book of Acts chapter 2 if you’ll go

there and message title that God’s given

me this evening is everything can change

in a heartbeat everything can change in

a heartbeat praise God father thank you

God for your word

oh Jesus Christ I love you I thank you

for your mercy I thank you for your

grace I thank you God for the covering

of your blood I thank you for the

empowerment of your Holy Spirit I thank

you God that you have taken us and

raised us from death unto life thank you

God that you’ve given us as your people

a reason to live something to speak a

song to sing oh God Vision before us in

our eyes and Hope For Eternity thank you

God for destroying the power and the

penalty of sin on the cross Lord Jesus

Christ we are forever and eternally

grateful to you we thank you Lord

tonight that your word clearly tells us

that your mercy is from Everlasting to

Everlasting no matter how far away we

might get from you yet you are still

willing to be God you’re still willing

to show us incredible Mercy that’s just

who you are that’s what the cross was

all about Lord tonight we ask God for an

anointing I ask you God for attention

heaven to speak these words and Lord we

need an anointing to be able to hear

them otherwise they just become an

accumulation of knowledge but our lives

become a denial of the power of God that

you are so willing to give to anyone who

calls out to you

tonight Lord Jesus Christ help me to

convey the truth it’s on your heart

Thank You Lord For A Spiritual Awakening

this coming year thank you for Mercy a

mercy moment coming to this nation God

something you’ve spoken to my heart

about for over 40 years now oh Jesus you

you sh you spoke the word Revival to me

before I even knew what it meant God

thank you God thank you God thank you

for what you’re starting to do and we

give you the praise and the glory for

this oh God in Jesus name amen

Acts chapter 2 familiar portion of

scripture beginning at verse 1 to verse

4 and when the Pentecost had fully come

they were all with one Accord

and in one place

and suddenly there came a sound from

Heaven as of a rushing Mighty Wind and

it filled the whole house where they

were sitting

then there appeared to them divided

tongues as a fire and one sat upon each

of them they were all filled with the

Holy Spirit and began to speak with

other tongues as the spirit gave them

utterance everything can change in a


let’s look at the scene

in this room are people

who had been raised under oppression

they have been raised in a nation that’s

been occupied by a foreign power called


the religion was marginalized and as we

shared during the Christmas season they

were herded like cattle just for the

sole purpose of counting them and taxing

them they were told when to stand up

when to sit down what to believe what

not to believe where they could meet

where they could not meet all the rules

for the people of God were being

dictated by this dominant Godless

sneering power called Rome that had come

in and conquered the Holy Land

you know the thought must have been in

people’s hearts is there anything that

can ever make a difference and if

difference ever does come will it take a

generation will it take five years will

it take ten years will it take 15 years

I’m sure that many many thoughts were in

many many hearts

but they were told by Jesus Christ after

he had been raised from the dead to go

and gather in a certain place and wait

there until they were given power from

God to be the full expression of what

God had determined their lives to be on

the earth the Bible says they were with

one Accord and in one place

I think every person in that room made

the decision I want my life to count for

God and I want my life to count for good

I know that I can’t do this in My Own

Strength everyone in that room knew they

had failed most had run when they were

most needed by Christ himself

they found that their hearts even though

their lips were boasting their hearts

were filled with cowardice and they knew

they couldn’t do this on their own but

they had a promise from God that

something was going to be given to them

that was going to make a difference in

the earth that they could not do in

their own strength and they came to that

one place and that one place was an

upper room and that one place

realistically was a prayer meeting like

tonight that’s where they were they were

no different than you and I are today

we’re living in a world that is being

dominated by Darkness we’re living in a

day when evil is being called good and

good is being called evil we’re living

in a day when religion is sneered at and

people who believe in God are somehow

seen as as fallible somehow seen as

deficient in society Losers of this

present enlightened age that doesn’t

even know if it’s male female up down or

what it is they have no idea but somehow

we have become the ones with the problem

but they came to one place a place of

prayer which we are tonight and if

you’ve come into this prayer meeting

online or you’ve come into it physically

you’ve made a good choice tonight

because this is where God is this is

where the power of God is this is where

the change of God Comes This is where

everything’s begin to change and as we

see from the scripture in in a heartbeat

everything can change

they started to pray I don’t know what

their prayer was like but if I was there

I would have been praying like this God

I can’t do this without you

I I don’t know what to do I tried and I

failed I I tried to be different I can’t

I I tried to be brave and I’m a coward I

tried to speak truth and I ended up

lying I tried to confess your name and I

ended up cursing and saying I never knew

you I I just know what these people were

were feeling like because that’s what we

feel like many of us in this generation

we’re now living in but they came to one

place and that place was God you

promised to be our strength you promised

that we would be your people you

promised that through us your name would

be brought to glory and reputation one

more time in the earth so here we are

we’re not Mighty we’re not Noble we’re

not of any great report we don’t have 16

certificates on our wall we don’t have a

list of great feats that we’ve done in

your name

but nevertheless here we are

calling out to you to do what only you

can do through each of Our Lives

they decided to take a stand they

decided to pray even though resistance

against their Forward Motion was

significant it was a there was a blood

blast in society at this time they had

just crucified their Savior and their

lord and the people were in no mood for

their followers and they knew it there

was a significant resistance against any

Forward Motion in these people just as

there is for you and I today

they prayed knowing that Christ had

promised them power to turn the tide of

resistance against his offer of


we pray tonight believing that mountains

can still be moved

we pray believing that With God all

things are still possible

we pray to the one who can calm the

Storm still the waves in the wind who

could raise the Dead four days in the

Tomb we pray to The God Who has all

knowledge all power and through the

cross is clearly shown us he has all

Mercy for us even in our deficient


they believed that even one Soul was

worth any cost that might come their way

don’t let’s not fool ourselves for a

second everyone in that Upper Room knew

that to fully come out this door and

profess Christ could be a death sentence

to them we today could lose our jobs we

today might be snickered at by a

sneering Society we today might be

canceled we today might find ourselves

on the the losing end of some social

system that wants to shut down the voice

of God

but when they knew that when they

stepped out of that upper room they

could be put to death

for following a savior

that the Society of their time was in no

mood to have resurrected in their midst

last Monday

we saw a type of this I suppose in our

generation of what this may have looked


10 million people

went to a football game and ended up in

a prayer meeting

Across the Nation

if you’re not aware of it there was a

football game on Monday and which

typically people from all over the

country they estimate 10 million people

were watching it on television when a 24

year old professional football player

called Demar Hamlin had a heart attack

and his heart stopped beating and he

fell and hit the the field

the Medics and people the medical people

that were there worked on him for nine

minutes before the ambulance could

arrive and take him off the field to a

local hospital and in those nine minutes

when they were trying to restart his

heart they were giving him CPR they were

shocking him with the the electric

paddle devices in those nine minutes

players suddenly formed a circle of both

teams arm and arm kneeled many of them

weeping and began to pray

in those nine minutes people poured out

of the stands by the hundreds if not the

thousands began to kneel in the field

and began to cry out to God for this one

man this one soul

in the subsequent minutes that followed

they began to gather outside the

hospitals in the parking lots they held

Candlelight vigils they prayed they

believed that God was able to raise this

young man back to life again

even an NFL team of three commentators

live on television seen by people all

over the country

they bowed and one of the commentators

the next pro football player himself

he said he just basically I don’t

remember his exact words but he said I’m

going to pray and if anybody here wants

to join me you’re welcome to do so and

the whole panel bowed their heads on

live television seen right across the

country and here are his words he said

God we come to you in these moments that

we don’t understand that are hard

because we believe that you’re God and

coming to you and prank you has impact

we’re sad we’re angry we want answers

but some things are unanswerable we just

want to pray truly come to you and pray

for strength for tomorrow for healing

for tomorrow for comfort for tomorrow to

be with his family and to give them


we believe that prayer works if we

didn’t we wouldn’t ask this of you God I

believe in prayer we believe in prayer

we lift up Demar Hamlin’s name in your

name amen and for those who didn’t see

the clip it was amazing the the rest of

the team the same there was a young lady

in the center she she lifted her head

and said wow that was powerful

and the other Gentleman on the other

side says I respect you man for doing


it’s a type in my heart of what

Spiritual Awakening is going to look


in a heartbeat everything changed people

went to a football game

there they’ve had the tailgate parties

they they’ve painted themselves various

colors they they brought their cheering

mechanisms into the stadium they’re

they’re anticipating this this great

game but one heartbeat stops one heart

stops and it changes everything in a

moment of time

suddenly the the the the value of one

life comes into view and that’s what

Spiritual Awakening looks like

couldn’t they just have said hey there’s

dozens of other players get him off the

field we want the game to go on but

that’s not what happens in Spiritual

Awakening that’s not what happens in the

church when God comes when God comes

every soul is valuable in the sight of

God every every one Jesus Christ

personally died for and it starts to

become a reality in every heart

when God comes every barrier and every

hesitation collapses that’s what

happened that day years and years and

years and decades and people saying you

can’t pray even in college players would

be suspended if they went into the end

zone and just pointed heavenward to give

glory to God they could suffer a

suspension for it years and years of all

the Godless theories being propagated on

this Society all the rules being put

into place you can do this you can do

that you can stand here you can’t stand

there you can pray here you can’t pray

there you can do this you can’t do that

suddenly you’re gone all the barriers

are gone and people stream out onto the

field go to their knees and begin to

call out to God suddenly the NFL players

don’t care anymore and every player is

on his knees people are crying openly

saying God have mercy on this young man

spare his life that’s what Spiritual

Awakening looks like and it all came in

a heartbeat and as they began to pray oh

thank God his heart started to beat

again his heart had stopped folks and as

they began to pray and as the Medics

worked on him the combination faith

without works is dead you understand his

heart began to beat again yes he’s still

in ICU and he still has a ways to go but

he’s got life ahead of him and tonight I

want to pray at the end of this message

God raised this young man up and give

him a voice for righteousness make him a

testimony of the power of Prayer in this


people started calling out to God and

they didn’t care about the cost there’s

nobody thinking about what’s the

commissioner going to say what’s this

law going to say what’s this atheistic

group going to say nobody cared anymore

everybody came out in the field and

everybody started crying out to God oh

Hallelujah to the Lamb of God Hallelujah

to the Lamb of God

in a heartbeat

everything changed

and that’s what Spiritual Awakening is

going to look like in our generation

as suddenly says and suddenly

there came a sound from Heaven not


not over a period of six to 16 to 60

days but suddenly

suddenly God heard the cry suddenly this

rushing Mighty Wind which was God

himself coming in the form of the Holy

Spirit into that room suddenly God said

I’ve heard your prayer I’ve heard your

cry and I’ve come down to deliver you

I’ve come down to empower you I’ve come

down to take you out of your smallness

and bring you into a place that you

could never go in your own strength

and it filled the whole house where they

were sitting not half of the house not

part of the house not back of the house

not front of the house the whole house

well if you were in the back you got

filled with the Holy Ghost if you were

in the front you got filled with the

Holy Ghost and I believe if you’re in

the lobby you got filled with the Holy

Ghost as well

there appeared to them divided tongues

as a fire and sat upon each of them they

were all filled with the Holy Spirit and

began to speak with other tongues as the

spirit gave them utterance now these

other tongues were known languages it

was a festive season in Jerusalem and

people had come from all over the known

world and were worshiping God according

to whatever their understanding of God

was at that time

these 120 people empowered by the spirit

of God came out of seclusion and walked

into the marketplace as it is and in

languages that were understandable to

people of different parts of the world

at that time they began to speak about

the wondrous works of God

the things that God is able to do and

the crowd stopped and looked and say how

is it possible that that these people

are speaking our languages because

they’re galileans they they don’t know

they were never taught the languages

that we know but yet by the power of God

they’re communicating this great works

of God to us clearly in our own tongues

in our own languages

and then they said what must we do to

have a relationship

with God like that

may God grant us A Moment Like This in

our nation today may God give us this a

season like this where you and I as the

people of God and those that are

listening online no matter your

condition right now would just start

crying out to God and say Lord God


I want to live for you I want my life to


I want my words to have power when these

people stepped out of that room their

words had power they weren’t just an

argument about God they were actually

God was speaking through them

to the people all around

as the people cried out

on Monday afternoon

this young man’s heart started beating


I’m thinking of all the people in

America tonight who feel dead

all the people around the world that

maybe you’re listening online tonight

you just you feel dead you’ve lost heart

and I put it that way

we have so many prayer requests like we

heard tonight I I can’t take another

step forward

but as the people began to cry out his

heart started

to beat again

and this is our cry for you tonight

those that are online those that have

come in with your prayer requests those

that will be listening in a few days and

or tomorrow in the future

we cry out for you tonight

that God would raise you

God would give you hope again

that your heart would start to beat with

an understanding of God’s willingness to

forgive you

if you can just admit that you need


that in your heart there would be this

infusion of life to believe that

you could be forgiven that you could

have a new life that

you could be given a purpose on the

earth and an assurance that when you die

that heaven will be your home

we cry out for you tonight that

God would begin to give you a voice as

we ask for this young man that God would

give him a voice as well

thank you

Lord we ask for Demar tonight God that

you would raise him up out of intensive

care Lord and you would give him a voice

God for that people will listen actually

because he’d be known as the player who

died in the field was brought back to


God Almighty we ask Lord he’s already

got a heart for children he’s already

got a heart for good works Lord we we do

pray God that you would spare him and

raise him Lord and use him for your

glory and God if football is or isn’t

part of his future Lord it doesn’t

matter God you are you’re with him oh

God give him strength give him courage

give his family courage oh God we thank

you Lord for those who have poured into

his life and we pray my God that you

give them comfort as well at this time

Jesus Christ we ask Lord that

you would just take these words that

have been shared tonight and cause

others to say I’m going to get up too I

hear you crying out for me I’m going to

get up and I’m going to let my heart

begin to beat for God tonight I’m going

to I’m going to go with Christ I’m going

to trust him for the power I’m going to

step out of seclusion I’m going to go

into the public Marketplace and begin to

speak about what he has done for me

oh Jesus Christ Jesus Christ may this be

a season Lord we’re we see you in

Revival power like we never have even

believed we could In Our Lifetime

oh God all the years of repression in

Israel all the years Lord of somebody

else setting the rules came to an end on

the day of Pentecost

and even mighty Rome eventually Bend its

need to the lordship of Christ God we

thank you Lord

God we thank you here we are one more

time this is our Upper Room This is Our


this is the prayer meeting or one of the

many prayer meetings that you’re

establishing throughout the world where

seeds of God are just coming together we

we know what we are and we know who you

are and we’re crying out for you for

your mercy and for your power not for

ourselves lord it’s not about us lord

it’s about others it’s about people

laying dead heartless oh God in this

world that don’t have a hope without you

lord oh God we ask for mercy and Lord we

ask for the courage to leave the

bleachers and come out on the field

ourselves we ask for courage Lord to get

on our knees in the public and pray

unashamedly Lord we live on the sight of

Truth we have nothing to be ashamed of

God almighty God almighty God almighty

be God Almighty to us again

Jesus Christ Son of God Son of God Son

of God Son of God Empower your church

Empower your people o God

Empower each one of us so God to be more

than we could ever hope to be in

ourselves oh Jesus I want to thank you

God for just the picture Lord of all

these professional athletes all the

trainers all the sideline people all the

people who just carry the water buckets

everybody on their knees crying out to

you and you started this young man’s

heart beating again oh God we give you

glory we give you glory god do it a

million times a million over God in the

nation Lord as we begin to pray oh God

let people’s hearts beat for you again

Lord Jesus Christ bring healing into

families marriages homes our teenagers

of God oh Lord destroy the powers of

Darkness destroy the addictions and the

hopelessness of this generation God

prays up a people that will bring glory

to your name we ask God one more time

one more time in this nation of many of

others Lord to be a song of Glory Raised

To You O God a song of Glory before you

come and take us all home

oh Jesus Son of God we want to sing to

you like we never have before we want to

glorify you in a way we never could

without your Holy Spirit

Jesus we’re not ashamed to call you Lord

and you’re not ashamed to call us your


so come Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit and

do the work now that only you can do

and we ask it in your precious name
