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i um

while you’re standing to your feet

just all week long i’ve been asking god

to give me

a way to articulate my experience

and i want us to start this morning

i want you to think about this as i i

read it i

believe that the presence of god

uh is not to be trained by us

but we’re to be trained by him because

god can show up

and do something in the life of a person

and it only takes three seconds of what

they’ve been trying to do for a whole




what he said to me he said my presence

is always near

it’s always near everybody

but i’m not going to ever just

come in and force myself on anybody

i have to be received

i have to be received

and rather than just you know teaching

principles on this

i want to specifically

take the time to show this congregation

how to accept his presence every day

how to receive his presence every day

he’s near

he you might be going through hell


two feet away from him

and have not yet received him

his presence has to be received

his presence is here right now

but it shouldn’t take a song to get it

stirred up in you

but there’s nothing wrong with a song

just to be able to

receive him

now somebody else said pastor you’re

going to cry today i don’t know because

i’ve learned how

i’m learning how to receive him and i

learn how to receive him every day

because how in the world can i think i

got anything on god


and he’s going to begin to show you

if you will carry his flames

if you’ll carry his presence

and just show up with him

he gonna show out

because listen

god didn’t call us to be


down the stream christians

he called us to be right at the spout of

where it all comes from


and i’m just believing that something

so amazing will happen to you

not because of you

not because of me

because the day you received

his presence

and his presence walked up in there

and did something so amazing in your


so i’ve been working on articulating

what i’ve experienced i didn’t talk to

you about the fullness of that



i knew one thing going through the

experience i knew i had a praying mama

who would intercede and would call and

call things that be not as though they


my mama know my mama know if i got a toy

a pain or something like i’d be around i

could be around another part of where my

mama knows what’s going on that’s that’s

an intercessor and she has a gift of of

discernment which means she can see

devils and angels and all that kind of

stuff i’m covered good

but i got to figure out how to

articulate this

because what happens when you have god

you have

enough so why don’t we keep trying to go

get some mo

when we already got all we need

you follow me

now listen to this and and i’ll get

started he said

this is so good god’s presence

is real

full of love

and completely transformational

god’s presence is completely


something’s happened in me that i can’t



but it’s transformed me


i’m believing that the presence of god

every time not just when we come to

church i that’s the one thing i don’t

want to happen i don’t want to think i

don’t want you to think you got to be in

this building to get a hold of his


his presence is transformational which

means that he can do stuff in you

that you’ve been trying to change for a

long time

his presence is transformational it

takes what was broken

and it brings healing

so if there’s anything broken in your

life today whether you’re on the stream

or here the presence of god is going to

take what’s broken and it’s going to

bring healing

i can’t do that nor can i promise you

that nor can there’s nor is there a

trick for it but when you invite the

presence of the lord on the inside of

you whatever is broken is gonna be

healed amen

it takes what was lost

and guides us to our rightful place in

the father

it satisfies

the weary

brings light

to the darkness

and pours out the refreshing rain

of god’s love on the driest

deepest parts

of our soul


lift your hands up and receive the

presence of the lord in this place

praise the lord yeah anytime news is

just we’re going to float again and and

sometimes we just need to

you know just step away from what we got

programmed next

go ahead and receive his presence today

go ahead and and you know his presence

he’s ready to do some great things in

your life he’s ready to do some awesome

things in your life

he just needs an invitation into it

welcome holy spirit


welcome holy spirit

we welcome the presence of the living

god into our lives today

we welcome the presence of the living

god on our souls today

we welcome the presence of the living

god on our physical bodies today

we welcome the presence of the holy


on everything that hurts and everything

that needs to change holy spirit we

yield to you

hallelujah we cast out every plan that

we woke up with this morning and we

submitted all to you

all to jesus

i surrender

oh we receive your presence today right


we receive your presence today right now

in the name of jesus

we come before you lord as

as yielded vessels

open to whatever you want to do

all we know is whatever needs to be done

you can do it

so go ahead lord

go ahead and say

go ahead

i will exalt thee

i will exalt me no matter how i feel

i will i will exalt thee no matter what

i’ve gone through

i will exalt thee no matter what the

news was

that’s all i’m trying to get you to do

before i preach a sermon is i’m trying

to get you to just say holy spirit i

welcome you

i welcome you

my hiding place

my strong refuge


i will exalt thee

no matter what i feel like i will exalt

the oh god


we snatch away all the religion

associated with this

and we just come as yielded people

yielded vessels that trust you

yielded people that know that you can do

some amazing things in our lives things

that we’ve been trying to get done

hallelujah we believe it’s done right

now by faith in the name of the lord

jesus christ we’re well and blast


my hiding place

my safe refuge my safe refuge

my safe refuge

he’s a refuge in a time of trouble

i don’t know what situation some of you

guys showed up with but because you’ve

just invited the presence of god you’ve

received the presence into your life you

are carrying that presence i have no


of the greatness of what the holy spirit

is going to do in this place today i

have no idea how he’s going to make a

difference while you’re seated today in

the midst of the word but one thing i do

know that the devil cannot win in

anything concerning you today

in the name of jesus




take all your worries

cast them away

there’s nothing noble about worrying

about something

cast it on him he’ll take care of it

cast it on him he’ll take care of it

every worry cast it on him he’ll take

care of it

in one scoop god will disconnect you

from everything that’s hurt you

everything that’s bothered you

the presence of the heart is ready to be

strong in your life

hallelujah hallelujah

now at different times throughout the


we’ll we’ll stop and and and just

acknowledge his presence

my job is to teach you how to walk in it

let me show you what we’re trying to do

we’re trying to show you how to get


in this presence just like you would

jump in a pool and be totally covered by


what happens when you get out of the

pool everything you touch is wet

why because you’re wet

y’all don’t hear what i’m saying

it is now time for us to show up and

when we walk in the room

something happened

somebody recognized that

something just changed the atmosphere

i never thought about this but when you

get out of the pool

when you step that’s wet

that’s wet

until you get to the top of the draw off

everything you touch that’s what

everything wet

because you’ve been

immersed in in dirty

you’ve been immersed

that’s that’s what i’m trying to get you

to see you don’t have to be no preacher

in the pulpit to do this all you have to

do is welcome

the presence of god into your life

hallelujah and i believe

hallelujah when you touch your marriage

is wet when you touch your finances is

wet when you touch your children it’s

wet that everything around you will be

will be impacted by where you’ve been

spending your time come on somebody

worship god in this place


do i presume to teach the holy spirit

how is it that

i can talk to him about two three things

and say all right now you wait he’ll let

me go and do my thing

how is it that that can happen it can’t

all god needs us to do watch this

is to get out of his way


somebody shout have your way holy spirit

have your way

while you are in this building today

the holy spirit is going to be working


family members and children and

situations and circumstances

and you’ll know it was not by your might

not by your power not cause you know so

much about god not not cause you pray

five hours this morning glory be to god

it’s because you just simply

welcome welcomed his presence

into your life

in jesus name


would you put your hands together and

give him a big applause




are you ready to get in the word of god

again today amen

all right you can you can be seated

let’s do that let’s uh

you know i spent i spent

uh all last week on daniel 11 32 if uh

if you need any more on that just ask

the holy ghost he’ll get you some more

on that all right

i’d like to pick up with something

in second peter chapter 1


verses 1 through 3.

there’s an intimate knowing of god that

every believer has to walk in

and when you walk in that intimate

knowing of god would you would would you

plea would you please sit down

see that’s not god because yet that’s


and if it was the holy spirit it

wouldn’t be rube

but we love her anyway

and we we

we thank we thank god for

who he is but that’s what happens when

you talk about the presence of god

coming into place

the enemy

the enemy wants to go ahead

and he wants to try to


and she’s not a distraction at all she

just needs to know more praise the lord

and so i’m believing that the holy ghost

gets on her

and remove every burden and destroy

every yoke in her life

and to let the devil know that sent her

here it didn’t work

it didn’t work

so go on honey gonna find you another

church we love you

and we thank god for you but see that’s

what happens when you operate in the

presence of the holy spirit

those devils start getting nervous

they start getting nervous because you

walk away from yourself

and you start yielding to the holy

spirit that is demonic influence right


she don’t know that she’s under the

influence of the demonic person that’s

right she’s on the demonic see we being

nice i got security that can get out in

two seconds

but she don’t know no better

i want you to see it this is a sign of


this is what happens

demons start showing up

and when demons start showing up you

ought to start shouting and rejoicing

because of the presence of the lord

didn’t bother me didn’t bother me a bit

you just helped me out with my sermon a

little show-and-tell amen

it wasn’t god so you know it can’t be

nobody else left

it wasn’t god if it was god you would

have been able to give a word of

property and stand there bo you don’t

give a word and on your way out

cause you scared him about to come down

there and slap that demon at you but we

got better things to deal with today

i kind of want to go back there run and

get it real quick

and bring her back in here and show you

what happens when you cast demons out in

the name of jesus

but when the presence of the holy spirit

comes over you you be prepared for that

now when the presence of the holy spirit

calls you they just start saying

anything you don’t make no sense they

just start opening their mouth up

anything to distract

that’s what this day is about distract

you from the real purpose that i mean

the the worst thing that could have

happened to hell is that i experienced

what i experienced and start teaching

you how to walk in the presence of the

holy spirit

isn’t that something

in there something

pandemic going on you could have chose

any church in the city

and you chose this one

or it’s going to get deeper around here


now every one of them ain’t gonna happen

like that now sometimes i mean that you

know we’ll do that other time we’re

gonna say bring them up here we’re gonna

cast that devil out of them

you should you should’ve asked before

you walked in here

we ain’t letting you out till we get you




there’s an intimate knowing of god


and it goes beyond a sermon a song a

dance and a shout

look at this scripture second peter

chapter one verses one through three

simon peter a servant and an apostle of

jesus christ

to them that have obtained light

precious faith with us

through the righteousness of god

and savior jesus christ i notice what

peter was saying he was a servant of the

and and an apostle of jesus christ to

them that have obtained what like

precious faith

with us

through the righteousness of god and our

savior jesus christ verse two

now watch this grace and peace be

multiplied unto you

through the knowledge and the knowing of


now why did i say knowledge and knowing

because there’s no way you’re going to

read about him gain knowledge about him

and not eventually know him

so you don’t really know people without

at least getting some knowledge about

them it starts somewhere you know

so he says what happens is as you begin

to get the knowledge and the knowing


say that say knowledge and knowing

as you begin to get the knowledge and

knowing of god and of jesus christ he

says here’s what you need to be


multiplied peace

and multiplied grace

so here’s what’s going to happen as you

begin to develop this intimacy with god

unmerited favor is going to be

multiplied under you

in other words the more you come to know


the more you’re going to find yourself

experiencing things that you didn’t


the more you come to know him

the more this undeserved love begins to

manifest itself in your life

you won’t be able to go and explain

exactly how it happened except

i just been

learning about him and knowing him and

and it looks like

favor has increased in my life

now you know you can’t do nothing to

earn favor or wouldn’t be favor

but i prophesy over this congregation

here and over the stream

get ready for multiplication of grace

and peace

grace and peace

say grace and peace

who glory to god do you know peace is a


and the devil is going to do everything

he can well he’s already been doing it

that’s what this whole thing’s about

he’s been doing everything to rob you of

your peace you can’t hardly turn the

news on because it’s it’s it’s infested

with with peace robbers

it do you good to go to that old tv

station that played a more andy griffith


that give you more peace than some of

the present stuff they planned today

satan is after your peace

the peace that comes from god is the

security that you need in the midst of


hell freaks out

when peace and grace is being multiplied

but you can’t you can’t multiply that by

your own means it comes through the

knowledge and knowing of jesus christ

that’s why now it’s important for us not

to just teach a sermon and you take


now it’s important for you

to have a daily


with the presence of god

and i’ma tell you get ready for it it

won’t last long see you gotta understand

the devil’s like a uh

the doctor says a roaring lion his teeth

have been pulled

he has no claws

he says he he roars as

as a roaring lion didn’t say he was

don’t let the roar

put fear in you

i’m already telling you and i believe

that example was for us today i’m

already telling you your decision

to be a carrier of the presence of god

will attract

the fear of the devil

we mean the fear of the devil don’t you

know the devil’s scared of you

you got the presence of god

all you need to let it all you need to

let him know look i got the presence of

god you don’t know you don’t want none

of this now

and then

you don’t want none of this now

all right

let’s go to this next verse

you got this one got it

ii peter

uh let’s do verse three let me i forgot

verse three verse three he says he does

this according as his devi as his divine

power hath given unto us what all things

that pertain unto what

life and what

through the

look of there through the knowledge and

the knowing of him that has called us to


he’s called us that knowledge and

knowing of him calls us to glory and it

calls us to virtue

which means there be supernatural things

taking place in your life that you are

not going to be responsible for making


it’s going to come because of a clear

decision you made

to know him

and to get the knowledge about him



second peter chapter 3 and verse 18.

ii peter chapter 3 and verse 18.

so awesome

now watch this

but grow in grace


you can grow in

this unmerited favor

you can grow in this operation of love

grow in grace

one of the ways to do that

is when you get to know him to such a

point you’re depending on him all the


sometimes throughout the day

one of the ways to engage in the

presence of god is to just pause in the

midst of an impossible situation and say

lord i trust you

go ahead and say that right now

say lord i depend on you

he said grow in grace and and notice

what’s attached to growing in grace and

in the knowledge and the knowing

see we’re not going to be wasting our

time here this month as we learn about

walking in this intimacy in the

knowledge and the knowing

of our lord and savior jesus christ to

him to him be glory both now

and forever i tell you something

something got turned on last week

and i don’t know about you but i ain’t

trying to find the on off switch

grow in grace say out loud grow in grace

so every time you’re going to start

noticing every time there’s a talk about

um growing in the knowledge of the lord

jesus christ and getting to know him

you’re going to start seeing grace and


grace and peace will be multiplied

because you’re now

growing in the presence of god and your

relationship with god

you you’re not just don’t have knowledge

of him only you know him

you know a lot of christians who have

knowledge of him they know what this

bible verse say they know what that

bible says

but do they know him because it’s going

to come upon everybody’s life

that he’s going to do something that you

won’t be able to explain

and i don’t want to serve a god

where i can logically explain everything

he does

i want a god that shows up and does some

stuff sometimes and i have no idea how

he did it i’m just glad he did now

seriously do you think you are really


to logically explain

everything that god does in your life

because if you think you are get ready

honey he’s getting ready to do something

that you will not be able to logically


i want to serve a god that i can’t

logically explain i want to serve a god

where it’s all right that i don’t know

what you did and how you did it i want

to serve a god that showed up with no

announcement but just showed up because

i wanted to be a carrier of his presence

and none of my knowledge in intellect

can explain anything

i saw some stuff i still



and it’s okay

because something happened to me


i can’t articulate it yet

but i ain’t never gonna be the same

hallelujah all i know because of what i


it is a threat to every demon force on

the planet

and you carry the same thing

i am not limited to carry this

you have made your mind up that you are

a carrier of his flames hallelujah you

are carrier of his presence hallelujah

and the more you grow in his presence

the more you’re gonna grow in grace

and peace

grace and peace you know what that means

that means you can live life

and not have to worry about whatever

because you got

the lord of whatever

and because he lives in you and you

carry him

there will be times that you will pray

and before you can even pray it god has

already done it


just so he can just blow your mind every

now and then to let you know i am the

god of abraham isaac and jacob i am

still god

your seminary schools have not outdone

me i know more than what they think they

know see some people know more than what

they understand

i don’t want to know more than what i

understand i just want to know him





y’all ready man these are the last days

these are the last days people talking

about it’s over with and the church oh

no no no no god’s getting ready to raise

up a mighty armory of a people who who

believe him and trust him oh no no no no

no no do you think god just gonna sit

back and let the devil get away with

what he did what he been doing no no no

no he got to deal with the intercessors

he got to deal with the name of jesus

he’s got to deal with the word of god

he’s got to deal with those who carry

his flame and release his fire he’s got

to deal with those who know their god

and they that know their god

will do exploits

and i don’t know about y’all but i’m

ready to go


oh jesus

oh jesus

i know him

hallelujah i spent years learning about


and sometimes all the knowledge i had

about him stopped me from knowing him

but i know him

i i sense him


i sense him in this place right now i i

i sense him number one because he came

with me this morning but i sense the

number two because i feel like you

bought him with you too

hi little boy

hey hallelujah and i sense healing going

over this place right now

said it about somebody just felt

something in your body hallelujah and

you thought it was a chill that was the

hand of god going up and down that thing

i’m telling you

we’re in the presence of the holy ghost

now it’s not going to be like we saw in

past because last week we closed the

circus and we got rid of all the clowns

in the house

been playing church in a moment it’s


and you don’t believe me go home and

spend some time with him

he’ll touch you right where you are

all by yourself

he’ll take a man ain’t never cried

before in his life and he’ll touch you

on the inside of you and all of a sudden

you’ll be weeping and don’t know how to

turn it off and how to stop it because

his presence brings everything you’ll

ever need you will never be in need as

long as you carry his presence


now to some

well it just becomes another sunday

that’s another word because they hadn’t

tapped in yet

they’re still trying to understand god

from here

instead of let god do what he want to do


you got to let him in your heart

he right there by you but you got to

receive him

you got to receive him when you don’t

want to you got let me back up cause you

got to want to because you got a

you’re a free moral agent you see but

you got to receive him when you don’t

feel like it

it’s not when i feel happy that i

receive him

it’s when i don’t know which way to turn


it’s when i’m seeing stuff with these

eyes that you’re not supposed to see

with these eyes

it’s when i’m hearing things with these


and i’m trying to figure out what’s

going on it’s when i’m standing back and

i’m looking at the whole thing take

place and i’m trying to figure out

what’s happening

it’s when demons try their best

to take me out and attack

me but they move with caution because

they know me

oh glory to god let me tell you

something let me tell you something

every demon ought to know you

every demon ought to walk up to you and

call you by your name


it can it’s gonna get so serious up

around here

oh my goodness

no motive play church

god gonna give us show and tell after

show and tell not to show and tell until

you are convinced

that he is god in the building outside

the building at your house on your job

in your front door

at your back door

but this ain’t no like church church

playing game

you got to walk with him just like i got

to walk with him

and i’m trying to show you how


glory be to god


you know sometimes people use emotions i

ain’t got nothing to say nothing about

nobody they do the best they can

but when you know him you don’t have to

use things to try to manufacture his


because sometimes his presence is smooth

and cool

don’t don’t mistake people don’t judge

people because they ain’t moving like


sometimes they just sitting down

bathing in this presence

glory to god

sometimes they’re just sitting there

soaking in his presence

they’re not saying hallelujah they’re

not shaking their hands but you know

they’re sitting there and see the

president’s the presence of something

they’re sitting there soaking in the

presence and oh

you have to catch it now because they’re

not doing that thing that you learn to

do at your church a lot of that stuff

you learn to do praise god i ask god to

help me to unlearn some stuff

i don’t want to be caught up in

the traditions of men and then and then

label the holy spirit based on religion

i want to know you to the point that you

can whisper something

and i can hear it

and know that it’s done


y’all better get ready

you better get ready

the stuff that some of you been trying

for the last i heard it five years

god’s gonna settle it in two months


if you stop presuming that you know more

than he do

all right lord all right come on and go

with me now and then i’m gonna go on the

dude no no no no you don’t want to take

him to the door and leave him here

let him go in there with you

yeah but i have a tendency when the holy

ghost comes in that that that you know i

can’t control myself you’ve been lied to

you can control yourself the spirit of

prophet is subject to the prophet

see that’s that tradition coming in

telling you something that’s not true

and that’s why we got to undo all that

some of y’all have never seen demons

come out of people that’s

that’s what i want to show you that so

it’s real

okay and then they’ll go back and try to

get one stronger than the one that came

out because if we don’t hurry up and

fill that house with god then something

else is going to come in

and then some of y’all carrying a little

demon right now and you don’t even know

it but we we’re gonna we we’re gonna

make sure you get clean for this old



that’s that little that’s a bubonic

voice just saying little stupid stuff to

you right now and you’re trying to keep

it quiet it’ll come out in a minute

after a while cause i’m believing that

the presence of god is gonna drive it


look at y’all scared you mean

how can you be scared when you have the

presence of the holy ghost


you getting ready to find out about this

unseen realm that you’ve not seen

because even the unseen world knows that

things are coming to the end

and the church is not going to be on the


playing circuses

no we’re going to be right slap dab in

the middle of it

somebody said does it mean we come to be

i’m not talking about when you come to

the building a lot of this stuff’s going

to happen

where you at

you might go on vacation next week and

have an encounter on the beach

somebody might come around you and say

ah you say hey hey in the name of jesus

is lucille free right now

and y’all have a y’all have an encounter

on a beacon since the water right there

might as well gone baptized on right now

in the name of the father the son the

holy ghost which is none other than the

name of jesus

some of y’all might have it at the gas

station as you fill in your car and god

says go over there and give that person

a tank of gas

and something supernatural happened and

they fell out under the power of god

right under right under the punk praise

the lord and the presence of the lord

met you at the gas station

who do we think we are trying to

determine where god ought to meet us and

where god are not to meet us i’m telling

you he’s ready to go with you

wherever you go

not just on sunday morning and not just

in the dawn

your god is real

you remember that old song yes i can

feel him in my soul



somebody said what’s going on with him

today oh we ready we we we’re preparing

for the showdown

your attitude to what the devil will be

i’ll be your huckabee come on you want

something to me

you want something of me


what showdown

showdown i don’t put up with this and i

don’t put up with that and

i didn’t carry this and i’ve been

worried about that and i’ve been heavy

over this and i’ve been trying to figure

out where that money gonna come from oh

i’ve been hurt from that i hadn’t been

able to cover from this for 30 40 years

oh no no no no no no all of this is over

somebody shout is over

oh y’all since the holy ghost in here

don’t you

y’all sense the holy ghost in here huh

flip your hands up and say thank you

holy spirit i receive you

thank you holy spirit i receive you

thank you holy spirit i receive you

put your hands down

i’m looking for another show-and-tell

i ain’t letting you out

if you show up you stuck



all right now watch this

look at this now

go to john 1.

verse 1 and verse 14.

john 1 verse 1 and and verse 14.

glory be to god



i’m praying that people

meet the real god

i don’t want them to die in religion

die playing church not thinking they are

knowing it

and don’t even know who god is

most powerful thing we can do

is pray you know why jesus got up and

prayed every morning now if jesus got up

great a bible says the great time before


to pray

are you glad you feel we don’t need to

do that

jesus got up and pray before we did

anything i i think he got up and had

fellowship with the holy spirit

i think he got up and got focused in

on what was going on

i don’t think it’s like what we do i

don’t i didn’t i don’t think he really

got up


i don’t think he did all that i i think

focus is the key because i now

understand that this is the greatest way

for the devil to destroy and attack your

vision and your assignment

see what the devil will do is god gives

you that one vision what he’ll do to try

to mess up that vision god gave you is

to give you another vision


two visions

or three

or four

what are you trying to do

take your focus

away from the one that god gave you

and it’s gonna require you getting up

every day re-calibrating

and re-focusing on what it is what

you’re supposed to do and who you are

and all that kind of stuff

other than that you’re gonna open

yourself up to a whole bunch of

tomfoolery silly stuff

and miss out on who the real god is

thank you lord jesus

all is well

all is well

oh my goodness all is well

if i see some of y’all on the side of

the street handling some stuff i’d pull

over on the side and kind of help you

out a little bit

someone said that pastor dalton and what

they doing we’re handling some stuff

next thing you have a three-four world

chain your neighbor by two world changes

but world changes everywhere i bump into

them everywhere i go that devil

trembling right now world change they

don’t even know where a world changer

jump out in the middle of a meat out and

meet you on a cereal aisle and before

you know it when you get on the sauce

aisle that person has been delivered set

free and praying in the holy ghost

that’s the kind of church i’m talking



look at this he said in the beginning

was the what word

now the word was in the beginning

he said the word was what

with god

and he said the word was what but in the

beginning was the what

so however you begin whatever you begin

make sure you begin with the


why would you begin with the word

because the word is god

i said the word is god

don’t get spooky and try to do stuff

outside the word the word is god

now look at verse 14

and the word was made flesh

and dwelt amongst them and we beheld

watch this his glory the glory as of the

only begotten of the father full of

grace and truth look what he said he

said this word that you began whatever

you’re going to start with this word is

eventually going to be manifested

this word is eventually going to be made


this word eventually you’re gonna behold

the glory of that word that you’ve been

holding it on to

satan does not want us to get the word

he does not want us to walk

to know the word

he just wants to do spooky stuff and

make it look like it’s super spiritual

it’s the word


don’t get spooky puking with people

don’t come up to people acting spooky oh

i feel the lord saying to me what

happened in the bible

you’re coming up doing all spooky stuff

to me

the lord wants me to rub my hands all

over your face in this day and time you

better back up devil

better rub your own face

the holy ghost told me to come and hug

you you you better back up you better

get some money to get some information

you ain’t got to get deep like that

ain’t nowhere in the bible that said you

have to hug somebody when you come to

church and say that you have to hug

somebody when you see him in public


i see people i see people in public all

the time

and this was before the pandemic i ain’t

going hugging everybody i saw where they

been or where they coming from

you got to be careful not to invent

these religious

these religious

and then try to use it to convict other

people to doing something that you want


in the name

of some kind of fable

you came up with and then assigned a

scripture to it stop

you can’t walk in this deep spiritual

walk i’m talking about playing games

ah the holy ghost is on me and then you

go slap somebody ain’t nothing happened

they’ve been hurt in that in that area

where you slapped them for the last five

years no burden was removed no yoke was

destroyed and you you was a devil just

showed up slapping people with a fable

god wants us

to to have fellowship with him

enjoy life

and enjoy one another

that’s what he’s not trying to get you

to be deep 24 7.

hey how you doing i am in the presence

right now hold on hold on

what god damn

god wants you to enjoy life

that’s why he wants you to to know him

so he can show you how to enjoy life and

so he can show you how to enjoy one


but the church

has put so many fables in it

that not even jesus understand when he

come to some churches what are they


oh the lord said that he said i ain’t

say that ain’t never said that

cause they don’t know about him and they

don’t know him

but you know him

what do i say for you who are with him

and he shall be in

you and you know it

and we got to help each other out quit

sitting there just

tolerating all them fables and all that

junky stuff people doing

and stay out of church gossip

what’s happening somewhere inside the

church they ain’t done your business

that’s why you became a member it ain’t

none of your business who doing what how

doing well who got in trouble who

wouldn’t it ain’t on your business your

job and when you hear something lord i

thank you i send the presents that way

right now lord take care of me

y’all better stop jesus coming

jesus is coming he’s coming sooner than

you think sooner than i think

watch what get ready to happen this


i already know i saw it

watch what get ready to happen

you talking about people running to god

but we’re going to be ready

i want them to run i ain’t saying back

time about what you’re running for god


be burned in the name of jesus see that

ain’t even god that ain’t god

god ain’t saying no be burned in the

name of jesus to hell with all y’all in

the name of jesus how you like me now

because the key


of whether or not you carry god

is how you treat people

that’s the key

can we see the love of god operating in

your life

upon somebody else’s life that’s the key


that’s the key


oh i sense his presence

oh something good is going to happen to

you amen

all right now

i know i had my glasses up here all


now now watch this now think about this

in the beginning it was a word the word

was with god the word was god

that saying


do you know when you when you open the

bible and study it

you’re right there in the presence

you ever done that come home tired and

just sat down and got in the word for a

minute and all of a sudden everything

started changing the notice the first

thing that came when you got in the word


and if you stay with it

grace will be multiplied

that’s you get in the presence of the

word you get in the presence of the word

when you open that written word up

you’re in the presence of the word

the word was with god the word was god

and also he said this word will display

the its glory you’ll see the glory you

know what it means when when you see the

glory see we’ve gotten so fablized with

that ooh the glory what does that mean

it’s manifestation

it’s manifested word

when you’re walking in the presence of

god and learning how to live and abide

in the presence of god you’re gonna see

manifested word some of it you asked for

some of it you didn’t ask for some of it

god did it just to do it

he wants to share his glory with us

he wants to share his glory with us

what has taken some like i said before

20 years to do something those of us who

will learn how to walk in the


of the of the presence of god will also

walk in the manifestations of his glory

it’ll be manifested

and sometimes people ask you wha whoa

whoa how did you get that to happen man

i’ve just been enjoying jesus i just

gotta be honest with you i’ve just been

enjoying jesus

and stuff been happening

but now what happens so now they’re

gonna want to enjoy jesus like you enjoy

jesus and their motivation is so stuff

can happen that’s not your motivation

you’re not enjoying jesus to get stuff

to happen you’re enjoying jesus because

you enjoy jesus

and your motivation is jesus

but a lot of people they have the wrong

motivation they see what happened to

somebody else you remember the story

about the sons of skiva the seven sons

of skip i believe

they came up these there was

professional exorcists and these people

were demon possessed

and uh they decided they’re gonna come

in they’re gonna get paid

and and they came in they said

to the the people who were possessed

with demons they said we command you we

adjure you and command you to come out




and the jesus that paul knew

them demons stopped like er

they said wait a minute paul we know

and all demons say oh yeah we know paul

then they said jesus we know they say oh


yeah i do

but then they looked at them and they

said well but uh

who who are you

now the worst thing that can happen to

you is you’re in the middle of casting

the devil out and the devil stopped and

they say who are you


and i believe the bible says that those

demons stripped them the professional

experts stripped their clothes off of


and ran them out

you know that’s got to be sad they’re

coming up they’re trying to cast the

devil out and the devil doesn’t cast

them out

that’s not what happened their


was the


that they could turn this into a


and get the results of a paul and a


don’t let something or somebody

spoil and pervert your motive

always ask yourself why do you do what

you do

why are you here today

why do you want the presence of god in

your life

is the sum total of it is to fulfill

your definition of success and his

definition of success is so much greater

than yours


when you start experiencing christ none

of that matters

and yet

all of it matters to god

it’s like you’re not even you’re not

it’s like i ain’t seeking nothing but



you know what god’s saying and i ain’t

seeking nobody but you

i want you

i want you

i want to bless you

i want it i want wanna touch you i wanna

heal you i wanna deliver you i wanna i

want your dreams to be manifested i want

you to be happy

think about

that’s the god you up here trying to

make him do all of that and he wanna do

all that already

the bible says acknowledge him

in all thy ways

what does that mean put him first place

and he’ll direct your path he says i

know directions to everything you ever

wanted in life

can you please put yourself aside

and let me be your god

that’s what this is about

this isn’t about playing church

i used to wonder if i preach like this

everybody’s going to leave the church

and we’re going to have a bunch of

emphasis ain’t got to wonder no more

because i spent a year and a half

preaching the empty seats ain’t

scattered under emphasis no more

ain’t get up no more

if you stand up here this morning god

bless your souls

but it don’t scare me


none of that’s my motivation

i ain’t counting seats that ain’t my

motivation i ain’t counting that ain’t

my motivation

my motivation is i got a certain amount

of time left

and i got to fulfill that time by doing

exactly what god tell me to do and what

god told me to preach to you so we can

be so we can be

carriers of his flame

and his fire

so people can see god through


that if they want to know jesus they

ought to be able to look at some of us

and say that’s what it looked like right

there that way it looked right now

that’s that way to look right there he

looked like that right then you were

around now he don’t look like that at

all what’s your name who are you


all right let me let me move on let me

move on

i wrote this down and i was like wow

the consequences of not be knowing god

so what happens when you don’t know

what happens when you don’t have any

knowledge about god and what happens you

know no knowledge about god means you

don’t know him

i mean think about that

you know you’re interested in marrying

somebody and and there’s no knowledge

about them

number one

and you don’t really know him

because you don’t have knowledge about

them and you’ve not walked into an

intimate knowledge of knowing of them

what happens

with christians every day

christians who are at home today

christians who are here today

and they don’t know god right

listen to this

your impression of who god is

will determine

how you receive from god

so if you think god’s a judge

that’s going to determine how you

receive from god

if you think god’s a murderer that’s

that’s going to determine how you

receive it from god if you think god is

the one that says you know i got to make

you suffer real hard before i can give

you this blessing that’s how you’re

going to receive from god

if you think god is the god that sends

fire down from heaven and this burns

people up no matter what the situation

is that’s how you’re going to receive

from god the question this morning is

what is your impression of who god is

because if you have a wrong impression

of who god is that’s how you’re going to

receive from him

and and and you know it’s a lot of that

starts with this if you’re in the wrong

church listening to a wrong preacher who

don’t know nothing about god and don’t

know god and proceeds to preach a sermon

about god and then gives you the wrong

impression and you’re there because your

mama went there and hear her mama over

there mama went there then all y’all

gonna have this wrong impression of god

which you proceed to pass down to other

people and spread that same fable

everywhere and call it the church

incorrect concepts about god will

determine why your life is going in the

direction that it is going in

an incorrect concept

a guy that you listen to because i mean

that guy he can pull it boy he can do

this and he do that why are we paying so

much attention to the to the to the man

and the image it can’t be about the man

and the image it’s got to be about god

because he’s trying to make you into his

image and we keep thinking about a man

or a woman we keep making about a church

we keep making about all this other

stuff we go to the internet oh look at

this and look at that and you don’t

understand the farther and farther the

way you get from god’s word the farther

and farther away you get from him

the closer you get the wrong

impressions and you just you can’t even

walk with god

and professing to be wise you’ve become

a fool

now now if you remember this church

we’re going to let that happen

we’re gonna let that happen


and peace is multiplied through what the

knowledge and the knowing of god so some

people try to get grace and peace to be

multiplied through prayer

grace and peace is not going to be

multipli multiplied through prayer cause

god didn’t say that did he

he said break grace and peace multiply


the knowing and the knowledge of god

why is it that we’re always substituting


for god why is jesus never enough

why is jesus never enough why must we

always add to jesus as he’s never enough

i told you last week what he said to me

i said lord i remember these things

you’re showing me

he said you had all you need when you

had me

when those lame people walked and and

and when those miracles took place in

those meetings and and when and when

that stadium was packed out what did you

have to do with it

he said you already had everything you

need it mean

i said lord what happened

he said you left me

trying to get more

of what you already had

isn’t that the truth about most


we even sing songs about more

more of you god

more anointing god more glory god more

he like adam gave you

all you ever need and you still

trying to get more because you cannot

trust that i am enough

today you have a pastor

that absolutely


that he’s enough

i got all i ever need

i don’t need to pray for none that’s as

long as i have him

as long as i bring him wherever i’m


everything’s going to be taken care of

i don’t need to go into a five-hour

prayer and i don’t need to go into a

two-week fast all i need to go know is

to make sure i carry his flame carry his

fire carry his presence and he’ll make

sure that i am sufficient in everything

that i need if i go to a board meeting

praise god i just make sure i invite him

into my heart and walk up in that board

meeting with him

are you listening to me

wrong knowledge produces wrong results

faith is based on knowledge and wrong

knowledge will produce wrong faith


and if you have a need for healing if

you have a need for prosperity etc you

have a need of understanding who he is

if we knew the nature and the character

of god then unbelief

and worrying and fear would not be a

factor in our life if you knew how

faithful how loving how caring god

is you wouldn’t worry about that stuff

did you know that if a person really

knew god and understood god as the

wonderful father he is there would be no

trouble believing him and believing his


so having faith in other people

means developing relationship with them


to the point where you know them so well

you just completely trust them

if you knew him

most of the issues of our lives would be


if we knew him

and my heart hurts when i continue to

meet people who say they know him and

they don’t know him

they know about him they’ve achieved

some knowledge they don’t know him

you can’t judge them well dog gone and

if you show me a treat and there’s an

apple on that tree i most likely can

look at you and say that’s an apple

tree and yet when it comes to people in

church you act like you you want to play


you know the devil when you see it

you know what happened when you see an


and you know somebody who know god

and unfortunately we’ve just learned how

to play the chess game

and i’m here to break all that up

and the kingdom of darkness don’t like

that because i’m breaking up his fantasy


you ever heard of fantasy football well

fantasy church

is over

when i have no fantasy church

you got to get to know him

spend the rest of your life whining

about why ain’t nothing working



because you don’t know him but why

because you don’t know him but why

see there’s some people god won’t even



because we must mature

everybody got to mature and there are

some things god is not going to allow to

bypass your life because it can be used

as a powerful instrument to mature you

so stop complaining about problems and

trouble you’re going to have some

the bible says may that lift godly shall

suffer persecution persecution is part

of the life prescription that god has

given every born-again believer why are

you surprised

when you meet trouble

my advice

is don’t worry about the trouble just as

long as you got jesus when the troubles

show up

as long as you got his presence when the

troubles show up quit being shocked over

the trouble

like you’re not supposed to have none

that’s what i want to understand why you

got time to gossip about somebody else

in trouble you’re going to have some

trouble too

it might not be not enjoy the eye of the

storm when it come but you’re going to

have some trouble do praise god and you

better hope you know god

when your trouble visits you

but you got you got you got to be it’s

got to come because we got to mature

nobody was born fully


there’s some powerful gifts on the

inside of you that we won’t see

until we can

see maturity grow up in you and some of

you just still babies

but i don’t understand why that happens

go through a girl hush

well i gotta let that happen ask him

it’s a perfect time to fellowship with


well i just don’t think that’s god you

don’t know enough to think so keep

praying and reading

why is it that you think you just gotta

say yesterday ain’t even fully dried out

from being baptized and now you you you

presume you can lecture god

you gonna have trouble

i said the other night trouble in my way

trouble in my way

i got to cry sometimes now you’re going

to cry a lot of time

got to cry sometimes

so much trouble trouble in my way now he

don’t want your worship in trouble

i got to cry sometime i got to cry

sometime lay awake at night look at this

lay awake at night watch this and that’s

all right ain’t nothing all right about

none of that

ain’t nothing all right about laying

awake at night and troubling you away

and all that kind of stuff ain’t nothin

that’s all right and

hear what they say and you always want

to say this

with that cheap grace

i ain’t did nothing it’s all right i lay

awake at night you know why it’s all

right jesus he will fix it

when he gonna fix it after a while


in the water what’d he say the water was

cold why was the water cold what did i

see religion comes in creates a fable

you buy it

and there’s no relationship with god

there’s no knowing god you don’t know


they that know their god

shall do exploits

you don’t know god until you go through

a good fight with him

i mean not against him but when things

are going on

you and god walked through that thing

and you didn’t quit on him you didn’t

ask him you didn’t get my ultimatum

talking about god if you don’t deliver

me by tomorrow i’m through with you for

real for real

you you mad at the only one that can

help you


no i ain’t playing these games no more

well i ain’t gonna say and i’m gonna let

god reveal until you better say it

around me i’m gonna say something

in love right in your face cause it

don’t seem like nobody else saying no

that’s something i need to tell you you

are in darkness

well you know i’m just shacking up with

that girl cause you know until we get

our finances straight i see you you now

you now you’re letting the devil talk

through you

remember when peter had just announced

this is the the son of the living god

and then jesus says i come to die

and peter said oh no you ain’t come to

die and i’ll let that happen and god and

jesus looked at peter and said satan i

rebuke you


because you’re giving more attention to

the way the world thinks and no

attention at all to the very purpose of

why i’m here

and that’s what’s happening right now

you’re giving so much attention to the

way the world thinks you ain’t even

stopped to ask god about nothing

well brethren

i’m like you i’m gonna i’m gonna carry

the presence

well somebody else might say

i ain’t carrying nothing

and what i say is

i do what you told me to do

and after you do what god tells you to

do you’re good

i thought

well i don’t do it enough

i must be finished i must be done

i thought it was going to take me 20

more years but i can get on that now

and the lord showed me a vision and i

said oh my god

ain’t hauling nothing done

i said all we’ve been doing is taking

laps thinking that that one lap was the

will of god for our life

see god hadn’t shown you the ultimate


for your life he’s shown you a


transformative will for your life and

you think that that one lap you’ve been

running is the ultimate will of god for

your life now that’s just a piece of

what’s what it’s going to take for you

to be able to do the ultimate will of

god for your life and some of you have

gotten stuck in transition

so god let you take a lap

were you operating the spiritual gifts

so you can see if you will give him the

lord and give yourself a glory

now and then how god took a lap where

everything you touched prospered to see

if money was going to rule you or you

were going to have dominion over money

but see each time you thought it was

your ultimate call well god called me

to to deal with money or god called me

to walk in the given spirit he did me

the same way

he said son

i want you to go preach to the west side

of africa

and i said oh that’s the will of god for

my life and then when i did it i’m like

i’m through

and i’m like

it doesn’t mean i’m through i said i’m

kind of young and then he added on to

son i want you to go 8 million miles and

do that and i did that

and i was through i thought that was the

ultimate will of god for my life but

that was just another lap

then god said i want you to start world

changing churches in college paul and i

started world change church and i did it

and and i thought it was the ultimate

will of god it was just another laugh

and then he said and all you’re getting

get understanding i’m like okay that’s

what i’m supposed to do for the rest of

my life and all you’re getting good

understanding but i found out it was

another laugh because then he came in he

said i understand grayson and be

empowered it came and then there was

another lap

and our life is composed of all of these

laps to bring us to a place where we’re

ultimately prepared to do

the ultimate will of god for our lives

and some of us think the will of god for

our life is going to take 10 years for

some of us the will of god is our life

is only going to take an hour but it

took 50 years to get you ready for one


so i asked the lord i said how do you


how well will how will you know that

you’re ready for the ultimate will of

god for your life

he said when one day you rise up and say

uh whatever you want to do lord

i don’t even care

i bring no addition to your your program

i bring no no nothing to add to the

agenda i will do whatever you want me to

do say what you want me to say go you

want me to go keep going whatever you

want me to do god like oh now you’re

ready to do the ultimate will of my and

my he’ll sit there and say uh i’m

sending a man by you by the name of paul

he was blind on the road of damascus

you heard of him yeah that’s the guy who

persecuted us what you want me to do

with him

i want you to lay hands on him so that

he might see again

see i took you through all these laps

to get you ready to lay hands on one man

what am i trying to say don’t get stuck

in the transition

god’s not finished with you

and wherever you are whatever you did

and how you did it he not through with


if you fell in a ditch he wanted you to

fall in that so he can help you

out of that ditch because there’s some

more ditches to come so you don’t panic

when you fall in the ditches you just

sit and wait cause the same one that

delivered you out of the last ditch is

gonna show up and deliver you out of

this ditch


god getting ready to do some stuff but

don’t get stuck in transition

i’m sitting up there in the middle of a


thinking that’s it

well i can go

i don’t did

what you told me to do yeah like i did

all them other laps you told me to do

but i ain’t never been like i am now

how am i now i don’t give a flying flip

about what nobody say about me cause i’m

ready to do his will.

and that may mean you’re going to get

talked about some more well he already

done trained me about being talked about

that may mean you might be lying on some

more he already didn’t train me to be

light off that may mean that you might

get you know hurt some more you you’ve

been hurt so you’re good you’re good

with it you’ve got a hard shell on you

right now

you’re ready to do god’s will

think about this as anointed as elijah


he showed up one day suicidal

how’d it happen this man operated in all

kinds of miracles and showed up


you don’t know how many of us were ready

to go

if it wasn’t for the vision of god i had

a chance

my whole house shook

like an earthquake had occurred

it was more than what i went through it

was a demonic attack

to try to take me out of here

but to god be the glory


i’ll be stronger than i’ve ever been

cause i’m ready to do his will

i have to catch myself sometime because

i get to i get to weeping not cause i’m


i get the weeping because

my god he’s good

oh my goodness

my god he’s good

oh my god it’s been about him the whole


every time you think it’s about you and

then you look back and you realize it’s

been about him the whole time he’s never

left you he will never leave you he will

never forsake you he’ll be your god on

the on the bad side of life and he’ll be

your god on the good side of life

god promised you he’d never leave you

then it’s time for you to make that

promise i’m not leaving you god i’m not

gonna let go of you god if you don’t let

go of me i’m not gonna let go of you god

you are my savior you are my bombing

gilead you are my rock of ages

hallelujah you are my king of kings and

my lord of lords you are my healer

hallelujah you are my deliverer

hallelujah oh praise be to god

hallelujah there’s nobody like him i

just looked all over and i can’t find

nobody like him hallelujah hallelujah

hallelujah hallelujah


i still can’t articulate

everything i went through

i can articulate it more and more every


something’s coming

but we will not be caught

off guard


so don’t be afraid when you see these


these things must come to pass

and the bible says

but the end won’t be yet

so far it’s been churches stuff

now you’re about to see

it come to pass

and you’re about to see that

you can’t trust no system

you’re not going to be to trust no


you’re not going to be able to trust the

stock market and you’re not going to be

able to trust the protocols

of society

to assure that this gets here if that

gets here or that works and all that

kind of stuff

all that stuff is going to be


to check and see who will go to jesus

who will you trust now


i’m trusting god

i say i’m trusting god

some trust in horses and some trust in


i’m trusting god

i’m trusting in god for my water i’m

trusting in god for my food you better

hear me i’m trusting god for my water

i’m trusting in god for my food

i’m trusting in god for my provisions

grow bo

i’m trusting in god for my joy i’m

trusting in god for my peace

i’m trusting god for my protection

the angels of god have already been

given a command to watch over you

demons have met every day to try to come

up with a strategy to destroy you

trust in the lord with all your heart

lean not to your own understanding in

all your ways acknowledge him

and he will direct your path

i hope it’s not too late for those who


been sucked in by religion


because this is one of those seasons

i ain’t got to prove nothing

it’s going to be like going home one

week and seeing it come back say pastor

you said that two months ago

going home another week and see the old

lord jesus and see you don’t want to

wait till the last minute trying to

trust god

let him take you through the training

necessary now

so that you know how to walk with him

and be everything he called you to be

well we didn’t finish today

but that’s all right

we bought him with us

lift your hands up and receive the

presence of god

for today you will walk out of here

with no needs

today you will walk out of here

with no needs

in him we move

and in him

we breathe

and in him

we have our very


lord jesus



you can’t do can’t be done

but there’s nothing you can’t do


at every person in this


look at every person on that stream

show them

your presence and power

come through that stream lord as if

you’re sitting in their living room

or wherever they may be

with your presence and power

those that are in this building

move up and down every ow oh glory with

your presence and your power

whatever needs to be done


do it


whatever bird needs to be removed

remove it

whatever yoke needs to be destroyed

destroy it

that we

may give you the glory


and the praise

and the honor

that we may go out

and boast of you


boast of your presence and boast of your

deliverance and your righteousness

boasts of the peace that you have put

upon our hearts


peace unto this congregation

peace and grace be multiplied unto this


let us walk out of here

saying i don’t know exactly what

happened to me

but i’ve been touched

by the hand of god

oh i sense his presence on my tip of my

fingers right now

and as tempted as i am to lay hands on

folks god said no no no i got that same

thing going on around this that around

this place you you’re not the only one

that can sense my presence with your



i sense this presence with my physical



it’s always been him

he’s always been there

oh jesus


we receive you


we receive you jesus

hold through that stream we receive you

right now


we receive you

we praise you lord


thank you

thank you spirit of the living god

and we walk out of here

with no needs


but we don’t need but one thing


praise you

thank you jesus


broken hearts


he’ll confuse minds



snatch away

the pain


take away what psychiatrists have tried

to counsel away

do it now we give you praise holy spirit


we give you praise


in jesus name

oh my goodness

oh my goodness

god be praised

god be praised god be praised


be praised



give thanks unto the lord

for he is good

and his mercy

endureth forever that’s all we are we

are a product of god’s mercy

oh give thanks unto the lord of lords

for his mercy

endureth forever




we praise you

praise you

let this word become flesh let this word

become manifestation let this word




that we may do like the apostle paul out

of all the great things the apostle paul

had out of all the great things the

apostle paul experienced

here’s the only one thing he wanted that

i might know you


not that i might have more gifts not

that i might have more revelation not

that i might have more grace he said but

that i might know you he said everything

else is worthless

that i


might know thee

put that on the inside of every last one

of us

that we

might know thee

in jesus name

i’m going to ask you to do something

that’s kind of weird but

you have the presence of god with you

every day and at home

could you just for like 20 seconds stand

to your feet and celebrate jesus


those of you at home wherever you may be

by being a part somewhere

celebrate jesus

wherever you may be celebrate jesus




something has turned in this place

something has happened in this place



do you sense his presence in this place

i tell you i tell you that the president

of the holy spirit is in this place

he’s in this place





he’s in this place if you’re here

right now

and you’ve never been born again

the holy spirit his presence gets on you

whether you’re saved unsaved

but if you’ve not been born again we can

settle that right now pray this simple

prayer with me heavenly father

i realized that i was a sinner

but right now i repent of my sins

i receive the free gift of forgiveness

lord jesus i need you

come into my life

be my lord and my savior

and right now

i declare


that i am saved

thank you lord

for saving me

in jesus name

now those of you who just prayed that

prayer with me

i declare that you are in the family of

god right now

those of you who prayed the prayer with

me online

i want you to hit that key word i’m

saved just text that key word to 51551

give us your name and email address and

we’ll send you a free ebook as a gift to

you today those of you who just got

saved in the dome in just a moment i’m

going to invite you to come down so we

can celebrate with you but we welcome

you into the family of god don’t we

church we welcome you to the family of



i got one more thing to do and i’ll let

you go let’s complete our worship

through our gift-giving you can be


i i want you to hear this and don’t ever

forget it

giving is

equal to your

status as a believer

there’s an equality in

being a giver

and your status as a believer

you see you say i believe

and so heaven looks for the


you know for god so loved the world that

he gave

well the reflex of his love is that he


well we don’t want to say god we love

you but there’s no reflex of that love

and our giving

is our worship

our giving

is our worship to god

it is

it is us coming to god say lord we bring

you gifts

and we worship you in the beauty of your


now for members that are online

you can give through the text world

changers space and the amount to 74483

there’s also a qr code there if you want

to just hit that

you can also call the 1-866-477-7683

you can go to burdette road and mail

some people are still doing that that’s


and if you want to go to the website or creflo you can use your

paypal and give online

that way

if you’re here in the dome and you’d

like to give through the use of an

envelope if you raise your hands the

ushers have an envelope they can put in

your hands

and we’ll receive those in a moment

but also if you’re in the dome if you

want to hit the qr code that’s on the


or for some who have to leave there’s a

qr code in the lobby

and make sure that giving

is a part of who you are as a christian

is that we’re not giving to get we’re

giving to worship and celebrate what god

has already done in our lives amen

it’s a powerful thing to do that

praise god

so at that time those of you who are

online you can go ahead and give right


those of you who are here right now you

can go ahead and prepare your gifts to


now if you’re here today

and you have not

joined the church world changes church

international and

you believe that god’s calling you to

join this church uh i want to receive

you today

uh get your bibles and personal

belongings if you’ll come down we can

make that happen today also if you are

here and you got born again when i

prayed that prayer

i want you to come down today to make

sure that we can answer any questions

for you that you need answering in your

life okay


i’m doing a couple of things

ushers you can go ahead and receive the

offering right now

but those of you who feel that wait a

minute i believe that god has called me

and my family to be a part of world

changers church international

i am saying would you please come down

we want to welcome you

i’m also saying that if you’re here and

you prayed the prayer and you got born


then we’re also saying the same thing

that we welcome you to come down as well

we also have our e-church

becoming an e-church member is simple

use one of the ways to join you can go

to the web

to world and click join at

the top of the page

or you can text

join wcci all one word to 5155

and we’ll send you all the benefits of

e-membership including receiving today’s

sermon notes in your inbox

access the e-church facebook community

group access to our virtual conferences

and private seminars

and so

uh ladies and gentlemen i know there’s a

lot going on but i’m trying to pastor

virtually and live all at the same time

and not to forget anybody and so there’s

still some folks coming down we welcome

all of you

we’re thankful and grateful for all of


god bless you

god bless you


amen you are welcome






the blessings of god is on your life

i believe you’re here for a reason

and i believe god will begin to reveal

those things to you

you’ll be a blessing to your family

you’ll be a blessing to your friends and

you’ll be a blessing to those who are

around you

we thank god for that

at this time if you’ll go ahead and

follow this gentleman here he’s going to

take you to the prayer room they’re

going to begin the process with you

again welcome to world changers church


and god bless you


would you please stand for the final


uh wednesday night bible study

all the neat things that happened here

don’t forget daily to join us as we are

psalms 91 equipped amen

praise the lord

now unto the almighty god

the maker of heaven and earth

i declare the blessing upon these

precious people

i declare that no weapon formed against

them shall prosper and anything the

enemy forms against them it shall not


i speak the fullness of your blessings

upon their life

that if any virus

or germ should touch their body

that it will die instantly in the name

of jesus

i declare that there be no fear in their


and i declare that fear is demolished

right now

in jesus name

may the hand of god be upon you

your children are blessed

your family is blessed your

relationships are blessed

you are protected and i plead the blood

of jesus over your life

and now unto him who is able to keep you

from falling

and to present you faultless before the

almighty god

be glory


and dominion and power

both now and forever

and everybody said

amen god bless you world changers have a

great day