#DavidWilkerson – #Satan ‘s Final #War Plan #Exposed | Must Hear Like ? & Subscribe – @AhavaJerusalem https://ahavajerusalem.org *If you have a need or know someone that has a need please email us. – info@ahavajerusalem.org Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1mS… About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #fyp #forgiveness #light #heaven #time #bewithChrist #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Bible #Word #Love #Grace #time #future
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10019 lord
you put something on my heart today
well you spoke to me from your heart
and i ask you lord to convey that
through my lips sanctify me to be
nothing that can hinder the flow of the
holy spirit
we ask you for a demonstration of the
holy ghost and power
and i pray lord jesus that you manifest
yourself the course of this message i
amen satan’s final
war plan exposed
the devil has a war plan i’m going to
expose it this morning
hallelujah now there’s a final war
you know it’s called armageddon
millions men are going together in the
and there’s going to be a final war
called the battle of armageddon
there’s going to be a lot of bloodshed
but simultaneously there’s another final
and this final war is far more important
to us and to god
than armageddon arm of guidance just a
cleanup job for god
he’s going to clean up the mess he’s
going to come forth
with his power and his glory and and we
know the outcome of that war but there’s
another war
going on simultaneously and it’s begun
in its
in effect even now and that’s the
spiritual war
this this is the war that’s been
declared yes in the garden of eden you
say there’s always been a spiritual war
heaven against hell uh
but folks the devil in these last days
is changing his strategy
he’s changing his plan because the bible
says woe
in the habit of the earth and the sea
the devils come down to you having great
knowing his time is short
now see this is placing this battle this
last strategic
battle after the cross because he’s
talking about those who’ve overcome by
the blood and those who have the
testimony of the lamb
so this is after calvary’s after the
and we’re going to talk about that this
morning dragon was wrath with the woman
the woman is the church of jesus christ
and went to make war with the remnant of
her seed
which keep the commandments of god and
have the testimony of jesus christ
i this places the war that we’re talking
after the cross those who have been
covered by the blood of christ
and this leads to the last very last day
of time
the battle that i’m speaking about the
scripture says
he knows he has a short time and he
and the bible says that he comes down
he’s actually going to make his
headquarters he’s going to be among us
on this earth he’s come down unto you
and he
he’s in a rage because he knows that his
time is very short
this is the last of the last days
very clearly marked here
i don’t know what others are preaching
about spiritual warfare
i hear a lot of stuff that is
foolishness and even when you say
spiritual warfare
a lot of people pull back but the bible
makes it clear that there’s a war
going on in the heavens there’s a
spiritual battle now
for your mind and your soul there’s a
spiritual battle
in the bible paul talks about the
weapons of our warfare are not carnal
weapons of war our war it says our war
the war that you and i fight as the seed
of jesus christ he’s going
after the seed the scripture says and
is the battle far more important in the
eyes of god
and hell than armageddon itself his
is going to expose the stratagems of the
devil for this last day
i’m just thinking of the strategy the
devil has used
ever since the garden of eden think of
this strategy satan used in the
satan went after the scripture says
those that were stragglers of the camp
the rear guard
he came against the weak he came against
those who are crippled and those who are
he kept up with those he he came against
those who
were uh not really jews but they they
came out of israel with the jews they
wanted to be a part of what god was
and they were stragglers they were
really not with israel but he came
on the rear guard
almost tepid about coming into the camp
but when he did come to the camp the the
the battle
then was in the natural realm that had
to do with food it had to do with water
it had to do with just existence itself
and satan came and tempted in in these
areas of
flesh and appetite and very
little of the warfare of satan against
the church of the
wilderness was aimed at the leadership
you’ll find only a few occasions he came
against aaron
uh for a season he came uh against
saul he came against david and you find
individuals but it’s rare and you find
many of these men
falling but at that time satan
warfare had to do with appetite it had
to do with the belly it had to do with
but then comes the cross of jesus christ
then comes
a need for a new strategy a new plan and
folks the devil has
bible says we’re not ignorant of the
devices or the wiles of the devil the
wiles mean plan
strategies the very word is strategy
we’re we’re not ignorant of a strategy
his strategy keeps
changing and now we have we come to the
we come to the strategy now of satan
coming against
entire congregations he comes against
the laity
he comes against the church body
comes against whole congregations
and it’s amazing when you when you
follow it he he attacked the corinthian
with a flood of lust and carnality he
comes to the galatian church with a
bewitching spirit
paul said having begun in the spirit are
you now seeking perfection through the
works of the law
who has bewitched you who’s cast the
spell on you
the new strategy from the enemy he’s
going after entire congregations he’s
going after the laity
you follow through in revelation
first few chapters of revelation
ephesus he attacks the church he texts
the love and devotion to christ
at smyrna satan cast some of them in
he sent blasphemers into their midst
that pergamos false doctrine was sent to
leaven the church
hatha tyra the devil sent teachers in
with the jezebel spirit
to seduce the congregations into
fornication and when you come to sardis
you find formality and deadness cast
upon them
and at laodicea the spirit of
covetousness materialism blinded the
whole congregation
you see he’s going after the laities
going after the congregation he’s going
after the masses of believers
you’re very fine very seldom do you find
in the new testament i’m going after
are being able to bring down spiritual
those who are spiritual men leaders of
the church of jesus christ
you you find him coming again as he did
in the old testament
shipwrecks beatings jailings he comes
after paul in the flesh
but you don’t see paul folding under it
you don’t hear peter
and you hear none of the disciples other
than judas
he’s not the battle now is for the
church the
laity he’s going after he’s coming
stages you see
works in the natural that he comes
against the congregation we’re going to
see in just a moment where he’s moving
and i know i got this from the holy
spirit and god’s been dealing with my
heart and this
issue very strongly and it’s impacted my
my spiritual life and i trust it’ll do
the same for you this morning
you see the buffetings were yes they
were against the flesh and also in the
spiritual realm
but you find it against the masses
and i’m saying now that in this last day
in this short period of time the devil
with such
wrath knows he has to change his
and the strategy is this i’m going
after the leaders i’m going to focus all
my attention on everyone who has
spiritual authority
everyone who walks close to christ every
prayer warrior i’m going after their
i’m going after their very faith i’m
going after their homes
their marriages i’m going to try to
paralyze every spiritual
man and woman on the face of the earth
now you find a a little glimpse of this
strategy in the old testament the devil
ahab and and uh jehoshaphat
her waging war declared war on syria
and the devil changed the strategy just
a little glimpse of what was to come in
the last
days i’m sure satan remembered that
strategy and how it worked
he had 32 captains and he called them
together and he says i’ve got a strategy
i’ve got a plan
i want 32 captains the charioteers the
captains of the chariots
and we have one mission i don’t want you
to fight with any soldiers
i want you to go right through the camps
of the enemy and i want you to get saul
let me read it to you the king of syria
commanded his thirty and two captains
that had ruled over the chariot saying
fight neither was small
nor great say falney with the king of
he said we get him they’re all gonna
they have no leadership they have no one
with authority
they’ll run to their homes and they’ll
run to the caves
and that’s exactly what happened when an
arrow by chance
it wasn’t by chance you and i know that
but an arrow
hits saul he dies in his chariot
and the scripture says there was a
proclamation made throughout the host
every man out to his city every man to
his own country
in other words we have no leadership
every man for himself
run and all that’s happening to the
church of jesus christ today
is we see this strategy unfolding
everywhere we look
pastors missionaries christian leaders
deacons elders falling left and right
spirits authority being robbed we see
this strategy
unfolding before our very eyes this was
the strategy used in iraq they were
called special forces and they were sent
six months before the war
into baghdad and their whole job
they were dressed as arabs
and they had a bankroll
and they were to trail saddam saddam
hussein everywhere he went
and you remember the night of the first
bombing the
first attack came because there was an
intelligence report
and they called it strategic planning
and that first huge bombing
effort came on a palace where
intelligence said saddam and his staff
were having a meeting
and many still believe he was killed in
that first
attack but if you remember
the war the british were given
the city to the that was blocking to the
and a highway all the way to baghdad 150
miles of troops and tanks
one purpose one purpose around baghdad
get saddam get the leadership
don’t fight with the rocky army go to
the elite corps
the republican guard and when we get
that republican guard in those 50
they’ll fall in the collapse and within
two weeks of the war
remember there was confusion in the
iraqi army because they said
there’s no leadership there’s no one
there it’s inoperative
the authority’s gone
satan’s final war against the church of
christ is targeted at the elect
paralyze every spiritual leader destroy
bewitch all spiritual authority
and now you see the devil’s laid his
hands on every invention of man
to use in this battle the devil
owns the internet he owns it
three hundred thousand porno sites
he owns it
he owns the film industry
hbo i don’t even know what it means
but i read that that’s some of the worst
filth coming out of hell
i don’t even know what the music channel
is i don’t have television
but he owns television now he owns
commercial television he owns
network television because you see
up to this time they said we we’re going
to stretch the envelope that means
see how far we can go without the people
rising up
without a moral outcry outcry against
this filth and smut and there’s no
outcry anymore
and now i read in the new york times
these were from film directors
in the con festival in france and they
were boasting publicly we’re no longer
stretching the envelope
we’ve torn it up we’re going over the
that means anything goes
and folks who is all of this where who
who’s the devil aiming at now do you
think he’s aiming at all the people who
are hooked on pornography now
all of the wicked masses who are hooked
on the lust of the flesh he already owns
the king of sirius said i’m not wasting
any ammunition
no chariots no manpower on these masses
all my power everything is aimed
at the leadership
these things are aimed now everything
out of
hell is aimed you say are you talking
only about pastors
it advances no i’m i’m let me tell you
gives you spiritual authority let me
tell you what in the eyes of god in the
eyes of the devil make you
marked in the eyes of god mark for
righteousness and mark for usefulness
in the devil’s eye mark for this final
is that you have set your heart on
you seek him with all your heart mind
and soul and spirit
you’ve turned from the things of this
world and and you
have laid a hold of something that you
won’t let go and the devil knows it
and you’re a testimony of the
righteousness of christ in this dark
wicked age
if you are praying man or woman
believing trusting god living in his
righteousness by faith
you are marked you are in that
leadership you are in that elite guard
not not in the flesh but in the spirit
he’s not going after the children of
death he’s not going after his own
children he’s got them
why would he waste any he’d be a stupid
devil to waste his ammunition on those
he’s already killed
satan understands that secret sin in a
spiritual man will paralyze him
all his power and authority will be gone
and if sin is persisted on and becomes
he knows the man can no longer speak for
god can no longer have any impact on
anyone living in sin
the bible says now in the king james it
said dead flies in the ointment
but in the original hebrew it says flies
of death
caused the ointment of the pocket theory
to send forth a stinking
savor smell so that the little follow
him that is in reputation for wisdom and
he said god says i want to i want to
show you
he’s speaking from his word i want to
show you it’s the
it’s that dead fly it’s what you
think insignificant is up and judged and
you that
the enemy comes and just throws in that
sweet smelling savor that prayer life
there’s a dead fly see there’s a
compromise there’s something of the
world there’s something
out of sin there’s something of flesh
and in the bible says
the dead fly in your oil of anointment
your oil
function the oil of anointing
the dead fly that one thing that god’s
been dealing with that one thing
he said that that beautiful roma has
been coming up again to
send forth a stench to stink up the
and anyone who’s been touched with the
favor of god and held in honor
you see the lord says no dark place in
our hearts
nothing that the enemy can touch satan
cometh there’s nothing in me
and there’s a reason for that and
that’ll unfold here as you see in just a
you see the devil’s plan is to put this
fly of death
just a touch of flesh a touch of the
let me tell you what’s at stake
and the reason satan’s now focusing all
his power on the spiritual man
paul sets forth the issue and here it is
the natural man receiveth not the things
of the spirit of god
for their foolishness to him neither can
he know them because they’re spiritually
paul said now there’s a spiritual man
and there’s a natural man
the spiritual man knows the mind of
christ he’s full of the holy ghost
no part dark no flies of death in him
he’s got spiritual wisdom he has
revelation from god
he has an open heaven
and god reveals his mind to the
man the scripture says the things which
god has prepared for them
that love him things that no man can
when god gives it and speaks it through
those who are spiritual
paul said my speech and my preaching was
not with enticing words of men’s wisdom
but in demonstration of the spirit and
of power
he said when you came to hear me preach
and when i came to corinth he was
speaking about his visit to corinth and
he said
when i came to you he said i determined
to know nothing among you save christ
and crucify
because paul knew that congregation they
were living in fornication
incest they they were living in
they they were coming and drinking
unworthily at the
lord’s table and he said
he he said i had to make a determination
how i was going to come to you
i can’t come with wisdom he said i
learned it at athens that
i can’t match my wits with the world
he said do i determine when i come to
you i’ll know no body i’ll preach
nothing but jesus christ
and him crucified
but he said when i came to you and this
is in retrospect he’s looking back and
in a letter he said when i came to you
you know how i came
some of you said my my speech was
contemptible you could understand my
my delivery he said it wasn’t in
my preaching it wasn’t in man’s wisdom
but i had an anointing on me i had heard
from heaven
and i came in the demonstration of the
holy ghost and power
now what is that demonstration the holy
we have a lot of people who think the
demonstration the holy ghost people
falling on the floor
wiggling shaking now god can
shake you and wiggle you i i believe god
can take people and just prostrate them
i’m not mocking that
but that’s not what paul’s talking about
the demonstration the holy spirit had
nothing to do with paul’s body
it was not raising his voice like i’m
raising mine right now because the loud
voice doesn’t it
doesn’t imply anointing
sometimes when you get anointed you
can’t help it you just explode
but that does not designate the
see the demonstration the holy spi holy
spirit was not some
are our countenance that changed in paul
he was not doing anything but quietly
delivering the word of god
and there was suddenly a demonstration
of the holy spirit it was the word of
delivered through a spiritual man
you see the corinthians had moved out of
the spiritual realm into the natural
and that’s what’s happening to the
church of jesus christ today
you sit in front of a television and you
drink and drink and drink and i’m
telling you slipping
hour by hour into the natural man that
can no longer comprehend the things of
because you’ll lose your discernment
and now paul said i’m coming to corinth
to a natural people
living in the flesh they’re natural
again they’re not spiritual men and
they’re carnal the carnal man is the
natural man
he said i couldn’t even speak you with
spiritual people anymore
but the demonstration of the holy ghost
with power
was the effect his preaching had on the
hearers on the people on the corinthians
and let me give you an explanation
of the demonstration and here it is you
see paul
had preached about separation and
but be not unequal be not unequally
yoked with unbelievers
come out from among them be separate and
clean touch not the unclean thing
touch not the unclean thing and that
word of
paul was so anointed of the holy spirit
there was a demonstration life change is
the demonstration
people walking out of the house of god
with the message they can’t shake out of
their head
or out of their heart and they have to
act on it because the holy spirit keeps
moving them
in the direction of the word they’ve
here it is you sorrowed to repentance
you were made sorry after a godly manner
what carefulness it brought in you
ye what cleansing what carefulness what
clearing of yourself
indignation what zeal what fear
what vehement desire what revenge in all
things you’ve
proved yourselves clear on this matter
he said you wouldn’t eat
sleep you wouldn’t do anything until you
made sure you lined up to the word that
i preached
they had drifted from christ and were
you see folks here’s the dilemma we go
out now
let me put it as simply as i can you
show me a church of
ten thousand twenty five thousand people
masses coming
and those that come to church if they’re
not a preaching of repentance if they’re
not changing they’re
they’re all natural people they’re
they’re still living in sin because
there’s no message and no conviction
and no holy ghost moving in the church
and if the man
in the pulpit is just a man of ambition
if he too is in the natural and he is in
the flesh
and i’m going to tell you that
the whole congregation can go to hell
because they’ve never had a mess they
don’t understand
there’s nobody there to open their eyes
there’s no message from heaven that
pierces the wall
there’s nothing that gets through to the
heart and i’m convinced this many people
are going to hell in the church than
anywhere else in society
going to hell right in church because
natural men
are speaking to natural men and they
don’t understand
the divorce rate in the church equals
the divorce rate in the world now
the divorce rate in the ministry equals
divorce rate in secular society
what a sad comment
now what’s my point
satan knows that men seduced back into
the realm of the natural can no longer
or receive a word and can change a life
comes blinded
there’s no message no anointing
nothing that pierces the heart
and that’s why satan’s going after every
spiritual elder
deacon sunday school teacher anyone in
any kind of ministry choir
going after with everything out of hell
and i’m telling you
folks there’s never been a time
when you have been more tested than you
are now
come on now you have never been more
tested your faith has never been more
than it is now
i was talking to a neighbor recently
i just walked over talked to him
he was drinking
he said are you the reverend i said yeah
he said i thought some old
fogey preacher’s gonna move next to me
when you moved here
he said i checked you on the internet he
said i think you’re okay he said i got
to talk to you sir
he said i my wife left me two years ago
i had a i was a high up executive in a
company and he named the company said
two years ago they just fired me no
explanation just cut me off after
almost 20 years of service and he said
to top it off
the only thing i left was my dog and i
loved that dog and it was killed
car accident car rental my police
officer ran over
and he said i’ve been here two years
just drinking
here’s a natural man and i just stood
listen to this man
this oh god
the only way i can get one word to that
gets to his heart because there better
be nothing in my life
that hinders the voice of god
i had better hear from heaven i don’t
want any dead fly in me and i’m thinking
god no dead flies
and i thank god i could stand there and
the lord says you have the word
and i gave him just two or three
paragraphs two or three
cutting sentences i know it right to his
and i i look out of my room where i pray
and i look right over to his house
and i know the holy ghost is there
moving he’s still quoting those words
over and over again
they were just probably two paragraphs
but it got right through to the heart
folks never in history if we needed have
we needed
spiritual people who know the mind of
and they can stand against the world and
all of the natural thing
that just destroying mankind and have
that word that penetrates and changes
where there’s a demonstration of the
holy ghost folks tonight
this after this morning and all day you
may sit quiet you may not even respond
emotionally to what i’m saying but i
hope and pray when you walk out the door
god will have said something to you that
will change your life make some changes
your life has already been changed but
make those changes that are necessary to
come into the fullness
that the lord has prepared for you he
said well brother wilson
what’s god going to do about all this if
the devil has a plan what does does god
have a plan
well i want to tell you something the
the lord is not going to come down
and fight your battle with the devil
he’s already done that he’s already
conquered the devil
he’s made he’s been victor he’s beyond
the reach of satan
the devil can’t tempt him anymore but he
says now you resist the devil
and he will flee from you now
god doesn’t have to change his plan he’s
had one eternal purpose from the
beginning and that
that’s focus on jesus christ and we know
but let me show you and i’ve read this
over and over again but the holy spirit
pointed this out to me
what i believe holy spirit
is wanting to achieve and is achieving
now in this last hour
this amazing verse in isaiah 9 7 don’t
turn there but
excuse of the increase of his government
and peace there shall be no end
upon the throne of david and upon his
kingdom to order it to establish it with
and with justice from henceforth
forevermore the zeal of the lord of
hosts will perform it
the government shall be upon his
shoulders and of the
increase of that government there shall
be no end
in other words there from the very time
that the government of god was
those through the testimony of jesus
he is lord the holy spirit says i’ll
come and inhabit you
but i come to govern your life
and it implies that once you come under
the government of jesus christ and the
spirit of god
who is the spirit of christ when you
come under that government there is to
be a continual
increase there has to be an increase we
increase in
obedience and submission subjection
to all that the word of god speaks to us
this nothing nothing is believed nothing
is done
everything is judged by the word of the
by the voice of the holy spirit
of the increase of his govern are you
under the government of the holy spirit
this is how i believe god is going to
protect his leadership he’s going to
all of those who are in the spiritual
he’s going to protect you not by he’s
not going to end pornography evil men
are going to wax worse and worse the
bible said things are going to get so
bad the sexual content will be beastial
it’ll be incestuous
it’ll be with children it’s going to be
with animals it’s going to be the most
incredible filth and smut
the world’s ever known and god’s not
going to stop that right now until the
the devil is going to come with this
flood the flood is going to increase
the flood tides are going to get higher
but he’s going to build up a spiritual
immunity he’s going to do something in
the hearts of his
people because the government of jesus
christ is going to increase
more and more he’s going to have a body
who are more and more subjected
to the holy ghost who cry out for that
direction who submit
themselves in prayer into the word of
and they begin to judge their sins
we’re to judge righteous judgment now i
want you to follow me before i close i’m
going to wrap this up in just a moment
verse 7 again he will establish it with
and with justice from henceforth even
for more the zeal the lord of hosts will
perform it god says
that zeal means jealousy he said i
in the last days
he when he sees this attack of the enemy
god says i’m going to rise with a
and i’m going to accomplish my purpose
and my purpose as he describes here
i’m going to bring divine order and i’m
going to bring
forth a spirit of judgment now that’s
that that is not judgment against us
this has to do with something far
different it’s something he’s going to
do in our hearts a spirit of judgment
anything that satan throws against us in
other words
the holy ghost is going to make you a
magistrate of your own heart
and the word there is litigate that
means everything that comes and here’s
what paul the apostle said
in in first corinthians 2 5 he that is
listen he that is spiritual judgeth
all things
he judges all things it means that
everything that
the enemy throws into his life every
everything he’s involved in every waking
he’s judging everything that influences
or affects his life
he’s judging it he’s a magistrate
and the lord has empowered him by his
to sit as a judge over his own life
he said if we judge ourselves we shall
not be judged
you know that scripture
let me put it plainly if you’re flirting
you’re flirting with a married person
or another man’s wife or another one’s
husband that’s adultery
judge it call it what it is it’s sin
call it the bible says
set no wicked thing before your eyes you
just brought in a
video and you said no it’s just pg or
it’s just walt disney and suddenly
here’s god’s name being cursed
what are you going to do you’re just
going to justify it
are you going to judge it will you sit
there and allow the holy ghost
just destroy your heart he will do it he
will stir your heart
and he’ll do it out of love because he
says i need your anointing
i need a voice i need to penetrate this
wicked world i need you
i’m not mad at you but i need your voice
and he’s going to convict you you either
justify it
or you’ll judge it and say this could
cost my anointing
that’s enough
judge it you find yourself slipping into
a little
bit of gossip and the holy ghost
suddenly said hey this is wrong this is
wrong and you agree with the holy ghost
yes is wrong
you stop and shut your mouth and walk
away judge it
you see david sinned and he wouldn’t
judge his sin for a whole year
god didn’t break his covenant with david
he didn’t break the covenant
he’s not going to break his covenant
with you
but he said a prophet and what the issue
was david until
you agree with the holy ghost until you
judge your sin and call it what it is
and not justified david been justified
and as soon as david stopped justifying
his sin then the promises of the
covenant were renewed in his life
and every covenant promise of god awaits
the moment
that you and i agree with the holy ghost
and say
this is sin i’m not going to call it by
another name i’m going to judge it
i can’t i can’t live in unbelief
unbelief is the mother of all sins and
you find yourself doubting god and
questioning god
oh come on folks judge it for what it is
it’s sin
and if we don’t judge it all we’re doing
is preaching eternal
security we have to
judge our sins because he has given us
the mind of christ
we have the mind of christ in us we have
the holy ghost and i’ll tell you the
moment you agree with the holy
ghost he comes with every covenant
promise and the bible makes it clear
this scripture when the enemy comes in
like a flood the spirit of the lord so
raise up a standard against
and i looked up that word standard you
know it really means a flip of the
and the moment you agree with the holy
the moment you judge your sin and say
i’m not going to lose my anointing
i’m not going to have a fly in my
ointment i’m not going to let the devil
rob me of my effectiveness
and i judge my sin
when that happens the holy ghost comes
flits away the power of hell in your
just a flick of his finger it’s done
it’s finished he empowers you with his
glorious power
that’s the demonstration of the holy
ghost and power
the demonstration is judging your sin
the power
comes flowing in
glory be to god what a mighty god
what a mighty god we serve
please stand
hallelujah my god my god
oh jesus
would you just raise your hands and tell
him how much you love him
in the annex wherever you’re at raise
your hands tell them how much come on
just tell them from your heart lord i
love you and i need you
lord i need you
lord we need you in this day
oh bless your name
you put your hands down
you so love your people you so love your
pastors and shepherds and
all those in leadership they’re your
family they’re
they’re bone of your bone and flesh of
your flesh
and you will not allow the enemy to
you’re going to come forth lord with
great governing power
you’re going to manifest by your spirit
the law of god written in the heart
bringing us under subjection to your
word and your spirit
and lord we’re going to be more than
overcomers not just overcomers but more
than overcomers
hallelujah now lord i’m asking for a
demonstration of
power demonstration of your spirit
with power to change us
for those that are here now and while
we’re speaking holy ghost you were just
pointing out something
perhaps a dead fly a fly of death
something that the holy ghost has been
peacefully wonderfully lovingly nagging
us about
saying change it make a change
before it becomes a habit and you no
longer see it as sin
you justify it oh lord
we want to agree with the holy ghost we
call it what it is
if you’re here this afternoon here this
something in the message this morning is
something grabbed your heart
i don’t know how to put this other than
as i feel like the holy spirit
you know that you are not where you
ought to be
in christ especially if you you’ve been
walking with god for a long time
if you’ve been here a lot of messages
you’ve been hearing the holy ghost speak
cry and woo and whisper to your heart
and you keep putting it off and putting
it off it’s time
it’s time this morning to say yes the
holy spirit
if there is sin
he’s not here to condemn you here to say
i will not lose you i’m going to let you
go i’m going to
make a little bit of misery in your
heart i’m going to convict you but i do
because i need you if your husband i
you need that spiritual authority and
you need his guidance
if you’re a wife or if you’re a mother
and you have children
you need spiritual authority you’re not
going to get through your kids without
spiritual authority
if there’s anything that you know in
your life in all honesty it can
rob you of that spiritual authority i
want you to get down to this
front and just stand here with me and
we’re going to pray and ask god
to have you call it what it is
and believe god to come with your spirit
and give you a freedom this morning and
you walk out of here
the power of christ what i believe holy
spirit’s leading me to say
and i always say it lovingly this
i said to is the father
hundreds of you on go to work on the job
you know in offices you work with other
people of other sex
you women work with men and some of you
men work with women
and i’m telling you now the lord made it
clear to me that i have to say this
many of you now right now i have to ask
god to help you stop your flirtation
it’s not becoming i’ve become an act yet
but the seed is there you come with
and every time that man or that woman
passes you there’s something
going on in your heart the lord says
call it what it is it’s adultery
it’s a doctor if you look upon another
woman or another man with lust
jesus said that’s a daughter call it
what it is
and say lord i want that change now
that’s the demonstration the holy ghost
and god when you say that god will come
with the power of your spirit
that’ll be a demonstration of holy ghost
and power so right now
deal with that if you pass
all the pastors including myself we’ve
we have warned you about
your viewing television and and the
filth and the films that you bring into
your home and everything else
in these areas if there has to be don’t
agree with it right now
agree with it if you don’t have the zeal
or you live in a situation where you
can’t remove a television from your home
and your husband or your wife disagree
with you all right fine but i’m gonna
tell you something ask
the lord when you sit there say lord the
moment you see it you’re here you heard
god’s name cursed
you get out of the room you go somewhere
else and get out shop and do whatever
you have to do
take an act an act it says lord i will
cast my eyes upon that which is evil and
when you walk the streets ask god to
give you clean eyes
ask god to help you because the
seductions are so overwhelming
and ask god to put you in the habit of
listening to the holy spirit
becomes a wonderful habit the holy
spirit is so quick
so quick it’s a loving judgment it’s
something the lord says i
do this for you because i so love you
i do this for you because i’ve done such
a miracle in your life
and i want to use you with your
neighbors i want you to be the testimony
because i want everything that you say
to have an impact on those around you
when your neighbors are sick and
afflicted when somebody around you has a
problem they bring it to you
so you’re not just mouthing words that
fall to the ground but you’re saying
that penetrate the heart you understand
i said you understand that even in the
annex right now
others in the congregation didn’t come
forward god’s dealing he’s dealing
with these things that hinder us they
hinder you from the fullness
and from the anointing and the blessing
and render you paralyzed
inoperative so i asked god to do
something of
of great uh conviction
a loving conviction so that we determine
we’re going to walk
in the spiritual man father i come now
asking you holy spirit
to demonstrate what we’re talking about
holy spirit i want to see and
i i don’t see it but i want you to
in the hearts of these that there be a
manifestation of your holy spirit
that comes right now and and just comes
and shines the light in
and says yes i know lord that what i
have allowed is sin
and i agree with you holy spirit that
can’t go on it has to stop
and i know lord as i agree with you
you’re going to come now
with every precious covenant promise
you’re going to put a new heart in me on
you’re going to you’re going to keep me
now from falling you’re
going to give me a heart after you lord
jesus i thank you for this
would you say this right now lord jesus
i come humbly to you and i come lord
to submit to your government i want you
to rule my life
by the word and the still small voice of
the spirit
i want to obey you lord
help me i can’t do it in my strength
but i believe that the holy ghost saved
came and saved me by opening my heart
and i’ve repented so the spirit of god
is in me
thank you that you’ll guide me
you will keep me we give you thanks
and will you raise your hands and just
thank jesus for his faithfulness to you
i thank you for your faithfulness
your great love what a wonderful savior
this is the conclusion of the message