father thank you so much for

this another opportunity to minister to

these your precious sheep

thank you lord that revelation knowledge

will flow freely

uninterrupted and unhindered by any

satanic or demonic force

father i pray that you will speak

through my vocal cords and think through

my mind

none of me all of you it’s in jesus name

we pray

and everybody said amen

praise the lord if you have your bibles

go with me to the book of

saint john chapter 10 and verse 10.

our series that we’re working on i call

it winning

in spiritual warfare uh but today i want

to give it a subtitle

the battle of the mind winning in

spiritual warfare

the battle of the mind now i need you to

understand something

that my life and your life

is a product of my thinking

i just want to talk to you before i get

started my life

and the fruit in my life is a product

of my mindset that everything that

pertains to your life is going to be

worked out in your mind your mind

is the battleground to determine what

your life is going to be like let me say

that again your mind is the battleground

to determine what your life is going to

be like

and so it’s it’s this simple you know

you’re going to either

allow god

to have access to your thinking

or you’re going to be convinced to not

pay attention to god or his word

and then you’re going to give access to

your thinking

to the world now the problem with that

is you know the fort

motor company created

the ford engine and

if you’re going to make sure that that

engine runs properly you would want to

get the information from

the ford company but some people decide


i don’t need the ford company to get

information about this engine

i’ll just call a paint shop and i’ll get

all the information up from the paint

shop about the

about this engine and and that’s what

we’re doing god is the creator

of this human system god is the creator

of human beings and and god is

has has he you are a spirit you

you have a soul which is your mind will

and emotions and you live in a physical


and god knows the ingredients that you


in your mind in order to produce the

life that you want

and so instead of depending on

god and finding out what you should be

thinking to produce

good life we completely shut off

from from god and thinking the way he

wants us to think and thinking according

to the word and we have

opened our mind up and given access

to the words of the world

and we go to the world and say hey give

us the materials for our mind

we don’t go to god the creator and say

give me what i need for my thinking

we go to the world they didn’t create


that’s not your creator and you’re going

to the world and you’re going to

to to the ways of the world and you’re

you’re allowing the education of the

world and

you’re allowing the norms and values of

the world to determine your way of


and so you don’t like your life right


check out what you’ve given your mind

access to

you don’t like what’s going on right now

you don’t like your living

you don’t like your pain you don’t like

being broke blessed and disgusting

you don’t like being in fear all the

time you don’t like how your

relationships are turning off

turning out everything in your life

is determined by everything in your mind

everything in your life is determined by

your thinking

it seems so simple to me here’s god a

made a human being

and he says all right i’m gonna put a

software component in the human being

and if he’ll put the right things in

that software he’ll live the right life

if he’ll take my word

and and think according to my word and

put it in his mind

then he’ll live an abundant life but so

many people

say i don’t believe i don’t believe in

god i don’t believe his word

and then some of us uh

unfortunately we get ourselves in a

situation where we’re hearing the word

being taught wrong

and we and when it’s taught wrong then

we think wrong and when we think wrong

then we believe

wrong and then we say i don’t want to

have anything to do with that anymore

what’s going on in your mind is going to


into your and so my life your life

is a product life is a product of


it is a product of my way of thinking

so if you get victory in your mind

you’re gonna have victory in your life

if you have defeat in your life it’s

only because you got defeat in your mind

nothing is allowed to exist in life

without it first existing in your mind

that’s the arena so if you change your


you can change your life people are

always asking

i need to change my life and we don’t

even know how do we do that i’m telling

you right now if you change your

thinking you change your life

the problem is we change our thinking

from one bad way of thinking

to another bad way of thinking and it

gets progressively worse

and you have to change your thinking to

be in line

with the one who created you see i can


if if the world created you but they

don’t know how

god created you and if anybody knows how

you should be thinking to produce the

life you

want god would know

are you fed up tired sick and tired of

being sick and tired

are you wondering how bad can it get

wanting to change and don’t know what to

do this series is for you

wanting new relationships wanting to do

things better than what you’re doing

this is this is for you it’s so simple

right here it’s in your mind your mind

is the arena of faith your mind

is the battleground for your life

what your life will be like will be

determined in the

battle in your mind the battle between

what’s good from god’s word in your mind

versus what’s

a lie in the world in your mind who will

win in the battle of your mind

satan is after your soul

satan is competing

to see who will sit in the control of

your mind because if you can control the

mind you can control the life

that’s the only real weapon that satan


it’s a weapon of suggestion to suggest

thoughts and if you’re not in the word

of god and you don’t understand the word

of god then his suggests his suggestions


will be appealing and he wants to work

in the pleasure center of your mind

so that you can accept it there is a war

going on

a battle for the souls of men now

remember when i use the word soul

remember man is a spirit being he

possesses a soul the soul is the mind

will and emotion

people religion uses the word soul and

spirit interchangeably as if they are

one they are not you are a spirit you

have a soul you live in a body

so when you get born again your spirit

is just like god it’s perfect

okay but then even as a born-again


your soul if it’s not renewed with the

word of god

and specifically the word of grace then

you can still end up doing things in

your body

and then blaming it you know and all

other kind of things is just your soul

satan wants your soul

he wants your soul whether you are a

christian he wants your soul whether you

are a sinner

he wants control of your soul so he can


and determine your life so

let’s deal with this and if you’ll hang

in here with me over the next several

weeks if you will

just stay here with me if you’ll come to

church through through the stream

you know it’s amazing to me that thank

god for all of you who’ve come to church

but there’s some members of our church

who hadn’t attended church since

march 2020 and let’s pray for those

people that they don’t fall victim of

the devil

and what’s the important part of tuning

in and getting this word today

you get the right way of thinking

if you can think right you can live


if you can think right you can believe


someone says well what’s the right way

of thinking it’s according to

the word of grace that came from the


of the human system amen so let’s

let’s lay some foundation here and talk


first of all this morning the reality of

a spiritual

warfare what is that and how do we win

in this spiritual warfare john chapter

10 10

he says the thief cometh not but for to

steal and to kill

and to destroy now notice that’s not god

god gets the blame for the stealing the

killing and the destroy

every time there’s a hurricane hit or a

tornado tornado

people just oh look at god look at the

destruction god calls no no no no

satan there’s a devil loose please

please understand it there’s a devil is

well i don’t believe in the devil well i

tell you what

that’s the greatest thing the devil can

accomplish in your life to finally get

you not to believe that he exists

because if you don’t believe he exists

he can just kind of wreak havoc in your

life because

you don’t believe he exists he exists

how do you know that because the bible

speaks of him

the thief cometh not but for to steal

kill and to destroy god’s not a thief

satan is the thief satan is the killer

satan is the crook satan is the


and so any area of your life stealing

killing and destroying

satan gets the blame for that stop

blaming god for that

look what he said he says but i have

come that they might have life and have

it more abundantly

so jesus says i’m not the thief he says

i’m the one that’s going to be

responsible for you to have

life to the full in abundance until it


so the will of god for your life is to

have life to the full

in abundance until it overflows so you


you gotta make sure that you place the


with the proper in the proper place

steal kill destroyer

that belongs to satan uh life to the

full until

overflows that belongs to god god is for

you not against you

all right so there there it is those the

two are opposing forces in this

spiritual warfare

ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 through 12.

let’s look at it first of all in king

james and then in the amplified

all right now notice he says finally my

brethren be what

strong in the lord be strong in the lord

and in the power of the lord’s might

so this battle is not going to be won

in my strength it’s going to be one in

the strength of the lord

in the ability of the lord all right put

on the whole armor of god that you may

be able to stand against the wiles of

the devil

now the armor of god is simply put if

you just read the rest of the chapter

the armor of god is the word of god it’s

the word of god and in particular

i’m talking about the word of grace he

says put on the whole armor of god that

you may be able to stand against the

wiles or the

strategy of the devil notice for we


not against flesh and blood so our fight

is not against human beings

versus human beings now listen to this


well who are we fighting we’re fighting

demonic spirits

there are four categories of demons

principalities powers

rulers of the darkness of this world

spiritual wickedness in high places now

you don’t hear people talk about that a

lot but

there are demonic forces arrayed against

you as a christian

and their job is to make your life


their job is to have a strategy to

defeat you

away from the victory that jesus has

already made available for

you now let’s look at this in the in the

amplified bible ephesians 6 10 through

12 pay attention how it’s written here

he said in conclusion

be strong in the lord be empowered

through your union with him

as christian people we have a

relationship with the holy ghost

be empowered through your union with him

draw your strength from him

he says that strength which his

boundless might provides

so there’s strength that you can draw

from him you can draw it from his word

draw your strength from him

11 put on god’s whole armor

the armor of a heavy armed soldier which

god supplies

that you may be able successfully

to stand up against all the strategies

and the deceits of the devil

so the devil has designed strategies

deceitful strategies to try to

get you away from the will of god for

your life the plan of god for your life

the abundance of life in your life the

victory from your life

satan has a strategy a strategy

it is going to be a deceitful strategy

and you you’d be amazed the number of

christians and the number of number of

christians and the number of people in

the world

who who fall they they fall for the

deceitful strategy the deceitful

strategy that that makes sense the the

deceitful strategy that

the norms and values of the world


and when you don’t when you’re not aware

that there’s a devil loose who is trying


attack you and win against you through

deceitful strategies

do you do you understand that the

devil’s just not out here just

going crazy trying to kill you he has a

specific design

to try to to kill steal and destroy in

your life

he knows your weaknesses and he knows

your pleasures and he knows how bad you

beat yourself up and he knows

all of those kind of things and so he


a strategy against you and in some cases


uses the same foul the rest of your life

there’s a war going on there’s a war

going on

verse 12 for we are not wrestling with

flesh and blood

we’re not contending only with physical


you see those demonic spirits work

through people

and you’re thinking that you’re you’re

contending against the people

it’s that spirit i uh at a situation one

time where

you know this guy was talking about how

his boss was really after him

and uh we told him why don’t you take

authority of the spirit that’s working

through your boss

he says how do you do that i said just

simply go pray father i take authority

over that demonic spirit

that’s working through my boss trying to

torment me

he said he prayed and that boss changed

like night and day

you see he was not aware that there was

a demonic spirit that had developed

deceitful strategies to try to work

against him

to try to move him out of the will of

god for his life see what he was doing

was the will of god for his life but

there was a strategy to get him out of


and so you’re not fighting that’s what

the scripture says uh

humans only but what you’re fighting are

humans who are being

uh controlled in a sense or oppressed in

some cases

by demon spirits to act a certain way

contending only with physical opponents

but against the

the deep depotisms against the powers

against the master spirits wow

who are the world rulers of this present


they’re rulers of this darkness against

the spirit

forces of wickedness in the heavenly

supernatural sphere

this is the reality of a spirit world

this is a reality of enemies coming

against you

your enemies that come against you will

be defeated

they’ll come in one way deuteronomy 28 7

i believe

they’ll come in one way and god calls

them to flee seven ways

glory be to god but you got to

understand what’s in this bible

you’ve got to understand that there’s a

war going on satan

wants your soul

look at luke chapter 10 19 through 20.

now here’s a promise that we’ve been


and this is just the foundation for the

spiritual warfare here’s a promise that

we’ve been given good news

luke chapter 10 verse 19 through 20.

luke 10 19-20 luke 10

19-20 behold i give unto you

power to tread on serpents

and scorpions and over all the power of

the enemy and nothing shall by any means

hurt you now notice what he says

behold i give unto you power that first


power in this verse means authority the

right to command

you have authority to have absolute

mastery over every demonic force

over serpents and scorpions those are

representatives of demon forces

you have authority over demon forces

you have authority over every demon


and over all the power second word power

ability over all the power of the

of your enemy all the power your enemy

is the devil

and you have authority over all of his


glory to god no matter what the devil

can do

you have authority over all of his

ability and watch this and nothing shall

by any means hurt you

nothing shall by in any means hurt you

look at verse 20. he says


in this rejoice not don’t rejoice that

the spirits are subject

unto you but rather rejoice watch this

because your names are written in heaven

you see i’m rejoicing this morning

because i’m born again i made jesus the

lord of my life

and i’m heaven bound there’s no doubt

about it there’s no worry about it

when i leave my physical body i’m

rejoicing because

my name is written in heaven

but i want you to know while you’re here

you have authority

over the devil in jesus name and then

finally in this reality of the spiritual

warfare first john 5 and 4

here’s some more good news now

he says for whatsoever is born of god

overcometh the world

the world is defined as the lust of the


the lust of the eyes and the pride of

life so when people say that’s worldly

how do you evaluate something worldly

does it have the lust of the flesh

the lust of the eyes and the pride of

life some some people get me

all the time talking about music being

worldly that’s worldly music well

does it have does it involve the lust of

the flesh the lust of the eyes and the

pride of life well then it’s worldly

uh but that’s that’s what worldly means

we’re in the world but we’re not of the


way of operation we’re not of the lust

of the flesh

the lust of the eyes and the pride of

life he says and this is the victory

that overcomes the world

even our faith so the good news is

that victory has already been made

available to us by jesus christ

we have the victory that overcome we

have the victory

that overcomes the world even our faith

in the victory that jesus has obtained

now that’s what that means

so spiritual warfare ladies and

gentlemen spiritual warfare is

is not doing something to try to get

victory spiritual warfare is

maintaining the victory that jesus has

already obtained so notice we’re in the

new testament

jesus died to obtain victory notice

we’re in the new testament

jesus died to obtain victory

and so jesus was raised from the dead

he obtained the victory glory to god he

finished the work glory to god and he

gave it to us

who are now living under this new

testament and our job is to maintain it

and the devil’s job is to try to get us

to turn it loose

so jesus died to obtain healing my job

is to hold on to healing

satan’s job is to do something to try to

give cause me to give it up

jesus has already obtained

soundness deliverance

my job is to maintain soundness and


satan’s job is trying to get me to give

it up

and so you see the battle that’s going

on here

so i want you to write this down

i i i made my mind up i’m gonna i’m

gonna take my time i’m not trying to

rush to her and get

finished i want to make sure you have an

understanding of this

i can’t wait to get to the end of this

but let’s take our time as we go

so here’s the statement as a result of

you recognizing

through these five scriptures that there

is a war going on through these four

scriptures there’s a war going on

there’s there’s a reality of a spiritual


the warfare is not for you and i to try

to go and win

jesus has already won

satan has already been defeated satan is

a defeated

foe well then what is the spiritual

warfare the spiritual warfare is what i

just explained

maintaining the victory that jesus


and satan’s going to try to take it away

and so i need to enter into the


that satan will begin to use to try to

take it away

whoever can hold on to it will see the

manifestation in their life

whoever lets it go won’t see the

manifestation in their life

and yet we’ll see some other things

manifesting in their life

so here’s the here’s the here’s a

statement i want to make i want to i

want to

read this statement to you and then i

want to go back and break it out

with words the most important thing

the most important thing

that a believer can do in spiritual


is to believe the promises the most

important thing that a believer can do

in spiritual warfare is to believe the


believe the promises of god not

condemn yourself but stay in faith

believe the promises of god

not to think that god is mad at you and


this thing must be your punishment

believe the promises of god not to be

sin conscious

believe the promise of god and not to


your sin on your latest or your recent


or sin but to believe

that you are forgiven and stay in

faith for your victory that you stand in

the key to spiritual warfare

is to rest by faith in the finished

works of jesus christ

the key to spiritual warfare see if you

really believe something

the asset test that you really believe

it is that you’ll enter into rest

not stress not worry but when i really


something i am at rest

i am at peace

and so you got to understand this now

the key to spiritual warfare

is to rest in the finished works

of jesus christ rest

in the finished work that i am the

righteousness of god and satan’s going

to do everything he can to try to get me

to stress out over it

i rest in the finished works of jesus


remember when i started this statement i

said the most important thing

that a believer can do in spiritual

warfare is to believe the promises of


not condemn yourself

not condemn yourself well what happens

if condemnation comes pastor what do i

do well romans 8

1 says there is therefore now no

condemnation to those who are in christ


so anytime you feel condemnation coming

the way you fight now in this warfare

see notice it’s coming up here in your

mind the way you fight this warfare

you know condemnation comes and here’s

what you do you say

there is no condemnation to those who

are in christ i’m in christ

whoa whoa you’re maintaining the victory

it said believe the promises

and not to think that god is mad at you

well isaiah 54 9. i need you to see this

isaiah 54

9 promises god made a covenant to not be

angry with you nor to rebuke you

this is a covenant promise that he made

he says for this is

as the waters of noah unto me for as i

have sworn

that the waters the north should no more

go over the earth

and notice we’ve not seen another flood


so have i sworn that i would not be

wrath or anger with thee

nor rebuke thee so every time this

thought comes

and it says well you know what god’s

angry at you

and god’s mad at you therefore

what you’re going through is punishment

you should say no no no

god made a promise he said just like i

promised that the waters of the earth


the waters won’t ever flood the earth

again so have i promised not to be angry

with you

and to rebuke you and to punish you god

is not the punisher

and you need to tell yourself when that

thought comes notice when i said when

that thought comes

notice when that thought of condemnation

comes notice when that thought that

god’s mad at you come

you got to respond with the word it’s

important that you open your mouth and

respond to the word

you remember i’ve done this over the

last uh

40 years over and over and over again

but you take authority of your thoughts

with the words of your mouth so you

can’t just sit there and let the

thoughts happen

when there’s a crazy thought go through

your mind open your mouth up and say

what what what you believe in so save

the victory speak the victory

uh you remember let’s do this one more

time i want you to count from one to ten

without saying anything just count to

yourself one to ten ready

go now say your name out loud

all right what happened to your

accounting excuse me you had to what

happened to the county

it stopped right because your brain had

to shut that down that thought down

to comprehend what was coming out your

mouth and that’s exactly what happens

when the enemy is coming up to you and

trying to condemn you you open your

mouth up and you say there’s no

condemnation to those who are in christ

jesus that stops

and what you just said now enters in

when the enemy comes to you and says

god’s mad at you and

and he’s going to punish you and what

you’re going through is a punishment you

shouldn’t did that you open your mouth

up and say god’s got to covet it with me

not to be angry with me nor to rebuke me

that’s that’s that’s spiritual warfare

that’s that’s how you do that

okay it also says you know let’s believe

the promise

most important thing that a believer can

do in spiritual warfare is to believe

the promise

all right and not to be sin conscious

look at hebrews 10 and 2 sin conscious

not to be sin conscious and and to blame

things on your latest

or your most recent performance of sin

sin consciousness

always going around conscious of sin

well that didn’t happen because of the

sin in my life and well that didn’t

happen because of sin in my life and

just so

sin conscious you’re so sin conscious

you get up in the morning you say lord

forgive me for the sin i hadn’t even

committed yet

and the bible says concerning this he

says for then would they

not have ceased to be offered he’s

talking about sacrifices

because that the worshiper once purged

should have no more consciousness of


you see jesus was that final offering

and he was offered and what happened

when jesus was offered

sin consciousness was purged so every

time sin consciousness comes in your


you open your mouth up and say because

of the offering of jesus

no more sin consciousness see you’ve got

this is how you

battle you don’t just sit there and let

things sit in your mind

you respond with words

okay and then you go on and you say you

know well

uh you know the reason why i’m going

through this is because

i didn’t do this and because i didn’t do


then god couldn’t do that or if i did


then god would have did that or if i

hadn’t done that

then i wouldn’t be going through this

look at galatians chapter 2

verse 16 in the nlt galatians chapter 2

16 ninety well

why am i taking my time to show this

it’s time for us to get detailed in this


so that we can have some amazing


manifesting in our lives jesus has

already given us the victory

now we got to get him to manifest in our

lives he says yet we know that a person

is made right with god by faith in jesus

christ not by obeying the law

and we have believed in christ jesus so

that we might be made right with god

so we’re made right with god because we

believe jesus because of our

faith in christ not because we have

obeyed the law

of moses so the key to spiritual warfare

is to rest that’s authentic belief to


in the finished works of jesus christ to


in the victory that jesus

has obtained to rest in it to have a

level of confidence

not stress to have a level of peace

about it not worry to have a level of

faith about it

not trying to figure out what you need

to do in order for this to be true

it is true because jesus has already

made it happen all right you know i

i want to go a little bit more detail

okay and i’m not trying to bore you with

this but you know we got to get in the

word man

you know when you talk about having rest

in the finished works

of jesus christ some people may not

heard this i kind of go over it quickly

but i want to settle down a little bit

this morning what is the finished work

of jesus christ

i mean by scripture what is the defense

if somebody were to ask you what’s the

finished works of jesus christ

you you telling this this this and then

they ask the question well prove it

well let’s first of all where do we get

that from john 19 and 30

here’s jesus on the cross and in john 19

and 30 he says when jesus therefore had

received the vinegar

he said watch this it is finished

bowed his head and gave up the ghost it

is finished i don’t know about you but

as a christian you should ask well what

was finished

what was finished he said it is finished

what was finished

and that’s the mistake we make we get so


that we deal with satan in the general

and not

in the preciseness of things

what is finished well there are three

very specific things

i could break it down to more but three

very specific things that were finished

i’ll give you three words

propitiation redemption

and reconciliation i know by scripture

what was finished when he laid his head

and died perpetuation

redemption and reconciliation

it was finished now let me show you this

to you in scripture because

you need to know this christian people

it’s time to be well informed

because if you if you keep hearing half

truths uh you won’t know how to fight

the devil because he’ll he’ll show up


and actually oppress you with the half


look at this first john chapter 4 and


and look what he says herein is love

not that we love god but that he loved

us and he sent his son to be a

propitiation for

our sins so when jesus was sent to be a

propitiation for our

sins and that was finished

on the cross so what is a propitiation

it is literally ladies and gentlemen it


to satisfy a wrath by sacrifice

basically jesus was the propitiation or

he was

the ransom

for the sin in our life you see god is a

just god

and when a person sins

it’s not just for them to just get away

from get away with it without paying the


so jesus was the payment

for the sins of the whole world not just

for christian people

but he was the payment for for the sin

of the entire world that’s powerful

jesus was the sin offering

he was the peace offering here’s the


accurate definition he was the ransom

that was

paid for the sin and the consequences of


so we can go free from the consequences

of it

and that was finished on the cross i

don’t i don’t have to ask him to do that

listen there is nothing i could do

to make him do this that’s the favor of

god that’s the favor of god

it’s not me doing a little bit and jesus

is doing a little bit it was all god i

mean for god so loved the world that he

gave his son

favor right now the problem can’t be the


the problem can’t be the solution all

favor of god right now

you didn’t have nothing to do with this

propitiation all from god

favor you with a sin offering favorite


with a ransom that was paid came up with


wasn’t our suggestion was his alone

oh glory and that was finished on the


and so right now by faith i received

that it’s already done i’m not trying to

come up with another offering for my

sins and you know so many people do that

when they sin they think about i need to

do this this this so i can get rid of it

they don’t receive by faith the

perpetuation that was already

taken care of the wrath that was the

wrath that god had against us

jesus was that sin offering he was that

ransom that was paid for our sins and

the consequences of our sin

and our response should be thank you

thank you but there’s so many christians

today trying to handle that

which has already been handled so that

was finished at the cross

the ransom the payment for all of your

sins that’s so powerful

the payment for all of your sins glory

to god

the payment for the consequences for all

of your sins i mean

you know all of us were supposed to go

to hell for sin

according to romans 6. god just can’t

smile and let you get away with it

so what he did is he sent the payment

glory be to god amen so that’s the first


that was finished here’s the second

thing that was finished redemption

redemption look at ephesians chapter 1

and verse 7. ephesians chapter one and

verse seven he says in him

we have redemption how through the blood

we have redemption through the blood so

what is redemption

it’s the work of christ in setting us


from the bondage of sins slavery

with all of its awful connections and


so we have been redeemed we have been

set free from the slavery of sin

and the consequences of sin that’s

finished at the cross

and according to ephesians 1 and 7 we

have redemption

we got it through his blood when he shed

his blood

or our deliverance from the slavery of


done we have been redeemed all god’s


all happened because of him you didn’t

do a little bit and god did a little bit

all god amen that’s the second thing

that was finished at the cross

here’s the third thing that was finished

at the cross

reconciliation reconciliation second

corinthians 5 18

verse 18 says now all these things are

from god

who reconciled us to himself

through christ god’s idea god says i’m

gonna repair the relationship

uh uh you were you you were the enmity

because of the sin in your life and i’m

gonna repair the relationship

reconciliation is the act by which god

brings mankind into complete change

relationship with himself

this is a one-way act by god a one-way

act by god

that god initiated this and god says i’m

going to reconcile our

relationship there was enmity between

man and god

and and god says i’m going to do

something about it

i’m going to restore our friendship this

was a

one way act by god

not you doing a little bit and god and

that’s that’s the thing about it

people don’t understand this is all god

and religion what’s gonna make you think

now but you gotta do this this this this

honey jesus is enough amen

and then look at second peter chapter

one and three

so the finished works of jesus


redemption reconciliation

and i like to add this ii peter chapter

one and three according as his divine

power hath given unto us

all things that pertain unto life and

godliness through the knowledge of him

that has called us to glory and virtue

so everything that pertains to life and


has been made available to us it is


propitiation is finished reconciliation

is finished

redemption is finished my righteousness

is finished

glory to god my healing is finished my

deliverance is finished

you understand it’s the finished works

of jesus christ

satan hates the fact that the work is

finished so here’s how he’s going to

attack you

he’s going to attack you by by


your faith in what’s finished and by

trying to get you to do something to

finish it

satan’s ultimate attack is going to try

to get you to enter into

performance-based christianity

he wants you to feel like you got to

perform in order to have your sins

paid for you got to perform in order to

be delivered you got to perform

in order to walk in this reconciliation

you got to perform

in order to get everything that jesus

finished that’s what he wants to do

that’s the battle now the battle is you

standing on what’s done

and satan says here’s what i’m going to

do i’m going to get you into

performance-based christianity

i’m going to get you to thinking that

here are all the things you got to do

in order for that to happen

satan wants you to think he wants you to

think jesus is not enough it’s got to be

jesus plus

a little of what you do it’s got to be a

little from you and live from jesus

and that’s how satan wins and that’s how

he is winning

because you have church people who will

not receive

what the blood of jesus has made

available what a slapping god’s faith

face to give his son

so that you might freely have

all these other things and you turn down

the freedom and still feel like you got

to pay a price for it

wow so now let’s talk about the

connection between

grace and resisting the devil

because i’m telling you right now our


in this spiritual warfare is through

the unmerited favor of god it’s through

the grace of god it’s through what jesus

has already

done that’s how we win in the spiritual


by by receiving what jesus has already

done see you’re thinking well in order

for me to get the victory

i’ve got to intercede for 38 hours and

give myself

credit and say you know we pray for 38

hours and look at what god could do

you’re deceived it’s a slap in god’s

face god says i already had this ready

all you had to do is stand on it all you

have to do is believe you receive it and


the church is filled with with

motion just a lot of motion

trying to get god to do something and

i’ll show you a scripture

in this series in romans chapter 6 that

talks about the law

is responsible for the motions of sin

wow all right so let’s look at this

what’s the connection between

grace and resisting the devil to fight

against the devil to actively fight

against the devil

you you have to have grace you will win

every time with grace let’s look at

these two scriptures

james 4 6-7 i looked at him last week

james 4 6-7 he says but he giveth more


wherefore he saith god resisteth

the proud but he gives grace unto the


so that’s pretty strong right there god

resists the proud he gives grace to the


verse seven submit yourself therefore to


resist the devil and he will flee from


all right now notice verse six and seven

goes together he says first of all i

want you to inform you

that those who will believe

and line their lives up with the

finished works of jesus christ

he says they are the humble and i can

get grace to them

but those who will not believe and will

not line themselves up with the victory

that’s already

there but will enter into

performance-based christianity

that’s pride that’s pride

a prideful man says i’m not going to


to what jesus has done i’m not going to

submit to what’s already been done

i mean you got food on the table you can

eat it if you’re hungry but you got to

submit to it

you got to submit to eating and and

and he says he resists the proud

they’re there there’s a resisting the


a pride man that has an overestimation

of his importance

a a a humble man has a low estimation of

his importance

all of a sudden this prideful man thinks

he is so important

more important than jesus more important

than what the blood has done

that he proceeds to come up with his own

protocol of how to try to get it to


and he says i resist that but i’ll give

grace to the

guy who who thinks of himself lowly and

who will submit and line his life up

with what i’ve already done and then he


in verse seven if you’ll do that he says

submit yourself therefore to god see

that’s that’s humility it’s all about

submitting yourself to god submit

yourself to god and when you’re


to god then you can fight against the

devil notice the fighting against the


comes when you submit yourself to what’s

done what’s finished

i’m healed right now now i can resist

the devil

now i can resist the devil that’s

awesome see

a lot of people trying to fight the

devil and they don’t know

what has been done and they won’t submit

to what has been done

and they’re fighting with no weapons and

so he says

resist the devil because you submitted

to to what god has said and more grace

can come your way

and he says and he’s going to run from

you with fear that’s what the word flee


to run with fear to run with fear notice

grace shows up because of your

submission to it glory to god

and the devil runs with fear all right


look at this next scripture first peter


5-8 first peter 5 5-8

he says likewise you younger submit

yourselves unto the elder okay

you know what that means you submitting

yourself to the elder you’re gonna

you’re gonna do what they say

you know submit yourself to the elder

yeah and yeah

all of you be subject one to another be

clothed he said be clothed with humility

in verse six for god resisted the proud

the guy who has the overestimation of


who won’t line up with what’s already


and in his prideful way will try to

achieve something that’s already been


for god resists the proud but he gives

grace to the humble

the god that submits to what’s already

done you know when you submit to healing

you’re saying i’m healed just cause just

cause healing’s already done

he said god resists the proud and give

grace to the humble all right verse 6.

so he says since grace goes to the

humble humble yourself therefore under

the mighty hand of god

he says you’ll be exalted in due time

because grace is working

verse 7 and so watch this cast all your

cares upon him

for he cares for you now this is a test

of submission

you see he says humble yourself

and then he turns around and says cast

your care on him because he cares for


for you to worry instead of casting your


for you it’s a prideful act it’s an act

of pride

when you submit yourself to god you know

what you’re saying

i’ll cast my care upon him because he

cares for me

and when i cast my care upon him because

he cares for me

i have humbled myself and grace is

available so i can cast my care upon him

because he cares for me and now grace is

available to take care of the care

that’s what happens when you humble

yourself under the mighty hand of god

but there’s so many people

they know this scripture cast your care

upon him because he cares for you they

know that scripture but you know what

they do

i’m not casting my care on him i’m a

worry i’m a word that’s what i do i

worry and then you take great pride in

i’m wearing that’s what i do you’re it’s

pride it’s

pride it’s it’s not a badge that you

wear i’m a worrier when he says don’t


when he says cast your care upon you

know worry is a sin

why is it a sin because he said cast

your care upon him

for he cares for you if you submit to


grace comes to take care of that

you know what god’s trying to do i don’t

want you to try to handle it

the devil will get you every time i

don’t want you to perform to try to

handle this the devil gets you every


i want you to cast it on me and i’ll

give you grace

and the grace is sufficient it’ll take

care of it and look what he says in

verse 8.

be sober be vigilant because your

adversary of the devil

as a roaring lion walketh about seeking

whom he may devour he can devour someone

that’s in pride

this be sober you know what it means to

be sober it means

watch this to not be intoxicated

think properly be sober think properly

be vigilant about it because you have an


i’m telling you right now you have an

adversary who is it the devil

who has a roar now the roar is to

inflict fear

the roar is to say things and put things

in you to cause you to be afraid that

the word of god won’t come to pass

he’s walking about and he’s seeking now

if he could get everybody he wouldn’t

have to seek

but he’s checking out who he can devour

he cannot devour a humble man

who has the grace of god working for him

he can’t devour him

he cannot devour him he runs from them

with fear

but he can devour a prideful man who god


and grace can’t get to him because he’s

exalted his performance

above the grace of god and the victory

that jesus has already

obtained there are some christians that


not devourable and there are some who


religious people who dwell

in performance-based christianity and

have been convinced

that they have to do these things in

order for god to do

what he promised that he already did

if you’re going to do that then what do

you need faith for

faith is to believe what jesus

has already done because faith takes


of what’s already been finished you have

to take

possession of propitiation you have to

take possession

of redemption you have to take

possession of reconciliation you have to


possession of healing and deliverance

and all those things

that’s what that means to operate by

faith faith doesn’t mean you go do

something uh and then if you do it just

right then maybe just maybe you can talk


into doing something good for you that

is an old pagan

terrible mindset that is dead works

according to hebrews chapter 9.

dead works are works where you’re trying

to do something to deserve

something from god and and that is that

that is the stain

of religion upon people in this world


constantly doing something to deserve

something for god

and the world does it too i’m not saved

but maybe if i go to church god might do

something good it’s the mindset

if i do something good then maybe god

will do something for me

and we just can’t fathom in our thinking

that he’s already done everything you’ll

ever need

but he’s waiting on you to stand on it

to dare to stand on it

and to dare to believe it so these two


talk about resisting the devil


at the same time it talks about grace

and i never thought about this before

all years reading this it talks about

resisting the devil at the same time

talks about grace

i’m gonna make this statement and i

gotta keep teaching this so don’t don’t

don’t go to

calling and screaming before i can

finish the series

grace god’s

unmerited favor

grace god

being the one the one-way act by god

oh i like that the one-way act by god


this undeserved unearned

favor i mean for god so loved the world

that he gave his only son

grace that’s the favor of god right now

and you didn’t do nothing so how can we

preach grace and preach the favor of god

and give a list of things you got to do

to get something that you’re not

supposed to be able to

do to get it’s supposed to be a gift

grace will cause us to win in spiritual


grace will cause us to win in spiritual


i always thought in spiritual warfare

when they talked about put on the whole

armor of god

that he was just talking about putting

on the word of god no he’s talking about

putting on the gospel

the grace of god putting on everything

that god’s

unmerited favor has made available to

you put that on

and when the enemy shows up he loses why

because you’re not trying to get

something imagine how he beats up on

people who still

believing they don’t have it and so they

got to do this in order to get it

versus the fight he has and the fact

that he know he can’t devour a person

that when he comes by them they already

got it

they acting like they got it they’re

talking like they got it they’ve already

released their faith for it

and satan flees and runs with fear

notice he’s running with fear

he’s running with fear because he knows

that his words won’t be able to come to

pass in your life

oh glory to god grace

grace is how we win in spiritual warfare

no wonder the devil attacks so


when people start preaching the gospel

of grace

because satan has no defense against


who believes they’ve already received

the victory yeah he has no defense in it

the devil has no defense against a child

of god who knows grace

that you will win it’s not like you’re

going to win your spiritual warfare

when you know what jesus has already

given you through his grace and favor

you’ve already won you’ve accepted the


you’ve accepted the win without doing

anything to win

except to accept the win glory to god

you’re not working to win

you got to win you’re not working to try

to get victory you already got victory

and you’re moving from victory to


you’re moving from the victory you have


to the manifestation of that victory


but there’s some people who don’t even

have the victory inwardly

and they think their works will produce

it outwardly

ah if you do see anything outwardly

that’s the mercy of god

that’s the grace of god and some of you

have been walking in the grace and the

mercy of god

and you still don’t know it you still

credit it to what you do

you still give credit to what you do

instead of what

has already been done look at second

corinthians 12

verse 7 through 9. second corinthians 12

verse 7 through 9.


whoa i hope y’all getting this i i

hadn’t even got started yet

you need to you need to set you need to

set your mind make your mind up i am i’m

not missing out one of these

all right look at this he says in fact

let’s see uh

verse seven eight and nine he says and

paul is talking here

paul says unless i should be exalted

above measure through the abundance of

the revelations

so paul’s like got this revelation of

the grace of god

galatians the book of galatians just

talks about

paul’s evolution into this revelation of

the grace of god that he got from jesus

he got it straight from jesus

hallelujah it’s the revelation of jesus

that’s the revelation we need to get

we’re trying to get a revelation on

that and on that the revelation is the

revelation of jesus

and lest i should be exalted above

measure through the abundance

of revelations there was given to me

a thorn in the flesh all right so

see the issue here the issue is i got to

be careful not to get into pride because

of all the revelations i’m getting

and so now there’s a thorn in the flesh

and he tells you what the thorn in the

flesh is

it’s the messenger of satan a messenger

of satan

that was sent to buffet him

lest i should be exalted above measure

all right so he got so he gets all this


but he’s been buffeted by the message of


and and guess where it’s happening right

up here in his head

oh you come on come on enter in the

pride you know you bad you know you

something else

man go go go go tell everybody walk


walk in pride because of the revelations

you get and paul’s fighting

against this look at verse the next

verse he says for this thing i besought

the lord

three times thrice that it might depart

from me

so he’s like god this is what’s going on

help me

god this is what’s going on help me god

this is what’s going on help me

and then verse 9 here’s the help and he

said unto me

my grace is sufficient for you

what i’ve already done is enough

the favor the unmerited grace and favor

of god

is enough for you my strength is made

perfect in weakness

when when there’s an area in your life

that’s under attack

he says my grace is more than enough for


stand in it my strength is made perfect

in weakness most gladly therefore will

i rather glory in my infirmities

that the power of christ may rest upon


the power of christ may rest upon me

now here’s the question that i have i

know satan doesn’t have

any defense against the grace and here’s

god telling paul grace is good for you


you’re under attack by the messenger of

satan here’s my answer

grace he cannot win if you’ll stand on


so here’s the question here’s what we’ll

get into next week

where is the battleground that all this

is taking place that we just read about


where is the arena for this fight that

paul is going through

see we’re looking like there’s just some

physical things going all of this is

going on in his mind

there’s a battle going on in paul’s mind

his mind is the arena of faith

and in his mind he’s gonna have to start


what grace has made available while

satan is trying to get him to think that

it’s him

and to exalt self-performance

and so next sunday i’ll begin to talk


the battle in the mind that’s the first

attack of the enemy the first place of


is is your mind it’s your mind

it’s not your body it’s your mind satan

will do everything around you to try to

get in your mind the attack is in your


your mind is the arena it’s the

battleground for your life’s

output whatever you put out in your life

is a result of what happened in that

battle in the mind

you will lose or you will win in life

based on how you handle

and fight in the battle of the mind in

the battle

of the mind and so

that’s all i’m gonna give you today

that’s enough ah keep on going now you

got plenty to

to roll over in your mind you got plenty

to roll over in

in your thinking and uh you keep

listening to this you keep studying this


and um man we got some good stuff to

share with you

how to win that battle in the mind we’re

gonna talk about the need for precision

the need for precision we gotta quit


i gotta get the word you got to get the

specific word

to think on and that’s the word of grace

the gospel of grace why

when condemnation comes grace says to


there is no more condemnation so you got

to get that word

you can’t go into self-preservation mode

self-righteousness mode

you know self-performance mode

the devil will get you every time

he will he will he will sit back and let


release yourself effort and then he’ll

condemn you for your effort

that’s what he does he’ll wait until

you’re getting his

effort and then condemn you for your

effort look at what you did

and so we’re going to find out more

about this let’s go ahead and pray over

this today father we thank you for this

this time of ministering to

to your your your people and i and i

thank you lord that

that the the holy spirit said some

things that i didn’t even say while i

was preaching

you were revealing things while i was

preaching you were saying things

to help us get a bigger revelation of

jesus and who he is

lord we are we are people that

plant seeds and water you’re the one

that gives the increase

i’ve planted today in our water and i

pray that you give the increase

that something major happens something

major has happened today

and i pray that all throughout this day

that this word will just begin to

get inside of people and they begin to

change because of

the light of the gospel being shown in

their lives

in jesus name now if you’re here today

and you’ve never made jesus the lord of

your life

if you’re here today and you found out

that jesus has already paid

the ransom for all of the sins of the

whole world that’s including you

so since your sins have been paid for

wouldn’t it make sense for you to accept


sign for the package says

what my sins have been paid for yeah

even though you’re not a christian yet

that just means you haven’t signed for

the package

but your sins have been paid for your

sins your mum and them sins

puking them sins your best friend’s sin

the guy on death row sin

your sins have been paid for but you

gotta you gotta accept it

how do i accept it i invite jesus to

come into my life

and i receive all that he has made


so if that’s you and you’re ready to

make jesus the lord of your life would

you pray this simple prayer

repeating these words after me heavenly


i realize that i’m a sinner but right

now i repent

of my sins i believe that jesus is lord

and that he has paid the ransom

so that i might be free from sin and the


lord jesus come into my heart

be my lord and my savior and so right


by faith i receive you

and i declare that i am saved in jesus


thank you lord for saving me amen

now if you prayed that prayer of

salvation with me today just text the

key words

i’m saved that’s one word to 51555.

and i’d like to provide if you could

provide your name and email address uh

we’ll send you a free ebook as a gift to

you today

welcome to the family of god what you

you don’t have to struggle

trying to get god to forgive you if you

just prayed that prayer with me you have

received the payment the glory to god

the peace offering

the ransom that has been paid glory to

god amen

you’ve received your redemption you’ve

received your reconciliation

someone says well what do i do now eat

the word

eat the word and allow the holy spirit

to change you

from the inside out take away your old

want-to’s and give your new want-to’s

someone says what’s the first thing i do

get to know jesus

get to know jesus spend time read about

him in the word

find out who he is let the holy spirit

do his work

he’ll do the work amen praise god

well it’s offering time it’s time for us

to watch this complete our worship

i tell you i’ve never been so convinced

about something before in my life

that i now see my giving as a part of my


just like people see singing as a part

of their worship and

and praying as a part of their worship

and communion as a part of their worship

and the sermon as a part of their


i now see my giving as a part of my


and and my giving is what completes my


see there’s one thing about the giving

part is that i can do all those other

things and

and not do my giving and i didn’t

complete my worship

and it’s so important that you recognize

that your the giving portion is just as

important as the song

portion the prayer portion the sermon

portion the communion portion

for gospel of the world that he gave his

only begotten son

very expensive thing that heaven had and

so i want to challenge you right now

to see your giving as

gift giving to god for what he has done

for you

that you’re giving out of your grace

out of your appreciation excuse me out

of your love out of your thanksgiving

for what he’s already

done you’re not given to try to get god

to do something

you’re giving because he’s already done

it and when you start looking at

what grace is made available to you

you’re talking about motivated to

always give is because i can never

beat his giving and it is an honor and a


and a opportunity for me to be able to


in worship service to give thanks to god

and what he’s already done

so at this time in your giving if you’d

like to use the text

to give you can text world changers

space and then the amount to 74483

you can dial 866

six eight 477-7683 you can also give on

line on the web world changers.org

you can use your paypal there or you can

mail to twenty five hundred burdette

road college park georgia

303 49. i believe things change when you

do that

i just you’re gonna you if you haven’t

already seen it

you get more excited about giving

because of what is already done rather

than using giving to try to manipulate

god to do something

thank god for what he’s already done and

i i just i just thought about this man i

there was a song a hymn or something

that we used to sing in the methodist


that came i think from the word you know

if i had 10 000 tongues

i still couldn’t praise him and thank

him enough

and that is so true if you look at what

god has done and is doing in your life

i could never be able to thank him

enough so give him praise

praise god and thank him for the

opportunity to give

in jesus name as you’re completing your


let’s go and check these announcements

out and govern ourselves accordingly


hey world changers there is nothing like

having good worship

good word and good fellowship together

not even when it’s digital

and we’re still praising and worshiping

god every sunday and connecting in the

live chat

now god is so good to have helped us

stay connected since last march

now even though we haven’t been together

in person we want you to know what’s

going on around the ministry

so stay tuned right here for the latest

happenings and events

join us every wednesday and friday at 10

a.m for our weekly community food


at our college park campus now we truly

enjoy seeing your beautiful faces on a

weekly basis

so make plans to stop by we look forward

to serving you

and your family while supplies last

world changers nation

join us online on february 7th at 10 am

as we commemorate

35 years in ministry that’s right

35 years at our 35th church anniversary


let’s celebrate three and a half decades

of serving

and growing together ladies

tune in to the wcci facebook or the

taffy dollar youtube pages on february

11th at 7 pm for a special galentine’s

women’s fellowship

invite your closest lady friends and get

ready for authentic conversations

about real love marriage and much more

you can visit taffydollar.org

for more information hey world changers

a couple weeks ago i shared a praise

report with you

well today i have another one marty

collins of collingwood ontario wrote in

and said

i am writing in such gratitude for the

gift basket of abundance

that came to my door today it’s felt

like forever since my husband

or i have been able to go to the grocery

store now i had an operation two weeks


and it forced both of us to stay in your

basket was filled with pasta

sauce fruit cups tuna cookies and much


i feel so cared for and supported by you

in our time of need thank you i’m

sending my blessings and love to all in

creflo dollar ministries

thank you for all you do it makes for a

better world

and now that touched my heart and my

stomach a little bit i got a little

hungry reading it

now that’s what being a world changer is

all about

serving people when they’re in need and

spreading god’s love

wherever we are drop us a post on


instagram or twitter to share your

testimonies now remember

somebody’s breakthrough could start with

you have a great week world changers


well praise god i pray you got something

out of this today and

and uh just remember how important it is

to take

the notes and and to digest them and get

them in your system

and just so so so so proud of you

well have an amazing day today some of

you got snow

outside some of you got rain outside

some of you have some sunshine

it’s still the day the lord hath made

rejoice in it

have an epic day today and be filled

with joy

because you set that thermostat now to

him who is able to keep you from falling

and to present you faultless before the

almighty god

be glory majesty dominion and power

both now and forever and everybody said

amen god bless you world changes
