Welcome to Our Pre-Shiloh Encounter Service. If you have recently given your life to Christ, kindly complete the decision form @ https://faithtabernacle.org.ng Please visit our website for more details and check in to this online worship experience, @ https://faithtabernacle.org.ng/mediac… You can also send in your testimonies and prayer requests to info@lfcww.org, contactcentre@lfcww.org, testimonies@davidoyedepo.com We are also on Website – https://faithtabernacle.org.ng Facebook – https://facebook.com/WinnersWld Twitter – https://twitter.com/WinnersWld Instagram – https://instagram.com/Davidoyedepomin #SHILOH2022 #COVENANTHIGHWAY #shiloh2022.org.ng
thank you
God sent me as a covenant message of
Liberation from all oppressions of the
every agent of the wicked pursuing you
get off your back destroy today
thank you
be sharp David
in the precious name of Jesus
one genuine encounter with God
it’s worth much more
than a lifetime of effort
Lord grant me
a lifetime
encounter with you by your world today
go ahead and pray that pray everybody
grant me
a lifetime encounter
with your world and this service today
appear to me by your word today
Let The Encounter of today Advance my
Advance my destiny
move me forward in my work with you
let the account of today secure my
preserve my posterity
and guarantee my eternity
thank you Lord
and Jesus
precious name
we have prayed
Lord Jesus visit each one of us in a
unique way today
let today be our most memorable service
in our lives
let this day be a date of reference in
our story
and thank you Lord for this
let every desire to their place in this
return as testimonies
let every weight
on the shoulders of your people be
rolled away
turn anyone sorrow here into Joy
rescue every single depressed person in
this service
and take all the glory for this
in Jesus precious name
Give the Lord a big hand of praise and
you may be seated
understanding pathways
to sanctification
a little man the part of righteousness
for his name’s sake
so there are pathways
to living a life that pleases God
right standing close right living
right standing without right living is
by their fruits
not by their knowledge we shall know
by their fruits
not by their preachers we shall know
so much has been spoken about right
but being all deceived either doeth
righteousness is righteous
First John 3 7. let no man deceive you
either do it not to that knoweth either
Dwight righteousness is righteous even
as he is righteous
right standing is a right is a correct
or right standing without right living
holds no value
it is the applied knowledge of right
standing that results in right living
when it does not result in red living
that means aborted
understanding pathways
to sanctification
the Bible is not a history book
it’s a what to do book
the Bible they say what to do book
he reveals what to do
to arrive at what he has provided
and do what them
so he said what to do book If You
this book of the Lord shall not depart
from your mouth but you went to the
Indian night and observe to do other
states in the end then you make your way
you have the book you have the inside
now go and do
go and do what he says to do
then you make your way prosperous and
then you have good success
no one shall miss his portion
Pathways to sanctification
implies that is what to do
to live a Sanctified life
First Timothy chapter 4 and verse 8.
he said
for bodily exercise let’s start from
verse seven please verse seven
but I refuse profane and old wise Fables
and exercise thyself rather unto
you want to Excel and that
of living a Sanctified life exercise
take responsibility
in engaging with what he says to do for
bodily exercise profit a little
but godliness profitable to all things
so exercising oneself to Godliness is
profitable unto all things having the
promise of the life which now is and the
one which is to come
two way blessings that have no match in
the world
blessing in the now
eternity in the air after
what are some of the things to do if
anyone truly desires
to live a Sanctified life
now this begins with a task there must
be a thirst
a crave
for it
Matthew 5 6.
blessed are they that hunger
and thirst after righteousness for they
shall be filled with it
without a hunger and a thirst forget it
the journey to sanctification begins
with a thirst and the hunger
without a task is not in view
there must be a desperation in the heart
of anyone that desire to live a
Sanctified life
I’m very shortly I’ll be showing us the
benefits of it so that the tasks can be
in hunger and a thirst
number two
no temptation has ever come my way but
it’s coming to man
false Corinthians
chapter 10 verse 13.
but God is faithful it will not allow
any of us to be faced with any
without or outside our capacity to deal
with it
and with the same time we will provide
the way of escape the pathway out
so it’s a matter it demands Watch and
Pray if you truly want it
Peter said no we don’t need to work I
mean we deal with anybody wants to
attack you here he denied Jesus three
Watch and Pray
watch and pray that to fall not into
temptation Watch and Pray
Watch and Pray Watch and Pray Watch and
Pray Watch and Pray
number three which looks very salient
you won’t believe you can become
is to everyone according to his faith
you don’t believe in the reality of
sanctification you never experience it
you don’t believe in the validity of
Holiness you never see it
What Becomes of every believer it’s a
function of what he believes
it can’t happen then it won’t happen
it’s not possible then it won’t be
it looks so simple
as mine has received the world to them
give you power to become what the world
John chapter 1 and verse 14.
verse 12 sorry as many as deceived him
the word
to them give you power to become the
sons of God
we are not empowered to become what we
don’t believe
is what we believe in the world at times
because of our life
they’re just
shall live by his faith
the just shall live by his faith
we are going on to Perfection it’s not
his destination it’s a journey
why do you have your birth daily
so stay clean
just don’t do it for one month
anywhere you apply for disappear
because your presence will be very
no perfume can cover that
one month of no birth
forget it
now leave your car for one month without
washing it
they’ll ask whether you just return from
a journey
because I’ve gathered all the dust in
your environment
and that’s why
the Jesus pattern of Prayer
is a daily engagement
agenda give us this day are deliberate
Deliver Us
from Temptations
now number four and get the name of
Jesus in battle against sin
for the name of the Lord as a strong
the righteous run it into it and they
are saved
in the name of Jesus
Proverbs 18 10 the name of the Lord is a
strong tower the righteous run into it
and they are saved
every time you find yourself at a tight
Corner in the name of Jesus
I’m free
in the name of Jesus I’m liberated
in the name of Jesus I have escaped
even Devils who are subject to us in
your name
because at that name every name must bow
Luke 10 17.
every devil
surrenders to the authority of the name
of Jesus
Lord even devils are subject unto us
through their name
that’s the other
somebody was involved in a boat hazard
they’re both capsized on the high sea
and there was it drowning the last word
they said Jesus I refuse to die
anihan came from nowhere
lifted him from
the water
put him in the rescue boat and he
the name of the Lord is a strong tower
I refuse to die
I refuse to die
number five flee from all traps of evil
flee flee
first Thessalonians 5 22
abstain from all appearance of evil
First Corinthians 6 18.
First Corinthians 6 18
flee fornication everything that a man
doeth is without the body but either
committed fornication sinneth against
his own body flee
Joseph fled
he wasn’t praying and fast and he fled
where he landed in prison but that was a
gateway to the Palace
it’s a flea also youthful loss
and lastly
keep a Godly company
a Godly company if you walk around with
you start smelling smoke
somebody will ask you do you now smoke
no you are coming from the company of
so it has rubbed in on you
I went after some individuals who are
drug addicts
in some of the areas here
and the whole environment was thinking
with deadly smoke
you come out of that place you must
smell it
you didn’t take it
but it has rubbing on you
Aid that was with you why it shall be
wise but a companion of fools shall be
destroyed Proverbs 13 20.
be not deceived evil communication
corrupts good manners
First Corinthians chapter 15 and verse
and Diva to keep a Godly company
if you desire to live a Sanctified life
let’s now look at some of the benefits
of sanctification number one
it’s a chaos access to revelation
that triggers Supernatural breakthroughs
every true Revelation changes people’s
you know as we behold
as in a glass we are changed
from glory to glory
into the same image
as by the spirit of the Lord every true
Revelation triggers a revolution
something breaks forth when you
encounter true revelation
arise and shine because your light is
and glory of the Lord is risen upon thee
for Darkness shall cover the Earth
and grows Darkness but the Lord shall
arise upon thee those are present upon
the Gentiles will come to your light and
their kings to the brightness of your
Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 to 3 and then
verse 8 who are these that fly as a
it changes people people it changes
people’s level
but the secret of the Lord is with them
that fear Him and they will show them
his Covenant
so the way of the Lord is what on the
lies access to revelation
unto us it’s given to know the mission
of the kingdom of God
in Mark chapter 4 verse 11 but to them
that are without
all these things are in parables
who are the ones without Revelation 21
verse 8.
Revelation 21 and verse 8.
but the fearful the unbelieving the
abominable and murderers warmongers and
are not the letters and all liars shall
have their part
everybody that’s not on key with God’s
for righteousness
is not hungry and thirsty after it
cannot assess revelation
for without their outside they can’t
assess it
turn yet my reprove
I will pour my spirit upon you and make
my words known unto you it’s not for the
Jack and Harry it’s those who will turn
on when God say hey no
then there says
Revelation from his word
Proverbs 1 23.
number two is the chaos answers to our
if I hide in the future in my heart then
Lord will not hear me
David said but now the Lord has heard me
why I repented
I repented
many have prayed and prayed and prayed
and there’s no sign that the other side
is hearing
it’s time to believe God
for instant answered prayers
you know what he said about Elijah the
effectual Father prayer of a righteous
man are very smart
it are very smart IT commands and
provokes answers
supernaturally dramatically
confess your fault one to another and
pray one for another that you may be
healed because the effectual fervent
prayer of a righteous man Advance much
God’s hand is not sure that he cannot
his yes I know David I cannot hear but
our indicator have separated between us
and God that he will not hear us
Isaiah 59
and verse one and two
he secures answers to prayers
from this time on you begin to
experience dramatic answers to your
the same shall not Prosper or whatever
confess them forsakes them Shall Have
Mercy proverb 28 13.
number three it secures access to Fresh
oil that destroys yolks and causes men
to flourish like a palm tree
access to Fresh oil
at my reproof and I will pour my spirit
out to you and I will make my world
known unto you Tom I will pour until you
turn I cannot pour
fresh oil belongs to those who will turn
When God says no
those who will turn When God says no
in Luke chapter 5 verse 37 to 39
Jesus speaking said no man put new wine
into wood
bottles as the new one we bust the
bottles and we spilled
and the bottle Shall Perish
but new wine must be put into new wine
bottles and both are preserved no matter
how much we cry
until we become new bottles we are not
into new wine
fresh oil is for those who care to turn
fresh oil is for those who care to talk
and my head shall now exalt like the
head of our Unison unicorn
Psalm 92 verse 10 I shall be Anointed
with fresh oil
and the effect and my eyes shall see my
desire for my enemy
against me
the righteous shall flow is like a palm
tree like the palm tree it shall grow up
like a city in Lebanon
a palm tree no dry season
Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen
the end has come to the dry seasons of
everyone’s life
number four its agendas
Divine health and wholeness
in Mark chapter 2
that paralytical man was brought to
Jesus through the roof
Jesus said to him son thy sins are
forgiven thee verse 5.
son thy sins are forgiven thee now the
Griffith shall not diagnosed that key
that case is a product of sin
don’t get me wrong not every sickness is
a product of sin but that one was
and then the religious people began to
and Jesus said now son take up thy bed
and go to the house
and immediately
he arose took up his bed and went forth
before them all and so much that they
were all amazed glorified God saying we
never saw it in this version
sin is Forgiven there’s a dramatic
turnaround in his life
for everyone that has truly repented of
things that do not please God expect
your Supernatural turnaround to follow
you believe that let me hear your
loudness amen
Jesus healed a man by the pool of
Bethesda in John chapter 5
and he met him in verse 14.
now you are made to go and say no more
lest you are back to where you’re coming
he was sick for 38 years
38 years
saying had them Bound in that sickness
Jesus healed him and was looking for him
and when he found him he said hey boy
come on here go and say no more unless
you are back to square one
so healing health and wholeness demands
is one of his benefits in the precious
name of Jesus
every Affliction that came out of sin
goes off finally today
number five
it engenders promotion
godliness and gender as promotion
we saw that near purpose in his heart
not to find himself with the king’s
sweet food
and so I assess the secret of God in
line with scriptures
in Daniel chapter 2 verse 19.
and then we saw
how the king Bow Down and Worship Daniel
in Daniel 2 verse 46.
and from that time on for 65 years it
was just raining in the land of his
that came to put him over all the OM
otion from one level to another from one
level to another from one level to
Proverbs 14 and verse 34 Proverbs 14 34
it’s a righteousness
exaltation but saying is a reproach to
any people
righteousness provokes promotion but
saying we always bring shame and
no one shall suffer sin and reproach
finally number six
godliness secures the audible riches not
up today and down tomorrow durable
durable riches
durable riches
we saw that in
Proverbs chapter 8 and verse 18.
riches and honor are with me
yea durable riches and righteousness
God is not slow he’s taking you
don’t cut corners
is taking you somewhere I don’t look
God is not slow as some can slowness
God is not slow it’s Pride that will
make anybody think that God is slow for
him God if you know who I am I shouldn’t
be where I am now okay be where you want
to be
God is not slow
as a church we have never caught Corners
never once
never once sir it will take more more
than 10 Devils 10 satans to take a
breath from this church
no never
Abraham said I won’t take a thing from
you lest you say you make Abraham Rich
when God makes rich is the horrible
Abraham was old and second in age and
God has blessed him in all things and
that’s you
the blessings of your later days shall
be shall far exceed the blessings you
see now
live right
when God when God makes rich it is
durable riches Psalm 112 verse 1 to 3.
blessed the man that feared the Lord
that Delights himself greatly in his
his seed also shall be might upon the
degeneration of the Opera shall be
wealth and riches shall be in his house
and his righteousness endured forever
forever wealth and reaches forever look
at natural Israel today look at where
God has placed them because of the
Covenant God’s word to Abraham
too many
strikingly bless people in this church
that blessing shall be forever in your
many are plugging in now the bless you
are going to encounter shall be forever
in your lineage
let me hear your loudness here man
godliness is a facilitator of durable
theorable riches and righteousness the
horrible riches and righteousness
durable riches and righteousness there
are men in the prison today
they were caught in the act
changing of books
playing Smart in code
and now they are grieving day and night
regretting every moment
where they found themselves
no one here shall end his journey
you shall not end your journey regret
you shall not end your journey regret
you shall not end your journey in regret
you shall not end your journey regret
you shall not end your journey in regret
no one in your family shall suffer
our present time
your children your children children
shall not find their way there
is the analysis to
um families for over 200 years Jonathan
Edwards family and one atheist family
I mean the the
Gap is too wide
on the other side 60 who are ex-convicts
the artist
they want us to believe in God
will come to Jonathan Edwards family for
200 years they have raised president of
universities raised judges raised
lawyers I mean just good news
of righteousness
imparts on Generations
right living impact on Generations in
the precious name of Jesus that shall be
your own cause
so living right to The Preserve your
every subject
Place passed today destroys your
this choice of common generation
live right
live right
live right
all those who are stealing government
money today watch their tomorrow
you can ever see it now
upon children
order tomorrow pays every day fear every
what what did you do to command this
money which contract did you win
my sons when Sinners and times you can’t
say no
this church used to be six people I mean
four people who grew to six grew to ten
total income 84 18 000 Plus
18 times for a whole year whole year
whole year
God is taking you somewhere
God is taking you somewhere
and you will get there
you will get there
the same charge
one year
18 new nations invaded
same church in one year
God is taking you somewhere
that needs two businesses soon become a
global phenomenon
keep living right
keep living right
living right
nobody’s there already we are going
I said we are getting there
we are going on our way and we are sure
to get there
for those who truly hunger and Trust
after righteousness shall ultimately be
May our hunger and tasks be sustained to
the end
now as we close
cost of ongoingness
one it blocks access to wisdom
for the fear of the Lord is the
beginning of our assets to Divine wisdom
Proverbs chapter 9 verse 10.
and by which some King serene
so Believers continue to live as slaves
without access to wisdom
slaves to sin
number two is tear shame and approach
as you saw in the case of something
shame and reproach the one man army of
Israel became a toy in the hand of his
the plug that is two eyes without
it began to display for them
it became the Entertainer
shame and reproach
righteousness exaltination but sin is
really proud to any people
everyone understands of my voice today
you’ll never suffer shame anymore in
your life
so stop it before it stops you
stop it before it stops you
number three is tears
fear and dread fear fear fear I had a
voice in the garden and I was afraid
fear fear ungodliness tears fear
and everybody’s a victim of what he
the wicked man runs when no one pursues
but the righteous as bored as a lion
Proverbs 28 and verse 1.
that toment
fear torment
perfect love castles fear because fear
has torment and either fear it is not
made perfect in love
fear can be very tremendous
May today Mark the end of the torments
of fear in anyone’s life
the good news is that genuine repentance
entitles every believer to forgiveness
the new repentance entitles every
believer to forgiveness the new
repentance entitles every believer
to forgiveness
the thief on the right side
was forgiven in his dying moment
David committed adultery and mother
and was forgiven
so forgiven
that his name is in heaven
for Jesus is holding in his hand the Key
of David that opens are no man’s shorts
came he was the
celebrated son of David Jesus thou son
of David said yes that’s my name
that’s how forgiving it was
the new repentance will entitle any
believer to forgiveness as if he never
did it as if he never did it so don’t be
sorry for your past just repent of it
repent of it and God will write it off
as if it never happened as if it never
happened when a wicked man turns away
from his wickedness and begins to do
that which is right in the sight of God
he will forget the wickedness that he
did before forget he will write it off
he will write it up there is no saying
God cannot forgive but that is not he
will forgive without man’s repentance
anybody can have a new beginning today
anybody anybody can have a new beginning
today if it chooses to
anybody can have a new beginning today
if only he chooses to anybody but I
don’t care Proverbs 29 verse 1.
he said eat that is
being often reproved and hardness is
neck shall suddenly be destroyed and
that without remedy
say this day as a warning
a once was enough is enough
don’t mistake God silence
for approval of evil
because when centers against an evil
work is not speedily
executed the heart of the sons of man is
setting them to keep doing evil
God is just watching now turn turn
don’t don’t cross the red mark don’t
don’t cross the red mark when you cross
your mark I’m helpless don’t don’t don’t
exactly the last one to do that he never
saw it
you are the man yeah it doesn’t matter
he ended up in suicide
they ended up in suicide
he ended up in suicide
sentence against an evil walk is not
executed speedily therefore the heart of
Sons of men is fully setting them to
keep doing evil
God is not slow as others can’t slowness
but it’s forgiving towards us
not winning that selling should perish
but that all should come to repentance
do I have a pleasure that the wicked
should I know but I should repent God
has no pleasure that we should die in
our sins he wants us to repent so we can
rewrite our story
in the precious name of Jesus whatever
anyone here truly repents of you will be
free from it for life
whatever favor anyone may have lost to
sin shall be fully recovered
it’s your turn
for a new beginning
it’s your tongue
for the righteous shall flourish like a
palm tree
it shall grow up like the city and labor
it shall still bring forth fruit in old
it shall be fat and flourishing
to show that the Lord is upright and
he’s my rock and there is no
unrighteousness in him
is everyone Stone in this service
the city in Lebanon is the tallest among
scaling unusual Heights in one’s
forsulting life
it comes out of righteousness
right standing
plus right living
my prayer one more time is that no one
misses this opportunity
lift your right hand up everyone where
you are seated
and ask the Lord for anything that you
know displaces him in your life
forgive me
forgive me
forgive me
forgive me Jesus
you can’t ask me ask me to do what you
have not enabled me to do
by Redemption have enabled me to do
righteousness if I choose to
Jesus forgive me
I want to live for you
I want to be beneficiary of the
blessings that accompany godliness
I want to make Heaven at the end of my
Jesus forgive me
Jesus forgive me
Jesus forgive me Jesus forgive me Jesus
forgive me
thank you Lord
in Jesus precious name we have prayed
in Jesus precious name we have prayed
we have no praise everybody
some people are here this morning that
need to turn their life over to Jesus
executive mind is born again he cannot
experience the wonders of the kingdom of
you are here at this point you want to
say Jesus save my soul
I want to become a member of your family
I want to come under your covering
I want to secure eternity
Jesus forgive me my sins today
I want to accept you as my Lord and
and be born again wherever you are this
morning you allow me to pray that prayer
with you
please turn to your feet
God bless you
you want me to pray that prayer with you
the Prayer of Salvation
you want to experience the reality of
New Birth
stand to your feet and God bless us you
wherever you are stand to your feet
Jesus loves you more than you ever can
stand to your feet Jesus save my soul
I want to become a child of God
Jesus forgive my sins I want to have a
new beginning wherever you are stand to
your feet
and God bless us to do
now secondly there are people here that
need to rededicate their life to Christ
that was the story of a program Center
walked away
it was sleep naked
it was then of hunger it was homeless
his dignity was not restored until he
turned to his father
some individuals here need to return to
their Heavenly Father wherever you are
this morning you want me to pray with
you to be restored back
into the family of God
to rededicate your life to Christ please
stand to your feet also
amen stand to your feet and God bless
you you want to return back to your
heavenly father
you want to get back on this part of
life please stand to your feet
thank you Jesus and remain standing
sound to your feet and remain standing
now all of us that
responded to this cause the first and
the second
please for now bow your heads for
where you’re standing please bow your
hands for prayers lift up your hand your
right hand forever
lift up your right hand to heaven and
pray this prayer of faith after me from
the depth of your heart say after me
Lord Jesus
say it loud Lord Jesus
I Surrender my life to you today
forgive me all my sins
and wash me with your blood
I believe you died for me
on the third day you Rose again
that I may be justified
right now
I accept you
as my Lord
and my savior
and I believe
my sins are now forgiven
I believe
that I’m justified by your blood
I believe
I am now born again
I believe
I am now at least thought back to the
I am not a child of God
thank you Jesus for saving my soul
by your grace I Shall Serve You all the
days of my life
by your grace I shall live your Commerce
and by your grace I shall make heaven at
the end of my journey thank you Jesus
for saving my soul
Keep Your Hand by side period Lord Jesus
I pray about this precious Souls Your
Grace has brought them into your kingdom
today let the same Grace preserve them
I pray that no one steps back into
darkness among us anymore you have sent
to the Kingdom of Light you shall remain
there for life
in the name of Jesus and so shall it be
receive Grace to live your Commerce line
receive Grace to serve Jesus to the end
of your journey receive Grace to make
Heaven at the end of the time in Jesus
precious name amen congratulations
congratulations please get seated
complete your forms
very quickly and then you make them
available to those Church officials
around with you we like to be in touch
with you and be part of your joy number
two they’re giving you also a little
captioned we love you we like you to
take that card at the end of this
service to any of the new Converse tent
the church has some gift items for you
please get in there and take your pack
as you submit that card to them and you
shall be blessed as you do please take
time to ensure that your details in that
form they are accurate
number two we have Believers Foundation
class every Monday you go for only two
Mondays and then you’re Empower to leave
a Victorious Christian Life
through your telephone we send you an
SMS to let you know which Center is
closest to where you live we have them
all across the city and you’ll be glad
you did and for those who want to
undertake that online we have the uh
details on the screen right now
whichever way everybody needs a sure
Foundation to secure a great future
ensure you are a part of Believers
Foundation class also you are so blessed
we have water baptism this coming
Saturday you can plug into that and
you’ll be empowered to work in the
newness of life through the mystery of
water baptism Jesus is Lord
one more time charge Give the Lord a big
this massive Harvest this morning
and the precious name of Jesus Christ
at this time please those who have not
submitted they are
paper that we put in the ark you can
signify raise your hand and then the
oceans will take it from you before we
administer the grace of God upon that
today is our special anointing service
and I’d like you to look forward
to the destruction
of every yoke of saying
where shall come to pass in that day
that the burden of the wicked shall be
taken away from your shoulder
and it’s you from your neck and the Yoke
shall be destroyed because of the
today every yoke of sin
Hebrew habits
shall be destroyed in everyone’s life
in the name of Jesus
and now see the content of that oil
the spirit of holiness
so we call it the oil of holiness
as you partake of this anointing today
Holiness become a natural lifestyle
that has taste for slain shall be
destroyed foreign
in Grand size
in the name of Jesus Christ in Grants
ties in the name of Jesus Christ in
Christ’s ties
in the name of Jesus Christ and grants
in the name of Jesus Christ today it
shall be in you and shall be seen on you
the good hand of God
and I hear your loudest human
can I hear your loudness amen
one of the in your sins
that torment Believers is a sin of pride
and today
every trace of Pride hide in any corner
of anyone’s life
shall be totally destroyed
pride is a silent Destroyer
no one ever survives it in the Kingdom
it’s an issue of the heart
one can look so Pious and yet so proud
so gentle so humble but so proud on the
and we know only the blood as access to
the heart of man so by the power of God
every form of Pride hiding the corner of
anyone’s heart
shall be totally destroyed
by the anointing
now is
easy for us to know that when someone is
blessed a ascendity of Pride but there
are other he deals Pride
that are as destructive as it
some can be proud of their spirituality
is deep right
pride is fried no matter which area
some are proud of God’s testimonies in
their life as if they did it and they
see no more
they say testimony is no more sir
some are proud of the gift of wisdom in
the wisdom Bank of the world and when
his cancer was rejected he went and hung
Pride shows up in too many hidden areas
but today by the anointing and Nothing
Stops a man’s Way Forward like Pride
because whatever time
Pride sets in
Grace steps out
and when Grace steps out
this Grace steps in
or sets in set in
Grace steps out
and when Grace steps out this Grace set
patiently very simple biblical equation
there’s no way
you see a man’s life not moving forward
as it used to
Pride more subscripted
you don’t hear the sound of a serpent on
a rock
it Glides
the devil has no dependent still as soft
to as ever today
one can be humble and become pride of
his own humility
it’s as hideous as that
therefore in the name of the Lord Jesus
corner of anyone’s life where pride is
tearing his ugly head
shall be destroyed today
by this anointing
knows came of the devil we succeed to
steer pride in anyone
for without me he said you can do
he said by strength shall no man Prevail
if you check your life properly you see
grace at every step of it
Grace brought you an eye to life
since we have heard
not all that went to Primary School
which you came out of it
sometime there you didn’t know God
how did you survive
how did you survive
when you stop saying grace behind your
life you are becoming a victim of
Paul said I’m What I Am by the grace of
I’m not even worthy because an apostle
and what I am by the grace of God
so everything blocking your access to
Grace today shall be destroyed
thank you Jesus
stand to your feet
take up your body of anointing away
lift your Butters up
the content of the this bottle is hereby
declared the holy anointing oil
and I decreed
the critical holiness
it shall be to every one of us the
spirit of holiness
of our souls from now
whatever God hates we shall begin to
wait From This Moment
I pray that the Yoke of Pride that
blocks access to Grace
be destroyed by this anointing
Satan said in his heart not us in his
heart in his heart
I will exalt my Throne like the Throne
of God
uziah’s heart was littered up
you forgot he has been marvelously
helped it was an accomplishment his
heart was lifted up Lord in any corner
of our heart we are Pride may be hiding
I decree that by this anointing they
shall be destroyed
thank God
for now
but what God has in stock
is far beyond where anyone may have been
If You observe to do what I tell you to
do I said tonight about all nations
Above All Nations not above your nation
Above All Nations above all nations of
the earth Above All Nations
so that’s what I saw 1984 when I said to
be invited the president of Nigeria and
concise the devotion it I saw there’s an
for the believer a power of all Nations
if you keep doing what he tells you to
do in season and out of season when
convenient we’re not convenient there’s
a place for so for every believer every
is not some sexual favorite every
believer you can’t make yourself
he said it’s how to make great
is in God’s hand to make great it’s in
God’s hand to make great it’s in God’s
hand to make great when I saw what I saw
we were less than 30. in church we were
less than 30 when I saw what he showed
me you can’t see why it doesn’t show
this isn’t belong to God the things he
chose they are the ones that can belong
to us he showed me if we keep doing what
I command you to do there’s a place for
you and talk
my God
my God
I might look at Champions in Nigeria or
many local Champions who feel that they
are somewhere they are not anywhere they
don’t know their name outside the gate
no no no I’m talking about impact I’m
not talking about appointment
about impact
in the precious name of Jesus
your place above all nations of the
Earth shall not be lost to carelessness
Jesus has billions
adorning him
till now
after 2000 years
there are people living standing here
with me today
all of us together
we keep referencing your work with God
how quickly unrighteous game vanishes
tell you to be many many names in
Nigeria that had so much and so much
and disappear like smoke
disappear there is no Trace that they
ever walked the ground of Nigeria
some five years after they left some one
year after they left
but when God set you up when he lifts
you up no devil in that generation can
put you down
therefore in the name of Jesus whatever
blocks anybody’s access to Grace that
makes great
is destroyed by this anointing
the same way your church is blowing
around the world
without sweat
in the same vein many names here we
become household names around the world
and on top of it you’ll make heaven in
Grand Style
on top of it you make heaven and Grand
on top of it you make heaven and Grand
when I want
to take your I can’t take you beyond
where my hand can reach but when the
Everlasting arm of God
takes him out
he throws him to Everlasting height
Everlasting height
Everlasting height Everlasting height
Everlasting height Everlasting height
Everlasting height
I saw one of the cranes on our site
yesterday it’s 100 meters
100 meters
100 meters
by the battery of the engine driving it
100 meters high 100 meters high
100 meters
can animals have reach 100 meters
now imagine the height of God they call
him the most high the most high when he
takes you up
he said holy God
when we sign up for holiness
he holds us in our hand in his hands and
throws us to highs that no effort can be
taken a man to you are getting there
in the same vein His blessings make it
richer have no sorrow
sorrow triggered by sickness and disease
oppressions of the Devil by this
anointing I declare them destroyed
the place of untimely death is destroyed
in anyone’s family
Upon Time the death is destroyed in your
every wayward son and daughter
by this anointing I call for their
every child breaking the heart of any
one of us
shall return to a testimony
and so shall it be
again the
country cleared the holy anointing
it shall be to every one of us the oil
of holiness
the oil of meekness the oil of humility
that will keep us going and going and
with Jesus at the center of our lives
in the name of Jesus
take a little of this oil on your
and say to your forehead I begin to
the prophetic word upon your life
this is now
the oil of Holiness on my life
every secret sin
is destroyed from the root
every Taste of pride
is destroyed in my heart
call for that and faith
give a special your tasks
your tasks and your hunger to please God
by this anointing
is yielding amazing fruits amazing fruit
amazing fruits amazing fruits amazing
pleasing God becomes every one of us new
way of life new way of life new way of
life new way of life new way of life new
way of life new way of life new way of
life new way of life new way of life
and Jesus
precious name will pray
we are going to take a shot of this oil
for all that belief in this mystery has
exemplified in Matthew 3 11 and 12.
he actually found in his hand
it was only about this floor
you’ll get our degrees to the Ghana
purify the organs
and then burn up the child which is
unquenchable fire
every child of sin every chaff of
sickness and disease that may be looking
around in anyone’s life by the shot of
this oil
I command them bond with unquenchable
as we partake of this short I command
them born with unquenchable fire
by is short everyone’s taste for saying
he said if we live after the flesh we
shall die but if we through the spirit
do multiply that this of the flesh we
shall live so we can engage the mission
of the spirit to modify to destroy
to take too much worry
than this of the flesh
therefore in the name of the Lord Jesus
by this shot today
everyone’s tests for sale dies
everyone’s test for Pride dies
in the name of Jesus
so shall it be
all that believe in the efficacy of this
mystery take a shot of the way and
glorify God
that this of the flesh modified at last
sickness and disease modified at last
oppression of the wicked modified at
thank you Jesus
cover your bodies lift up your two hands
to heaven
and celebrate God for the victory
celebrate God for your victory
celebrate God for your victory
celebrate go for your victory
shall I break up for your Victory you
will have it you’ll have it
until you say it you can’t see it I
thank you for my victory today
I thank you for my victory today I thank
you for my victory today I thank you for
my victory today
in the name of Jesus
now see what is happening next Saturday
26 marriages
in the precious name of Jesus Christ
the favor that establishes people and
their god-ordained families
haven’t been free from the torment of
is released
search for marriage today is
on Iran
nobody perhaps has asked you your hand
in marriage for years
within seven days from today
favor will locate you
you are arriving at Chino with your
you arrive in ashila with your testimony
that daughter of Abraham vomited a
whatever has been tormenting you on the
inside doctors can’t find it
by the shot of oil you have taken today
they are flushed out of your life
everything that is every natural
destruction is finally destroyed
no one here shall bury any member of the
a good old age becomes the portion of
your household
the portion of your household
in the precious name of Jesus Christ
please choir sing a song and let him
quickly come and pour in the stuff
whatever you have collected please come
and pour it in as we sing a victory song
Thank You Jesus
let’s think
under him while they’re doing that do
that very quickly please
hallelujah hallelujah
name of Jesus
every item dropped into this Ark
is turned to a testimony
that must turn to a testimony
Now call it my name Call It by name Call
It by name Call It by name Call It by
name Call It by name Call It by name
Call It by name Call It by name
Call It by name Call It by name whatever
your point of this actually that must
turn to a testimony Call It by name
and call it by name
call me by name
in Jesus precious name
as the content of this Ark is Anointed
every item is turned to a testimony
you shall testify
it shall be a pretty shallow encounter
testimony for you
you will hear good news
you will hear good news
you will hear good news
yo we hear good news
in the name of Jesus
begin to pray in the spirit everybody
praying the spirit
you must hear good news
in Jesus name
every item dropped in this Arc
turns to a testimony
it shall be to every individual a
pleasure encounter testimony
in the name of Jesus
the siege of satanic oppression is
the burden is very fruitful
the solitary Saturday marriage
business failure terms of business
family testimonies
many called jobless will return to Great
employers of Labor
in the name of Jesus
average of concern is turned to a
in the name of Jesus
every grave and desire for godliness is
established for a testimony
in the name of Jesus Christ
and so shall it be
help me celebrate God and give him
now pray in the spirit one more time
acknowledging him celebrating him
what he says he does
and no one cannot do whatever God does
no one can undo whatever God does
in the precious name of Jesus
the content of this Arc
every item desired by people
God’s people this morning
is turned to a testimony
the seat is over
your touch point is finally here
no one shall corrupt your heritage
everyone shall make it to the end
no one shall miss his place in eternity
the place of godliness in the now shall
be made manifest in our lives
in the name of Jesus Christ
so shall it be
every desire today returns has a
every desire today returns as a
the precious name of Jesus
again the content of this Ark is
a testimony
every item turns to a testimony
halfway testimony
encounter testimony for everyone
in the name of Jesus
the sage is over
everyone says one is finally here
brand new day
and brand new beginning
you shall remember today for many years
to come
because everyone’s issue is turned to a
in the name of Jesus Christ
and so shall it be
lift up your two hands everyone and give
God glory and praise Magnify Him
celebrate him
glorify him
thank you Lord
and Jesus precious name we are praying
and is key to his manifestations
expectations intact
from after this service
you’ll be hearing good news
there is no one one here that will not
return with the Precision encounter
and so shall it be
this coming Shiloh is your Shiloh
now just a word Shiloh is ordained a
family convocation
it’s a Winner’s family convocation we
are not putting any effort in inviting
people no
least for our congregations
those who come to join us praise God
they share of it
but prepare yourself
for this family feast it’s a family
feast and then the land was subdealed
before them see it lands of do before
your church
that’s how God of this for every one of
us and the LA sir
there is no
that can rise up against the church and
many times
Dominion shall be restored
covid-19 km
10 000 churches planted Michael
no circumstance on Earth will block your
way forward anymore
we block away forward anymore
as I’m talking Rock
ing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds
and the land was subdealed before them
the whole condition of the winners
and the land was subdued before them
is not a building that is a people
therefore from henceforth wherever you
turn Dominion shall be established
may you keep turning right
may you keep Allowing God to lead you
may you be responsive to Corrections
in the name of Jesus
in the name of Jesus no one here shall
end up destroy
no ones are the greatest Adventure in
the Kingdom
in the name of Jesus
is a global family
is our thing
is ordained for us
and is answering to us it must answer to
it’s answering to us it must answer to
his answer to the church as a body it
must answer to as an individual
so shall it be
in the name of Jesus
we believe that you’ve been blessed by
today’s teaching for more materials and
resources online visit our website at
www.faithtabernacle.org.ng email info at
lfcww.org you can also connect with us
on YouTube at domistream Facebook at
Davido Ministries Twitter at Davido
or listen to our audio messages on Domi
radio 24 7 at
www.domymedia.org or download the dummy
radio app from Google Play Store and
Apple Store God bless you
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