#DavidWilkerson#propheticword #OneHour #Change #Everything #DavidWilkerson #healing #home #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #Holy #church #Christian #ready #crisis #economy #US #change #future #grace #mercy #truth For more about this sermons: https://ahavajerusalem.org/?p=580 Like ? & Subscribe – @AhavaJerusalem https://ahavajerusalem.org *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – info@ahavajerusalem.org Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1mS… About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #fyp #forgiveness #light #heaven #time #bewithChrist #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Bible #Word #Love #Grace #time #future FYI ( The title has been updated in 2020) The prophet Isaiah warns us that in the last days God is going to “turn the world upside down.” He declares, “Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down” (Isaiah 24:1). According to this prophecy, sudden judgment is coming upon the earth, and it will change everything in a single hour. Within that short span, the whole world will witness fast-falling destruction upon a city and a nation, and the world will never be the same. If you are attached to material things — if you love this world and the things of it — you won’t want to hear what Isaiah has prophesied. In fact, even to the most righteous of God’s people, what Isaiah says might seem unthinkable. Many would surely ask, “How can an entire world be stricken in one hour?” If we didn’t believe the Bible is God’s pure Word, few of us would take Isaiah’s prophecy seriously. But Scripture makes it clear: in a single hour, the world is going to change. The church is going to change. And every individual on earth is going to change. The apostle John gives a similar warning in Revelation. He speaks of destructive judgment coming upon a city and nation: “In one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her…. For in one hour so great riches is come to nought” (Revelation 18:8, 17). ………………. According to this prophecy, sudden judgment is coming upon the earth, and it will change everything in a single hour. Within that short span, the whole world will witness fast-falling destruction upon a city and a nation, and the world will never be the same. David Wilkerson – En una Hora todo va a cambiar/imprescindible que lo escuches en 2020 –

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one nine I have a prophetic word this

morning it’s been quite a while since

the Lord is entrusted me to bring a

prophetic message but this is very

strong in my heart I want you to turn to

Isaiah 24 Isaiah 24 my message in one

hour everything is going to change in

one hour 24th chapter of Isaiah I’m

going to read just the first few verses

and you leave your Bible open because

I’m going to keep coming back to this

it’s the prophecy is all here it’s not

my prophecy it’s I it’s the Lord’s

prophecy given through Isaiah his holy

prophet behold the Lord make it the

earth empty and maketh it waste and

turns it upside down and scatters abroad

the inhabitants thereof it shall be as

with the people so with the priest as

with his servant so with his master the

maid so with her masked mistress as with

the buyer the seller as with the lender

the borrows as with the taker of usury

so the giver of usury land shall be

emptied and spoiled for the Lord has

spoken this word father in love and

brokenness I come to this congregation

with something that you placed on my

heart something prophesied many many

years ago aimed at this

very generation and this time Nord I

pray that you awaken our hearts that

that we would not tremble we would not

fear but we would trust your word to

bring strength to us now Lord come upon

me by your Holy Spirit let me speak the

word of the Living God with confidence

and faith in Jesus name I pray amen

God through the prophet Isaiah said a

time is coming God said I’m going to

turn everything upside down and the

scripture makes it very clear it says

behold the Lord make it the earth empty

and make it that waste and turn with it

up side down there’s a sudden judgment

coming to this world and it’s at the

door and I want you to hear what the

prophet Isaiah is saying it’s not my

message now if you’re tied to this world

if you are in love with the things of

this world and you are not walking with

the Lord you’re not wanting to hear you

will not want to hear this and you may

want to just cast it aside and say well

I’ll endure this message it and even if

you are born-again Christian if you love

the Lord and you’re close to him if you

didn’t believe that this is the pure

Word of God there may be a tendency not

to take it serious but this is the word

of God it is not man’s prophesy there

are a lot of prophecies going forth in

the world and they are I don’t know

whether you would call them spiritually

based on up but this is Scripture this

is the Living Word of God and if you

believe this is the pure Word of God

then you have to open your heart to what

the prophet Isaiah has to say this

morning in one hour the world is going

to change the scripture says in fact

when you get to Revelation the eighth

chapter John warned in one day death and

mourning yet in one hour and utter

burning and judgment will come that’s

the eighteenth chapter of Revelation and

it confirms that this is going to happen

Jesus said is going to be when all men

cry peace and safety then sudden

destruction comes a sudden unexpected

destruction comes from the land of the


Isaiah warns that there he mentions the

city in fact a number of prophets do but

most eminent Bible scholars and I’ve

checked through my librarian they

believe as I do that this prophecy that

we’re hearing this morning from Isaiah

is at is is directed to this generation

in just a moment how large on that and

tell you why I believe we can pinpoint

it into our very generation our time in

one day in one hour

and it says at that time there was going

to be a great burning now secular

prophets and those in homeland security

whether it’s in the United States or

England or Germany all over the world

now they are saying that that there is

going to come a nuclear accident or a

nuclear holocaust coming to a city they

often named New York City you you know

what’s happened here we live through the

9/11 experience and you could look out

of the apartments as we are you could

see the burning and see the fire and the

smoke ascending to heaven and a few

weeks ago remember the eruption of the

steam pipe and the earth opened up and

swallowed a truck and you saw pictures

of people running everywhere in their

spring because this it is this it

they’re thinking nuclear and the

scripture says if when you go through I

say the 24th chapter it says that the

gates are going to be dissolved the

gates are going to be devastated that’s

means the exits and entrances we don’t

know where it is the city is named and a

burning and a fire is mentioned here

I’ve been prophesying for a number of

years that of something I saw when I was

on the street in on Broadway and 42nd

Street and it’s come back to me many

many times of a thousand Bert

burning in this particular city we in

which we live but you see I don’t know

where it is he doesn’t name the city but

he doesn’t say that there is going to be

a sudden destruction that’s going to

change everything the world is going to

change in one hour the church is going

to change in one hour and we as

individuals are going to change in one

hour now this message is not to frighten

because if you’re confident that you’re

saved and under the blood of Christ and

redeemed you know that anything like

this happens it’s instant glory we pass

from life into death and like the

Apostle Paul said we should be of this

mindset that we thank God for this world

we thank God for our life but our

preference is to go and be with Christ

that should be the desire in your heart

the scripture said the fear of death is

a Dominion it’s a terror and Paul said

you’ve lived all your life that way but

he said God says he doesn’t want to live

that way he wants to deliver us from the

fear of death and if we lose the fear of

death through trusting in Christ and the

power of the Holy Spirit

we will not fear no matter what happens

what the newscast is what anybody says

or a message such as this you you will

only be moved to awaken to what the Lord

says to do and but let me not get ahead

of myself here we don’t know where this

is going to happen first of all the hour

is going to come when the whole world is

going to change now imminent Bible

scholars believe that chapter 24 and 25

of Isaiah have to do with our time this

very day a sudden cataclysmic event is

going to strike in the Bible’s Isaiah

says the lofty this is 26 verse 5 the

lofty meaning the proud city will be

laid low even to the ground Bible then

according to prophet there is utter

chaos in folks you can go out in the

street here on this Sunday afternoon go

right outside the door and a son

and say how could it happen that in one

hour there could be such confusion where

government can’t do anything about it

societal agencies can’t do anything

about it because even when 9/11 struck

this city they came from all over the

world they poured in from all the United

States firemen police officers and

helpers and there was armies of people

wanting to help but folks this

cataclysmic event makes various made

very clear the scripture is going to be

beyond human ability to cope with and

even now we listen to our secular

prophets and they they talk about trying

to prepare but there is there’s coming a

day that in one our society changes a

whole world changes Bible says the

merchants will weep and weep and wail

and cry because no one is buying their

merchandise there are all sellers and no

buyers this past week the director or

the CEO of a large fund put his hundred

and forty two foot yacht for sale his 16

bedroom house in Aspen went up for sale

because his high-risk funds are fading

and he’s in deep trouble that happened

overnight and now all of these risk

funds mortgage companies going bankrupt

left and right and we are facing an

incredible monster economic of people

I’ve been warning about that I stood in

this pulpit a year ago this Sunday I

think was or within one or two Sundays

warning about the mortgage market and

telling people if you’re flipping houses

and you don’t know how to do that you’re

not a real estate agent get out we

warned about that and because you say

well why Warren what’s the purpose of

that why don’t you just wait till that

happens why live on any kind of anxiety

why put this burden upon us but remember

what Jesus said when he first saw the

destruction of Jerusalem he said there’s

going to be us this city is going to

burn to the

Raun and he said I’m telling you now so

that when it happens you believe you

believe that there is a God who so loved

he warns you and he said that it there’s

going this fight this this city is going

to the ground and there won’t be one

stone left upon another in the temple

and Jesus warmed he said no I’m warning

you for a reason so that when it happens

when you see these things come up you’ll

understand that you were loved and Paul

the Apostle when he’s talking about the

sudden destruction he called that

information light he said your members

of the body walking in light you’re

getting Holy Ghost insight he said

you’re not in the darkness you won’t

walk in darkness so that when these

sudden things come and there’s panic all

around you there’s going to be something

happen to you by the Holy Spirit they’re

going to be something aquick kids you

and say well my God warned me there were

true to word true words that came forth

from the pulpit and we were we were

warned even though in this day of

prosperity nobody wants to hear it I

don’t want to hear it but folks it is

here and I’ll tell you why this message

is being but for this morning before our


he said the dreams are going to fade he

goes on to say that the music is going

to fade the the zippers or the guitars

and and the there’s there’s going to be

such a change everything is going to

change in this world in one hour if

there were a nuclear attack on Jerusalem

or Tel Aviv any city in Israel I told

you about the Samson option and they

have such a radar system they have such

protective equipment that as soon as a

missiles released toward Israel within


they have about a minute maybe a minute

and a half according to some experts and

retaliatory missiles would hit and

strike and wipe out every enemy of

Israel folks I’m going to talk to you in

just a moment about why I believe that

the prophet Isaiah is talking about our

day first of all by the growing number

of prophets warning of an apocalyptic

moment coming now when I talk about

prophets I’m not talking about just

Church prophets I’m talking about

secular prophets because God uses

secular prophets these are experts these

are scientists and remember in the

scripture God set of of Assyria Assyria

is my rod against Israel to correct them

another a serious doing my will I am

speaking through Assyria to my people

and remember also about Cyrus the

scripture said of Cyrus he’s a heathen

King and when you get to Amos Amos the

Prophet said Cyrus is God speaking

through him said Cyrus is my shepherd

and he’s doing my bidding so when when

you hear all of these secular scientists

and all of these these are not church

people these are not religious people

they are saying it’s at the door what

about the sensuality what about all of


nonchalance what about this racing for

money and gold and greed Wall Street has

become the greediest source of of VAL

corruption in man’s history they have

taken this nation into such risk in such

a depth a debt there is no way out of it

and we live right at the foot of it it’s

right at the just blocks away from where

I’m preaching this morning

the second reason you see when I’m

preaching this morning is mild compared

to what I hear now is that right or

wrong what you hear in the news and what

you hear constantly fed so that we just

want to turn it off but you see God

moves God moves in these these are the

warning times when prophets are speaking

because the scripture says the Lord’s

and will do nothing until he speaks

through his prophets through Amos God

said I don’t do anything until I warn

through my prophets and the second

reason why I believe we can assume that

what Isaiah is warning speaks to our

generation God always moves in judgment

he always acts when the cup of violence

overflows violence now folks

let me speak plainly to you from the

depths of my soul I’m not a prophet have

never claimed to be a prophet I’m a

watchman just one of many but listen to

me now there is no greater violence in

the sight of God than the violence of

pedophiles those who are raping children

those who are stealing children right

off the streets and taken them to to the

Far East and putting them in brothels in

India and all the the Far East in here

in the United States an entire church

denomination paying hundreds of millions

of dollars to settle lawsuits because

their little children were sodomized

folks when you turn to the far and you

find that hundreds and even thousands of

little children was shed heed to death

when you think of the thousands and

thousands of babies aborted the United

States and around the world and that

blood cries from the ground the Bible

says God destroyed Noah stage because

the earth was filled with violence

and God said I can’t handle that him I

can’t take it I will not take it and he

was patient for 120 years a strong

faithful preaching a prophetic word and

then God saw and folks I believe now

think of the the murdering in our

schools the the terrorizing of our

children you can harden what are we

doing getting hardened to the news that

does it not move us anymore I can tell

you it moves the heart of God and I

believe that blood Christ from the

ground how long do you think God will

endure how long do you think God will

put up with this even here now on the

internet a pedophile is taking pictures

and telling pedophiles where to go to

find the children where it’s easiest to

pick up a child and he’s allowed to do

it and can’t be stopped

folks that’s all going to change this is

all going to change in one hour secondly

sudden destruction when it comes is

going to change the church in one hour

the church is going to change it’s going

to change dead churches is going to

change live churches the Prophet

pictures are great shaking as though God

took an olive tree that had already been

harvested and he begins to shake it in

other words that there’s been a harvest

but they’re still good God said I’m

going to take everything that can be

shaken I’m going to turn everything

upside down according to the Prophet at

this time of shaking though something is

going to happen it’s so incredible if

you have your Bibles open I want you to

go to verse 14 now before you do that

don’t get ahead of me please look this

way now remember this is a time of

cataclysmic devastation this is a time

that’s so incredibly dark this is a time

of fire and in the middle of that

what about God’s people what’s happening

in the church the apostasy is going to

change overnight everything that we see

that is wrong in the Church of Jesus

Christ is going to change but in the

house of God there’s going to be a

revival and I want you to see it folks

and if you did this one I saw it begin

to pray over it and begin to study and

do my research on this see this is not I

didn’t get along with God and pray and

say God talk to me put in my head what’s

going to happen I have people all over

the world wherever I travel sit brother

Dave you speak of prophetic words what’s

next what’s coming I said I don’t know I

don’t know if I go to my Bible if God

speaks it through his word then I

believe it and then I’ll preach it so I

see this and it makes me shout I know

what’s coming and you know what’s coming

but folks think God’s infesting is in

his church in the Church of Jesus Christ

is overcoming Church and the Bible said

in the middle this is going to be a song

rise up from the islands of the sea from

the uttermost parts of the world there’s

going to be a saw rise up in the middle

of all of this look at it verse 14 then

shall they lift up first verse 13 when

thus it shall be in the midst of the

land among the people it’s going to be a

great shaking what’s happening doing the

shaking verse 13 verse 14 then they in

other words they shall lift up their

voice they shall sing for the majesty of

the Lord they shall cry aloud from the

sea wherefore glorify you the Lord in

the fires did you hear

that there should be an a man coming

from the glory of your soul because in

the middle of the fire God’s going to

have a people who are not in panic God

is going to have a people that are going

to praise the majesty of Almighty God he

said in the fire as you will sing

there’s a song coming to the Church of

Jesus Christ folks we’re not going down

we’re going up we are going up there

shall be a song in the midst of the fire

verse 16 further from the uttermost part

of the earth have we heard what not

weeping not groaning not murmuring not

complaining not agonizing that you hear

a song coming from China and then you

hear from India you hear coming out of

the tribes of Africa out of Darfur out

of every nation is coming from every

island of the sea it’s coming from the

United States and Canada South America

the whole world for outermost part of

the world I hear a song the Prophet said

I hear it I hear people who are facing

calamity I hear people that seemingly

have no hope and there’s a song is it

Squire we heard over 150 voices here

this morning singing can you imagine the

great sound that was coming out of the

150 can you imagine millions and

millions of people around the world

singing the song when this hour comes

it’s coming in the darkest time of all I

that that something’s going to happen

among our youth especially call these

students do you understand that for for

the past 10 years especially our

children our young people going into

colleges in their faith is being robbed

that ungodly atheistic teachers and

professors have our young people as

prisoners four three four five and six


and they keep bombarding them till

there’s no faith they they leave good

evening there is no God

till I can sweeten 80% of the people now

say they’re the population that there’s

no God don’t believe in God 20% but even

God and many many students and folks I

believe that’s going to change because

in one hour when everybody is waken and

when the world is shaking and trembling

those professors are going to be looking

for somebody to give them a word

prosperity preachers are going to get

their Bibles out looking for something

to say to the people saying what’s

happened why didn’t you warn us but I

believe that in that time everything in

college is going to change oh yes all

the survival you see that this is not

I’m not talking about the end of the

world they’re still ahead there’s the

things are going to change in one hour

but there’s still we’re talking about in

the future beyond that the Antichrist

and but you see the Antichrist can’t

come to power until there’s chaos it has

to come out of chaos Hitler came out of

chaos the Antichrist is going to come

out of a chaotic world where he there is

something of wisdom there’s something

given to him with demonic power that

brings people some kind of hope I’m

talking about the secular world but

folks this is all about to change now

the Bible says we as individuals are

going to change in one hour we’re going

to have our focus and life changed our

entire focus we will no longer be

obsessing about our own problems and

diversities we won’t be we won’t be

focused on me we won’t be focused on our

problems as serious as they are and as

challenging as they may be god it’s very

clear this will not be our focus that’s

all going to be changed everything that

was once dear to us is no longer going

to have value it’s other than those

things that are the spirit and of love

and of cry

first things that we held dear are going

to be held and absolutely are going to

vanish by this meaning the calamity

shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged

when he turns all the stones into dust

this is Isaiah 27 9 he said I’m going to

take all the island and he said by this

in other words this great Cataclysm

event is going to bring down all the

idols all the idols are going to be

crushed the stone is what the Bible says

here’s the promise from the book of

Isaiah 27 chapter he said in that day

all the idols will be trampled to dust

they’re not going to be the last thing

the world is going to be talking about

is sports I have another sports I like

sports I’m a football fan but you know

Bible says it’s going to be good they’re

not going to be anymore 250 million

dollar settlement for these people in a

starving world he said it’s all going to

change it goes even deeper than that

let me find it here in the scripture it

shall be here’s where we’re going to be

in a level field listen to this very


and it shall be as with the people so

with the priests as with the servants so

with his master as with the maid so with

his mistress of the buyer and the seller

is with the lender and the buyer

everything will be brought to a same


well there’s presidents world leaders

those in poverty all going to face the

same struggles the same conditions

nothing will there’ll be no respecter of

persons are you ready for some comfort I

said are you ready for some comfort

folks I don’t like to preach like this

for the last six weeks I’ve preached

nothing but grace I risk people getting

mad every time I’ve had to preach much

like this people leave but one day I

stand before God and he said if you see

these things coming and you don’t warn

the Bloods on your hand and I read that

in tremble there should be no one

becomes the Time Square Church surprised

should you don’t sit around waiting for

things to happen but let me tell you

what Paul the Apostle said I want you to

follow this very closely no before I

close Paul said he has not appointed us

to wrath but to obtain salvation by our

Lord Jesus Christ who died for us so

that whether we wake or sleep whether we

we we will live together with him he

said comfort yourself he’s talking about

sudden destruction he’s talking about

time that we’re going to be with the

Lord and he said I want you to comfort

one another comfort one another and he

said whether we live or die and folks

that’s where we have to come to right

now you you watch the news in the next

thirty days and especially the next two

weeks listen to to what’s happening to

the economy listen listen just remember

God speaking not to make you afraid but

to prepare your heart he said your to

put on the breastplate of faith this is

Paul the Apostle said in these times

when we live under the threat of a

sudden destruction or the knowledge of a

sudden destruction coming on the earth

when this has been told to us and when

we see it and we hear it he said you’re

not to tremble you’re not

to saw was the world sorrows he said no

he said you go about comforting one

another and speak to one another saying

live or die we are the Lord’s now it

comes down to this going to your friends

going to the body of Christ went after

them and say cans look right in the eye

and say live or die where the Lord’s

that’s what paul said you’re going to

encourage one other safe will ever die

we will go and live with christ we are

headed for eternal life in Christ

folks I’m asking God and I more and more

you say what you can come to that

because your old man now but you see I’m

coming to place now where I’m not going

to live in fear I don’t live in fear I

want to be here in the United States it

II if anything happens to this city I

want to be here in the middle of it and

I don’t want the fear of death to have

dominion over me and you can’t have

freedom you can’t have freedom until you

comfort yourself with the Word of God

saying I will

whatever happens if it happens tomorrow

bless God I’m going to be shouting on

the streets of glory with all the saints

of God I’m going to pass from death into

life this we’re not to live in fear

we’re not to live in bondage

Zelo brother Dave you already put us in

fear and now you’re trying to get us out

of it no that’s the work of the Holy

Spirit that’s the work of the Holy

Spirit glory be to God

I my message today is that there’s a

song coming out of this and if you leave

this building if you leave this building

discouraged if you walk out of here say

that’s nothing but gloom ndu yes it is

on a human level but on a spiritual


it’s life eternal it’s life

and I just have a secret thought in my

heart it’s probably just David Wilkerson

slots but I have a feeling distance

before 9/11 the Holy Spirit moved in

this church and other congregations and

warned us there were moments of silence

sometime 15 minutes we said in this

church just before the blast and God was

speaking to us not to be afraid and it’s

going to be different this time I

believe that if something is going to

happen in this city or wherever it

happens the Saints of God are going to

be quickened by the Holy Spirit and

they’re gonna be some singing and

shouting and praising of God to

encourage the body to strengthen their

spirit now get up on your feet I bind

the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus

Christ our Savior he’s not giving us the

spirit of fear but love and power and a

sound mind folks I’ve got the Holy Ghost

all over me right now I have the Holy

Spirit upon my soul he wants to come

upon you the Holy Spirit wants to

quicken you take the fear out of your

heart you young people that are in the

choir the young people in listening to

me right now

there is a future that the whole world

thinks there’s no future folks this is

just the beginning of our future this is

just the beginning of our future

hallelujah I feel good

they’re going to be a lot of people

listen to this tape tuned it out too

quick they turned it off they should

have stayed and listened to the praises

and the shots of God’s people in this

house hallelujah there shall be a song

somebody asked you this afternoon or

tomorrow next week what did partial day


you see revival a song in a hard time

and I’ve got to see this in closing this

is very carefully please

your to sing in your present fire in

your adversity in your hard time

financial whatever it me you’ve got to

get a song you say does God expect me to

sing well I don’t care what it is there

should be that look quiet

there’s something very quiet and

steadfast in the soul that sings great

is our God see that he said they’re

going to sing about the majesty of God

great is our God folks I walked these

streets and I sing I sing in spite of

crises I sing in spite of all those

things as something God puts in the

heart and you’ve got to get your song

now that’ll be too late get it now

get a hold of your song there’s a song

in the night but there’s a song in the

fire some of you’re in a fire the Bible

says build up your faith Apostle Paul

said put on the breastplate of hope of

faith and love and hope oh praise God

for the hope it is in our hearts

now we have a space here in the front of

the church we refer to it as the altar

another place to meet God and I invite

you if you’re here this morning and God

has spoken to you you see God’s not

interested in you changing your life

through fear but through hope and that’s

what this meeting is all about hope and

you’re here this morning and your hope

has been staggered because you’re going

through crisis in your life and you say

well brother Dave everybody’s got some

kind of a crisis but I’m talking about a

real serious thing that only God could

give you a song and there’s been some we

call it the Blues or depression if

you’re standing here with it sound of my

voice in the annex upstairs here

where we’re at in this audience and you

need to touch an absolute touch of God

you need this spirit of fear to be

broken in you so you can walk out of

this building

maybe that fears because you’re not

walking with Christ as you did or should

maybe you’ve drifted away

maybe you walked in here and you’ve

never known what it is to have what

people call new birth or you’ve never

surrendered your life to Jesus Christ

invite you to get out of your seat

upstairs where even the belt in the

Annex you can go to the lobby and

they’ll show you how to get down here in

the front of this church and we will

pray for you you can come even while I’m

talking just get out of your seat up the

balcony go the stairs on either side and

come down we’re going to believe God for

a tremendous change everything so change

in our this can change you the next five

minutes there can be a change in your


and the Lord can cleanse you

change your direction and bring hope and

life to your whole your body soul mind

in the spirit Heavenly Father I pray

that you walk through this congregation

move through this congregation to find

every one that needs some miracle a

life-changing miracle and those who

would believe with us would believe with

us for that change in Jesus day while

they’re singing just get out of your

seat up in a balcony come and join us

here we’ll pray and we’ll believe God

for you and with you if you don’t know

Christ if you’ve drifted from Christ

follow these that are coming now there’s

some maybe many of you here this morning

worried and fretting because they what

do i what do I do in the future if some

of these things you’re talking about

even begin to happen what do we do what

about my house mortgage all these things

the Lord comes to us with a message said

casting all your care upon him because

he cares for you can you imagine a God

who has flung into the cosmos not just

this one world that we’re living in not

this one galaxy but you understand that

there are millions and billions of

galaxies beyond ours that the Hubble

telescope has discovered not just

billions of talking about billions of

universes can you imagine endless in a

God who can keep all of that in order

can’t he keep our lives in order my


and and we have preached faith so long

we have toyed with faith we have

imagined we have faith we have talked

and preached and tried to test it and

all but folks that it is time it is time

and the only reason I can think God

would have me do this this morning is

that you and I get a hold of some

life-changing faith that no matter what


somehow God will deliver his people and

if if we if folks how do you how do you

explain the 16 Korean Presbyterians

right now in the hands of the Afghani

terror Taliban to have been murdered and

then then we say well you know the fiery

furnace and the lion’s den they’re all

delivered and God’s not appointed us to

wrath yes but there’s that the – and

they’re dying one of the time there are

martyrs under the throne of God

multitudes of martyrs crying out that

the blood be avenged folks we’ve got to

be honest about it we’ve got to be on

I’m going to play games with the Church

of Jesus Christ you and I have you and I

have to be prepared to die for Jesus if

necessary and we will go through hard

times but if a God can if a God can keep

this world in orbit and there’s a whole

cosmos moving in their orbits and

in their places and can you imagine a

God who’s named every billions of star

every multiplied billions of stars he’s

named them all so he sure knows my name

he knows my name and he knows your name

god help us to believe God and get a

song in our trial father in Jesus name

we fight against doubt and unbelief and

this cast down spirit lord help us to

face the days ahead with Holy Ghost

courage and you are a strong tower we

can run into you and be safe we are safe

in Christ pray this prayer with me Lord


give me confidence in the days ahead and

I trust in you and help me O Lord to

cast my cares upon you forgive my sins

Lord forgive my unbelief come by your

Holy Spirit lift my spirit put joy in my

heart and a song in my heart a praise

and glory to your holy name now let me

bring in for your father

sweep over this congregation in the

annex the overflow rooms into the

balcony and the choir loft and the

pulpit and this whole house sweep over

us with the gentle spirit of the Holy

Spirit Holy Spirit brush breathed upon

us now as we walk out into the sunlight

of this day let us realize Lord that

this is not the Sun that we’re looking

for we thank you for it but all Lord we

go into a city where you are the Sun you

are the brightness of the day and lord

you will wipe away every tear and you

will strengthen us Lord we anticipate

your coming we anticipate the soon

return of Jesus Christ our Lord from

glory holiday will you now just thank

him for his faithfulness to you lord I

thank you this is the conclusion of the
