God loves us and desires to meet the needs of our lives. He promises to answer our prayers, but not always according to our timing or method. Dr. Stanley reminds us that waiting on the Lord is a vital principle for every Christian. God, above all others, knows when the timing is right for His perfect plan to go into action. After all, He knows our lives from beginning to end, so He knows exactly where we are at this moment.

do you feel connected to God that you

have an awareness of what he wants you

to do in your life a rich connection to

him will energize you for the day ahead

it will add meaning to your work and

help you understand of why sometimes you

have to wait on certain things

so let’s discover how to improve our

connection to God as we learn the

benefits of His perfect timing

next on InTouch part 1 of waiting on

God’s timing I was thinking the other

day of all the principles I have ever

studied and learned in the Word of God

which one stands out about which one

stands above all the rest well that was

hard for me to figure but it didn’t take

me long to figure out that one of those

it always comes close to the top if not

the top is this simple principle of

waiting upon God it’s not the easiest

one by a long shot but timing with God

is everything

and timing if you look around for

example every sport timing is everything

whether it’s a long pass to run up a

fastball to a better weather you’re

flying a plane or you’re in love with

someone and you want to tell them or you

are negotiating some deal timing is

everything and oftentimes we overlook

the idea that the same is true in our

relationship to God it’s not that we

have to have a timing issue to get saved

it’s the fact that once you trust him as

your personal Savior he begins to unfold

his plan for your life and he doesn’t

say well now you just do whatever you

want to do and I’ll be with you ask not

the way operates God has a plan for your


that plan is fantastic it’s perfect and

it’s perfectly suited for you whoever

you are wherever you are what’s going on

in your life to reject that plan is to

reject the best in your life

you reject his plan you will never enjoy

life as he intended it you’ll never have

what God intended you to have you’ll

never quite know where you are in life

if you reject his plan and his timing

and his timing his plan go together

because his plan is crystal clear and he

reveals it to us a step at a time and I

think about how many people never even

consider the fact that God has a plan

for their life they go to school that

you have an education they choose some

area of life to work in to labor in and

then they head out with all their plans

without ever stopping to think oh god

what did you create me

what was your purpose what was your plan

and therefore where am I at this point

in that plan and to ignore God’s plan

and to ignore his timing in living out

that plan is a disaster and everywhere

you turn you find people who miserable

unhappy they can’t tell you why

oftentimes that’s why they get on drugs

and alcohol and all the rest that trying

to figure it out in life they’ve tried

all the finances and that didn’t work

they tried the sex that didn’t work they

tried all kind of relationships and that

didn’t work and the business world and

the success that goes with all of that

and some others a big empty void and no

matter what they do they can’t fill it

up you see God’s plan and that’s God’s

plan cannot be filled with any home-made

ideas his plan is the best it brings him

glory and honor and it is fulfilling to

you and me in that plan there’s timing

and when I think about the timing of God

it is a very very vital and important

point in our life and in our

relationship to him so I want you to

turn in a few moments to the Psalms and

a particular one and I want you to see

how often David for example talked about

God’s timing

and living according to his time in his

schedule and if I should ask you today

who’s scheduled do you live by you

probably said oh by my own and well your


what does where is God in all that you

ever stopped to ask him Lord what do you

think what do you want and when you get

up in the morning and you get yourself

dressed and you get the automobile of

whatever you do to to get to work do you

ever stop to ask him what his plan is

for the day do you ever stop to ask him

the question what would you have me to

do here and then you know what sort of

laid out before you as far as your job

and when you’re off of that job in your

head home do you ever ask God Lord what

would you have how would you have me to

spend this evening how do you want to

work in my life today so let me say in

the beginning and I won’t say it again

and again the wisest thing you can do to

start every day listen carefully is to

get connected with Almighty God you say

well I’m a Christian I’m already

connected well there’s something rias

you are you are in your relationship but

what about in your intimacy what about

in your emotions what about in your

lifestyle and so often people get up

they get themselves dressed and they

take off and never say anything to God

until they get in the traffic it gets it

all bogged down they can’t even see the

end of it and it’s already past that

time of being the work and then what

happens first connection that is not

what God intended his intention was that

when you awaken in the morning you get

connected he’s not I get connected you

just start talking to him father thank

you for a good night’s rest you know

what lies ahead of me today I want to

walk in your timing I know your timing

is best then let me get ahead they’ll

let me linger behind now let me step out

of your will let me walk wisely today in

your will so that when the day is over

I’ll be able to look back and thank you

for all that you’ve done

people live disconnected until something


that grabs them that that somehow they

have to turn to God that’s not living a

godly life that’s not a Christian life

that’s a desperate kind of life so I

want you listen carefully because timing

is very important with God in

relationship to your life presently and

future and your relationships to each

other and with the things that you

purchase places you go timing is very

important so when you turn if you will

to the 27th song and I want to read

beginning in verse 11 of this 27th song

David is speaking he says teach me your

way O Lord and lead me in a level path

because of my foes do not deliver me

over to the desire of my adversaries for

false witnesses have risen against me

and such as breathe out violence listen

to what he says I would have despaired

unless I had believed that I would see

the goodness of the Lord in the land of

the living

wait for the Lord be strong and let your

heart take courage yes wait for the Lord

now what in the world does he mean by

waiting on the Lord does that mean that

you are to wait for every single

decision and make some request that he

give you direction or is there something

easier about it than that waiting on the

Lord is a vital principle to every

single Christian we all have decisions

to make we all have opportunities that

we face if you live your life by simply

moving on taking advantage of the

opportunity as you would think

and never even considering the fact that

God has a will in the perfect plan and

that also he not only has a plan but he

has timing in that plan there are some

things he’s provided for you that are

not available to you yet but says his

plan there’s some things that he has

that’s available now and there are some

issues in life from which you and I have

to back off and say okay God give me


give me wisdom how do I respond to this

God’s timing is absolutely basic and

essential so when you think about your

life and how you live it it’s absolutely

essential that you’re not walking the

will of God and in order for us to walk

in the will of God I must walk according

to his timing not mine because so many

things we think are here now for me and

if I don’t get there must be something

wrong but oftentimes your delays what we

think we need and watch this in order to

give us something better than we planned

so if I’m always grabbing for it now I

may miss God’s very very best so I think

about David and how he learned because

most all the verses are that I want to

give you David wrote them and if you

recall that semi of a prophet met his

family and said to his father one of

your sons I came to a known as the king

of Israel and so you know they started

from the eldest one and they couldn’t

find none of them were it and so finally

he said well my my other son Dave he’s

out with a sheep he said bring him in

and so he had known as David the king of

Israel when he was sixteen years of age

now you say well fantastic

mmm the worst time of his life began to

happen because for the next fourteen

years he ran from the sword of Saul Saul

did his best to try to kill him and so

Samuel the Prophet had made a prophecy

but he didn’t say now he’s gonna be King

immediately God’s timing was perfect and

it’s interesting what happened in that

time David served Saul and even though

Saul tried his best to kill him all that

time and fourteen years went by and what

was David dude in fourteen years or

probably wondering well Lord when’s this

gonna take place and probably asked that

a lot of times because he spent most all

of that time running and hiding

from Seoul but when the time came he

anointed him the king of Israel and he


for example Jerusalem is is that it’s

the City of David it’s David above

everybody else in the nation of Israel

God had a plan it was a perfect plan he

executed his plan but not on someone

else’s schedule his timing was perfect

and so God has a plan for your life and

that doesn’t mean that what’s in that

plan is yours today

it is yours when God gets you ready and

what was God doing to David in all those

years getting him ready teaching him how

to suffer teaching him how to forgive

teaching him to be wise teaching him to

be loving teaching him to be respectful

of a king you tried to kill him twice he

could have taken Souls life he didn’t do

it somehow he knew in his heart that

wasn’t God’s timing and oftentimes we

make mistakes because we don’t stop to

consider what’s the will of a father

what does he want to accomplish in my

life why why am i suffering through all

of this why am i hurting at this point

in my life God you promised me something

better than that

not recognizing that suffering hurting

pain loss disappointment despair all the

things that that we go through sometime

of all a part of what it’s a part of

God’s plan to work into our lives the

qualities and the characteristics he

wants us to have in order to accomplish

the plan he has for us and so all those

years for 14 years

he ran trying to survive and how many

times he must have said but I was

anointed king what’s all this about so

what’s this waiting upon the Lord is not

an easy thing and sometimes but when

people most of the time I’m afraid

people say I’ve waited and waited and

waited and god I don’t see anything

going on so I think I’ll do this it’s a

disaster watch this his plan is perfect

his timing is perfect he knows when you

and I are ready but whatever he has for

us and wise men and women wait for God

to reveal his time in his plan now

waiting on God is not what most people

think it doesn’t mean that you just do

nothing God may have you very very

active and what you’re doing or where

you’re doing it or with whom you’re

doing it that’s the only part of the


waiting does not mean that you’re doing


it doesn’t mean that you are just moving

along and just waiting on God waiting on

God no it’s it’s sort of an active

stillness I’m doing what God has called

me to do up to this point and I’m

waiting for him quietly I’m waiting for

him for the next step and God does not

want us doing nothing he wants us to be

productive all the days of our life but

there are times when he has a turn in

our life a change in our life and for

the moment we think of what’s going on

we maybe I’ll be a little bit confused

than he understands that but if I’m wise

enough to wait for clear direction then

I will accomplish what God wants me to

accomplish and we’ll be able to have

whatever God has in store for us and I

think there’s so many people who are

suffering because they got ahead of God

oh they just cut him out of the life

altogether they said well you know what

I used to believe in answered prayer and

I thought my you know I heard people say

wait on the Lord not waiting and waiting

and waiting nothing happened well the

reason nothing happens because you were

waiting in a rebellious attitude whether

it wasn’t your timing timing with God is

very important listen only he knows when

you’re ready for certain things in your

life only he knows when you can handle

certain blessings in your life only he

knows the dangers out there that you

face and he knows where you’re strong

and he knows where you’re weak and

oftentimes he’s saying not now not now

not now because he sees that area of

your life that the habit now would be a

disaster you won’t be able to handle it

pride will destroy you jealousy or

whatever it may be that he has something

viewed that’s in the middle of real

strife yes to get you ready for that

many people walking in the will of God

are suffering many people walking in the

will of God are not suffering he chosen

he chooses for each of us what he knows

we personally need at that particular

point in our life so we have a choice I

can decide I’m waiting not waiting and

long and step out of God’s will do it my

way there is no way to win listen to me

there is no way to win there is no way

to have real peace and happiness and joy

in your life when you’re out of the will

of God and if when we don’t get it when

we want it and we’re unwilling to wait

as the scripture encourages us to do

then we wonder for example what’s going

on so waiting is purposeful waiting has

a sense of direction and a sense of

expectancy God I’m willing to do

whatever you want me to do in my life

what’s next and though many people who

would ask Lord what what is your what is

your purpose in my life he doesn’t keep

secrets he’s willing to show us if we’re

willing to listen carefully watch this

he knows when you willing to accept his

answers he knows if he told you ahead of

time you couldn’t have it if he said to

you now 10 years from now he is long and

say I’m not waiting 10 years for

anything even though it would be the

most awesome thing you could toss them

and discover so the question is this are

you walking in the will of God as best

you know how if God has not done

something in your life that you wanted

expected anticipated dreamed of is there

reason is it because you have decided to

do it your way if there’s some need in

your life is it because you’ve not

allowed God to provide that need the way

he intended when he intended and so you

decided you do it yourself God loves his

children and he wants the best for us

and sometimes that best does not come

quickly but it comes now the frequency

of this admonition in the scripture is

awesome so I’m going to give you a few

passages here and I want you to sir

first of all to the 25th psalm look here

for just a moment yeah and the reason

I’m gonna give you these is because if

you’re wise you’ll write them down and

you’ll play them back to yourself that

is your God what are you saying to me

look in this 25th song to you O Lord I

lift up my soul oh my god in your and

you our trust

do not let me be ashamed do not let my

intimate self over me indeed none of

those who wait for you will be ashamed

look at that

that is you won’t be disappointed you

won’t be ashamed if you wait upon the

Lord so if somebody says well what do

you look what are you waiting for and if

you said well I’m waiting for God’s

direction here’s what they’ll say if

there are sort of half ungodly well how

do you know when you have it oh yeah who

do you think you are you don’t have to

answer that question you’re a follower

of Jesus Christ then do up with the Holy

Spirit who will give you direction and

guidance for your life in every single

decision that you have to face then I

want you to look if you will at the

thirtieth seventh song and in this look

at this passage there are three verses

here and in the seventh verse or if you

look at you on the first verse he says

do not fret three times in that passage

he says do not fret and then beginning

in the seventh verse he says rest in the

Lord and wait patiently for him that is

not easy to do and you see he follows

that immediate with do not fret again

and minute verse eight do not fret and

if you’ll turn to the ninth verse for

evildoers will be cut off but those who

wait for the Lord they will inherit the

land listen God is watching over you

God’s hand is covering you and if you

and I are willing to walk in his way his

will and his timing he will provide

everything we need and the things that

our family needs our children need and

when we are walking in his will listen

we are the most recipient at that moment

of his plans and that which he has in


for us look hit another verse there if

you look in the 34th verse of that 37

some wait for the Lord and keep his way

that is obey Him and sometimes he

doesn’t show us his plan quickly in life

and there are many people who say well

you know at this point in my life I’m 60

or 65 I don’t know that God’s ever had a

plan for my life yes he has you say well

suppose I miss it get back in his will

in other words watch this let you listen

and say Amen

there’s always the secondary when people

go through years of their life and they

don’t even nobody’s ever told them God

had a plan for their life and they get

out 10 years and years and years go by

and all of a sudden they realized God

had a plan for my life I must have

missed it watch this when he knows where

you are and why you missed that plan God

is what watch this he’s willing to show

you his secondary plan because for

example you grew up in a family nobody

was safe nobody talk to you about Jesus

and so years went by you never even

thought about it you thought you were

sufficient doing that you were doing and

all of a sudden you get saved God opens

your eyes he shows you he has a will for

your life well does have a does God have

a will for your life after 65 yes he has

a will for your life from the beginning

to the end he knows your past he knows

why you where you are and he’s willing

listen he’s gonna pick you up right

where you are forgive you for the wasted

time that you’ve wasted he knows why you

did maybe it’s on purpose maybe it’s not

on purpose

he’ll take you right where you are and

he’ll give you a whole new beginning

that’s what grace is all about somebody

says do we have a second chance second

third fourth fifth I mean praise God he

doesn’t just cut us off because we

missed it somewhere but many people

never catch on that God has a plan and

timing with him is very very important

so if you look in the 40th Psalm now and

just the first verse of this 40th Psalm

I want you to notice what he says he

says I waited patiently for the Lord and

he inclined to me and

heard my cry and then he talks about how

God brought him up waiting upon him Lord

what do I do next

he is listen God doesn’t have secrets to

keep from us he’s willing to show us if

we’re willing to listen a very important

that is and then if you were looking as

they’re 64 for which I think is also 64

for which is one of the most important

verses in the Word of God when it comes

to this living your life out no matter

how old you are how young you are here

it is 64th chapter and the four thirds

listen for from days of old they have

not heard or perceived by ear nor has

the Hasina God besides you who acts in

behalf of the one who waits for him

listen to that when you are non living

in our life and trying to make decisions

in our life and God shows us something

and you say well this for me now

sometimes you’ll know that it’s not for

now but God God makes you a particular

promise so he shows you what he has and

he says he acts and had behalf of those

who wait for him now think about this

for a moment no matter what you’re

facing in life what you need in life

what you desire in life are the

difficulties think about this whole idea

he says that he acts this is the

omniscient omnipotent omnipresent

suffering god of the universe who says

he acts he takes action in your behalf

he acts in your behalf he acts in the

life of those who wait for him who seek

His guidance in his direction and if I’m

waiting upon the Lord it means that I’m

acknowledging his lordship it means that

I am seeking his guidance and his

direction and he says he acts on our

behalf let me ask you a question who can

do for you what God can do nobody and it

listens whatever you’re facing in life

think about this you have Almighty God

acting working sovereignly in your

behalf to get you in his will

that you follow him and God is good to

us and one of the reasons some people

say what God has been good to me well

have you allowed him to be good have you

decided to live your life your way you

just gonna have it your way then you

wonder will you sell I’m as good as

other people this has nothing to do with

being good it has to do with being

obedient and obedience is God I’m going

to have it I’m going I’m going to do it

your way you have it your way in my life

girl I’m gonna trust you and when I’m

not willing to trust them then I’m not

gonna walk in this way then I’m gonna

miss God’s best in my life whatever that

might be so the key question comes as

this and that is why does God requires

the white coin the desires of our heart

our petition to all the things he’s her

he has promised what I’ll have to wait

the wedding is very important with him

and they receive his clear direction for

our life is one thing it may be that God

has something fantastic maybe next month

next year or whatever it might be but

not today

and it’s when I’ve got to have it today

and when I can’t wait watch this oh but

suppose I’ll lose it let me ask you a

question can you lose anything that God

has a circle around puts your name on it

no you can’t lose anything and

oftentimes people get married early in

life because they think or sometime in

life so I can’t lose this one listen if

that person is not of God you better

lose it and so we don’t have to worry

about listen you don’t have to worry

about losing anything that God has for

you if you will obey Him walk in his way

in his timing when the time comes you’ll

heaven and so I must have a clear

direction and three times in the 119th

Psalm look there for a moment

119 some David talks about this whole

idea of waiting and let’s start with

verse 74 verse 74 says may those who

fear you see me and be glad because I

wait for you

word that what he’s just not waiting he

says I’m waiting for God to speak I’m

waiting for clear direction and I wonder

how many times you face decisions in

your life that you on this litte go to

the Father and ask him to give you

direction and you wait til II answers

that you said once the answer it

suddenly well maybe because there’s

something in life he needs to clear out

first it may be that for what he has in

store he can’t tell you that right now

but the issue is am I willing to be

obedient to him when I don’t see my way

clear because I’m trusting him to give

guidance and direction and no look I

will be there at the right time if I

obey Him I’m not gonna lose anything

that he’s put a circle around with my

name on it because he loves us he

doesn’t come up short

we have distorted ideas about God or

suppose he does this and suppose he

doesn’t remember this he’s a God of

absolute love he is a God of discipline

because He loves us every single thing

he does is an act of love in our behalf

but if you get up every morning as I

said before and just take off I never

give it my thought told some trouble

comes or somebody ask you some questions

you can’t answer and all of a sudden

you’re thinking about well God what’s

the answer to that but that is that’s

not a relationship of God that’s not

that God we’re talking about here and

then look in verse 81 for a moment my

soul languishes for your salvation I’ll

wait for your word and when I when I see

it see how many times he says I’ll wait

for your word I’ll wait for your word

I’ll wait for your word what is he

saying I’m waiting for direction I’m

waiting for God to speak to me to show

me what to do next if you do not open

the Word of God and you know you don’t

read the Word of God you don’t give him

any time in your life there gonna be

consequences let’s turn to the 106th

psalm and i trust you have turn to this

now because this is very very important

because it is a perfect example of what

happens to people who decided they not

gonna wait for the Lord

just gonna have it their way and so

David is rehearsing a little bit of how

God bless the nation of Israel and then

what they did beginning in verse 6 we

have sins like her father’s we have

committed iniquity we behaved wickedly

our fathers in Egypt did not understand

your wonders they did not remember your

abundant kindness but rebelled by the

sea at the Red Sea nevertheless he saved

them for the sake of his name that he

might make his power known thus he

rebuked the red scene it dried up he led

them through the deeps as through the

wilderness so he saved them from the

hand of one who hated them and redeemed

them from the hand of the enemy the

waters covered their adversaries not one

of them was left then they believed his

words and they sang his praise

hallelujah that’s what God was doing and

then what they quickly forgot his words

they did not wait for the council look

at that they did not wait for his

counsel then wait for God but craved

intensely the wilderness and tempted God

in the desert so he gave them their

request but he sent a wasting disease

among them that’s a passage you automark

because that’s the principle of God ok

he bless them and bless them and bless

them instead of waiting for the next

step of what do you want of them do they

decide they do it themselves and they

turned away from him and look what

happened the delay that God works in

their life as far as giving us whatever

it is or showing us God’s in the process

of doing something in our life what day

in your life is God not working he keeps

your heart busy but he’s also listen you

have the Holy Spirit living within you

he’s the compass he’s the God he’s the

director he’s the one who has all the

information that you and I need to live

a godly life every day and delivered

obediently so if our goal in life is

what it is with God to be conformed to

the likeness of his son to walk in his

way to do his will because the truth is

we should soul

every day but people who meet us listen

people who meet you should meet Jesus it

doesn’t mean you look like him

it doesn’t mean any of it but it means

the spirit within you is the spirit of

Jesus Christ and he will do all kinds of

things in your life that you could never


if you’ll just allow him the privilege

of living in you his life living it

through you on his timing on his

schedule not someone else’s schedule so

he says clear directions very important

now secondly when I think about why God

requires us the way the second reason is

to keep us in step with his timing there

is no way for me to outguess God well

here’s what I’m gonna do and I think

it’ll all turn out right no I may make

specific requests to God and have

assurance that he will do it but then I

also have to leave the schedule to him

people say well I prayed and asked God

to do this and so and I got a

confirmation he was gonna do it and they

expect God to do it right then it may be

listen it may be that what you’ve asked

him is right in the son of God’s will

but you have to also give him the

privilege to give to you what you’ve

asked for when he knows you’re ready and

sometimes we’re not ready and I remember

I’ll never forget it finally what’s a

good example to me

I remember anybody just a little boy he

saw my pocket knife and he was really

impressed and he wanted one I said I’ll

give you one so he thought it we ought

to go to the store you know right next

day this afternoon he get one I said no

you have to get ready to have a

pocketknife or why is that I said

because you can hurt yourself and not

show them a few things I said suppose

you were to cut yourself suppose you in

your room for example by yourself and

and you had it open and you stumble and

fell and supposed to hit you somewhere

you just started bleeding and being

scared of there oh well he finally sort

of caught on and it was a little time

before we had a pocketknife you know

what sometimes you’re not able to handle

the thing that God wants us

have until he knows we’re ready when I

didn’t system having what I want when I

want it then what I’m saying is God

you’re a wonderful guy but you’re not

very good on time some way you missed

why can’t I have it now we have a whole

generation of people who are living in

the now they know nothing about waiting

and if you’ll think about every time we

come up with some new gadget what does

it do saves time every time you tell me

you can have this now that now this now

bet now this now and you know life can’t

get but so fast you have automobiles 120

miles an hour on this fin ophtho for

what reason only to kill yourself and

somebody else God God is in no hurry

don’t forget that he’s not in the hair

you know why you know why he’s not in

the earth he already sees the end and he

knows you have time and else when you

get better you have this and when you

get better you have that God’s timing is

perfect because he doesn’t make any

mistakes you know why he created time

and placed us in this capsule of time

and so we live it out and he has the

best for us if we’re willing to do it

his way and sometimes he waits to give

us what we asked for

because he tests our faith if you and so

I would ask you when you ask the Lord

did you do you pray in faith trusting

him to do what he says he’ll do well yes

and no and oftentimes we don’t trust him

and so he delays certain blessings

because he wants us to truck watch this

he wants us to trust him that if he said

he would do it he would do it now if the

only way for me to believe that is he

promised it well let me see it

if I can’t see it I don’t have it yes

listen we all have blessings from God

he’s promised us we haven’t seen them

yet and some people will never see them

because they live disobediently before

God neither can’t wait they’re gonna do

it that way and they never even consider

asking you got anything I think about

some people with a gray

potential they rush out great potential

that rush yet in the disk that never

never stopped to ask God and they just

went oh by the wayside they have awesome

potential but they’re not willing to

seek the mind of God to know Lord what

and when and how and in this waiting

process sometimes is a season for

strengthening our faith but and and I

think about what what strengthens my

faith having to wait you see we are

interested in self gratification and we

want it right now God says no oftentimes

this is not the time for it and the

waiting period with God is often

motivated by desire to sift their

motives for our desires why do I want

that what do you want that position why

are you asking God for that he sifts

their motives and have you not agreed at

some points in life you said lord I know

ask if that forget that prayer that

that’s and that was selfish that was

lust that was this that was there was

not your will and purpose for my life

and so god delays his way because he

wants to bring his around to his

viewpoint well what is he up to in our

life now how we to wait for God’s timing

this is how most people wait impatiently

I want it now nervously Oh supposed to

lose it complaining

well walking why can’t things work out

for me questioning got it I’m not sure I

heard you right

frustrated irritated miserably trying to

manipulate God that’s the way they wait

and that is not how God wants us to wait

so how should we wait now put all these

scriptures on the mass screens so you

won’t have to look them up how should we

wait we should wait patiently and the

Scriptures up here under that rest in

the Lord and wait patiently for him we

are to wait quietly some 63105 my soul

waits quietly for God only I’m

singing I’m waiting upon him we’re to


trusting rest in the Lord and wait

patiently him do not fret we’re to wait

expectantly Psalm 27 13 I would have

despaired unless I had believed that I

would see the goodness of the Lord

heaven to wait we ought to wait

steadfastly in Psalm 27 we know eight

steadfastly and courageously wait for

the Lord be strong and let your heart

take courage and then we have to wait

standing on God’s Word and listen look

at this verse we had to wait standing on

God’s Word I’ll wait for the Lord my

soul does wait and in his word I hope

now watch this you will not wait for God

if this book is closed in your life

you’re just naturally gonna make

decisions I can handle this I can handle

that and the truth is none of us can

handle much in the society in which we

live he says I wait standing up on the

word of God and so what does that mean

that I’m in the word and I’m listening

to what God says I’m committed to being

obedient to him and by His grace and

strength and power I will wait for his

timing knowing that his timing is always

best in my life so look at your life and

ask yourself the question Lord God have

I missed it remember you people say well

does God give us a second chance

God gives us a listen I’ve had a lot 1 2

chances and so of you we’ve all made

mistakes but here’s what he’s simply

saying to us he says you’re standing on

the word what happens God is continually

reminding us that we’re to be obedient

to him now listen then why is this thing

that you can do and I said Lord I said

this once I said again on purpose the

wisest thing you can do is make a

decision from this point on here’s how

I’m gonna begin my day I’m gonna I’m

gonna connect before I get out of bed

lord I thank you that you have a plan

for my life today I think your Lord that

your timing is perfect I think if that

you’ll bring into my life whatever you

need to bring you protect me you’ve got

me you leave me if I go through any kind

of suffering and hurting disappointment

now all the rest I’ll trust you to bring

me through that but I want to thank you

that today I’m gonna walk obediently

before you I’m gonna trust the Holy

Spirit that is speaking in me

they give me guidance and direction and

give me your timing whatever you have

for me I’m available to wait I know that

waiting will grow me up strengthen me

prepare me but what you have I want to

thank you for this day and Lord let my

life be fruitful all day long you begin

the day that way and all of a sudden

your days on the cloudiest day you’ve

ever seen Suns gonna be brilliant you

know why because you are connected with

the father and he will answer every

single prayer that I mentioned in all of

it it’s his timing it’s his way it’s his

plan so I simply ask you a question have

you lived this part of your life without

Christ many of you have and so if you

have what’s your future plan keep living

this way without Christ in your life if

so here’s what you’re saying God my

Creator sustainer provider I don’t need

you I can handle it

how foolish you’re saying I’m gonna live

out my life you don’t know how long you

live I’m gonna live out my life and one

of these days I think I’ve been better

than other folks so you’re gonna take me

to heaven forget that you’ll be terribly

disappointed forever

that’s not the way life is this is life

God created you and he’s made it

possible through the death of his son at

the cross to pay your sin debt in full

he is willing to forgive your sins to

cleanse you he is willing to wipe all

the past

he’s willing to take your mistakes and

your faults and the things that you look

at in your life that don’t belong that

he’s willing to forgive you wipe them

away and give you a brand new beginning

this is what Paul said if any person be

in Christ that is related to him old

things have passed away behold all that

all things have become new you can begin

life again right where you are you say

well I’m 70 years of age it’s time to

get started because the time’s running

out you say well God take me at 70 he’ll

take you anytime you genuinely confess

your dependence upon him your

acknowledgement of him the death of his

son of the cross paying for your sin

debt he’ll take you you said I don’t

have much time left right therefore make

every day count because the world would

say you’re on borrowed time watch this

yet on borrowed time where you borrow it

from there’s no such thing as borrowed

time you’re on god’s grace time he’s one

of the forgive you cleanse you and give

you a new beginning it won’t last long

but you have a new beginning listen if

you’ve messed it up this long at least

end right amen

a lift in right with Jesus Christ in

your life

that’s the kind of awesome God he is but

you say well I’m just 25 what then I

hope you’ve listened everything you’ve

heard because you desperately need it

this is a wicked vile sinful corrupt

world everywhere you turn that’s all

there who is your protector there is

only one that’s Almighty God and he’s

there for us if we’re trusting father

how grateful we are that you love us we

can even begin to express it but I pray

that every person who hears this message

and every person seated here

BUTT STUFF and gives some serious

thought about how they living their life

what their plans are and how involved

you are in their plans and whether it’s

your plan of their plan and be willing

to make whatever changes are necessary

in order to live out life at its best

with you and we pray this in Jesus name

