You are in the “40-day” period where you’re surrounded by animals and shaking with frustration while waiting on a revelation from God. In this moment, you want a divine intervention, but God has given you one already. Between your purpose and your pain lays a predestined path that Jesus forged when He rose from the dead. That path includes His intervention, invitation, education, revelation, and separation until we can praise Him in the middle of our wilderness!


we’re going to the gospel of saint luke

chapter number 24 verse 18-32

and tonight we’re going to talk about

divine intervention

divine intervention

do you know that god will intervene in

your life

he will intervene yeah let’s stand on

our feet for the reading of the word

that’s good my brother was first one up

you ready tonight

glory to god i’m with you

and i jumped into this at the 18th verse


when i first wrote it down i wrote down

so many verses that it would have took

the whole class to read it

so i decided to abbreviate it and dive

in in the middle of the story and i’ll

put it in context later

and one of them whose name was

cleopas answered said unto him are thou

only a stranger in jerusalem pay close

attention to that art thou only

a stranger in jerusalem he’s talking to


and jesus who sat on the mount of olives

as the center of jerusalem

has now become regarded as a stranger in


he has said how often would i have

gathered you as a hen does her chicks

but ye would not

and now he’s in jerusalem but now he’s a


in jerusalem what the bible says watch

out how you entertain strangers for

thereby many have entertained angels

unaware are thou only a stranger in

jerusalem and hath not known the things

which are come to pass on thee

have come to pass there in these days

and he said unto them what things and

they said unto him concerning jesus of

nazareth which was a prophet mighty

indeed and word before god and all the


now they talking to jesus about jesus

but they don’t know that they’re talking

to jesus

because jesus has become a stranger in


they’re in the presence of jesus

talking to jesus

telling jesus about jesus

informing him thinking he is a stranger

in jerusalem isn’t it funny that people

who are talking about jesus don’t

recognize jesus

when they come face to face with him

everybody talking about jesus doesn’t

have the ability to discern the jesus of

their conversation

because sometimes the jesus that you

talk about looks different than the

jesus that you walk with

oh do you hear what i’m saying

and how the chief priest and our rulers

delivered him to be condemned to death

and have crucified him this is a

collaborative effort between the chief

priests who are jews and the rulers who

are romans have conspired together to

deliver jesus to death

but we trusted that it had been he which

should have redeemed israel they’re

disappointed we thought he was going to

redeem us out from under the hand of the

roman empire and besides all this today

is the third day since these things were


nothing has happened yay and certain

women also of our company made us

astonish which were early at the


and when they found not his body they

came saying that they had also seen a

vision of angels which said he was alive

and certain of them which were with us

went to the sepulcher and found it even

so as the women had said but him

they saw not

then he said unto them oh fools

i love jesus

especially this stuff right here

it makes me feel better about me

because jesus would let you have it

he didn’t say you know i need to

intellectualize you about this and bring

you into a deeper understanding about

the realities of the messianic reign of

jesus christ he said you’re a fool

oh fools and slow of heart to believe

all that the prophets have spoken

are not christ to have suffered these

things and to enter into his glory

and beginning at moses and beginning at

moses and beginning at moses and

beginning at moses and all the prophets

he expounded unto them in all the

scriptures the things concerning himself

and they drew nigh unto the village

whether they went and he made as though

he would have gone further

but they constrained him saying

oh have you ever met somebody that

talked to you in such a way that you

didn’t want them to end the conversation

abide with us

for it is toward evening and the day is

far spent and he went in to tarry with


and it came to pass as he sat at the

table with them he took bread and

blessed it and break and gave to them

and their eyes were open

and they knew him

and he vanished

out of their sight

and they said one to the did not our

heart burn within us while he talked

with us by the way

and while he opened to us the scriptures

tonight we’re talking about divine

intervention father as we go into this

word tonight we don’t just study the

word to be studying the word

but we study the word to better perceive

your relevance in our contemporary life

we study the word to understand that we

can converse about you and not recognize


we study the word to more clearly be

able to discern when we are in the

presence of god

and we studied the word to perceive

divine intervention

tonight not only the people in the room

but the people who are watching me

around the world open ourselves up for

divine intervention

to intervene in our lives in spite of

our attitudes and our misunderstandings

and cause us to walk into the fullness

of what you have for us thank you for

what you’re doing in jesus name


you may be seated in the presence of god

sometime at your leisure go past the

18th verse and read the early verses

that lead up at the 24th chapter unto

the 18th verse because when you begin to

read them you will define that these two

disciples on the road to emails emmaus

one of them named cleopas it doesn’t

give us the other name

we begin to understand about these

particular disciples that they are

engaged in a conversation about jesus

that he overhears

and then comes

and intervenes into their conversation

we want and we have a god of


and i want to stress that point

because some of us need god to intervene

what we are doing on our own is


we need intervention

now when i first started hearing about

intervention mba became quite popular it

was what you did when you had a family

member that was strung out on drugs or

some other illicit behavior and the

people who love them will gather around

the table and they will hold an

intervention to intervene before they

were destroyed

if that same spirit of intervention is

true today we need god to intervene in

our lives

to intervene to disrupt our life to come

in and break into the conversation

to come into our situation and our

circumstance and intervene in our

personality our character our behavior

our attitude our disposition sometimes

it takes god to intervene because we

won’t let nobody else intervene

anybody else you would fight them off

but god has a way of knowing how to

intervene into your situation in such a

way that you have to listen at him

how many people in here want god to

intervene in your life

now the particular time that we’re

talking about let me before i deal with

the text let me put the text in context

this is a very unique particular time in


it is after the resurrection

and before the ascension

and it is right along with where we are

right now from easter to next sunday is

the day of pentecost

next sunday will be the day of pentecost

which will be 50 days

but at the 40-day point the bible said

that jesus showed himself alive with

many infallible proofs

for 40 days somebody say 40 days

i want to talk about 40 days because 40

days and nights have a lot of

significance in the bible it is not by

happenstance that jesus shows himself

alive for 40 days and i want to go a

little bit deeper he did not show

himself alive to the pharisees

he did not show himself alive to the

sadducees once jesus rose from the dead

he had stopped showing himself alive to

people who did not believe

there has to come a point in your life

that you stop trying to persuade the


that you stop trying to convince those

who refuse to be convinced there has to

come a point in your life that your time

is so valuable and so limited that you

don’t have time to argue with people who

want to debate you at the expense of

people who await you

oh i’m doing good already

the bible said that the secret of the

lord is with them that fear him and he

will show them his covenant that means

there’s some things that god shows his

people that he doesn’t show anybody else

that when you are really his child no

matter whether you’re strongly his child

or weakly his child or whether you’re

frustrated or whether you’re confused

that god will show himself strong in

your life in a unique way

there are believers in this room that

have seen god show himself in your life

in a unique way

and you can’t argue with atheists and

agnostics who don’t believe in god

because you already know

you might not know all the scriptures to

point to it but you’ve had a personal

experience with god

where god intervened in your life

you might not be able to ask all the to

answer all their tough questions you

might not know who came married you

might not know this or that or the other

you might not know how a brown cow can

eat green grass and bring white milk you

might not be able to explain all of that

but one thing you do know is that you

once were blind and now you see

one thing you do know is that god

intervened in your life when you were

headed to a path of destruction and

turned your life around and picked you

up and set your feet on solid ground and

you know that your redeemer lives

job said i know that my redeemer lives

and that he will stand in the latter day

and job had no bible and he still


job is the oldest book of the bible and

he was still fully persuaded that god

was real without the benefit of

scriptures or preachers or teachers or

synagogues or sanctuary just by his

personal experience alone he had come to

embrace a

relationship with god

a relationship with god predates a

religious experience with god where you

have a relationship with god if all you

have is religion you have

ordinances and rituals and routines and

ceremonies but you don’t have a

relationship with god you need a real

relationship with god


and the bible said he showed himself a

lie for 40 days

with many infallible proofs and this is

from the resurrection to the ascension

is 40 days now the word pentecost means


so when jesus showed himself alive to

his disciples for 40 days he did it to

calm all of their anxiety relating to

whether he was legitimately who he said

or not

he came to set their mind at ease

as to the fact that he was authentic

that he was real that he was relevant

that he was not fraudulent that he was

not a fake that he was stronger than

death hell and the grave that he would

take the sting out of death and the

victory out the grave and he showed

himself alive as a testimony to them why

because he wants them to be fully

persuaded that he is real

not partially persuaded not just

somebody who comes in with the crowd and

you mix in with the crowd and you clap

when they clap and you dance when they

dance and you sing when they sing but

you’re not fully persuaded god will

allow certain things to happen in your

life to put you in a situation where

can’t nobody get you out but him

does anybody know what i’m talking about

put you in a situation where can’t

nobody get you out but him and then when

he gets you out you know that you know

that you know that you know that god is

real in your life talk to me somebody

so we are at an intermediate state and

it’s a very odd state of being we are

past the resurrection but we have not

yet seen the ascension it is an

intermediate space that only the

spiritual enjoy

there are some things that god only

gives to the spiritual

for instance healing the bible says is

the children’s bread

it’s it’s it’s not for the people it’s

for the children

god has certain healings that he only

performs for his children

healing is the children’s breath god has

certain revelations that he only gives

to his children

paul said i know a man whether in the

body or in the spirit i cannot tell he

saw things that were not lawful to be

uttered there are some things that god

shows you you can’t tell anybody

oh my god my god there are some things

that god shows to you that you need to

hang up the phone we we live in a

generation that talks too much


we talk too much we tweet too much and

we post too much

you’re casting your pearls before swine

then you get upset when they trample

over what you said but you need to

understand that some things god shows

you is not for everybody

there are some messages that god gives

you you may should do an instagram post

but there are some things that god says

to you that are

the secrets

and you have to walk with him so jesus

has consecrated this 40-day

intermediate period where he only is

dealing with his disciples

this 40-day intermediate period that has

been sequestered and secluded to his

disciples so that they might have a

firmness of faith which would become a

cornerstone to the church

some things god will show you and take

you through so that you can have a

firmness of faith and become a

cornerstone and they’re not always

pleasant things

this is an intermediate stage he has

risen from the dead

and yet he has not yet ascended to his

father and he’s only doing house calls

he he’s not healing any more blind


he’s not turning any more water into


he’s not healing the woman with the

issue of blood

blind bartimaeus is no longer being

healed he has stopped the miracles that

we’ve become accustomed to him seeing

because he is no longer using miracles

to convince the unconvincible

he is just showing himself alive to his


are you one of his tonight

are you one of his online tonight are

you one of his online in the building

tonight are you one of his listen for

god to show you some things that other

people don’t see and you don’t need

their confirmation

you don’t need their confirmation when

god has spoken to you you don’t need

their confirmation god has spoken to you

and the bible says in genesis for

example seven and four write that down

for in seven days i will send rain on

the earth forty days and forty nights

and every living thing that i have made

i will blot out from the face of the

earth for 40 days and 40 nights noah and

his family lived in the confines of the

ark for exactly 40 days at the end of 40

days god brought them out

there’s something about 40 days that we

have to pay attention to

40 days has a lot of symbolism in

scripture of which we must pay attention

to and understand and understand in

genesis 7 17 it says the flood continued

40 days on the earth the waters

increased and bore up the ark and it

rose high above the earth it rose above

what other people were drowning in

so i want you to write a note to

yourself i’m going to rise above

what other people drown in

yeah because i’m in that 40-day window

i’m in that 40-day window where i’m

going to rise above what other people

drown in the bible says in exodus 4 22

and thou shall say unto pharaoh thus

saith the lord israel is my son even my

first born son

when god says this he says it about

israel being

god’s other son

jesus is his only begotten son but he

said israel is my firstborn son

now let me dig into that just a little


the reason the death angel came through

during the passover and killed all the

firstborn sons in israel is that god was

saying i’m going to kill your sons till

you let my son go

you’re holding my son hostage israel is

my son my firstborn son and i’m going to

let you know my pain until you turn my

son a loose

see israel was his son even in slaves in

slavery israel was still his son

and the bible says christ later on will

imitate the journey of the children of


the only begotten son

now connects with the firstborn son and

that after he was born they took him

down to egypt and hid him in egypt but

he was no less god’s only begotten son

in egypt as he was in jerusalem so it

was with the children of israel they

were as much god’s firstborn son

in slavery as they were in liberation

and god owned them as his son while they

were still in chains

god doesn’t wait till you get crowns to

acknowledge you as sons

god will acknowledge you as his son

while you’re still in chains

everybody acknowledges you when you win

but god will acknowledge you when you’re


when the odds are stacked against you

when the enemy is out to destroy you

when the enemy thinks he’s got the upper

hand on you god says i will fight the

battle for you not because you’re so

good but because of my relationship with

you you are my son i’m going to fight

for the relationship i have with you you

and my it ought to make you proud to be

a son of god

shout i am a son of god

don’t get caught up in genders now and

start saying i am a daughter of god say

i am a son of god

because this is not about gender it’s

about position

it’s about inheritance it does not

negate your femininity to say i’m a son

of god it just says where you rank in

the inheritance from god himself i am a

son beloved now are ye the sons of god

it does not yet appear what we shall be

but when we see him we shall see him as

he is and we shall be like him we are

not sons of god because of our gender we

are sons of god because we were created

in his likeness and in his image are you

hearing what i’m saying

is this good

let’s go deeper exodus 24 16 says

moses entered the cloud

and went up on the mountain

and moses was on the mountain oh there

it is again

40 days

and 40 nights

where do we keep seeing this 40 the


now we’re singing again with moses

moses goes up on the mountaintop to pray

he’s up there getting the ten


and he’s getting them for 40 days and 40

nights on the 40th night he comes down

with the new deal

the new commandment the first time that

it was given to them and it took him 40

days and 40 nights to do it it took 40

days and 40 nights for the waters to

recede and for noah to come out on dry

ground there’s something to this 40 days

and 40 nights let’s go forward

let’s go forward give me my next text

and he rose and ate and drank and went

in the strength of that food 40 days and

for oh wait a minute this is elijah

elijah that jezebel thought she was

going to kill

she said by tomorrow this time you’re

going to be dead

by tomorrow that time he will sleep up

under the juniper tree

glory to god don’t let jezebel

intimidate you with her threats

telling you what all they gonna do to

you most of us are worried about things

that hadn’t even happened yet

these false prophecies this fake news

that comes down from the demon demonic

world is said to torment you by

threatening you

she said by tomorrow this time i’m going

to feed you to the brothers tomorrow

that time he laid up under the juniper



won’t he keep you

i said won’t he keep you

want to keep you

when folks hating on you trying to kill

you want to keep you

when they’re working magic and spells on

you want to keep you

when they’re trying to scandalize your

name won’t it keep you when they’re

trying to break down your will won’t he

keep you when they’re trying to push you

to a nervous breakdown won’t he keep you

there’s some people in here if your

enemies would have had their way you’d

have been fed to the brothers but god

kept you

god kept you god kept you you might not

have made more money you might not have

got a bigger house but god kept you you

might not have got a degree but god kept

you you might not have had five children

but god kept you and if you don’t have

nothing else to praise god for you ought

to praise god because he kept you


and so the bible says about elijah that

god said the ravens to feed him and they

fed him while he was up under the

juniper tree and he went in the strength

of that meat

40 days

and 40 nights

isn’t that amazing he went in the stream

that same 40 days 40 nights moses on the

mountain 40 days 49

noah in heart 40 days 40 nights with

moses on the mountaintop 40 days 40

nights we keep seeing that 40 days and

jesus is in this 40-day window let’s go

forward and jesus full of the spirit

returned from the jordan and was led by

the spirit in the wilderness for

40 days being tempted by the devil and

he ate nothing during those days and

when they were ended he was hungry it

went 40 days jesus is in the wilderness

for 40 days and the bible says in mark 1

13 and he was in the wilderness 40 days

being tempted by satan and he was with

the wild animals and the angels were

ministering to him now look at the

oxymoron between the wild animals and

the angels have you ever had to live in

between wild animals and angels oh i

wish i had a witness

somebody in here knows what i’m talking

about to live in between wild animals

who are waiting to devour you waiting on

you to die they know you haven’t eaten

for 40 days they see you as dinner

and the angels see you as god’s property

and you have to live in between wild

animals and angels most of us live our

lives somewhere between wild animals and

angels and you have to decide what

you’re going to pay attention to

are you going to pay attention to the

wild animals snarling over in the corner

saying i’m going to tear you up i’m

going to destroy you you’re not going to

make it you’re going to collapse you’re

going to have a nervous breakdown you’re

not going to make it you’re not gonna

withstand it this is too much for you

you can’t handle or are you gonna look

to the angels who have come to minister

to you

what i love about the angels is that the

angels don’t need a perfect audience to

result in a perfect end

you the angels can minister to you right

in the presence of wild animals and you

can still get your blessing

you have been asking god to move the

wild animals but god is not afraid of

the wild animals in fact he prepares a

table before you in the presence of your

enemies can i get a witness somebody

glory to god so don’t drive all your

enemies away because they’re there to

watch you eat

who am i talking to

who am i talking to

god left your enemies alive not to

torment you he wanted them to watch you

eat so that he could prove an

irrevocable point in your life that none

of the snarling of their teeth could

stop you from being ministered to by god

god wants to show you so the next time

something snarls at you you won’t run

from it

because god has already proven that he

can feed you in the presence of wild

beasts you don’t have to have your

friends your prayer warriors your church

mothers or your pastor if god gets ready

to bless you he’ll send the angels to

minister to you can i get a witness


hallelujah glory there are some people

in here the angels stopped the car red

you thought for sure you were going to

lose control of the car and you did but

god’s angel stepped in just in the nick

of time there’s some people in this room

that survived some stuff that you

thought you would never get out of but

god sent angels to minister in your

behalf there’s some people in here that

sunk into the base of depression but god

sent angels to lift you up and all of a

sudden they minister to you they

minister to you in fact the bible says

angels are ministering spirits whenever

angels come they come to make you better

they come to make you well they come to

heal you they never come to steal they

never come to destroy satan comes to

steal kill and destroy jesus said i come

that you might have life and have it

more abundantly

do you y’all don’t know this

the angels of the lord encamp about them

that fear him you may not know it but

you’re surrounded by angels

glory to god type that on the line i’m

surrounded by angels

tell cancer i’m surrounded by angels

tell copied i’m surrounded by angels

tell depression i’m surrounded by angels

tell fear i’m surrounded by angels tell

yourself i’m surrounded by angels even

if you live in a house by yourself you

don’t live by yourself you’re surrounded

by angels the angels of the lord and

camp about them that fear him that means

they set their camp around people that

fear god if you that’s why i’m a praiser

because to fear god is to reverence god

and when you start referencing god the

angels of the lord and camp round about

you did you not know you’re surrounded

by angels right now


surrounded by angels surrounded by

angels surrounded by angels a lot of

things that happened to your friends

didn’t happen to you because you were

surrounded by angels

surrounded by angels then the bible says

in acts chapter 1 verse 3 he presented

himself alive to them after his

suffering by many proofs of them are his

disciples appearing to them during 40

days and speaking about the kingdom of

god he stayed around 40 days he just

hung around to hang out with the boys

sup jesus just crashed parties

walked through doors

showed up in the upper room stood on the

road to emmaus which brings us to our

text he has hung around

just to intervene

he intervenes in the upper room with

thomas because thomas is doubting the

lord he’s afraid he’s not sure jesus was

who he thought he was because jesus

didn’t do what he thought he would do i

want to talk to disappointed christians

you’ve been disappointed because god

didn’t do what you thought he was going

to do but just because god didn’t do

what you thought he was going to do

doesn’t mean that the lord is not with


they thought that jesus had come to

restore them nationally to get involved

with politics to overthrow the roman

oppression but he came to destroy the

works of the devil

just because god didn’t do what you

thought he was going to do doesn’t mean

that god isn’t doing something in your


get rid of your depression because

hidden in your depression and your

discouragement is arrogance

because you ordered god around and he

didn’t follow your orders now your

feelings are hurt because god didn’t

follow your orders but god did not

create you to order him

god created you so he could order you

oh y’all don’t hear what i’m saying

so just because you asked it you

expected it you envisioned it you

thought it was supposed to happen if god

didn’t do it it wasn’t supposed to



i said if god didn’t do it it wasn’t

supposed to happen

because god has a plan for your life and

if god would have done what you expected

him to do it would have messed up the


god had a plan for your life and it

wasn’t time for him to overthrow rome he

ultimately overthrew the powers of rome

outside of jerusalem he brought it down

to not but it was in god’s own timing

not your time

so you don’t have a right to be bitter

with god because he didn’t do what you

thought he was going to do

the law of the lord is perfect

converting the soul

what god has for you is for you what god

has planned for you is for you and what

we have to learn rather than to be

dominant with god is to be submissive

with god to submit to his will

to submit to his way that doesn’t mean

that you’re a mindless robot submission

is to submit

to the mission

to submit

to the mission


mission to submit to the mission

submission doesn’t mean you’re weak

it doesn’t mean you’re frail

it doesn’t mean you’re mindless it means

that you have a mission that’s more

important than you every person

listening at me tonight should have a

mission that’s more important than you

because if until you have a mission

that’s more important to you you will

always be narcissistic

and as long as you’re narcissistic you

will weigh the value of god based on the

impact on you

because your goal is you

god’s goal is his mission

god esteems nothing above his purpose

what god has purpose will come to pass

and the bible says all things work

together for good for them that love the

lord who are the called according to his

so until you lift god’s purpose above

your agenda you’re never going to see

the hand of god move in your life the

way it really needs to move in your life

because you are self-enthroned egoist


a self-enthroned egoist means your ego

is so out of control that you have

crowned yourself above the king of kings


that’s why we often kneel when we pray

it is a position of submission

it’s saying god i bring myself down so

that your mission can be higher than me

are you living out god’s mission

if not

no wonder you’re not happy

no wonder you have no peace

because the peace is in his mission

and doing what you were created to do

and being faithful to your charge

to understand that i submit to the

mission whether i’m in a trailer or in a

mansion i submit to the mission

don’t worry about the trailer it’s just

a test

it’s just a test

i had all my kids piled up in one room

and we were standing in the other room

and if the lights was off the water was

if the lights were on the water was off

if the water was on the lights were off

if the light in the water was on the gas

was off there was something wrong with

that but i had to prove to god that i

wasn’t more concerned about me

than i was about

him so he allowed me for a period of

years to preach faith

while in want

y’all ain’t gonna talk to me tonight

he knew he was going to ultimately bless

me in exceptional ways

but he proved me in the furnace of

affliction so that no devil would be

able to say that i serve god for the

things he gave me he let me serve him

with my pockets empty he let me serve

him with my lights off so that i would

have no doubt about who i am

you might have doubts about who i am but

i don’t have doubts about who i am

because you weren’t there when i was

praising god and serving god and

preaching the word of god and thumbing

to teach bible class

car broke down on the side of the road

and i thumbed and climbed across cold

cars and knocked the coal dust off my

legs and preached faith


you can’t just preach faith when you’re

up you can’t just preach faith when

you’re rich you can’t just preach faith

when you get the degree you can’t just

preach faith when you get married you

got to preach faith hungry

you got to say like joe though he slay


yet shall i trust him that yet shall i

trust him means you’re a bible student

not just a bible scholar you have

allowed the word of god to become so

enriched in your life that you’re always

learning you never graduate you’re

always learning about god and you’re

trusting him when things don’t look good

and they don’t feel good and your

emotions have turned against you and

you’re in a fight with your own flesh

and you still praise god when your mouth

is dry and your heart is broken and you

don’t feel like praising god you drag

yourself in here and say i will bless

the lord at all times his praise shall

continually be in my mouth my soul shall

make her boast in the lord the humble

shall hear thereof and be glad oh

magnify the lord with me and let us

exalt his name together do you not know

that drives the devil’s crazy because

the devil said i know he’s not going to

praise god now he just got bad news i

know he’s not going to praise god now i

know she’s not going to praise god with

a bad need i know she’s not going to

come out there anyway and still praise

the lord i know she’s not going to be in

the middle of trouble and still praise

god i know you’re not going to praise

him in the middle of a divorce but there

are some people in this room and there

are some people online that they have

learned whatever state they’re in to

give god the praise anyway and if you’re

one of those people let’s take about 30

seconds and just praise


thank you lord

thank you lord

i don’t care what i’m going through i

don’t care what i feel in my body i

don’t care what’s going on in my mind i

don’t care what’s going on in my

finances i’m going to praise the lord

i’m going to praise you to hell gets

nervous i’m a praise until the devil

gets upset i’m appraising until anxiety

leaves my body i’m gonna praise you till

my nerves get steady i’m a praise until

i get your mind i’m a praise until i get

your will and your permit i’m gonna

praise him i’m a praising with my heart

broken i’m a praise and with my wallet

empty i’m a praise of living with my

mama i don’t care what state i’m in i

will praise the lord take another 10

seconds and give him a crazy praise

a crazy praise

a relentless praise a praise like you

lost your mind a praise like you ain’t

got nothing to lose a praise that gets

on hell’s

a praise that frustrates the witches a

praise that breaks curses a praise and

tears down barriers a praise that moves

obstacles out of your way you got to do

this for yourself nobody can praise him

for you you can sit by appraiser but it

won’t help you

you can touch a praiser but it won’t

help you until you open your mouth and

decide i am going to praise the lord

you’re not going to get the benefit of

praising god i feel praise breaking out

all over this room i feel the anointing

of god breaking out all over this room i

feel the glory of lord all over this

room glory to god i’m in the middle of

my 40 days but i’m going to praise god

i’m too far here to be there i’m too far

from there to be here i’m in the middle

of nowhere but i’m gonna praise god with

great joy and the bible said he laid

hands on him and they were in great joy

can i hear great joy in the house


oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god

oh my god oh my god can you feel demons


can you feel demons running can you feel

spirits of heaviness falling off you god

said i’ll give you the garment of praise

for the spirit of heaviness

you got the spirit of heaviness on you

you can shake that spirit off right now

with the praise i double dare you to

open your mouth and praise god

if you praise god you can change your

clothes right now the spirit of

heaviness will just fall off you the

garment of praise will just envelop you

the peace of god will surround you the

angels of the lord will encamp you i

dare did you know you got the power in

your mouth to summon the angels if you

open your mouth and stop being cute and

start praising god the angels of the

lord willing camp round about you i

can’t hear you

i can’t hear


sit down now i’m gonna play with this

text a little bit


i’m playing with this text a little bit

i’m playing with this text

because this text is good

this text is good

there is no question to the authenticity

of the fact that these people were

disciples the bible is clear

it does not call them sinners

it does not call them unbelievers

it does not call them doubters

they are undeniably disciples

only one of them is name

cleopas the others renamed remain


but the thing that is clear about them

is that they are disciples

without distinction they have given

their lives to christ

their conversation is a reflection of

their commitment

because if you are really a christian

you ought to talk like one


i don’t understand christians who don’t

like to talk about god

i’m not saying you got to talk about him

every minute of your life but it ought

not feel funny to talk about god

glory to god

it’s like a woman in love she don’t feel

funny talking about her marriage

a man in love don’t feel funny talking

about the person they love in fact you

can’t shut them up he’s so cute

he’s so silly he said the crazy thing

we was just on the phone breathing

you know the kind of love where you on

the phone and you don’t run out of stuff

to say but you don’t want to hang up and

you just on the phone and you just


and after about five minutes of running

up your bill you say something stupid

like what are you thinking about

and they respond


what you thinking about


yeah that kind of that kind of thing

that you ought to love to talk about


so they are talking about jesus

and there is a stranger in the distance

so the first word we want to talk about

is intervention

the stranger intervenes in the


he is not invited into the conversation

he just eavesdrops on them talking about


and he puts himself interjects himself

intervenes into the conversation

i love the fact that god is aggressive

that god is aggressive enough to


in your understanding of who he is

because we all see through a glance


we don’t know everything that there is

to know about god even though we are

legitimately disciples we we still don’t

know everything that there is to know

about god and they were sharing

information based on their uh

understanding of what god had done

and jesus said what are you all talking

about and then they asked him hey are

you a stranger in jerusalem

have you not known what happened three

days ago so this is three days away from

the resurrection

they are three days into the 40-day

experience and jesus says now what’s

going on

your god is an actor

he feigns not to know

he allows you to get down on your knees

and talk for two hours about something

he already knows


he lets you feel like you are informing

him about a situation like he can’t see

you know lord my knees are weak you know

lord i got back pain you know lord i

lost my job and my rent is due on

thursday which one of those things do

you think god didn’t know

but he allows you to think that you are

informing him

so the teacher went back to school

jesus is the rabbi the master teacher he

is the professor he is professorial he

is in the room to be the teacher but he

acquiesced to these who think that they

are teachers and sometimes god will

acquiesce and allow you to walk in your

own wisdom so that you can discover that

your wisdom is foolishness in comparison

to god

and he does that because sometimes we

are not fully convinced that god’s

wisdom is right until our wisdom has


oh i want to talk to some real people in


we will not listen at god’s first advice

we want to do it our way and sometimes

you have to bump your head to be humble

enough to find your knees


you don’t just drop down on your knees

sometimes you drop down on your knees

because you bumped your head

yeah sometimes you believe god because

you ain’t got nobody else to believe

sometimes you trust god because you

ain’t got no choice but to trust god

you’ve got to trust god to get to i’m

trusting the lord i guess you are you

broke you can’t go nowhere you can’t get

out of the house you got to trust god

god has a way of intervening into your


and causing you to have a god encounter

somebody praise him for a minute

i want to take applications tonight is

there anybody in here that’s got

something you want god to intervene in

everybody who’s got something that you

need god to intervene in

and you’re willing wait a minute you’re

willing to take your hands off it


stand up on your feet


lord our standing to our feet

is symbolic of us falling on our knees

we stand to admit that our wisdom hasn’t


our plans have been impotent

our ideas have failed

we thought so well that we knew what

ought to be done

but we now recognize

we don’t know how to be a mother we

don’t know how to be a father we don’t

know how to be a husband we don’t know

how to be a wife we don’t know how to be

any of the things that you put up under

our charge we don’t know how to pastor

people we don’t know how to counsel

people we humble ourselves before you

and lord not only do we humble ourselves

before you

we alleviate ourselves of the weight

of the outcome

we absolve ourselves from the

responsibility of being our own messiah

we humble ourselves down any way you

decide to bless me i will be satisfied

and lord as i stand here in your house

today i i want you to intervene

i want you to interrupt my conversation

i want you to shut my mouth i want you

to cut me off i want you to teach me how

to hold my piece i want you to come in

and be the third one at the table i want

you to get in the conversation i want

you to come in lord and let me exhaust

my ideas so that i can bump into yours i

don’t want to have a form of godliness

denying the power thereof right now i

let you intervene into my life and lord

that means i’m gonna walk out of here

without one single solitary care

because you’re in charge of my life and

if you agree with that prayer praise him

for peace right now


hurry back to your notes i’m gonna give

you point number two point number two is


the disciples were frustrated

thank you jesus

for admitting that you can legitimately

be a disciple

and be frustrated

that it is possible to be a disciple and

be disappointed

that it is possible to be a child of god

and go through a stage

of uncertainty that has caused an effect

on your personality because most phony

christians act like they are happy all

the time

if it weren’t for my bible i would know

that you could be a child of god and be

irritable and aggravated

and frustrated

and they were frustrated and jesus was

listening at them complain

now god hates

murmuring and complaining

he proved that in the old testament

with his first son

his firstborn son

israel complained in the wilderness and

delayed their journey with their mouth

let me ask you a question

have you delayed your journey

with your mouth

angered god with your frustration

gotten to the point in your life that

you’ve allowed your frustration to take

over your tongue

the most powerful thing you have on your

body is your mouth

and you you’re out of the mouth speaks

life and death

and you’ve allowed death to come out of

your mouth even though you are a

disciple you are speaking death

jesus was with them and they were

speaking death

he had not revealed himself unto them

they did not know who he was

and i i am troubled

that they are talking about a god that

they do not recognize

that their lips are confessing something

that their eyes are not seeing

without a vision the people perish

not without a testimony without a vision

the people perish it is possible to have

a great testimony and a weak vision

these people had a great testimony but

they had a weak


lay your hands on your eyes and say open

my eyes

open my eyes so that i can see you even

when my feelings contradict you

that means that sometimes my emotions

will not align with your presence

oh that is good that is good that means

sometimes you are in the house and i’m

still feeling lonely

that means sometimes you are with me and

i still feel defeated

sometimes i have the victory but i feel

like a victim

that means i cannot lean to my own

understanding i cannot allow how i feel

to dominate what i believe

so there they are allowing how they feel

to dominate how they believe and their

whole problem was

jesus of nazareth came

did all this miraculous stuff we

followed him around for three years

and then he went to the cross and got

crucified and we’re still in the same

mess we’re in what do you do

when it seems like your faith doesn’t


what do you do when you gave tithes and

you still lost your job

what do you do when you ran up here with

twenty dollars and threw it on the altar

dance back to your seat and somebody

cuss you out in the parking lot

what do you do when you face real life

issues where it looks like your faith is

being mocked by your circumstances you

are frustrated

and you are in the house and frustrated

everybody preaches about the prodigal


but i like to preach about his elder


everybody talks about the son that left

but i have no problems with the son that

left because he eventually found his way

back and he came back higher than he was

when he left

when he left they had had no party for

him when he came back they had a party

for him when he left there was no

celebration when he came back there was

celebration when he left he just had his

possessions but he didn’t have his ring

and he didn’t have his coat because if

he had his ring in his coat his father

wouldn’t have had it to give him back to

it so he came back better than he was i

want to talk to some comeback kids

you down right now but you’re gonna come

back better than you were oh y’all don’t

hear what i’m saying you’re in the whole

pen right now but you’re gonna come back

better than you are and you thought that

you got the treasure of the father but

the father held out some stuff that you

didn’t get yet he still got your ring

he’s still got your robe he’s still got

your fatted calf you haven’t seen your

best day yet you haven’t seen your best

blessing yet and even though you went

broke out there acting a fool god’s got

blessings that you haven’t even touched

yet god’s got promotions you haven’t

even seen yet god’s got opportunities

that haven’t even manifested yet you

don’t even know you’re an entrepreneur

you don’t even know you’re an author you

don’t even know you’re the head and not

the tail you don’t even know that you’re

above and not beneath but if you will

turn around and come home and forsake

your ways and repent of your sins god

said i will heal your land and i will

show you who you really are somebody in

this room is just now starting to

understand who you really are and

everything the devil did to you before

was to stop you from coming into an

awareness of an understanding of who you

are but on your way back home you’re

gonna get your ring you won’t get your


you’re gonna get your fatted calf and

your latter day shall be greater than

your former day and if you receive that

prayer give him a praise right now

i like to preach about i like to preach

about the older brother because the

older brother

uh is is not so

opulent with his sin

it is it is the kind of sins that church


the church loves spiritual sins

see the church has a problem

with fleshly sins

but you can be as proud as you want to


you can be as hateful as you want to be

you can be as bitter as you want to be

but as long as you don’t have sex with

nobody as long as you don’t get drunk in

the street they will say they’re holy

and they’ll say you’re hell-bound

but the bible doesn’t just talk about

sins of the flesh it talks about sins of

the spirit

the prodigal son had sins of the flesh

spending his money with harlots and

rogers living but he ended up better

than he was before

the prodigal son got better with sins of

the flesh than the elder brother did

with sins of the spirit he didn’t spend

his money with harlots he didn’t run his

money out buying fake love he didn’t end

up ready to eat that which the swan

swine did eat he was home doing what he

was supposed to be doing but he had sins

of the spirit he was bitter he was

hateful he was envious he was jealous he

was frustrated

you’ve been washing your body but you

need to wash your spirit you need to

wash out hatefulness out of your spirit

double-mindedness out of your spirit you

got an intentionally wash that out of

your spirit because sins of the spirit

are worse than sins of the flesh because

they are invisible they hide inside of

you they go by undetected and anybody

who’s got a disease that’s undetected

knows that it will spread

oh talk to me somebody

we’re in bible class

we’re in bible class

so even though the younger brother had

sins of the flesh which the church

preaches about all the time the elder

brother had sins of the spirit which the

church says nothing about

the bible says all that’s in the world

it’s the lust of the flesh the lust of

the eye and the pride of life the third

dimension is always the highest

dimension the outer cord the inner cord

the holies of holies the body the soul

the spirit the third dimension is always

the highest dimension the lust of the

flesh the lust of the eye the pride of

life the pride of life is the highest

dimension if you don’t believe me as

lucifer lucifer had pride inside of him

he was cast out of heaven he wasn’t cast

out of heaven because he was whoring

around he was cast out of heaven because

he had sins of the spirit if you get sin

in your spirit his words and sins are

your flesh sins of your flesh will bring

you to your knees but sins in your

spirit will make you too proud to bend

your knee you will be self-righteous and

arrogant the bible says not only do i

hate pride i hate a proud look god said

if you look pride if you act proud if

you got a proud expression on your face

i hate the way you look i don’t like the

look of your face my mama used to say

don’t you look at me like that


god is saying don’t you look at me like

that i hate pride so bad that i hate a

proud look

that means that’s like saying i hate

cake so bad that i hate pictures of cake

god said i hate pride so bad that i

don’t want to look at you and see it on

your nose i don’t want to see it in your

eyes i don’t want to see it in your lips

and you’re standing there looking

hateful you don’t you know you can’t

enter into my presence looking hateful

you have to enter my gates with

thanksgiving and my courts with praise

and be thankful unto him and bless his

name you have to serve the lord with

gladness that’s why the devil doesn’t

want you to be glad he’s trying to put

sins in your spirit he doesn’t want you

to have gladness in your spirit because

gladness will cause the doors of god’s

glory to open up in your life that’s why

the enemy is trying to steal gladness

out of your heart and worry you to death

with things you can’t fix anyway and

since you can’t fix it anyway you might

as well go ahead and be glad i have

decided not to be laying on the side of

the bed worrying about stuff i can’t fix

i will fix what i can and leave it uh

the rest of it up to god because if god

can’t do it it can’t be done somebody

ought to shout me down right now

yeah yeah yeah i want to preach on

frustration a minute i want to teach on

frustration until i drive it out of the

building there are too many saints that

are filled with the holy ghost but they

got frustration down in their souls

frustration in their spirit frustrated

because you thought you’d be further

frustrated because you don’t like the

way you look frustrated because you

don’t like the way somebody treats you

frustrated because you’ve not been

acknowledged frustrated because your

friends don’t acknowledge you frustrated

because you thought you’d have your

degree frustrated because you think you

deserve more money than you got get rid

of that filth out of your spirit cough

it up throw it up pray it up call it up

dance it up yell it up get it out of

your spirit the sins of the spirit will

damage you from being able to reach god

because deep calleth under deep and the

noise of thy water spouts oh god have i

heard if you get pollution in your

spirit you got pollution in your prayer

life you got pollution in your communion

and you end up arguing with your father

rather than being blessed by your father

so i have more problems with the elder

brother than i do the younger brother

the younger brother went out there and

he had a couple of hoys and turned

around came home got right with god and

ended up better than he was before while

he was being made better the elder

brother was still outside raising hell

about something that didn’t have nothing

to do with him he was jealous of his

older brother but he thought he could

get by with being jealous because nobody

preaches in the house about sins of the

spirit i want you to cleanse yourself of

every filthiness of your spirit

jealousy drive it out of you

unforgiveness drive it out of you

bitterness drive it out of you make

yourself stop being bitter stop feeding

yourself the kind of garbage that makes

you bitter you rehearse bitter thoughts

so you got bitter fruit

if you stop it at the root of your

thoughts it won’t manifest in your



purge your thought life

you do not know you make a choice what

you think about

somebody asked me how things are going i

said how much time do you have

it depends on what you want me to talk

about i can talk about what’s wrong it’s

a whole list of what’s wrong and i can

talk about what’s right it’s a whole

list of what’s right

it’s just that i stop looking at the

list of what’s wrong and i focus on the

list of what’s right

because when i focus on the list of

what’s right

i cleanse my spirit when i focus on the

list of what’s wrong i contaminate my

spirit i’m helping somebody i know i’m

helping somebody it may only be one


the devil is not doing this to you

witches are not doing this to you hexes

are not doing this to you you are doing

this to yourself you are tormenting

yourself the hell doesn’t have to raise

the demon on you because you are the

demon that’s being used against you

because you keep you looking at the

wrong list count your blessings name

them one by one count so many blessings

see what god has done y’all don’t hear

what i’m saying to you we got to sing

some of them old songs sometimes cause

they got some simple power in there you

need to start naming to yourself every

time you feel filthiness getting in your

spirit start counting your blessings

open up your closet start counting your

blessing look at your shoes start

counting your blessing take your shoes

off and look at your feet start counting

your blessing count your toes look at

all of the toes on your feet count your

toes move your knees start counting your

blessing move your elbows start counting

your blessing shake your head start

counting your blessing if you start

counting your blessings you don’t know

it but you are washing your spirit

wash frustration out of your spirit

somebody give him 30 seconds of praise i

feel a shower i feel a shower a blessing



can i steal that just one more minute

i have watched saint after saying after

saying that we’re really disciples make

themselves miserable

they make themselves miserable like kids

picking at a sword

it’s already a sore and now you dig it

in it

it’s bound to get infected

because the more you keep rehearsing

what’s wrong and talking about it and

telling yourself about it your words

have so much power the more i talk about

something the bigger it gets i found out

when i’m mad the less i say the better

it is because the more i talk about it

the matter i get i can be a little bit

mad but if i start telling you about the

little bit it starts swelling up because

my words have so much power that while

i’m talking they increase if they

increase under death they can increase

on their life if i start speaking life

that will increase in me also if i start

speaking peace that will increase in me

also type on the line if you’re getting

something out of this i’m giving you

therapy right now i’m giving you

counseling right now i’m giving you

something to journal about right now get

a pen and start writing down all the

things you got instead of talking about

what you don’t have start talking about

what you do to have if you don’t have

shoes thank god you got feet if you got

feet thank god you got toes if you got

toes thank god you got ankles if you got

ankles thank god you got lead i know

that don’t sound like much but it’s a

whole lot if you lose them

it’s a whole lot if you lose them if you

lose your toes you’ll be praying for

toes if you lose your legs you’ll wish

you had a leg why do we wait till we

lose stuff before we appreciate it

frustration is in your i cast out the

spirit of frustration i cast it out of

your life i cast it out of your thought

life i cast it out of your mind i cast

it out of your heart

i’m gonna give you one more thing about

frustration frustrations can be

monitored by expectation


if you change your expectation you will

limit your frustration

i expect people to be who they are


once you teach me who you are you teach

me what to expect and i’m never

disappointed because i never expect

above what you advertise

if you advertise you a fool i expect you

to be a fool and when i need a fool i’ll

call you


come on somebody

you got power i’m trying to show you you

got power you got power you got power

they were frustrated because they

expected christ to do something that he

never came to do

he didn’t tell him he was going to do


he kept telling them he was going to die

except a grain of wheat falling to the

ground and die it about alone if you

destroy the temple in three days i’ll

raise it back up again he kept telling

him he was going to die he kept telling

him he was going to die but once your

expectations are set in a certain

direction your expectations are set by

the devil who wants to bring the

frustration that comes behind a lofty


you stop calling me i stop expecting you

i text you you don’t text me back i

stopped expecting it

i stopped expecting it to control my


i can’t control your call but i can

control my frustration and i refuse to

give you that much power over me

so once you show me that i can’t expect

it i can’t be frustrated by that i don’t


these men are being driven nuts by their

expectations how many things are

tormenting you because you have the

wrong expectation


kind of go deeper

so jesus listened to them frustrated and

they were telling they were telling

jesus what jesus didn’t do

hey there’s something they telling jesus

what he didn’t do

and then he said oh you fools

i love it i get to do it in quote


don’t write me about it i’m quoting

bible he said oh ye fools

you are slow

of heart to believe

lord have mercy

slow of heart to believe

are you quicker to doubt than you are to


he didn’t say they didn’t believe he

said they were slow of hard to believe

does belief operate too slowly in your


am i more apt to overhear you

complaining than

praising not talking about in church

i’m talking about if i get in the back

seat of your car and ride around

can i hear you praising or complaining

you are slow of heart to believe now

your homework is to pick up your pace to


let me tell you something i don’t beg

people to give because some people are

slow of hard to believe

and you can’t make them pick up their


because they don’t believe they’ll pick

it up at the racetrack they’ll pick it

up at the football game they’ll pick it

up in the mall they’ll pick it up in the

beauty parlor they got a closet full of

red bottom shoes even if they had to

paint red on them themselves they got

all kinds of other stuff but they are


of hard

to believe

they will buy gordon’s gin

they will drive by sega seven don’t like

you don’t know what it is they will buy

bacardi rum they’ll sit up there and

look you they will buy shablees but i

don’t care how much they cause they will

pay for it and they’ll put a dollar in

church because you are

slow of heart

to believe and you wonder why faith

doesn’t work for you the wine works for

you the gin works for you the rum works

for you the scotch works for you because

you are fast of hard to believe if you

become as fast for the things of god as

you are for the things of this world god

will move in your life in a faster way

also it lets you know that god counts


it is not just believing it is the pace

in which you believe

god is monitoring the pace of your

belief when god says move you need to

move when god says do you need to do

when god says speak you need to speak

when god says so you need to slow it’s

so and if you don’t sow you are slow

of hard

to believe sometimes you miss your

moment because you’re slow of heart to

believe if the woman within your blood

had been slow she’d died bleeding to

death if blind bartimaeus would have

been slow he’d have died a blind man if

the man with the withered hand would

have been slow he would have died a

crippled man if the man’s sick or palsy

would have been slow he’d have missed

the service you are slow

of hard to believe


and so he starts talking to them

and in a seven miles that’s the road to

him as is seven miles long

seven miles is not long


seven miles you can walk seven miles

even if you’re overweight you can walk

seven miles pretty quick at least in an


you you can stroll seven miles in an


yeah yeah you can do it you can do it

you can do it you did it last week yeah

you can do it you can stroll seven miles

an hour

and in about an hour’s time

jesus went through every scripture watch


from moses

to now

now he’s in the 40-day window

and moses is on the mountain for 40 days

and he goes from moses

to the 40 days between the resurrection

and the ascension do you know how many

messianic scriptures are between exodus

and luke

and the bible said he used every


leading all the way up to where they


to educate them third word education to

educate them you have to educate

what you want to stimulate


and he educates him on a seven mile

stretcher road

and by the time he got to the to the

village he had gone through every

scripture possible

teaching them

justifying and legitimizing that he is

the messiah

that the

begotten son is the messiah of the

firstborn son

that the only begotten son is the

messiah of israel the firstborn son and

he did it in about an hour i could not

for the life of me quote every scripture

that’s messianic from moses to the new

testament in an hour

i couldn’t do it

i was thinking the other day i thought i

would talk about sick things i learned

in 65 years and i couldn’t do it because

i said it if i spent a minute on each

one it’ll be over an hour

and that’s just me

my little dumb life jesus had the kind

of life that he’s talking about the

works of god and he did it all in an

hour that’s a miracle by itself that he

could expound every scripture in an hour

is a miracle by itself

now i got a real problem

i got a real problem


no teacher could go through that in an

hour but jesus

and i don’t understand

why he could be the walking word

the voice of the lord walking through

the cool of the garden

just walking along with him and they’re

walking with him and they didn’t

recognize who they were walking with

they should have recognized the

excellency of his speech

the anointing behind his word

the authority he had in scripture

there’s a difference between somebody

reading your book and the author reading

the book they’re listening at the author

walked through the book and they didn’t

recognize the author

point two

they didn’t recognize his voice the

bible said my sheep know my voice a

stranger they will not follow why didn’t

they recognize his voice point three why

didn’t they look at his hands thomas

looked at his hands and it is proof

positive that if jesus was risen from

the dead his hand still had holes in him

his side was still pierced in it his

scalp still had the scratch marks from

the crown of thorns that was on his head

and they didn’t recognize his face they

didn’t recognize his scars they didn’t

recognize his wounds

how blind are these men

that they did not recognize jesus

and the bible said when he had made it

to the village

he made as if watch this he made as if

he would go forward

it was just a test

and the lord told me to tell you i’m not

leaving you i’m testing you


so i’m going to keep walking

to see if you want it bad enough

to call me

back so he made as if he would go


he didn’t go further he just acted like

he would

to see

if they would initiate a response

and they called him in

still not knowing who he was

but sensing that there was something

about him that was different from all of

their conversation he has changed the

nature of the entire conversation

your change begins when your

conversation changes


your change doesn’t begin when your

behavior changes

your change begins when your

conversation changes

i can always tell when somebody’s

growing up about what they talk about

he changed the nature of the whole

conversation y’all so quiet he changed

the nature of the whole conversation i

don’t mind he changed the nature of the

whole conversation

and then he walked past

to see if they were bold enough to call

him back

because he’s a gentleman

he wouldn’t go in their house without an


he would go in their conversation

without an invitation but he wouldn’t go

in their house without an invitation he

said in revelation behold i stand at the

door and knock if any man hear my voice

and open up the door i will come in and

sup with him but you got to initiate it

i’m just going to stand on the door and

you have to open the door i could walk

through the door but i’m not going to

walk through the door you have to open

up the door when was the last time you

opened up the door and said don’t leave

me jesus

so they said don’t leave us jesus

the night is coming why don’t you come

in and stay so he came in he came in


because all he needed was an invitation

all god needs from you right now is an



not a frustration he needs an invitation

not a griping list he needs an

invitation and when they invited him in

he came down and he supp with them

and as he sucked with them

he took bread

and he blessed it

and he broke it

and he gave it to them

and it was just a simple thing

normal custom they do it all the time

they make big loaves of bread

part of the fellowship was to take your

hands and break it

and bless it

and give it to them

and they were sitting around having a

meal with them just hanging out with


you know like your starbucks just

chilling with jesus

and jesus is just going through a normal

ceremony he took the bread he blessed it

he broke it

he gave it to them

all of a sudden they knew it was him

what was it that they saw in jesus

in the bread

that they didn’t see in the wounds

that they didn’t hear in the voice

that they didn’t perceive in the mind

but they saw it

in the ordinary things

god always reveals himself in ordinary


it is not the big things it’s the little

things and there he is doing a little


like eating with them

and and they saw him in the eating in a

way that they didn’t see him in the

teaching that they didn’t perceive him

in his voice that they didn’t perceive

in his wounds

they saw him

in the breaking of bread he took it in

blessed and broken gave it to them

deja vu

we’ve seen this before

when he was in the upper room he took it

he blessed it he broke it he

he gave it to

when he was with the 5 000 with the two

fish five loaves of bread he took it

he blessed it

he broke it

he gave it to them the bible says that

there was something that they saw

in the breaking of the bread that they

didn’t see in anything else that he did

he took it

he blessed it he broke it he gave it to


he took it

he broke it

he blessed it he gave it to them there’s

something in that order that is god’s

order for all of humanity

he takes you

he breaks you

he blesses you

he gives you to them

he he takes you

he breaks you

he blesses you

he gives you to them the only way to

multiply you is to take you

and break you

and bless you and give you to them and

the more he does it the more he breaks

you the more he blesses you i want to

talk to some broken people

some people that have been broken into

pieces because the more god allows you

to be broken the more god allows you to

be blessed he took it he broke it he

blessed it he gave it to them

and that’s when they had number five a

revelation there’s some things that you

can’t learn about god until he takes you

and breaks you

and blesses you

and gives you to them you’re not ready

to be given to people until you have

been blessed

you’re not ready to be given to people

until you have been broken you’re not

ready to be given to people until you’ve

been taken what’s wrong with the church

right now is we got too many people with

titles given to people who have not been

broken who have not been blessed who

have not been taken and they’re being

served but their unbroken bread he took


he broke it he blessed it he gave it to

them i don’t want a leader that hadn’t

been broken i don’t want a pastor who

hadn’t been broken i don’t want a

counselor who hadn’t been broken i don’t

want a wife who hadn’t been broken i

don’t want a marriage that hadn’t been

broken because there’s something that

you learn about god when he takes you

and breaks you and blesses you that

humbles you and makes you service

oriented and you will give to people

people who have been broken are givers

people who have not been broken are

selfish people have not been broken who

are abusive people have not been broken

are arrogant when you’ve been broken

there’s something humble in you that you

will reach to the downtrodden you relate

to the broken you relate to the wounded

because you’ve been there i don’t want a

nurse that hadn’t been broken i don’t

want a doctor that’s never been sick you

can’t have a bedside manner just because

you got a degree but once you have been

taken and you have been broken and

you’ve been sick yourself and you’ve

been blessed and you’ve been given out

now you can help me because when i say a

pain from one to ten and i say it’s

about eight you know what 80 is but if

you never had a pain all i did was call

the number but if you’ve been in pain

yourself you know just about where an

aide is come on talk to me we got too

many people working on us who have never

been taken and broken and blessed and

given to us


and the moment

they recognized who he was

final point number six separation

the the moment they knew who he was

he disappeared out of their sight

because the whole purpose

of the walk

and the talk

and the breaking

and the blessing was revelation

every time god ever broke you

it was for revelation

every time god ever walked with you it

was for revelation every time god called

you whole full slow of heart to believe

it was him bringing you into a

revelation and once you have the


he’s gone


because he didn’t come to stay

he came to reveal

and once he has revealed there’s no

further need to stay and as he

disappeared out of their sight they said

did not our hearts

did not our hearts burn with us while

the man of god spoke to us

by the way and they ran and told the


that they had had the privilege

within the 40 days

to get a revelation

you have 40 days

to get a revelation

you have 40 days to change the way you

think about yourself and about your god

you have 40 days to have a dinner with


you have 40 days to have communion with

him just

40. 40.

by the time we get to sunday it will be

pentecost sunday

the 50th day

so we’re just a few days


from that window


moses on the mountaintop he gets a

revelation of the ten commandments

in 40 days

noah in the ark

he gets the revelation how to ride on

what other people are drowning in

in 40 days

jesus in the wilderness

gets the revelation of how to rebuke the

devil in 40 days

jesus standing between the angels and

the wild beasts gets the revelation in

40 days you have a 40-day window

to come into a deeper understanding

of who jesus is

and it’s worth it

jesus went on a 40-day fast

for revelation

40 days

40 is so significant

moses spent 40 years

in the house of pharaoh

40 years on the backside of the desert

was jethro

40 years leading the children of israel

through the wilderness there’s something

about 40 that is so significant

glory to god

very important how many 40 year olds do

we have in the room

you’re just now coming into your home

you’re just now coming into your place

you’re just now beginning to understand

what’s up stop telling yourself you’re

whole you’re just not getting ripe for

what god is getting ready to do in your

life 40 is a significant number it’s a

new beginning it’s a fresh start it’s

it’s a paradigm shift it’s a turn it’s a

change it’s a move it’s a flow he took

it he broke it he blessed it he gave it

to them it’s this this has got to happen

in this window and in your 40 years

you’ve been taken

you’ve been broken

you’ve been blessed

you’ve been given

whatever you

are given to

will give itself back to you

the reason i can’t play

like like

brother oscar can play

it it’s it’s it’s not that he’s more

talented than me

he is not

i counted him he don’t have no 11


he got 10 fingers just like man they’re

not even long as mine

my fingers are longer than his by all

rights i should play better than him

i took music as a little kid i should be

better i have a better reach i have

longer arms i got longer fingers i

should play better than him the only

reason i cannot outplay him is that i

have never given myself to the

piano if i give myself to the piano to

the degree that i give myself to the

piano that same degree is given back to


if i give myself to being an

entrepreneur that same degree is given

back to me

it is about what you whatever you gave

yourself to

that’s what grew in your life

if you gave yourself to men

that’s what ruined your life

if you give yourself to children

that’s what grows in your life

whatever you give yourself fully to if

you give yourself to an occupation

that’s what grows in your life if you

give yourself to education that’s what

grows in your life if you give yourself

to a business that’s what grows in your

life oh you don’t know i gave myself it

didn’t work you didn’t do it long enough

you didn’t long that i took piano

lessons too but i didn’t take them long


i know my scales

i know the runs

if i ask him to play an f diminished

chord i know exactly what it is i know

what a f augmented record is i know what

g augmented chord i know what g d minus

is i know what gjs7 is i know what a g13

is i know what a c13 is i know all about

it education wise but not revelation

i can’t do the revelation because i

never gave myself

to it the sad thing and i’m close with


most people

have never fully

given themselves

to anything

and they come to church week after week


i don’t know my purpose

i can’t find my purpose i didn’t know

where i think

god showed me my purpose guys show me my

purpose and they’re walking right with

the purpose and they don’t even see the

purpose and the purpose of standing

there having a conversation with her and

they don’t see their purpose donna

richardson was looking for her purpose

and looking for her purpose and looking

for her purpose and looking all past him


she had been eating them waffles and

chicken since she was a little girl and

never paid any attention with it the

widow was about to bake a cake and die

and never seen that the purpose was in

her house one had a potter all up under

the kitchen and didn’t even see that her

prosperity was in the pot of war because

she she was walking with some

she couldn’t see


something that you already got something

that you’re already walking with

something that you’re already around

something that’s in your house something

that’s in your reach something that’s

near you it may be a jawbone of an ass

it may be two fish and five loaves of

bread it may be five smooth stones you

pulled out of a brook it may be a rag in

a rock but something you already got get

out of people’s face you don’t need what

they got to get ahead you need what you

got to get ahead there’s something down

in you that throw poster there’s

something that i gotta quit i gotta quit

cause i feel the holy ghost there’s

something down in you right now that if

you stop walking past it it’s gonna blow

your mind nobody in this world could

have told donna 30 years ago that her

mama’s waffles and chicken were going to

send new finances in her life press down

shaking together and running over who

gets rich off of waffles and chicken

but something that you count as mundane

is miraculous when you allow god to put

his hand on it i don’t care if you’re a

makeup artist i don’t care if you’re a

hairdresser i don’t care if you’re a

shoe massager i don’t care if you

massage people’s feet whatever it is

there’s something that god gave you

that’s unique to you that if you give

yourself to it it will give itself back

to you you cannot reap where you have

not sown you cannot receive where you

have not invest oh god let me stop let

me stop let me stop let me stop let me

stop so that’s me tonight i’m stopping

this divine intervention

that’s divine intervention

and i’m going to challenge everybody in

this room

who is going to look

in their own house for what they have

and every person in this room

who is willing to allow god to take it

and break it

and bless it and give it

i want you to show into this woman

simple seed almost everybody

should be able to reach a forty dollar

sheet something i want you to think

about this is what i want you to think

about this was important not the forty

dollar this is what’s important

what have i been walking over

what have i been walking around and

didn’t notice it

how could i be walking with jesus

talking about jesus and not know that

it’s jesus i’m talking about

and i’m with him

how could i have a part of all of which

a miracle would come so big that it

would take care of me the rest of my

life and i didn’t see it

how could i have a rag and a rock that

would bring down a giant

and see it as a toy

how could i not see

what happens to me that makes me not see

what i have as valuable

let me go deep


is wrong

with you that you don’t see what you


as valuable

the enemy sees is that valuable

he’s fighting you for it

he’s trying to stop everything you do

toward him

you’re watching me online tonight and

you could not cut me off you could not

cut me off because god wanted you to

hear this message at this moment at this

time in your life when we saw this 40

dollar seed it’s not the 40 that matters

what really matters is that we’re going

within this 40 seat we are saying we’re

going to walk this thing out

we’re going to see

this thing be multiplied in us we’re

going to stop discrediting what god gave

us because it looks ordinary

i never will forget a story deon sanders

told me years ago that when he he where

he lived he had to go past the graveyard

to get home

and he was scared of dead people

and he would get to the graveyard and


and something as simple as a child’s

fear of a cemetery

got his legs so strong

that he ended up in the nfl

if it wasn’t for the cemetery

there wouldn’t have been all those

million dollar contracts

something that you see as normal you’re

looking for big stuff and important

stuff and mighty stuff but something

that’s right within your reach

holds the key that will unlock the door

to your next phase in your life

i went downtown and i went in this store

off of mockingbird and there was this

elderly lady in there and she was

selling cupcakes

and she said i have been in business

long my husband retired and left me an

inheritance and i could make good

cupcakes and she was in there selling

cupcakes to beat the band

she was over 65

an entrepreneur

making money selling cupcakes

cupcakes stuff you take to the soccer

game for the kids

but she had every color kind of cupcake

available in the world

there’s something you got but the devil

keeps telling you you ain’t got nothing

you don’t look like nothing you don’t

know nothing and you can’t do nothing

because he does not want you to discover

the road to emails

if you walk this road i’m talking about

this seven-mile stretch

you’re gonna get a revelation of what

you’ve been walking with all the time

and didn’t see the value of it

you got something

do you hear what i’m saying to you

you got something

you got something right now

it may be acting it may be singing it

might be drawing it might be writing it

might be coding it might be technology

you’ve got something

right now that if you give yourself to

it and stop playing around

like i was playing around on the piano i

was playing around on the piano but i

wouldn’t i wasn’t serious

i wasn’t serious

i see great people who were serious

who was playing bach and beethoven and


and i was playing chopsticks

now i’m gonna get to beethoven out of


that means i never was taught to give

myself fully to anything

and it and it’s generally not modeled to


because the people who raised you

never gave themselves fully to anything

they worked the job they got a check

they went home they worked a job they

got a check they went home they worked a

job they got a check they went home they

never gave themselves fully to anything

and you learn

how to be limp

how to not be fully engaged

at anything

am i talking to somebody

i want you to sow into this moment

but bigger than sowing into this moment

i want you to sow into this truth

i want you to look all around your house

and look at all your gifts and all your

talents and all the things that the

enemy spends all kind of time telling

you how you ain’t nothing you ain’t got

nothing and you can’t do nothing and i

want you to invite jesus into your house

because when jesus comes into your house

he will show you what you got

when they brought jesus into the house

revelation occurred

bring jesus into where you are right now

in this stage of your life and allow

revelation to occur

i’m going to pray a quick prayer with

you and close the bible but i don’t

normally receive an after offering but

tonight i want you to be invested in

this text

i want you to be invested in this text

i want you to be what

i want you to be invested in this text

i want you to be invested in this text

until you discover

that you got something the biggest shock

that ever happened to me in my life

was to find out i had something

i didn’t know that

i thought my father had something

i thought my brother had some i thought

my sister had some my sister’s been

playing the piano since she couldn’t

reach the petals

they used to set her own books

to play concerts when she was a little


and everybody who came to our house my

mama didn’t ask me to say nothing

my mama always asked jackie to play the


and she’d be fussing lip stuck out oh

[ __ ] i don’t want to glow


and she’d be sitting on them books

playing them playing that beyond nobody

ever asked me

to do anything

so i didn’t think i had


and i was wrong

i was wrong

i can write i can speak i can draw i can

act i can tell stories i can do all

kinds of stuff


but it didn’t look valuable to me sister

warm like it did not look valuable to me

so much so that when god started using

it i was resisting it

because i didn’t think it was valuable

and i’m talking to people in this room

who don’t think that they’re valuable

stand to your feet

you’re watching online tonight if

something that i said to you spoke to

you in the most personal way

if it made you think differently

about who you are and what you have

as you sow into this moment i want you

to sow into this text and the commitment

to give yourself fully over to this

moment and when it looks like jesus is

going to pass you by stop him and call

him in and says come come show me what i

got come in my house till i get the

revelation of what’s already in my he

took something they already had he

didn’t bring them no bread

he didn’t bring him no bread son the

bread was already in the house

all jesus ever does is show you what you

already got

the potter oil was in the house the

handful of meal was in the house the two

fish and five loaves of bread was in the

crowd jesus never brings anything extra

he just reveals what you already got

you got something

lord help me to see what i got

so i won’t be envious of other people

so i won’t suffer from low self-esteem

so i won’t look in the mirror and always

see what’s wrong with me and never see

what’s right with me help me to see what

i got don’t let me die without seeing me

i can see what everybody got but me

tonight i make a commitment to see what

god has given


if that’s your prayer as you saw i want

to pray over you tonight

i’m not going to make an altar call

for souls i normally do


i’m going to make an altar call for


frustrated disciples

who have never lived out their dream

and never fully seen what god has given

them but tonight of all nights i’m so

glad you came to the bible class tonight

i’m so glad you’re here tonight



pass your seat all the way down to the

left pass it all the way down to the


i want i want you to get this in your


you’re going to change the way you think

about you

you’re going to change about what you


in your journey

and in this seven mile stretch

you’re going to allow god to take what

you already got

and break it

and bless him

and he’s gonna feed the world

y’all don’t believe that he he gonna

feed the world

right now my sister

my message is being translated into 90



languages no you don’t get it i’m not

bishop jason i’m little tommy jake’s

from west virginia

i’m little tommy jace from west virginia

and there are people in this room that

knew me as little tommy jace from west


didn’t think them rocks would bring down

that giant i didn’t either

they didn’t think that potted meal that

handful of meal

would not run out

it’s not that the mill barrel ran over

it just didn’t run out

it’s just that every time she reached

for a hand she got a handful

you waiting on god to fill up the whole

barrel he’s not gonna fill up the barrel

but every time you reach for it it’s

gonna be just enough for you to keep on


i want you to type on the line if i’m

talking to you tonight

if i’m speaking to you if i’m speaking

to your heart

if i’m speaking to your scars and your

pains and your shadows

i want you to allow the holy spirit to

to just underline that for you tonight

and as we plan this 40 is symbolic it’s

not a literal 40 number i want it to be

symbolic of the fact that we have a


in which we must show ourselves alive

with many infallible proofs

before we are escorted to heaven

you don’t have much time

no more time for murmuring and


no more time for a line the sins of your


to get by while you wrestle with the

sins of your flesh

it’s time for you to love right and live


let’s pray

with all my heart

i’ve attempted

in my own feeble way

to give to the body what you have given


and i thank you lord because

it was your wounded body that inspired

me to this text

as we stand in this room full of bodies

of people

we have treasures in every earthen


in this room and around the world that

are listening at me tonight

many of those treasures have not been

opened much less spent

we have remained uncapped and untouched

not because we’re rebellious but we just

don’t see

we just don’t recognize the voice nor

see the scars nor understand

how valuable what you put in us really


but tonight oh god

as we stand in your house we make a

fresh commitment not just to come to

church not just to be a bible class

but to discover what you have placed in


that’s yet valuable

and we’re going to be intentional about

that thing

we’re going to be so intentional we

invite you for divine intervention

we don’t want the second half of our

life to look like the first half

we want to go to the next level

let it happen for us tonight in jesus



go with god saints i love you serve the

people of god

