every institution of hell

that is molesting destinies of the


i command their end by divine

judgment in the name of jesus today

is the day of salvation i decreed that


you in the name of jesus every area of


around anyone’s life under the sign of

my voice

is converted to testimonies of envy


we’ve been looking at engaging the power

of praise for our desired

turn around

all the forces all the turnaround forces


life are available in praise

for instance

with god all things are possible

and god inhabits the peace of his people

so god is saying praise

god is the master turnaround personality

when he steps in anywhere he turns the

place around

i mean the atmosphere don’t form and

void and god’s tempted

and now the art is the lord and the

fullness thereof the word another

dwell in them

god is the master turnaround personality

and he endures the midst of praise

the anointing the same praise the more

addicted you are to praising god the

more freshly

anointed you remain psalm 92 verse 1 to

3 and verse 10. it’s a good thing to

give thanks and sing praises

speak of his love and kindness in the

morning speech every night then

your own shall be exalted that the

unicorn you shall be anointed with fresh


god is the anointer and places your

asses to him

so places your asses to the anointing



so expect divers

turn around encounters today

as we engage in high prices

how many say i’m ready for that


one of our women here three months in

ability to bend

got heat instantly in the first service

someone had one year heap dislocation

and breast pain both got healed at the

same time

in the for service three years of

chest pain eight months of sharp

pain in the inners wicked devil

god set free expect

the great god of science i want us to

visit you today

in this service amen

it’s important for us to know that


against your destiny will come down


the high priest of god you will execute

judgment that is written

this horn will have only saints you are

going to have a huge and unusual

experience in his presence this morning

praise god every barrier on your path

must give way at the shout of praise

with the long blast of the trumpet and a

great shout

the wall of jericho came down flood

so give god the best of your praise when

it’s time and you see the voice of

barrier between you and your promised


come crashing down in the name of jesus

joshua chapter 6 and verse 20

praise the lord no matter how close you

are to the end

there shall be a reversal in your favor


at the midnight of your day the sun

praises and god stepped in

and everything turned in their favor

every plan to bring an end to any area

of your life

is turning in your favor today

let me hear your loudest amen

today is our showers of blessing

banquet service and i want to show you

your access to this

realm of showers of blessings

what it takes to come under the showers

of blessings

because everything of value

is at a cost nothing of value

is free the reason why some will never

get saved is that they are too big to


if you are too big to repent you are too

big to be saved

everything of value is at a cost

you want to be healed do you believe

that jesus

has capacity to heal you you must

answer the faith question before you can

be healed

matthew 9 27-29 believers doubt that i

the son of man i’m able to do this

they say ye lord they’re okay take it

and go into your faith

so we are healed according to our faith

those are going to our cries and tears

everything of value is at a cost

we have come to discover from scriptures

among other things that serving

god is key

to experiencing the showers

of his blessings serving god

and the interest of his kingdom

is key to experiencing

the showers of his blessings

very simple we are all familiar with

this exodus 23 verse 256

thou shall serve the lord thy god and he

shall bless your bread and your water

one he will shower on you

the blessings of divine supplies

he will shower on you the blessings of

healings and deliverance

i will take sickness away from the midst

of your life

verse 26 he will shower on you

the blessings of fruitfulness

and destroy the cross of barrenness and


and then he will confer on you

the rite of longevity

so it showers in response to suffering

not just one thing coming

but all things that it was coming

blessing your breath in the water you

never beg again in your life

taking sickness away from your body you

never smell

sickness again

command your spiritual fruitfulness


all medical variety so you can never be


and your children’s children will never

taste barrenness


and the number of your days i will

fulfill does god speak

the sage pasta della at 108

was still planting new churches at one

or eight one or eight years of age

god guarantees longevity

i’m too sure of all these you have been

shot before i met you

in fact i ran a series on victory over

death 1983

it is part of the blessings

of acceptable worship

acceptable still worship you sir

no demon can control your life

everyone serving god in truth

and indeed is entitled to longevity

you will see your children’s children to

the fourth generation


job 36 and verse 11 if they will obey

and serve him

what happens they shall spend their days

in prosperity

and their years aim pleasures

it’s a very smart description

of a dry season free life

no dry season you spend your days in


and your years in pleasures all your


you are 120 you spend all your days

in prosperity and your years in


not pleasure pleasure of sickness and

disease and pain and egg

no you will never

taste sickness before you meet jesus

is in the package you spend

your days in prosperity and your years

aim pleasure

showers of blessings

they come at the cost of acceptable

still worship

serving god at the entrance of his

kingdom as a lifestyle

not as a seasonal program as a lifestyle

entering the covenant to serve god

brings you into the realm of all run


showers of blessing no dry season area

of your life

all run rest

they come at the cost of a covenant

to serve god and the enter of his

kingdom as a lifestyle

i came into that 40 years ago

unconsciously so i

entered into a covenant in a written


signed by me and my wife

when i worship them

making it my life title i see jesus

sir i have never begged in 40 years

i have never paid i’ve never been

according to

any man living or dead not a relation

not my parent

i came under the showers

of his blessing and walked away from the


seasons of life i’m blessed

only those who know the way to a place

can show you how to get there

i have lived under the showers of his

blessing and i know where it came from

it came from my covenant to make jesus

my reason for living

it came from there not from anywhere


i have never consulted any of my mentors

from the humble beginning days till now

for any help material

oh yes blessing spiritual blessings of

my life

there are sorts of major blessings for

my life but that

anything material not once

the showers of his blessing will

mark the end of your dry seasons


believe me i can tell how children all

my children went to school they all went

to school i can’t tell how they went to


what the place who will never march what

i give to jesus

you can’t be free from dry seasons

when i’m speaking i’m speaking for you

to come to where grace brought me into

you are in a ministry that never knows

dry season so where

why are you there

for nearly six years we have never been

trapped by anything

not in the world

no one has ever been privately consulted

on any project since inception sir

you are coming out of your dry season



there were governance yesterday who are

beggars today

there were prime ministers yesterday who

don’t have identity today

but whatever the lord does shall be


man i prayed this year i said lord would

you make serving you the lifestyle of

every member of this church i would have

been a great success

what it is you don’t want to be

collecting prayers all around

just do what it tells you to do and you

are free

there are many many machine prophets all

around the

beach and all the other looking

for careless people who don’t know where

they are going

to make merchandise of them they’re

going there

because you put separation and they


amen they are blind

i walked up to a mountain one time 1982

and i met one prophet collecting money

from people

long beards and long road i walked up to

him i

commanded stand up i was creeped in the


he said stand up all these customers are


i walk them out of the mountain and

possess the mountain

the gospel is open to

all only those who chose to be blind

or those who will never take


watch it for all of you served god and

the end of his kingdom this year

you are out of your dry season forever

serving god is one

vita covenant assets

into the realm of showers or blessings

interestingly the anointing of the holy


is a facilitator of these three gateways

amen by the anointing of the holy ghost

you never

fail or get discouraged in your still


you are empowered for steadfastness in

your stewardship

those say the lord to his anointed

behold my servant whom i uphold my elect

in whom i so delighted i have put my

spirit upon him he shall bring

judgment bring for judgment to the

gentiles verse 4

he shall not fail nor

be discouraged in his

the pursuit of his mandate

till he fully delivers

the spirit of god empowers us never to


or be discouraged or failed

to deliver any instruction handed unto


can i hear your amen

some they were having my 40th birthday

in the house

and one of my friends in the ministry

said when they asked him to make a

comment and say thank god for my wife i

said for what he’s ever encouraged me i

said i was never discouraged

nobody has ever said to me please don’t

worry to walk

nobody ever say sorry to me sir there’s

no room for it there’s no room for but

then you shouldn’t say the demons say

sorry to me

there are some who are waiting for

people to say sorry to you demonstrated

say to you the more sorrow you get

you’re dominated everyone’s spoken to he


into your life sorry oh

i saw you

and some swearing joy that way you don’t

say something to say can you say no he

has not said sorry to me what

they stole my tv and he knows i

mentioned it to him

he just said praise the lord

maybe he’s the one who stole it

one day one of our uh missionaries was

out of the country

so the mother the father-in-law died so

the church and sister came to me and


you know how do we tell her now i say on

what said that the father i said go and

bring her.

if your family is to donate somebody to

heaven who do you think is next

ah he said okay no question i say

listen to me my friend

your family is to donate someone to

heaven now

who do you think is next he said my

father of course i said

she forced boss into laughter before she


my father amen

in everything do what

is somebody blessed

the spirit of god facilitates

steadfastness and stewardship

facilities joy unspeakable

that usually results in praise

amen don’t look backward look forward

you can’t look backwards wanting to go

forward and not have accident

can i tell you this

also the spirit of the lord facilitates

our capacity for the lives of obedience

i will put my spirit within you it will

cause you to walk

in my ways you shall

keep my status and do

them ezekiel 36 27

so the spirit of god facilitates

delightsome obedience

facilities joy

and rejoicing or joy and praise

facilitates steadfastness and service

what does that mean

spiritual god is a principal facilitator

of the showers of blessings but the

moment those forces are

in place and remain you remain under the

showers of his blessing

can i tell you this no more dry

seasons in your life

no more dry seasons in your business and


no more dry seasons in your family


if you notice today all of the services

have jumped back

overflows under the tent

and whatever the lord dwelt it shall be


just watch a little and see what is

happening outside there that is

god bringing his word to pass on the

heals of praises

obedience will bring under the showers

see what you bring under the showers but

only princesses can keep you there

only prayers can work you will be there

for life

this ministry has been under the showers

for 36 years

you’ll be there during the days of your



your prophet has been already showers

for 40 years

september 12 76

no concerns zero concerns

plenty of responsibility but no hazards

no have no no stress no strength the

showers of his blessings eliminate


you spend your days in prosperity and

your years in pleasures

therefore from today i decree your

coming under the showers of his blessing


don’t praise him to entertain him

he has angels on 24 24-hourly duty

entertaining him in heaven praise him to

provoke his intervention

and do it with expectations hold that


i will rejoice and be glad what are you

doing here

i won’t rejoice and behold your stomach

i will lift up my voice to sing praise

to the lord

this is the day he has made your eyes

that is not saying hold it

i will rejoice i’ll be glad in him by

the time you remove your hand you are

saying already

are you ready for it go ahead and praise

him right now





this is

this is






in the name of jesus christ

may the showers of blessings of today

begin to speak in your life beginning

from now

a new day dawns on your life today

the same showers of blessings upon this

commission become your experience from


the same shouts of blessing upon his

prophet becomes your portion from today

in the name of jesus christ

pray the spirit of faith after me say

with me lord jesus

i opened my heart to you today

coming to my heart lord jesus forgive me

my sins

wash me with your blood i believe you

died for me

on the third day you rose again that i

might be justified

right now i believe i’m forgiven

i’m justified i’m saved i’m born again

i’m a child of god i am free from the

power of sin

to serve the living god thank you lord

for saving me

amen you are blessed

we believe that you have been blessed by

today’s teaching to get more materials

and resources online

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