Order this Teaching today! https://bit.ly/32NGG0n (3 Teachings) God has chosen you for such a time as this! In this three-part teaching, Dr. Bill Winston imparts biblical truths on why you are designed to do the impossible, and how to live separate from the world. Like Abraham, you were created to depend only on God. As you operate in your authority as a born-again believer, it’s your faith-filled words that carry creative power. Continue to line up your thoughts with the Word, see yourself how God sees you, and trust that God wants the best for you. Start Living on Top of the World, today! Order today at www.billwinston.org/bwof

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministries
partners and viewers.

ANNOUNCER: Up next, on
The Believer’s Walk of

Faith. BILL: God’s got
so far for you to go if

you’ll just let him think
through you. He said,

“Your thoughts have not been my
thoughts. Your ways have not

been my ways.” From this day, we
gonna open up and we gonna allow

God to think through our mind.
We gonna love, we gonna receive

what he says about us, watch
this, how far we can go, what

we can have, what we
can do, what we own,

what we … Come on. Just
receive it by faith.

BILL: Hello. Bill Winston
here and welcome to The

Believer’s Walk of Faith,
where we walk by faith

and not by sight. Well, did you
know that God chose you? You

didn’t choose Him. You’ve heard
people say, “You know what? I’ve

found the Lord.” He wasn’t lost.
We were lost. He found us. I

don’t care what you been
through. You might have had a

lot of things going on in your
background. Some people may have

been in jail or even be married
five times, but you know what?

That didn’t change God’s
mind about you. He knows your

potential. He put something in
you. You couldn’t have come into

this world, I don’t care who
your parents are. You couldn’t

have come into this world
without him giving you life so

he’s got a plan for you. You are
special. You have been chosen

for such a time as this.
Today’s message going

to really minister
you. Get your Bibles ready.

It’s called Living
on Top of the World.

BILL: Thinking is where it
starts. Not speaking. Let’s look

at Proverbs chapter 30. In
Proverbs chapter 30 he says, “If

thou has done foolishly in
lifting up thyself or if thou

has thought evil, lay your
hand,” where? On your mouth.

Notice Satan is after your
thoughts, but so is God. See? He

Notice Satan is after your
thoughts, but so is God. See? He

knows where the deal is. It’s in
your thinking. What you think on

continuously you become because
it’s going to come out of your

mouth. I gotta watch my thoughts
and things all around you are

vying for your thoughts. They’re
trying to make you think that

you can’t make it, you won’t
make it, you need this, you need

that. When Satan came to Eve, he
came after her thoughts. It’s

called the power of suggestion.
Satan uses sorcery to pump it.

You gotta evaluate a thought
once you think it because if

it’s not lining up with the
Word, you do something with it.

You cast it out. You can seal
your mind. You can say in the

name of Jesus I take the blood
and I seal the door of my mind

from that thought ever coming
back again and that thought can

get–Folks, thoughts are things.
That enemy will come with a

thought and suggestion. Tell you
you don’t have this, you don’t

… Notice what he told Eve. He
told Eve that God was holding

something back and that wasn’t
even true. What God had done is

hidden what all he was going to
do with her in her. Through her

own obedience it would be
exposed. You’re not missing

nothing. When you got made, God
had you on the workbench, come

on, and everything that you
gonna do and be he put in you.

All the potential is right in
there and as you obey him you

going to work it out. Are you
following this? It’s all your

thinking. If you … People are
not poor because they have no

money or can’t find a good
paying job or whatever. They’re

poor because of the way they
think. Are you following what

I’m saying. Y’all stay with me
now. Jabez. 1 Chronicles chapter

four. Jabez. Jabez found out
that his problem was not money.

He didn’t ask God for money. He
asked God to enlarge his

territory, his ability to
receive how God sees him. Fix

how God seems me and I can
receive what God has for me

because your image got a whole
lot to do with what you can do

for God. We have been taught
that a Rolls Royce is more

valuable than we are or
some kind of expensive car or

expensive house or something.
See, but when you get to heaven,

you going to have a mansion.
When you get to heaven, you

going to walk on streets of-

When you get to heaven you going
to go through gates of-

God’s trying to show you bring

heaven to earth. I want you to
know how valuable you are before

you even get there. I got work
for you to do and you need an

esteem to do it. Boy, that’s
good preaching right there.

Thinking. I gotta get my
thinking right because if I get

my thinking right, I can get my
speaking right and the spirit of

a person, its job is to think
and speak. Jesus said it. He

said my words, they are spirit
and they are life. That’s found

in John 6:63. There are spirit
in their life. Spiritual things

control natural things. Are you
with me? God made you royalty.

He made you to speak and when
you speak things, you should

expect something to come to
pass. The thinking is the thing.

He said in Proverbs 23
and seven, “As a man,” what?

“Thinketh in his heart so is

it.” Think. That thinking there
is continuum. What you dwell on,

what you think and stay with in
your thought life so is he. He

becomes or he ends up in that
place. Do you realize that your

thoughts are so powerful
til they draw stuff to you?

Philippians chapter four and
verse eight. He says, “Manage

your mind.” He says, “Listen,
here’s what I want you to think

on.” He said, “Think on
whatsoever things are”-

Look at Hebrews chapter 2 verse

14. “For as much, then, as the
children partaketh of flesh and

blood, he also himself likewise
took part in the same.” Talking

about Jesus. “That through death
he might destroy him that had

the” … Had, had, had pastor.
“The power of death, that is the

Devil.” Watch this. “And deliver
them who through fear of death

were all their lifetime subject
to,” what? CONGREGATION:

Bondage. BILL: Bondage. Satan
has no longer power over a

believer. None. He had power
before Jesus came but once Jesus

came, he said, “All power is
given to me, both in heaven and

in earth. Now, I’m going to
delegate it to you. Now you go.”

That’s why the church is so
powerful, man. He said, “Resist

the devil and he”- CONGREGATION:
Will flee. BILL: And he-

He might flee. No. Who said

that? God said it. God said,
“You resist him and he will

flee.” I gotta resist sickness,
I gotta resist the temptation to

say something mean. I gotta
resist. He said, “Submit

yourself therefore to God.
Resist the devil.” I can’t get

the devil to resist if I’m
holding you in unforgiveness. It

doesn’t work, see. Then when it
doesn’t work, all of a sudden

stuff don’t work so forth. What?
We neutralize the church and

then open the door to anything.
That is not true folks. We

supposed to be so far above
where the world is operating

until it’s laughable. We
supposed to have millionaires

and billionaires in churches. Do
you hear what I’m saying? And

without apologizing for it. We
supposed to be living

voluptuously. Look at Matthew
again. Matthew chapter 12.

“Generation of vipers,
how can you being evil

speak good things?
For out of the abundance

of the heart, the mouth
speaks.” Watch this next

one. “A good man out of
the good treasure of

the heart, brings forth” what?
“Good things.” Alright, put it

up there in the Amplified. “You
offspring of vipers. How can you

speak good things when you are
evil, wicked? For out of the

fullness, the overflow, the
superabundance of the heart,

your mouth is going to speak.”
Keep going. “A good man from his

inner good treasure flings forth
good things.” Put it up there

the NIV.” A good man brings good
things out of the good stored up

in him.” Everything of yours
comes from your inside. Jesus

totally went around the world’s
system. He was producing

everything from the kingdom.
See, we been trying to do better

still in a cursed system. You’re
in another system. You’re in the

kingdom system. Say amen to

I’m saying you got something in
you that you can speak the Word

only and change your
environments, change your

finances, change … It comes
from a mind that has been

renewed. It comes from a belief
system that once you believe it

and speak it, that thing is
going to come to pass. You can

stand back and watch it because
that is a law and that’s going

to come to pass. Now, it’s got
to line up with God’s Word, but

his Word says wealth and riches
shall be in your house. His Word

shall says he going to increase
you more and more. You and your

children. Come on. His Word says
that even the heavens of the

Lord, but the earth has he given
to you the children of men. His

Word says it’s been freely given
to you. His Word says by his

stripes you are healed. His Word
says I want to know what the

truth is because whatever’s
the truth, I’m going to believe

that. If Satan is coming at
me with another thought, I’m

casting that thing down. As fast
as you turn on this TV, they

talking about everything. You’ve
got eye trouble, head trouble,

brain trouble, nerve trouble. So
forth and so on and you’re

depressed and take some of these
until you’re dead. What you need

to do is say, “Wait a minute. I
got the Word of God and it is

medicine to all my flesh.”
Proverbs chapter 4, 20 and 22.

It’s medicine. I’m going to take
me some medicine today. I’m

going to get this book and
I’m going to open it up and I’m

going to take some medicine
before I go to bed and then when

I get up in the morning, I’m
going to take some more because

I know I can’t overdose on this.
I’m going to take some more

tomorrow night. I’m going to
take some more and pretty soon,

the first thing that’s going to
change is your soul. Your soul

is going to get right with God
and when it does, that power

will go through from your
spirit, through your soul and

hit your body and –praise
God. That’s what I wanted.

Right there. If it
will do it for your body,

it’ll do it for your community
because it’s the same power.

It’s called the blessing. I’m
talking about people who don’t

have anything. You’ve been
rejected. You’ve been married

five times. I’m going to just
lump them all up because people

don’t think God can fix cases
that are that bad but I got news

for you. God is still God. He
can fix the worst situation up

in here. Whatever your problem
is, God can fix it. I know it

might be people that are
doubting, hopefully you can

catch hold of this thing because
we have taken ourselves and we

have put ourselves on the
same level as the people in the

world. They can borrow money,
they can sit up in the doctor’s

office, they can go down. I want
it so that we are the doctor.

I want it so that we are the
banker. We’re supposed to be the

lender, not the borrower. I’m
here to take you over to do

that. We going over. Not under.
Over. Now, when you think, think

out of the box. Don’t think in
the box because that’s where you

been thinking and that’s what’s
kept you where you are, but

think out of the box. Think
future. Are you with me? Then

think it and what you meditate
on or your most dominant

thoughts is going to take you to
where you’re thinking because

you’re made that way. Are
you with me here? Here’s David.

David is 17 years old, but he’s
got the right thinking. He saw

himself really like God saw him.
David comes to the front

line. He said, “Hey. What’s
that?” They say, “Get back and

keep those sheep.” Well, he
said, “Wait a minute now. I

slayed a lion. I slayed a bear.
You got this guy giving you

problems?” He gets eventually to
the front line. Now, this is

what he said. Now, watch this.
Think out of the box. Stop

thinking that this is what
you’re going to be. At least

say, “Okay by this time next
year, I’m going to double my

salary.” Think out of the box.
Go somewhere that you’re not. Go

somewhere. It starts with your
thinking. Receive God’s

thinking. He said, “This day,”
watch this. Told Goliath. Now

Goliath had just cursed him. Now
he’s got to answer that curse.

He said, “This day will the Lord
deliver you into my hands.”

Watch this. Watch this. I’m
going to take your head off.

Now, he didn’t have to say all
of that. Seems to me the young

man is getting a little bit
beyond what is necessary to tell

this guy, but he’s telling this
guy how he’s going to execute

him. He said, “I’m going to
first take your head off. Then

I’m going to feed you, move over
Goliath, and that army behind

you.” Watch this, “To the
buzzards.” He said fouls of the

air, but buzzards. “I’m going to
feed them all to the buzzards.

The whole army.” One 17 year old
is going to feed an army to the

buzzards today. Now, you tell me
how in the world is that going

to happen? Well it won’t happen
if he don’t think it. I’m

telling you God’s got so far for
you to go if you’ll just let him

think through you. He said,
“Your thoughts have not been my

thoughts. Your ways have not
been my ways.” From this day, we

gonna open up and we gonna allow
God to think through our minds.

We gonna love, we gonna receive
what he says about us. Watch

this. How far we can go, what we
can have, what we can do, what

we own, what we … Come on.
Just receive it by faith and

then think on them things. Just
think on it, think on it, think

on it, think on it and watch
pretty soon, you going to speak

on it, speak on it, and the next
thing you know manifestation,

manifestation. Now, look at
Psalm 27 and look at verse 13.

“I had fainted and lest I
believe I had believed

to see the” what?
“The goodness of the Lord

in the land of the living.”
He is saying here that

unless I saw somebody
who this stuff is working for,

they told me I need to go to
Heaven before I can get this,

but I got a feeling I can get it
right now. Unless I can see

somebody who can prove to me
that this is so, I would have

fainted and just gone by the
wayside. I’m telling you folks.

The world is waiting on somebody
that God can use and they can

say, “Jesus is Lord. God is good
and his mercy endures forever.”

Man. Until God shows you. Watch
this, you didn’t choose him. He

Man. Until God shows you. Watch
this, you didn’t choose him. He

saw you before you hit your
mama’s womb. Watch this, and he

said, “Pick that one.” Between
the time he picked you and the

time you came into the kingdom,
you went through H-E double

hockey sticks. You been married
10 times. I’m talking about all

kinds of mess that happened, but
it didn’t change God’s mind. Not

one iota. Oh, Lord. You don’t
know. He been in jail. That

don’t make no difference. He did
this, he did that. I’m telling

you, when God chooses you, he
don’t change his mind about it.

He knows what he put in you and
God’s going to get it out. You

are special. Been chosen
for such a time as this.

BILL: Well, I trust that
you were blessed by

this powerful message.
Here are a couple of points you

want to remember. One,
in Proverbs chapter 23

and verse seven, he says
this. “As a man thinketh in

his heart, so is he,” or what
you continue to think on you

become or you can say it like
this. What you dwell on in your

thought life is the place you’re
going to end up. If you don’t

want to go there, don’t think
it. Think on things that are

true and honest and just.
God, tells us to do that, why?

Because he wants us to end up in
a good place. Now, number two.

In 1 Chronicles chapter
four verse 10, we find a prayer

called the Prayer of Jabez. It’s
something that this one Jabez

prayed. He had been named Jabez
as a baby and Jabez mean pain.

How would you like to be every
time somebody call you, “Hey

pain, come here.” Jabez knew he
had to change his destiny

because a lot of times, the
things that we call ourselves is

where we end up. Jabez then
began to petition God and that

God would enlarge his coast.
As a matter of fact he prayed a

prayer. Here’s what he said. He
said, “Oh, that thou would bless

me indeed and enlarge my coast
that thy hand might be with me

and that thou would keep me
from evil.” I say that prayer

at least once a week. This is
interesting. God granted him his

request and where maybe that he
had a destiny that was limited,

now everything opened up. Jabez
became very big. In other words,

he was able to receive the big
things God had for him. Well, I

want to challenge you. If you
want to increase your life and

you’ve seen that, think that
you have been limited, somehow

things have not worked out like
they should. I challenge you. As

a matter of fact, I dare you,
double dog dare you. Praise God.

That’s what they used to say
when I was a kid. I double dog

dare you, to just for 30 days
pray the prayer of Jabez. Once a

day for 30 days. Guarantee
you’re going to see increase

take place in your life. Well,
I’m not … Do it. Just do it

and then write me and tell me
what happened because guaranteed

some things are going to start
taking place in your life, by

the power of the Holy Spirit.
It’s going to bring some changes

in to your life that are going
to be good. All you have to do

is do it. I challenge you to do
that. Write me and tell me what

happened. Well, this is all
we have for today. This is Bill

Winston saying we love you and
keep walking by faith.

ANNOUNCER: What does living on
top of the world look like? It’s

living in divine health, peace
in your home, financial freedom,

and much more. Learn how to live
on top of every situation in

life with Dr. Winston’s
teaching, living on top of the

world. To order your copy of
this powerful message, living on

top of the world on CD or MP3,
on DVD or MP4, contact us online

at billwinston.org. You can also
call us at 1-800-711-9327, or

order our special Living
on Top of the World bundle,

which includes Living
on Top of the World series

in either CD or DVD, the
Possessing Your Mountain

mini-book, and the Blessing
of the Lord single CD

teaching. Start winning in
every area of life with this

powerful bundle pack,
order your copy today.

BILL: God is looking for
a people who are bold. Who are

righteous. Who are not ashamed
of the Gospel. MALE: Dig that

grave. Dig it. Let your faith
dig it. Now take that shovel,

start covering it. Cover that
poverty. Like Miriam, you will

see this enemy no more. FEMALE:
If I don’t see a way out, God

has a million ways out and how
do they get to know that? They

see we’re walking it out. MALE:
Whatever God promised you

20 years ago, 30 years ago, 10
years ago, five years ago, four

weeks ago, it is still
on you today and it will

still come to pass tomorrow.
BILL: In the middle

of your worst situation,
speak the Word of God.

FEMALE: Deep within you,
there is a call to lead.

Distractions have tried
to bury it, criticism has tried

to smother it, but the call
remains, and now, it’s time,

become an entrepreneur. God is
awakening the call again, answer

it, take a leap of faith, it’s
time for you to change the

story. Not just for you,
but for your neighborhood, your

community, your city, your
world. ANNOUNCER: At Joseph

Business School, we are here to
equip you, to guide you, to

empower you. To step into the
call that God has given you.

FEMALE: It’s time to launch
out. Begin a new story. The

call is clear, the time is now.
Become an entrepreneur.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministries’
partners and viewers.