

And really its purpose
is to separate us from God.

Because when you’re
living in a place of fear,

then you’re not
really paying attention

to what God is saying to you,

what he wants to do for you and
what he’s providing for you

in the Word of God.

So what is fear?

How do we define
fear? In job 3:25 and 26.

Fear is a magnet, and it draws
the curse in the same way

that faith acts as a magnet,
and it draws the blessing.

But we have that where fear is
concern in verses 25 and 26,

“For the thing I greatly
feared has come upon me

and what I dreaded
has happened to me.

I am not at ease,
nor am I quiet.

I have no rest
for trouble comes.”

That is really a definition
of what fear does.

In the New Living translation.

What I always feared
has happened to me.

What I dreaded has come true.

I have no peace, no quietness.

I have no rest.

Only trouble comes.

Terri, that’s when a person is
in a continual state of fear.

There is no rest.

– No. And I think it
points to I think,

these translations
really help us.

What I dreaded
has happened to me.

Like we said yesterday,
I think we say it often

that dread is fear in disguise.

Oh, I dread doing that, I
dread going there.

I dread talking to him, I dread
to have to deal with that.

I dread going to the store.

Those are really simple things.

And we just do it and go on.

But those are seeds of fear.

But then as it progresses and
the things that we would seem

more justified in
being afraid of them,

we start to dread those.

That kind of dread
begins to escalate.

And it’s still subtle.

It’s still it doesn’t
necessarily have a strong

sudden fear.

The fear is so much more than
just that sudden feeling of fear

and that dread…

Like you said, George,

it’s an underlying
work of the curse.

And it can work against
your health and your mind

and your happiness all but
at the same time,

it’s also subtly pulling
in the thing that you fear.

– Yes.

– The thing that you dread.

– Mm hmm.

– So, sure, there are things
that we don’t look forward to,

however faith says, but I know
it’s going to come out right.

I’m not afraid. I’m
not dreading that.

If we’re dreading things,

that is not the nature of faith.

So if you’re dreading
something all the time,

you’re practicing
fear and what you practice,

you become proficient.

– Yeah, exactly.

And these are some of the things
that the Lord has given to me

over the years to where
I’ve understood fear,

the concept of fear
more and more.

These are just statements
that I’ve collected.

I’m a collector of
fine definitions.

For instance, fear is an
apprehension of danger

or threat, whether
real or perceived.

Now listen to this Scripture,
some 53:5, it says,

“There they are in great
fear where no fear was.”

Think about that.

Where no fear was, they
were still in fear.

– You can be so practiced at
fear that you start looking.

Then you can be afraid of
things that there’s nothing

to be afraid of.

Is that what you’re saying?

– Yeah, exactly.

I mean, I remember before my
mother got saved and I had

the privilege of leading
my mother to the Lord,

but before she got saved,
she was a champion worrier.

– Oh, yes, she was.

– She was worried about me.

Had visions of me, you know,
on the side of the highway.

I mean, just…

She was just…

I remember coming home one
night from a Bible study,

came home from a Bible study.

This is before she was saved.

And I drove down in the
driveway and I looked over

to the front door and there
was this shadowy figure

standing at the door.

It looked like it had
a robe on of some kind.

And it was my mother standing
at the door worrying about me.

And by the time I
got to the door,

the shadowy figure was gone.

She went back to bed.

But fear is the expectation.

No, fear is worry, trepidation

and anxiety about
the unknown future.

Worrying about the future,
worrying about tomorrow,

worrying about the next minute.

Fear is the expectation of
the worst case scenario.

Have you ever been
caught doing that?

I have.

I’ve done it.

I’ve dreamed up how this
situation is going to turn out

and I’ve learned over the
years, stop that, stop it.

Meditate on the Word and do
what this next definition says.

It says, “Fear focuses
on the dreaded outcome

instead of the desired result”.

– I want to say…

– Yes.

– Teacher…

Yesterday, we heard the prophecy
through Brother Copeland.

It said, “Don’t feed fear into
your life and into your mouth.”

So much of that comes from our
thought talk or self-talk.

The thought that goes on in your
head, the talking to yourself,

the rehearsing of conversations,
what you should have,

could have said or done, what
you’re going to say or do.

And those thoughts,

the projections of what you
think’s going to happen,

the projections of
what’s coming,

whether it’s the things
happening in the world

around you, are specifically
just your life,

those things and you rehearse
them in your thinking.

They will come out your mouth,
they get down in your heart,

truly what that
is, is meditation.

So when we’re reading here,

“Fear focuses on the dreaded
outcome, that self-taught

builds dread to such a degree…

You are so convinced that it
is much has already happened.

And so that’s fear and dread.

Both of those things worry,
worry and dread are two ways

we can see to identify
fear in our life.

And the rehearsal of
fear-filled words.

So we have to, on purpose,
rehearse God’s Word

to overcome that.

– That’s good.

– And this is why we have…

– Yes, that’s why we
have that to do…

To do just that.

To rehearse the
Word of God,

to really say everything
is going to be all right,

that’s godly, that
is scriptural.

When you use your faith for that
in that direction as opposed to,

again, meditating on
the dreaded outcome,

we think about and meditate
on the desired result

and God grants us the
desires of our hearts.

Now, there’s
something that, again,

in this product that
we’re giving you,

that Brother Copeland
taught in Freedom From Fear,

it’s the concept of the fact
that fear is the reciprocal

of faith.

Now, listen to this.

Follow me.

Brother Copeland has said this
before: Satan cannot do anything

to us apart from fear, any more
than God can do anything for us

apart from faith.

And then he goes into
defining what a reciprocal is.

A reciprocal is a corresponding
but reversed or inverted.

Or you could say it this
way: the same, only opposite.

And he uses the
compass as an example.

North and south are
directions on a compass,

yet they point in two
different directions.

They’re reciprocal.

So faith and fear are
both spiritual forces.

Yet there are two different
outcomes when you act in fear,

when you walk in fear, as
opposed to acting in faith,

walking in faith, you’re going
to get two different outcomes

from that.

So over the years again,
I’ve collected these

and gone through them.

And Terri, I thought what
we could do together…

Let me read a set.

You read a set, we can
comment on them together.


But this first one,

faith results in absolute
good and success.

Yet fear results in
absolute evil and failure.

Okay, your turn.

– Okay.

Faith is God’s creative power.

Its direction is God.


He that comes to God
must believe that he is

and that he’s a rewarder.

Faith will take you toward
him and the blessing.

Fear is Satan’s
destructive power.

His direction is darkness.

So when you fear and if
you go back and forth,

back and forth, you
never make progress.

Boy, you know, sometimes we live
part by faith and some by fear.

And it really hinders
the blessing of God

from coming your way.

– Yeah.

So listen to this one.

This is interesting.

And this is from Scripture.

Faith is the substance
of things hoped for,

the evidence
of victory not seen.

That’s what faith is.

Fear is the reciprocal of that.

Fear is the substance of things
dreaded and the evidence

of failure that is not seen.

That means that what it says is
the evidence of things not seen,

whether it’s faith or fear,
that means you’ve got it.

You’ve taken it.

When you’re in faith,
you know you have it.

And it doesn’t matter that
you don’t see it right away.

You know you’ve got it.

You know you have it.

Fear does the same thing.

That rehearsal of fear and
meditation and worry and dread

and evil expectations.

You know it’s coming.

I know the kids are
going to get sick.

I know they’re not
going to have what I need.

I know problems are coming and
we’re not going to make it.

I know I’m going to be
the one to lose my job.

Those kind of things, they
will produce the very thing

that you fear.

– It’s a development
on the inside.

That is what developing
faith is all about.

It is taking the
Word, standing on it,

walking it out to its victory,
meditating, thinking about it,

and allowing it to
absolutely consume you,

because people are absolutely
consumed with fear.

And that’s a dangerous thing.

That’s all that comes
out of their mouth.

That’s all they think.

But you have to turn…

You’ve got to make the
turn towards the Word

and towards faith and get out
of the place of dread.

And it says here
Jesus is the author

and the developer of our faith.

Yet Satan is the author and
the developer of our fear

and some are highly developed
in the nature of fear.

Comment on that.

– Well, I think it’s
good to point out here,

like we’ve talked
about in dread.

Faith is the substance
of things hope for

in any situation, to
the degree we are lacking

in hope is the degree to which
we are not walking in faith

and if we’re not in faith, and
the opposite of that is fear…

some level of
negative expectation.

So you can be highly developed
in the nature of fear,

just second nature
to be negative,

second nature to be hopeless,
second nature to not have

any real expectation.

Hope is a red hot expectation
of the goodness of God.

But you can have a misplaced
hope and just expecting,

oh, I won’t get a raise
or just I don’t know.

I’m so used to not
thinking that way.

I can hardly come
up with things.

But we thank God that
whatever degree of fear

is in our lives, we can
turn that with the power

of the Word of God.

And it’s really not…
it doesn’t take long.

– You can build
the Word of God down

on the inside of you to such
a degree that where provision

and prosperity is concerned,

you can even think like,
it just won’t come to you.

So we’ve got about 4
minutes here left.

Let’s do a lightning round here.

– Go ahead.

– Faith relies on
what it believes.

Fear relies on what
it sees. Terri.

– Faith is developed by
meditating, speaking,

repeating and acting.

You have to act on God’s Word.

But fear is developed by
meditating, talking, repeating,

and acting…

Having conversations about
and acting on Satan’s lies.

– Faith is acting as though
God is bigger than Satan,

– but fear is acting as
though Satan or the world

is bigger than God.

– Faith produces the law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

– Faith produces the
law of… excuse me.

Fear produces the
law of sin and death.

– Faith is activated by
speaking things: healing,

prosperity, success that
are not as though they were.

– What does that mean?
Speaking things that are not

as though they were?

In other words, I say I’m healed
and it builds my expectation,

even though I don’t see healing.

I have all my needs met,
even though I don’t see
all my needs met.

Faith is reaching for the thing
that’s not by what it says,

as though it already is.

– And fear is activated
by speaking…

Speaking things such as
sickness, lack, failure,

that is not as
though they were.

Fear talks based on the
confidence of the curse

and that curse is inevitable.

– So people talk about
fearful things,

things they’re scared of.

You know, that’s just what’s
coming based on something

that’s not even here yet.

– And this last one, this is the
victory that… actually,

let’s start with the
second one of that.

This is the victory that
overcomes us, even our fear.


– Yeah, the fear…

Fear overcomes us
if we allow it.

(in unison) But this is the
victory that overcomes

the world, even our faith.


– That’s right.

And really, you could say
there, this is the victory

that overcomes fear,
even our faith.

Terri, we’ve just about
run out of time here.

So that’s again, that’s why we
provide these materials for you

to be able to develop
your faith, get strong,

listen to Freedom From Fear
over and over and over again,

and you’ll find
yourself at a place

where you are not
fearing any more.

– It’ll help put
words in your mouth

so that faith is released.

And, you know, we
want to give this to you.

We’re kind of pushing it today
because we want you to have it.

We want to hear from you.

We want you to get it.

You say “Well, but you’re
just giving it away.

Aren’t you going
to make any money?”

The Lord told my dad,
you found ways to get

the Word out, and the money will
come in and we trust the Lord

that that’s exactly
what happens.

And so we want to remind
you also that we have

the Believer’s Voice
of Victory magazine.

You can read it
online at KCM.org.

And I just have
to point this out.

– Oh, look at that.

– This is so funny.

It has been funny
to walk around.

This one has our picture on it.

It’s the January issue.

And so if you sign
up for the magazine,

you probably won’t get
this issue to start with.

But you can ask for it or
you can find it online

and read all about what Pastor
George and I do around here,

besides just walk
around and be friendly.


– So we’re going to be with
you tomorrow talking more

about how to get rid of
the fear in your life.

That is our goal.

That is our hunger, our
desire so that you’re walking

on a higher place in your life.

Until then, remember this,

(in unison) God loves
you, we love you.

And Jesus is Lord.

[Announcer] Faith
comes by hearing

and hearing by
the Word of God.

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