now i’ve been asked to share my

testimony tonight

and strangely enough i i haven’t done

that for years

i i can’t even recall i think it was

back about 17 years ago the last time i

actually actually remember sharing my

testimony in times square church

there’s so much to say i mean i could

keep you here all night

just sharing the things that god has

done because it has been indeed a

miraculous journey for me

nothing less than miraculous the lord


taken me and i often believe it’s


he chooses the weak to confound the wise

he takes those things that are nothing

to bring things that

in their own strength think they are


to an understanding of how weak all

people really are without god

and in jesus christ and in the power of

the holy spirit we are given a strength

that is not available

to average people i’m sitting at the

table tonight and i say lord

what do i say and my heart’s cry was


god let let me be a drink offering that

you can pour out to yourself tonight

because the testimony that any of us

share from this

podium or at any time is not about


for left to ourselves all of us would be

nothing all we have

is because of the mercy and the grace

and the goodness of god

we would be reprobates without god we

would be drunks and fornicators some in

this room would have committed suicide

some of you would have lost your minds

marriages would be broken children would

be bruised

and the power of hell would be literally

rampaging all over us

what we have is because of the goodness

of god it’s not because

we deserve it and none of us do what we

do because we

have any characteristic within us that’s

different than anybody else it’s just

simply god’s choice

one time as a young pastor i was

starting to feel a little proud

of myself and in my prayer time i was

saying lord

why did you choose me to be a pastor

it was a young church it was in the

country and it was marginally

i suppose coming into some form of


and i thought god was going to say you

know well you know i looked down and i

just saw such

material to work with i saw such a

wonderful heart

you know what the lord said to me it’s

because i already had a doormat

the position was vacant and i looked and

you just happened to be there

it’s not because any of us are special

it’s not because

and i stand here overwhelmed at what god

has done

i was raised in a french-canadian town

in quebec canada my father

is pure-blooded irish all the way back

to the monkeys as my mother-in-law used

to say

my father is pure-blooded irish

and until he married my mother who’s

french the

the chain of irish lineage was unbroken

in our family and he

i was raised in a in a mining town my

father worked in the copper mine

it was just an average town of of a lot

of people who went to church i i don’t

think i ever met a christian

a bible-believing person in my entire

teenage years

i was very happy as a child and

i remember when i was young i was raised

in a in a catholic church and

i’m not here to beat on any church so

please don’t

take what i share wrongly if you happen

to be catholic here tonight

the catholic church at least there i did

get a knowledge that there was a god

i knew his name was jesus i didn’t know

about the cross i didn’t know anything

personally through it but at least i

knew about some of the things you’ve got


and i i do remember

in my childhood this inner knowledge

that there was a god

and i would go out in the swing set i

had a swing set outside and i would

swing as a child i’d probably three

years old four years old and i would

just talk to god now

we were taught to pray certain

repetitious kind of prayers

but i knew that somehow i could just

talk to god

and i could feel him talking to me you

know that quite often you think that the


may not have even been ours it was god’s

and he was always there how many here

tonight can say that

throughout the years the early years of

your life you can remember the whispers

of god you didn’t know what it was but

there seemed to be this whisper always

coming to you but another

life another reason another season

another purpose

i went to school and in the grade school

years i was a real

troublemaker i like to cause trouble i

like to put tax on the floor we had a

particular teacher that spent

all his time walking up and down the

aisle as he taught and i would

i would just be to see how many tax i

could get stuck in his shoes before he

found out what was happening

that kind of thing i spent so much time

outside the principal’s office it’s a

wonder that i ever got any kind of a


the parent my teachers once asked my

parents if i was on drugs and i was in

grade school because i was so


there was a nun though in this school

and she told me one day in grade six she

said carter

jesus told me that he’s going to greatly

use his life

your life for his glory and i remember

looking at her like

first of all i don’t really get who

jesus is and number two

i thought this lady just lived on

another planet and she said i don’t care

what people say she said the other nuns

tell me i’m crazy

to feel this way but she said i know

what jesus

has told me she said if you had any idea

what god was going to do through your


and although at the time i couldn’t

comprehend it i never forgot it and when

i did get saved when i did give my life

to christ she was the first person i


at that time she was in a senior’s home

in montreal canada and i called her and

i said you remember me

i was the boy from grade six seven and

eight that you kept telling that jesus

was going to use my life i said well

i’ve just given my life to jesus christ

and she said only one thing to me make

sure you go to church

make sure you fellowship make sure make


that you don’t let what’s come into your

life slip through your fingers

now some people i know some people have

problems with the fact that she was a

nun but

i don’t no matter what the environment

there are there are ways that people can

find god even in the midst of it it

doesn’t validate

a particular religion but god is big

enough to reach people where they are

the searching heart can find him and

there’s no way that

particular lady could have known that

god was going to use my life unless

jesus himself had spoken to her heart

about it so with me it’s not really an


about these things my grandfather was a


and because the world war ii came along

my father was denied an education

and being denied an education it was a

great great loss in his life and i was

his firstborn son so after the war

he started to essentially live his life

through me

i was going to be the lawyer in the

family i was going to be the one that

fulfilled everything that was denied him

because of the economy because of the

circumstance that came into the world at

that time

and a pressure was put upon me to


and i was given the sense and the


in my heart that if i if i failed to

succeed what was

that what was put before me that my life

would be a failure it would be a waste

and so on one hand this is tremendous

pressure to succeed and on the other

hand there’s the sense that i’m not

going to be able to achieve

what’s put before me and at the age of

15 the two met and just simply

imploded in my heart and i began to

suffer what is called panic attacks

if you’ve never had one let me tell you

it’s the nearest thing to hell on earth

that you will ever experience

in your lifetime these bouts of darkness

come upon you as if there’s no hope

for tomorrow your heart begins to pound

within your chest and you feel like

you’re going to die you get afraid to

leave the house

i got to the point where i was afraid to

get on a bus i was afraid to walk into a

room with

five people lest they should fix their

attention on me

and a panic attack would happen in my

life twice i was taken

from classrooms once from a classroom

once from a university dormitory

to the hospital because of the severity

of the panic attacks

that came into my life once the nurse

took my blood pressure

dropped the machine on the floor ran out

of the emergency to get a doctor

fearing that i would die of a heart


on the hospital gurney so i do know what

fear is all about

i suffered these attacks from the time i

was 15 until the time i was 24 years of


i went to university i studied i got

an undergraduate degree

but in order to go to class at

university i had to take so many

tranquilizers that i literally lived

under water i felt like i was in a glass

bubble everywhere i walked

i could hardly talk i’d have so many

tranquilizers it was a miracle i could

even study

or get through those university years i

hated life i hated what

was happening to me and anger began to

come into my heart i hated the injustice


having pressure put upon me with no

ability to achieve it

i hated trying to become what other

people thought my life should be all i

ever wanted to be was a motorcycle

mechanic you know that

and yet here i am in university and i’m

studying law and other

topics and i don’t want to be there i

don’t want to do this i’m afraid of the

public i don’t want to

i don’t want to live this way but yet i

did graduate

and after i graduated i just needed a

job because i was i wanted to go to

graduate school i had no money and so i

ended up joining the police department

not because i ever aspired to be a

police officer i just simply needed the


i had long hair i was eating crackers at

a bar one day i walked by

this i was eating crackers because i was

hungry i walked by the police department

had a slogan that said if the hatfits

wear it

i walked in i applied they hired me

three weeks later

i’m standing in police college with my

hair cut and somebody standing there

yelling at me about two weeks after that


what in the world have i done i don’t

even want to be here

you know it was it was it was the hand

of god ultimately because i was learning

discipline you have to know discipline

to walk with god there has to be a

regard for authority

there has to be something that god

begins to work into your life

teresa and i were married at this point

and our marriage was not going well

not because of her because of me i was

angry all the time i drank a lot

i stayed out late i had a very very bad


and it because of that we had a son at

this point

our oldest son who’s now a police

officer in canada

and i i didn’t know how to be a father i

didn’t want to be a father i didn’t want

to be married i didn’t like the way i

was living i just started to

i started to feel a hopelessness about


around me and in the midst of all of


i started to get a stirring in my heart

to wonder if there is a god and don’t

ask me where it came from i think it

just has to be god he’s just

simply the same god that whispered to me

when i was a little child is now

whispering to me when i’m 24.

and i’m walking the beat and i remember

walking the beat in ottawa canada one

day and there’s a a church that was open

i don’t know what kind of a church it

was i walked in the door and i sat in

the back and i said hey god

if you are real i sure wouldn’t mind

knowing who you are

i said it out loud you know i mean if

you’d be kind enough

you know if if you’ve chosen to build

all this stuff all over the place could

you kindly tell me who you are

how do we find out who you are and how

do we live for you

our marriage started to get worse and it

was getting to the point where it was

not looking very hopeful and

it came into my heart i said we were

hanging out with a lot of college kids

still and i said theresa we need to

broaden our horizons we need to travel a

little bit

let’s go to europe let’s just backpack

through europe

let’s start in paris let’s go all the

way to greece or turkey let’s just

travel all over the place and

let’s just broaden our thinking a little

bit and she said that’s a good idea so i

got leave of absence from work

and we got our backpacks we got our

eurail pass we got our our plane tickets

and uh the only was only one real

problem in all this i was so

afraid of flying

now theresa had started to go to church

with a couple of friends of hers it was

it was a protestant church on top of

everything else and i didn’t have a

problem with it they started going to

this church a few months before

and i would be heading out to work and i

kind of lived in a blood and guts world

if you understand the world of police

work and i’m heading out the door and

they’ve got a

bible that’s as big as one of the

sections of this platform in the living

room they’re opening this thing and it’s

got pictures in it and they’re

they’re studying the word of god but

none of them know what they’re talking

about like they know that even today

they’ve all got

theories about it’s like trying to

describe an elephant and everybody’s

eyes are closed

everybody’s got a different piece of the

animal trying to describe what god looks


it is actually rather humorous to listen

to some of it

and teresa had started going and she

said carter why don’t we just go to


before we fly to paris at the the

the bus the the bus station was going to

take us to the airport was like one

block from this church he had been


i didn’t really want to go to church i

didn’t really like church

i i i didn’t see myself fitting into

church church was for a certain kind of

person and i just didn’t fit into that

category of person and i didn’t think

they’d like me and i didn’t like them so

why why bother with the whole exercise

and when i had been young church to me

was just a place where

hypocrites gathered and stopped being

hypocrites for an hour

and then they then they left their

niceness and just went back to hypocrisy

right after they were finished so what’s

the point

of being involved in any of this stuff

but the only reason i went is because i

was so afraid of flying i was so afraid

of flying i thought if the plane crashes

in the middle of the ocean

and i’m standing at saint peter’s gate

as i thought it was at least like

saint peter should say why should i let

you into heaven i could at least say


you know i was in church i mean just

just yesterday

so i went to church with theresa and

i’ve had jeans on jean jacket backpack

scruffy looking longer here i hadn’t

shaved for a little while and i’m

sitting in this church and it’s a fairly

affluent church and

i wasn’t very affluent looking or

neither was i very affluent

and we’re sitting there and i didn’t

have a clue what the pastor was talking


he’s talking about righteousness the

only righteous i had heard of a singing

group called the righteous brothers one


you know you never close your eyes

anymore you know that kind that’s that’s

the righteous brothers and

i had heard of the righteous brothers

and he was talking about and he pointed

to where i was in the balcony and talked


the foolishness of being under the law

and i remember thinking what is his

problem with that

i’m a cop like shouldn’t people be under

the law

what’s wrong with this guy and i didn’t

understand a word he said but i was very

taken by the the genuineness of the

people they seem to be

very genuine and it’s not something you


you felt it in the place the handshakes

were real the smiles were genuine

good to see you and it wasn’t a formula

it was very very very

real and so they passed out a card

and the card you know asked for your

name and address and all that stuff and

then they had some boxes to check you

know one of them was i want a box of

offering envelopes i passed that one by

another one was

i’d like to know what it is to be a

christian and i remember thinking well i

am a christian i’ve always called myself

a critic my baptismal certificate says

i’m a christian

and but i’m not a christian like these


are i wonder what they think a christian

is so i

checked it and i put it in the offering

that’s all i put in the offering basket

i think as well that sunday

and we headed off to europe and i

got it in my heart that i’m going to

find god in europe

little did i know i’d be here talking

about god in europe many years later but

i thought i got in my heart we’re going

to find god so we landed in paris

and through almost every country in

europe and we ended up on an island in

greece called eos that’s a long story

but all through europe

i i we would get off the train in the

center of town and i would get a map and

i would

find the churches i said we’re going to

find god and so we started every place

we went

we went to every synagogue every church

everything we could find we’d walk

in i’d look and some of it was beautiful

some of it was ornate some of it

was was really magnificent but i’d walk

in and just no

no no god’s not here

and so finally i got it in my heart that

we we’ve got to see the pope he must

know where god is

yeah theresa just looked and said it’s

true so we got on the plane on the train

we headed for rome we got off the train

in rome went down to the vatican

and then it doesn’t take long to find

out you can’t get a personal audience

for the pope so

we we waited out in saint peter’s square

with about

10 000 other people for the pope to come


and finally i was so excited in my heart

finally i’m going to

find out where god is this is an awesome


now he’s way up there i mean he’s way

way up there and the door’s open and he

comes out to the balcony

and he says something in italian

now now i don’t speak italian

and so there’s a tour next to us and the

tour guide happens to be italian in

english so i said to the tour guide i


what did he say and the tour guide said

they said he said we meet

we need more churches and i said you got

to be kidding man we need more churches

there’s three hunt and i started yelling

at the guy i said there’s 300 365

churches in rome you know that there are

365 churches in this city alone we don’t

need more churches

we need to know where god is and the guy

goes okay okay okay

so we came back to canada we came back

to canada we flew back and what a

disappointment didn’t find god

and we’re at home about a week or two

when the phone rings the telephone rings

and it’s the pastor the assistant pastor

of that church that we had attended

and he thanked god for faithful men and

women of the lord and he said

i see that you you you checked off and

here you’d like to know what it’s to be

a christian he said would you like us to

send somebody to your house

i remember thinking oh oh goodness

uh you know i had a vision of you know

of a little ladies coming to my house

with a hat and a flower hanging off it

and you know they’re going to tell me

about god you know god is nice and god

is good and

and i didn’t want to be rude and i

thought well i did fill the card out so

okay come to my house

next wednesday hopefully hopefully i

won’t be home

and the following wednesday the doorbell

rings now they don’t know who i am

they don’t know how old i am they never

asked and i never put it on the card

they had a name

a phone number and i checked one box so

they don’t know anything about me

and that the doorbell rings they answer

the door and there’s a six foot two

police officer standing there

and he says to me are you carter

connolly and i said yeah and he said

i’m from the church this particular

church that you attended and i’ve

come here because you asked for somebody

to talk to you about god

and this guy so blew my image of what a

christian was

out of the water he was a a sharp guy he

was a career guy he was

he was intelligent he he was he was just

a really good guy

and he started to tell me what kind of a

person he used to be

and it so intrigued me he said he had

been a drunk and a gambler and a

womanizer and the guy i’m looking at is

everything but what he’s telling me and

it really intrigued me

but i wasn’t willing to take it at face


and so he kept coming to my house like

every wednesday for what

two months i guess three months every


i so discouraged them that when i got

saved he didn’t believe it

i’d offer him a beer and he’d say what

kind of church you go

you can’t you can’t have a beer like if

everybody everybody drinks the church i

used to go to you know this kind of


and i i i started to really provoke him

in my heart to try to see what this

guy’s made of

is it just a program that he’s

presenting to me or does he really

believe it

is it true or is it a formula am i just

another notch on his belt am i just

somebody to to bring into the folder

does he actually care about me

and what really really touched my heart

is the fact that this man actually cared

about my soul

kept coming to my house kept kept

opening the scriptures to me and finally

provoked me just to read it for myself

and i got into the gospel of john and i

read the gospel of john and when i read


i saw it i saw who jesus was

i saw what he did on the cross i saw my

own condition

i saw the fact that he not only died for

me but had the rights to my life

if i am called by his name

and so finally after bantering and

fighting back and forth with the lord it

was may 12

1978 at about 3 40 in the afternoon i

was on my way to work i was in uniform

in my car

driving to the police station finally

i’d come to the end of my road

i couldn’t fight against god any longer

i pulled over on the side of the road

and i said jesus if what this man earth

his name was has told me is the truth if

this is true

then i open my heart and i ask you to

come in and be my lord and my savior

now i didn’t feel anything happen i i

put my car in drive i went and i

finished my

shift at work but as god lives as god


the next morning i woke up and i sat on

the edge of my bed

and i knew i was a different man

if christ

the bible says if christ be any man in

any manner person they’re a new creation

the old things are passed away behold

all things are become new

it doesn’t happen overnight guys so

don’t get discouraged

it’s it’s line by line little by little

step by step brick by brick this new


has begun to be built by the power of

god within you so don’t get discouraged

when it doesn’t happen overnight

remember last night we talked about the

fact that your sins are forgiven there’s

your frail your frailties and sins and

failings are not not imputed against you

you’re clean and righteous when you come

to jesus christ and then he begins to

rebuild your life

now begin to go to church i knew nothing

about god but i was so

zealous for the things of god i remember

a new believer’s class

the pastor said to me into the class

and he was teaching in the book of acts

and he said you know

there used to be something called the

baptism of the holy spirit but

after the church the first generation

church it was kind of lost

and i said no it’s not my wife took me

to a charismatic meeting one time and i

said those people

really do love god and they were

speaking in tongues and i thought

he’s going to be so excited it’s like i

i thought he’d feel like

he’d lost his wallet and i found it on

the way home

unfortunately he wasn’t very excited

about it and then

they asked if who can read john 3 16 and

i found it first in the bible i had

and i read it god so loved the world he

gave his only begotten son whoever

believes in him should not perish but

have everlasting life

and he said oh great he said what

translation are you reading from

i thought translation

i don’t even know what that is so i

turned to the front of the bible when i

graduated from police

college they gave every police officer a

bible and in the front of it was a crest

the royal canadian mounted police so i

said it’s the royal canadian mounted

police version

he said i didn’t know they have one and

i said yeah they do i said look

the guy was very good about it and so i

kept on walking with god from there and

and my life began to change

slowly but i was i was ashamed of the


it was very hard to make the break from

the old friends and

if you’ve ever been in the military a

police service there’s a there’s a huge

pressure to conform there are some some

guys wouldn’t work with me anymore they

were afraid

because i would tell the truth

i wouldn’t beat people there were just

things i wouldn’t do

i did everything by the book and i did

it honestly and treated people as best

as i knew with respect and

it cost me it really cost me at one


but i was ashamed now in church i didn’t

mind hello brother god bless you praise

the lord open the hymn book

sing all of the hymns with a fervency

and a passion but then i remember

walking down the street with two of my

buddies one time and here comes

a real vocal christian from my church

and i remember thinking i’m looking for

a manhole that i can climb down to


and one time i walked into a shopping

mall and this

guy met me and he’s a big guy loved god

and he

he put his arms around me he said oh

brother carter and lifted me

off the ground and just held me there

now i’m a cop i’ve got a gun and a

uniform and i’m

just hanging there

and i remember thinking why am i not

free like that

why am i so bound why why don’t i have


i am saved i know i’m saved but there’s

there’s got to be more

i can’t seem to get jesus out of my


and i remember one day i got so mad i

was driving my car down a particular

street and i

punched the steering wheel i was so mad

and i said jesus i’m going to serve you

if it kills me

and i went home and i told my wife i

said i made a vow to god today you’re

not supposed to make vows but i made a

vow i said i’m going to serve you if it

kills me

the next day i went into work and

another christian policeman came to me

and said hey carter we’re going down to


jail at such and such a jail to share

about jesus on thursday night he said

would you like to come with us

now there had been a riot there the week


and they they had barricaded the doors

and burned mattresses and had been a

real mess

and i said bob if if i go he said if

if there’s a riot i said we’d never get

out of there alive he said i know you

interview out and i remember

i remember that my words came back and i

i thought

god you didn’t have to take me up on it

so soon

and so we we headed out that night we’re

in full uniform we’re we’re not even

going in incognito you can’t even turn

your hat around grab a broom if there’s

a riot you’re just in full

uniform so we’re going into this we’re

going into this prison

and on the way he said i want to stop at

this halfway house not no it’s not it’s

it’s it’s a heavy-duty halfway house

most of the guys in there

have committed major crimes they’re out

on parole

and it’s they’re they found christ in

prison or they say they have found

christ and this is kind of halfway to


into society and he said there’s a guy


that used to be part of the you we’d

call it in the u.s the hells angels i

don’t know if you’re familiar with that

a motorcycle gang it had a different

name in canada but it’s a chapter


of the hell’s angels now i didn’t

believe these guys could be saved

i said there’s just no way in my heart

there’s no way this guy could be a


no way if you knew the initiation rights

they have to go through

the filth the violence and i had had

a really bad experience with the hell’s

angels as a cop

i said there’s just no way any of these

guys could could be a christian

but nevertheless i decided to accompany

him because the halfway house was a

whole lot better than the prison

and we went to this halfway house and

the director of the halfway house said

would you like to

stay and uh we’re we’re going to have a

service tonight would you like to stay


testify that’s me to testify and i

thought well

you know it’s the lesser of two evils i

guess to stay here or go to the jail

really i have to be honest that’s the

only reason i stayed there

and the service broke out and i’d never

seen worship like that

i mean these guys were worshiping i mean

their hands are in the air there’s tears

coming down some of their faces

they’re giving glory to god and i’m just

kind of really

tight you know i i can’t really worship

like that

and when the service was over a bunch of

these guys gathered around they said hey

are you filled with the holy spirit

and i said well uh well you know when i

got saved the holy spirit

is given to me and i i guess

and they said but are you filled with

the holy spirit

and i said uh

would you like us to pray for you and i

said no i don’t know and i’m thinking


what’s wrong with you man you’ve been

crying out to god for this kind of


what’s holding you back from this kind

of freedom so they said would you would

you like us to pray for you now you got

to understand these are

all ex-cons and i’m a cop

i’m got a gun on me and these are all


and they said would you like us to pray

for you we’re going to lay hands on you

and pray for you

and uh finally i said okay all right

pray for me and then two guys went

around behind me and i said get away


don’t stand there i said i don’t i don’t

like people behind me

they said well we think we should stand

i said you don’t need to stand behind me

so they said all right have it your way

and so i raised my hands and they began

to pray and they’re all praying in


i didn’t know what it was but it sure

sounded good and they were all praying

and then the next thing i know

i am flat out on a hardwood floor and i

hit that floor hard but i didn’t feel it

i didn’t feel a thing

and i am speaking in another tongue in

another language

the glory of god it’s it’s odd because

i’m a cop i’m on

duty and i’m on the floor and i’m i’m

speaking in tongues at a whole

how do you explain this and in my mind i

was thinking

what if the chief finds out about this i

mean i i’m in a halfway house laying on

the floor

speaking in a language i don’t know with

a bunch of ex-cons gathered around me

and this happened to me through their

putting their hands on me

how they’re going to lock me up i really

felt they’re going to lock me up if they

ever find out

about this but i went home and and all

the way home i’m praying in tongues and

i’m thinking as i’m driving home

oh this can’t be real this didn’t happen

to me tonight and so

okay it’s not going to happen i made it

all up it’s not going to happen it

opened my mouth in the flood just a


of another language come out of me joy

of christ is

all over me i came home now we’re in a

baptist church you have to understand


i came home i opened the door and i said

hey teresa listen to this

and i started to speak in tongues and

then i ran out and i rent we had a farm

a sheep farm at that time

as a hobby and i ran out through the

fields and i was shouting and

dancing and leaping and glorifying god

and my wife was at home saying my

husband has lost his

mind she really did she could tell you

she thought i had gone crazy

and so the following week i said listen

i got to take you

to the place i was and and you got to


filled with the holy spirit like i would

and of course it had to happen the same


and so we’re driving into town and i


theresa tell she could tell it better

than me she said it was such a scary


she said my husband’s got one hand on

the wheel he’s got the other one in the

air and his eyes are closed

he’s driving the car and he’s speaking

in times i don’t recommend that i don’t

recommend that

and so finally i’m just so filled with

god i led 21 people to christ in the

first week

folks i just couldn’t stop speaking

about jesus christ

haven’t since couldn’t stop just like a


if any man believes on me out of his

belly shall flow

rivers of living water there’s there’s

the flowing that’s supposed to come

from the believer and it’s not us it’s


what’s required of us is to let him be

god within us

to let god do what god wants to do

and so we’re driving in and i put my

hand over on top of her head

and i said oh jesus this is flesh of my

flesh and bone of my bone

god what you did for me do for her and

the next thing i notice she’s

melting down off the seat of the car

underneath the dash

it was amazing what happened that night

filled with the holy spirit when we’re

on the way to get filled with the holy

spirit when she gets

filled with the holy spirit in the the

innocency of those days

may i encourage those that are older

christians that you never lose the

simplicity of christ

never lose the joy of that experience of

knowing god

never get stuffy and old and religious

and dead

don’t let it come into your life paul

said to timothy stir up that gift that

is within you

whatever you have to do to stir it up if

you have to

get out to some permits you got to go

with a bunch of young christians out and

evangelize on the street again

whatever you have to do just do it just

don’t don’t let it grow old don’t

just like your marriage don’t let your

marriage go still go out buy some


get some chocolates go out to dinner

once in a while

yeah you give you get them give me an

old elbow there

you’re looking for a word you got it hey



don’t feel bad if i was over there i

would have got it too this is a

physician heal myself moment in my life

right now

it has been miraculous

then i came home and this would be the

last part of really what i want to share

i guess

felt one of those panic attacks coming


that hell on earth experience

and then i had been reading the bible


paul said that we are forgiven

empowered and in christ predetermined

predestined it says in the king james to

to be conformed to the image of god’s


and paul makes a phenomenal statement he

says if these things be true if god

before us who can be against us

and i was reading that that day when

this darkness

tried to get ahold of my life again and

i went downstairs into the living room

of my house at midnight

and up to that point years before it

used to be pills and alcohol

and exercise be the three things that

would be part of my life to control

these things

but that night i knew i didn’t have to

live that way anymore

and i prayed out loud i said satan

you taught me everything you’ve got

and i said if god lets you kill me

that’s because he allows it and if he

does i’m going to heaven so it’s win-win

for me

but i’m not living like this anymore you

throw at me everything you’ve got but i

throw at you what i now have and i said

in the name of jesus christ i resist you

and that’s all i said and as god is my


a fire of god touched me from the top of

my head to the soles of my feet and i


immediately set free from nine years of


that’s that’s got to be 35 years ago

i have traveled a good part of the world

i’ve preached

in many many places i’ve preached to

large crowds that preached in small


the lord fills our hearts with his love

and the bible says the perfect love

casts out fear

if if i love you then i will not be

afraid to stand and let god tells you he


tell you he loves you tonight it’s been

an incredible journey we have gone

through the fire

we have gone through the flood and


have gone through the fire we lost our

house one time to fire

we had a young sun burnt quite badly in

the fire

we’ve gone through the fire we’ve gone

through the flood

there have been trials tribulations and

difficulties along the way

but i can say tonight with honesty that

the relationship that god has given us

with himself through jesus christ has

only gotten sweeter as the years go by

we grow in the grace and knowledge of


we’re given faith to believe

for the impossible we’ve seen god move

in the miraculous

i know what god can do and my life

is no more than just a testimony of him

there’s no how to i can’t tell you to

take a course or read a book or do

anything that will

help you in the journey i can i can tell

you to trust him and as he opens the

door just go through it

don’t ask questions just go through the

doors that god opens for you

go through humbly he

requires humility for christian growth

be willing to be bendable and change to

be challenged

don’t see any person as insignificant to

god every

every person you will encounter in life

jesus died for that person

there’s no such thing as an

insignificant person in this world

whether they’re lying in their vomit or

they’re a multi-millionaire

they’re both equally precious to god

whether they’re old and wise or young

with no knowledge

god loves them it’s been such a

miraculous journey for me

there’s so many things i could tell you

so many things that god has done so many

doors we’ve gone through so many times

opportunities to talk about actual

miracles that i have seen

but the greatest miracle of all is the

transformed life

hope joy victory strength

the church is supposed to be a witness

of this goodness of god

in the world we’re not called to bring

just a theory about god as wonderful as

those things might be

we’re called to be living witnesses

you shall be living witnesses

of me we’re called to be a living

testimony of the fact that

god is alive the christ has risen from

the dead

my marriage is stronger than it’s ever

been as teresa and i grow older together

it’s amazing how much we now love each


and she knows i’m not saying that for

the audience i’ve said it to her the

other night i mean she knows this is


i would never stand here and be a fraud

there’d be no point to it

see my sons develop such good character

my daughter works with us

and she’s heads up the medical missions

teams that go into various parts for


children throughout the world my

son-in-law is in charge of a program

that feeds 50 300 kids every day

see the blessing of the lord all over my

home everywhere i look i just see

the blessing of god now we’ve lost two

homes but the blessing is not about

physical homes the blessing is about the

people inside those homes

i just see the blessing of god


i’ve seen god do the miraculous my my

parents my

family more or less rejected me when i

didn’t do what my father thought i


do or be he more or less stop speaking

to me civilly

but i prayed for him for 26 years and

god showed me in the word one

commandment honor your father

which is the first commandment with

promise that it may go well with you and

you may live long on the face of the


and so by faith i honored him when it

was not easy

and when he would say something sharp

and critical and hard

i would answer with kindness as a son

who honored his father

and finally when he got sick when he got

cancer a few years ago

i was the only one he would let touch

him of all the family

he smelled so bad that you couldn’t get

the smell off your hands after touching


you could wash them for two days and

they would still smell it was a certain

kind of a cancer

that that was just i would take him out

of bed and i would

sit him in front of the toilet and i

would clean

his his body as it needed to be cleaned

he would watch me with my hands filled

with his own excrement on them

i refused to wear a mask because he was

my father

i refused to put gloves on my hands

laid him down in bed and said dad i want

to tell you one more time what it means

to be a christian

and it’s the first time in his life he

listened i only spoke for three minutes

you never overplayed your hand with this

man he was irish you know

and then i went back to new york and the

holy spirit a week later said go now

and see your father. and so i flew back

immediately on a monday morning and i

walked in right into his hospital room

he’s sitting beside the door and i said

dad have you been praying

he said i’ve been praying all week i

said are you ready to pray with me now

he said if you’d like to i’d like to do


and so i led him in a sinner’s prayer

from genesis to revelation i want to

make sure this thing is right i’m a

dirty rotten

filthy sinner i can’t save myself and he


every word my brother who was a drug

addict backed

up into the wall in the hospital slid

down the wall crying

went to bed and didn’t get up for three

days he was so shocked to hear my father

pray those words he is now a believer

and a follower of jesus christ as well

i i led my father to christ

put him back in bed and we had the most

wonderful conversation

that a father and son could ever have

the first time he ever told me he loved


the last words he spoke to me is when

you get to heaven i’ll be there

i was so excited that he had come to


this is about three four christmases ago

i walked out of the hospital ran down

the street to my car you would have

thought i lost my mind if you knew me i

was shouting and dancing and crying and


and you know all of the christmas

decorations were out

and it was like god this is what it’s

all about this is what life is about

this is what your power is all about

this is what it’s about it’s all about

people it’s about souls it’s about

believing you for the impossible it’s

about miracles that only god can do

i was so excited to go back and i was

going to see him that night we had an

hour of fellowship we talked about

heaven we talked about the forgiveness

of sin we

talked about how it feels to be born

again and i was going to go back and

when i went back that night he had

slipped into a coma which he never came

out of

and was gone and when he

had his funeral my sister who hadn’t

spoken to me for 20 years

we went to arrange the funeral i didn’t

really care what they did i didn’t care

if they did a smoking light show it

didn’t matter to me at all

he’s in heaven and i knew it and my

sister told the church authorities

and people my brother will be speaking

at my father’s funeral

it was amazing it was i was stunned

and in it in a catholic church i got to

get up and give the sermon

and tell the people i don’t have to

think i don’t have to hope

i don’t have to wonder i know my father

and it was my whole family was there my

aunts and uncles and cousins i had once


god help me is there ever a way i can

reach these people

they were all there and i told them

about the blood of jesus christ what god

had done for my father how he had

received him in the last hour

conscious hour of his life there’s so

many stories i could tell you like that

this is a miracle working god this is an

awesome relationship with god

i hope i live long enough to just go

many other places and tell many more

people just really what jesus christ has


very real very practical but very

supernatural not

spooky and not stupid just very normal

just very very normal but very


that’s what jesus was like very

normal he would sit at the table and the

pharisees would accuse him of drinking

and eating with sinners

but very attractive to sinners

that’s what the lord is going to do

in ireland

i would hope tonight that

you would be willing to take whatever

step god is calling you to take

if you’ve lost heart that you’d be

willing to believe again for the empire

you have to start believing for the

impossible that’s where your faith will

be stretched and encouraged

start believing again wherever wherever

you’ve you’ve lost heart

and usually the first place we lose

heart is about ourselves

we somehow just don’t believe that god

could ever use us

but remember i said the first night to

believe that is to not deny

that god is god he can use me

he can use you he can’t give us joy

again he can raise us out of the ashes

he can

give us his life he can make us into

whatever he chooses to make us into he’s


you know we’re the only thing in

creation that has the power to say no to


god tells the sun to rise does the sun

say no god tells the geese to go

south you don’t hear half of them saying


we’ve had a committee meeting and

decided to do it another way

we’re the only thing in god’s creation

that can say no everything just obeys


and moves in divine order the only one

who messes the order is you and me

humanity and if we get back to the

places saying i will not resist

god but whatever god is asking of me

that’s what i will do

it starts with forgiveness it starts

with the simple things like

you don’t preach to millions of people

without going through the first

things first there’s forgiveness

of letting people go any grievance or

death that you think that they owe you

let it go

because all all you’re doing you know

people who don’t forgive i was saying to

jerry today people who refuse to forgive

are like a robber who at midnight

goes out with his bag over his shoulder

to steal and then the confusion of

darkness robs his own house

and and when we refuse to forgive we rob

our own house

we’re not hurting anybody else we’re

hurting ourselves

and and restitution is another thing now

i could start telling you

when after i got saved the lord called

me to go back to

a former hells angel member that i had

gotten into a fist fight with outside a

local bar

and asked his forgiveness i mean if i

didn’t know it was god i think it was


to do that to to to make restitution

for things i had done that’s part of the

gospel where it’s possible

to make past wrongs right now it’s not

always possible if you rob like 16 banks

here tonight don’t feel like you’ve got

to go back and

you know you have the money you know

you know what i’m talking about you do

the first things first

and if you’re part of a local church

fellowship then

instead of wanting to stand up and

prophesy every second sunday how about

just being a doorman

how about doing the car how about

cleaning the carpets after the meeting

is over

i used to do that how about stacking the

chairs how about

saying pastor there’s anything i can do

for you

do the first things be faithful in those


and it’s the lord who gives the increase

it’s the lord who calls and i i could

tell you how it all happened but we

don’t have time tonight i think i’ve

i’ve exhausted what i need to say but

it’s been a miraculous journey

he called me to preach a man who used to

be afraid of people

i simply stepped out in faith those

first meetings

when they’d be introducing me and i’d be

throwing up

in the bathroom i’d be it were even

worse than that i’d be

so sick inside but i would step out by

faith and the moment i’d open my mouth

the anointing of god would come

you just you just have to do it by faith

and trust god

and he works with our frailty

our lord jesus christ this this whole

week has been about you

it’s been about glorifying you it’s been

about understanding that your banner

over us

is love thank you for being

kind to our weaknesses thank you for not

despising us when we fail

thank you lord that giving us the

understanding that you really are

glorified when the weakest vessels stand

up and

talk about you

would you help us would you help us lord

jesus where we need you

would you give us the strength that we


would you help us to to go that extra

mile now

and not draw back you help us to honor

you in this generation

help us to love people help us to

forgive those that have wronged us

help us jesus to be kind

help us lord god in all of these things