now tonight i’ve got a message on my

heart uh it’s not new i have preached

this many many times in many many places

this passage of scripture

this is what the lord showed me about

america as far back as i as i recall it

would be back in the 90s

probably pre-911

during the tech boom when there were

more millionaires being made in this

country than perhaps ever before in

history during the seasons when we

thought that we were the greatest and

burp possibly at that time the greatest

world power

that was

in existence at the time

i was still given of god this message

the lord showed me a pattern of where

america was going to go in the future i

remember in the 90s i was preaching in

times square church and i turned on the

platform to pastor david wilkerson who

was sitting there on the platform and i

told him i believe that i’m going to be

here long enough in america to see the

demise of this great nation

and everything that the lord has spoken

to be has happened it’s unfolding

exactly as it was shown

25 years ago almost now

i’ve preached this message numerous

times in new york city i preached it in

washington i’ve spoken at a pastor’s

conferences i’ve spoken at many other

places as many people that i felt as

could could hear the word of god and

were willing to consider

what the holy spirit was saying about

the days that were just ahead of us you

know back in the 90s and early 2000s the

days were just ahead but we have now

entered these days that i’m going to

speak about tonight i’m going to speak

about it

in a little bit of a different slant and

the message title is as the ship sinks

tell us what to do

as the ship sinks

and there’s nobody that’s of sound

reasoning today

that doesn’t see the bow of this great

nation suddenly heading underwater we

begin to realize we are in a deeper

trouble than we’ve ever imagined we

could be in after 400 years of being a


we’re in a downward spiral on almost

every front morally spiritually socially

militarily financially it just seems

that the the whole nation is circling

the drain at the moment

and we’re we’re seeing something unfold

before our eyes now

lest you be discouraged there is a good

side to this there is something that god

spoke through this story in acts chapter

27 and we get to this in just a few

moments and it’s going to be the hope

that you have for the future for

everyone here as as isaac said in the

song for the person who feels unlovable

or untouchable the person who’s addicted

the person whose family seems to be

falling apart there’s a message in this

for you that will give you hope and

courage and strength for the future so

father god in jesus name

lord i ask you god to anoint me with

your holy spirit

we have not come here to entertain

we have come here to pray

we’ve come here to open your word we’ve

come here to receive guidance from you

oh god for we recognize

that we are now in a perilous time in


god almighty there are so many people

who are so afraid of the days that are

just ahead of us but lord you always

have a word you always have a pattern

and a plan there is a way of safety to

anyone who wants to hear it so god would

you give us the grace and give me the

grace to speak this tonight and give

everyone in the sanctuary and those that

are online the ability to hear it lord

you have spoken this prophetically for

years and now it’s coming to pass it is

the test of a prophetic word if it comes

to pass it was birthed in the mind and

heart of god so father i thank you lord

tonight you’ll give me the grace to

speak this one more time

lord jesus christ because i see

something in it that is going to give

every one of us hope for the future

in your precious name

amen and amen

acts chapter 27 here’s the scene

there’s a group of people on a journey

there’s all kinds of voices there’s a

there’s 275 voices on this particular

journey and there’s one voice that

speaks for god you know there are

seasons in society where the voice

of god seems to be at a minimum

and even in spite of the fact that paul

perhaps had a history he had a

reputation he there were literally

miracles happening through his hands and

through his life yet the people on that

journey chose to disregard his voice he

warned them he said listen don’t take

this journey if you go if you embark on

this journey it’s going to cost the ship

this this vessel that’s carrying you is

going to be is going to sink it’s going

to be destroyed and he said and people’s

lives are going to be in in in jeopardy

now paul said please i can see him

pleading with the people please listen

to me don’t take this journey i can hear

billy graham in america warning the

nation for years don’t take this journey

that you’re embarking on i hear david

wilkerson and others like him many

others many pastors probably in small

towns throughout america warning their

congregations don’t take this journey

this journey of self-indulgence this

journey of crafting a course ahead of

you and not listening to the voice of


putting the voice of god as they did

with paul into the belly of the ship

saying we’re not interested

in what you have to say do what you have

to do down there all by yourself we know

what we are doing we’re crafting this

journey and this journey is going to be

wonderful it’s going to make us don’t

forget it was a not just a journey of

transporting prisoners but it was also a

a journey of commerce the people on that

ship are going to make money the owners

are going to make money it’s all about

making money we don’t want to hear

this voice that says don’t focus in this

direction don’t take this journey

this voice that’s saying this journey is

going to end up in the loss of

everything that you’re trusting and it’s

going to be the also the threatening of

the loss of life

paul was warning

but the people wouldn’t listen the

owners and the helmsman of the ship and

such like

it says when the wind blew softly acts

27 13 supposing that obtained the desire

putting out to see off they went what a

wonderful journey this is going to be i

remember somebody on the radio saying in

the early 2000s there’s more

millionaires than in the history of the

country and and besides that we have all

these these uh narcotics in a sense to

make us feel better uh when we don’t

feel good about ourselves how much

better can it be and i remember thinking

when i heard this on the radio god

almighty this is exactly what was

happening in acts chapter 27 this

exactly what you’ve been speaking to my

heart about all these years people

bragging and boasting about there’s no

end there’s no end to the wealth there’s

no end to the this incredible journey

don’t don’t put the words of the holy

one of israel before us we’re not

interested in god and we’re not

interested in these words that are

trying to tell us this is not a good


that you’re on

and so they headed off on their journey

just like we did in america and not long

after they took off on the journey it

says a tempestuous headwind arose called

euroclyden the ship was caught we could

not head into the wind so we let her

drive and see suddenly a storm arose

suddenly things began to change suddenly

this swirl of uncontrollable events

started to happen around them

and the scripture says that when they

had they used cables to undergird the

ship you remember that the bailouts back

in the in the 2000s of our major

corporations as as they began to

many of them began to go bankrupt and

you think about even today giving out

free money to try to keep the country


and they


were exceedingly driven

tempest tossed and then they lightened

the ship and on the third day it says in

verse 19 we threw the ship’s tackle

overboard with our own hands

these proven things

that had gotten so many

from point a to point b for for years

and years and years

it’s almost inconceivable they took it

in their hands and they threw it

overboard like we threw overboard the

2 000 year old definition of marriage we

just suddenly decided one day we’re

going to throw it overboard and redefine

this we we threw overboard the

protection guidance of our children we

threw overboard prayer in our schools

and we we just started throwing

overboard everything that made this a

nation that became actually the envy of

the world for many many years

all over the world it gave us the

ability to do technological things that

other cultures and thousands of years

were not able to do it’s just amazing

the the the the wisdom the ability the

military might the inventions that god

gave to this particular nation then we

we started just throwing it all

overboard every every day now in the

news we’re throwing some new thing

overboard that we’ve trusted in for

years and years and years and of course

the the greatest of all tragedy is

throwing god


that gave us what we have and made us

who we are and took us on this journey

and took a little group of people that

landed in plymouth 400 years ago that

were emaciated and weak and surrounded

by enemies and half of them died and the

other half all they could do is praise

the america started in a prayer meeting

i don’t know how many people know that

just 53 pilgrims left and their prayer

will have to be something like this if

god if you will give us a place where

where we can worship you

freely and and with with with conscience

according to the word of god we will

live for you and we promise this nation

will be a nation that brings glory to

your name they actually made what they

called a covenant with god


we threw that overboard we’ve thrown our

history overboard we don’t even teach

the right history in our schools anymore

all of these these these beautiful

stories that are still discoverable are

are all but eradicated and we’re having

to deal with a revisionist history that

is not based on factor and it’s not

based on on truth

and god took that little group of people

no resources

no chance of survival surrounded by

enemies and from that little group of 53

people that met in a in a house that’s

still there

the new house is on the foundation of

that original house it’s lot number one


and from that little prayer meeting came

a nation of 330 million people

that has been the envy of the world a

place of prosperity and freedom a place

where we could at one time

worship god freely and according to

conscience but now we have thrown that

overboard as well

the word of god is becoming hate speech

the ways of god is becoming bigoted


and it’s really tragic what’s happening

in our society

it says now in verse 20 when neither son

nor stars appeared for many days and no

small tempest beat upon us

all hope that we would be saved was

finally given up we’re not far from that

moment now in this nation

we’re on the edge of an imminent

financial collapse we’re on the edge of

a complete social meltdown we’re on the

edge of seeing more and increased

violence in our cities and in our

streets and there’s a point coming

where hope natural hope is going to give

way to despair

and it says when neither son nor stars

appeared for many days and no small

tempest beat on us all hope that we

would be saved was finally given up but

after long abstinence from food


stood in the midst of them and said men

you should have listened to me and not

have sailed from crete and incurred this

disaster and loss now i urge you to take

heart for there will be no loss of life

among you but also of the ship after

long abstinence paul this is my hope now

for the future

after long abstinence the church

after long absence preachers that nobody

wanted to listen to after long absence

suddenly somebody calls for the word of

god again

i believe in this generation it’s going

to be on mass i think we’re going to

live to see a significant turning to god

it doesn’t mean the ship is going to be


but we’re going to see in our time a

significant turning to god in a season

of crisis and i i’m thankful for that

without the crisis they would not have

turned to the word of god

without the famine the people of

elijah’s they would not have gone to the

top of mount carmel without the people

of egypt oppressing the israelites they

would not have cried out to god and when

moses showed up they would not have

listened they would not have believed

that god had sent him

god’s mercy will pull out every carpet

of security that’s underneath the people

about to perish so that we will consider

our ways and i personally am really

thankful for that i’m an optimist

it’s not about saving the ship and

losing the people

let the ship go down if it needs to go

down if the people’s hearts are going to

turn i don’t know how it happened but

somebody somewhere said where is that

man that told us we shouldn’t undertake

this journey

where’s that he’s down in level c and

deck f or whatever he’s down stuck in

the bowels of the ship and i don’t know

if it’s all the people i don’t know if

it’s the centurion commander or the

captain of the ship but somebody said

get that man up here

there’s a day coming folks listen to me

your neighbors are going to knock on

your door and say give me a reason for

the hope that you still have in your


i hear you and your your family singing

on wednesday night you have this thing

on your i can hear it through my walls

you got this this meeting this prayer

meeting called worldwide permitting

what’s that about and what is it that

you believe and and give me help me to

understand see in the moment of crisis

suddenly they’re calling for the word of

god family members that weren’t

interested in you or your god are

suddenly going to be calling you you’re

going to get a call you’re going to get

an email you’re going to get a tax

they’re going to say tell me about the

god that you believe in and i am just so


thankful for this and see the first

pastor tim delena says every sunday it’s

as easy as abc what’s i’m going to say

it’s as easy as abcd tonight i’m adding

a d to pastor tim’s abc tonight

admit you can’t save yourself

admit you can’t save yourself and call

for the voice that you have been

resisting that’s my cry to you tonight

those that are sitting at home and

you’re addicted you’re afflicted you’re

struggling you’re trying you you you

still believe that somehow in your own

strength you’re going to get out of this

the way out is to admit you can’t get

out in your own strength you won’t get

out you will always go back to what you

used to be and actually you’ll be worse

in the in the end than you were in the


so admit that you can’t save yourself

and call as they did for the voice that

you have resisted the voice of god call

for the words of god you can do it in

your bedroom tonight you get to say god

start to speak to me i want to hear your


show me the way forward

and in verse 22 paul says i urge you to

take heart there will be no loss of life

among you but only of the shep so

i mean in the natural that doesn’t make

sense i mean this storm is amazing these

waves have got to be 20 feet high

this this ship is is going to be broken

to pieces by the ferocity of the storm

everyone who’s a seafarer knows this

thing is going down just like everybody

who’s in the know

concerning our economy in this

particular time is is forecasting a

hurricane just ahead of us

but nevertheless

paul says i urge you to take heart there

will be no loss of life among you but

only of the ship so

point two is believe that god has made a

way for you to be saved believe it

god made a way for you to be saved when

jesus christ went to the cross two

thousand years ago and gave his life and

shed his blood for you among the last

things he said on that cross were the

words it is finished the the power of

hell to take you down the power of

despair to swallow you the power of this

world to take away your relationship

with god had been broken at the cross

jesus christ triumphed over your storm

triumphed over everything that wants to

take you down and destroy you as things

around you begin to sink you don’t have

to go with it because god has made a way

for you to escape


believe that god will be faithful he

said to his own people i will never

leave you

or forsake you

now either that’s true or that’s not


i happen to know and believe that it is


because i’ve walked along a long enough

with god to know that those words can be


he will not leave you and he will not

forsake you

paul says i urge you to take heart there

will be no loss of life among you

but only

of the ship and he said i believe that

it will be just as god told me however

we must run aground

on a certain island so paul was saying

it doesn’t mean the storm is going to


it means the storm’s power over you is

going to be broken

you have to understand that

the ship is still going to be lost

it’s still going to sink as a matter of

fact it’s going to be broken into pieces

but you are going to be spared

the scripture tells us that they dropped

four anchors from the stern and they

prayed for

day to come

and then some of the sailors were

seeking to escape the ship and they let

down the lifeboats into the sea under

the pretense or the that they were doing

something to secure the ship

but paul said to the centurion and the

soldiers unless these men stay in the


you cannot be saved so admit that you

can’t save yourself believe that god has

made a way for you to be saved

and confess jesus christ

as not just only your savior but also

your lord

that means he has the right to tell you

what to do

which way you need to go

paul said if you don’t stay in the ship

you cannot be saved don’t try to craft

another way

out of this dilemma than the way that

god has made for you through his son

jesus christ he knows how to save you

and he knows how to keep you

and then as the day began to dawn in

verse 33 of acts 27 paul implored them

all to take food and i think i like the

original king james it says take meat in

other words you’ve there’s a lot of

people who’ve just lived on on spiritual


that’s not going to get you through the

coming storm

take some meat

in other words dig into the word of god

devour that just as the people in in the

days of uh moses in egypt they they had

to consume the lamb within their their

homes take time to consume the word of

god take time to read the word of god

take time to ingest the promises of god

take time to ingest the hard truths in

the word of god for example in this

world you shall have tribulation jesus

said those words don’t push them away

any longer he said you follow me and

you’re going to have trouble in this

world but be of good cheer he said for i

have overcome the world

the world will come against you

circumstances will try to take you down

but he says don’t let it take away your

joy because i promise never to leave you

or forsake you and i have overcome

everything that threatens to take away

your security and your safety

in the future

take some nourishment he said this is

this is for your survival

and he said now here’s the plan

the ship is going to get stuck at a

certain place and the violence of the

sea is going to bust it to pieces

and i want you all whoever in any way

you can you grab a piece of wood and you

hang on to it

and you start swimming for sure

now i love that i mean i mean can’t god

make us walk on the water

i mean like naming the syrian can he

just wave his hand and make everything

good can’t didn’t he calm the storm

didn’t he stand by the boat and said

wind be still and waves become my and

and he wants me to grab a piece of wood

and swim to shore and that’s the d


to eat what he gives you and go where he

tells you to go

follower he doesn’t do everything the

same way every time

follow him even if it means swimming to


grab a hold of a piece of wood not a

piece of wood that we have is called the

cross of jesus christ it’s really big

and it floats it floats really good

you hang on to the whatever piece of the

cross you can get a hold of you hang on

to that cross and the waves will beat on

you and that and the winds will howl and

the storms will threaten but that cross

doesn’t sink it floats the storm can’t

take it down the waves can’t push it

under and everyone placing their trust

and confidence in christ is going to

make it to the other side

going to make it to the place of safety

in god going to make it to a place where

we will sing we will shout we will dance

we will give god glory it might be a

rainy place it might be a cold place as

it was for them but in that place the

power of god began to be known again in

that place healing started to happen in

that place the snake was pushed off into

the fire in that place every man woman

every person on that ship was given a


to receive jesus christ as lord and

savior because you better believe that’s

what paul was speaking to this group of

people about christ as savior it doesn’t

mean they were saved but they had seen

the power of god and they were given a

chance that’s my prayer now for america

god show your power one more time

god in our in our home fellowships in

our connect groups and our prayer

meetings heal us give sight to the blind

set free the oppressed deliver the

addicted god almighty let your power be

known one more time

if we have to swim to get to that place

in the natural you know it was


you know i spent a lot of vacation time

at the ocean and when waves are that big

the undertow is so strong you can’t get

to shore you can’t even get to shore in

a boat

yet every one of them made it

because the promises of god

are yeah amen i mean i think we sang

about that right tonight yes and amen

are the promises of god and if he tells

you you’re going to make it

you’re going to make it

even when it looks like you’re not

i can tell you not be fearful i mean you

got 20 foot waves and you’re hanging

onto a board

you’re kicking your feet and saying well

paul said we’re going to make it so here

i go you’re on your back and you’re

kicking your feet and the waves are

tolerant it’s building i mean the odds

of getting there are zero in the natural

that whole crew should have drowned

everybody should have drowned on that

boat but not one of them did and as they

stood around the fire

and they saw that the serpent had no


against the life of paul and they saw

the healing of god beginning to flow

through his hands i have to believe that

we’re going to meet a lot of these

people in heaven and when i get there

i’m going to say tell me what it was

like you know what was it really like on

that ship and and what did paul look

like when he came to the deck and tell

me about the communion service that paul

had when he broke the bread and gave

thanks in the midst of a sinking ship

and a storm this is where you and i come

in this is where we go to communion now

as a church and we break bread that’s

what we’re going to do right now

together so at home you can get some

bread and some juice and we’re going to

break bread as paul did on that ship and

say god

thank you that you allowed us to be here

in this generation

thank you lord that you’ve sent us on

this journey for the sake of these


it’s not about us it’s about them

thank you lord that that i get to swim

along with them i get to go through the

storm with them but but in the middle of

it all you’ve given me a word that can

make their hearts glad

thank you lord it’s not about me and my

protection and my provision it’s all

about them

you see that’s what we see in bible

school that genuine christianity

is expressed in living for the benefit

of others

that’s what paul was doing he was living

for the sake of others

and god gave him

the 275

that were traveling with him

i can just imagine them around that fire

right on that island it must have been

something else you know

they see this guy he’s he’s just got joy

in his life i don’t know he’s just got

joy and they’re looking and this guy’s a

prisoner and this guy’s this guy’s being

taken before uh caesar who’s a nut

caesar thinks he’s god by the way at

this time

and paul’s going there to tell no you’re

not god you know there is another god

he’s going there to do what he always

does and he’s just so thankful like i


i often pray when i read paul’s life and

say god would you please help me

like i complain if i have an ingrown

toenail you know what i mean

this guy is a prisoner this guy it’s

sloshing people are vomiting down there

it stinks and they’re in the storm and

they’re they’re in the belly of the ship

they don’t even know what’s going on

they don’t even know if they’re going to

the bottom of the ocean but yet paul is

praying and god says don’t be afraid

paul i’m taking you before caesar i mean

that would be like you and i prayed

tonight and he said to you don’t be

afraid my daughter don’t be afraid my

son i’m sending you to jail for 15 years

you know like it’s you know that’s

that’s like but to paul

he knew that was the plan of god he

didn’t fully understand it and god says

and because you’re willing to undertake

this journey i’m giving you the 275

people that are traveling with you

think it through

and he just stands on the deck and he’s

we’re going to do that tonight we’re

going to break the bread

and we’re going to partake in the juice

that represents his shed blood and say


thank you for giving us the privilege of

walking in the footsteps of our savior

that we’re born in a generation that’s


but here we are

here we are

men women children young and old my god

and you have a plan for our lives and by

your grace we’re not going alone

we’re going to take others with us

as they see within us the confidence and

the joy when they saw

paul’s countenance on the deck of the

ship the scripture says they they took


they took heart the whole thing is going


but one man destroys the power of the


one man plants hope in people’s hearts


that’s why you and i are alive in this


and that’s the call on your life my

brother my sister that are listening at

home tonight you’re not called to be

just an addict or a depressed person or

a drunk or whatever it is an ex whatever

you think you are

you’re a son you’re a daughter of the

king you’re an ambassador of this great


so why don’t you rise up tonight

and admit

and believe and confess

and decide

i’m going with god even if i got to swim

to get where he’s got me going i’m if i

don’t care if it’s cold i don’t care how

high the waves are i’m grabbing a hold

of that cross and i’m going

i’m going to where god wants me to go so

father i just want to thank you tonight

jesus christ

lord uh you are speaking something


to every heart now

we’re we’ve come to the end we’re in the

last days now

soon and very soon you’re going to take

us all home

but until that day

god would you give us the grace

to sing in the storm

would you give us the grace lord to

break bread and say thank you lord for

allowing me to be born at this time

and would you help me not to spend my

whole day focused on my own troubles

but help me god to think about the

others here who

who don’t have the assurance of heaven

and they so desperately need it now

before we go to communion before we sing

a song i’m going to ask you to pray a

prayer with me those that are online


just a prayer of admission god i can’t

save myself and i believe that you have


jesus christ as the son of god and you


to pay the price for my wrong which the

bible calls sin

so that i can be saved

and i can be set free

and i believe tonight that you’re going

to save me

but i want to make you lord of my life

as well

i want to give you the right to govern

my life and to lead me

and i ask you for the courage

to cause me to follow you even when i

don’t understand where you’re leading

and even when it looks like i could


give me the courage to believe you god

let’s pray this prayer together tonight

and i want people online to take the


take the time

there was a new york city detective last

week that prayed

this prayer and texted in decided

there’s people all over the place

listening in this prayer meeting tonight

they will text in just as this police

officer did and says like i’ve seen it

all and i realize we’re going down and

i want to live for god


pray these words with me please at home

tonight lord jesus christ

i can’t save myself

i know that now

but i believe

that you made a way for me

to be set free

and to come back home with you

i believe that jesus christ

is the son of god

and he died

to pay the price for my sin

and he was raised again

to prove to me

that if i trust in him

that i too

will be raised out of death

and brought into the life of god for me

jesus lead me now

be the god of my life

give me the courage

to go where you lead me

to follow

even when i don’t understand it

because you will not fail me

and you will not forsake me

from this day forward

i am yours jesus


and i believe

that you are mine

i am a child of god


and when i die


heaven will be my home

and while i live

christ will be my god


in jesus name


if you prayed that from your heart and

you made that your own prayer

and you meant that i’m going to ask you

to text the word decided just like this

new york city detective did last week

text the word decided to 51 000 on your

cell phone that’s decided

51 000

let us get in touch with you

to encourage you we’re not gonna call

you physically but send you a video and

encourage you and

help you get started in your walk with

god or maybe you don’t want us to help

you but at least tell us that you prayed

the prayer tonight

so that we can pray for you

we love you so much we’ll be back now in

a moment just to break bread

and share in the victory of the cross of

jesus christ and celebrate

your victory
