In this series Dr. Winston teaches how to renew your mind and rest in the peace of God. How to reach new levels of peace and prosperity without toil and hard labor by speaking and meditating the Word of God. #BWOF #RestingInGod Ordering Information: Format: MP3/CD Product Number: A362 Format: MP4/DVD Product Number: V362

>> male announcer: The

“Believer’s Walk of Faith” is

paid for by Bill Winston

Ministries’ partners and



>> Bill Winston: God never

intended for the world system to

support his family.


>> Bill: You need a revelation

of who you are.

You got the same God in you that

Jesus had in him and you got the

same anointing, being filled

with the Holy Ghost.

It’s not gonna be us.

It’s gonna be the Father in us.

He’s gonna do the work ’cause

we’re in the Sabbath.

And in the Sabbath, it means

that I’m taking you back to the

Garden, back to a time where

Adam never had to bear the

weight of his own provision,

that God was gonna take care of


Come unto me all that labor and

are heavy laden.

I’mma give you rest.

Hebrews chapter 4, starting at

verse 1.

“Let us therefore fear, lest, a

promise being left us as

entering into his rest, any of

you should seem to come short of


For unto us was the gospel

preached, as well as unto them,

but the word preached did not

profit them, not being mixed

with faith in them that heard


For we which have believed do

enter into rest, as he said, ‘As

I have sworn in my wrath, if

they shall enter into my rest,’

although the works were finished

from the foundation of the


All right, let’s just stop right


That he said that “the word

preached did not profit them,

not being mixed with faith in

them that heard it.”

He didn’t say the word wasn’t


It says what was preached didn’t


And it says why.

Because they didn’t mix it.

They didn’t mix it.

And when I preach something,

like today, for the most part

I’m giving you the benefit of

research that I’ve done and

study that I’ve done and you

just come in here on Sunday

morning and you get it.

But that’s what I’m saying about

your notes.

You have to do something with


You have to mix it.

Because you heard it with your

head but now we gotta get it

into your heart.

And what it does is that inside

of us are, if you could say the

word, are trees.

There’s trees.

There’s something inside of us.

The Bible talks about, over in

Matthew’s Gospel, and Matthew’s

Gospel chapter–let me give you

the Scripture.

Matthew’s Gospel chapter, yeah,

15 and verse 13, “But Jesus

answered and said to them,

‘Every plant, which my heavenly

Father has not planted, shall be

rooted up.'”

Every plant which my heavenly

Father has not planted shall be

rooted up.

So inside of us are plants.


Just like you see the Garden of


It’s not outside anymore, it’s


And now with it being in there,

there are plants in there.

And every plant that my heavenly

Father has not planted shall be

rooted up.

So there are plants that are

inside of people.

Now when I say plants, I mean

images, belief systems.

And they’re inside of people and

they cannot go any further than

that belief system ’cause the

belief system–really, whatever

you believe is what you become.

And so that belief system really

sets up a boundary for how far

you go.

And that’s why it says on

Proverbs chapter 4, verse 23, he

said, “Guard your heart because

out of the heart are the issues

or forces or boundaries of your


That’s Hebrew word for boundary.

So it’s the forces or boundaries

of your life, they’re in your


And people say, “Well, he’s my


He’s not your problem.

Your problem is you.

It’s inside of that and you

can’t go any further than that.

It just so happened that the

image in you drew him, see?

And ’cause you’re designed that


You’re resigned to be drawn to

what you believe.

And so inside here, he is saying

they didn’t mix it.

So as I give you the word, I

give it to you in seed form.

Well, you take that word.

Now you gotta mix it.

You gotta take it home and you

gotta talk about it, think about

it, ponder about it, meditate on

and so forth.


‘Cause it’s dropping now from

your head down to your what?

Down to your heart and notice

what it’s gonna do.

It’s gonna root up the first


And that’s the tree that the

world planted.

And the world planted that tree

’cause they didn’t want you to

go any further.

So the fence is not outside.

The fence is inside.

Every one of us has fences.

And you gotta get beyond it.

And that’s belief system.

Some people believe other races

are not as good as them.

Some people believe that other

people are not as smart as them

’cause they didn’t go to same


Other believe–so forth and so


It’s a lot of stuff out there.

But every tree in you that the

Father has not planted shall be

rooted up.

Now God wants you to be this, he

wants you to be that, so forth.

And the enemy’s job is to keep

control of us and keep us down,

make it so that we don’t go but

so far and so forth like that.

And you gotta get all of that

out ’cause it’s not of God.

And that’s why I have all y’all

come here so you can see each

other and, you know, and you

know, and see each other.


This man was talking about one

time–he mixed the wrong thing.

But what he talk about is, you

know, he knew that he was gonna

die at certain age ’cause his

grandfather died, his father

died, and he started saying he

gonna die.

He went over to this lady’s

house with this other pastor,

the pastor was there, and he

started talking about it.

And this lady who was a prayer

warrior heard it.

Said, “Well, you know,” he said,

he’s gonna, you know, “Momma

dies–Dad dies of heart attack,

Granddad died of heart attack,

you know, and all them died at

68,” whatever it was.

He said, “I guess, I’m on my way


Well, she heard that and so she

came in the front room where

they were.

She said, “Now, tell me that

again now.”

He said, “Well,” she said,

“Well, my granddad died and so

forth and my father died.”

He said–she said, “Well, tell

me the truth on that thing.”

He said, “Well, okay, my

granddaddy died at a certain age

and my father died at a cert–”

She said, “No, tell me the


He said, “Well, I’m telling it

to you.

My granddad died at


She jumped right in his collar

and shook his head, “Tell me the


Well, the truth is in the Bible.

“With long life I will satisfy


And let me tell you, if you

believe that, you will receive


It will happen to you and it

wasn’t God’s plan to happen to

you but it happened to you

because the fence was on the

inside and it was dictating how

far you gonna go in life.

And I’m telling you right now

God has made you a genius and

God–don’t say, “I’m getting old

and, you know, my mind ain’t

what it used to be.”

That’s why it ain’t what it used

to be.

Because you are saying it,

sowing it, and having it.

We’ve had so many people come

into our foundation class, you

know, who are coming to be

members here and the first thing

they say, especially if they’re,

you know, older group, “Well,

you know, my mind ain’t what it

used to be.”

You know, we say, “Shut up, you

know, don’t–”

No, we don’t do that.

But we just–we try to get ’em,

encourage ’em, “Don’t say that.

You’re cursing yourself when you

say that.”

Don’t say–say what the Bible


“Life and death are in the power

of the tongue.”

Isn’t this wonderful?

So when I tell you something,

I’m showing you something–I’m

gonna show you some new things.

When I show you these new thing,

don’t fight me on it.

If I read it out of the Bible,

don’t get mad at me.

“Well, he’s saying that.”

It’s in the Bible.

I’m reading it out of the Bible.

Take it and mix it ’cause

there’s a tree in you that’s

trying to dictate to you how far

you’re gonna go with God and God

has bigger plans for you.

Say, “Amen,” to this.

It was a good shout, folks.

All right, let’s keep going.

Let’s start reading Hebrews

chapter 4 and verse 4.

Glory to God.

“For he spake in a certain place

of the seventh day on this wise,

and God did rest,” on the what?

“Seventh day from all his,”



Next verse.

“Seeing therefore it remaineth

that some must enter into

that–therein, and they to whom

it was first preached entered

not in because of,” what?


Verse 9 please, all the way


“There remaineth therefore a

rest to the people of God.

For he that is entered into his

rest, he also has ceased from

his own,” what?

“Works, as God did from his.”

Next verse.

“Let us labor therefore to enter

into that rest, lest any man

fall after the same example of


Glory to God.

Now, “Let us labor therefore to

enter into that rest.”

Now, he was referring now all

the way back to Genesis and

Genesis and chapter 2, “Thus the

heavens and the earth were

finished, and all the host of


This is God, finishing the

heavens and earth.

“And on the seventh day God

ended his work which he had

made; and he rested on the,”

what day?

“Seventh day from all his work

which he had made.

And God blessed the seventh day,

and sanctified it, because that

in it he had rested from all his

work which God created and


Now, did he rest ’cause he was


>> audience: No.

>> Bill: Why did he rest?

>> audience: Because he had


>> Bill: All right.

Now, this is key.

God made everything in 6 days

and in the sixth day he made a


Now, here’s man and he’s the

highest creation so everything

is to serve the man.

The man’s not to serve anything.

Everything is made to serve the


God made the seventh day so now

man’s gonna step over into the

seventh day because the seventh

day all the work was done.

And he rested on the what day?

Seventh day.

Let’s go to John.

John chapter 14.

“Believeth thou,” this is Jesus

talking, “that I’m in the

Father, the Father in me?

And the words that I speak unto

you I speak not of myself, but

the Father that dwelleth in me,

he doeth the,” what?


Now, this is Jesus now.

Who does the work in Jesus’s


Who does the work?

The Father, okay?

All right, look at verse 12,

“Verily, verily, I say unto you,

he that believeth on me, the

works that I do shall he do

also; and greater works than

these shall he do; because I’m

going to the Father.”

Jesus was born of the Father,

had the same DNA as the Father

and everything.

But in this earth, he was born

the Son of Man.

Now, he called himself that.


Because if he functioned as God,

then he’d be illegal.

He had to function as a man

anointed by God.

Now, how do you know that?

Because when he came up out of

the baptism, the Bible says that

the Spirit of God descended upon

him like a dove.

That’s when he was anointed.

Because he didn’t carry out one

miracle like that until he was


Now, somebody says, “Okay, what

does that have to be with him

and God?”

If he were God, he wouldn’t need

no anointing.

Where do you go to get any

greater anointing than God?

I mean, he’s–if he were God, he

wouldn’t need that.

He only needed it because he was

functioning as a man.

Now, the reason why I’m telling

you this is because God sent

Jesus to show you how you and

Adam are to work.

He let you see what the first

man was like in the second Adam

and let you know that you are a

continuation of the Adam before

he sinned.

And that he has got you born

again so that means you are born

of the same Spirit that God is.

And that Spirit came and

replaced the corrupt spirit that

was inside of you and me and

replaced it and a new man came

in there.

Brand new man, never been in

before, never been in the earth


You–don’t say, you know, your

past–you don’t have a past.

You–Paul said, “I’ve hurt no

man, I’ve offended no man.”

That’s the same man that was

hauling people off to jail and

consenting to people’s death.

He said, “No, you need a

revelation of who you are.”

So notice now, you’ve got the

same God in you that Jesus had

in him and you got the same

anointing being filled with the

Holy Ghost.

So you’ve got exactly the same

that Jesus has in him.

So he’s saying, “What I did, you

can do too.”

Now, it’s not gonna be us that

does it.

It’s gonna be the Father in us.

He’s gonna do the work ’cause

we’re in the Sabbath.

And in the Sabbath, it means

that I’m taking you back to the

Garden, back to a time where

Adam never had to bear the

weight of his own provision,

that God was gonna take care of


Look what he said in Exodus

chapter 14 and verse 14, and

just put it up there on the

board real quick.

And he said this.

He said, “The Lord shall fight

for you, and you shall hold your


That says Moses and them and

they’re looking at Pharaoh,

advancing, coming after them

because the children of Israel

have left bondage now and

Pharaoh didn’t wanna let ’em go.

But God will make them let you

go when you don’t have the

strength to get loose yourself.

He will make them let you go and

he said, “Hey, you hold your


The Lord is gonna fight for


Say, “Amen,” to this.

You see, he’ll fight for you,

he’ll work for you, c’mon.

He’ll heal you, he’ll deliver


I’m telling you, whatever you

need, God’ll supply it.


Because we’re in covenant with

God through Jesus Christ and

whatever belongs to God belongs

to us.

And whatever belongs to us

belongs to God.

And that’s the way a covenant


Boy, I’m preaching better than

you saying, “Amen.”

Now, how valuable are you?

Look at 1 Peter now, chapter 1

and verse 18.

Over in 1 Peter chapter 1, verse

18, he’s talking about–look

what he says.

“Forasmuch as you know that you

were not redeemed with

corruptible things, as silver

and gold, from your vain

conversation received by

tradition of your fathers; but

with the precious blood of

Christ, as of a lamb without

blemish and without spot.”

Now, notice what he just said.

You were not redeemed with

corruptible things such as

silver and gold.

He calls silver and gold


So there was not–when you–when

Adam sinned, he put all of us in

the pawn shop, everybody.

Now, to get us out, you gonna

have to get a redeeming ticket.

He gonna have to buy us out.

And Jesus knew that there wasn’t

enough money in the universe to

get one of you out.

He had to give his own blood to

get you out.

Now, look what he says in

Revelation now.

Revelation, he talks about King

of kings and Lord of lords.

Look what he says over here.

He said, “And he hath on his

vesture,” talking about Jesus,

“and on his thigh a name

written, King of,” who?

“Kings, and Lord of,” who?


Now, wait a minute.

We know he’s a king but who are

the other kings he’s talking



We know he’s the Lord but who’s

the other lords?

We are.

Have you ever seen a king

waiting on a paycheck?

I’d better come over here.

Have you ever–and then, I’m

making a point, that you weren’t

built for a paycheck.

You weren’t built for it.

A paycheck means and you waitin’

on it and having faith in that

paycheck and see that paycheck

is your source or that job is

your source, you fall into a

category of Jeremiah chapter 17.

Over in Jeremiah chapter 17 and

verse 5, he says this, “And thus

saith the Lord, ‘Cursed be the

man that trusteth in man.'”

Let me read it another way.

“Cursed be the man that trusteth

in his paycheck.”

I better come over here ’cause

that group is not excited.

“Cursed be the man that trusteth

in his paycheck and makes his

job his source, whose heart

departed from the Lord.”

God never intended for the world

system to support his family.

Never, never.

It’s a disgusting thought to the




And you can add to yourself.

You can work three jobs.

Here I was working two jobs, one

at IBM from 8:00 to 5:00 and

then get off.

I told you, when I first went on

quota and was selling computers,

I didn’t sell anything so I got

me a second job.

Well, that’s what the world


See, it–you have to check your

source of thoughts.

Because my source of thoughts

came from the world system, came

from Babylon.

And my source said, “Get another


Well, I get another job.


‘Cause I’m looking for


Because right now, the

pressure’s coming on me and if

you check people’s life, you’ll

see that most of the pressure is


Most of the pressure.

Financial is causing high blood


Financial is causing sugar


Financial is causing poor eating


Financial is causing–I’m

telling–go across the board.

Marriage problems, divorces,

finance, finance, finance!

Now, if I can fix that finance

demon, c’mon, then God’s people

can be free.

That’s what Jesus came to


That’s what he came to show you.

Hey, wait a second.

Satan has set up a system so

that you have to come through

his money system before you can

have anything ’cause he’s

related everything to money.

Your teeth getting fixed, you

getting the new hair, and so

forth and so on.

Whatever it is, it’s gonna cost

you some money.

Jesus is saying, “I’m gonna show

you how to go around the money


It’s–” C’mon now.

“And I can have you come and buy

with no money.”

[cheering and applauding]

It’s money, that’s the


And what you’re trying to do

when you go and press in for

that, you’re trying to add to


And that’s called communism,

socialism, and that’s what they


In communism, they try to


They say, “You grow this, God

grow that.

I give you a little bit of this,

you give me a little bit of

that, and we don’t need God.

But you just do this,” and so


What are they doing?

Pretty soon, Babylon is built.

Babylon in Genesis chapter 11.

They building this tower up to

heaven, trying to get to heaven

without God.

Socialism, the same thing.

And this world is moving towards


“That’s why I wanna do

everything for you.

Gimme this, go to a job, get the

benefits, you don’t need God.

Just get some of these benefits

and so forth.

Keep God out of it.”


Satan is slowly trying to move

everybody into his system.

I don’t mind you having the

thing but don’t trust in it.

I’m just saying this because

there’s a lot of things in here

that people that they don’t know

are in here.

They don’t know it’s in here.

I’m talking about adding to

yourself, trying to get this,

trying to get that and make it


Folks, I’m telling you, I’m

gonna work all these jobs and

save and so forth, with all my

labor and so forth.

I stacked up this and next thing

you know, you’re worshiping your

bank account and won’t let

no–c’mon, won’t give nothing


And “‘Cause I’m gonna buy me a

new house.”

There ain’t nothing about saving

up for a new house in the Bible.

I’m gonna show you something.

I’m gonna show you–we’re gonna

work this system.

There’s nothing–if God adds to

it, that’s one more thing.

But that’s a lottery, that’s the

lure of the lottery.

The lottery is luring because

it’s people seeking rest.

They’re seeking trying to get

provisions without too much


They got to work too hard.

They got to spend too much time

trying to make this happen.

And still when they make it

happen, if you add it to

yourself, then sorrow comes with


That’s why he says in Proverbs

10:22, he talks about that “the

blessing of the Lord, it

maketh,” what?

“Rich, and he addeth–”

>> audience: “No sorrow with


>> Bill: This is–I’m shifting

you now.

You’ve got some trees inside.

I’mma get them trees out.

When we were saving up for a

house, God said, “Okay,” at this

meeting we were having, he said,

“Now, I want you to give this


Praise God.

I said, “But, that was part of

the money we were saving.”

He–see, he knew that part of

that we were saving, we got for


He wants to do everything for


He doesn’t want you to work.

He wants you to take care of one


Your assignment.

No one representing the King of

kings should be broke.

No one, no one, no one.

So you don’t say, “I don’t have

much education.”

It doesn’t make any difference

whether you got much education.

That–your provision is not

based on education.

Your provision is based on your


You have become a joint heir

with Christ.


>> Bill: God never intended for

the world system to support his


>> Bill: You need a revelation

of who you are.

You got the same God in you that

Jesus had in him and you got the

same anointing, being filled

with the Holy Ghost.

It’s not gonna be us.

It’s gonna be the Father in us.

He’s gonna do the work ’cause

we’re in the Sabbath.

And in the Sabbath, it means

that I’m taking you back to the

Garden, back to a time where

Adam never had to bear the

weight of his own provision,

that God was gonna take care of


Come unto me all that labor and

are heavy laden.

I’mma give you rest.

>> announcer: It is finished.

You have been redeemed from the

curse of lack and your days of

toiling are over.

Your provision is now unlimited,

in Pastor Winston’s dynamic

teaching, “Resting in God.”

To order on CD or DVD, by bank

card at 1-800-711-9327 or online


No longer do you have to work

for a living when you understand

your provision is based on your

inheritance as a joint heir with


Man does work but it’s a

different kind of work that is

resting in God.

Order “Resting in God” today.

>> Bill: Hello, Bill Winston


Today’s teaching, “Resting in

God: Volume 1,” is part of a

two-disc series.

Now, I trust this message has

been encouraging to you ’cause

we’re talking about mixing the

Word of God with faith.

So this is the only way that

faith can work for you and take

the toil out of your life.

See, that faith is that rest

that God talks about.

So important point for you to

remember is this.

In Proverbs chapter 10, in verse

22, it says, “The blessing of

the Lord, it maketh rich, and he

addeth no sorrow with it.”

You see, when God’s blessing is

on you, God’s blessing does a

lot for you.

That’s what it’s designed to do.

One translation says, “The

blessing of the Lord brings


I mean, it’s–it brings things.

It brings resources.

It brings ideas.

It bring–that’s what the

blessing does.

So God has provided a lot of

things for us.

When that blessing is involved

that’s on y our life and my

life, praise the Lord, it takes

the toil out of our lives.

So God has provided for every

need that you and I might have

so that we can focus in on one

thing and that’s our assignment.

What did he purpose for you and

I to do?

That’s what he wants you to

focus in on.

He wants to take care of all the


Praise the Lord.

Well, this is Bill Winston,

saying we love you.

Until next time, keep walking by


>> announcer: The mission of

Bill Winston Ministries is to

preach the gospel of the kingdom

throughout the world.

This broadcast has been made

available to you through the

faithful support of Bill Winston

Ministry partners and friends.

We invite you to become a

partner and join Dr. Bill

Winston as he trains believers

how to live independent of this

world system and have dominion

over it.

Thank you, Bill Winston Ministry

partners and viewers for your

continuous support of the

“Believer’s Walk of Faith”


The “Believer’s Walk of Faith”

is paid for by Bill Winston

Ministries’ partners and
